The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 13, 1888, Image 7

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U U VntT With Many Fall
.1 ihi Money Hmmh
)ty and Foreign Trada
Keep Up.
nf the condition of tiusln are nn
II thin wok, and not entirely n
With wmroely an exception thy
(Mant fooling a to thf) future, bill
Mtlon of miny cmw In different
oluooi Homo larkming for th
Th cotton crop wai lata
,en consular ilily Injured, and
rnrrylnir unusually large aoa Hints,
lo n t Improve. Much ntieasin
rtrtlot.s of the South, and colleo
ot loe pir, while the numbor of
ntne South-rn districts is large
t-ports 50 per cent more than In
m and mil l weatbor In the North.
uiu-nsine In soma train, pa"
i rlollilna end boota and shore al
(ty an I Milwaukee, and lack ol
r logging I" Wisconsin. Export
nfTx are still prevented, and the
luetioii of Iron cause hasitatlon.
lume of ImiinrM is Inrgo, with
i hy no mcani heavy,
r mirlntrnowliorlisrur Ixvl,
i d-tnand l large an I rates at In
jiftrm. In nearly all quirtor thl
niplo for legitimate bualnoas, but
cent. I al l at many W-itrn
un c nitwit, and 1 ir cent. pr
lilt L ike. Th Treisury rrp irt
Hi - currenry tn circulation, thm;li
liwthni on Jfovnin'ier 1, w.isnbout
lnrr on Dwvufior 1 than a yonr
kliring th p wt w ek th Treasury
Li 1-1,4 Nf,u) in ira thin it hai pal I
r.ile exporU of gold cnisj no ili
fir.-leu ovhine a id rate for
i-r York have beon stonily; the
if Isviki In X ivemlier w.ri 4 .1 p r
' I is" year's, but with altowa'ic)
tivo trans ictions and payitmnU of
pi npp'ir t have beju sonuwlint
b last year's.
irsde in bettor sutt lined than would
be exjH'oted In view of the arretr of
ufT inovemmt and tut popular
vernotoa change of tariff policy.
rflvewoks at Now York hive
(percent miller and export
York only S.5 p-r cant smaller
m ir. x et exp rtt of wheat from
Wis wore only 299,88'J bushels
i,7t(t in tli3 atine weolcs last year,
StH,?.(7 ban-l against 1,17s, tttl,
i Herein J of 1,313,000 buiiit-ls
tt'hait broke sharply, but
pilehighar thin a wkago, cirn
lower, and oata unchanged. Por k
lower, and hog 2J csnta pjr 1 K)
the export of cotton in Novemlier
I tale larger than ltat ye ir, and
as been s'.eaiy. Oil litis ri-o I 3
e i of a cent, and hidm liav do
re it Tho coil m irxot H dull,
lirioes Z toSOconts bolow the
ngiiln advance I, the fimr crrailo
a cent nines tho middle of N.ivom.
Lvera-eof UK) qualities, accor ling
ilur of Coitoi tiros., is 34.8 cent
csnta November tilth, 21 cent
5th, 21.4 o nto December 1st
, and 2118 centa Doc-ember 1st
i the Into considerable ad-
not put prices a high on the
key were two or three years ago,
1th goals ut presont prions, it Is a
)w 1-ir jely manufacturers cm af
Mime. The belief thattheollp and
n hand have been bolow estimates
o prevalent, and porhips the ex
! Congressional action reiardW
Worsteds imported may have some
bu of Area Kneel e 1 In Four
f-Tlio I'roHcnt Outlook Fair.
twr'e Iterieto correSDondento in
f jirincipul wheat-growing States,
ons:clorab;e reduction In tho area
Kll to Winter wheat This is
lb i aeo muted for by discouraging
h lei to the partial failure of the
in those States, wh'ch might be
I as follows: In Ohio: Winter
VI rut; in Illinois, chinch hu;s,
hng and ruit; in Masourl, chinch
wet weither following harvest
proved eonsid Tililo grain in
In Kentucky an I Miuliliran.
pgo crop were harvestel, the
ll tins fall Is ab ut tlu stint as
y xir i. In Wio main the acre
Hy increined. Kansas repirtso
liiir -ase, wliichis not surprising,
it crop In that stste was extraor
l unit sustained little d image
use, while the usual staple, coro,
ilete fiiilurj in som soetlons. Tin
litlon of winter whot is reported
Indiana, Illinois and Ken-
in WisRonsin, and fair to gojd i:i
SliiMourl au d Kansas.
'npped Tucker' Till.
'. Tueker.
eof Middletown, Conn., rushed in.
fofllee and reported that bis bouse
Qbliedoftto.OOJ. Tucker kepi his
a tin box, locked in a closet, ami
-... guns wuen be went to add
'Ired dollars more to the account
'Ui.ied fm in cash, and bonds,
sou laolt book
to over 110,000, Toe
was locked licit n) T1.A 4.
i'tes were mostly against Middle.
-.... parties. iUe Western
W amounted to about 13,000, are
I An emnlova r t....u
I . ' " " suss
Ueker has leen in .. k.i.ii.
muii tur
ving his money in the Un box iu
O'dya few days ago an agent
his pW an1 trl(N, , w h)m a
last time Tucker saw the Lex was
'! he It therefore unable to tell
Wbery was committal.
lne' Official Votn
of the State of Maine is
rrin, TJ.734; Cleveland, 60,.
xnu pofulah vote.
