7 of THE MlDDLEIiURGH POST. T. II. 1IAHTER, KmioiAKDlWR. uihni.Kiit ini, ;m.. ;. gi, i.i. 1'olitic.illy. nrcnnling to close obvrv crs, Ffnu.cis in a snarl. Tl.e In l'un youth arc to lie ilucitcl, whether thi'y wi.-h it or not. I'p ti tlio 1 i't few y. ir-., Hie growl"; ol impuiutioii in llie Wot 1m l been rapid enough to keep -;i o with railway t- ten sion. I mpi-rnr Turn, in his Int pce li from tlin th: one, iiniiouticcd l lint lcpo-i! in 1 icrm.in sa itis hanks i i ti l iiicreu-cd ! v $ "i,'OH, no i. I'r.i'M hiving 1 1 1 liiitiiMt city in tli I "n itj:! Mates I'iit-iiurg has lif4.-i.tiMf oiu of tin- c'canci;, tin.- change lii-i n if dm to lint Imi uiimj ol natural g.is in p.a mil CO ill. A correspondent of th"1 New Ynr.i Wirrhl ma.s tlit-"1 scoicry that tin1 iit trr A app' rs in the nam - or every Presi dent tin rountry li.it liiid, r(.'.-it in thr-.l uf John Tyler. 'Ih.it i.u Inyo tlgnte :i.ii'i0.iiii. - i)'1. '1 n it r i re-cnt.-i tin1 nciuil value ! the real c-t itc nf '.i v: 'ior., ami is mi in. ri-.i-c "f nt : . 1 1 v '.'. 1 per cent, over tii.it t lit; prcvii.ti- ; i ir. t-'oni" i'li-1 .f how :ir in vl -.vice the i r 1 1 1 1 1 y nriLi.iii' - am in-ide up m.iy lit hnd fiitin the slut. 111' lit ill til" .New ol k ."'' th.it tin- Man h n ittiier f vci'.xr'i Kilt tu lll':H 111 .1 .111 Hit:' v . I.copolil, Kin.; of the U'llan-', Iil4 licvi r -.iiril a iiia: ii uariant, and, a thiMl.i t lie st;i:u'.i! ha- llive. neeii re juii'nl, c i'.p tal piilii-hni' lil in pnxti .'. illy abolish:' I in Ilc'.nini. Tho former Cullicior of tin- port 'cw York and la'cr Ainei .can 'oii-.il I at Ijiiidiiii, (icneia! K. A. M'lritt, tells a hicn:;o icp iit.-r tli.it the .ji.e-tioii ol Caiiadian aniii '.a' ion i ajd iti d even uiore in I ti'-'ami than it .s i:i ( an:.. la. Hie ngr'cultmal n turns of l1----yliovv that while the titat .uliivatcl n :i d tin- I nite 1 Ixingdotn has in-rrcH-c-il siiii-e l"!s Uv niio'it hail' a million in n s .-rid the a'ca umb-r gr is y two iiiillinii acre-, vet th' re has Ih .-ii no in. rta-e in tlic i u tilier of livo mui i. The Ilulgar'ans are hardly up to ttio modern ide is of civilization. At btl'i given by royalty thu gue-ts cat -.villi their tinkers, wipe their han.U on their .'miiMTs or fi.i tli ilr hair; wlieu wcarit-.l from .lancing remove their shoes mid go Ixiut barefooted and conduct them selves in many other ways which seem strange t.i tho-e accustomed to the u-n'ej vt iiiuderu polite soc ety. It is jirn;Hised to i-sue paper money I it,' an t f a 1 nomination as small l-.nlt h -' ilci,'n. 'I he annual o-s " to . trail. -i s l.y the di'jire iatioii of goli.oiii - . , ... ., i.i , of that ...i1o.-.u..at,ii is .-oiii-thuig l.k. , V-j-'ii il '. ati l ll cliiiini d that much of this wnii'd liesav'd went paper us.il. The Lnlf sovereign is an iiu-onsenient. nml easily lo-t coin, wiiihl- aimi-hcr L rgniiii'ir. ill la.i'fof pa,', r. The rno.-c. thing .South calle.l Ix'-tcr .l.'i .I'.c'i is I. a-e l ' - m. of think that ' ate tii.lt the lla'ti 'e cry V.hol.l to M-.'lll- 'O l.il I- ha- entered upon what inut be a 'ho mi' in tip: a.i-.-nce of a:iy in, in.; for it. I .nter prises are Is ing iTMi-.i e I, we tiy the huii'iie 1-. n in I r i -1 1 nt a v : m gilt d l:o i int i a mil-! suv, iin- need be f in.i i-t-i;.l m tivity d.iri.r; liu- ..ct lew mo,.ths. o ne would t!. ink tip. ail the wolve-. in I- ranee bad In en killed be.'ole this, f)iit ilunng the p.".st year 7ol of these rate otis un ir.i.l h i e I ecu killed, for whi h th.' lioveninieiit p..i i -rli .'iii in pieiniuiiis. la 1 Tim wol.es were h lleil, iir.d Miutli" year before. Two ;f the ui-Im-s k Led las: ctir had ut l.l k.d huinuii ln-ings and upon tlie-e two p-ein n:iis of -i-l" were pu'.d upon rach. The rni;i.:ry i ii i; is i i'.d v. h :. T'-a'c i thai vtl'"S Is Dot the pU!- llllll! ti'-iu iis Ii ilii i ii r : i- in- iriv ih" of s w i .-.'in mily ihei r'-.i. .nun Ii .-. -aid of Muall -uli ih l.a liy mi a o l llS of ii s hi-'ll ul.ilu tlie t f purity. . er in c'lvui.it inn in ll gland ivi ni ui.l ;i t.ireil ut a ; . 1 1 I i I Mlllti-I :.i.- ire to -e .ten." 'Hie - i said to be e it y per . e:it., lu the .'undar.L i.fi. .1. ;- fll: 1 . 11 The lat sr 'll-s u:i tr.igedy is one of the m st reiiiiirl.uble in ill.- nnnals of love or luunier. Having lour dieigiitcrs, Ib-liiy 'I hotuas coi.ld ha'.-.i su:id -oiui! f tii'-m. I'm wiien two young iii.-n op-d with the tw.i o .ie. ones lie went ifi.r th' m witi-. lUi-"-lit, kil ll.; h'I t.nt one da' gn'er. i n his way hoine hu lieaid tl. it ino in ire of r.i girls hnd tl. n.d. 1 h'.-se h'.