1 THE OLD GAME. A niCIt AI.HAMAN IIUNCOED. "Decoyed Into mn Office by an AfTiblr 81 ranger, Who Grab the Boodle aatt Dieappeere. John M. rrV, one of I Ho wealthiest real eatate owner In Allsiny, N. Y., In the victim of bunco font, by which ha lt ooul 110,000 In each. Although tba affair occurred on Fa'.urday but, th fart liar Just leaks I out, despite tbe reticence of (In police sutho.-itns, who have ben scouring tliia am other HtiUs for bunco man. Mr. Pick, while at h a homo, was eillial Upon by a well draw! and gentlemanly tr.mger, apparently a well to do luaineaa assn. Ha aul that ba was a brother of II. a Don. EraMus Corn I or, of tliat city, ami ).al onnsMorahle money, a mrt of lilch ha do aired to Invest In A'nl a na rail estate, there for hp came to Sir. 1'rok. Tlio hitter refuaed at first lo negotiate, but the glibtongtie I etrangrr aould not be put off. AfU f a long i-arley Mr. l ock wan Induced toa.jr that ha rnull (!!, but the figure he named Mt large, marly f 10,1X10, and his term wore rash. Tha trm wcro finally agreed to, for the stranger, while considering; the price exorMtaut, was apparently very anxious to purcha a. Of eou a, he h il not etacted to be called up m su Idctily for no much caidi, but bo would try t rtiae it lie could furnish eollntera', an l Mr. Pock c n eeiitcd to accompany lilm d iwn tow.i, whila be arranged to secure tlie money. In fn:nt of ona of tha principal lniiin i l-ka on State itro't, win the sln, "West ern Mortgage Iioan Company." The man In charge, of course a cmfed-nte, wan busily eugag'd In looking "r"r ,ot f la.'! pap -fa when tha twain entered. Tha huincawi explained by the man who wanted lo borrow the monev, who wie l.iformed tint it Mould be lnif.il l to h t him hare th amount witliout sufficient scurity. H-a waa not acquainted with eit ier gentleman, and did not know if e.tl er waa r. spons'lil-. If each party to the trinsaotio i could show that ha was pt"aed of sufficient property to over the fact of I ho I vi ii desire 1, ail thus s cured th company ' in the event of its taking Ci mortgage, well and good; if not, tha money woul 1 not I forthcoming. Ofcnun neither mm i prepared on the spot to prove Id financial ability, to, wi'h the un Ii r.ludiiig that etoh niati shoul I re turn tlie na na day and exh.bit ci-horita equivalent to thi value of M OOJ, they put- 1. Th a mt done. Mr. Peck's money was In large denomination bd.s, gold and some sncur'tiea. The affahlo stranger !i iw.. up aim f i'h an 1 nia C iriti.w, the Inller o.' whic'i wan, of c ur, a.veptl by tha nnu 1 1 c'mre of the loan ofll "e. Th money wan dep ibsl on a tible, and during a lull in the neg la'io a tlie alTtbla atianT prowe i a liltlegame of carda. Mr. r k, though not a rry gooil card plnyer, wan iiothing loth, and the alTalil itrang r, aa he a?o el in the trick, fxclnimel: 'Well, c4 1 ninn, you've ht.' 'J"hough they were not gilaj inr for money the utrung-r grabl tbo cash, di ted down the Main and waa aoon luel to eight. Hn c mfrdera'.e Lekl tba victim :id tried to gt In in not to qu -aL' Then be, t, loft him, and the J b m done, Mr. reck aoon afterwards notified the rohoe, win ver oee bava beea bard' at work on the cat', but without reau'.L JIOKMOXS IV Tlin SOl'TII. I fbc Proa lj ting H 'tfina to Claim t be Tropic. Th L'ormm Inv.wim of t!i S u li l , 1 fr uie an invetm.it. The ri my of Moi, or aiiaiionnriea, ku grown from lhn or four to a ommand of lit in the t two ji ar Ten yeara ago the c 'nveria, I i the H ut i, tJ tb laith wi re ko ft-w a m.t to I mi wia-thy of ri uch coi: Hi. 1 ration ; now the icti. nro j countel by I un 1-e yi-a'y ia iti 1 t a . e mpriin wh.l in. by lh- Mm mi , n'b sJ the Koutheru nni n. H q ue'.lv ha . 'the W't'k lr "'. I' e i"g a'inj . Mi 1 1 x;iily uiii. ii .1.0 tin t "i''.v.i.u ..i u i td recc itly. 1 h iji , kiilJerilr i ! iii bi ll e laiii.': tt te.t -i i' g tli -m. 1 1 un r : for i:i lue Ufcte ud c nipleto j v'm t of th ii.Ti.'er. ' i :tce 0-tolcrl, ISt t S j.fe-ub r 1. j ISsS, 2. '."