THE ELECTION. End of a Most Vigorous Contest for Politi cal Supremacy. TARDY RETURNS FROM STATES. CLOSE Tim nKPtllMCAXS CLAIMF.t) TIIK VICTOUY I'HOM Till: I I KMT. The Democrats O'om-cilc Their Defeat. b ill PENNSYLVANIA. Henjamix nAnnnoN, rnr.sitiEST elect. Item crntie. The I'.liM'lorul Vote. Thin in tin) probable v to in tint Electoral College, inrrocii-U in accordance itb tlio Int. t returns: lb-publican. California CllTT,ld Illinois Iowa Iiidi in Kan Mai i m Mas-sichusett Mulligan Minm-sot Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New York lhki i liegon Pennsylvania Rhode Isliiml Vi'im nt Wt Virginia Wisconsin 8 Alabama in ft Arkansas 7 21 Connecticut 0 1:1 Delaware 3 15 Florid 4 V Georgia J "J ti Kfiit ui'k y i:l It 1llliHlllllIt H i:l Maryland M 7 Miisippi II f Missiiuii 10 ; N.irtli Carolina 11 4 N-w Jors-y l JiO South Curulinn tl 2-1 'IVllMCSHlM 12 :t Texas i:i 30 Virginia ti 4 4 102 0 u Nxw Y'ohk, Novcmtier 8. Chairman Ilrici-, of the Democratic National Executive Committee, comedos tho election of General Harrison. Captain McClollnnd, Chairman of the Cam. piign Committo", win tho ouly member at the National headquarters thin morning, ami lie ma' In the authoritative iiiinoiineeimnt of Chairman Br leu's concession of Republican victory. The U'orltt. in aa extra t3 day, put Cal ifornia aid Ind.u ia In tin Ropuhliciu col umn an I give Harrison 233 votes iiitheElc tornl Coil -go. In r-'irnrtl to tho Congrcsionnl situation thooxtiu H'urlil says: "I t Congress, ns well s the Piesi -ncy isl? As the licl itv 1 re turns from the i'mgre-simd di-trietH i-owo in the c iiiipli'xion of tin next House grows inure im l in iiu ilou' till'. This is tint most imp i t mt ni.d intcrctiug of tli ipi,li : is of the campaign Jet mi-l-ei 11. "Itisu piihi'ity that tlio 11 -public ins tuny Irive eo:ilr il of thu 1'ifty-Ilrst Congress. Tho I'emoi-iat.c miijoriiy of cightoti is dwindling u-vny. N.-v-ruI estimates iiinl-i by lcmrnts in thin city bring tho niiigiu iluvvii to two votes. 'id 'if? LtVI V. MOHTON, VH E I-IIKMDK.NT EI.KCT. Tin' Ki' uMiP'iiis nro c!nimini; tint full r tiinm will rivu th"in tli H'Hiv. Thii is ini jin l a'.h', l.u' a itistim t i .sMhility. Tin-re Iiiik l.o. n wiIiih Niirjiri-ini; H-'puhlicun KHins. 1 ni'iciuttc St. Iiuis h is i-li-cteil three Iln- uhlicau ('oiijjrpswiicn Tho R'puhlioang make, np aipntly, well lusisl eluims to three guins iii Mii hin in, but tin l)eiii(xT3tH havo Kaiiiiil in Virginia. 'Now York' J.'li'K ition in U'lehaiigpi! a to jwrtirs. 'J Iid fix't f tho situation is lint there are enough ilistrieU yet uncrtuiu to turn the Hoti-a nrijority either way." Thu Eeeninij Hun mtyi "Latest diH ialchi'H imlieutu furthi rllKpulilicau uiin in close Cont;ieKioiial dii-trii ts in il.ffi-n-ut pur'n tit the country. The UemocinU el ct hut one CoiKreiiniin in Iowa. Another H pullio in it KHintd in North Curolina. The next House of HupreMHitutiveB will be in all probability Republican by a majority of five to ten. The Herald, Sun and World ttKree that the majority in Connas in vory uncertain, either way. The Herald figure out a ma jority of two for the Democrat, (163 U 161; wi very complete returns. Thefartuy that the report from 813 out of Congrnulonal district, give 165 Democrat and 144 Itepublicam, lavlug li lttrict iu doubt, with gool chanoei of con tinued Democratio control of the house of Jtepiesen'ativei. The New York Timt$ figures a Democratic majority of three, while the l'hilud"lpliU fime$ (IadrMudunt) exactly revei-se thes? Mwtltuate, giving thrc to the Itepublicuu Itctnrn Show Gain of One Repot llcan Mctiibi-r ot Congrc. An Aaociatl rrera dlnpitch tiys return from every county in the 8Ut show a plu rality for Harrison of 73,141, a Democratic sain of 5.S74 h comtarel with the rote for rreslilent in 1HS4. One Kpublican Co.igro M man gnineL Tbe corrected list of rennsylvania'i delega ilon In the Fifty-flint Conjrreiw follow! 