. - s , j . - Desire to call the attention of the Public to their Largo and Varied Stock of- FurnSftw' fflirpefto, foDinia, aca DDveir Wg&b9 Pflgunxpg Okoanh and small Musical Instruments. Wo carry the largest stock of this goods in cntral Pennsylvania, and a visit to our spacious ware room, will fully repay you and wo hereby extend a cordial invitation to visit us and get our prices bo before purchasing. Wo are offering our carpet Stock at special prices and have made great reductions in every department REMEMBER : OUR GOODS ARE DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OF SNYDER COUNTY ! Wo also have a full lino of Oil shades, Lace, Damask, Turkoma Curtains, Curtain poles, Cornice, &c, in fact anything pertaining to the furnishing of a house and all at prices 23 per cent lower than city prices. J. It. SMITH & Co. (Limited 220,222, 224, Front St., Milt I .A J, .it' ' J M . Ulotlmig in and or men, J EAR: Hot made Philadelphia Youths, Hoys and Children. A.C.YATES&CO. SIXTH & CHESTNUT, LKIHiKR M'lLDlNO. CARTER'S CURE Sick lti'.iilni'hc anil relloT all tl) trouble ioel il.'lit In a liilinui atate of the eyateni. such a IHuinesa. Name. Drowaineaa, fttetreee afur eating. 1'atn in the Hide, So While their moet remarkable aucccM ha hen shown In curing SUCK Chsiitmi.i.t:. Our voting frit'iul J. K. Mobn li ft for riiiliuMpbia liwt v ( k u'lii-rr In will lTsuiue bit htud-ic-M in the Medical Collcyp. Sour kraut making will noon be in ol der. Will tln ii' bo it trust T Jliiny Urown of rii'i lniiKi n cun liiliiti' for Aoriute Jndyr-, wuh in town on Friday. Cl.i ntimtM are n poitnl to be very il nty in Huh Kcctioii of coiintiy. lion. J. C. lJuclu r of LewinburK nnd Dr. Levi liooke of Winlielil, lionoriU our town with their pree- enre on Nttunluy. The lovt ii t d i ron van uhiKmt ft failure. II. H. Grimm, V. E. IJower and N. 1'. Iliire, of MiilillebuiKb. and A. W. Potter of Seliiifirrovo were in town on busincHH, Friday. There if a report of u hly w edding in our vicinity. MisH Knmiii Ilaitmnn of Lewis- bin k w us home w ith her pure ntt and fiiends over Sunday. If polities were religion what a model place thin town would be just now. Dr. (i. C. Mobn and w ife, of Lnu- niton, were the yucnta of John Mohn, Sunday. Al. Stuck and wife of Milllinburj,', Sunda.ved with Joseph Kerr. Cur Town Library- ITendacha. yet C.RTta'a Ijttu Livta Pii.l n- imlly valuable In Con.tlpatlon. curing ami Di-tiventinic tlila annoying complaint, while they also correct all dlanriier. of the stomach, rtmmlaui the Hear and refulaUi the bowels. tvru ir Uwy only cured mm Ache tlwy would be aim net prtneleaa to thnen who auTTor rrom ni. omrmiii eunipuiiiu, but fortunately their goodness doea not end hero, and thou mho once try them will find lira lllti" i 11 1 n valuable in an many waye that tliiv will not he willing to du without them. Hut af lor alt nick head kGUE l the bane of o many Hrea that her la where we make nHr Kreut boaat. Uur illla cur It W llilf others ilo nut. t'TK' Little Liver Pujji are very email uud rery eiiay to take. One or two tillla make duao. Thee are strictly vciretalile awl do nitKhMor purge, nut iiy meir p-niie anion Bin I r a CASUS KXB1CW1 CO., Hiw Tort Small HL Wta tU fries, iiIi-hiui All who use tncin five for $1. In vIbIm at S6 cents: Hold eery where, or aenl by lualL CDR. SCHEMSR S3 Standard for over Half a Century. Praised on Every Trial. CUKE I:i.li;;estii)n, Pmir Stomm h, llc.irt ti!fii, I- l.uulcury, t " lie nu. I all di.icftx.it nf the H'lmntli; (.Wivencis Iiiilinuin lion, I li.iiilm a r.nil ili.M'a.