!.' p p' lav b. e i b .pi t s 1, .cv r i ing to tie Mormon cuouj', in t e Sou h. ' Of tbea-, l.lil'Jhiva n-level thi South of j the I urdeii i f their pre"o.', milling in ' Vtih, 1 l.iho, t'ol ril ail Art ma. Of t tvnimd'r, 1 Hi have lti i ic minuritcat d, a thit a: th timi fiere me n'l I ul Mt I.UJ j tn Uid-1 o:ie lem tilin g itlun our . a'e. ' li. ('. Hu'c ii' , a tiav, ling m-n c irin c- j rd m:b an A tianti I10114 ', h tra I ' ui k I bunt" uenrly 1 v.ry c mniy in Alal1n.11, Georgia an I T'iunee, av t h d"pred iiio'n bv tl.e. MulV'K r.'iuiiot b lueit-urrtl lV fi' uien. Tin- iium'x'ri wlu yo to L" ah me I ut a tithe of their vifliiim, m h 1 . r f 'ii" l 1 1 il.iii of the niouniHii a by t. e I u nlreil hl.1 iu linger p wtn by me The.r trail ! k-'eii tnbri. f i Ittin li", Klmni I icuIiUm 11 ; dlxgrucekl l.oinov I 1 Aviu-tj, (ji., 11 in-ol Ul tkt fHinili" have .mi oii 'hd, and church Inu , cu c!ul mi l I tol.. n Ii nrt mv tiot'Tiouk there. In uot a le mt'iiMitw ti 5tormoiik ojieiily ure li.e e oiie'ii tol,.v -tli-- huiliao'U mid f i'.neri, l.ut iu 1111. ca m aciuu-y prevail. NEWS IN BRIEF. Oovernor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, baa tgned tha Joint resolution proposing aa amendment to the constitution and tha pro, hlhltiou campaign may now ba eonaldered open. M'hl'e we are having the mlldeitof winters In the Unit! Btnitaa, It Is said that RuasU his not Buffered such severs weather as dur lug tha present winter sine 1813, wban Vo oow waa burnej. Jacob Re'ienger and bis family of seven pernon, of Aunira, Lid , partok of cuined peaches Itrt Thurail iy. All were taken vlo lently ill and two children a-o I 8 and 10 difl. 1 ha titer members of the family are still prostrated. Tbe Nebraska Ix-g ulntnre ha do -ided tht the paopla shall d 'twrmltia at the net', gen eral elec Ion whether a aoctlon prohibiting then niiura 'tui't and stle of liquor, or pro. vi ling for high license, nh ill b, incorp iruled in the K:ate Cotistitiitiou. A M' th dit preacher tiamet 8hulr ho len accoinpbkbiiig a worn! -rful woi k ainono; outlaws of the Ata llurrur l gang in the Welch mouotaina of thin Mutte. Ho hai con dn 'tl a revival at which m mj of the rmb chiiracters h ive probxted religion and lUten lo tha Won! as Uv. Mr. Hliuler propoumbil It. Tli-y give every cvi l inoj of being earn tst in their cilorts to reform. The Arkaimts I.'gislatiire having refuaI tojiermitC. M. Norwood, late Union L-ibr and Krimhllciti cindidite for (bivernor, Ut ouibut O iv. rdu's election, trileiw lioth par ties gave bond for all cmta, so as to avol I fipenneto tlieHtatc, Norwoo.1 ha withdrawn liU notice of content, thin ending tha nins ter. Kcporta from Florida say fiat tbe only signs of the late vinitation of yellow fever are U lie found In the In proved condition of hotels an I citiea. Kxilrs hnve returnel, I im inras has I eon reeumtxl and the winter travel is s iid ii ba quite a large a ever. The yield of oranges is said to be very Inrge, no tlctt everything points to a quick rcovery from the lows cauted by the epi ieuiic. Adjutant OiMieml Mastingii' reH rt to the Vnitvd Stto Senate khows that l'e:inylvn. Ida's nctlve millitjiry force aggrcgdx tl.tM. which Inclu Ira U7 general and stnfT ofll-crs. The availab e fmce i,f ti e Httto i.ilmtxT .i:t.4;y. The dinvilution of tho old rnnsmi Canal Cotn any ha ln dccree.1 on th ietitiou of parties a 'ting in ticc ml with M. I'-1 Ie w. The court eppointo I M. Itrunrt ofllc;iil I. qui. dator. The totl subscript! 'lis ti the new i. sue of the r.tii.iina Ca ial kh iros sin .unt to i,0 0 klhireH. Th 'iert that IYei lent ('level in 1 w II rrsuni' tlie practice of law at New York with II111. a. Sta-taon, Tracy and M icVirajh I c rirnieil I y Mr. II tug, of the Ib in. Mis Margie ii -a ly, om iloyeil bi the fnc. tory of the Sprlnglbdd (III.) Watch Conip t ny, wa kctlpol Iltullly while at he- work, her lungs CiU'hin iu some ha iging oh tfl ing. It is sid tlin' Knsl in I and (ermanv hnva signed an alliatic. hiving for its oij ct tho protection of the N rlliern 8.as. Iu I gm c unty, W. Vs., the other day, two man qu irielwl and then agre dtoba frie.iiU, but w hen they se per tl one stsbbid lh o'Iit iu the back and cut his thr at fn in c-ai (oe.ir. Il v. r.'igeue Snow, who has beea c indue. ing te iv il itieetmg4 at 1 a'uyette, O., bus re c ivitl a White Cop notice warning him to 1 ae the county or t whipied. A bill his lieen f.iv. rnlily reporte-1 In the Imbaiia Ixvls'atu'e providing that a man kl a'l be enlule.1 to a divorce from his wife in c se kha b k been ii cnraMy inline ti r le.i yens. J me Mills, colored, wlo several inonUn nyo Btault"l Iterlie Hownr.1, aol Vi, neir l'uoli, l a , 11 nd on her threatening to inform on 1 1111, l-eat h. r 1111 il he '. h uht she was di n I and then threw her into a Joii l, his I nfV. m u'r"ce. to H Jcnr' iinprikonine it mi l wi 1 ri e. Fiji's alf'goii g over the U.ks of the bis 1 udn g enilx Z7. er, J il. 11 K. Sullivan, la'e 1 letk of Muti.in county, Indiita. II n totl kh-'i'trge und ibb'.k loi!le exivetls fl'J.'iiMi. u'.bV'in a' d h. chief c' 1 k, 1 li . t 'Neal, were at T ronto on uluidiiy. and left there to 'nk" in 111 - winva! at M mima', f-'unday tiinrni'ig the b ly of Wili a;n (ijc, nge l .Vi y art, whs f u id in the iuin of hi. bom -at ake Htrlor, Mich. L-onuiJ Wilstii, an Jd msn, is uinit-r arnt, charged with having inuidere liaga and firing tlie li.iu to "v.. tin crinm Ko'.ibery is mi -pi s -I to buve I ce.i h .' 