1, II. II. Bingham, It; 2, Chnrlot O'Neill, R 3, H. J. IUmlall, D; 4. W. I). Kelley, It; li, A, C. Harmer, It;, 8. Dtrllngton, It; 7, R, Mj Yardlny, It; 8, Wm. Mutchler, D; 0, D. B Ilrunner, D; 10, M. Drmlim. It; II, J. A. Hcranton, It; l'., K. H. tWiorn, It; 13, J. II. Ilcilly, D; 14, J. W. Iti;e, II; 13, M. U. tVrlght, it; 10, II, C. McCormlirt, It; 17, C. II. Iluck a'ow, D; 1, I E. Atklimon, It; lit, Ivl Maish, D;2), El. Hcull, It; 21, H. A. Craig, It; 23, John Dilwll, It; 23, T. M. lliyno, It; 24, J. V. It.y. It; 23, C. C. Townsenil, lt;2, W. C. Culberta ni, it; 27, L. V. Watson, II; 29, James Kerr, I. TUB HTATK 8F.J(ATR. State Hcnators wero cliooen in all tho oM tiuml.erefl ilistric's of l'oiinsylvnuin, with the following result t 1. (1. II. Smith, It; 3, C. J. I. Devlin, D;.1, J. E. Iteyburn, It; 7, J. C. Or.nly, It; !, T. V. oop T, It; 11, II. I). (Ireen, I); 13, A. A. My. tin, II; 13, A. K. Tlinn;in, II; 17, J. V. S. iobln, It; lit, A. D. II irlim, It; 21, U. 11. HiliPH, 1); 2-t, J. K. Newell, It; 23, II. II. l'aik.r, H; 27, S. 1). Il,ite, It; Kit. Keefor, It; .'II, J. M.W'oel, It; 'M, W. V. liamson, Il;.T, ,1. Iunoii, It; 117, II. K. Slofin, D;::;. K. K llibbins, U; 41, J. H. Showalter, It; 43, J. t'ppennni, K; 43; S. S. Ktiwl, It; 47, T. S. Melmnl, It; 4'., l. 1J. He Crpnry, 11. The lt"piiblicfiim lose thro- di-trict and giln three, no tint tho division or pilitieul 'reiu;th in tin S-i at ' will r mam ill" mi ) as at present llepnlilicaii mnj irity of l OHIO. Cliairman Ciippelli-r, of the Itrpublieiut State Comiiiittip, has Ux-n piignged hIi iiMiIj in couip ling return from county cli linn -n, and estimates, with n c nisi li-rahle de gree of ac-iirucy, th it Hurrison's p'urulity will he 20,22 .'. The D. ie Coniinitten clnlin.H that it hus n t Irani from moro tlnn half tho cnutitiiii, a il on theso rstimnl tlmt tho plurality of Hurr soii will not lo more than l."i,oiM. It is doiilitful if thu plu rality of II irrison will full b 1 nv Is.ini ). The ilelegntiou in Congress Iroin I Mini will t:inl 10 Itepulilic ius an 1 0 U. in icrats, as followit : liutlerworth, It., F.rst district; John A. Caldwell, It., Sec m l; E. S. Williums, It., Third; M. M. lloothiinn, It., Sixth; II. I,. Mnrcy, 11., S .veiith; 1!. 1. Kennedy, 11., Eighth; V. C.CHiN-r, K., Ninth; All wt C. Thompson, It., Eleventh; J. J. Pug-l-y, It., Twolrth;C. 1'. Wickham, It., Koiii teenth; C. II. Grosvenor, It., Fifteenth. J. 1). Taylor, It., Seventeenth; Win. Mclvinley, Jr., It., Eighteenth; E. U. Taylor, 1U, Niueteunth; M, Ij. Kmysor, It., Twentieth; I C. Iiurton, It., Twenty-first; H. K. Yo.ler, 1)., Fourth; Oeorgo E. Surey, D., Fifth; W. 8, Hay huh, D. , Tenth; J. II. Outwaite, D., Thirteenth; J. W. Owen, D , Sixteenth. llllnoli. Tho Chicigo Tribune my General Hnrri. Kin h iRciirriid theStnteof lllinoihy at least ",0o0 mnj irity, a id it inty h. more, whili) IVivut'- Fifi-r has n chosen (iovernor by a ni 'Jority not fur from l",i xt. In Cook coiri. ty tho vote on Ciovrrnor is close, mid it is not prolnhle the ni'jirity i-ithcr way when floured out n ,11 bo large. TU i returns from the Stub', outside the c unity show Re pnblicn'1 gains, nnil '"(, ou tho average, will te:i l to romi- "tltt Iho kiia fcuTorolin Cook cuuu'y. Mlnnckoin. The St. I'iiiiI (Huh? anii'iunce that on r turns from Minnesot i Eugnne Wilson is elect ed Governor, uml on that on the return-from the s imo towns Ilinris. .n aid Morton will carry the State by about 12,0 10. On the ( ' hi-gri-ssional tickets tho ilefeut of E linu nl Rice, Drill' icrat, is c nice led, and tin) election of 'Ihniiiis Wilson, DemiM-r.ii, claim d. The Second, Third uul Filth il.htiicU uro in iloubt. Mlclilnn. Michigan has goi.o Rcptibllcin I y a plu rality ranging from l:i,0 K) to l",0i 0, on thu elo. tornl ticket. I.ucc, ltep., for Governor runs liehind th't res-, o! t io ticket, but not ni'Te tha'i 3,01.0. He lost in tin largo citiis but gained in the country, where ho did not liavn to encounter the oppjitiou of tho lupior men. MasMifliuscl tx. R"turm from nil but t-n towns in this Suto clvo Harrison Isn.U'iS; Cleveland, 130,224; Fink, 83,213. For Governor Ames, 17S.24-; Russell, 131,171 ; Kurle, t,o.VJ. Re publicun plurality, 