The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 23, 1889, Image 1

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.02)151 o g3lffl0
Co. Cuminl'Vi
NO. !il
osraowrwc' - -o-.
1,1'li .t Chesnutt again.
i . . I
v.urrlM'kpnatjikc tne cuoiora
tj.CMl it tloo of COlll oil.
, to tiiintflHTjrr for good and
.,! 'thing.
Lt UiXi r pays 4' cent s n pound
.,!, clean wool in trade.
W. ha ''' apopillted
Jmi.'er at McClure.
it ... i -. . I;.,.,
; c mid jewelry at Cnintcher-
IV.t printing oft'ioo is uinler-
1: s state of truiniiility this week
f ' . .... :. ... ii... o.... :v
HIIllOSI oppiOsMM II"' uvill
V .no to Centre county.
('. (iutclius of tliii lilar is moii-
1 in tho will as one of tin- oxee-
.f tin' estate of his father,
(Julclius, lute of Mifllinburg,
iii Co.. Ph.. doc .
town has iimiiy good ami
i-uiue young women wmi are
iliC f'T H scl.-ss ii lid dissolute
l.iids. Tli" girls wouM rather
i.t home and help tli-'ir nmtli-
i.twe li;ivc discovered what
A. Sparrows arc good for, ami
j to catch locusts. Wairh
!! oiiir for tin- "critters"
be convinced of this assertion.
Rowel'so:; loft l ist Week for
'kin where lie has accepted a
fcu)i'i J. -7 11 in grocery.
H it i
1-. a clever, well tx'iiaved,
! Mikiiitf yoimif ftll:w and a
i r f;-oin "way lmck."
;)it (leiaugi'iiu'jits of the
h and bowelH may cften be
1 by taking only one of
Pills. Through not having
K at hand, your disorder in
-. mid a ri'K'iilar tit of sicklies
. "Tor the want of a nail,
L ims 1 t," t'te.
Saturday Vm. C Hillbish of
f ii accompanied liy a number
L' ladieM of the IlOlsical C'nl-
V.-:-jte d our town. Anions tliem
ijIis-i Slati r, the aecomili.h 1
ot pianist of the i;olli'''e ami six
r ...... . . ....
aKB'i eMiihitloil of her skill on
he -I :in-i at the Wa-hiiiL't'in llonsi
t'u'. k tnily remarkable.
r i ... i i r. - ..
1 ' ' i i Ml T .1 1 c IllMfl r (lH J1t U
III '! 1 !;niest discussion of the
I'ro,!3. ti'.ii ipiestinn, and as such
eifc.;n imiie short, pointed, and
I'ii! jj( Miiiin.iiiicatioiis on (lie sub
inir desire to convoy all
!-"X '. info, eiatinii, so that Snyder
W n;.i.v vole iliteniently
!. fei it nes for or Hif.iinst the
ir iil:n. hi.
id to fu
y rim (Jon
v j .Mld lleliiiih liand has been
illliiih miisie for the
imiiieiicenieiit thisyear.
ii.iut ulate the band on haviiir
fl tin- job, ami the ritieiiH of
f ilin and the students of Peiiu
i i ddh i,'ii on their jjood judi-e-jbi
making this select inn. They
Jtlykiiowu ).' ii nl thine when
i ii it.
? V. wit iin,l (he editor of
si-iit a day t routinp; (lt the
p inu tli of Milllinbiirj,' and re
I with Mi of the beauties. We
'( that measured lit inches
1 P'l a doxen that covered 10 inch
1 : Jjr'-c. It was the nicest catch
t""c to tliis tiou for inany
' I 111! CllllL'lil Willi (he lie
o lore liiicLle the i hauipioii
He tighter.