111 tive. CIVMi WAIl IN AIIUCV. "VIIT IIISMAKCK l'K'l'Okii;J. 1 tic kft 1 leiiioitt ot tlio Saiuoati Xrouble ISjr t'n nt ere not' at Itcrlin. fount Von Aici, the U riniii Muii.ler, tralle-l nt t U H:'.e L) y ii'l'iiant a id l a I a eiifere .ci with pWxt :ry liarariiu reitid to lSuuiau nfTie. lie informe I the Sjore tary that ii b d receive 1 a i. iiiiiiuii.ca !ou from I'rn.ci lliwnar k to the cfT n-t that the tUorina I Uoveriiiii jilt pr oi a ! su iip'lon at 15 Tl 1 'I l the c: i.l itioin which look p'.a'.'o ut WushiiigUin l'.u repr KBiita'iiea of (jeriiiiuv, tireat lint tin 1 d tin4 Called ISutU-k In Ii7 0.1 lue subject sif K 111 m. Tlie a''v inform tiioii wa fur liia'ie I to l.'ie pr-sa by Kfrtry liavl, wilh tbe sttteiifiit thit it all he would sv on tbe sn J ct a jrd'iit. Il , there fore. itn"-s uiv lo 001,111 to- lay tbe full text of I'm oa li:nsrck's uoiumu .icalion. It is tarobabU), b'iv:, t lit i. w.ll b transmit. Wl to fongrnw with fcc t'.ary lUy.riV mm v( lb auhixl. No Ni'M'S from Mauler or I 'sasist Ucv- lu.loti In I'ljaudu. At 7. l bir a le'b T hat been received 'roiu Mr. Muck y, a MiMiionary in Csiin nro, du.l Nov. in n r -C. The wrlu-r fas lb it no lirect Hewn of eithei' Sia'ihy ir Emm Bey I ud le-011 receive 1. Afresh revolution bad bloUeii ui in Cgandi, King Kiwiwa had lii d'psed and lis youger hrotli er ra s--l to '! throne, Kiwiwa hav. ing Lil id two o' th pnncia! Arab imU guloik ot t 1 1 ol E il.'-i nil-kioiia- 11. . Tl ere is iiiui-h iiidig'iatiou among merchants here inconi.rj'1 MKt of tbe U' tioi,fi ih.' O riiian Co isul in pring t'uo Sultin to ed 1'i'iiiu and adj it i U'id Ui thi tier. Ill 111 t'olli 'V, tha trade ot those Ulai.ds bo i'g entile y HI lirlj,li hllld, 1J liliiiok coiitinueii ut Utramova and Dtr Ki Silunu The dep' s.l King of Ugundi reluvl the right of c,i cuiiic.ki iu and tried to riis iu the Aiu m b 1 w, r ei.deavoriti; u viiivert hint. Kiwiw 1 is now rallying all the duels in favor of curiktiuuity iu order lo at lack tlie new King. TUj whole ixiiuinuuit is U a s.uleu.' civil wur, StllOl lltlllM f. Il Is iifTliMtlly bimouiii-e 1 lh.it Ciowu Prir.os I'.udoll 0 'iniiiia.d ku ride l y shoi.ting him-s-'if in tbe head '1 he wetip 11 uud was a ro-voltt-r I'l'olessor W ivl-i b d or , who pi f .i n.e.1 the mitip-y on tbe remains of Crown I'r i.Ctf Uuduif, lound a large wound in tbe side of lua l.a I, which mus. have cauwd iu slant dv ilb. llie revolver, wilh oue ch 1111 ber diK.'hmged, a us found on tbe beds.do clo Ui the right baud A tbe d- ad Vriuot. The pos.tiou Ui which it wua found proves 1 e.oui oabt 1 bit tbu Croan 1'riuceoomailu kod sun-iis. THE SAMOAN AFFAIR. DISMAHCK I89UK4 PACIFIC OIV DKR8. The High-Handed Fellow mi the Island Called OH. Under data of Fei ruary 1, Count A mo Valley, German Minister to tha United States, under Instructions from the 0rman Chancellor, sent the following communica tion to Secretary Biyard: "When tha state of war waa declared agiinat Mataafs, tha commirt lar of tha ( r man squadron issued a proclamation iy which foreigners rs(ahish"d In Kamoi were sut'Jected to martial law. Internati nal law would, to a certain rxtent, not prevent su -h a measure, hut, aa I'nnca Ilisinarotc la of the oiliiion that our tnllliaiy authorities has gone too far In this Instance, the military C minander has receive! telegraphic criers to wnh liaw tha iart of his piociiiraatlon coi cernliig foieigoers. 'In negotiating with Mnt-afs, our Convul at Himoa h 'S ak -il that the a Iminiatrstioii of the I-lands of Himoa might 1 mmporirl ly hnnde 1 over to him, w birhlein ill I not he. ing In conformity to our previous promise regarding its neutrality and indaie nUn'-e, lr Knnpe has U on orderel by telegram to with iraw Ik' iMSTRciTiom to risnt.rroi. Together with this oommuulo itlon, Hcrrts tary lltysrd transmitted to the President a telegiam from Consul Blacklock in tSamoa, datel January 31, announcing tha Oerman d cl iration of war on Mataafa and t a proc In mat ion of martial law. On receiving this Vr, Ilarard instruoted Mr, I'end eton to say tothe, Herman Government that tha Unita.1 ISt ties assumed that tbe Oerman