THE MIDDLEiJURGII POST. T. n. HARTER, Editoii ard IWn. Minin.knrnan, r.i., ti. n, iws. CASUALTIES. OVKR ONE IllNDItKD INJLHKD. Appalling Calamity at n 1'olith Cor norMtoim Laying. Over 100 pnplo injuit l Is thn record of an accident w hich tixik place tSundny afternoon during tlio ceremonies nttciiiling the Inyiug of tlii corner-stone of the now St, Miiry't Polish Catholic rlmri'ti. In Reading, I'd. Probably 7,00.) enplo gut hen .1 lit tho site of tlio church to witness t ! c rcuioni. , nliout 1,000 nf whom wore crowded on a toni,ini y door laid on tho joists mill walls t.f the edi flee which had Iwn carried up ono story. Archbishop Ryan, of Flilhi Iclphia, per onnlly coinlucUd thecerctnnnies. After the conier-stono hid lsu luid Father Lihichl, fmstnr of tho congregation, nroso to spenk, and laid scarcely commence I his reinsrks when tlio newly-constructed wiills gave way n 1 one-fourth of th" floor fell with mi awful Crash, precipitating 2i0 xs.pcto thn ground, from llftt on to eight on li- t, Men, women uinl children were thrown into a confti-od mass with Joists, brick, tone mid mortar on top of than. Tlio ex citement wns intense, but w.lling hnnds at once commenced tlio work of extricating tlio Unfortunate, many of whom had to li car ried out nil I placet in ncighls-ring hu-cs, where their injure s wero ntt t.i and they rn thou removed to their homes or to tho hospital. It was fully two hou.-s la-fore tln woun led were ull e for. It is sad that several children nn; still missing. Following Is n list of those severely injur ed, tho others r. coiving only slight ruts or Lniis-s: Josephine Heine, Henry 1! irp, Au i-t U'eis, Miutiio Hai low, Cut horino Hr.nt iiinn, Win. Nowiucycr. A n roti Ycllis, Ai:i liromj Lcning, Pro I. rick Shroid. Tho following hud their legs broken: Agus tus B. Seling, O-Hirgo Siegrcit, John D. Stn Mcton, Mis Josephine Martin, Churlis r-'tdil, John mid George Nei lr, Patrick McDonnol, John Felix, George Stout, John ShMc, Vul iitiuo Nhi.lo. Up to midnight " do it lis had occurred, although six or seven uf tho Injure. 1 nre In a Very critical condition, M ayor Konney, of leading, is among thn iti, one of li is ankles being Hpminol. Aichl.iship Ryan and tho pricnts usHistin h'-.n titcMpod injury. TRAINS C1CASII TKii:nn:ii. Tlio It. & O. Clin Innntl i:xproHH and a I'rcltflit Vrc kcil: Tho C'liiciiiiintl ICxpress, Is und west, col lido 1 with nn ri-itdiound freight trnin nenr Dickersou'ii Ht it ion, 4l miles wint of Wash ington, on tho 1) dtiuioro & Ohio H iilroud. Thrro men worn Itill'-d I'Utri'ht nnd levirul others n'riously Injurcil. Tl t'trolinc iino U getiier in a tkvp cut whom tie re U a uurvo In 4.thoroid, and wliilu t-t exi:'iMi wm ruonlug ieriuips 60 mi'es .in li lii1. T''.0ro wm uli uw. ful cradi, and tlio inni! rnr, tho lmaecir and express ran of tlu C'iuoliinuti tr.iin, .'1 fniglit cniN nnd (li.j (no I'jeoiiiijtives wore "Vilo l up in :i luip ;10 fe. t Ii'kIi. Tho nilit m pitch dmk. ni il it nns Knmo time lefore the I oi!terod pisiplo in tin pis eiiger Ci 'iiclies nnd si. epers, none of whom Vcie seriously tiijuiv.l, could ren'izo tho sit U it ion, i.nd, w ith tlu train hands, render nssistauc to toe util.n'iuii ile men who were Inuied in the r.cii. 1'in.illy two men, John Wiley mid J-).'in I'asey, p st il el. rl;, mid John lte.lenl nuli, n l iiilii on the freight trmu, wero tiikeil oul d ll 1. Joseph Ji'lli ies, engineer on tho jsseiic;er (ruin;!,. IV. liurdun, 1'xpi'o.sK niewennor j H, !. M, Jackson mid A. l t'm k, poMnl clerk nnd J. 11. Virtu, tlio freight tr.iin Ihoiwiti, wore Liidly linn-ed mid cut. Th-ir isiajK) from ilLstallt death Sis iiis iiluinst Illir.KMiloils. Kit ginccr Welsh, t.t tin ireight train, mid hit ill . mini, Ik tli juui. d froiutliu engine; Welsh Wuh uidnjuied. IVIIKUn IS IMillAM tiOXK? The I'itifnl Cry of tlio Mcinticrn ol tlio HpiM iil itivo Nj ndicatc. What npM'iu-s to lo ono of tho MgoHt win.lling lehoiniM In existonco h is come to light through tho ilisappn iro'ic of Win. II. Ingham mid