- .on reel, eel, but te!ore l.e l l u e li li s home unkind fate ov. l too!; Ii in .n t l.e hu ; . of.in.olj, ".I the t hree 1 1 .hi ,'hti s. I i iles having C) nunhtt .! . tu i.i.i the less of u fa bur THE VALHNTINE. At t counter richly Is.Inn With St. Valentine's choice sonnet Btnnds a Very charming mniitou In the shaggiest of honnrta; Iter love locks on I her tresses App-nr a halo golden. While the style in which una dtrsECJ Ii extremely quaint anil olden. Shu Inspect t-! glowing tr.'&surcs, Silken, fringed and mtin banners, Ami senns their anient measures In the grnccfulest of marinirs. Now ami then a nancy Cupid I leases tliis hawiU'hiiijt critic, Put the verses are too stupid. J or a tnst? so analytic. O'er forget me nots and rooi I.iko a lititterliy elm waver J, Till the honey o-io discloses 1 roves thu dnntient of flavor. With this nectar I.ove insnatva her, And ho hoMs her in possession. Ami he tempts her and ho darei her To the fo louing confession; "If I hud tho trunk of Watteni, And tiie wis Jem of tho sages, I could punt n worthy motto In tins lovelie-t of pig.'s; Cut no truer lu-nrt it beating Than the In-art whicli Ix-utu for mrt, love So I s. nd n simple grctin;, And I sign myself your Trllo!ove.', P.iti-lied with lie r selection. As tl." 1'iei k sin- r. imliur- s, 14 r the missive of (i'1'e-tioti. IV' in til" pr. ttieit of purs'. 111 Ii- -he fa-tens f ilfs .Did plush?1 I n:iv in of ad uu rat on, In n coiis.-ioiis way slid IiIiihIh-.s, 'I'll. nk. r ; uf its ili'-tiiiiiti.iu. With n certain hern wonder, ! the tru ty .-'al is liro':"ii, If his fate is liiil i. 'li uinlei- ."-'ii'-lt'-r i f tins t nih : tol en' Wil! I.e. when his heart liisi overs Who I'll- lit this fitr."ly wnriini lie the li.'ijiple.t of lovers lu tt. Vnl"i. ino sown morn n;' Mi ir.h ii Cii i t- h o Coo ':. BILL BUSHNELL'S LASS. i TV . F. I'.rP.itiMllillJ. j .Tii-h 1 le'cis and 'I oin Willis were both deal in lu.c- with liill iiushnell's pretty ; ltt-s. Mo!. ! It thcte w.ms finytliin peculiar about this ciri iiinstau. c, it was not ill tlin fact of t lilt in ntuation, however, but in thu I luci tiuit . o-n ami Tom were paitncrs oint o'.Mu r- of it mining claim - and to I fci e a couple of boon oinpviions Ueveloji I into rival lm ers struck mhiio of us old j in n. rs unout tlie camp ni mighty iiiiucr ' bu-iii. s-. T he. were su: !i brotherly (Laps that, ' if U h id i't-i it anything hoi a love alliur, ! I M-ckou i- tlar the one or the other 1 wi u .i h ive give. i up to his chum; but j th'-v ii iln't ii tlii.xcaac. .Neither seeini .1 1 lie- ine.l : lnid:;e uu inch, and, in this liiiinu"r, scxeiul months went ly, with encli line noitig his best to iniiku uuci. r la iii:g imjircssiou upon li s inamorata. At last, however, .lush made up his mind that tho matter had dragged long enough, and, not wishing to hurt hut jiard's feeling by rushing ahead im petuously, he decided to t.tKe him into bis confidence. The time cho'en was just before they were going to quit work for tlie day, mid w hile the scaiiercd tools were being gathered up and put away. "Tom," isi.id he, "you uu' ino hev bin pan Is since we was hoys, an', not only jnir.ls, but the closest sort o' tricudn. I'liere's iie er bin a hilch lit ween us on cntiy p.unt, an' 1 hope there never will lie. i ur them reasons, rni gom to speak right out in meeliii', so's to iiiiiko invself liii.ierstooil. The fin.-' is, Tom, "'i nu inn nt i.iiiui tiiiiaii; us in -f;i1 H . g,d-old Hill iiiishneil's la-s an', as it's ng in nature lur i:s both to marry her, wove got to I'gger out some way out o' the mud. lie. llow can we do it, Tom, so' tu Keep sijiiar irieinis uu' do jt-st.ee to ciun Icl.ei'.s hue an' to Mol:" To-ii's luce Kind o linnleii, as tlio'ig'u h" w.isii'l i ve ghid Ilia: the sub. ec-1 h.id In en I ro'.igt.l up, nud fed to tliiiiKing and ul it'g a, his p.pc, without inuk.iig tiny i in in . d an- rejiiy. "it s a h ud nut to era-k, Josh,'' said he, nt lengih; "wliul would you sug-gc-t ;' 'Wei!, Ih ng s ; s.iiiiir , feller as , '' uii-wcie4.' ,!oh!i, "i4inci! some- ;o: io he done, an' done on the -ill. po.se we dnw lou. '1 lie gets I he long cut bus tip! lust dunce l then the . u-k lur the gat; it he fails, lo-er can try Ins luck. What il'vn s'iv r" I Again Tom meditated, and puJed vignioiily at his pipe. "lt'i ai out the only thing to bo done, I leek in," he said, uftel n long sileni-e. - "Vou'ie sutislicd with the p.un, aiu'l you:'' "i di. yes " "Weil, then, you i" the cuts; a short one un' u long one, ;ui' I'll try my luci; ' ou the it aw, ' j Toiii iet to woik, slowly and thought:- i fuliy, and after considerable delay, held I up the two iwigs lor . o.sli to chooau hu tWCill. I "Wt-'il," Kni. .!o!i, in ho put forth a ru l.r nervous hand, "lieio goes I 1 don't wish you enny harm, pard. bul 1 hope ' I'll get