-.cs of the Ihuv els; t'oncv.inn, Iliiinuitu'ii, Nui '.'', I lu.iitaclii', ;iilJ.m:., Nrrvi)Unrv., I v r l 'in; lain!, t.: I r.!l iiiMSL- fcti'inj fr in i g r,;i.-1 .11 1 -!ug,:'i.-.!i l:v:r. Tin. reilui e con!;cstcil cniiditioni, lnea U MuMiiirn comj'lii-.iti itu, rcslorj fue, htu'.lhy at-tiim t ll.u organs. TI117 ure Purely Vegotablo, Strictly Rcilablo and Absolutely Sjfo. F.rS.d.ilvill PriilL-iiM. Prci."rt. i..rl. v Our townspeople are to be eon cratulatid for the intei prise with which thiy take hold of. and sup port any new surest ion, for the improvement of the town, that may be bioi'Kht to (heir notice. The latest step fonwtid is the starting of a tine circulating Iiibrary. We have for some time felt the want of one for reference and for mineral use. We huve tried several plant, but have found they were not prac tical for the umintainance Hand grow th of a Library in a town uh small iih ours. Mr. Harry Fisher representing Thomas J. Collins of Iladdontield, N. J., was in town a few dayH last week, and introduced their plan for the establishment of small town Libraricr, which ceitainly hasjprov 'd itself a thorough kuccch. Our Middh huiL'h Library was opened to the subscribers1, last Saturday evening, ami touml to he lar supc- 1 ior to any tiling we could have ex pected when the small amount of money it required was taken into consideration. The books are of good size, some containing over KIM) pages, and are strongly bound. They present a hainlsoine appearance on the shelves, where Dr. I. drier liar ber, the Librarian has placed them. The Library contains valuable hb- toiies, and historical novels, relig ious and scientific works, travels, iscovery and adventure. The taste for wit and humor, so prevalent among our people was considered in the selection made. llie tictioll is of the highest grade, and so inter spersed that taking the Library as a whole, there could not have been made, a selection better suited to please the stockholders, and to ele vate the tastes 01 the whole com munity. Three gentlemen come to uh w ith first class recommendations, and we take great pleasure in introducing them to our friends, and hope our neighboring towns may have the opportunity otiered to start a Li brary like ours. Merit Wins W u"lre to My to our citizen, that for years we have been erlliiig Dr. King' '"v Discovery for Couwnnip tlon. Dr. King ew I.irr) mix. Illicit- leu's Arilmi Srtlvr? ano hleotrlo Mtttrr, iiul tiavtt never liiindlril ri'itipilir that itell a well, or that havi given Riteli univfral Hathfiictlon. Ve do uot lifoitate togiinraiitci tlietu every time iitxl we Htnul ready to refund the pnr ehitxe price, if natisfnetory reitultn do not follow their lixe. 1 liene reilietiiea Imve won thclrgreat popularity pur. y 011 tlieir nieritii. Sold by O. M, Sliimlel Diugtcist. A. S:uni Legal Opinion- R. Bulnbrldge Muiulay Kin, Couuty Attv . (My Co., Tel RityRi ,,llav uaed Kletrie llittern with most happy re mit. Mv hrotlier also wim very low with Malarial Fever ami Jnuiidie, but wiiHtvirHil hv timely iie of medicine. Ami -ut isliei) Lieut ric Hitter aaved hi j..f " Mr. T) I. Wileonnil. of Horn Cuve, Kv , hiI l a like teiiiuony. an ylug: ;.' iiinilivelv lielieveit le.' would Imve ij .1, li id it not lienn fur Klectrio lli"r. 