The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 08, 1888, Image 5

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,lc At tli flutftirp on the label of
" Tlw.u fliriirow toll VOII
i is lAII. Within 8 week after
' vt tent, nee if ' changed,
ntlier receipt in neceBwvrr.
ten for tli Ptr-
i Catholic CJnrch
and Puhlic
ihn Stuart Mill once Hil : "The
lihlcHt lnuniin creature in not in-
Lihlo oftnkimj Home part in tlm
(lo which i continually going on
jweeii the powern of tfootl ami
WO 01 evil; r tmti 10 in ti in it ,t ,
Li tlieHiimUcst. help to the ritfht
him it h value in promoting the
Jy nlow ami almost insensible
Ltchs by which Rood in gradually
Biintf grouiKl from evil.
fter retnlinif the above extract
a thinking that every one either
tr HhouM bo intrusted in tne
Htion of the uniting of Church
? State, of denominational itilhi-
1.1... ....1.....1 . 1,!-
'l OVtT pwouu m iuh'ii , in ih-i
erniined to submit to the rentiers
ihe Post one instance of the ril-
bcinc of the Catholic Church to-
tds lessening that gap which eX
betweeil liberty illnl oppression.
ft'e believe if the subject of "Cat It-
Church anil Public Schools"
i - i ii t e
tv properly nroujrni oeiore our
I ile the.v wouM feel more anxiety
In they do at present for the safety
join of our most cherished iust ittl-
t has ever been our boast, and
Iv it long continue to be, that in
i land guarded by the "stars and
I. l ri . 1
ripen every man can worsiup uii
his conscience dictates to him.
Ye have been accustomed to
v to the world a system of pub-
scIiooIh untramiiieled by tle-
iiiiinatioiuil iullueiice.
'ause. See if over our entire
kintrv our system of schools is
from evil influence '.' And if
hi intlnence does exist it must be
duty of every true American to
his share toward its removal.
)ue instance! will sulhce to show
jut harmful agencies are at work
(using injury to our school system.
pit are referred to ISostou. The
ue there must not be niisuiider-
pi id. It must not be considered
a mere local question between
It holies and Protestant s, but a
estion whether the Church in sti-
piiie or the Mate, a question
ether our schools are to be luain-
ned free from the influence of our
igious sect or not. A short time
in the city of Iloston, a dignitary
the Catholic Church acting, in his
clesiast ical capacity, demanded the
iking from the list of books for use
the schools of Boston "Swinton's
Jeneral History" for the reason that
'gave an explanation of the sale of in
iilgences. The school Committee
iruck the above named book from
i list and substituted Anderson's
here the History of the lieforma
Itm is but slightly noticed under
hi) reign of Charles V. A teacher
His also removed at the request of
lie same Catholic Ullicial.
J Certainly the verdict of all ac
laiuted with the potts must be
at the board of directors have
ijl'rved in the interests of ignorance
fid sectarianism, lint this truth
followed i 'iitlioirimn lum ninth it-
Iff 'It..
Kxaiuine the power back of this
ithnlic Dignitary and see if the
aehings he follows can be produe-
ve of good. The Catholic Clergy.
lie Catholic World look for advice
Bid council to the Pope of Koine.
nd this is the advice he gives and
f liich has been too truly followed
It Koston. In his encyclical he says :
Public Schools open to all cliil-
Iren for the education of the young,
mould be under the control of the
loinish Church, and should not bo
Vibjeet to the civil power, nor made
k conform to the opinions of the age.
The Romish Church has a right to
hterfero iu the discipline of public
IcIiooIh and in tho arrangement of
pie studies of public schools, and in
llie choice of teachers for these
Auy person reading over the above
lords and well knowing that they
(ill reach every Catholic in tho land
iud will be instructed to every Catli-
Elic pupil, cannot help but see a
rowing danger to our school sys
em. Can we wonder that the rro-
uulgation of Huch doctrine has niado
tsclf felt in the cities of Boston and
As the "Fathers of our Kepublic"
guarded and guided their infant
liargo, they took caro to have no
awg respecting an establishment of
religion. It seems now is tho time
So declare to a Catholic world that iu
us country tho Stato is supreme.