Fall Prealdentlat 'Election Return
from tyery Rtate tout One.
Th New York Tribun print a tabla giv
ing th popular veto for Freatdeni in every
gut but Colorado. According to these re
turns the vote was as follows:
, Verts .
Rrp. Dtm. fro. J'nOa
V Iff re- iMbor.,
tktec Dsriimn. lnd. Flak Rtraotcr,
Alabama 87.1ST 117.810 S8S
Arksnoaa BM7TW IW.tM (14 10.S1J
fitHlornla Ui.H J17.7W 6.741
Uenaectioot UWM UNO 4.SH4
jMlawsr Iv78 ''
Florid MOO XM1 '
orsta 4.4 M7t l.W 1M
luinoli aroaw hrm si ne b.m
Indian S0A.M1 )l.lf) B.SMI i.MH
owa 911. AM 17M.W 8.IVK) ,10ft
K !. KM, Ml 6.4A9 Mine
kmiitrkr lavmo 6&
Inllana NM1 1
llUne 7a7t MI.4M 9.A40 1,645
MarTland 99. 4TAS
S..ohlutU.... 1347 IB1.9W atMl
Wlrhlrsn t.m 91 R 404 90.9M 4.6U
Minnesota !. 64 lB.Ono
MlMlMlppl W.OM RR.471 818 H
TUIsMmri. sei.flM 4,540
Nabraska 1(M4M tO.Mi 9.4W .M
Kevada T.oaa a,R 41
Nrwllampahlra... 4ft.7'JN 4.S,.tJI 1.IWI 18
Hew Jciwr 144 4 1M.4M 7.904
New York MO.!W a.1V9Hft 80,981 6
North Carolina.... 1M.7M 147.909
Ohio 41A.OM mm.sftfl 94.M 8.40)1
Omon MM .M4 l.en wvi
IViitisTWsnla. 8VA.091 4W6H.I 90.947 8.878
BhiMle Island K1.W0 )7AH l.HKl
Hoiilh Carulina.... 1.710 (VIH2S
T9in-fsoe lo umt 1.SV7M B.9H9
1V 1T4 4.7W 89.4A9
Varment 4n.l-i 1.7HH 1.4'.9
Vlrcinla 1W.4.H 151.977 1.97H
Weat Virginia 7H.4H1 T9..t
Wlatouiiu 17&MMI iH.'Mt 14.977 8.ftA'i
Total B.iRi.Twsmrei sa.m-i 142,9118
riuralllT. 110.904
In the above table ofllcial returns are given
for moat of the State. Report from C'olo
rado state that the total vote rannot lie given
until th State Canvassing Hoard meets.
Harrison's plurality in that State, however,
Is estimated at l.'.W'l. In the above table
Cleveland ha a plurality of llO.lHM. not
counting Colorado: if the estimated plurality
for Harrison in Colorado is allowed Cleve
land's plurality is redui-e I to IM,2iil. Omit
ting the vote of Colorado, the above table
shows that since 14 the Kepublican vote baa
increased bv 070,104, in the thirty-seven
States, the 'Democratic by 440,440, and the
Prohibition vote by 1W,3, whilo the I'nlon
Iahor party gave !K),444 Irs for Streeter
than the Cireenback party did for Butler in
ls 4. The Ion oa the combined Labor votn
will be somewhat lower thau :K),444 when all
the return of the United labor party for
Cowdrey are made. Outaide of Colorado
the total vote of the four leading parties was
10,8MM. against 0,935,104 in IBM, an in
crease of a,2.48.
The State giving the highest plurality for
Harrison is kanaa (70,lmi), followed closely,
!ty Pennsylvania (79,4SH), and Minnesota'
tinxt (Sfl,6i.'0. Texas gives the largest plural
jty for Cleveland (146.00U), with Alabama
next (00,113), and Georgia a close third
DUTTEIl Creamery f J! I
Couutry roll 2d
CBIEEISE Ohio full cream 11
New York 10
FUUiTS Apples, bbl 1 2.-
Orapos, Hund ti
POULTRY Chickens, p'r. 40
Turkey lb. t
BwvutH, 1 ii"
SEEDS Clover, couutry, , r, Si
Timothy . . 1 f
lilue grata , , 101
Millet 1 M
WnEAT No. t red 110
a " 10H
CORN No. 3 yellow tar. 4 1
Mixed ear, 3S
Huellwl mixed, 40
OATS Now No. 2 white,
RYh-Now No. 2 Ohio and Pa. tfi
t'LOL'K Kanty wintor pats, ft 7."