'i'lii !;'' riii'dv will ward ofT, a I'll h -,ii " m.i .ti ii.irin ii."fii"i, ann f.ir nil Uidn-y. I.lver ami Mwinucli I :-..i dHr k'uiiiN iineiimle. Price M: and $1. at U. M. Sliiudel s urtig lurM. i jo Aiiii'iw.i.(i r: 1 1 1 unsiioo oj rut j-;iw -4iii n-iAtni pMM -miviu H.ll ?1lljp1M A'( M(JIT.III.U IO.IIIIl n O.I 1 1 drf-illj prfjlin HWI 0) "prflljl IIDi.l "I-'MIO (pi tOIIl HriMtia flJKIII p.tJll.l HI 4.WII.INip pl,.tl) plltl .(rfllp) 'MIOMili pno Alj!pp tiiiOAJ.i'l JH1 is;pi;.f.(i pv)uouij H,vpi(l.)pti;i( 'p-i1.L ''(I ' l K MllMlllMMiilllW" for infants and Children. "Caatorialieo well adapted to ehlldrea that I CaaterU enrea Oolle, Oonatlpatlnn. IrocoreraendltMaiiperiortoanrprvacripUoa I Btomach. DiarrhnBa, -cUun kaowaton..." ILA. Aacinn, II. D.. I IUUjW alp. aa4 promote. 41 1U Bo. Oxtord 8W, Brookla, N. T. WuKutteiurlou. aadlcatioa. Tbi CrarAca Coktakt, lfa.rulton Itreet, ; T. tin t 11 re- cure giuiritutcetl by Dr. J U. Mayer, Ml Arch St., Phll'ii Pa. Kane at once, no operation or buis ness tlelny. Tliounnnds cured' pircular. tf. GRAlNJVLRRKETi CoilltK(.TKl) UV W. U. WINKY KVK3T WKDNKSUAY. No. 1 PeuiiNvlvaniu 100 2 Fultji H White mixed ." Bye W Corn o Oats !' New Potatoes 35 ill id l I eli UTS' Iflarkct Butter Kggs Pitted cherries I'npitted " Mlaekherries Kaspberricn OlliollK Lard Pallow ('Iiiekens per lb Turkeys Side Til Will Filfl III Tim ! It is the place wlicro they all goto, W. H. Felix, Lewistown, Pa. For si line lino of cheap and Not only once but everv day in the year da we offer bargains that can't lie eipialed anywhere. If you want to bo con vineei! eomo p e mm antn w trnt 03lUI4klT !!. tn iMriy, aVia Ita awtl lewallt k. F Bfjaejfr hhinv,bmi imiw in .tvw wn ri, empe nr v, TbMM HtlllMAI tMll M Ih trh Mfwt fpwo anrf hmv kH in fnmr hm tnf mntillit itim, lb h. N MMf warMlr4.ttMy hitam fnrir wr, M ! tMWwtbM 10 Mill lilt. IrMt fpffar. aWftaUa Mva La.. .. OLDilrhl4COtlT MflM f, M UwW( MMrapto tm nw lomltip. tlvtn rMtlu In krBrfru. M mnmt w MplH h in a inral it j tnf h-mi. m w tiir r fro m lnooo m irj f kMw,! rrr that v MmpM ntrfcvaM m aw thf mm km vll ArMrtca. Writ ai m akm4tlMflMif, U4rH will h ImMI m4 T" fwar4 will tw h aaleafariMr. a pmiJ vrlMMriwtilrMiftnttail afUr fM.towtT M! 4nltariiMr,lif iwtMrm t4niM. kNtaa 4 rr mMrmt al . fom ta aara M r eK om r h. tMM nM4fol4 fa lha art Mattr terra 1ta,l S. F SHEARY, Centre vllle, Snyder Co , Pa. 11 y flmt-elami Stock t'omiianlei reiiiereniM I'reinluin Notel. No Atrt-rrai: $1 13 WEEKS The POMf'K O tZETTK will be (it , ecurrly wrappeit, tnen adilrett In the li eu staiaa ior mm montm on rei-aipt el ONE DOLLAR. Liberal tllarnnnt allnril to poplmai'. anein mi eiiu, r-ampieropii'i mailed Aililrena all order" to RilMlARn K. FOX, FaAMKLIS Mgl Aaii' and look. WePraGtice-StliersPreaGh about lil barniiiH and lend von to beli"e their fiilxe nHHertlonn, and even bait you with it few trinketH at coHt, but the end in alwaytithettauie. And You come back, not richer, but wiser, llucknell University, lufltm ntlontlun tn (l)lta lull ruurnea iifatu.li lt"liiiimvin liiillilliin. (H)lt free at'linliir-H; II' hi rue lllirnry tiinil.