27,77. Tlio Senate will probably Maud 'XI R pirilieaiis and 7 Duiu trubi, a tain ol 3 Republicuus. Nebraska Harris' n carried thU State by fully th asual mnj irity un l tl.o wh 1j Republican ticket goes through with him. Themajorit; will exewd 22,000. Tho Kopublicans cIhiiii the SUto by 2t,000 to 30,000; the Democrat ooiioo !e 1B.000 to 2 1,000. MtSMOurl. The Democratic Stulo Committee, his com. plete and incomplete, returns from about 60 of tho 114 counties in this StaUi which in lis rate that Cleveland w ill have a plurality of U0.000 iu thj State. Ithodo Uluiid. A closo computation of thi vote of the State 'i as follows; Harrison, 21,U08; Cleve. laud, 17.4J0; Fisk. 1,210. Kcntutky, Keutucky has gaiuol one Democratlo Con gressman. CloveUui's imjjrity is about the aiue as lo laL Ten neti re. TliU State goes Democratlo by the nominal mujority, so fur as can he learned by the meagre rot urns received. Vermont This stite elect Harrison electors and the whole Republican tickot, by the uiul major ity, over 1W,0o0. Oregon. Twenty-three precincts give Harrison 8,077, CWvelaud 1.07S. Oor;la. Indications ara that Cleveland's tmjjrlty In Ooorgia will be at lesst 25,000. A solid Democratic congrfsslonal delegation 1 elect ed by from 8,000 to S.OJO majority. Maine. Report from all over the Stat Indicate between 23,000 and 24,000 plurality for liar rlson a gain of 4,000 over IHH. Maryland. This State gives Cleveland about th usual Democratlo majority of 11,000. Arkansas. Cleveland carrie Arkansas by a good ma jority. IW:li.TEI ItKTURNS. Itcporta mill Comln In From llrmote Hcctlon. Thrce-fonrths of the returns of Oregon are In, and show a ten per cent, larger vote than in June, ar.d almut ten per cent, inrreaso la tl.o lb publicun tnijority, which will be about P.OOO. Allen, Rep., is elected to Congress by alxu' 5,000 innjorlty iu Washington Terrl tory.a R pu'illcnn gain of 7,000 slno 1886. The Territory legislature will be Republican in loth brnnelies. Returns have ln-en received from every c tmty iu Knnsns. An estimati by Chair. tiinn It'ioth, fnm the rejiort received, give Hnirison T0,0)l plurnllty over Cleveland, and (13,000 over the entire Democratic Btnte tlek't. The legislature 1 almost solidly Repulilican, Sixty-one n u itl'-s In Iowa, complete, give Harrison a net gnln of 10,5S3, or m plurality to far of 20,000, The remaining thirty-eight counties will probably raise hut plurality to 34,000. The California R' publican Btat Commit b e rlaiui tho State by from ton to twelve thousand. The Democratic State Commlttoe conceile tho Suito to tho Republicans by a fin ill majority. Do Angek county gives Harrison 4,300 majority. lie- latest figures indicate the election of four Republican Congressmen. Three of the Congressional ilis ri' trt are very close; The Congiesslonnl del.gntion will stand s fol lows: F.rst dis'tlct, J. J. Delia von, Rep.) S 'c md, Marion Riggs, Dem. ; Third, Joseph McKenna, Rep.; Fourth, Wnt W Morrowj R. p. ; Fifth, T. J. Cluuio, Dem. ; Hlxthk Win. Vandever, Rep. It is pretty definitely s -tiled that General Harrison's plurality in Indiana will be ab)ut 2,5.0. The reports received by the Associated Press mid tho Westorn Union Telegraph Ci mpany show 2,V,(, but it Is probable mini slight changes w ill occur when the official returns a,s canvassed by the boards are com pleted by the Secretary of State. The ofllclul figures on the State will probably not be known for several days, as only three eouu. ties bovo been received by the Secretory of State, Neither of the State Com mittees are rtcMvlng return any longer; end their knowledge a to the result is there, fore I nsed entirely on the press report. The Democrats couee le, however, that the Re. publican plurality will be about 2,300-. The entire R. publican State ticket Is electo l, from Governor down to Reporter of tho Supreme Court. It was generally sup pose I that Gen. Hovey vote would 'Jl ev eral thoustud short of Gun. Harrison's, but very full returns, thus far In, show that the vote of tho Republican State ticket kept very cIom) to tho Presidential vote; in fact, there is scarcely 300 votes difference, thus far 1b twocn Gen. Harrison uml Gen. HoveySi pluriilitio'i The most careful estimate made ij ve Clevi land, Virginia, by from 2,300 to 4.00.1. 