officials la tatn a would protect Amerio in citito is and proerty. Tha S'nrth Oerman Gturtts (Prince Bit muck's organ) says that a declaration of was against Samoa, In an international sense, Ir altogether Improbable Tbe Government lias sent t o such instructions and, as a matter of f ict, there la 110 opsinent to declare war against, Germany not having recognig d M i" ta-ifiu The Germans, on a btsis of aalf-de fans - or reprbals, may h ire engaged in act linl wsrf ire, but tin movement has not In voliv the cotisequeniaa) of actual war, Tha London S(n,ilariin Berlin corrcsp.m dent says: "In spite of uiiiuis'iika'ilo friction with the America if, iiobsly here feara that there is It n v daiger of tin Kutnoan aft 1 r loading to a war U tween the two Nations. Germany will, in fact, nmks friendly prop.. al, which 1I011 it loss tba Government at Wiikhliigton will finally accept. Thaller mini ollh'ia's in h.uii a are now rvpreaeute I as having cx.-c-ded ami liiuiidrtoo I thair in-tiuctioiiH Hut ttia lnkt thing ihttthe sc .1.I-1 fllci il organs can la rxiei't I tn c n fcas is tha inl4ihle fsi-t th it In the ) ret cs of the strong feeling mi-oii d In Am. rica, (icrn any I n. foiin 1 it jolit.c to beat a re treat." The A'ufiomif fitting thinks that tho knowledgoof l'rnc4 Biin irek's disavow tl of the nets of German cflicials in H unoi would come with a Ivtier fc'ace from the German than tbe Americin Government. "As for tbe rest," it kays, "dt 11 tut s)hc1hs in Aiiivrica will juat aa little provoke Ger. many to take any u marriwita ile sU-paa they will prevent her inaiiitai dug hir just ilAh a.' bllr: I1CILT A FlftK An.1 Waa Prepared to Itoaat Her Children Alive. A iiumlr of revivals services have been held at Akron, Ohio, of late and religious en thusia.ra h is Iweu arousal to iu blghe-t pitch. One of tha most devout worshipers was a prominent lady, by name Mrs. Kat Miller, and a few nights since, uoa bnr res turn Lome from a seasioti whin rxuiteiuenl ran b:gh. khe kai 1 that she had been emu mtuded by God b offer up her rh'ldreo si iter: U; a. Itaaa ielievel that sis wis only i.ufTjiing from a temjiorary ba luclna tiou and, as s e on ;,rs Ciln a;-, nothing iure uti thought of it, Friday morning, h.w.ver, Mrs. Miller was brought be 'ore the pr jt a'e jud ;o a id dtvl r- linsire. Te-liniony kbowtd t'.ut sbo I ad bulit a r uting fire In a kitchen stove and a ben the iron w s rel-hot bad tatao her two children into the room Mid stripped them. Sho in'end-al to ro-.t the little omai a Ive, nnd etU-u 'ant, vrhos sutpioions vtj arouiel, tuis: vi thdor just in timo to save tbein fr'tn h r b'o dentb, Tb unfortunate wo u-au vuk t iken to the arluui. BEVKN PEItSONSCnUSHED. A L.VVI-:U IX A HOLM Death P.rri ConfcHki in of the Wife ot Convict Kcbwarli. The d alh-bu 1 c Mifea.on of E It Sc'iwartx, wife of ih bruk -m in now serving a long seu tence in J.iliet for complicity in the grsal It ck I.land 'rain Rihbery and fie murderoi Exraa MiaMeugers Keliog NichoU, is mad) pulilic. A1 cording to Mr. Schwarta, her l:i.s and gave bar (l.'!,V.0or this olo.i iu may which she cn;cealI ly rolling tbs I ilis up one at a time and p eking them in cartridge shells lb 1 mo iey, it is a'leged, was mljatxiuently, 011 an oider fi 1111 Kc'iwartz, turne I over to Colo el U p. Uia miii, of PUilxlolobia, S'liw.irtx' I iwyer. A'i interview with D j t c ive W. A. Pinkert n is printed relating - e versutioiia in prisons wilh Hi-m art X and ihliliir's c loiride, Nswto 1 Watt, which, if ti u wou'.d c irro r jta in a measure the c 1 irga aguiuot I awyer Bowiu in. I inherion ia ulso q iote s having accused U w.n .ri of i c ivlii' tba stolen in uiey. Tbe iaayer sTeini hi lydnuel it. Mrs. Kchwiirtx w is mi t tl-na ago repti II ateii by her hua ia i i. H in dial of consump tion within the pjt few dsya Tieexpensea o tha funur tl were itefraye 1 by the Pinker .oiin, who -aw that the votntn wai cirslfor up lo lh- liiiu of hir dwi li. .. -. . A .Mi-ange f.ucf. A remi ant of the Cliff dwellers' trlle, sup rt e I to l.c extinct, is mi, I to bdwelling ia the hail M.too 111 iiiitiii - Theyaie very. uiu I .ot over I line f.at iu height and wild. I hey luiva b e 1 s.eu oU) In the black range and a tuon ikkt'.ia snow utolU ptirUes wi.l out 0i p ui v them, if possible. Tlie lacts uie v ucued lor ly reliable men. Two Dolldingaln Omaha IVtnollahed by fr alllnc Walla At Omaha, Nsb., high Wind blew down tha large section of the , east walla of tbe Mai Meyer brick building, which waa recently ' gutted by lira. Two Miildiugs ware wrrck'd. Heveo people are known to ba killed and sev. era! others injured. O.ieof tbe laildings crush td was brick, occupied by P. Buyer & Co., a.