1 jotp Micl,ii,. Schoch passed
Vti' lh birth day on WedneH
l.'th the day ho vis
f old bill iul ground ut MeiKer,
P1-")'' I by hinKiaiid Hon.Hon
Vd Sihocli, who tiointed nut
Jl'i' last lcr,tili place (,f the
f'i' ii'ls and iicipiaintaiicoH of
liave Ioijk 'V'one before."
pi" was truly all'ect inj,'. Tin
I'l io h stood alone, his brow
d ly lliu hiiowa of ninety
iuloiio aiuon thu Kl'UVHH of
' lalions it i . 1 wept liko ii
Mr. Schoch is still uctive
pnui of veara und prom
4 to rtmh thu utfe nunr
) tlu't-e fitfiiii'u.
Open your bed room w indow s.and
let tho niiserabl" breath escape. It
in. enough to kill n person to mnell of
Koine of the bed rooms in th" inoru
ini;, where ii youiiir or old in. n lied
couple have lain all nilit and sw 1
tored under n rardoiid of oil rom
forti nnd blankets.
Mktiumomai. Mai:ket. The follow
injr iniirriai;e licenses have bci n
granted by the clerk of the Orphan
Court of Snyder county during the
last week :
S. L. Hover. S il-'iii.
Auna I j. Has .iiii-r, Middli bV.
) Win. P. lioyer. Chapman,
I Susan Neil, l'erry.
Emmet C. Manb.'ck. McClui e,
ifTilln U. Tiaiisiie,
The best way to show your appre
ciation of a good paper is by paying
for it, and as our pocket-book is just
now sufl'eiin from a violent attack
the "sweeliey'- we desire to yivo it tl
yood dose of ' lo'll of -honor," and
for that purpose will be found at our
ollice nil next week dining court.
l)on't forget us, please, and hriiij;
us all the new subscribers you can
take up.
A bill of importance ton lar;,'e
number of old soldiers in Snyder
county and oUcivhoic has passed
the loner house of our levrislature,
which provides that in case of those
who r:-eiilisted for an additional
term of thre e years while in the
service, and were not accredited to
any county or other locality, can
proceed to colh ct such bounty us
win being paid at that time for en
listment in the service.
The friends of prohibition will
hold meetings at the following pi a
con: Samokin Diun, Slay 23, Kratr.
ervile, May 21; Salem, May 2."i; Free-
burg, May 27; Middleburgh, May 2R
ufter-noon an evening; Ueavertow n,
May 20; McClure, May 31; Fremont,
June 1; llichtield, June 3; McKcos i
Falls, June 1; Adamsburg, Juno 5,
Trosi 1 villi'. June (', Centreville, June
7; Port Trevoiton, June H; Selins-
grove. June M; Kaiitz, June 11; 15an
nt rville, Juno J 2; Oil's SchoolHouse
June 13, Salem, Juno 11; Frcebnrg,
June 1.1, Selinsgrove, 17.
Jirotlii r Cornelius ot tin- Jjewis
bui g 'irtiitiff in physically "down
on the heel," and ho philosophises
th'.isly in his sick chair :
"Vol! have often heard how nice
it liillsl be to be just sick enough to
.it in an easy chair.g.'ize at the.beau
tics of nature and ui t, listen to the
twittering of the birds, the
of insects, the racket of trains, and
other things "inn tedious to men
tion.'' Theoretically, all this is very
nice, if not somewhat enchanting:
but when it comesdoun to personal,
pi art application, all tlnv.e seem
ing attractions are vanity and vexa
tion of the spirit." Instead of it all,
we prefer robust halt!), with the
rider of u worm fence lor an easy
(Sovernor Heaver has signed the
Hawkers' ami Peddlers' bill intro
duced by Senator Alexander und
passed through the House by the
aid of our lleproscntat ive and other
friends of the measure. It abso
lutely prohibits the hawking or pod
dling of foreign or domestic goods
without a license, except that man
ufacturers may sell articles of their
own manufacture without such li
cense. License to hawk und ped
dle can now be only obtained
through the courts on u certificate
from two physicians that the appli
cant is unlit for manual labor. -'i-tttn
The repeal of the fence law of 170(1
briefly leaves the situation thus:
1. There is no law for cattle run
ning at large, whether fences are
good, bad, or no fence tit all.