tho clot ng of W. II, Inghiim & 'o,'h brokonigo oilli-o at !5S Urondway, Nevr York. Tho loswsi of tho victims nmy exeoi'd f imi,(H)0. Inglmiii op -no I his ofiieo in April, lsT, nnd ndvortie I a "sK'Culntive syndi cate" which is do-criUsl as a inutu il xil to oporato in stocks, I onds mid grain. Ha issued every inoth pi into 1 stnU'inents, howing profits ranging from IS 1 '' t' 07 or o nt. Whctlior theso divi ten Is have all I.e. n paid is inieeiliiiii, hut tin y Imv.i Uo.i pii I since IVivinlicr, iipparontly outoX tho m.n;ey Invested hy tho diios. I.ust Suturdiiy Inglniii is-ti d a notice to the inenili 'is, uuiiouiiciug that h i had met v it h heavy losi s nnd was forced to tiiisjiond with tho lovs of tho whole c.ipitnl of tho syn ilieato. He remarks that "wo only hold y. ur lliimos nn I el. i.s hy saying tint tho ,tiid Co. nftcr tho nnnin W, II, Ingliiim means that nil tho syndlcnto mcml ois constitute tho rnnipnny. Tho 1ny this notico was i:ucd luglimn disappeared, leaving liis ulUco l.H lt l. lugh'ini had largo accounts with tho Ken luvird Nutloniil Ilank and tho L' Ndtioual Hank, hut never overdrew his ac ciuiiU, and iiid for ull servioos. - w Chinese I'oikjchnioiis io Iruiica. The Freu' h Qoveriimeut has ol.taine.1 fr in tho King of Aiinain two decree', tho llrst of which converts Into French concessions tho districts comprising tho towns of llui l'liong, Hl-Nol and Tourano and a wide tract of country round ahout and brants France all rights over those districts. 1 ho soco id do' croe provides that French proxrty through out Toiiqiiiu and at free ports shall be sul jeet lo French laws, and that French suh j.cts sliall be pormitu J to oiisiihs th -ir funds In usufruct and acquire projierty anywhere ia Annain subject to Aunauiese laws. A child wat born i North Cnrolina ft few days iicjo with two peifoctly dovcl--oped tongues. In behalf of a maligned, down-trodden and opnri bsoiI sex we LasUu to uy thut tho child is a boy. THE KEWI1N DRIEV AWa Sorman, or neir Dundee, Ohio, was trampled uon and bitun by a vlcloiu ttal Hon on Welnos lay night so severely thit he will clla. Ho is 00 yoirs old. "Oirgon Chsrlry,"sn Indian nvdlelno rM dlor, ha el pil frrm O'oan.N. Y., with Miss Norths UuswL Ch irley Is raid to have a wif. and two chiMren in Ore;on. Dan fonhcy, a resident of tho Ninth ward, I'itUbiirgh, sliot an I fatally wound d his I rothir In-law, Thomis Millor'. The mm dor occurred In a s ilooti at No. 1.T3rt l'cnn avenuo, which Iw ongod to W. a McKotina, who dil last Mond iy. Aaron l an, a nrgro, was killed by a mob of Infurintod citicent near Jasper, Texas, We hies lay, Ilov. Dr. Zerhy, prof, wor nf nehrow at Hoipollx-rg College, Tifflii, O., has been chosen President of the Institution. AtChicigo a young mm named Clsrk was Insia itly killed by his arm coining;in contact with nn electric wiro, receiving the full force of a fortyjight current. A mass meeting nf citizens composed of both pnrtiis wss hell at Cooper Union, New York, nnd nominated Hon, A. S. Hewitt for Mayor. Miss Tillln Iuzorsnl, nf Washington, P.i. leinnn led t,O00 dntingo from Kichnrd Stewart Willis, nf Unoklyn, for Inking her nlT.'Ctions nnd not taking her, hut when tho Msociimo t trlil lit r attorney n-knd for a liscontinuatico of tlm suit, sho to pay tho c sts. Congress has pnsseil tho bill allowing vos els not carrying passengers to U"" is fu 1 on permits (hsiimI by the Neorotnry of he Treasury and wiih uit the consult of the UierviKing InKelors. Tho Now York Court of Appals has reinisl the jii'lgineiit of conviction ngaiust Alderman Mctjini lo. Iws Siudcrs, a fnrtnrr of llano ick coun'j-. West Virginia, hilodrunk fell from his horse and was killed. He was ' yo u s of ago and haves a family. During tho pist two wieks there In vo 1 eeti twt:tytwo ca-es of typhoid fever nt Kln'rnrin-villo, l'rt. Every member of J. IL Kindle) 's family is d iwn with the d.soiw Tho 11 ink of England has r.iis ! its rut of discount to 5 per cent., s iys the It istoti llrvtilil, an ndvane f 1 per