tiie long one " "Vmi don't tin. ugh!" cried Tom, tri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i r i j 1 1 y, cusiing the reniuiiiiiig stick to the ground. "Vou'vc got the thort one, un' loo ." i "llohlou! AVh'it rid you thiovviti' that cut ii'.iay for, ufoio I sc; it: Het yer life, I'm goin' tocom)iire them sticks tifore I give in .'' excluimed .lo-h. "i ih, well." said Tom, imputiently, ! "heie's the stick I tlirowed down, au' i you see it's half au inch the longest." I "Mo yo. i don't, Tom Willis." cried' ,7oMi "Unit urn t. tlin one ou i.iinjf - j i -- by big odds I" "Huh. ou can't rotno it over nie 1 'Uu tliut. .Josh Fields!" returned tho olin r, ho: ly. I'd be a man if 1 war you, an' no, try to mk uk out o' the thing in that w ay !' "fco hero, Tom," said Josh, "maybo you didn't mean to 'rick mo, but your wrong, e-t the si. mo. I'll tell you huw 1 knuw it; Whuti 1 was tingeiiu' the two tuts afore 1 ii rawed onu out, I crca-ed the otnn" one w ith my thumb nail, no's J'd know it again. Well, here's tho mark on tno rhoit .-tick, which proves my side ol tho ia.e." nu :ir l it-1' il is. u l' 1L s snorier n mine ' "Yon lio, cum youl rotorttl. Tom. boiling over with anger. "You hain't the land to acknowledge 'you're bent, an yo'te tryln' a ineakin' game on ino!" "ion talk likea'tarnol fool!" blurted losh, also losing bin temper. "Yo-j tried a robbin' gatim y'elf, an now, when you're t aught at it, you squeal I" "Llnr!" liisscd Tom, seizing a hand drill lying at his feet, and raising it, inonaeingly, over his farmer's head. "Sny tint again an', pari or no pard, I'll brain ycl" Well, you dld.nn' you know it! Y'ou limln't the cervoto " The sentence was never finished ; lor, at that in-t.int, the drill descended with a crash upon Josh's head, aud he fell like a loj to tho ground. For u moment Tom, frenzied with rnge, stood over tho prostrate form, an almost dcv.lish glitter lighting up his coal-blnck eyes, hut presently a sudden change took possession of him. "My tiod !" gasped hc.hlseye.i rirctcd in hoirortipon the white, upturned fare mid gory locks of his victim. "I have killed him! I Imvo inurdetcd my pard 1 till, how could I do it how coulil I for get m'sclf nu' do such au orful deed!" A new thought (eumed to force its way into his perturbed mind at this juncture-a connciousne'S of his peril una he enst a furtive g ancu around him. "I must not lie caught bete," muttered he, "or in v life won't bo wuth a burnt match! I must get awsy but where !" He thought a moment, and then re sumed his distracted snlitnquy: ".No; 'twon't do to leave, for that would oiilv convince 'cm o' niy guilt, mi' a pn-ed be after me in no time. I'm in a desp'rit had fix, that's sure, an' I'll have to cover tip all the tracoj q the cii.nr. mi' cuv .losli has skipped. .Aiier aiioiiier ,Cnr -n n gianco aooui, .1. 1". 4 . l . i to niaKe sine mat ins inovemenis were inn icnii; waicneii, no nmi itu oown, i . i i i. . . i .i . men n i mp lorm into uis arms. an. tlut'i bl n if. i v unfit nisi 1 iirlutt litunii Iiia iipmfl a Mil " - ' " an iinii-c-i part of the mine. II.- prii.-c.l a moment later, at the brink ..fun old. abandoned shaft, mid. after oner- mure looking and listening, .rop.e,, u c o.,j ,ni . memurKypn. .V Miln-h, ns the burden struck the H'a.'taiit vii'er nt th" bottom of the shaft, was heard immediately after, nml then, with a blanched face and a haunted look in his eyes, Tom stolo back tc where the deed hid Icon committed. ..... , . . , . , . . , ' II go bn. k to the place after oark. muttered he to himself, "and till tho old shat t up with tiilins iir.d rock. -No one will then overrun ncross his body, uu' poiiQi o on me for his murderer. " All truces of the bloody deed were carefully obliterated in the mine, uud then Tom went home. A tin- was kindled and supper pre pared ; but he i ould not eat. There win a gnawing -en-e of horror hovering about him, w hich awed and desolated his very soul. I ence was out of tho question. nml in ins gnat nnguisii oi spirit no sought solace in frequent snd copious potations of liery liqu-ir. 1 Ins i.rougtit partial relict, and nerved linn to put into execution a number of vessels and danced along to the mctalic supplemental plans which he regarded as ,;,us ,lt their ends and llicre hung, n necessary to his safety. ) 1 tliinng led globe. The men of tliotu All of his partner's personal effects davs 'couldn't understand thu red ball, were carefully gathered up, tied into a Hn.'l so thev thought a samt had a hand bundle ami earned to tho old shaft, in in the phenomenon and christened the which they were thrown, and buried balls St. Klmo's tire. There have been beneath a uift-s of brushwood, stones and uny number of miraculous bulls of tirn earth. 