MAIIS PLUNDERED. AUDACIOUS KoimKUY AT 1JUF- Hundred of Itiilt I Loiter Scatter ed About Ihf Streets I'oHtoRlOo Kinptoyc Suspected. Ail cut nslvo fiml Isild mnil roblry wni pr-riMrated during Thurs by night, by which nimt of the arriving ninila in Ilulfal , N. Y., frum all points, were plundered, and pupcrs, documents ami money extracted. When the employes of Fulton Market ar il vol in Mm morning to outi the establish ment thry found strewn about the strict in the vicinity of the mnrkct, a large quantity of that h id I en op nod ami robld. They c . Hooted tho torn letters, which half ftlied a market I aik.t. An iniiiiniiti'm revenlo 1 tho furt that tho robU-ry hnl been ten-ml in rhnractur, mi l covered letters from Canada, Pennsylvania! New Voik Mute. New Orlinna, li.wton and ninny jHiinu, west, north ami south. There weto in tho basket clucks, ilrnftx, mer cantile orders, ami the usual iiiisivllniioous matter wh en goes to mako up a I us,nos4 mul. Among other tiling were Iuisitui Iit trry tii-k'-ti. Tl oio was a check found in which its nmoutit, tlll'.t.'.ti, nlm o rcninm il intact ; I '.ink ill .tfts; a letter tiotitym,; th-' on-t-li'.iii' of a draft for th drift Ising Ini-.-i ig; mi I ii ii rn-r m- loiters of th" fin-li un cf i nli. Am iu' thr torn mi'l "ilil pipis win nl-o foim 1 a Nov Yoi k iluift for f ,'I.V:!, drawn on tho Smith I! ink f IV i i v, in favor of Chi is. Kliink, of fal . It wait torn that tl.o signature w.-n lii'lliiij;u!i il.l . A ch'-ek for J i I ii ! from the National I; mk of I.iwi i iim county, Pa., in favor of J it-oh 1) l i, of I'.uiTilo, was torn th it th i a i.i' of th- i.i- r was il 'stroyel. Many of t!.i- loiter w.-ro m- rcli-l, show in,; thut th-- thieves Iri.l trie I to Imu ii them, but ro frutr it- 1 by tin- rain storm. The tin- v.i hud i vi'l nily di-r-g ir !c I everything I ut eish, th- rln i ki u i l drafts wore thrown a-i h- nlt.-r l. ing mii'ilnt. J. Tin- po-toill.-o an: 1 1 - i i'.-s nre ino-i ig iting the imitt-r, bat lio ml' nil i ti hi i' hi be out urn il from th-m u i t. It s cms i vi l-'iil thut tin- rob In-iy wu N-ri-trat il by oi: or more pirsjiis cuimcd id Willi llli po-t. 111,-e. feix rv-i V VICTIMS. Deaths hy tin Mini linn Disaster Placing tin' Ithiino l.ny Hurl' C'oiik'o Sioiy. Tl.e lotnl inim'. i-r i fil'.'iiln by tlioilnl l'.un ilisi-ii r i) far is j7 boli-s having Uuii I n tuht to Wilki-sb irre. .l'.i., on the train, one afii-rnvil fouii-1 n-ro s the riv- r from thciM.i-110 of t:i" wreck an. I four of tho iiijun il Irivinilii il in il-.-'hosjutal. Theiur giKin at tho lioMiiit-il t-xjiect't at Ii ait nix mvt ut the injur' 1 to il.o. Ai'iibli-III n-ral of thoil'-.'iil t'Kk pine nt I'iaant Villi-y Situnlny. On one htri-ul tlaro vi ro nine ih a I lio.Ii-s . .. Kuiiieor Koote, of tho tr.iin v.-rtcIT' nn in to U,t4'.jirUi; i .y' tha: ho ili I not "o a-iy daiiKiT signals. Alumni ng he mw tho train ahi-iul l.v i ut on tiio air br iki-4, but tho 'CMi'l enitio.-r nitliiiij him ii 1 not oh. y ord-rs, ai.d k-l up a full hi-idof st-iim. This htory in ii'it bi-li-v.-l, mil tho c-iierul iniri wi"n is t :nt l"o .to w;w asU-ii. lliuin-s-r dole of th- t r tin uh !:i r in Int ) tho wr i ki'l t:a,n, in nl j a slat in -nl, tha LU i-iii'io v in o ly tin l.-lp -r t j tho other c-niti-, ru-i by T -in M ij t; tint h s: artel from l t-im Mav-n t n imimte-i b -hiii'l tho jiri c-l "iu tr.iin, ral'-ul itin t it-n-!i M-il l'.uii in ', I miiiiit"-; tli itho run i i:- Mu l Mini (.tatioii al 1 mil-s an l.oii--, h ivm,; fchowi'd up lit t!i- rurve, nn- ! 1 1 1 1 t i iil-Mru-tiom-; mi'V ho iiu il- i.r f! i.-s mi I hi-.tnl no i'i s b iiiiicilf d im.t, nl U -ii - Ii he kej-t a sl:ii: p looko n: uu'il itliui l -i f- t fr nn the Ht.ition. Th-n l.e-awa wliit-siu ii U inj Bivmu o;i the tat;':i atf .r i', r-v. i -u 1 tho fiijifi". iit.'iyo'l ut his o,t in til tli ii,'ino 9t i''l in th- r ck. Th-n h- y. ,1 th - lire from uii'l r tliel-oil'-rs anil r in ii ell ir, work at it until driven fr' m ti e niiu.. by tho fam, Hi i: jure I his a-iklo ami In ik in Jui.ijii : nvi'.' fi Kin- '1 r nl. lli c. w of Mi' h i-I It irrett, whiM two tfnis wi-ie k 1!"1 in the r-ek, is u j .rtii-n -bir'y s.i'1 o i. Two ino'ith-lU'i m n of his fuois was killi -1 in it mill-; tw xmo's later nnoTh.-r hii w is nii'id -I. tally kiDel in ilie r.iilr' a I ; s i' rtly n't-r that hi- i! ili-l, a .'l th- two K.ns v. h ' I"-t th -ir hve, on We im s ly niiit were th- lu t f h;s family. TWKMtY LIVKA LOST. Trillion JlN .V TKAIV 1'ickp if.-kiMH Taki) 1'oss 'sslou ami Assault uml Itoli l'a. seniors. A'"U'. 'i I pii:!;p iots "work .-l" tUoerowl at tho I a:'io 'L iu m-tr.i'io:! ill d ivi 'ii a:.d ts.Mii 1 wb'-a: IV"' . Tli" 'X''iiri ni trui:) j.i th- iii'-.m a' i, U'abis.i a; Mi hnir al was cr iw l-l w.ti .