Let tho Koman Pontiff have prop
ter authority over those who are en
deavoring to support his tottering
Tower, but let America tell him,onco
ilOF fill. IIA IllIU Ttf ASt-t4lAl irt tklllili.i
Lafayette onceoaidt "If the lib
erties of the Americaa people nre
ever destroyed, they will fall by the
hand of the Koman Clergy."
AVe all ndmit that there are hon
est, sincere and loyal Catholics.
Among thoso who in the dark days
of our Kepublic went forth to win a
Nation's battles, aro to bo found
many Catholics the bravest among
the brave. It is not such that we
fear; but it is tli3 C.itholic Clergy.
It is that priest who tells his pupils
to despise the freedom of the press
and of speech, who would prevent
the history of tho world to brighten,
even though slightly, tho dark page
of Catholic supremacy, who endeav
ors to inculcate in all thoso about
him a hatred for American institu
tions. That one is the person to be
feared, that one is the person who
has caused all the trouble at Boston
and at Pittsburgh.
Selinsgaove, Pa. H. O.
Hr. Timet, the celebrated Specialist,
lias yet to receive acase of special dis
ease, nervous ami kidney disease, or
blood poison that I did not promptly
arrest in Its proven and permanently
cure' We Would advise nil r tillering to
roiiciilr the Doctor, personally or by
letter, bis knowledge and power of
lieuling is most marvelous. Olllce fclS
North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, l'a
7-1 M-ly.
is Goons
You must have a new dress for fusl
mid winter, and a host ol storekeeper
wuut to sell it to Von. So do t, tint
you mutt decide who the lucky man
shall lie. Kilt whoever sells it to you
should do these three tliinirs: (iive
you the heht style, lient quality iimliit
the lowest price. Now, having pre-
1 tared myself to do these three things,
want to call, halt, to the multitudes
of ladies in Snyder and adjoiuingcouti.
ties, who have lieen for years passing
over the counters of old eredit stores
their money for, too often, poor style,
poor quality and high rie d drexses.
And iu response to my unaieliiiig or
ders "Forward toChMslnutt's,'' I want
you one and all to jump on the trian,
wagon, liuggy, or on you r own uitir
les, an I view yourself my umiuuioth
stoek of stylish serviceable, and nil at
a low price, dress goods. If you per
chance stray into the wrong place,
don't think for a moment of buying
until you see my goods and learn my
prices. Plain and variegated henriet.
tits, cashmeres, cloths and trieots.
Broadcloths are the raging fashion.
Also plaids, st ripes. and checks for
full or combination hiii'Is. .lust n
new trimmings in abundance, lie. el
n few of my many bargains lil.tek
dress depai'tnient. $1 .10 silk face hen
rietta, U yd. wide, ll.Vts ; 41 inch.
UOcts. ; SO cts. for Hi : (10 ets. for fill ; .Ml
ets. fur 45. Hlaek silk, wort li sjd.vM f r
11. ','0 ; Hi) i t. el.iths for 7ll cts. ; 55 et.
forlS cts. ; 5(1 ets. for Vi, Il'.i and Klcts.,
all wool, yard w ide. All wool clot lis,
','5 ets. I loulile coril cashmeres, I'.'J
ets. Half-wool. 10 els: lottoli dress
goods, ltest H cts. tilue and hlaek
calico, (lets. ; colored, 5 cts. 10 cent
century cloth, warm a wool, and al
most yard wide, ! cts 10 et. ginghams
S et-., M et. for II, I2ct. for 10. "J5 cent
bustles for 15 ets Kxtl'elnel y big bus
ties are out of style, our modest one
never. Try it. (iood :.'' cent ernpet
for 1'.' ets. Iloinesiuade rag, '.5.
dents' all-wool red shirt-, 50 ets.
Pon't pay !5 cts. or more. Ladies' red
wool, llJ ets. a piree. lilankets, H!l,
!5 imij ,'HI a pair. Ilaps. 115' iu mid
ijd.00; 75i; Jersey Huckle Jackets tor
4!le; 1 Jerseys 74e; ifi 5(1 heavy Jersey
t outs for ifl.US; 75c Kid Cloves, silii
embroidered back for 50c.