-ft dealers, and T. Dunbar Sc Co., Engravwa, and the frame building oompied by Edwara Oleeon, clothing man. Olcaon waa takeit from the ruins crushed, severely burned and dead. Mrs. Itincher, who liveJ In tha eeond tory of the frame building, die I shortly af lor being taken frjm the ruin'. Mi ca Mar tin's ibad body wsa found 1111 let- tbs boiler in tlie lavement ot the brick building, crushed h.to a s:iale a mass. Thomas Hon tm, em ploys of Dunbar & Ca, ill d a f.'W hours after. 1 u Injured so far at known are G, II. Silver, engr iver, shoulder orushel Aid finger broken; E. A. Pbi'ai, engraver, bruis ed; John Jackson and Miss Kiuma. Oliver, slightly injured; Charles B ake, a d an ;h ta rn in, in jure I about tin fa, and will lose bis loft eye; Charl t r, 11 rem in of Dun bar's art dep:trtmant, w is b v lly injured l.ut succetded in getting nut without amjatinoe; George S. E ncr es a id E. A. Pnllni, cm. pioyesof Duillnr 9i Co., escipsl with slight injuries. Thi bodies of Peter Hover, senior member of the firm of P. Boyer Si Co., and Itudolph Mitchell, an limn aoee agent, have laaen takea front tha ruins. It isheheved that there arj no 111 ire b.ilies in the ruint and the anarch has bras i disc mtinu'd. v n i-: x i'Kctk i orros I TI ON. The ItlU Paaa-a the Konate finally A ft era Warm Debate How the henatora VoteaJ. The sensation of the day Is tbe dehote cat the Constitutional Prohibition Amendment In the Senate. Its final conalderation wai flxal for noon Wednesday, and It wao exoe -til that at th it hour a vote w mid be taken, tha mwurs car. rled and it would be kent to the Governor at once. Tbe Democratic Senators, however, were not dixp sial to so summarily dismiss tha matter, a id wh?n thi subjnet came up Sen. stor Rosa, of Bucks, preiented a proteat against the am 1 1d1no.1t, signed hy all the D on iTita, allowing its iinco istitutio latlty and declaring tnnir i ilentioii to refr.iin from voting on iu Sina'or Hhi olsi male a ecch against tbe project. This brought up Senator Cooer, wb 1 m ads a more elikpieut siie-K-h in f ivor of tha aineudmeiit, divl iring it the wish of the pjope th it It bo passed, and thnt tho It pu'o licin pirty wns philge. to it Senator Hemminger aol McAteer, Demo, erata. r-ppkM I the bill and Senator MeFar bine, favora I it. In tt.emid.at of the dilute Senator Du'amea ter g d in a motion to extend tha session un til tha m tt r waa dlos.. of, which eirrle.1 d.spite the pmteat ot the Domocrnta. LaTKR The Prohibition Constitutional Amenibiient pissol the Sen tte 11 tally by 3J yeas to 2 nays. Sloan and Beta, Douiocr.iti, Totexl for it, and Rayburn and Upperman, Republicans, against It. Fourteen D.-m-crats and two Uepubliciusrefustd Vote, DRKMSi:i ni.KK TIIIUJ ffll-i. One Cent Mile. Tba Paaoaiger Aganta of tba trunk Una mvle a raU of 1 vent a mile for New York au 1 rennsyivaala to tha Washington Iomo uration oaataunial in AprlL The Ohio Senate Defeats the Meat Inspection Hill. 11 the Ohio Legislature R presents tlva Hysell Introduce I a bill which provides a iwnaltyof from $10J t 0;) sn t imprisons ment w here coal operators Interfere in tbe apMiintiiient of a couiieUnt weigbmaster. Tba bill olao provides tint tha operator must place sufli."ont t tuber in each room to a'low tbe miners to comply with tli 1 law relating to tafaty propping In cisi of bis f liluro to supply timber the miner is not responsible for any a -ei le.it tli it in iy occur. Wh"t i W-'O'Tt aa CieU 'j-er Mo it In-poi Uou bid was dfeatl in thiSointea d will not liks'y lo heard of again t!i kesiloa. Tb' bill prov del fo.' an luspeCliin on foot of all lrfv f d I in tlM State. Ihi bill g dn.-d conid iable celebrity last winter o 1 aexa it of the charge in id) ngttinst cortiiu ni'-m- b rs of the S -nato ti the 1 ft vt tiiot they hid adicited a I rilw from Cbicajo pirties i i con in c io-i with thedifeat of the ML Afier ait Invi rlgatloti, howjver, the mom- bars were axon rat-sl frotn all bliue. Tbs resolutions r qut-tlng the L 'gial dure of Near York, I'enu-ylva iW a-id Michigan to co-oierite with Ohio in legislation tlusig iel to foster 1 be fl '.uriea Interoat ww p-isml by the Houaa w th Alt a dUeiiiting voto. Th-re la a str ing p.-estum lieing brou;'nt b beir for the p ixa ige of th Olnn irgarin bill, which requires that tbe o!e miurgarlue shall be lu'ie :ed an 1 a ild for w bit it is. TWO IttllllM III VVII 111 1' (CCS. On H iiurday uftrnoo;i, abou'. 