(&)lta new a'triinmiili-x 'i rvitlurv, (B) i'u lii'illllilulni'i-a l Im-utioii. 1; reinrkalie chenpneaa, ami (H) Ita u-w an iniialc liiiililinv. Ha no aiiiarmr in Foiin., III.. t'hrie liiirlinent.. For men, yuunt men, an4 youtlia, I'atiiliiKiie. anil iiilurmi'. ill be ai-nl un (tj ) ! t' -t i n to rreiilint 111 ( KNKLI. UNIVEKS1TY, I.owlnliarr, Dec. 1 'W Pllre I Pile. I llvliluK file.. Kymi'toms Moialurn 1 Into no ItoMiitr ailnirlUK I tnoatat ntuht worae hy arralrhJ 11 allowed to continue tuuiora. wiik li olteu t am! tilrernte. hbooinlnir very aore. Sarsvr ilntment .tona the Itchlnir ami blueillnK. irJ uieeratinn, ami in moat rae remove, nit 1 mora At drtiKKlata, or ty mail, tor ti f Dr. Hwayna h tjon, Phlladelplila. 6-U, '. 18 IS S . 8 . 13 . 40 9 4 ... 6 8 ... 8 Sonlde TO Ham 4 ju 4 f'.r 1 In : ur ffiil by nmil. ihi,i.iki ir 1 :t i X liiu-u. lis. J. U klu-n.k X txu, i'tiiiifi Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The Bent Salve In the world for Cut Hruinen. Sore. Ulcere, Bait Kheuui Fever toren. Tetter, Chapped llandx, OhilblaiiiH. Corim. and ail Skin Krup tlooit, and ponltlvely cure Pilee, or no pay required, it la guarauteea lo'ivi nerfeet aatinfaotion. or inouey ref'ind fd.aPrioe 'Hi cents tier box at 0. M. ShUidera Drujj Store. NOIICE IN PARTITION. DR. Til EEL COO rlFarUillM-tb.l.OrMa. OdO ruiiKll'ia. ilHeraetee. k eur job BMre qulokrf . safely .a. par eaanaau than an? Bdvartislna pbyalalaB. All JHpecInl IllHeaa c(S Uloocl Poison, N.roeea JMillItT, E.rly Ikfar. 'Hr-inri..U AtuUrBaa4 1 dna. B-H.la..noa lndlurlK.ullTrth,plu'r'l""" IM naiiaiO to all srn-KUKits VI A K I J 1 1 J U J,,,,ore l,'p',;H, youraolf tf nillllllM un'lfrBnynni''tre.tnient wrtle to me for the expnaiiru "f hiibi;, unacriipn Inn. I'liyeli'lniiK. ami tlioae prrii inlliiu to bulutf vi-i'LlMa 1 II will be mi ru tluu wmllli to you. t 1 When You Inp ure Why Not Get the Best H. HARVEYSCHOCH, General Insurance At?ent. fcelinsgrove.Pa., Hoprenontr tho followinc Oreat Stock.Companies nu.iiNi7t'n ASSETS yj 1 ' . .... ...... 1B1E3 JETNR, cf Hartford, Conn., - 3iBfaBHJe4a 1B53 HOME, Dt New York, - - 7,BD2,7ia 1B17 FIRE ASSOCIATION, Phil's, - 4,44S,67B Enrm., Itehy, Kcaljr, UklnTortnra The almnle Annlloution of "Swnvne'a 0 inunt," without any Intnrnnl medicine, wlllr any cia 01 Teller. alt Klteuui. Klnx ilea, lti'h. Sorua. rinink-a. Kvnunin. all Sri Itchy Skin Krupilona, no matter how ulMic. or long .tanilliiic. U I. lioleut. cllectlv. 1 coit. but a trifle. June 14. '! $21, B17, 121 riua.i Coiniianio.rank .inniiB the HKST. era tll.D in nporlenea, nd with their irnmo - , ., ...j,....... ir..ni,.ii ,innnMi ii.naii aaietv ana aeouriiT. ..r - k - v. -.-.-..:-.. 1.. .11 I.... ...1, !.,,..,,. llv their uniini t BOtlon. lair, noneai ann auaiacuir iisbiiiik' iu ' " p v". they haa won lor lbuilvea (1KKAT HU'UTA 1 IO.