Kancy spriiug pats, tl 75
Clo ir winter. 6 75
live Flour, 4 (H)
HAY New' Timothy, 13 SO
lKme, from wagons 2:1 s)
MIUDL1NUS White, 10 M)
Bran, 1" 'Si
Chop Feci, 10 50
Wheat No. 2 red, $ PO
Uye J
Corn 4H
Oata Western 27
Huttor Hi
Kgg 24
liuy Western 10 50
Wheat No. 2 red, 1 04
Corn 44
Oat 28
Butter 18
Flour Family 4 7.1
Wheat No. 2, Red 1
Corn Na 2, Mixed B0
Out Ungraded Whito 5W
Rye-No. 2
Rutter Oeamery Extra 85
Cheese N. Y. Full Cream V
; 70
3 75
U 2-5
1 5
1 85
2 00
1 11
1 00
' 4(1
; an
7 IK)
(1 00
4 55
10 uo
20 tm
10 00
r 4t
i 3J
' HH
17 00
I 105
11 50
5 25
Movement and Trice at tho Central
Drove Yard, Kant Liberty.
With a light supply ut ctttlo, the mirVct
was slow at a shade stronger irlces ou musi;
grade and the close was tii-m. We quot ilie
following a ruling prices: Prime, 1,3 0t)
1,000 pounds, $4.75 to 5.2.5; good, l.uo lo
l,4iX) pounds, $3.00 to 4.5U; g(xxl, l.tKM) to
1,200 pounds, 3.2-5 M3.0J; rougli fut, 1,10 )
to 1,3 j0 pounds, $3.10 to 3.5:1; fut cona ami
hoilers, ti.OJ to 2.75; bulls, 2.00 to 2 75;
frueh cow aud sprltigurs, lii.UJ to 50, 0w' por
The supply of hogs on Monday was In cx
cot of thu demand und thenvirkiit rule I slow,
with several loads lei t unsold Tuesday, witu
liberal receipts, price were fuliv 5u lower
than early sale 011 Mouduy. To-day tin
supply was light and the market 5o higher on
Yorkers, while Fhila lelptiia wore slow sulo
at the following quotations; 1'hiludolphius,
5 15to5 25; Yorkers, $5 10 to 5 15; goo. mix
e I. i 15; common to fair Yorkers, ti '.to to
6 00; roughs, stug and sows, 3 60 to 4 70.
The reoeipta of sheep were fair and mostly
all common to medium, which were very
hard to sell at about last week's prices, wuilj
the better gra te were selling a uliade Uigher
thau last week'sclosing prices. Wo quote sties
as follow: Prime Ohio and Indiana wetn.
era, weighing here luo to llolisi, 4 25 to 4 50;
good, 00 to 05 llw, M 10 to 4 20; good mixed,
5 to 00 lbs, 8375 to 4; oommoii 10 fair, 70 10
tobOlb. $2 50 to 3; prime lambs, 75 lo 85
lbs, $5 2.5 to A 50; fair to good, 50 to C5 lbs,
4 50 to 5. Veal Oalves, 5 50 to 0.
Tho noston Wool Market,
A rery Arm market for all kinds of wool
and a steady doinaud are noticed. 8ales are
made only at full prices, and the proeut of
th market were uever better. Ohio and
Pennsylvania fl ssoes are hold at 33 to 34a for
X and XX and 87 to 880 for Na t food
Michigan fleece can he bought at 32o, many
bolder demanding 8X0, but the luttur price
has not yet been paid, bales of New York
and Wisconsin X ileeoo are reported at 81 to
82o. Combing wool are str ing and iu small
upply. They are held at 38 to 4 )o for No. 1
washed, aud 20 to SOo for ouesfourtb and
throe-eight bloo I, unwashed. Ohio flue de
laine is Aim at 30 to 37c, an 1 Michigan do at
35 to 40a Territory, Texsa and California
wools huve beon selling on a sooured basis o(
45 to Ooo, ns to qu ili ty. Pulled wool com
mand fallpruxa, aud fureigu grade are very
Do ITe Know Unnelrat,
The invention of the photograph and
graphonhone has brought out the sin
gular fact ' that few person, if any
know their own voice. When several
persons in uoccXsion have spoken into
one of these machines, each mar recog
nize in it reproductions the voice of a
friend or acquaintance, but hot identify
his own. An analogous phenomenon
baa been observed in tho matter of
sight by photographers, who sntiafy in
a likeness everyone but the original.
Thus it seems that we not only do not
tee ourselves as others see ns, but we t hoar ourselves as others hear us.
The New Year.
The hour hs cornel
Twelve solemn tone from out that tower
hsre said,
Ad erho has e-nflrnvd each word, and as
A gii'st whose stav with us ts o'er, on hi
I'epirture, meet a coining friend, upon
The tnre-hold of our door one to go but
Not return, the other to reinsin to
Mladden us a while so the old year nvet
The new, then slis away to coiue 110 more
The river pms to flow
Unmindful of It all. The dirk lulls look
Upon a scene, which centuries n-o,
Was nld to them. The atari a e n not ti nole
T'-e change, but to m It is a nmm-nt
With an age of solemn meaning. No time
Within the veer aoclcselv irin stlic thoughts
Of all men Into unison; Life, Deitti
And imiuorUlity th kindred themes.
He.imom M. Lewis.
A Solcmino Question.
Little Hoy Mumuin, is aunt Mary my
auntie or pupa's?
Mamma M10 Is your, rov boy. Why?
Little boy O, co.. Aiu't tbiu a good
Mamma Certninly, She Is my very
dear sister and will be with us next
Thursday. Whv do 5011 ask t
I.lttlo boy I ucnrd papa tell Mr. Chips
that it cost bim $10 to m iko his auntie
pood. I didn't quite uudurst and. To
ledo Sunday Journa'.