1 rowne. 11 p., defeats Kendall in the Fust district, by 207 majority, In N i'tli Carolina tho Democrat elected Congr.fsi mil caudMiitoa except in tho Fiftli mid Ninth, mid probnoly iu the Second, is still in doubt. Returns from nil 1 ut seventy five precincts in Nevada give Harrison 'i,134; Cleveland, 4,4'!:;; Fihk H. For Cougresa Uurtine, IU ,-;'.; Cussidy.D., 4,740. l lill'TIO.N NOIliS, Tho inilieations are tl at H irrhon's plural ty iu Ohio will not vary more tha'iM (( ithei way from 20,000, but it will tuko tho cfllcial count to llei'i lo. It w ill tako the i llleial count to dicido the votn of West Virginia. Tlio ollli inl returns of Indiana nro not yet complete on Congressmen, but tho returns (ire Kiilliciei.tly full to show the election of ten Democratic Congressmen out of thirteo r. rrett ii.-the First arid lirookshiro in the Eighth hud u plurality of alsiut tlfty each, l'o-cy and Johiihtou both say tliut th y will couttst tho he its. Governor Hill's plurality iu th ) stale of New Y'ork, according to the nou-olllci il re turns, is 17,710. Mr. II iri isou's plurality iu tho state is 12,77. So Mr. Hill conios out 30,320 nheud of Mr. Cleveland. Tho Democrats of St. Ixiuis lost three mem bers of Congi'iss, wero U-ntoii on tho general ticket 5,000 Ut 11,000 votes, and Francis, for Governor, hud his mujority in tho state run down to an uncomfortable figure. Colonel Coogan, who run as tho labor can didato for mayor of New Y'ork, confesses that he sM-nt moro than 100,000 iu the can vass. As he t n'y receive I fc.d.V.I votes, they cost him at thu ruin of $12.40 each. In Connecticut tlievoto for governor stood: Morris, Dem., 74,041; Mulkeley, Rep., 73,420; Camp, l'ro., 4,130. It will bo swu that tho pliiruuty for Morris is 1,514. Governor Hill, although elected in Now Y'ork by 10,00) majority, runs some 37,0)0 votes in tho Stute behind Cleveland and (i'J.OOO behind Harrison. The latter leads Miller 70,000 or K0.000 votes. General Harrison's Cabinet will have eight heads of Deiurtmnnt, Congress having pro. vido 1 for tho Department of Agriculture, tbe Secretary of which will be a member of the Cabinet. Chairman Quuy and W. W. Dudley have been conferring with General Mahone, who claims that tbe R.publicans have carried both Virginia and West Virginia, and have elected moro Congressmen in bis State than they get credit for. The offl ilal returns make Cleveland's ma jority In Georgia 60,000. Official returns from every county In the state of Pennsylvania, show a plurality for Harrison of 70,770. Ulalne's plurality in im, wot 81,019. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. GLEANED FROM ALL SOURCES, The Main Facts Related Without Un necessary Word. Morrison Ronshaw, the manager of Oeorge Gutlemin's campaign In the Tenth Congres. slonal district, of Missouri, and Charles Di Drockm in, a alocn-keeper hive gone craay in consequence of the election excitement, Jules L"c a miner, and his be'pT, a bnf whiee name does not appur on the com jsnny's Looks wore crushed to death by a fal' of slate In thi Willow Orove mine of the Jumlio Coal Company, near McDonalJ, Pa., on the Panhandle Railroad They were work tng in a drift when the crash came and the were burled under tons ot slate, M m Anu Dickinson ha brought suit against the Republican National Commit. tee to recover f 1,250 which she claims to be due h -r for campaign services In Imllana, saying the agreement was that she should hive (5,( 00 in the etent of the election of Harrison, Mrs, Reotf, near Dresden, Ont, whose hus I and habitu illy came hom Intoxicated and whipK-d her, Wednesday night beat him to death whilo ho lay helplessly drunlb She was Insane, and no wond. IS The Salgotirji coalmine In Hungary Is floodnl with wnteri Twenty miners were drowned, Seventy thousand followers of the Mahdi nttacko I the town of Wn lnl, west of