-SS. No Assessments. no rremium woies. AJ1E Y0D INSURED ? If not, write to tlx- alxiva Aut-ncy uuil you will receiveProrupt ottention High - Pressure Unriluinra Living charartcrl7.es these modern day". II Cfl B Hi WtjJ H I I fll II The result is a fearful increUHe of Ilrutn U ( B u2 B I W I w U Ju the tmittir of the JCntate of A'i- 111 1 Jinrr, tut? of Cf ntre town xhi'j), toiitler couiti, 'i., tlec'il. Tn Soiihla Mover mul i li vi'ii chlMri'ii, vl( : in' Imriua Meyer one ul the ietlllnoi'r. ol Centre towui'liiii, Suyiler cimnty, I'h,,iiiii1 I.ovIiih Mny er, wliu la Inii-riinirrli'il with 1 1 do. I. Kline the utlirr iii'titloni'r ul AiIhuik tuwii'lilp, Snviler i on nt J , !'., wiiah liiuioii Mover, Tline Klvi'ra, SI Joe oiiiity, MlrliliiMU, Ihivlil Moyor of Ilry Valley X lioiula. I 111011 1'niiiity, l'a., Jeaae Moy er ul I rxiikllii town-lilp, miviIit county, l' , liurwell MovitoI .MI.I.IIi i iim k'lowmlilp, Snyilur county. I'a., Jeriiiinih Moyer ol Ailuuil Uiwu fhip, Suyiler county, fa., Jai'kaou Mover of l.iuiuatoiu' towui.lni, t'nion county, I'a., Jam. Moyer ol Heaver tuwnalilp, Snyder count. I'a.. Siiruh Mover liitvrinurrli'tl with Wllliuin L.0" ol Heaver towuclilii, Suyiler county, I'a., Allen Moyer ul Centre lown.hlp, Snyjur couniy, I'a. You ure hereby notiiiej that by virtue ol a writ of iniUialtlon iaaueil nut of the Orphnna' Court ol Suyiler rnuuty, ami to me directed that an lniUeat will be held on the iireinlae. In Centro towiiKliiii. Suyiler county, I'a., on SaU unlay Nov, 74, 'H, at 10 o'cloea A. M. to wake partition or valuation ol the Uoal haiate ol .aid decv.neU. Whi-u and where yuu may atteud II you tblulc proper. It tilt EN DllEKSESherlO. SIIKIMFFSSAI.KOF REAL ESTATE! WhorciiM by virtue of wtIIh of All VI. K11. Ihniii'iI out ! the I'diirt uf I'liliiliinn 1'Ioiih nt Huvili loiinty. To me illi'i'iteil, I vtllli'XixiKe llie follow IIIK rent I'Mtnte In I'ulilli' bub' lit tlie ri'slili'iioi (if li. W. Muhl, III l liiiliutiili lowiiMilp, at lu o'rliK'k A. M, Katuriliiy, Oi tobt-r 20, 1HHH lieliiirull thiil t'l rluln plci'i'K or tnic thot utouiiiI hlliilltelll K11I1I lounsliip. IkiiiiiiIoiI mill iIi'mtIIh-iI lis lulliiHi on llie v. I'M by IiiiiiIh nf I'utrli'k Itniwn. on tlie Nurlli by IiiiiiIhoI Hiinh'l KImui Imrt. on the KuM bv IiiiiiIh nf .lia'l IStulil. on the South by liuuU or Moaea HtuutTer. I'li'd AltliiKi r mill Hurry Xhkc. nil uliilnt; 4:1 iiiti'm inureor Ickh, wheriiuilht i'i'tieil 11 twonlurv fruini' lV KI.I.1NU II11I .SK. one uiiiI one-luiirHtiirv teniuit llul SK, HANK ItA UN. 11111I other out liulldliiiTM. Alwi the followlnir TIMHKII I. AM), hit unit- 111 Mulct town- Kill i. ImiiiiuIi'iI 011 llie Nurlli by I11111U of Albrlk'llt Hwliiefnril. Kust by llelranr lliiilm.iu licrrold. Det 'd, Ninth uud est by Jih'1 Stuhl, t'oiitiitnliit; thn-e ucres more or less. Also ut the Hinne time nnd plure the rulliiwlnsr iMTHnmil pnilMTtv ; 1 cow, 1 cull, 1 Uiiuif honk wimp hill i el, 4 hnLK, 1 pli'k. I lllrlil Veshl'l. SeUeil, tnkell Into exeeiit loll uud to be sold UH the property of i,eo. W. stuhl. Mil li KN D11EESK, ShKrlff. Hiicrnrs onu-e Miiidii buiKii, oct. . 