2. 1 amages can be recovered now
caused by cattle or horses trespass
ing on the lands of ot hem's.
3. ' The general law only has been
repealed; any county that has a spe
cial fence law, ton h law is not re
pealed - no special act being repeal
ed, but still in force.
i. Under the repeal, therefore, of
the act of 1700, horses, cattle, or tiny
live stock at large in Snyder county,
will make the owner liable for dama
ges done by Hitme, fences or no fen
ces. This is about as concise as we can
make it, und will do to paste in your
hut for refronce.
Memoiiiai, Day. (leneral orders
No. !', issued from the Headipiar
tors Department of Pennsylvana,
(liand Army of the Kcpublio, re
Uest that the :ilims Posts of the
Department will arrange for the
proper observance of Memorial Day,
May 30th, ISM'.i, ami every comrade
in the Department is urged to not
only participate in the ceremony,
but by his deportment relied ere lit
upon himself, his Post and the
(liand Army of the Republic
In all localities where a division of
the work is necessary, Posts should
ippoint conferem oiniuittces to
properly divide and outline the
work. Other organistions should
also bo invited to co-operate.
It is recommended that Posts at
tend Divne Worship on the Sunday
next preceding Memorial Day.
Hy Command of Dep.u Inient Com
Tajiks McCokmhk, Asst. Adjt.tien.
( 'ohm: ii stonk Iaih. -On Sunday
last, May l'.Mb, the corner-stone of
St. Mathew's F.vangt lical Lutheran
Church at McClure was laid with
appropriate exercises In the morn
ing Rev. K. II. Smoll of Schuylkill
Haven, Pa., preached an able dis
course in the (lermaii language, on
Psalm IIS, -Ji, 'J.'., after which the
congregation, lead by the otliciatiug
ministers, proceeded to the site of
(he new church building, where the
pastor, Rev. (). K. I'lliteger deposit
ed into the corner-stone the usual
articles, viz : A Hiblo. Luther's
Small Catechism, the elements of
the Lord's Supper (bread and w ine),
the Constitution of the Congrega
tion, Church pupcru and ceun4
pers among them the Post, and by
three distinct strokea of the ham
mer, laid the stone in the name of
the triune (lod. Iii the afternoon
an Fitiglish sermon was preached by
the pastor himself, w ho chose as his
text, Kphcsians 2:20. Roth morn
ing and afternoon exercises wen
aileiuli'il o.v large ami attentive au
Tii" Slianiokin rtlf savs that
D. W. I'.rb of that city was recently
over to Ranuerville, this county to
celebrate a remarkable natal anni
versary. Mr. l'.rli is not a ". -priug
chicken'' by the large..! stretch of
imagination. In fact he is q.iii ily
jogging along on t he Jrosty side of
life, and yet he has been away to
make merry over bis great grand
mot Iter's birthday anniversary. Her
maiden name was Sarah Peters and
she was born Ml h of April, 177'., or
I lo years ago. So rare is an occa
sion like this offered that it marks
an event in modern ckiliation. She
was ten years of age when Washing
ton was inaugurated, and had the
opportunity been atVorded her a
century ago would to day probably
be the only living witness of that
great event. She was married in
I7'.)(i to Peter (loss, who lived with
her a devoted and faithful husband
for lifty-throfl years, seven sons und
live daughters blessing their union.
Tho eldest of the twelve is healthy
and happy in possession of i2 years
of mundane experience. Tho young
est is 71 and the mother of twelve
children, nil living. Of the original
family but one of the children is
dead, and he reached the ripe ago of
(52. Tho generations of the vener
ablo grandmother of Mr. Krb aro as
follows: Her own children num
bered twelve, her grandchildren 5(2,
her great-grandchildren IIS, and her
groat-great-grandchildron Ji. Such
a record is worthy n place in the na
tional archives.