-"il" riluiiiin fr in Ii nil--1. It 'vii tho la-: ti i.av.i ti oll'll, ail in', i tios tiuin al tho C.-o.-.i ii '1 Aft-r it lul f tii ly k ar'j l fey b ,:iu th-ir wore nn i inni;uf,i-t- -1 u r-.n o.' t.-rrr. Tl.o Iron w.n Ix 'uu lrithti: -' ii'-'i by a tonsil gro.-ly iimuit in a V , l i' I i ll . 11. -r e'rt li'te niptud to il-f 1 1 l-r ai 1 .! nl y tl.i li.u ;hs, li i j in in ! bis I. a I thro ili t window a nl r i' w I him ' f bis". Tlien a raid wi- in i I- ii 'Ii- pi -' ii.'-i i, oho ot whom, it is r-ir-"l. w-.. h el, b th - d" p'i'i'1 sm. K'V r.i' ii "ts w'-r..' t'.r" I, la I. svi'mml mil f in.'- 1. - ii I lo Hi) I a h '1 from o .- i i-h to an in ti.e.r i lfjiU Vt !;;-)) on. of tho loi'.'U of the r i'.!k. - CKWII STAND IH;V1II THAI. Over 1'in.ple Injured at a I'ulillo Mil ling in uim j, III. At ('jii.'y, I.!iii''l, t .o flro works (-rand tH ut I, (.on'jui'iii 4,VJ irK'i'l", .-llp--1. Tii W-lf$ a tornlo); oil", Mini ll'IH'i the ' roih yf thi liin'wi i, t'ni w.rmvki of w mi tri and chil!ri ma 1 1 a horriblod n rdof kntf irinx- Th V0';l of th a herill will li'. U known an th Mm' b in ' Tr4dn lispl iy. Th i tiui'-r 1'ij'ir.jl wi far at k-t tin will i-iod Yn, and i'y of th-ni will dm. Tut Kraid t-i I bid tii -r""itfl t a-'-iin nn bit-i )l p oj.lo wli'i w-r to l'.iiv th d ;ili of f:rof, 'I hi b mW Imirit of A'.exur drM," l.y J'anio fi. H'i, of .NVw Vork. Th i-iipMlh': it ri'T'bl w.'.li i i fp'i, and jf'.'.-b y n i I iWnn m i .iv ii I of ,'', M Lf- I'l'A' '( ' vn 1 uifi.i tu uuiti. A French l'luMnn Hclioncr Out la Two hy tlioHtnantf-r Qnovn. The National Line tteam-r Qiionn, which arrived at Naw York from England, collided with th fl-hini; noho inor.Mt lehne and twen ty porscna wre dm wne I. The cjllisioti oo currrnl at 2:"i0a. in., Friday la, ilarinj a fM tt tho buiks of Newfoundland. Th Qn vn struck the Mada'ina amid ihlpn, ctit t nj hnr In two and linking hor (mine liatoly. The cnp'jiin, first and a -con I tnttea and Rtnward of tlio fldiin vh wi-r, were rencu-i 1 after thoy h id beni in the water nearly an hour, but tho rt of tho crew, mimtterlng twenty, were lout. In tho collision the Queen lost h r bowsprit a-i 1 foremait. The Miid-'litie was a Fi-onch fishing m-h jonnr, Thernptainof the Made lim w in wn on boird the Qno'ii, no m aftr nhi was dockoL lie Miid that hi Vessel a tilo 1 from Uranvitle eltht montlis no, They bid a Tory Rood fl hiiig ai'Ason nlong the banks of New Foim linn I nn I tho niht I ofom the collision had weighed anchor nn 1 et iil for Havre, They 'xps;!e l to arrive there in two m intha, n few minute Im.'oro four oVUx-k on the morning of lust Tu-s lay, tho Madeline was; head evt northeast, mil was nailing with a liyht brei ro nt tho rate of threj or four miles an hour, the w.-nth-r won very tozxy and th.-y eou'd only aeo n Khnrt dii-t nuts iih'M'l. ''Th- first I knew nhout the Htelllller b'itlg lirnr WIIS K.H'illg tier llf.-llt.f, the c iptniii l ontinu "I, "the Quirn a eni'sl to b-pooling uji nt full op o I. The next mo ment cone tl e rra-li. I I n I no timo to give a single oiis clioii. 'i'ho a eamdups iron bow 'i nek the M I'leline on the ft urbnird aid ', ilir-etly nmi l.his, tin I i-ut h-r dini-tly in two. l'efor w. colli. 1 lift a hand t ) get tin bo ils the ves-el ba I .sunk. The next thing I ki.ew I was a'riiggling in tho water. Two b nits were lowered from the (ju-eu an I I was taken uboard. Twenty-olio of tho cre v "-n-h'il. 'i ll -y were nsle -p in tiieir I u ks nt. the time. Th "so o i dkii lone were si ved. If w is imp .tsib'n for tho Madelino to have avoi :e 1 th-' c 'lli-iou us thesleaiii'-r was gobig at gp-it p 'Mi- p is- -ng irs on t'l" Q i.'i-ii felt the shock, nn I many ru-he 1 on d ck. Th to whs ijnitM a paiii- nl llrst but the v-llh ers rens-uri d th ) lias ners by telling th-m that tho ft. am r hiidonly droiM 1 her anchor. n.i Tin: axi: sii vitii:M:i. A Very ';ni Net ltd tig Woven AiiiiiiiiI Vim U.i h r. S on-new mi l s 'i's r ioiinl ti -t iim nv wis t ll-ite 1 bv tin iri e ii' ion in the Van II iker trial nt Wellsl my, V. V.i., during the ex iimiii it ion of Mrs. M ii y Sturi on, of llolli- ilnys t 'ove, a lii. i I Mr-. McWIin. This w itmss Mi.d Unit lui ing a t wo d iy' visit at Ihe MeWIri li- u-e u i i'oiiei .sntiou iiiis'd l tw. en linker a d bis wiiemi'l tiiolher iii-law, exis pt that when li e witn -ss li ft to go luimo !.ik-r nee liiieii.ii' i her to the depot. lie ha Inn nx wuh linn, mid his wife v.skelhim in a Ii iliie i. .I m inner w lint ho was going to do x ',.; mei he iii.s.ven' , 'Oil, nothing." She Kii 1 1: ik. r l urried tho iix- w ith him nn 1 left it to be shurp"!!. d nt the bh cksiuith shop outli'wny to tlie il 'ict. l'or some reisou this testimony v,.s not ik'Velop.'d at tho former trial. Mrs. Nannie Weriv, r, m e Mnrtin, n sister of b ik' i .s lir-t w il-, whom h is a eu-i d of in i tr. iiliiu-, t -tili -l 111 it linker told her that his m c m l w ile ui.d lur m..tli, r wero d d llliers. The behavior of tin- nu !i"iie-nt th-tri ll hii.s I iim, nt turn--, very timi' iug to I ho cotllt. At one time fully a c re of ladies upon e, riirs w it Inn tli- I nr. in-n -rcli I'd llp'OI 1 1 ' l . i'i.s oi t!l" belieln s imd sollle vt ii ri'iwiil up nl. ut th- ju fg" on tho b. ii'h. it 1 1 1 nnie k.