Uiy lleiueinbcr, these bargains
wont last always, though I have a
mammoth stock. Ak anyone for
( hestnutt's one price eash store and
you will tun 1 inc. lake no other.
1st store on Market St. fromS I! U
I.ewistowii, Pa.
The Old Doctors
Drew Mood, modern doctors cleunso It j
henno the increased deuiuud fur Altera
tives. It is now well known tliut most
diseaxes are due, not to over-abuudance,
but to impurity, of the Blood ; and it
is equally well attested that no blood
mciliciiio is so ftllcacious as Ayur's
" One of my children bad a large sorn
brink out tin the leg. We applied
simple remedies, for a while, thinking
the sore would shortly heul. ltut it grew
worse. Wo sought medical advice, and
were told that an alterative medicine
was necessary. Ayer's, Buraupurilla
above all others, we used it with mar
velous results. Tho sore healed and
health and strength rapidly returned."
J. J. Armstrong, Weimar, Texas.
" I And Ayer's Barsanurllla to be an
admiruble remedy for the cure of blood
diseases. I prescribe it, and it does the
work every tnuo." K. h. Valet, M, I).,
Manliuttua, Kuiisos.
. " We have sold Ayer'i Sarsaparill
here for over thirty years and always
recommend it when asked to name tho
best blood-puritier." W. T. McLean,
Druggist, Augusta, Ohio.
" Ayer's medicines continue to be the
standard remedies in spite, of all com
petition." T. W. Kichmoiid, Bear
Luke, Mich.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats,
fries 1; six bottles, $i. Worlli & bottle.
i ------
IT !
We have now in stock a. fine line
Ladies' tFaeUiri
for fall wear of different, qualities
ana prices. We also have a special
line of Ladies four butto n
- r"
Tot.lioxe who have not hee(n our invitation to look overonr line of YKK
('(ATS & Sl'ITS we xt. if n'i.hi. It ic to your ow n Intite-t to avail
yourself of II . You w ill !. r,- ni l in a having of dollars n ud ei iit on prices
you have to pay in ! h.-r ( 'I it him; Houses for (lie came elan of jjocal
U 111 U iiAU
U1U1 ii Ul i Ull Oi u
And every t-l.e of jioeket hook. If yoii are noinieall v iindim l we can till
your want with a (.'anneiit that In lioth reliahle and uiodet in j i r i . If you
are a heaelier for the howy and novel, we ean introduce to you it magnifi
cent ptrineiit as yon ever hail the pleasuri to tieholil. We rannot pay
your railroad i'tir a our prolit in too email on our pmds, hut
We Will Give You Prices
that disc tint all deceptive railroad hail and allow you a iii 'e little bal
ance in v our pocket lavi. hi., no risn wii.i, r.n r. at a naki:i i i k
Come and see our Stoek of
Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods,
II. its. Caps, l'ur-eoliai and Caps, N KCK-W I'.A I!, Trunks, Sil.lnl-. Yaliscs
&c, and you will search no further.
11. OI'I'KNIIKI.MKK, IVopr. Ap nt
One of flie Largest in the Slate !
Best Goods ! Finest Goods !
Mil rooms are lull andorrrioirinrt.
Chamber Suits from $1 upwards j l'arlor Suits lioth I'lusli and Hair
Cloth from :;u upwards. K iteheii I'uriiil lire iu I'.ndless Yariety. (ioos
Delivered FKKK OF CI I A l! 1 1', to any Point on the I'eunsvlvani.i Itiihoitd .
ihiii i mm !
Having llni.-lieil my course iu I'.mhiiluiin, I am prepared to preserve
corpses for any length of time, ami am provided with all the 1 . 1 1 -1 improve
ments hi this line. No extra charges to distant patronage.
Cornr f Valley and Third Street, l.invistowu, la.
I i.3
embroidered backs fas)ionable col
ors and fine quality at. ? 5 cents a
pair. All other goods a t,
Call and take advaniaere of low
prices in Summer trood mid see the
fine display of fall and winter goods
Scatter wide I lie klio wlede t ha t a new line o 1...1 v car uiieiiallii
fore has just arrived. The stock is .nlnruinl 1.1 that the pu-h aiei
pull of lilliie'ss only permits us time to men t jon a -1 eeiail ies as follow
For Men.