Prof. 11 enry S. Stetler will open a
select school in Middleburgh, com
mencing Monday, July 15.
SavugoH expect to imbibe bravery
by drinking tho blood of their bravo
enemies. A moro enlightened meth
od of vitalizing tho blood is by tak
ing Ayer's KarHaparilla. It bracea
up tho nerves and gives strength
ami fortitude to endure the trials of
(If.OiiK MiM.s.-Oiir fanners ale
pleased to see their ful ls look so
Tim other day a (Slobe Mills man
sent hi boys to 4 he woods to peel
bulk nild instead of peillmgcheslnut
iiik they skinned a pine.
Mth. Sallie und Attici Mover of Sa
lem visited their brother Chailes on
Miss Ret t ie Duck of Columbia is
visiting hr sister, Mrs. .1 no. P.erge.
Miss Lillie Smith of Kramer is
very ill.
Our Sunday School is prospering
under the Hiipcniitoinleiicv of C.
Keck and David Row.
Our fr iend Slllli'll lll'illev is on the
sick lint.
PaxToSWI.I.k. - The festival la-t
Saturday evening was a siicce-.-.
t'manciall v.
W. D. (lift and Abraham Kramer
took in the sights at MeAlli,t i ville
last Sundav.
Ira II liner from S inbiiry is home
on a visit.
The Mite Society desires to re
turn their thanks to Chatlie for hi.
kindness shown to them in promi-.
ing them his ice cream freezer for
the festival on Saturday evening
and then would imt give it, becau-e
he wanted it linii If, after having
had ice I'l l inn almost every evening
during th" we, k. Rut Chat lie sc-ius
to bo a let in-ill 1 Hun fore lie
must be cooled off occasionally. We
Would ad'.ve him I i keep i i and
lie Will b- ill to ,h l:ei- hi, h ctllle
on slander and -i ll' li ii il more eas
ily. Jack tiik Rii i i n.
Rr v l. i low :.. A g I'm) i" v. lull hi j Mrs. Hood's f il her, S imuel I5i itrng
ing to Jehu Wnind steppi'd behin I ' ' r.
the roof of an oak (tee on I'lihy We would suggest the e- iMmIi
and in !?! lepl oig to i xli icite n inent of another mail rout from this
1:.'. bi nke if. The i o-. w n killed. place down the 'let fa s!,tr-." f u
Duiing tie- g e.i' !..riii w Iii. h ' 'he convenience of our fi i ii I 1'i'd.
HWil't oVer the e pills a V. 1'i'k llg.l
on 1'iid iy, a bh graph po- t some
di -I aiiee f loin I he dep.,; : a-, stioek
by lightning, v. Inch
wile into the Willi house
th. nee into th" telegraph lllel fl
olh'ee, V. 1 1 e r p. I). .Spu ht, the op.
etatoi v:ii sitting I. ( the al key
II" hll I. leeveve;-. I'ol tlllritelv t ,'seti
who took his custotiiiry Si'urliv
evening stroll down that thorough
fare "very recently" to I'm I his
-plelell I
I folks
!,i hi d along sweet gig a bid die w us ill, i
,,, i IlliseiiJ, W lneli g ive r i T : a
.. , i ' oppoi I ii tut y to spi ik to 1 1 1
about sotiiethllig.
Last I'ri 1 iv and S it ir
; Mlddleswarth. J A V glie:
r o
his hand fioni it a -h .i t t inn- le f ,i , : writer took our anii'i il'.
Ille I
l 11-
s" II
ft ie
all". . !-d a :
(bill. It,
of fill':!!!.
to William Speeht w ;n
an I iiij if d bey. ii, 1
I'll .h ',:id c, 'inpati a; e I
pal t of th" ro ,f oi, ! !
t"l V Inlildi'lg ! ' i :
pal t of til" i 'i if of J. ii ,
II I! Ii.