-.'.i ii -ter liy I ha' mile--b.tbr or.! r ! v lib I, the triil would .PM ee I w ;t'.i clos d d".is, ntnl this k cure 1 b tt-r order in th- a teri on, ultlioiigh the pre-Mii'.. to se and le-ir wa- s i r-Ml lis t'l k i i- u -ly inti'i lei- w ith the pi-.ic" lings. It is gri ernlly eoiic-I'd thn' tho prosiH-u- tion is weaving a il 's. r in t iilmm Laker thun was d me nt the f in r tn il. Tlie Sti il.i- I'mlcil. The greit street e ir strike nt Ch'en;ri, nf t r a Munition of nine d .ys, was einlel coin plete'y Sn'unl ly evening on a basis honora ble to both si I- s. Th '1 I stinii of wnes romprmi.i-d. An a Ivum - was s cured, but the s ale is ii. nt. i ial y lower ll. a i what had b en iii-isti d up m by th" strikers up to tho very la-t. TI ey got only about one-third of the irii-ivn. a-ke I for, 1 1 i the other luitlil, nil the r-foruis .1-m iiiile I by tho men iu tho -ysti in of working ur cunelel, and nil tho strikers am to be r -employe I. The men h i" I ly tho c impiiiy since the Mrike began will bo return-d. Minor ipi'-s-ti us ut i sn w ill be v'.tle I by nrbitr itnni, tl.e so'e (.rl'itr.itor to l I.ymnli J. ting", I'n si. lent ol the I'n s' Na'iouiil Hank, who I a-lb e .nil l-ie of boh tie ntl'ikelS ail I IV- -I lent Vei k-i. N" tWlth-b ll lll g tie Kettl. Ill'.'llt l.f till hli'i t ear -ti'ik" a I nlle r sei ions coi (let oc i iiriel Mo i. lay ni ir .iug. It to k ploeo il.u'. I hr -.' bl-K'ks from the (i .1 11. 1 1 riveuuii I. .i n, b.o w. eii a in ,h ol str k- s mid tho new ti i--ii who wire running ' lit e.iis. 'I h Ii. it car wiiK run on' nn I prs' 1- I on its wav without i ve il. '1 11 . next six ens w. re run out and had pio'.e.lel to Centre trect whi.ii a in b rusl e.l from an alley m ar I y and in nlo a miv.iii assnult upon the new driver, un l c indiietors. Kton -s ail m 4-il-s w ie hurl-d through tho uir. S ver il of ih . inoh liiiu l. d tho new men (in 1 ne I t drag tl.i.on olf ll. n ens, mil u haud-l'i-bund h'iu 'glo en-ii ... (.'sp'aiu S haick wis not 11 1 I of tho tmu b'e, in. d he, wi'.h 'i men, liiiiue liately st il t il f' r tho W'lio. 'ih i ui'ili, which hi I cvi-d-ntly vented its spit.', nu away wli-n the cilii: iiKlir-I. S.-Vuinl of tho conductors an I drivers w-m s..v. rely injured. Tho new men say they ie" ,gni. -I t id mini in tho mob us strikers. Tho tr aih e urns t through tin fact tint tho new u.e i who were retained were c hki-iiI rated at tho (iarlli'ld aveuuu 1 4i r ns, a i l wero tho only iii. ii running cars from tl at p .int. It was i xs c i-. by tlie str.keis th'.t t'm mw linn would resign voluntarily, but with the exception of ten, they umioiiiiced their intention of leinaiiiing in spile vt the strikers. WRECKERS FOILED, ONIJ OP TIIK VILLIINS CAP TUItHO. lho Trlse That Icmptoil The Dcpcr adoea Was Twenty Thouaaad Hollar. A bold attempt wae made by throe masked bandit to wreck and rob the Fort Pierre and Black Hills Railroad train, owned and oper ated by the Homcatake Mining Company, at lleno (iulch, nine niilea from Lead City. The train left 1 end City half an ho'ir late with tho paymaster. W, A. Relnfr, aupplied with about JI.IKX) to pay off the timber employ. Chief Engineer Dick Dlackstone and paseengers aad employes numlsn-lng about twenty people were on board. They ran with im-reiae 1 tpeed, to muke up lost time, to a point about 100 yard from tbe scene of the attack, where they slowed up to let some section mon off. This alone, averted a grett calamity, for be fore tho train got fully uudor headway, the engine supj cd from the rail that hi.d been remove 1 a few Inches by the rooU-s, and the train was derailed. During tbe excite ment of tho moment, a command of "hands up" came from tho robl ors, accompanied by a volley from their Winchester rill 'S into tbe cab, U it cars and eugino without serious re suit. W. A lleimer, who was on the engine, disch irgel both barrels of his shotgun, load od with buckshot, nt two of the robbers, w ho fell m n i.i l y wound) d. The others fl -d to where their horss w-re tio I, mountol and disappeiircd in tho uud-rbrush. Une of tho wouii.lo 1 robbers wa Captured and is now iu th) Dead woo 1 J til, an I will probub'y diu Isforo ui.irniiig. 