Water-proof haml-made 1 101 its.
Double. S.i,. alid Tip halid lliade boots.
I.i'lit K ip, haml -made boots iii Dress Stvh
I res Shi ie at ..Ml.
"1. I lalnl-uiaile l t-ii-.' shoes for Dres.
For Ladies
Solar Tii s,,,
I lalnl-m.iile calf shoes iu I hit 1 .111- a nd I lee.
I laud made eil shoes.
I.adie Dre- shoes of all sly le, be-l Inialiti I , -l.:;iiup.
For Boys.
I. Hand made boots.
''. All styles and of shoes both liutlon 111 I .
Elegant Line Of Rubber Goods.
Don't think because the prices arc so much lo - 111:111 at other lioii-e
that (he solids is inferior. Wear will tell and w Minn at nil times 1
stake one reputation on what we recommend.
N'. I. (i A K.MAN
Arnold's I'.uil.liiii.'. Middh biir-h I'a.
Ii Will Finil Tin T
1 1, is llir tlacf ulicrc llit-v .ill y.i In,
W. H. Felix, Lewislown, P
For a line li in if 4-li:i :nnl-
In tin' tinitti 1' of tin' J'j'ntiite uf Sitm
in I JIiiii r, tutit uf Ur titm hunt
iip, Mniili'r romiti, J'it., dee'tl.
T11 Siiliht Meyer mul eleven elillilren, vl
Zii.'Iniriii Meysr mis ul the ! 1 1 1 1 . n . th til Centre
luwn.-liiii, Sii.v iter county, l'u. ,11ml l.uvlmt Aluy
ur, wliu Ih Inieruiitrrleil with (ten. I. Kline tin
other I'l'ililuniT nl Ailiinix tnwnhli, Snyiler
rnunty, I's., VVimhlnKlnii Mnyor, Three itivern,
St. .luu eiiuuty, Uleliltfitu, lluvld Rloyer of llry
Vslley X Knitilii. I'lilnii ciiiinly, Jcnne Miy
or nt I'Miiklhi tim'tishlp, Snyiler county, I's.,1
Koaweil Aloyerol Mhiiiiei rei K low iimi 1 1, snyiler
Ol pllMli's t'ollll Sale of
Ily virtue nf 1111 nnh r tssiieil mil of Hie I irpliiilis'
1 01 it nt snMli r eniiniy . I'.i.. ln' umh rlk'neil inl-
iiilnlstriilni's ut tin' csiuu nf Id .irick. hue
if Mirliaf ton iisliin, siiMti-r ouni . i'.i.. ilee'il.
IU CXHise to iuli(c Kile nil the ri lulses nil
Saturday, Nov. I", 1ms.
The following vulimlile Iteal ISIate to w II ;
'I'ltAtT Ml. 1. Ilellik'iill lli;ilri rliillilnesMlu(.'e
ir tract nf Inhil stlllute nlie-fuiirlll llllle West lit
iIiiiiimIiiii if fi ml j.l n llu' it ll'Irl-S : Inl li lu.riln.M
enmity, l'u., Jcrciuwli Moyor nl A.lumi town- illir,. r ,iinil. il Nmili li pulille Innil
kIiiii, Snyiler einmty, fa., .Imknuii Mover ol
l.liiii'fluni' tn ii.-lni. Union county, l'u , .lauict
Aloyer ol llenver towDnlilp, Nnydrr eounlT. I'..
Nuruli Mover Interuiiirrluil with Wllllmu Louk ut
Heaver townnhlp, Snyiler roiinty, l' Allen
Alnye r ul Centre lownnlilp. Snyder county, l'u.
1011 lire nereuy nomivii 11ml ny virtue 01 a
if Henry 1 jet, unit 'I'ltAtT Mi. -I. Sniuh liy limit
I Met'llntle, Kiisl liy I.. It. Il illn -i Paul Hen-
for itml Aurnii llelfrleli, unit West liy Mrs. .1. (1.