1 cl ck. tha b 'iler of tint sU-ainbiut lrvi Ilr ith.-ia, which was 111 sire I 'it tho ruilrl brl Iga st Eleventh street, Puts', urgh, rx ln I mi l Coinplelly wreckivl lh 1 butt end tin lie turn, which wai ul u.sid , ciiaiig t lie in fant (lea h of Go irgn Wi s , eng.mar of t !l -Ibitur , and of Wi s hi Cuchriuc, tin licit man of tie f wo Broth r, an I i jui' d E I ward J. Hu'iiics, Win. Kith. Win. II iwer, Harry Crick, J.st. Grdiaui, Jo'm Brown, 11.-"7 Ut: ing-, a ul 1 mti'i l otii ! St o a. It i 1 ot d llnitely known rit cu i-e I th einliwi . I lia l iier of t ie Two I! ot icra w. s imp-cte I Miy, lH, -ml f hi 1 1 Ut l. iii gm d condition, being alloacl a p e tue of i:iU a.U iils. BoibbaiU wen owned by E J. an I 11. P. Hilling. They were v-tlual at S.U 41 n -h, o e I ng inkured for (1,0110 uul tusolh jr for l5,0 (. 1'iie b dha of Wilsiu and Cichiane were mangleii alimait lieyoud reoo dtio i hy the force of the et hsnon. Hi v rul noi roiv es raoa tveru mule from d uth by iHirsoii 011 ba bwt. ou tho liridjn aid 01 tin shorn. A Ir'aiully Drownoil. Tbe wurm weilhvr be so tioueyondd tbe Ice iu the Miss url river that tiav. I ia beas-t wiib gn ai tlui tor. An enilie fauil y, aousistiug of Mr. ami Mrs. John O Vo 1 and S chllilre i, drowutat while alieuipling bn-r s the river in a wagon 14 miles uortb of His. marck, Dakota, 'ih team broke lb '014I1 tha Ice aud pulled tbe waoiinnd ccj uiwnts wilh them, 'ibei wu no on mar to rwcuth m uid th swift current came I tl.S'ii away ba 'arm a man who taw tUtui trow lb lvie ouai raaob tbaiu. THE FIFTIETH CONGRESS. The Senate. Tha discussion of th Ramnai trouble b. ran In 1 he Saoa'a Tueailay, fha pen .big ques tion tafl-ig Mr. S lerman's motion to appro priate i.VJO.ilOO for tha protect on of Ameri can Inteomta in 8anv. W lien this paragraph In the Consular and ' Diplomatic Appropria tion bill waa resciie.1 the Senate went Into Executive sassinn, but soon decided that th discussion should ts publlo audopeuat tba disrs. In the Senate Thnradsy tbe credentials of Mr. H'ggin as Senator from the State ot Delaware, for the term enmntsnctng 4ih of March nvlt, were prssanteil , read and placed on Ala. Th President' nv s igea 1 1 rs athm to the Saiuoan I-lan ls an t to Core (th same were prmanbal In tha Hnuae Wed nes lay) ware read and referred to the Commiiles 0.1 Foreign Ilelstiona. Mr. Vast prtaeuted an aflldavit maiteoy a Mr. Dorsey in rejJy to the slat-nnent mule liy SensU.r Plat , in thadlscuwion of the cutlery acbedii: of the Tariff t.ill, to tlieeff.ct tnat be, Dor sey. had made an sfflltvit wmch waa on HI In lb Treasury Dertnieut chaigiug a cer tain firm with uu e. valuatln i of cutlery or Ipararnt. He ei press ai the 11 let that I i Ibe person refer re. I to, butiienias ever bav. Ing made such an affidavit, Alt-T morning busineas the p a e ook up tUs Diplomaiio Appropr atiou bill, 1 be Henate adoied the amendment to the Consular and Diplomatic bill r ported by the Cominitteat on K iroign Kelailona, appropriat ing (.Vai,issi Ui prot-ct Aniericaii luutniat in Hnmua.aml f Uaj.OW) f.T thecoallngstailon at Pao, tba money to b Hume natel a ivau ble. The Hon amendments tn h Senate bill for tlie silm saion of South Dnkota as a Stat ers)nincotipurr d noon leport of the Cninmittem on Tertitories Kridiy, and icih ferei iaa 1 kl. Henxt. rs pintl, Cullom and Bu Ier were appointo I conferees on t e part ol ti e Sennt". Mr. Sou slmry off -red a reo Intion (wlin h wna aur-nl v ) Insiructlng ih ( onim tice on Korelgu It 1 itlnn to Inqiitr into tli rouibiloii of nfTtira Iu Ih Hunioen 1-lnnits and to n p Tt, at an early tay, w hat meniures srs iiecwsnry aud proier to protect tha Intereata of American tllir.'i.s therein, and to tbacnarga any obli rntiona of tne Uultml States to tha pe. pis of th e Is'amls in the nnu. t innct of their own lot-1 1 g iverniii Mil from the interfere ica of any foreign owi r, end In sia.ira the just rights at d i ,ter. a1 a of the Unite I Slates in the future control ot tbe gowrumeut cf ttioaa Islands. a.r in-oenatsi aitiieii y, -.is t-iahienaiafS tH Mr. Manilervii', for his 1 ew senatorial term, were presented, read and p.a-ed on tlie. Mr. Allison, from the Committee on Appropria tions, reported taick the legislative, Execu tive ami Judicial Appropriation bill, and the House joint rvwnutioii for jaynieut to lb legal representative of James A. Euls, an I cave notice that ha won d to-motrow call them up for action. Mr. Evarta reported the ttaitimooy tnkeu in the It x is election