1 1 is name is ''Hilly" Wilson, and he is nr. indicted horse thief from rennington county for whom the fell -l itf hns been hunting with a warrant for the past two or throo mont lis. Ha says tb other two uro inline I Chirk mul John on. The latte." wns tho lea l- r nu I eseae.l. j lie sheriir an 1 a p"Sso of lloui. st ike employe are scouring the vicinity, mid their capture is certain. Kxcitem -ut runs high an. I, If th y are tvipturctl Lynch law will bo summarily do.ill cut to thoin. LATE KKW8 IN BKILF. rxtet.tiv.. prairie llns me leporced around lbs murk, It iknt I. Thognntc.t fl mvIs forC'tye irs a-o now do vastating th weslei-ii iiu l sju horn lartof New Driins ick. Tnd Sepienih -r n-iorts of tho Br.Kiklyn bridge show r. ceipts of "i),Sill 7d for i mill j and fl -CM lis from o'.'uer sources, while the wero fi,llil The total iiumber of ;ss-ngers iu tho month was 2,- Aproxs of the grain gambling Mr. Pow-d- rly writes Iu tho ICtilghts of Lilororgaii 'The prt sent Congress has sioiit nearly a ye ir In skirmishing for points nu which to) Carry th i next election, while the Interests of the jssiplo are going to tho devil.' Miss M iry Turk, tho Ohio girl who elopel with John C. Waito, a drummer, and was fond in Pittsbutvh by hor father, is heart broken w jili grief now thut alio Hilda Waito to be a marrie I man, A 9,00 J barrel oil well was drilled In the Lnwreucj f inn In Wixsi county, Ohio, by tho Wolvoiino Petroleum Company. The well issitu itcd ill tho old -t and w h it is sup-poi-ed to I si tho cxh'iusto 1 portionof tho lie 1.1, mul its wonderful yield h is ca i-e I a groat deul of excitomout in tho vicinity. Tho Now Climb. Tlan l, W. Vu., oil woll of thi llrelgi'M nter Ci is Compiuy lias been iiiin-.l uji, and is reported to hve mndo aev oriil strong II ws, iu iking a fallowing for a 'iVU.b'irrol well at k-ust. At Union Springs, Alnb um, I'nulino Mc- Coy, a negro girl aged 10, was htngod for the murder of Annie Jordtu, a 14-yoarsold w hito chil I, las'. Fein u iry, (J I'tli b llascniin, 'it year of ag", who litis b e i living us a hermit lib nit l'J miles est of Woo.tcr, I., w is kil'.o 1 by tho cars unliy. N.iu ly $i,o.i iu nobs were found in tin. Lou, logo In-r wi'h live suits of good clothing, S) shirts, l j airs cf pants, 4 ) pairs of sto.-kings, ) linen towels, 4 I. noil tablo cloths, l"i imislin and bueii blieeU, and a large iiiautity of I e 1 clothing. Forty thous m l copies of Dr. Ma-kenxli's Issik on IC np-ror Kiel n ick's ciso have been si'iz d at Leipzig by th i po.ico. Dr. M .c-ken-Z e's iKMik is not allowed to be s il I in Itel'llll. The p i iiti are copiL-s expos -d for salo nt ti e bo ik shopi in It -rliu. Tne semi-olllcial Dress nt'u o Dr. Mn-kei zie's book, butdj not llt-uipt to lefiitu his stiitim-nts, 'l'le Suit hi of Morocco intends s -ndiugan Minbis-y to t!i I'nit.d States to complain Unit Consul li neiiil Iewis interferes with m ittms oulsi in juris lielion. At I! .linn ire, Liu Da i Keo, a Chini-so lauiidrym in, was sont -m-ed to nin- yeiirs In tho penitent iary for iitten.p'e 1 icl minus ns Kiult on Annie May Wort.-, n ln-year-nld girl. He is the lli'-t t.'.iiileso tver s -lit tJ tho Mary hind peiil.'iiiiir. At Cuitoii, ( l., a girl giving her nnmo as Ada lloyle, but wh .so right miiio is believed to b Vog ui, w is s "lit to jail lor 11) days for rubbing a iii'-rehani's lion wheru she bus Ihx-ii tuipl"ie.l i.s a d oiuj-tia A iiljiloio-ilii.r has recently inado tlio discovery ilmt we e just as well oil without the utilising link us wo would bo if we had It, bocausu if wo had it tbcru ftoul'J lonr bu a uiinsitji; llok. MVMI'Ul IT II I NO Xt)TKS. The l'eliiioiit ula-s works nt ltcllaire, hns nil it eu-i do to (ill tho order hooked and com ing lu by mail. F.listi l-'uruin-o, I'.liza Iron d inpmy, Wolla bin, Dliio, blew out lee oitly will leuiuiil idle for at lo c t lho winter months. The Muhleman glass works, formsrly tho La Ii lit-, at I riilgcport, (I., will coiumeuci linking glass in timo for tho spring trade, The works of tho Nort'i (.'hie igo It oiling Mill Compiuy, at Knilli Cliieago, which were recently close 1 o i mm mntof lack of or ders, have resumed operations and nrj turn ing out ulxiut .'l,tXj J tons of steel rails a week. The works li'ivn enough am ill orders lo keep them busy till December. The length of pipe loid In I'ui-isfor tho dis tribution of xiwer by enmprussed air already i-xce-ds thirty miles. '1 h i eoinprowtlug en gines uio of li.ICO liniwi power, und ulsmt i!,00H,hSl cubic fis-t of air urn c impressed dal ly to tho pre