'm. ELrs CREAM BALM It not a Ifffuid, tnvff vr yovder. AppUi into nostrilt U quickly abaorM. It eleanttt the head. AUayt inflammation. Jlealtth tore. Jitoretth6tHe$cftast4and$meiL eOeanf. of ltmarfttt; by nail. rtgitttrmL au aantt. ELY BROTHERS, DrnCTUU,Owefo,IlI. ami Heart Diseases General I'e lilllty, Insomnia, 1'aralysls, and In sanity. Chloral and Morphia augment the evil. The medicine best adapted to do nuruiuuunt good is Ayer't Sar npurilla. It purities, enriches, and vitalizes tho blood, and thus strengthens, every function and faculty of the body. " I have used Ayer's Harsnparilla, in my family, tor yeurs. I havo fouud it invaluable as A Cure for Nervous Debility caused by an in active liver and a low state of the blood." Henry llucon, Xenia, Ohio. "For some, time I have been troubled with heart disease. I never found any thing to help 1110 until I began using Ayor's Sarsaparilla. I have only used this medicine six mouths, but it lias re lieved mo from my trouble, and euabled nie to resume work." J. I'. Curzauett, l'erry, 111. " I have been a practicing physician For a Superior grade of shelf and hea vy Hardware it always bent to go toold and reliable Houses who have a reputation to sustain. Such Is nnd I uu 11 1UIU II u J Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather. Paints, Oils, Coach Saddler Ware. Manufacturer of Stoves and Tinware. UNDERTAKING. 11. L. BUFFINGTON Ilealrea to umke It known to the people of Mid .iiHburirh anil vicinity that he haa remodeled and Ion, roved hi. lieurae and provliled hluiaell with a No. 1 lee or Corpae lreaereer. He ha. alao for over halt a century, and during that vrovi. cd hiui.eirw H'lVJ . . . . . , V iiilialiulnn, luyinx-out tahlea ioaaeaalnf the time I have never found so powerful .,,.10,1,, riitht lor It. u, In tin. diatriet. All aud reliable an alterative ana tilooa- thl haa been done at a ureal eipenae, anu mr, lie ha. nerlcctod arraiiKemenia to take the corpie purifler as Ayer's Barsaparllla." Dr. M. Maxstart, Louisville, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ratrARKD bt Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Matt. Price $1 J li bottle, is. Worth 5 a bottle. HutniiMUin reapoctiully auk your patronage a. a pencciou arraiiKeiuenie w uiaa u" vurpa. in hn.l ami uerlorin all the lunotionaol a luner al director thu. avnldiBK the embarraanient and luoouveuleiioe alway. aooouip.uylng lunar al. BOARDING HOUSE) 1 he underalirned havlnir made ainnln prrN' tlon fur the accoininodntlon ol the public rcapcctlully announce that he will furnl-li Imw Inn and IucIkIiik at the rate of aeventy tivart a day or twenty five cent, a men). BUlillue l lueii lor noraei luruiKiieii clioiip. Thoae not havlnir tried hla table are rr' fully Invited to call, and they will not ko iliaaiitlatled. Knoiua a few doora we.l il ' Court llouae, Mlddleliuruh Ph. UAIlKIfcli Ur.AVt.K l'roinr CROWN ACME I'lio bofit IUiinine: Oil tbnt can mnd from Petrolinm. It givos a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney. It will Dot cbar the wick. It haa a high fire tent. It will Dot explode. It is without a comparison as a pt fection FAMILY SAFETY OWi It is manufactured from the fine Crude in the ruoet perfectly equi; pod refineries iu the world. It is the 13est. Ask your dealer for Crown Acme. Trade orders tilled by Yours truly, SUNBURY OIL CO. 12 8 '87 ly. Snnbury, I TDK'S Tkla tpalar raaedy nTr rail mtt ctaall car Dyspepsia, Constipation. Sic i Headache.' Biliousness And all diseases arising from Tornid Liver and Bad Diaestio Tk aatairal raU la food PM BBBaat aUd flash. tmmm aaaall 1 " w aatavr inM ! ay f awaUaw SOLD STISTWHXBS. J aaiav. iC rai