Durfoon The garrison repulsed tho assiilauts and kill id 3,1 (0, but tho Mn'.dists re-attackel ami rnptuted the town, The Sultan of Wadal 0'd todhliL Mrs. Daniel Welch, of Akrn, tlhio, Ins Biiliel for a divorce from her husband. Welch is missing and it u cm no.e.1 l,n l dead. Tho Pittsburgh it Western express killed Columbus Swanzer, n Veteran from tho Mil-wauk-e Soldiers' Home, at Akron, Ohio. Tho northern jmrt of Lycoming rounty, Pn., was visited by a tornado recently, wliieh resulted in tho desti uction of from eight to ton thousand dollars' woi lh of property. Charles Robinson, colored, and Henry Smith, a white boy, wiro tally injured in th Sorrel Hill Mines, at McD.)i:ald, Pa. Robinson w ill probably di'-. Dr. Lcamlor Firestone, of Woostor, O., one of the best know n physicians in Ohio, died at his homo Saturday, from tho effects of a troko of paralysis on Tuosd ly night. Two young mn. giving tin names of J is. Horner, lieavcr Kills, Pa., and Ismc Diving, s'onp, Canton, ()., are in J.itl at Massillon, O., for attompting to rob William Hoffman, a Mtloonkeejs r of that placo. Tho largo b rn on the Gitmore farm, ad Joining Uniontown, w.s t tally destroyed by lire Saturday morning, together with nil contents, Including 4ij torn, of hsy nud furm- Ing implements. It is Mipposed to kavo been incendiary tiriirin. E Iwnrd MoCue, his wife, Miry, Patrick Morriasey a id Owo i Rurns, all of South Buthleliom, Pa., havo boon committed to jail for a hearing by United States Commissioner Xlrk patrick, ou a churgo of perpetrating fraud on the ponslon ilewirtinont. Four miners nnmo 1 Joseph Muse, William King, Peter Lord, nud a German whoso naiiio could not l o learned, witj severely burned by nu explosion o' tiro damp in tho mill' s of W, II. Drown's Sons, near H iston, on the Y'ough iogheny river, Siturdiy. Flooils in Indiana, owing to tho rec nt heavy rains havo rnus-d iniiclid image, limns doting low-lying lands and sweeping away tliousimls of huidiels of corn. Chicago Anarchists wante 1 toccl brito t'io linngiiig of Spii-s, Parsons & Co., ou Satur day night by giving a number of bulls, I ut Iho police notified thu owm rs of halls that if the b ills wero given their lie -uses would 1)3 revoked, conspieiitly much angry talk is In dulged In. Tho Supremo Court of the United States has over ruled the decision of the lower court in the Hell Tdeplinuo case of Massachusetts, un 1 rendered a decision ngaiust tho com pany. The anniversary of the innugiirntlnn of the first President of tho United Stales, Georjio Washington, in New Y'ork City, April 20, 17!, will be colobrated with be coming ceremonies. Till'; Di;i;i or a fikxd. IlnMurders a Wealthy Hanker ami II In Wile. Peter Howe, n rich banker of Wennia, north of Hloonilngt hi, 111., an i his wife wero found n ni id -rod. They had just moved into n now residence and it is supposed that tho murderer thought there was consi Urulilo money iu tho house, Tho villain used a coupling pin, Isiiting both of his victims to death with it. Thu room presented a fhnckiug sight, tho bodies of both Mr. Howe and his wifo lieing terribly bruisod and Kiuniled uhout tho heads. The murdero!- did liotrealizi much beyond a fow trinkets, Mr. I low o has nt times I pen known tilmvo t-ou-liderablo money iu his house, but there was none tin-re at tho timo of the murder. Mr. ilowe litis resided at Weno a for years and was widely known. The firm nnmo ot the bank was formerly llowe, J lodges St Kalson, but of lute it had bce'i Howe & S in. Charles Durkhart, a disroluto follow, wu suspecto I of rummitting tho crimn, and a watch was placed on tho rooms over a gro cory, whero ho residtsl with his wife. He iliscovoio I the sentinels end, going to his bedrouui, cut his throat with a razor and di xl within a fow minutes. It Is stated tint thi cause of the doed was petty spite. Iliirkhart would have beon lynched had he not committed suicide. Tho New Governor. The following Govornort were elected in tba various Statu which voted for St ite offi cers! Colorado, J. A. Cooper; Connecticut, L, B. Morris; Florida, F. P. Fleming; Illinois, J. W. Fifer; India, C