1 seen since by the sailors, but they, unliko Tom had brought fa: of liquor I tho sailors of other days, did not pray to with him, so as tu keep us s waning bt. Elmo : they only furled their fails and courage during his labors, and by the , waited till their visitors hnd departed, time tho task was completed, he was in ! Tho Swedish ship Edward was near that reckless mood which is Legotten of Panama a few weeks ago. and the balls continued indulgence in st.ong drink. I of fire struck her yards. C'aptuin "I'll go over au' sec Mol," quoth he, Akermak had never heard of St. Elmo, as lu) made his way buck to the cabin. and so lie and his sailors concluded they "I'll tell her Josh 'has gone, an' when 1 had seen one of the most remarkable sh.i finds there's no hope of gettin' him, natural phenomena on rccotd. nn' that I'm tho sola owner of the claim, j A newspaper historian gives this she'll say 'yes' quick enough, 1 reckon." ' graphic picture of w hat happened on the With these, and a host of other loss ship. He says: "T he storm seemed to pleasant thoughts rushing through h.s concentrate its fury directly over head chaotic mind, ho turned hisstcps to- and ilasli itself ciown on the ship. The ward the settiement, and shortly after- skipper said he had just ordered the men ward was at liill iiushnell's cabin, to brace the yards as taut us possible Mol was at home and reudily accorded when with a crush like a thousand can -the wooer an interview. nous a bolt of lightning flashed down on "Mol, my hps," said he, after a few the niiiin rigging, lust over the men's preliminary words hud been exchanged bends, and a null of tire bobbed about tho oelwcen th.-m, "thert's soiuetliin' raids like a red hot slali and exploded a preyiii' on my mind, an' I want to tell with another cr.isii. As this electric, you ad about it. 1 reck jn you've got nu bomb, or meteor, or lur.awuy devil, or idea wh it I'm or vin' at, but I'm going' what joii p'.ea-e, burst, it scattered t me right out plain, an' not be mis- flukes "of lire all over tho ship. Thu uiidi-r-tond. .iosh nu' me hev both bin whole stonu lushea Hiirfueo ol tlio ocean j urty swei t on you for a long timu, Mol, was illuminate. I, and the ship shone with an l l a spoKcn eroont it itfortt this if it nidu't bin for kind ' treudiu nn his toes; but i.ow that . osh has uillcd U)i slakes an' stiuci; out for other dig- gin's" "What is that you say? .Tosh Field has gone awuy ,'" cried the girl, "surely, Tom. yo-.nl.) not menu it'. ' "Course, lies gone; I thought you; knowed it. lie come tome this moi nni' 1 nn', -ays ho: 'Tom, I'm sick o' these, parts an' am goin' to light out for other , diggin's. lluy out my vhure of themiuu ; au' we'll cu'l it quits.' lie wouldn't say .... .. ... .... ..... .. i ,t : 1141 iiiiriiT, Ull , IIS liu Mill. t uw i uijcr llil I.i, h uf I limii-ht him t ,.n' l," wnm awuv. Su von tee, lassie, beiu' solo owner o' the mine now, I can offer you a ,, . 'wi'i purty scrumptious sort o' a home. I you hitch W!ili me, fliol: ' "Hut .lush might como back" "Deuce tuke .Iosh!" cried Tom, impa patiently, "lio was no great shucks anyhow, an' I don't see what you wan', o' h in! 1 love you a hiiudrod times more'n he did, nn' I'd muko you ablamu sight hup;)ier than that ouery ( ho). ..i. .. i i . .i... ..i.. .. . .i... i . , 1,e T"J' lUJU"k Srl" ' ,' , ii- I "Us 1 reckon fo; k plagued sight moron he.lido'yoi. or 1,h wouldn't hev skmned out so sudd..ut without even sny...' good-byo to you wtxt me a.,' you, Mo . 1 reckon Josh s consciencu was,, t altogciier easy, for a i eli.p , ii. has been a ;l buck i ii he b Utes is apt hoard in tint inner room of tho lAbin.and a moment later afumiliar voice tang out ' throti;h tho open sloor Hold on, 'lorn "Willis! lean stand ab.nit us much us enny heiu , but that liu I'll take from no man !" Tom started inluntly, aud turned terrified fnro toward the door. liefore him, wth his head swathed in bandages, and supporting his trembling form against thu dooi-faring, stood no other than .Iosh Fields. "You see, I ain't quite as deasl as ye took mo tu be, To:n Willis," coutinued ho.custing a contemptuous look upon the cowering wretch. "It happened that, when you doused me iu tlie old shaft, the wutcr broucht me to my senses, an' after a little, 1 was strong enough to I . . in. ull iiiaiiiini s x ... . I crawl out an drag my sol f here. Mol has already promised to be my wife, an' aa I don't care fur more'n one partner: you ran take the trail fur other partf afore your crime is found out. Here's few ounces o dust," added he, llinginit him a bucKskin bag of gold, "an' 1 ad Tiso ye not to bo found in camp