u e of H I lbs. p -r sipiuro lucU ut uii txpi inlliuro of oO l ju of c.uU COMMEUCIAL IltVIKW. Condition of the Markets for Bread stuff Other Product. The breadstuffs market is being watched with more interest Just now than any other article of merchandise; and tbe fact that it is being manipulated a Ids to the interest, as it is not for tbe present being govorned by the law of supply and deraind, but it will be sooner or later; it Is only a question of time. The contribution to Brtutxtrtet't, by W. J, Harris, of London, in which that gentleman pointed out how the world's wheat stock have been eaten into during the pist few year, and now, in view of hhort crops in th United Kingdom, hi Franc and in th United Plate, the outlook during tb early half of l&Oi for a material advance in prices, if not for a corner, has excited very general attention. A Winnipeg grain honse write of th Manitoba wheat crop un lor date of 4th Instt List year we h id about 14,000,000 bushels, and we conclude from all reports to date that there may lie 10,000,00 ) busho's this year. As a rule the quality is extra No. 1 bard, and thore Is no soft w heit, but there will bo soma dnmnged grain Ly blight and frost How much, we cannot asy. Thresh ing has only commenced. 8u far all tho car of wheat sent forward have grnd d No. 1 ex tra hard. Prlmo sums up tho w Inter wheat condition to far as fall soeding is concoi lie I and the general surroundings of the crop as follows: "Tbe rainfall h is be-nv.-ry u eqilil In its distribution, Nowh-ro hns it I o n exc -ftsive lu some lH?n!itios a drought. Tho crop has not yet as a whole ma lo a Maud. Tho month of Octolmr Will very lirgely determine tlio character an I position cf tho crop to with stand th dining winter. It looks now tint unless we have nt coco ii dec! I. d chango as fur as moisture is concerned, tnut tho prop will into winter quarters very similarly t tho crop of 1-S7 and 'M, which wus kiii ill a id weakly. That thero is a decide 1 i-circity of g wd milling wheat is demonstrate I from the fact that millers i?rywhero hovolsjen paying until the press ent week prices far uIioto those which havo been rutin ; iu grain centers. An intorstito exchniigo of wheat shows moro clouly the shortage of a crop tha i nil tho ta'iles nud es timates of Lu. 's whlcli a Kta'.o is k-nd to grow can (.how." Bomo of the sh rU in the Chicago wheat market hove taken counsel of their fears nnd covered Doi ciiiIkt ontrucls on tho theiry tluit '.l.oro was going to Isj a 'corner1 iu lb it mouth, and as yet a 'D. c onh-r corner' is of tieces-i y a corner in anticipation only. The shipments of mountain o it tie un Isli- ep to Chicago are largely ou the Increase. 'l ho quality of thoso animals is regard id as supe rior to that of tho Texos product The meat U more juicy nnd appetizing and tho c-ntof conveying it to market is lo-s than tho cost of transKirtatioii from Tex is. Tb live stock m u koted in Chia igi w.ll o:o long com from lU9 foothlllsof the U H-kics instead of from the plains of Texas un 1 Indiuti Territory. From April 1 to tlio closo of Inst mouth the export of wheut from India n mount, d to 1, b3,000 bushels. For the s imo timo la-t year the exports wero l!l,4.!d,0JU bushels. Oilfeos ai o in very good demand and prices are quite strong, tho recent udvntico in San tos and Mnracuibo colfees being inuinluinod. Hugar is in only moderate ilenui'ii! and prices are weak. A New Oil'iuis merch ir, w i i . s that now Mignr and hew mo usses uro coining Into iii irku", u id n ce ;i s w ill soon bo lurge and vncuuiugiiig to wt-sio. u i uyeis. TllURMAiYS LETTER, II E ACCEPTS THE NOMINATION. I'.MtTllll. Mrs. Ill ilno (iocs to ll.-r l-'ntli-r Hor I-'I'IoikIis Claim II. -i- M ollu-r In Law Is lo lllaine. Mrs. Jan oi (I. Ill ilii', Jr., has c'osi'd her np'irini'-nt.s on Knst Fifty-llftli s're -t, New York, and gone to live with her father, Colo liel Uieliaid Nevins, at ho New York II te'. "Young Jim" has not been buck since he wentt) Augusta with his f it h -r, upon the hitter's return from I0uroH', and the friondi of the yotiug-r Mi's. Itl.iine claim that it is duo to tho iiillu'iico of Mis. lilnine, Sr., who lins nliMiys treat, d her with nun kill coolness. Young "Jim" was hnivily in debt and le.'t Ins wife, it is c n ine 1 by hui friends, nt lho mercy of their iimner-m creditors bntch.s, bakers, groc -r-yiud fur niture deu'ors. They my thut sho was iu real ilistre-s, nnd Colonel "Bob'' Ingersoll mid other frioi di of the fimiiy IioIjhi 1 h.