C. Mstson; Kansas, I, W. Humphrey; Massachusetts, O. Ames; Michigan, Cyrus O. Luoe; Minnesota, E. Wilson; Missouri, D. R. Francis; Kobraika, J. M. Thayer; New Hampshire, D. H. Goodell; New York, David B. Hill; North Carollns, D. G. Fowle; South Caro lina, J. P. Richardson; Tennessee, R. L. Taylor; Texa, L. B Ross; West Virginia, N. B. Goff; Wisoonslu, W. D. Hoard. THE KANSAS DISASTER. Horrible Scene Around the Bnrnlng Mine. The Agony of Relative. Further particular show th mlnlnj dis aster at Pittsburg, Kinsns, to le still more terribly fatal than et first suppe!. As soon after tbe explosion a possible tl.i :.-) house was got to work in onlor to save as many livn possible, and the rescuing pan ties started upon their ghastly work. It was Very difficult to get at the dea l and W mndod, owing to the d imaged condition of the bot tom of the shaft. Up to 0 p, m., Sunday, 00 bodies had been recovered, and it was still I e llcved 50 others were In the mine. The greatest difflcul-y prevails In the work of identification as not only are most of the victim Italian and French, but were total stranger in the local ity, having been put to work within a woek or so. Tho scone around the pit mouth was never paralleled in the State of Kansas. Some 8,000 women, attracto 1 to the spot by the explo sion, crowded and Jostle I one another for prl ority In examining tho mutilated remains which were slowly coming up. All morning from Saturday midnight a regular hurricane prevailed, and as the winds swept the hyster ical wailing of tho widowed women across the wild scene, the effect was ln nrt-rondlng In the extreme. Large fires built around tho pit added to the wierd asjiect of tho scene, and as theunfortunato women crept closer to the blazing piles of coal for warmth tho fan tastic light of the leaping flumes, blown wild ly almut by tho storm, had the ffeet of mak ing the women app -ar and disappear like su jsTiiaturnl visitants from another world rather than poor creatures bereft of homo, husband and children. Kcmoof the men who went Into the pit to rescuo the living and bring up th dead, fainbsl at the horrible sights presented. 1 he holies were ranged in rows in the oven air, where tho rnin and tho snow lat pitilessly upon tho upturiie I faces. S' ineof tho bodies wero horribly mangle I, ono trunk being taken up devoid of head, legs or arms, and every Isono In tho shnie'ess, pulpy msts crushed. Men were at work all day Satur day, digging graves in the little cemetery of tho place, getting re idy for tho funerals, and the work of recovering tho bodies is still be ing pushed. Additional particulars ot tho nppalling mitio disaster nt Frontonae, on Frlduy eve ning, are nboiit ns follows: Out of a total of 104, who ilocciided hit) the mine, only 14 have I con taken out nlivn, tho greater part of thorn Udug so t a lly burned tuey cannot livo. Thirty-six bodies were found on tho north and west sides whero the work of rescue had to le stopo I until other psrt of tho mine could lie strengthened, so it could bo explored for tlio remaining vic tims. It will pro" nbly lie three or four days the bodies can bo recovered, and many being burned beyond lecognition, a fu 1 list of tho names will never bo learned. Tho fol lowing is u list of tho e who are supposed to be still in tho mine: J. Groittz;er, Joseph Krols, Louis Sozie, Frank Zellick, Peter Knell , Fred. Y'oi kalian, James Quick, Charles F.sher, Win. Sh ifl arel, Win. Tunlees, Tho, Jones, II 'i inan Smith, Ant n Dieter, J soph Romicnls, John D. Ibbey, E I. Mole, A. Rat. ber, M. Zulk, W. Jennings, L Romicii, J. W. Crockton, II. F. Hu-ris, EJ. Longuka und P. E. Bent. HOItltOll UPON HOIIKOII. A Woman (iocs Mailitt'llin Doss ol Her IIh-IiiiikI in tin- Ml no IHsiih ter ami Hums llcrscli'uiul Four I'll i Id i-i-ii lo Death. Mario Bertlmno, wife of nun of tho vic'lun of the mino ilis ister ut Froutonae, ivatitns, et lire to herself uml hm- live children, nni) nil but the elib-st daughter wero burned tc death Among the bodies r