Ceorgc Stovln Vrnsbles, a distinguish
ed London lawyer, is dead. He was tho
original of Thackeray's Warringtnni'in
I'endennis.' Ho Iciives sn estate ol
$750,000 and mining tho bequests is a
legacy ol $100 annually to hi washer
woman. . -A
correspondent savs that whilo decr
(talking with the Kmperor of Austria in
Mtyria, ih- I'rincoof Wales misled five
stags, at which his Imperial Majesty,
who 14 a dead shot, nearly wept. After
the Prince had gone to Hungary, a keep
er was sent to him with a set of antlers
belonging to a stag which the I'rin.-u
was hiipposed to have shot, but II. K.
H. laughed, and said uood humoredly:
'No; it's of no use telling me I shot any-,
thin?, for I didn't, Hut I'll keen the
sutlers ns a souvenir of tho Kmperor'
t,ro ( no tne storv coc.
Mrs. Anderson, of Portland, Ore., is
one woman who is able to take caro of
herself, She went out shopping the oih-
rr diiy and noticed that a young man was
dogging ber step. Fiuaily he made an
attempt to crab her purse. .Airs. Ander
son laid down her bundle, rolled un her
sleeves, doubled her fists and travc the
fellow a mauling that he will remember
lor some tune.
Cure of rnenninnl.
II ma KoAii, Nmiiaka Co., N. Y. I
Mini h 24, iftxo.. f
Attniit a year ago I whs taken with a severe
pain In both limn. I won Hint n( tucked with
Violent chill, then a dreadful pain and then a
rnuuhni'('iniinnli'd by considerable fever. It
imiKt'd very inucn line a imd attack of pnciimo.
nla. A friend of mine procured live Ai.u ock's
Pl.ANiriiM. One he put under euch uriii, olio
under slmulder blade, and 0110 on my
rhewt close aruiind my throat. In a few hours
the cough ceased, the pain gradually nbated
and I broke out in a pmfuo pcrsplrutton. I
fell Into a profound sleep, and the next diiy
was almost well. I wore the Plaster eight days
afterward, and have never had any trouble
since. Ui 1. 1.1 ax A. Hawyeu.
P. T. ltsrniiin nnnouiieei that he is out o.'
thu circus business lor iron I.
(Jen'eel Quark a.
"Yes, :t pays," said a hlir, fnt physician, w'!i
anamewliieh is known UinniKluiut the inedi.
ral world. "I have a practice worth f 40.KU a
year." "Women" "Ye, you've guessed 11
first time. They ray tlu every time they come
Into my ofllce. hen one Kela nil my list I tell
you she stays!" and Dr. H laughed Imia
and loud. This is (jum kery- gilt-edited, line
teel quackery to keep siirTering women pay
ing tribute year in and year out, ami doing
them no good. Dr. llerce's F avorite I'resci li.
tion cures the peculiar weakueeses and dis
eases of women. It does not lie to them nor
rob tbein.
There ore 0,000 dilfereut ostigi slauip
A perfect specltlo Dr. Hagc's Catarrh Rem
edy. It Isths overworked boiler tUatcilwe in ,
ny accidents.
fliorklns Arrldent.
80 read the headlines of many a newsnsper
Column, and we peruse with palpitating inter
est the details of the cataxtruphy, and are
deeply impressed by tho saeriliee of human
lives Involved. Vet thousands of men luid n o
men are falling victims every year to Unit ter
rible disease, consiimp ion (wrnfula of t lie
limits), and they and their friends lire kuIihIIciI
to believe the malady incurable. Now, there
could be no Kreater mistuke. No earthly
piM'er, of course, euu re tore a lunu that is ei,
tirely wasted, b it Dr. l'ieree's Gulden Medical
Discovery will rupidly and surely arrest
the ravages of coiinumpllon, if taken in time.
Do not, therefore, desuiir, until you have tried
this wonderful rumedy.
Missouri has a little debt of I7 ,000,000,
$10,000 in u Quart Jar.
Read the grand nfTer msdo hy Washington A
Co., puhlialiers New York MsKSSlne." One
ThoUMiiid Dollars fur the best cues hnw msny
krmclaof rorn hi a (imrt jar T The shove com
pany U perfectly rtdishle, and will give away 10,.
Uou to iilirrlbera uu J'u'riiHry lit. He advertiae
nivul on this pnge.
A Remarkable Paper.
Tn Yopth's I'omi-amon is a welcome visitor
weekly n more than 4OD.UU0 families, and ho
won a place in home life obtuinud by no other
publication. It is alwuvs safe, pure, instruc
tive and entertaining. The wonder is how any
family can do w ithout it. Any new eubscrlher
seiidin r $1.71 now, can have tub Companion
free every week to Jauuury 1, and for a full
Sear from th' date. Kaumle copies free. Ad
ress TliK Yot'TH'a (,'ompakion. foston, Itass,
A Radical Care far Eplleetle File.
Tn the FMilor Please Inform your reader
that I have positive remedy for the above
named disease which I wurraut to cure the
worst coses. So strong is my faith iu it vir
tues that I will send fieeo sample buttle and
valuable treatise to any sufferer who will give
Hie hi I' . and Kxpress address, ltesp'y,
H. U. ROOT. M. C . 163 r-eari Hu. New York.
Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses
of l'iso's l ure for Consumption.