Ti.onir.. Ail. :: i .:.
has t iki ti oh i
Hot, 1 ;,v! H. :,,
deal !,v
u re
In 1 itigiii:
SI ( Oil fill
I .
I. 1....-I
t a .,!
i ( i Snv.l
I, f.
H i, ii r p
i 1
1 the
Ii. I 'l III
hi l.i
' . ;.! i!
' i ll
I ,
' w i . . : , . 11'.. i f. . ... i
I.-.III. I'lll. . e I I I 'ir, I
I lie lillnl ,er ( Hll, p i II t I.' Se
t it I II s. w here w e sfa ed o.
and received regular hotel
' datiotis for w I. ili e
On S.if urdav in. , rii. tig
bright and earlv . g ' brea
'. then .ealed R e !v i.i -'i'.'
i struck the st ream at '. . .-i
c i 1 1 1 , i t , 1 ti h. i f 'f t !
thitig-. e ti-hed Tim .,
the f ll! .. W ie-re 'X e o i .'. . I
o I, -I, .p. pi I
- I !:,oii
Lwr.LL.K. Peters tinished bark
polling for this season, his hands
TolloiMil'iout 'Mr ,r, , -
Soni t of our boys had a lively
time at McClure at the cake walk
Saturday evenin g.
Peter ( loss buried his mother on
Sunday la. t. S'uel a d n
(b ids : !r, ;:iau hdi .117 great i
gi'iiud-chil ben and 17 great -groat-
grandchildren, le-rag" wie veals'
I month nnd I d.iv.
Harry Fishor and fam.lev paid
some of t heii- I i ii nd s aiit at tie,
upper tow II on Sutii'av iii I , I 1;. , n. I
Any one in in i d of a good ti. -h
cow can be ac. oiniuodate 1 by cal!-;
ing on Johnnie Wag ii 1 . I
ll.lHIig enjoy. 1 the -'lipliur '
i .... ;,. v.... i .1.. i . ...
-1 . . . M .ii ..i . t-ii . i.-.'
the l.'i inch tloilt, I hac cot ie back
in much better h ah)i. ,"ii 1 iibo wth i
inore knowledge of a country that
voll have to look twice betoie Mill
call see out once. I'. o.
Kii viVKiiMi.i.i. - 1 mast ;i -k of the
IV I 1'TS of th" P isl to be o'.eiis-
od for not giving the names of the
members of I he I in kettle band. Wo
have a drum iiiaor, a captain, mid
some lieutenants (he girls are all
lieutenants. I carry the polo and
would be sorry to loose my posit ion.
Dan (bind is gelling Ins house re
painted. Harry Wetzel wields the
brush and it makes a tine appear
Dr. Herman, Isaac Rcufor, and
Wiu. Stroub bought the tiiiibolland
last Saturday at the sale for !2:!."i.
They intend starting in bark pealing
at once and open a general lumber
business. Doc., hadliug lumber is
unlike rolling pills.
Rejinu Moll's pic-uic party was
well attended on Saturday evening,
and "Riugo" could be hoard through
town or at both ends.
Since our ladies wear the new kind
of after-gear the al uiosphore is much
purer at pic nics. A freecirculation
of air is desirable on such occasions.
Rev. Oohenford held services in
tho old church Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Jarrett olliciated in the lower
church in the evening.
Mrs. lloiser, of Iowa, who was
here visiting her brother, the 'Sipiire
and friends, left for her home last
Frank and Pharos Herman and
Mr. Mullen of Selinsgrove, fished
some Union county streams for
trout last week. They report a huge
catch. Probably they had hoiuo of
BoonaHtiol'i prohibition drops for on
their worms. Dave Jones.
to :..s ; i: :n
I: Dam. 1 K! . . ;
Kan. a., '.. ! o j,,.';t 1..-1.:.
maulioo' la. I
i"l a goo I n
I. .er.Oi i ! 1, v .:. ,.. f
ie- n. Th" i; i d ,. ,., ., ..