-r. A greitd .'iil of Hynipa hy is mu lile-te l f ir tho young woimt i an I her H in mths-ol 1 baby. Young "Jim" lind nu allowance oi ( l,.1 10 a year from his father, and when bo went home he had Ju-t ro-cived nl ii .eii nt in-lit lit National ltcpuhlicuu he nbpuirtei-s at U s-r week. Litely, his wife's friends s ly, he ha refused to answer her lettei-s and n sep aration in probable. They hid lived very happily together Is-foro her in ither-in-Iaw's lidv.-nt. She was d ' to him uml their baby, mid won g neral nd uiraliou un llo Hpecl from all who k iew her. MUST (JO HA( 1C. Tlio C'liliiCHO llM-liifclon Act Hold to Ho ( 'oii-t it ut ioiial. A decision was ret d re I by Ju Igo Hnwyor in tho St Hi s liicuit Court at Sun Frnncisco upon two tost enses in d -r tho re cent Chinesj Kxelusion act. The Court alliroiB tho coiistitutioiiiihty of tho net il l ! Iml is that all Chiueso now iu tho lim b ir in well us those on the wny h -ro from Chlnii, mu-t li sent back. The Court holds th it tho net "Im plies ti Chines ) now in port ou shipb mi' l, to those on tha way from Clint and lothoso sti I lu China. It is est limited that tills de cision will nIT.i't libmt :.'l, IKK) Chinese, HI thoro aro over :i'l,(KKl return certill.-nt. s still outstanding, and it is dcoid d thtt tln-ro lire now aUnittl.iMK) Cliiii'iuieii lu tho country who had lived hum before tho Restriction act was passed, and who before tlio p issngo of tho ex clusion bill would l outille I to re-outer th'l country under cliiim of being "prior resi dents." Thn counsel for the Chinese gavt notice they would appeal the ciuo to tha United Slates Supremo Court. Th Old rtomtn Coinpl lea With Fstab Ilshrd Forms-lie Indorses tho Flatform and Dilate on the E1U of Too Mnch Tariff CoM-vm-s, O., Cct 12. Wi. Jinn. TnMrk A. Collins and othm, Commit trr: '0im.KMBli In obedience to custom, I send you this formal acceptance of mv nom ination for the oftlcsof Vice Prescient of the Unite.! Rtnton, msde by the National Convention of the Democratic party at 8b Louis. " When yon did ma t honor to call upon m at Columbus and cfTlclsliy notify me of my nrmlnation, I fx pre-a- d to you my sense of obliirntion to the convention and sta'ed that, nlthmisth I had nof, sought the nomina tion. I did m t feel at lilsrtv, umler the cir-cnm-tanci-s, to decline It I thought then, as I still th nk, that whatever I rou'd properly do toironiote the re-nhctlon of President lereland I omrht to do. His a lmlnistratlon hss be-n mnrke.1 by fuch integrity, gisl sense, mnnlv eour , a- d exa ted pa'riot Ism, Hint a Just appreciation of them blgh qunlltien -rm to call for his re-elect Ion. "I am also stronulv impi-cN-d with thn be lief that his le elrctlon would powe- fully tend to -tivncthen ti nt feeling of fraternity muo.iu i nn Amei-icnn people lint. Is a essen tial to their Welfare, penco and h ippiness, end to the perpetuity of the Union nnd of our free institutions. 'I approve the platform of the St Lou! colive ition, nnd I cauunt too- s ronigly rxi-esa my dissent fr .nn the heretic il loichings of the mono;ii. Ms, tbnt the wel'nro of n s,. pie ran ls promo ( bv n sv-t. on of rxho-b. Knit tnxitioo fnr in oxecH of lho wants of ti e rovernm-iit. " l ho Idea that a p. ople ra-i I e enriched by lie-ivy nnd unm ces-nrv tnxntioii; th-if n linn's rendition can l imtvovid l.y tnxing him on nil he w ir, nu nil his w ife and child re i wear, on nil his tools and Imp'e t outs of iu lii-try, is nnobvii us n'-m-dity. ''Tolillihev ults o-the tr-.-iiry with nn Id'e surplus lor which th" unvermii-tit hns no legit iiiinte use, ami ti t' orel.y deprive the jwiipln of curre icv liit'd.'d for their business ned .Inily w nits, im l to or. ate n powerl'ul nnd dimgeioiis s iiiitilus to i xtrnvii'gnooo in d corruption iu the i .xp "iditures of ,ho gov en til oit seems to m. to Ik. n iiolicv nt vnris bih-o with evei v sou d principle of Governs inent nnd of p'l ticnl pcnuomy. "The msfs-ity of risiiicimg t xaf ion to pre sent such nu licc-.iuiul.'itioii of Mil plus rove tine, and the isinsquent depl-tlo i of Ihe ejr ctilnting me limn Is so npt. iirent that no party (lures to .len V it ; I ut w hen wo cometoisiu sider the Ri' des by which the reduction may lie m nlo wo II in I n wide iimngomsni between our party nn.l the iiion-polistic lo id -is of our politic d opponents, "Woseck to risluco tuxes upon thn rrces snries of life; our opHiiient s is'k to lucre m them. Ve sny give tothi ninvs -sof thep-v pie ch"iip mi l goisl cl' thin r. clu- ip Id uikets, cheap tools nu I cbe ip luuiU-r. The llepub 1 rniis, by their pa form, mid their hndcrs iu the Senate, by their bill, aiy, incri n-o the taxes nn clothing nnd blankets nnd thereby lia-roma their cost, nuiiiii nm n high duty up m th tools of tho fnrmer nnd iiiit'li'inie nud upon the lunils'i whicli I hey need for the tsinstruc; urn f their innd.'st dwellings, shops nnd I in ns,iui I there I y prevent th.