Persnaeent Hitaatlea nuaranteed, a. 1 1
Mary itatl ICssensna smid. l'il Induee-U
lua na Ui iMtKiiiners. Auy iiihu ran auueeeil win, our
a'lviulaKes, Vuirk srlllllK slss'lultlna. OutMt free.
n'rlle at, ,aca. Hooker Narsertea. jaih
lislied ISKi ltociijrrt.a. .S. V. INsmo Una (uier.J
say Plau's Core for Con
auiupllon la 1 II K ltfcb'P
for koeiilu' the voice
uleor. tfveul.
Ocn. Donlanger't wife Is tsVina steps
(to obta n a divorce. They were mat rled
in 1S05 when he was a Captain, snd
their domestio pesce was undisturbed
until the Ueoeral entered the war ofliee,
when he got to running with actresses.
Ills Infatuation for Mile. Iteichenberg,
if th fcmedle Francsite Company, has
been well known.
.Tons Ij. Ht t.i.i vax's waist has been
elted. Hut the proper place to belt
pullivan is between tho eyes. Cam
bridge Gat"ttr.
I "William. King of the Netherlands, Is
tan richest monarch in the world.
rue nor t
Rhsumatltm, Neuralgts,
Backache, Naadachs,
Teothachs, f prslas,
raises, 0.
AtSnlis sad Dsaltrl.
Of Hollies Snlil
And In f'.very Una
A Ct'lIK
ThsChas. a.VogsltrCe.
SalUmart, Ui.
Diamond Vcra-Cura
Staaih Tronbltl Aril:ig Tnarthoa.
yvnr lrii' ,i (,. n.i.ii nv'rr irf.'J ft IVrsj.
Oirj far l"u f net nini.'v ni or I' frl ( (
anil bt niu.f on inri) I 01 ::' :. . fl n i ill
'itpt. Santjtlr .vn' ttt ir'e.v rtf if lit l.ieii.
Swit t'rf4-rsasttstl XiMt-Svlul.
Ood Ial"V7"01T Oil wna
IC i$xied and endorsed hy Vhyst
clan became it is Vie beat.
It Is Palatable as
Zt 1q thrco tines A3 cfflcaclous aa plain
Ccdlivor Oil.
It is far suporior to all cthor co-called
It h a porfoct Errraldon, docs not scpa-
rats or chango.
It is wonderful as a flosn producer.
It is tho best romcdy for Consumption,
Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wasting lis
oasos, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
5oIl by all Druggists.
SCOTT A. BOWNC. Chemists, N.Y.
iris nl
AH Hswln.Msrhlr.
irsd la all Pt
1 fMMlt ! tba -a.'t an
thriM, ffiwiii trtimrrr ictm
in'iavn itiNih itxa n,lrr rjr
Dt MtDy-tnirhii mi l" in
nor Id, wtitt ail tliv itai hm1
wilt ! ftidl rrr rn tut ti
liuvofuur rtsailj sliiil tsjlual ift
imps In return a inat vim
lif Mint rtiil. 1t tho hn
iv rl, ftl four hni. antl tin it
mnntrt all shall tiet .-rtif m ow n
rotnv. 1mm rrand tin hm t
iai'e ofraf in Mlngl'l' fMtrnlt,
ihifh hruii om I -irnta
ran nl M s...dPt HII. ft tat' hint
tarhm-nta. tnl wv' s)rit fr
iiia-ntti in iu wurid. vim
tM. No rsatiiial rvqutrrtl Pla n,
btnf tris'rai u m sjivii. 1 ln a whi. rii lo us at oti nn .
tiir lrf in b4 riii-nia hn in ih rl1. aotl H
Hn-at ni nfMorka of hft, ait vrr ah.iwn harth.r in sit'ni. a.
t If 1 r.tii II.. lion 111. m'mh, IttinM.
H ift m H-r!l1i ninwl inrof niiliKnnnl HtHN rl.nn
1 ftiT I had W n In-aUsI in vhIu with nld txt-a rtll il
Miis.lut nf Mrmirv aixl l'otuh. K. H. H. mt nly
en 10 1 thr UltMxt 'nlwn, lui t relii-vni Un- Kin iinm
liaui wiiii'U wan rmiNl dy n.ih-ihii iiiiin-rnlt.
4iKt. lUiUA.. 'Miu:H Aviiniv, N. V.
Nltif jr ram aim Hmful tiu'k! two of mv -til I
i1nii, a;ul thv wisr lially atnii'le-tl with the tltn
uhifli nnlhtNl ttf treat ini'iit of tny fatnl y hy ictait.
1 wis -rMiiaitit lo huh Hwtft's HiNTJlti lv -inKan
a it it ut of r irt In mv mtinly ni-r. l hi' iinpntw-jn-ri
wan anwrvnt fmni lh- nmt f w ('(-, an I In
hTt ft in my thllttri'ii wrt ninil. ami ar nl.U
psmiikI and well. JullN H I U.I A M H. I,f-a nton, a.