cent. Five nr c lit. nny fairly be r gardel as a high rate, for it has bo -n reached but twie in live yo irs, and exceeded only tbtej times in the past flfle?" years. Klierick & Dillingor's, nt Pcnusvillo, Pa., 114 ovens have been Urea uji after prolongeil idleness. William Leiiar 1 nnd Miss Dolly Henry, of Parker, l'a., eloped one night Inst week and were married nt Jaine-town, N. Y. Hurglars entoio 1 tho merchant tailoring establishment of W. II. Oibboney, nt Urichs villo, O., nnd curried away goods to the valuj of fl'X), A daughter of Solomon Hoiner, of Miltcn township, Mahoning county, O., fed cnriiolio ncid to her buby brother, aged 4 months, and killed the child. A young man named Clnrk, an employe ol tho Thompson-Houston Electric Company al Chicago, wns Instantly killol by an clectrlo ih-x'k from a wiro. Mrs EliziU'th Tilton is thiva'enol with blindness. Kino tho in inoi ahlo scene i f III yours ago, In which she Ilgii' td so coii splcuously, Mrs. Tilton lins led a quiet life with her mother, Mrs. Morse, and her two sous. For sevi r.d years her eves hnvo shown signs of failing, hut it was not until very re cently that a loss of si-lit appeared thro iten i"B. Tlio liody of Mrs. Anna Kowl.ind, who wni biiriiHl in tho Dunk, r churchyard Carlisle, l'a., recently, bus Iwn cxli'jmod by ghouls. They wore frightened off a id tho body wns left lying on tho ground until c.iro I for by relatives. It was thought sho had I o mi buried with diamond ruii on her fingers ami other rostly jewelry. Tho International Hank of Berlin has boon founded with a c ipitil of fV OSW. ll ab sorbs OoldU-rger's banking business without taking the liatiilit itst. The diiectors iuclu lo UoldU-rger and Dessnuer, nianager of the K itshchil.lh' Vienna house, who are president and vice-president resKC'ively. Chief Justice Fuller took his oith of olll nnd as-umed the active duties of his position Monday. Francis W. Williams, aged 01, senior purt- ner of the extensive banking and commission house of Williams, lilack & Co., of New York, shot himself dend In the Grand Union Hotel, owing to worry over tho troubles of the linn, which was caught in tho Hut hiu ton kipices.) on w in at. Mr. Henry Clows, tho Willi street broker, says the extraordinary corn crop should ha taken into the ncvuiiut wIi mi the bre i 1 ipi. s ti on is considered. "It. should be remniher ed,"suys he, "that corn is food for both la in mid beast, nnd the most who'oonto and nutri tious at thuf. My own exp?rieiu;. in recently substituting com food tor wheat his resulted in increased anini d spirits, and I recommend tint hereafter corn bo su'istitulol for wheat until the 1 itter recedes to its propjr level." John Williams, of Limn, O., w'out home after a long spree, ipiarrelel with his wife, put u levolver to his head and killed himself. Manager (loorgo Hurd, of tho Springflol I Telephone Exchange, is short I,(KX) in his accounts an i has been roniovw I. Tho Akron Minlstoriul Association ap isiiuted a coinmitt'eof luym-?n and pastors to (ocuro the enforcement of laws reipuirin tor. s to close on Sunday. John Cash, contlaed hi the lockup at Miv-sillion, for liirceny, conimitted suicide on (Siindiv iilktht by haugiug. He first tried t cut his thro it, then to drown himso'.f, and lluully kueceeiled in stringing hiimolf up. Tho fiurplu lte.lucf(l $t;,oo(J,(00, Monday's purchase of bonds, amounting to j:t,7v.'.'J00, completes tho ivipiiremonts of th sinking fund for the present Itscal year. All the bonds purchased sinoj July 1, 4,71,7711, have been opplioi to this fund, mid that amount Is regar.lo I as suflhiiout for tho nur poses of the fund during thi presmt fll at year. The recent h'uvy puruhasit of ii.U has reduce I the surplus, according to the Treasurer's figures, to 811,500,0 i. Monday' purchases are uo '"Nwuiver, iuuiulod in hi calculations. BUSINESS REVIEAV. DUN CONDEMNS THK ItOOM. V II It AT Tlio Condition t f ItusinrssGond With That One l'xc'ti Ion Vouilicrn Mcrclinnts ltrcovrrlnjf From tho Fever Kcore, H. O. Dun & Co.' weekly review of trade says: The great wheat speculation hn lioon tho sbsnrbing feature this week, for, though the KvpUmlier cirner came to an end, with hrnvy losses for sellers. It left tho market in such a state tint much highrrprlces for other cption were enslly obtained. With De cetnlMr wheat at f I.1H at Chicago, there came heavy wiling nnd sharp reaction. But tho state of the market I stilt against nil reason; cash wheat sells for more at Chicago than nt Liverpool, and nt ono time It would have paid to ship wheat bock from Antwerp to New York. Tho fleets of this wild tppc utntion will bo Injurious to legitimate trade, both foreign and domestic, nnd to consumer in this country it hits nlre 'dy brought dear er flour and nn a lvane? In the price of broid. At New York sali of wheat amounted to priMO-Vsto bushels, more than three timei the ci tiro vMhle sti p'y.nnd th prices ch S"d S r-S c-iits higlier than a week ngo. Corn a lvnnci d 2 cetit, wit'i silos of lfl, OooKH) I, nsheis, and in-s n fraction. Tho sp 'Ctil dive fev. r was fo't in other markets, aad jwirk r.o tl P'T barrel; Inrd ."i cents, nnd hogsC.'i cents p r ItKl noun Is; coffeo rwe 1 cent with sale i f M0,.'i')) I a'es, mid oil ne irly 1 cent, with sale of,) bar rels. The stock market has witness' d much sell lug nud somo reaction, mid yet. the average of prices is a sl ado higher thn-i a week ngo. Hut the advance of the Hank nf Eu g'nnd ra'e t ft jer cut., nnd the ndvanco by the 11 ink of Fianci to 4 1-3 p r cent, lead to some liquidation o' foreign ace unts in American sicurilies, mid liny c niso mure hereafter, Foreign tnnlo does not nr t-rially chnngej iiiiM.rts continue a little larger than nyoir ago, whilo inntenal improvement l i exjiort is not t loexMcte. with the sp dilative prices now ruling here. Hut the Treasury potirsout money freely, having disburse 1 during tho past week f I.VlD.iKI J more than it has taken in, nnd tho Inro i IT Tings oflMmd Indicate that tho dislair-emeuts can bo kept tip for a considerable tim without advan cing the prices paid much farther, It is also encouraging Hint, w hilo tho num ber of failures ia large, the amount of lial ili th s for the third quarter of the year sbews a great decrease from tJ7H,(l'.,2,.V0 last year to t'.'S.1 14,254 for tho rpiartor just ended, llusi liess failures during the last soven davs nuin Ist, for thi United States, 184; Cai nda, 27; total, 211, as compare ! with 220 last week aid 212 for tho concluding week of last .year. "OI,ll HUTCH." Tlio I'Arly Career of tho Unas TTfjeftt Gninliler. Until now remarkably littloh isl con known regarding the enrly life of II. P. Hutchi'ison, hi so iiruiipul.itioiis in tho w heat market nro the wonder of many people. Tho story of his cnr. cr has btvn (ol I in detail. 'Old Hiit. li' is n New Enghiii I Ynuko", no I egnn his business c itist in the little village of North Heading, N. II., iilmut 4d voir ngo, when he i ntero 1 the employ of a man tinme 1 Edwin Foster, who kept a country store. Here he was paid (2d u year to look nft"r tho store, nnd when not so iinployed, lo mend Chddi en's shoes in therenrof the store. Mr. Foster employed another lad in I lie store, t ) whom he gave $:MJ a year. Hen did not liko this d stincthm in salaries, and re belled a ;ninst It. Theothor boy was pill $'0 more a year because ho could "read wi lting hand" and was, therefore, more vaHinMo to liis employer th in Dm. Fimdly Hon obtnino I permission from Mr. Foster to use part of an lid she I, which ha built into a kind of store with patcho l-ii doors on ihe sid and an old window in front whoreupo i was inscribed; Hen Hutchinson, D iots nil I Shies." Hero foung lien mad ' boots and shoes on hi own ccount. Every SatU' d iy night ho would go O Lynn on foot and buy his stock and sell the shoes ho had nt ule. He employed severs il boy nbout the neighborhood to assist him, When ho returned he dways brought somo "jimerncks" with him, which he would trade off to tin boys, and, although he paid them