to mor row mnrnin', or ye may bo treated to s doc o' hem." Tom sneaked olT. only too glad to cs capo thus lightly, and, thottg'.i Josh aad Bill Iiushnell's lass have beon partner for many long, happy yeors, neither hav ever heard of tho would-be murderer. Yanlit LUid: A Cliincsa Joss llonse in (sntlinr.t.' Tho Chinese have installed their god, Kwau (ioou, in a new Joss house at .Nu, 10 Mott street, Is'ew York city, which has been fitted up at a cost of IS'i.tmu. The strange ceremonies were opened by tho C'hineso Consul, Yce t-haw Now, who was accompanied by his staT and tho council of tho l oon Yce Tong, ot I nitcd Chinese Jlrethreu. Thesacritlccs were pigs, roast chickens, birds' nests, stewed goats, pigeons, dried li-h, frh wings, ea worms, saucers of rice, sweet meats and nuts, with wine of a thousand flowers. The priests in the procession marched between two lines of ciders who wore mandarin raps nni robes cm broidcred with snakes nud dragons. The various clans from (;uang Tong repre sented in Mew York greeted Kwnn Cioon separately, the groups consisting o eleven men rach. 'I hey were tho Mooys, t'hiens, Kw-uns, I.icus, Cheung', Ices, Hams, Ycungs, t liouugs, Kuns, (hiii'jj, Wongs, Liangs. cms, Taungs, Kcvomms, Lis and Ifow. The worship of the clans and the various services con- j tinned ull lav nud stienms of Chinamen i cnmu nl)j W(,,lt whilo a tegular Chinese. i,.,i t enough alleged music to . '-" ....... .i ... .... ! . . , Tp nw hous(, i room t , . . . - ' : feet w.ile and twi ntv-ci.ht leet long. I ln(1 lm, an arovc jn whi(.h hlanu ' Kr.,w,u,ll.n ,e of staine.l gins, l argo , ,()SH Fllt.ks oru hl.,l in Klk(i candehil.M. lUn.lsome va-es on ether side of tho ' tcmiilo "tiard tho L'o,d sniiits withm. The god, representing the greatest of all Chinese warriors, is a gold figure lour nud a half feel high, squatting on n.i ciiony t ihle in the c nter of tiie apart ment. All around the walls, stretching ....;i;... ...... ..... ... i . i . II I'lll IIUI'l 11' 1 V 114111,1 HIU Kllll'fl 411 Villi- rolored inpcr, cover.d with gilt hiero- I glypliic. These tire tributes from re ; cipients of sjieclal favors from Kw-an j (ioon, and thu ceiling is covereil with more of them. Then) is a distinct flavor of heathenism about the p'urc, but it can hnr ily bo called intrusive save in matter of instriimentHl music. Thus 1 the missionaries ot u hoary civilization plant in tho untutored we-t tho propa ganda ol their aueient faith, ic "jtine. Sailons Scirril by St. Ill inn's Fire. Some 400 or "i()0 years ago sailors in tho 15ay of lliscav were frightened by light- mug which' struck tlie yards of (hmr a inetabc lu-ter like u silver lipnlcl. All Uih sailors prayed. Well, this awful celestial visitor was only light mug that struck a conductor, went iilong thu yards Aid diopped iutu thu cu. Vm Fy k J'rts . Ciiin t ur:i Masqnprailo cs Si(tns. Tho sn-.uggling of Chinese men nud women from iiriti.-h America into I nited States territory is a very lucrative busi lie s at various points along the bordu from Vancouver to Wiuniiieg. If th venture fails at one place it is renewed . i i . i at another, and sooner or later tho pit grnns get in. A new trick, just discov. i . n-i :...-.... i- . . rcu " " ", rT.f ' has almost taken away the breath of thu I.-...1 i .i-.....i. f... .i... i .i... I uiiiimi uu.i;iuis, nu iiiej ivuuw ti'ai. il must liuvo been very successful for u time. I he large number of s iuiiw.s com ing into the country from Kritish Colum bia finally attracted the attention of nn o.l.cinl, and hu took a party of them to nil. n clo.-c inspection it was found that the creatures were not squaws at uu, iiui, niuu ineiieii i ull, but iililu bodied Chinamen who had , .minted and otherwise disguised iheiu- I selves so in to rc-emb'.u tiie typical , (jf , f j !' ouo 'w a , , j ; ncross in the guru . Ameririm Ullt ,.,., ve.,L , ,, , , uf , . , T, , , were , bil,C(1 hr4, Francisco, and i I Cold Cycle.'. Fcgiirding tho ice question, tho Wor- a . roster ( Mass.) Hi has this: "A veteran ' cutter between hero and Huston is re- a ported as saying that tho cold cycles i change every livo or seven year--. Tho ! prediction or opinion lias been moro than verified within the past thirty years. 