Kwirr'a Kmnno la rnilrrly a v. tHbU r-mn1y,
nil I-the-only inivKi'ln whti h 'Tiiiatn ntlv iMirnl
m'pi.fula. HIikmI Hiiinitm, i 'tmvr ami i 'ntitaii1itti
iilosul I'oitHtn. t-U-it.t fur lika vu UUh ami Hlm
Maca-M-si in Mi n frnv
TH K HWlrTHI'Ki IKIMX., Itraw-rx Atlanta, (la.
Time, I'aln, Trouble
aud will ( I'll K
Apply Balm Into each nostril.
llXY nitOK.. as WarrMi Ht.. N. V.
FREE Government LANDS.
MILLIONS) nf Al'lth H of ,-au-li in Miminta, NdrtB
Oahola. Molilalia, Malio, Wuxliluatnii ami Or ir"li.
CFlin CflB I'ulilliatlnlia Willi MapailixTllilnv Ilia
9CFIU run bxal AKrl.'iiltiiial i.ruinv suit Tim.
b. r l.aniU nowon li K, tll,.r Krm lice. Alira
CHAS. B. LAMBORN. I'-i'IlV.'"'.'.'"
NEVKK (3 J' MM, Nfver rnvtm orJMlta. Krcrv
iiH Vv iKd Hf' untuiua Wnu nli
LTi T-T.4 A -reat bral madf. Kol.l l,y
T J " 'r maiifiiiiiiiou vrra t'l.A II K
w lat'0., Mfra., U lt.vr hi. tieVae, I tl.
I haVtin iMMlUv runMu t..m 1,- I M a... .
5,T. iT; V J" wor ainu alia 01 luuv .uuiillnir
Imi Imiii curl. Bo uroi 1. my fain, Ui Iu am.a. y tul
1 will avnil tarn bullla, (it, lov.tliav wilb a
r. o. aiiaraaa. T. A. SUK'lV u. a. in M..rl Hi.. N V
tW Uat tk Uauulaa.
old XvaiTWhar.
A tT HTP fraot that SleOa month I
i j I a fft arlllnir our Nw liook
tlullllfl'. IIiiui.iiJ lasAnou.l.l k .4 i , 4
li . ''"rlcr.u. ii. IO.004''nrloalUeua' l.'itnvliiuUon or J. M.Vln, II. 11. IIIuk
tW4. 4. li.U.ZHXT,liiLlial.or,771Iirua4eaj',M.'.
P AT ' Boln ttd auk. tact Hotir. wormla; for a. ihaa
vaUl at axrtaina.Ua la ih. w.rl4 F.ilh.r 'l!t outai
i .- WW, isisa '"i .-r- --
To encourag the growtl. of half oa
bald spots, wash tho spots with warm
water and castile soap, rob dry with a
rough towel, snd Immediately rub in
the skin a mixture of one part of tine
tiire of Spanish fly and 40 parts of a1oo
hoi. Itepeat nieht sod morning for
three or four weeks.
A pa'r of rabbits can produce 2,000
000 rabbits in Australia in two years,
lames Watson, of Victoria, ssyt he has
found out a way to keep the rabbits
down and make mosey at it. He has
started a caonlog factory to pack then
for food.
20 Bth. Avo. Piltsburc.
Money in Chickens
If von knnw tnt in troHriv r.rr
fi Hi. tn I r-i.y it ni tn ta a
ti . un rnvui. ;. ! I ' Hi 'K
KivihK 0i r.fiiit- (I a ru'-tt-
i mi r nttry iiii-t r n i an anw
tciir, Itnt a n un ' ikiiif f r t -iii
iin-l 1 1 nt - (iMtitiaf n ( n ii f
.ft .nif It .ik1 " h.uv t
l'i tin t an I nrc I . t- l-V t
lr l-'a-m and nl-" (" I', ftnmv:
wlmli l ow ii tn have for 1r 'itit if
I nriMw m: nml t vilrn-r. inli i.
rnn nlmnUl tn"w . n th m'-v t ! m: v.- it j r.-t t-
s. nt i-xtiM'.i ro ;.. itooii 11 it.
M . i:il l.ronMid -tri i, i. uu
gterruirin A at h mil i urr m r.n.a aor:,.
urisfiij cffiif, "in tin wott rnwMliniiiirfif crrfurt I
t loftier ; rfl(Ttni"jrfaiwli"vi In' in n- fan. j I
1 riiiir,',iri'ir'i(jne( aa.fMi,;, J. i 'ilr, an ! L
aHt.NNotIrT(.-Tln'iinrhTni :l HiinH I ft a'
.TMr.irn. I nl M'llll'T'M V, H: I ""il. I ui I
6 Tao nnon rcnlca.
mm i tts, ri.
mtm lis f"v rUim I'. -i tm
Irvtf i, .Hr.i,. i, frprtwatl
ai.ntUn !l.. pf I,..m
insit of iisoHaWTan,
niM.II 4 1'1 ON. N. V.
Bpnrgenn Torry, of Brooklyn, N. T t
aRed 89, at one time pnactsor of f ,000,00t
accumulated in the patent mrdlrlno
btisinea, has been sent lo the alms.
rioiiM! at his own request, lip was for
marly a mom ber of Dr. Talmai;
church, and has two children living in
New Jetsey.