investigation, with a re. tiliitlon directing the CoiiiiuilUe 011 1'nvil. 1 ges ami Eoetions to revn c trefully the ex laiiug Inwa ivguUting the etcctio.i of mem l ent to t'ongrtsa miiii a view of provnlmg lor more lanuplele prote'il hi hi tha exeivisi of the elective Iril it'll si and for 1 1t a puuiali iiient ot olTeiiNiat aeitist IU Th icntiin niey was mlre-l printed and the rts.i!uilo:i waa placeil 011 the c ileiular. Ilouae. Almost cv-ry ilesk in the Hoinn Thtin-d iy uioining whs l eleciod with reo cunilmc Mtr. i-e.s, c-ouuiuing petitions in fuvor ot ibe Sun. oay Iteat lull, una 111 a lew iiiome ns alier the llouk Uiet tbe H-'.iti 111 b ix w.uovei Uow. big Willi the gjily tailored l uinenU Ou iiiot on of Mr. loole.of Monta .a, the Sena e btl was paasttlgraiitiiigngluof wny turuuh thj Crow Indian H-ei Vdiion, Mo.it., u tUs Big Horn Sounioio U iiliotl Coiupmy. iba lloUe ibuu took up tbe Osl.honia bill. In the House, Fri lay, Mr. Hi cli, of Mis souri, suhinlitcil Ibe conleience reirtof tu bid to create the lepurtiiieiit of Agriculture, and it was agree I to. At ter s 1111 .ii.c.imlon, the II me pissed the Oklabouia bid by a vote of you, 14a; onys, ltAi, Iu the House, Mond iy, t'.ie Sp-nker hav ing proi-w ded to call the States lor ttio ill troducliou and le ereuce ot lulls, QiiliUHier. ii'g was iuauguruled tiy Mr, 1'uys in, of lb liuois, who s.-nl to th.) c ork's dunk and ile liiautiel the rending ot a long printed bill to eaiablisti a Court of Apeals. HisoppjHi. lion Is diiscted lo lue Union luetic Kundiiig bill, and Unn bis dek resta a stack of bill", tho reailiug of 'vhicli will coiikume the t litireilny Unlovt breiteive Bakuraniaas that no effort wiii be mulo o pisi tout measure under a supoiiwo.i of the rules, 'ibe Court of Apsnls niii having been tin ly real and ruleriel, Mr. l'ayou tiou;ht I ns wunl for reading und r. ler. nee tlie H ink rupt y I ill, wbicii, owing to 1 l.ngtn, Ha lavonte We.ipjii of II ibila tvuo uisirj to kin tune. SHIPS GO DOWN. Twenty five Lives Lost by a Collision in the I nglUh Cliaiinrl. Tlie 1. ten m r Neraid eollide.1 with the Brit ish ship Kill'ichan, Captain Miiimoii, from Lyttlstou, off Dungenness Light, in U10 Eng. lull Channel, nnd lioth veiaels went to tbe bott nn iu a vry short t me. Twenty-four jsjis 111 weredrowned, includ. ing the eap'ain of the Kill) chati. Nine members of ibe rrt w war rccu d, one of whom afterward died. The weather waa cUar at tho time of tbe collision. The Sanlib mail aba-ner R miua ha foun dretl off the Island of Biliran, one of tho I'hlll p pi m AU fie (MUiseogi rs are suppos ed to have boon drowned. A G aagow dbputcb iys: F ars are enter tail e I here for tbe safety of the British Ship lijy of Cadix, wlilo'i tailial from Sydney, N ri. W., Octulr '.'0, for San Fraucisco. A piomiuiii of ninety guineas nr. been offere.1 to reinsure the vesieL IIAILUOAD CHASIf IN UKI.OIC.M. I'ourleen IVraoua Killed arid I'lfty lijurol, 91 any of Fatally. A lerr b'e rnilway rccldi-nt oetturretl nnr Giocneu luel, 1! Iiuni. A tr iin tmund from Biussels f. r N mur, strue'e a pillar of a iri'lge m ur that plnci, e u-ing tne bridge to Mll-. Tboliuin was tuirnd ilown with it and c imp e'ely wricked. Fourteen p-r-tons were kil udout rig'nt, a d lo othors were i.Juretl. The luslii of all tin person killed I y thi accident were brought bi Hum -Is Fifteen pei sous, all 111 Ttully i ijurod, Un u: H'i"y. la-rt, i.eur Ih" sc.nuof the d ku-ter Among Iheiu aie suvurul young feopl.t. The Minis, ter of Railways Ins vnn'ed ilia In j ire., m wi of whom are suffoiing Ir.nii fr.iu u.ui legs. bTATK OP nt'8IM;n rncreaaina; Dlasailafactlni, plaint. Advance) In UaiifJ? Seourlilea. R. O. Dan & t5a' we kly revb. says: DissnttaiaCtion with tbstatt I Inervaalnc atul lVre it -ranae.i as to collection. But n4.,nge,('Vj In tha new agreement of rsilri , f tentls to support brt'er prices tor 8w led by speculation In stock aitiTu111 duets, ihe clearings through thsl4. much birger volume of buainesas n j1 ry thai for th same month list yr for I be last week a gain ot 17 7 p,f '" II citie and 13.7 per cent. outai.U York. ADTAIVCB lit STOCKS, During the past week Ihe public hmf-. and stocks bav advai c on ti,, II II per khare. The oiuseof lirpm, ire, first, the general a-aent of ri!rox Ih Inters'ate airaement; secor.J, t(! of theS.iuth Pennsylvania eoiitrov.rrt third, investment demand for bond, j, bettr r class of fock Wh'at has decllnril a cent and a hilf tJ Is week, with sat of iM.n 0 J on kw this rls. Fairy tales about tnck re still circulated by interrt el psrti .... i. t - .1.1 I iai mn wn'j iin.