covered from th fatal shaft was that of I.ouis ii rthutio und when his wife reogui. il his fa'ul remains, a shriek was heard and tho grief Strieker woman hid swooned. When she reovored shn refus'd to speak or notion uny ono and it was evident thu-. her reason had gone As she showed nod;sp isition to violence, but little attent o a waipiidli'ir, mil all dny long she sat ut her door, regar lless of th cios of her 11 vo chili Ire i, tho youngst u bah , live months old. I.itn Sunday evening she ap parently uroused from hor stupor, mid to ik her child-en to the improvise 1 morgue, whore lay the body of her and t ho In 1 1 aeli child up to tho gis'ly corps-, ami still sdo it, hd them away to Ii t littlo hut. Al Kin t midnight the itcrthinio cabin burst hit) ft imes. The villa;;'- was (irons -d nil I gathere 1 t) tho rescii ). Tho elites', child, n girl of nine years, sili con l d in osc ip:ug froir tho flro which devour-'d th rest of tho fam ily and shn told tho awful story. Sho said that her moth a-unit each of tho childro:i to bod with a kiss nnd then sat down near th ) stove. The girl could not sleep and lay watch ing her mother, who alter sitting for some timo, took tho cm of coil oil and p mred it over herself and tho l)J clothes of tho cliildDii. Sho then set fircto some piper ami scnttero I it ah nit tho room, and soon tho whole p icq win in flumes. The daughter struggle I a short timo with her mother in an endeavor to get away, but tho burning oil on her mother's clothes caused such an intonso he it Unit sho soon ro luxe i her grasp. Thu girl fiiully maaaged to get out of the door, wh'-rosho fell exhaust ed und frightfully burned. Tlio cabin burned like tinder, and soon nothing wus loft but tho glowing ciuImts, from wii cli wero rako l tlio churred bodies of thu iusuiio mother and her four children. A FATAL HIOT. Ballot Fly in All Directions One Hwcrio Killed und Other Hurt. Rovier, Mo., reports a riot at the coal mines at that plum Saturday night. A strike hal been prevailing there for some months, and there htve boon frequent rows butwoon the strikers and tb now man. A short time ago a number of Swede wore engaged to take the p ace of the strikers, and Saturday the bad feeing resulted in a pitched battle. C. J. Anderson, a Swe le, was shot through the breast ai d killed, and threo others, Swede, were lightly woundeiL It is ru mored that one striker was killel, but this i not confirmed. Over one bundled shots were fired during the riot and a number of house were pierced by stray bullets. The fcituatioa is critical, and the military will probably b oalltd out. Thomas Waniell, owner of the mine, was shot and killed by a mob of strik er about six week ago. AXWOKTHYVI CONFEssJ He Bays He Loaned t Money and Could Not Get ItjJ jne mow onuauonal (levelopniw Axworthy rase since the first aiiiim, of the defalcation and flight of thu . - nt i i . . . . . , . - omciui was me punilcailon ot a W), frvtm SllA f,lrrltlA l..n. Tll . a letter rrom Axworthy, Octo r 3 , mediately afterward left for which city th letter wa dated, (. secure a personal Interview with th Treasurer. He returned homo I ist8i; . having f alio I In his obj.-ct H ),in,l . the letter, which I date I Moiitr; Ler2S. Tn I li. Ill f n. IwAriti. .I.Im . - . suggestion or certain promineat of Clove'and he ha I loauci sum of th city's inn persons roslllng In the 0j He received the interest on theso l,... lorly, but when he attempted t cc. princfal, about Ootob r 1, he w,M ; they could not pay; that they eoind n,, paid any timo after four month fr date of his loan. Axworthy saynh,, I . I - 1 . I . 1. 