Miss Mamie favls, a tcliKrnih o ora
tor, has remained at hrr iost during th
entire scsson of the yeilow fevor epidem
ic at Jacksonville, Florida, and tlms af
forded communication from thst city
with the outsiiie world. During thi
time several oilier operators at that point
V -f 1
I rrl
r m i . - - mi
for cdwsijmption
l'i-o'- Cnii' i mir lirt liii i I i -
ini I lniM1 II t -r l i: 1 1 kliou . ,(:; nf
I'l'tH'th nil tlTii t. :i tn I n riiiuini ti I it.
1 I.M:ll
:i t. A!li ulirlix , I 'a.
wiinwviiiiaiv,, r ,,. Iti
I W'igrttJ Pr Day I'-m .,. n ...Mi,.
l.alal- au-worcl mM,.t,r ,. j 'f.,r .. , .
Ucntenmat rylanutaicturmtf Cu., Cincinnati, Ohio.
XT Wish n f-e frn tn
lli.iir rno.1 lie
lit tt- Unl. rf.
I ! IHkhM-
rfcrcts. BUYS A HORSE
j a, n.k if img '.! hint t ik i i: i ni
I taul Knar i 1 ' p. Iilsi. sl' In tin. , ,. n,i
hiai I'o ii"t run tin' rUU or li'.ni'.' v ur llo't' fm
avtint if kimwlp li;t to i-urr li'in, ivli. n w Ip;i
t'tr a 'lritia I tn y one ami inf rm ri'tir.''f.
Itniwiira for i.ll Mm' lir-i.'.. r:ritra r.m,tiiu
hnw m I i-ll tli .V;r of lliiri4. Se'il Ht;iit '.
so cents In lniia.
. v. iiiifi: iiimik o,
. I vnird st, N V. City.
ov.-mvi r,
ful Itii-i.
iii- Mi
11. tii i nut, tfi 'iiif or Iruii'iina i iii..r ini.tiiii
triiar.iil.,N. l. ri,,,,,,,,,, !(,., (,,f;!,. ! . V.
who hnvo iimi,, pi.,,
1'nrit f, tr rMii-Miitpiii.ti
rn It l HI M ' 1 1- , ,
Hol'l I'M'I j olii'i,.. JfM.,
'I his rm Tvpri'aeiit ""rw W.irrantoU fin
t ttcsl. Sat-
st.ictivn Guar-
nntciid '
(No. I) ,
It'lii-a KMInt uiiti tiinv
lliiiltiner, riHiiliiiii-'t wiih
ilfi:ini itirfol-i' haiitlie.sii'U
wit ii uiic yi-nr a i. n t.-r nt n il
I It A ni'-rii-llil It urn 1 1 It'tuu
for 1 . 1 1f poalpilHI.
i.ueit ' I i it-oii
at'mlinif iia to niit
s riiliiDato tho
JTI'I V . ln' tMnif. l!tilni-- I'nrnia
i.7i.i . . v : " '. ".i hi imiiii. ri...
PHIM HARIT ?sln!malr rtirart In 10 to M
rium nUSII lnta sii.i.,ihhii or II. in.
iltiiiiMiiii Iti iiiroiro., ,n Tn, rm-, IikI.
P.lail-'c 0!!l GreM EnnlishGoulanl
lildll S lllSs Rhnumatio Remsjy
Ovnl llus. llli nmnil. II IMIa.
f m al H Kainnlu . .m h . . ..
i l.i.wUT'ly l,. In liiilUirro., Hull), Mlr'i
lllllllipi- t llllH I 'Ilia it linr, aii nil.) n,.i
. ....... ... ... .., , , ,, in,.!,,,,!, -tun, nt , -t
PEERLESS DTES itittrj" j
aV-a.Jl aa . amlU aVaafsa ituitit Home ut KMvtniM-'ii, wi'iiitiir ronnnm.
A.tilrr.s all (inl. ri to lit K M, ll"MK '. i.imtLwi,
Uu Ul'tlllf. N- a tf('iflinl tltn i-l.'H r.
wlirn all i itci- ii'iiiMifx fil Our
lint Ihm) (t itiii'ti hikI ( tuition
llll'illi-rtt lull ill 111) ri(ll ri)'M sV
It'l'V aUlt'lil ir t'HI''t KKIIH' clfcct
it a U f iiviii utile I'll i liifc tf ilitmt.
N- Ullnltf up (ll-a-laTI ITHltl' (Mlor,
11.1.1 " Ht ' I I'll Ht'i 'K i i nt- full
imi t ii-ulisrn, tec hmii aphrat t(av
rfinur.ii s'Hr riTinmi pnnr
11 flfin 6in-'-? THE BSST iESSII
tmi3MBean S10.0CO in CaH t tp GiyFREE to Subscribers.