1 hut is to say, m I iS ice was not tit for cutting till the litter part ot February, and tlio season lasted into March; theu ctuno thu year lstjij, live yiurs intervening; then 1870, seven years intervening; theu 1874, four years inteivcnlng; then IrMI, seven .years in tervening, and now we have the seven. ' years from 1HV'. sVt iaHsVs-s, nisii l-n-rrrr "' , " " 1 ' - KEI.1GI0US BEADING. My Wcrk for Cod. ' lift nVH rot die before don for Thee My earthly wor , sthntcver it may lx. Call mo not enc4iwitli inisxioim iinfnini I, 1et inn rot leavj myeiKu-eof ground un filled! Tmpr m this truth upon me that not rne Can do my Mrtt n tnat I h-avo undone; For eneh one In thy vineyard hnth u njiot T.i l.'ilxr In for lite, and weorv not. Th' n, plve me strength nil faittifully to toil; ('mi vei ling tinrren larth t fruitful so 1. I long to lie an Instrument of Thine, To gather woriiip ers un o Thy slii inej To Ixi the menus oie- liiiiiinii stil to rnvn From the dark t rrors ir r h"M-lss gr.ive. Y'et most I want a spirit of emit. -nt To work where'er Thou'lt isli my lnliors sjient. Whether at homn or In a tra"ger clime, In days of Joy, or sorrow's stcni'T tinits, I want n -pirit nwive. to lie still. An.l l.y Thy hv. r to do Thy Ii ly will. Ami when the prayer unto my lips 'o'h risn, "llefori' n ii'-w home ilnth my soul surpr m Li't in" un- inipli.-h some gr nt wum for Th."-," Ruhdne it, Ixird! let tny ps-tition l '()! inn e me useful in this world of Thine, In wnys nccordini( to T y wiil. not mine," Ict ni" not leavo my siu-o of ground u till-il. Call mo ii' t hence w-ith miwioit uiifiil(llli-l I ln'l ni" not die Ix-lore Tie ilone for Theo My earthly woi k, whatever it muy bo. "Now He Known." This wns rrimirkcil of certain man wlione Slid I 'll d ntli lui'l l" n nun nni' nl. His life tiinl be--ii pfiviiin;i"l to the ng of thris-wsirn sud t'ii eiirs nml U-yond, dui inir n lai v" part of w hii'h time he hud Ihs ii nil intiil'-l. Altlio ih Ins hoiis4 Joined hard hv the s-met-uiirv for many ye ns, he hid s.-l .om. if ever rtil'-r.' I its ili us on a Silii niii May. His llei(;hlior ill li.Hiillv ililillii ' state llv Hsw lil lilisi fur the wni -hip of tin- living liisl. Imt hi-p'l-i-t.'titly reliis4"l to j mi tin in. He was Sll lllll(vli''V.'l'. mid enlisl for ll"lie of tin-si-tli in ii-. Hut now he knuivs whether tliero is t liial to whom h" Is a.voiintal4 fur nil the ilissls dmie in 'he lusly. Jle knows In lln -r thi i-4 is n il nveii nml a 11.11, n-d whi'iher th" I.' id .I siis Christ Is the only Saviour, lie knows whether Hie Hibl is llie lii-i'ii'il Woi-il of tl m, nu t whether nil its t' u liiiis are true. Hut nlns! h" knows lis. lute to emris't his ini-t.iki-s. No man lussl 1st nn infidel who di-sin-s to know the llllll t'liln lief has ils seat Hi the hilllt, : i I not In tln he-id. No man who has it in his In nit to do tli- will if (iis will t-i le t in itoiilif iih ii'ards Hie --ivut truths of the lhlilc. CVoi.'ii iiie. Tlio (fo-spft ol' I.ovo. An eminent inini-ter of tni (joii el wns tritieixsl Iss'imse In- d'd n. t pre.ieh tho law pf li.nl, hut only mid always the love of Christ. It was -a d that rsons nwiikenisl hy sii'-h prenehing w ul.l not trulv reeit of in. lliito itheeontriirv.it was found that the more Miin. i-s i- 'nl ...i the lo.o of Christ 'ii dying In- them tin-di-"p r nud more iii tense w us tlii'ii-hatred o sin. Sin was to tin-in not -.imply tlie i"i.-itioii of l.-iu, Imt Hint alioniuuilil thing whii-li nailed th ir Siivi r to th" iieeui -4- I tiee. It is w II, of eolirs' . to pl-esell' 11. 1 the do :l rill 'S of th" lilh e ill ilue i i-iler nud pioprti.'U. Tl Id preachers were v. i-y s stenmt e. 'I hev pr -s'lil.sl in i heir sei ino s, at I" i-l onei- a y.- r, llie "w hole I.ihIn o: iliv.llltv." Their tne.i v i a- tlmt the p ..pie nn:' ! ! x" l- sv.si. Hut the ind'H-ii-iuiileil in l.r.-a: truths of Hi" eviili.'li.-nl sr.-. in m e wi italy con. metis) with en h other th it if one is r.s-eivisl it w ill hrnig in ull tliev.-st; if one is tiiiiu lute I it w ill qui. l'eii nil th" r st. 'I Imt is not shvays oii;--siiisl w hieh s's iu-mi. There is a 'lliri'l-.'liee I ft w. -on pulling III" .nil' oil onu vide of a In ill mid fpuii in,; oil one sldo of u burs.'. Inliiiur. l'ovcrty nml I'o.ir Ii-i-n-lilng. The calamity which I s mi I in drea I of, Slid whicii is next to tlie witl.diuwnl of tho i vino lil.i-sing, l he givntes. a . hiireh enn in o , is thai t. e rising talent, genius nud energy in i.ur ountry may leave iho mini -try f th" go-p.d lor "odie'r pro csdni.s. ': K-iiulul un in iinteiiniiej ' Mutih -w Henry nys, "makes a seaudaloiis niiiii-tri . ' And I w iil gi.e ymi ami her equally true. "Th I oeity of the piil'noniige will ilevei 'i itsi'if In th.)' p.iverly of t!e pulpi'.' 1 have nn fiouli nli 'iit it. lientis'l p iverty to which f III" lili.i-teis urn iIihiu ed, is one "f tiie gri-nt t - ils iiniliT the sun. To place a lit n iii.-i-4ii:ii-1aiic"s wh. r.i h Is cxh' ted to Ik) ueii'-ioii- mui ho-pital , t o.;i hi. i and ns wide as hi- heart l th- po r, give his fiim ly a g hsI .sine tmu. to br ii.' I.eui up in w hut is railed giiit. el lit , in d to d. ny n in th" iiienns of do in ; . o is enough hu lor thu hope . f leae , to I 11 ll '1 T i I' ei-leuiv. In tin-.li-.