1 tr wi i uvvintiiiii linn. XlOAIIjtj. parties were worth millions. H.p,t thnt nothing but flight wss left for h ,. soys ho does not write in thoh nmof tt p ty, I nt in order that tho Mayor nrn tho exact state ot affiirs. H e-Mj. turning over nil hlsprop-rty, wiia-h . mates to lie worth 40)0,000, toth-cti says ne nas w riiicn ins w i;o to surr a. claims to it. Tho letter gave no clew t) tlio pavn got tho money, or to tho person v, jJt him to louu it A FICJIIT M'lTII Ol'TI.A? Ilorso Thieves Make n Hlg ; llnnchca in Kansas. The pniplo of Norton county, on e, diiiu Territory IIiip, nro very inueli ,. over the ntlacks of a gang of hi: fnm No Man's Laud. Twelve il..r ha hsl by tho notorious outlnw, ;.::, enmo up from tho Territory roiviitlt purKmo of driving off nil tho hoisi southern pirt of thi county. Tlor niencid with Captnin Miilon's Ii.tI teen thorough-breds. Tho hors-s u leased from tho stal les, and slurteili; rec' Ion of tho Territory. Tho remainder of the gang tliom every ranch in the county, an I t' ; Ion of every horse of any vnlue. VU. renche I tho farm of James L. II r and his two sonsshowed fight, nad .:t guns mad) it very wnrm for the Djiy Tho dcsj-erniloos wero tcx much fir however, and captured them ami 1; to a fence, whero they were found fin later by friends. Tho thieves seeur-l bend of linrses, and started for theOt. country. They had gone but a slur taiio, when they wero overtaken I n of Norton county farmers. A 'I fight ensued, during which George H. of tho thieves, was fatally wonmlcl nnd his crowd wero compelled to take but managed to got away with ti head of horses. IVrlflicd in tlio Flumes. Frederick Knorr, his wifo nnd elevn old diuightor, Anna, K-rish liutinir: dwelling nt Vernon Centre, N. Y. s ntti nip's to ei.ter tho house nnd n inmnti'S wero fut ile. The chnrie I nr the three wero found in tin cellar, tl. being nearly burned off. The villagv odeipiutc protection against lire. NEWSY GLEANINGS, Tiik King of tho Notherlan Is i- r jK-eted to live. Tin: only railrou l iu China is daily . with pus-engers. Hi n il Houses of tin Kngli-h l r: will discuss tho Sackvillo ciso. ltltiniKl.VN's po,ir,alion isestinritri health department to bo K03,h.Vt. Tits: hide dialers of tho .nrti. agitating tlio formation of a ti u-l. TllKCuthnlics of Australia und Ini-ire-selite. the l'opo Willi $1,0 Hi.mi I. It turns out afte;- all that Father S the inventor of oliijnik, is not ic.iL Tun corn crop nt Cumpton. N. K vicinity is the greatest failure s n 1- Tin; honey season has not ben s 1 ful ono in either tho l uited Stittescri It is said that the Ilrltish Gov nnii givo Lord Sackvillo tho ui.ssioii lo . burg. Tiik women of America expai l '. annually for paint und ponder Ut faces. This country purchased half of tli' made in l.imoot lust year tur I framn. Indianapolis claims that hers first I'niou railroad depot. ltwa- in 152. A M'.vkhs: drought has nearly natod tho rabbits iu some parts if .N'i nies. Tiik Spanish Governmniit his Invi ing fortilicatioiis ulong tin hue ' I'yroniH's. Tiik Foiitalnobleait fornst was lire! rendiurie at livo dilfereut points u duuingo was 2'si,0 -0. RchsIa gets nearly 3(i0.0(M,O'lO jur rottou from foreign outlines, esvn .' l in tea ouiu' una r.gypt. Km i o is importing six tiini-s t -wheat from itussiii and twice us inn'' India as at this timu last year. Tiik whole court at lierlin is nmr rompi sod of new woplo. The fi leii l- lute Kuis-ror have ilisuppeurcil. A HKTIHKI) Geruian ollicer, rnavii't' spy by the French authorities at Nku.-' lencisl to live yeurV iiiiprionm eit. In Washington, N. H., apples nw (no trees lor iweniy-nve cents a w" cidor apples for two cents a hu-uol. Toronto modlcal student lioe'"1 threw stones at a nrofi s nr. who l'- revolver and shot one of them in tlmW TnK suit brought by General M agaiusc mm (irunt tor work uoiie distimruishisl husliand'a niHiiioirs bu sottled on tbe payment to the f" f 10,000. Georok incurable M in UJiigview Asylum, Cincinnati, v tiefin n wunlHil & twnitioii nt .l! a moot- back pay amounting to 1 12,000. HH roiauve. The bod v of John Oroshart. a rso'1 has been fminri in mn IuiIhImI miot in t- County, Wy., with a bullet hole iob'1 it is the iirtn mysterious muruer countv in as many mnntlia. The budget for the Dutch Fa..H Lam a .l..ll..i. a. . .JllA IUUI I'll. I 'A ,llvn, UDIIUV Ul riivWill1!!', AM ' , Minister proposes to im reasj by 1 the native liisruse tax fur the i ulti'1 co tree and to apnoiut a royal coiiini""' inquire as to mean lur uuvulnpiiig v IfMlllSfa-V.