L loo
A qnat-f . rrlliw pnrfl hin hrn imf liito in' t l(iin'i qnnrf jnrn. and iTnlf. Tin
mfsthu , i t 'it- ui .iiii.ii u ii t mrisiif , .nil. I-- kirn iii; n ir.ilicr of k rm 1- it
riininiM'.. iiicjjr n.ii i. i i t it i in t n- . imi trier a f ru t".nc it no, it i-tniu ny
all1 aiiiMtt . .itjci. 1 1 i.f, ir. il ., nil i tli ctiii ut ton of th in roiiUM, I- th. I si,
1 llf ' . I It'll !l 'U iTt alClli S) ill tl CM H' U I Veil 111 thf I :') J nr.H.f UiKaHlltf tin
brt gut sttr v iu lit a; ituutut. ut karuvli ut tium l iti jar
M1TOf PffgfieWTS TO Wg r.WtH AWAY?
f Trracui la lit prraun syraalu the rnrrrct niimbcp of Lcrnvla) tOIO
1 ! ureal i lie sir mi uumbrr, Tf
" Ma Lin a tl.o mil bl guraa - . Mm
I " ' .... fifsO
rraatatlh6 priona aval lag (he kci! brat mmv, lino ,. MM)
1 ' I ' ' ' M f. O
" - - - trt " K no
60 j u - s.
i mo i m M . r; la
( Sou M.60" ftoil
aoo " Mo - ai ihio
.boo - " s.uuo ; i m i'tbit
4,380 Prsnt. Amountlnr to
f0 ainiTtLlllC a Nogtirap tn t irrolva'1 anrl rciMrtl rtraftt from a rcrn v,n. tvonira a '!
bUnUIIIUita ! .nUrnilH St.W Volik !.IA.A.INfr. .un i.liVlllV 4.MN roraait
iiiuiitlia' trial uiacriittiu. lite ' criitm la Ui iiarii .ut.'iiiM.i .rn-r, an) ta in nu a'ii a t
incut fur Km- trm-KM, but for tha niarartn, hirh m tx-hi-i' M j an inti-iratinif that yoti will I ' m if a
Veritiauriit ri-ndfl Tti ar alU be up Had i and sVrrnrla ttf rum rimiitrl anil I'rrarrila ardr1
:ilU I A It V late 1NHW. Hlioulil flu . i-uli y iiaa llic . mrt rl nuinlM l l Wcrnt-la I he jar vuiituiOa, Hit una
iriifNHinir ncuifat will I" " 'h intKrnl if fl,(u. inniM Imh ur inci ti ii L'ti.a' iir ti-tiiui nunilMt-
th. ii I II K 0K Wlioai. I. K mm lh I- IKK HI i I IUI W IIX I 111; UJihl I'l.KhK.NT
Or 1 OOO, ailll Ulsj buk l Will ItV l-fitltllU lo lilt) Mi'uUU. anu luuD.
TH M IIR DllCTD -Tth(ifh(n1ctrrlof..rm rhiM amorir trir frtrnila. w will amrl Bi mh
I U VLUD nHIOLllsJe npiiona for $ ' , twrRc for a.., tsein i -n r fm Id ; lift f.r too. Lib
uiiri'riiitioii ta imi rrotii ni' l itli I tie Hiii'aa in I'lnui iitfurca ci(ait. i he i aim nml fiilrlrvsa at'iti.
Tli a titter in niailo fr tl) nf nr ( f nitn'i imiii uhtl n nkiny know h iic f the nu-t KiKt1nr DllMI
ratlonaoi i ,Ua T K M li(k MAIA.IN ir-ici itti il,r.,Mui-i lit. ratuic ut Uirilay i
ami rMttlatlia artirlra of alu rtntl liiti-it fioni IJ. iim.kI nNi auflifia Ilia fturiv llhintrat-!, of tiiuli
miu-iil t-Hic. nml thr itrtmricUii st aro l-rrmli)(l and iiri"a i. aiiml n l.rari uni nl nu'itiv m. r't. ,
1 1 1 n iiNi fts) Ainci ican liiiMifsi A to nur rchain iiy c rci. r tojnliti V 1 'lull 1 t i o , A(ti rtin:ii' Am nu i-d
rarla Hnw, N. i.,Jia, II Stlbicll Alo, I'lMitilK ami lltlmirrKlhi-rn. ' lilt strrrt. N. Y. . Iti'Ta tt Co.
Jlankci-M, Itru IVarlNti-ct. l:t"n. ir anv (inimri. ini uttin'v ttinMnrhotu thr I intfd htnica. '
Muticy imiy ttoauit ljr l' I iiuie , inim y i(l-r ur piiimi r ii it tier. hfumpH m umounta Iota than ft 00. :
Aildn-im: WAfiHiSGTOy & 4 Ott i'tthtither, O Murray St.f Ari York,
ml I MM UdaWB an M
"Jf W 'iav0 Ior i"':-! arraiigemoiits
lip supply tlio
TiTinm t r twt Tin iTart
rublislicd, at tli( roiiiiirkaltly
low price of
Only SLOG, Postpaid.
This Book contains 624 Finely Printed Pages of Clear Type on
Excellent Paper, and is Handsomely yet Serviceably Bound iu Clotb.
It gives English words with tho German equivalents and pronunciation,
and German words with English definitions." If you know a German woid
and desire to know its meaning in English, you look in one part of tba
Book ; whilo if the English word is known and you want to translate it
into German, you look into another part of the Book,
j" It is invaluable to Germans who are not thorough familiar with
English, or to Americana who wish to learn German. Consider how easily
Jyou can master German with tho aid of this Dictionary if a half hour
Jper day is devoted to study, how much bonefit can bo derivod from
ever regret it.
BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 134 Leonard Ctrcet, Now York.