-ir obiniuing th-so noit'-sa' ies nt roisonablo prices. Cuu nnv sensible in in doubt ns to where ho t-ln u d i-taiid in this controversy f Can imy well inlormod man be deceived by tho fa'se pretc so Ih'it a system so iinreiisoi nblo nnd so unjust is lor thebeiiellt of laboring iin iif " Much is said nhcui comp-tition of Anier icnti luiH.rers with tlio puup.'i- lnisir of Ku rope; but does not every man who lo -ks around him see and know (hit mi iiiiiiniiso majority of the In'ior.-rsof Ainerioi aro not eng.igo l iu what lire cn I' d V e prut ctel in dustries f And ns to tho-ti w ho ate oinpl yo-1 in Mich industries is it not uuucni.ii lo tiat the duties piopoed ly tlio Democratic mo is. tire called tlio Mdls bill, f ii-oxcf I tho .lif fi reiu-o between Amoncin mi l ICuiopenn wi'g'S, n nl thnt, theiel'ore, if it wero nltnittc.l tbnt; our workingmo I can be iriucle-l by tirill's ugudist c-heiip I it or, they would bo fully prot.ctisl uml imno thnn protn'tel, by that bill? D.s-s not every well-informed mini know that the incivse in price or homo liiiumf ictiirers produced l.y high lariir does not go into lho h ke's of liiboriiigmen, but onlv tends to swell the prollts of o h in? "It seems to me that if the policy of thn Demoor.itic piirty isi!ninlv pivs.-nto l, a 1 must understiiiid that we seek to make the cost of living less and lit the s wi'i timo in crease tho sharo of tho liilsii'iuguicn in the lei. tilts of iiatioiuil pr.sM-iiry mid grow.h. "I uni, veiy rcsp. ctliilly, "Your oU-dieiit, Kervnnt, "1 i.i.i.- I J Tmiuuis" A CLOSE CALIi. A Mob of N'cgroiM At Icin i t lo livneli the Crow of ii freight Tr.iin. Conductor IliMnth-y, K igiueur Drown and a freight train crew of four mon, un th ) Dir iniiigham Mineral IUilrJi-l, in Aliti.imi, iiiiriowly uscipsd lyiirhiug. Tlu train ra l over mid killed a colored worn in u lined Clira Dickson ut Smith's Mines, 8 miles from Dirmiiigliaiii. Tho worn iu was drunk ud lying across tho tra -k. Tho train slopped in. d s imo of tin ere. v took a sliovel and threw tl.o frigmoiits of the body from tho truck. Two hundred negro miiio- witnessed tho S.'cid -nt. M.iny ol tneni Were drinking nnd nearly all were anno I. They Mirrouud.-d lho train, with lu-ir pistils drawn mid swoio they would lynch tho o .tiro crew. While live of tho negroes went to a store nearby for a np ', th t ontiro crew of the tram got on tho engine, nnd a brakumm stealthily uncoupled it from tho triin, Tho cngim-ur pulled tho throttlu opon an I they blurted townr !s the city, followed by a shower of bullets, but they did no harm be yond breaking the cub windows. A Steamboat Goea Down. Tho steamer Kobert 1J Carson sink In 80 feet of water, 4 miles below ICvonsvlllo, Iud., She had on board SO head of c itlle, 4 borsos ami Miimi freight, all of which wero lost. Tee crew were saved. L's ulsiut $10,000. Tho causa of tho nocldout is not cbsirly under- 1 stood, as tlio bottom of tho s't-u'iior is s dd to huvscollnpsud all at una.-. DiHiiNtroiisj ColllNion. A ci'lislon occurred on fio Clovoland, Ln mine Ai Wheeling rood betw o oi aeeomin o 1 1 tion No. 0, and a co d train, nt Mas, ill .n, O. i otli engines and seven coil cars Wi ro wreckol. Heii'.eu Whitman, baggngemnste-.', wus jiuuuo l in behind tho stove and burned 3n tho neck, cut on tho head uml ha I ouu leg Ittdly injured; Wurren, a l.oy pa leiiger, win thrown aguimt tho stove and had his head cut; Oeorge IJ. Clyde, froigi t brskenan, wns thrown u d r tin cirs mil bidly hurt A new timo cud went into flfeotaiida braki iiuu negloeU-d to put ou. lu tlio Oiboosu rack. Fit. TILTH CONQRESa The Senate Moml iy pissed tho Joint rcsn. lutlon authorizing the executive d. irliii.'iit to make exhibits ut tho . aris Kxpwiliou of Ihs'J. Mr. Ve-t made a sps'ch ou tho tin ill bill, and defended the depositing of the bur. plus with Nutiouul banks. Mr. Allison un Kwerod hi ni. Mr. lilnir in nlo s sishcIi on the Pi ix il.ii t's HiiiHion vet. M s. Mr, CiH-kr.-ll called bis dociiinents b hli, nn I in the collo quy w hich followed Mr. Itiinr iln-cril.ed tho i'le-iilent ns un infamous lib.. I or. Mr. Doug orty's motion 1. 1 tin Houso lo reisuisiiler the Vote on lho pus ago of tho Presl.lent nil Count bill, wns withdrawn and tuu bill Ifo.-s t tbo 1'ioaidoiit, FOflRlON NOtEa Advice from Java state that a against tha Dutch residents has bsv, red at Madion. Forty -two of tha r, era In th movement were arm, eleven other who refused to surrJ now Th story that three esjlors whJ . -, r. , ... 