1 1 1 r tour.
A'uo r Aig. . t. r 1. . .. .1
d 1 la. I I
v.-iy old, a:. ! w.t- :.,
R.-v. K. II. Slid!. ,,f So.o.vlV.U
H ived, A bp h.r in law to R. v.
Pilougor, preached fr. in the First
,.,'.,h..irf.:t.itJitm Si.r.'uv n ,w-;k.
ine isirn ai itu. pi ice i
yet to b" appointed. I
John I". Ringitii ui v. .4. !.;::. 1 at I
this plae, on Sun liy a w- k. II
i j ti t.
I. I t.
J ( i M
J" ti.':.
i'f.. :. 1 '
go t
a:. I
i' a .
I I' ',
. I
.1- tl
. . Hi'ck.
Selling tig:irett'H to l.ovs aiider
sixteen years of age is now a misde
meanor. It is a pity that the bn-k-vi
not niiido thu ag.' si;y.
A msmb'-r railroad
lill 'Heeling
.h :ii !: oeeurt e l at t he
111 'Il t ill'ee tulle-
M. Id! burgh. II.. v..;.-
Large ipiant it :. .. ..'
it'g brought to .ii.-
1 ,
.ill I . ag, 'Il lllel I.
l. gag. d l!i pack :i
D.ri'l M.d!h.
'..ill' 1 a r.iMh .!. a!
an 1 1.1 ii !; t.a!.-
R. . .la 'oh M
- i t. l :i !
( ha: g" 111 I '( l.t I i i
A ball 1 ' 'f g p-i
the bank., of M
east . ,f t"W ll.
. 1
t'. '
1 ii
n I'hila
" nut
eel-, llie
; ' .. .j
. ' l:as.
. lill
I . i Y
'. Ill
' . , I
: . ij'1
Reuben R.I
1 i.
. a 1
hlle colnpl. te 1 l!
bui n.
Pi'' il ibit ii ll W ill W ill 1 , .' .( I. -p. .
t nl'le if l."t a lal ge ! iaj"l'.i v M R. 4
i r t ow ii - hip. A 1" rin. m i i:t , ! g
ul ion ha. been lot nu d in 1 1.- twi,
ship, which meet, i v, vy Tm - liv
evening. Ciniv
TlioMl.v il.i.t'. -Last Friday ;
ing old Samuel Rreiniiiger h ft home
and came to this place apparently in
good hoalt h, and after doing little
business, left for home, in company
wiih John I'.rb, and was as jovial n
ever, ami seemed never to have felt
bettor in all the days of his hfe. un
til he came within two bundled
yards of thu house, when suddenly
i t it. i.i , -'
ne piaceii ins rigni nan.i over lnsi
left breast and said, "I have an aw
ful pain in my left side.'' but wont
along, although he slackened his
pace till he reached his yard gate
when he said, "I don't believe that I
can got to the house," whereupon
Mr. I'.rb helped him into the house
and bathed his side with liniment
ami oit him to bed, and in ton min
utes after that lie was dead, having
died of apoplexy. On Sunday morn
ing he was buried by the (irand
Army Post of Adamsburg, of which
he Wiis a member. The Troxolvillo
band was engaged by the Post,
whii fi was tho lirst time for this
band to play at a funeral, and great
ly added to the solemnity. It was
estimated (hut there were between
eight and nine hundred people at
tho funeral.
Jonathan tlood, alius 'TomSayer,'
wife and child of Shamokiu Dam
were hero to attend tho funeral of
. i .
- ii.,' j
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.i.e i i .
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. ..lilll.. . I'll.. ill'.' .1.
i.r iisi'iii.-iil ..' s. (. i: . ! . .. s.
.1.1.-. .11 M S.e- "( Wr.l l'' fl, !. .
I'lMlillJ . I'll.. l(. it.
Aliliiaischiciit "t X . ....(..,,', i.
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