KHllKler 11111I Hiuitliel Slilery. This trai l Is nil
Uliiler a IllKli Ntute of ciiltlviitlnli except InKalmul
Hi Acres, which Is wmHllanil.
Tlt.vT N. Sttiintc III township, county
writ of lll.iulf.muu Inaueil out of the Ornrmnii' unit SLnle uforesnlil ennlallilliur III At HKS 1001
Court ol Snyiler eoiiniy, nnil to 1110 tllreelml that or less. Iioiimleil North liv l.tiiils of Henry Oct,
nil lliipie-t Mill he helil on tlio preiulnei In anil Mlehuel l'plv, S111II1 la trai l No. 1. Kensl
Centre townchlii, Snyder eon lit y," I'a., uo Sat iliv IiiIiiIhoI Henry lel ami Vcl hv .1. '. Kltlnf
unlay Nov. ti, s, at lu o'clock A. inkke h-r anil .Michael l.enly. Till-, trai t Is nil Kootl
partition or valuation ol the Ileal KMate ol inttil.wiHNl-lulul, prlnelpalu' youux he-liiilt.
deeeaiieil. When mid where you limy utteml tl Salt! to cotuiueiiee till orl.xk p.m. when
yuu think proper. lenns will lie iiuide know 11 liv
Ithl'IlKN IIMEKSE. Sheriff. S. A. W k'Y'.h.l..
, SAMI'KI. l(K.ltl II.
I Oct . vs. 'ks. Administrators.
m s n
Cantion Notice
Notice Is hereliy (flveli that we have purelias
il ut 1.,. unit. I lio f. .II.iwIiil arl leleu of lion
For 11 Superior jrrade of shelf antl hea-'iel scui. lieds.n Tallies, n itureaus, 2 chests
1 tuiu nuiuii, 1 niauii. mi iimi in 1 111 in-i, 1
IKiklmf tilasM'S, 1 Clocks, 3 stoves, 1 Sink, 1
Klour tiiest, 8 Kocklui; Chairs, S iloen Clialrs.
I Corner ciiplHianl. I Settee, 1 luitik'e. 1 Wood
iChest. g 1'lk's, 1 Crosscut Saw. I orulililnu: 11'"'.
il Hulkv. 1 W'heel-liurrow. That the same lie
jlollRs In ItetllM li Dieese A' T. K. It' ll, from this
date unci not to Daniel Scut.
It i:i IIKN ilti:iK,
vy Hardware it is always bust to
Ko tooltl and reliable Houses
who have a reputation
to sustain. (Such U
Iron. Nails, Steel.
Leather, I'aints, Oil, Conch
anil Satidier N are,
tk t. 2.1, 'ss.
T. H. I: KIT..
Stoves and Tinware.
Hupturo euro Kuaruiitncil by Dr. J
Manufacturer of U. Mayer, til Arch St., l'hil'a l'a.
Kaso at once, no operation or huis
ness delay. Thousands cured- 8,for
circular, tf.
Stylish Furiiitire!
Not only once but every day in the year do we
oiler bargains that can't lie etptaleo .,, iiefe.
If you want to bei..i,' d conic ami look.
We Practice-Othei sPreach
about bij bar trains and lead voti to
beli"ve their false assserlious, am.
even bait you with a t- n in!. ets at
cost, but i nil is always the sain ,
And You come back, not richer, but wiser,
I take this method of informing the people o! Mci II -burli jtml vicitiit
that I have opened a new Clothing Store in Sch i.'ii Cootus, oppositi; i
tiold'a building, Middlt'burjfh, l'a., and cordially ivo - iltetu to call and
my stock of
Cloii, Hats, Caps, Nalis, Etc.
1 have also a limited Btock of DltV (iool)St 1.1 I i-h to tlispose of and
will bell the entire lot at
At Auction Pricetj.
I am Hiiro you will looso nothing and may sa J ileal by i-iiin
my Htore, and I hereby extend to you my most 1 " Ii. I invitation, and re.
main, Yours iu waiting,
Schuoh'H Rooms, oppoHite Arnold'n Uuiltline;, V i.t.ti i.miIi.