1 irom ma uermao gunuosc Aioervr J raten by the natives, at Z unbar, inquiry to oe umounueiL 1 lie m n d by the native and their bodies , badly mutlla'ed, but It U Iwlievel it tnutiUtion was done through fetich O EN Fill All MAUKhTj prrrtiBURon. BUTTER Creamery Ountrr roll CHEEE-f)lilo full cream New York FKU ITS Apples, bbl tJnpes, pound POULTRY-Chlckens. p'r. POl ATOE-i-Irish, i,i,l. Sweets, SEEDS Cliwer, country, Timothy . , Uluo grass . , Millet WHEAT Old N. 1 rod 2 COr.N No. 2 yellow ear, Mixe i nr, N... I e I ..... ..I OATS New No. i .. hit, KYK Now X i. a Ohio . Kl.OUIv Faiii-v w it ,- Kit-cv spri . ( ' e .r mt Lye I- iour, HAY Now" Ti't'oth v, I""". ir on wagons MIDDLINU.s Wniu-, Unit , Chop I'e "I, llAl.TIMor.K. he it No. 3 ieu, t it.vo . torn t) its Wis! cm I'.uttor Kggs Hay Wotorn rtxiixAH. U No. 2 rod, $ ltyo ( 'i .ni Cnts Kggs Pork Hutter I'llir.ADtt.l'llIA Finn: Fimllv i W be it No. y, lied Corn No. .', Mix -d O.its Ungiadol White Hy. No. 2 Hu b-r I'renuierv Extrt i'heesu N. Y. Full Cimn it 2' 1.' 10 1 I2i t 4 li-, 2'J.i Am 1 r,, 101 1 .Vl l r, 1 M -to t.".i Pa.. .Vl . 7(0 , Ttn f.T". 4 :.) 1."i e l UH'i -'I Ol l.i i '-'0 w 1 l'l 1 IS V LIVTJ STOCK. Movements nnd Prices nt th Drovo Yards, I'.a-i l,il , CATTLE. The supply of cittlo has bee i !l mostly ol an inf rior quali'y; v. :v and no prhiin c.Mle on sile; el mediiiiii have s d I s'ow at. a ileeli . 2i'C per rwt., whlo goo I to p stea iy. We give tliefolioiviii'r ijm ruling pric-s- Prime, l,:i.)0t ..,o limi nt t.l.T.i to 0: g..o l, I !.'ihm . '4 40 t .'"; goo I, II t ) l.'i 1 1 lb. 4 4o; rough fat. 1,1'K) to 1 :.n 1 -y.7.: bit cows an l heil'orsj m ."; t 'J..r0; tre-boows und aprmg -ri, i per lie d. lions The supply of hor.s co-itiiiu s fi quality inoMly coinuion mil 1.1, ti kii heavy tat ho. -s nro in d -n slow, t-nles ns follows: 1-' i i to d lnhlas. $i to p SH; best h. n . (l.:ji) lo $t. ; co nm on ,,t f.,ir t'.. ' roughs, jj lJo lo fi T.I. hllKKP. Tho receipts of mi e snop M.iil ilny nn I W e. lies lay, were a', u' m d prices were a aba I-' I ." en . Wo quote Miles as follows: l'. iin i eis, Indian i on I Olros. weigiii i : 1M lbs.. H r, to 6 -1 1; ir oi. i ; $1 00 to f l.lil; cool mixed. $ i.l!') to $1 lid; fur to K.m, i to :i 2.i;prim-i i-t-r..s. loi -s. 1 to tl (Ml; pi'imo IiiiuIk, 71 t i.2i to -i .IJ i lijr to cod. l.r0 to $.10 . Veal calves, kJ 1 to -i) lo tu.;u . CniCAOO. Cattle mark-t slmv n reeves, f. 7-i tod; steers, f.i iltnll ers ami fee lers, fi to 3 40: ci.. 1 mixed, l40to 3; Texas cut e, ?l v est. rn, JJ.'.I to 4 2.1. Hogi M ,r, ed steady and close I 20o Ion er; 111: to 11 ut; lie-ivv, f-l 00 to 0 3 ii liglr. 0 10; skips, ;l 40 to 5 40. hi 1 wrong; I'ntives. $:i to 4 1.1; West. 8 7u; Tt xans, 2 00 to 3 40; lamb-, o o. V.1SI IS-JATI ito in goert dim mon mul light, (1 75 to t; pit vuiciieis, 10 10 o mi. WOOL MAltKIlf KTI'.t Prices Higher nnd tlio )ein. Cecils tlio Niitiv - sni. 1 Domtox, Thero is a slonli- wimiI and uncus remain linn. St.- sirnblo wool are r -ituc d, p-irticu's 01 line wnmo.1 II oc-s nn I deliiine sell cl Ions. Ohio and Ho s s have bi en selling nt. ;iit..i. b'r XX mid ab ive. nnd l -le to 11". In Mil' ligau II sees there ilive I- X nt 2N', al out the low. a: in in H'-C pt for best Ig'ndes. I oiiil : Inin- Ills-col are very lb 111 nt for No. 1 c'om'.hig, WM: to I- f 1 del line mii!iln lolile lor Mi -laiiie. Territory wool ami 0 wnols uml C .liforui'i H u e s 11 fairly well ut mud. rato pi wools nn- lirm. I III I.A I.K1.P1M . i'A.- W oo' in and line s ste.nlv nt follow in Onto. IVniixvl vnni 1 ami IV. nnd nbovo. 31 to o'J'iic: X. '.."i 1 34 to 3.1c; o )' r-e. 33 lo 3le. Nen rn", Ii di nm and Wi.ici- '. ii NX. -1 to '.': nn ibiiin. li;;t....l to 31c; wn lie.l, c 'inli i-c '.11 wnslnd ile.iiine. X mil XM. ' ' um-wnsl o t combing nnd u Im coal so, 34 to 3.'c TIIK I'LOUH IKVI'I MinncnpolU Millci'M Itcduci j Heavy Decrcaso In 1P Tin iir-..liiet.on of (lour l'!t 1 111!! MS) I.I.U nvuemiinir -'7.1111 ' a -amst 17S.100 bl Is. the wts-H- 107,0 XJ bids, lor the correspoii'lji'S I JNsT. 1 here are twenty-one i" enition. The us of a large new w heat bv many of the nn lias tho clfect of keeping the I .-.I.... 1I.-I....M !... 1 ....... 1. 1 lw '1 -nu imiiwr b.iu.i v uu... , Thoadvanoe in freight rule vi'l and Chicago went Into envoi " tho Hour business to bo divert. o1 Huperior routes, which do i"' I chsmre. In the faoe of the ''"L I (1111-1111; tha nast three davs. tint " ' h is lost some strength, and --V'''1! made J- ruluy ha Us-n luk.-n uu. kot is irr.-guhir on I uu-ottW' . therefore, lesiriotisl. Milieu s'1''' is liraetieiillv no busiliiMi be. Hit '' Mini iIOm Iu l.j,i-itu mil. l.v tllM l-Oli'T1 1 ports ast wrnik. Tim direut c!' week wore tlio lightest kuowasi"1' olis bec.iiiiH a milling iviit -r, " 4U0 bbU, ngniust 45,bJ0 tUls. WUi'K. 1 i v iv V,'