-ii l of I'el't, m iii uiv daily iii iititli'a- tio. s, in Inn ii sing leu s u hut w II 1 1 come of his w it.' mid ehil'livn win-i hi. Ii' -el lies in th-gr M-. n m note Itivnte 1 mini nud il.-l-i.-iiie -sn-ili I II s Iiui i rial, to 1 1-mi- morn uiii!iil hiilli-'pn utioii- - f I !-." pi n- It is u lui er eup, mid ny h ait hi.sds for lir.'tlll- II Willi Ii m- never told tll -il' mi-.oW-, coll elillllg llli"l' lll'ir e!'i:lk llie fox that mniw.sut In n-MtaU. 'c. (i.'ii -ii!. 'niiiiii-rliig-. Wh 'i Hod w us n stiiii..ny II often sis- llVts Ills proudest foes. Til" CHUsil of mis sions is ni i lis- i ii g the ii. 1 th" enemies of Chr sti.niity. Tho l. il, In i .iei on very sid of t . e cioiil -l of li-iith. i.ow on onesidu nn.l ii.i.i on toe other, hut fr.'iii t In-ill nil (io I organizes victorv. Tiuth c nils hon.--' nut ores t surrender, disci mtlts oth'-rsanit silences d ceivers. 'I his time it is nn holii-st nature who surr. nders U-foru the light that luiiuli le s can no loiigei-- sist. Th - notorious l'Mi'l llf i-t while in Frniiti) wuiii vindictive inlidel nud Ceiiouneeil everv form mid shade of religion, nud i sMH-iully did i.e rage against nil ii issioimi i.st iid their ellorts. Hut after he hud hnd clliciid lipsiilitmelit to Toliqllill his host ilit nss i-eiM-d; when ho 1 nn 1 1 un ilersia id the situati'iii his violence ehnng.sl first into toleruiice ami then into apprecia tion, mid in his r.-Mirt of his ailministruiiou ot Toliipini, iis ently publishisl, In-mys Unit lie uviiil- hilliseif of the help of th.wi iti-spi-sslj workers for lost Immunity, lie ad mit their im ueiise inll len.-o ever th" p "pie and their know-li dg.) of t.ieni. by which, if not by ll.eir n.l ice, he giiuli.l his net ions Niying : that "without their uvistuiicu it was iilui'isl imiHi.sihie lor him to sine .si, and he, hud to iickiiow lislge t e great viilue of their s. rv ii'es." It would Imi dilllcult to find a more surpri-ing example of u coiiipleto turn ing lips ile dow n of a 'ill i lit- until us publicly nvoweil; iiini iii" luci is uu imp irtiiut te-ti-in ny to the Miluo of mis ioiiury work. i'i ts'.jfcci'iiii . . Tlio Ci-avlmr for Drink. No mini or Minium .ould invent a tile thai woicd siirpnsi tli" tu. is us lur us the utul . i HVing tor liquor is concerned. A U-legruin Hum Sim i''riiiiciseo,t'al lor.nsusol u nnnl by I e iiuiiie of lldwuril W. Human, a skilful env'iiieer, who oi-ciisionnlly g' es oil lonn hprius, pawns everything he ons, Isirrowi whui h can from his friends, and l hull hands all over to the su ooii-ke4-per. On the l.Ui of January ull his usual methods t get ten cents tailed loin, und the. raving foi h'Hior Im-cuiuu so strong that he proposed H sell his b.Hly to a biiI.miii Uespcr lor u fuss ol whis if. 1 ens un.l pafier were prorurcd, und thu lollowiug contiui I wus siftiied: ".i A M A lY IH, "This Is to certify that I, IC.Iward W. llo nmn, of the city mid county f Jshii l-rnuc:. co, f . r the considirailo:i of mm drink ol whisky, do aureti. utt-r my ilu.lh. to leuvi my body to l.e disposed of as All . i t hill muy think lit. ll is mv ixur.ss wialithut mi. i Albert White, ot my dujiu, .Inhssil my body to the higlie.t bidiler. "Kdw Aim W. II ima.v. ' Several witnesses si;ii.i I th ii' iiatnes tc this ghustly docuiueiit, und thru the pool ......i..u . .. . u.u.l m irlnuM of uh iW from IUII II P 14 .4 ... .. m t4 , W hilti's hands before il was halt I. lied, and I liraiik it at una culu -Veto 1 urn II ituss. I ' ..... ..... TEMPERAy Irtsh Down That tUn t)ah down that bow 1hou2h the inmrklin. u. Like a ewel fair, Mar Irh-htlr shine ThoiiKh the brow It HluiBiiv. The sad heart cheer, Tis followed by grief. And the sigh and fear. Touch net one drop! Ke no mora a slave Of !'' enn that Is friend Of the worm and Mm Sreeu oif tue yoke That enslavra thee now llear no more the I rand ' That's stan-pe 1 on thy Oe?e on thy hearth! 8e wont, and denpiir1 Tlie starvinir, the ra 1 he wretched ere ulM,'. What hath ili-spoilrit And mad all so ilreari Look on the wine eup, 'ihe answer la thers! Break not her fond heart Hint bitterness fui-is, As alone with lio, In sadness she kneels; While the heart-broken jiriT Hises up to the thrnno Emm the uroanuiir, th, Wffaw For thee, erring una, )nsh.!own that bowll Vo lonjier ilriiiu Tlint eup of he. I, I if death ami p nn: 1)1 tuk tho rr.i still siream. Twill life impHi t, And true iy nive 'I n thee, sa l of heart. Relent I flo Tenipersara The elle-U ot tlio a ehu i,. lM. I with the form in whi. b it .st,.t, are aiwuys bad. Aleoiml i,uu !j( irardisl either as n is-i-on nrsi, strictly a drug, lti vl .n-s tnuit', substances w hi'-h. like opuiin, ll 4.' nud lobiu-eo. pi.Hluce h(!,i, w t ' ri-nders iipri'enole, but wl,j h ir f , voii-iiuiT. iiii-r.