-iiva minltlliif and sale by farmers, who grow tirei, big for tl M wheat Crrn a d on, 1 itiffetioil a fraction. II has risea Jl lilesh'r of 1,500,000 I aire!. Tiwistj maraes nas not cainge i as 10 pr e I r J la only l-8o stronger, and su;r lutii".2) wivn inu nnu ano id giasi ilenu;kl at lion, rrioea for butter, eheeao an 1 L ln depressed, an I sa d to b "loaivy,, sny o'-nrr tim tor nv years." The market for Iron due not ir. Philadelphia report sale of M 'in , Southern, and price r about tl? f j 1 against f 17 DU for ftorbern. Bur lrJ more active, wltn price not Iniproril , of teel rad at P ttebiirgh srs tSiKita;:, f jn, and an c, istnrn m II bis s il l f.a-cv- delivery at :X) 6 eqii.il to . 7 at ru.ll. (J Is (lull, and tli n lna working sh irt 1 Coal declined sharply. March nWhr j it J 1 in wa weaker at Vil 0 Ut t it, ,.j , at SJi'e. Report from oth r ritim are rsTirU J uniform in tenor; Ira le quiet or nnlr lJ active, money In al U'.iIimI supVy suit wun 1 ur. misieraie nun inu. bicen i g,. St Paul, where a flight ktn:v..irr4, aorvetl, mid Omaha, win re tlie m in I s tive; N lahvllle, where tradi ia no- qiJ live, and Milwaukee, where h 'glierrul threaten lo chsw somo faotor.ei Thilrr ury oerntions d sc 1 an a rapid Mun ii vcraidiilver certiflcatiis, so tUtnfs kinds of money t'J.S'MI.OOO leas I. h c ir,. J than a wei-k ago, l.ut th circu at nn j J rertiflcntoi has lnereas.d $J.S),i,inj, tl le-al 'cm era f KIO.COO. Th ljuitie-s failure niim' er :t;. ,nl 84'J lust w-ek an 1 KiO tho Meek )hk. -a tne corrtppi'iiling wiec ofia-tyar'tJ ures wore -TO. I'lied the House and Shut III aJ At Little Rock, Ark., Jeo (Vnul negro, and bla wife separated una 1 go, and th woman returns I to hr Momluy night tbe busb in I w nt to link and ot it on fire. Wheti the InuitwrnJ be rlellliei ately fire I a loid of Luci'iW 1 his wife' head killiiu her lustan'lr. li captured and brought to th city tt 1 keep ng, to avoid tba mob of uwro were bunting him- GENERAL .MA11KEEI Itllrileil l llo.ltll. M rgtn t Hi i:l, wh ) live I nsir MtiMllald, Pa., wav burned i suversly tint she died ii aftei war I. Iler little chi d hud Rons bsi in ar the il ea id iticlotl a liem to hnr 1. T'i mot'ier, aeeinj; Ihe tlanger lo her cliilit graiib d It and tiiulUiextuiuialitui fluiitn. when hern ai 11 clothing caug it lire. Bung frignte id, s .e rau out inut tha air, w hloh euuakl lb.-II .iimsj o sprid and o.u.il bv detU. A ToM of ri'jHa ma in li'mu tlio linlr af tlie WOllli'll of Jajillll j Uaril iu building a aJ.OJ 1,000 DuUdLiat tomplo at bli-Ho. riTTHIIl-HHIL BUrrnR-Creiinioiy I t'ouiitry roll CHEESE O iin full cieiim N.ar Yiirk EfJOS r'HUITS Aptihw. bbl POCLTKY Cn cliein. p'r. 1 U! keya iu. rOTATOES-In.h, SaeetS, SEED8 Clover country, . Tiinoihy . . blue gloss , Mi'let WHEAT- Nj. 1 red 21 11 M 1; I ..1 4' a 1 1 S. .' '1 I'.l nn 1 I let 1 li il III CORN Nn. 2 yellow ear, Mixh 1 tar, S .t ile I mix al. OATS-New No.!i whit, It Y K New No. 'J Ohio an I Pt. W Ki.OL'K Kiiiicv Intel' mis. H Knicy spring pita, t e .r inter Rye Flour, nAY--Ne. Tiinoihy, lwi, fr nn wagons MIDDLINGS Wlillo, Bran. Chop Fed, UAUIMUIIC. Wheat No. !i 11, I Kya Corn (lata W si era Huttor r-ggs Hay Wea torn CINCIS.tAfL Wheat Na 3 red, Kye Corn OaU Eit Pork Butter u rniLADKLi-ni. m Monr F-imltv a Whent No. a, Ibxl Com No. a, Mixl dais Cnuiuliii White Rve Nn J llultoi- I'lemwrv Extra l his.su .N. Y. Full Cr.am &.'HI 5 M) Vi IJM a mi "Mil l'.-'l 1701 tn y 1 if ii 15 17 uo M I 7. ill LIVK STOCIt Central Stock Yards. East I '1 he supply of ca'tla tins wr k ' Market steady at a Iniit lu't r" We uive ihe follnwlnir a ra- lVline, l .'IIO to 1,0 Ml l,a , $1 4'Holl l,asi to 1,4 0 bis., tj 7.r bi 4 i: r" , l.0 bis . :i ft 1 to 4 is): rouzh ! l,;l Ollis, ll 40 tiiinVeoiiinioi' to i.ni itai.. ftiui to a a.'i; 1 i i"" J 01 to a 75; tivab coa aud H i to 41 late DWL Tho receipt on hogs this w sk Mm ki t active 011 lignt Yoik p"J .e ivy. Ill quota aa foil ': ' tlKJ to ft In: bsatllilit York--' hen v York. rs U Si to 6 W; fM I4 ou. Tli rcelnta of sheen h iVJ e the markal rulul ' roil ( al so J lo !i nor i w . on nil ura le' I nv fo. lowing (pioiiil iim! re l.iliMia Mf.liiM.- wai.e.lii r llV IIm, ail to ft I V good wsibrf ' II II I 1.1 4 Ull: faie to ao.il t'l loa, 4 a) lo 4 U); c.illllll HI b l llw. lifiB 4); prim Uiii's 'J a at ... 11 in. s . . . ... 1 i.ilII ei .iw ovii I4ir Slg.au, v- j & 40; veal Otlvaa. I 10 lo I 4' M PrvMuiasu favoratdo lor coui rr a.. & .... V; T .1 " 1 - IHWmilly a..)