-iiw in ins erav.iif j uii-' s oi inn o i uk . This iti'-rens dep. n li'inw np. , Is one of the worst Heels uf it-1,, mid with most ikt-oii- it is iii4,ri, us use even in small ii'ii.i.iuv i. .1... l.. nil ...... .1 u .. ' 1IIII4 llt'lll IJ " .4.1. lli"-fc .!(,.; ;j .l.iiiuig" a Miinll oiinii'.itr uf ,..', mllliient y dilute form, it t.u, ,, ciisionullv. ll Is ei it. i,u tl,.,;t, possililu health muy ls t-nji.ss-l ; Use of nli-ohol. '1 his li -iii r, j, oeeiisioiiully mid unit r tin rc bIiovo stilled, is altcii'lel sri r. physical and moriil. I n: , taken in larger iiinouiit..,r in er -;. Or IS IIH't hlltllt'llllly. eVi-ll 111 ll;.. n does jHis tive harm, ami ii.is l..i j,,: lupi liy ns the Ii ih.t lri4i;ii4i light, at decree there Is mune irri: .!. htoinueh an I impairni'-iit oi .i..--,, sliiiht iliBiirners ul eir. u iio"ii Hid int ll'-ctlell. Often II i lt l ir.s. false feeling of weakness n In h excess, un.l, ol intrw, tu trt J erfect liea t:i cm M-.ir-,,t en.;oyil eontiniiou-lv I y n ii.i)-.. hoi even III strict urn u-rnteia I exception In fivoi ot s.i :iis '. .r with slow nml teeln" iii.---: u;,. i weak ciniliiilioii; lor :n il.in.. . ties of ililnte n.c.'hol tiiki n ..a .i principal nn nl iiuiir.ive ihrn uti once wo puss the h's-i-r ilt-n K alcohol the etleets of Ils l.Mti munt nrn striking ami ii -i-iro mucous ini'iiilirun.) ot th- .t. mn . the as-lit of .-111 "Hie Ciliurli ,n Of tho liver Iwi oin.-s iliMir.li-rel j: . important processes nt im.r,tj!i turtied. 'I he nervous n-l -ra -i'- mind iind i haract'-r nin e iin-rvi. not only the iniury lirlinai from ulcohol which we ii'i, m ir theru are us.-ociut 'd w.tn it n-ji proper hours of res', nml nvo; posiirx, winch c.mti Hnittotu: lice wrouuht upon the sy-ttn. iV habit, if at all excessive, i-iiimik easis .lirei'tly, ami ruins ixn iu habitual use, even in very iiuont reiulers health Ulistulile mil liability to disease, anil th- i!ic: when it occurs. O.o true men In the trentin-nt of ihseas. IV nrese rilm.l iudi. inlislv. It il'":! is nt times ludisiiensihie hites should never le preseril! w nor without a cleiir r.s-on i that tho tendency to tlisM great, and tbat this halut destructive. Ih: ll ifmi 'V ttuudiuijuaii. AVIicro Ilrlnk Kills The following t. -tun": v lit Westcolt. M. 1.. lUtv I'.w trill Ailuillesex, lale.y upp iri :; y.ii.e': "I rou.pten lyiir.X'. iiiiiii heir. 1 bine ma ue nn iu 4onseeutive ilium -I- h.MiT" un.l I . ni. not ri-limn I rem muti public. I inn nn I. nml ii-i" - loini iitstniner. or un ii.iv.i. & so tliei e need be no leur t!.t il t'Allggelilt. il. Of llelvi- llUi i.eulli. lllclu l.llg .h'.-.tlis Inn. den .loiiths. iM'i-ons teiinl ui-i- with lUKiird to which i. m-i. is lortiic in ng. -l.e w.-ii' nml pel suns Ip.os llie liiii 'I Iii-mi iiiiiv I IT -imial' y rriii.'- deuths lliilll nlmll'llic ei"-s I if the riiuiiiining i ' ilw'31' Ml mi-lee. r.le.l us leu g tH'-r'-. I alcohoiie d:sase. a ule ill' -'1' t eini'iis hu cidi s cniiM-.i hi I....I .1 ,l,..tli Willi" llllll...'' arising leiaiise of iac.iiu ! ' ...,i..,i iii,4i. i. mi" iii inn the o 1 1 i cans 'Jl w re-lli'i' ; ami P'.i Iho result, lis- r' -r hi ii. one. iil.onlex V. el''.. nH-' v heiiri, liver und kidney-. : I 11 1 ca es, '. d ci suuW; StllKT nt alcohol. " U'r-I to .leg. n-i alive cur. hue mus' ! ...-.. . in. nsi.r bV Vi-ll -.' I li.lt. (1 ..r 1 1 a .s M.li-W'1 ll.irlv viihn nf M-'l). I.llt-l tons over sixty -one yeurs of V Tbre Wuriiinf I "Peath in th.) cui'.' 'I'enlli ill the cup.' wii-'-"" in tlm cup, ' uy Hi c. i'U' -ilechuiiliou 1 thu .11-' '' weight. Ile enforces iu il i.ni-il fit.m the ptis'1 1 'i lio gi iul Loiiilim I1'1" ' scai-iely iinyluHly ml ' piers. Fr. c'arnwnu'.b t) siijh the yellow levi r in lug men beioro it ti'm i.'-'1 t' e I luted Kingdom 1 '"S. t-i ol liun I, ..no Vis.l el i-ver l'l.ooo is-iaou- i'"1 toiiil.-rs in t int niiiin 'r ,1 iloulreul, iU.l) leeloluili"11" but one of them ib'.l. tneu died of the di-e.is". Moro Hum hliopslli" 'Ihere ore over In.' rWf of Now ork -one to r1". ',' one to every -.'i lainii' ' Iii.Li.ih -a.o Lutein rs, ,l" 1I1M4U. in in o nn i4 .linns IsiU l" u nn ilorato e.-tuiiiilB K'"4 ' illicit slioi.s and tilais-i . .... . - llllll 1 kinds I. sold at M". ''' tlmt there sib J.Ii'J li.it" llui-u i.ro iiiJ plac: uresi ld; that there or" ' " ,, and otlieis where lnjut-r rss with the eatiuiiited illicit of in.oo"). Varmiis breud, mo it and uroiro-s f.u.. .... l ..iln-reu ....... .1. f I -ll4.K I 4IIII H4III)W lllftll ,4.4. iork t-v H ".--' r " -tr T- -Mk-ewi i . . . . . i