money for their work an Saturday, by Monday he managed to get it all I uck in trading with them. Hon was a natural trader. Aftor awhile he got tired of hi small businoss and deci led to go into I usiuess on a larger wale, While n Lynn ho discovered that some moil In the commission liusiiiess woro making more money than lie was without doing any hard work ; so he conclude I to give up the manu facture of shoes and go into the commission business, which ho did in 1K50 on Pearl street. Host in. Aft r remaining there two year he went to Milwaukee, where he start ed in genoial I u ill' ss. Finally, some yem lat r, he moved to Chicago and engage I in wheat eommibslui tiadiug. He is new worth millions. Four Drowned Toad her. Mr. and Mi's. Kenueiiiaa, with four hil dren, mid Mr. nud Mrs, 1'hdlips, with thr. children, sturted from Mc. Vernon whaif to enss the Wicmioj riv. r to their home in Dorchester county, Md. Phillips, with u load of luni er, wss in one of the can and the other mem ber of the party woi j in the other. When near the mouth of the river a sud Ion gui". o' wind struck tho canoe containing the worn mi tud chililion and th light vessel enpsix d. Mrs. Kennermail and her infant child ai d two of the Phillip children were drow.d. Mr. Phillisnnd Mr. were ssvtd with great difficulty. Three of the ICouuer auin children bung on to tho bow of the boat lud wuited uutil their rocuers took tliuiu off. A AVeHt Virginia Tragedy. Henry Tyree was found dead in tho caMi of John Humbrick, a luniliennaii, on bmlth er ctei'k, l:enr Chnrleston, West Virginh, There were about a dor -n knife wounds ii hi breast, one of them being through bis heart. Hanibrlck has dis ipM'ur.iL There i no cause known at pr.sont for the murder and the coroner's jury returned u verdict imply churgiug HauibiicU with the criiue- TI1K TRUSTS ATTACK F.D. ,Tb State of New York Agalnat the tsugar Monopoly. Judge O'Brien, of the New York Supreme Court, granted permission to State Attorney General Chnrles F. Tabot to bring an action against the II ivemyer Sc Elder Sugar Re fining Company to annul It charter. Thi company, with 13 others, 1 a member of the Rucar Trust combination. The Attorney General lias appointed General Roger A. Pryor as counsel to represent him in thi matter. E inund IL Pentenne make the principal aflldavlt in the cae. He recites that the Sugar Trust wns formed In August, 1HH7, for the purpose of arbitrarily controlling the manufacture and Mile of sugar, increasing it price and controlling the management of all refl aeries. In October lost tho trust deed wat executed. The Havcmeyer refinery, under the trust, passed under the control of the trustees of tho combination. The a (11 iavlt atatee that the combination ha suspended and closed sever al refineries connected with the trust and has thrown out of employment and reduce J to want a large number of working men. The combination, It is alleged, Is il legal, a monopoly nnd a criminal conspiracy under tho law of tho State of New York, and is oppressive to i's pie and detrimen tal to tlm welfare of tho State of New York nnd of tho Uni ed Slates. Hy becoming a party to this combination It in allege I the de fendants have violated tho law, traicend sl its powers, forfeito I ils charter and Is citno liable to bo dissolved. The object of the suit Is to annul the coriiorate existence of the com pany mid to vacate Its c' art- r upon the ground that it has violated, tho ncl under which it was Incorporate I nnd has exercised privileges and franchise not conferred upon it by low. roiso.NKD i. Tin: ;i.vui:m. An A merlon ii (lrl Included In the feultaii') CienraiK'o ot (Surplus) Wlven. It has just crept out through friends In Milan, where she was known as bell a pri ma donna,' that Laura Schrim r, a Boston girl, and not many years ago a rising ai.d popular singer on the Anna i u a ojior i sla -e, has l eon poisoi.ed with thirUo.i other in in ites of tho harem of the Sudan of Turkey; in Constantinople, of com s , w hero for cntii riestho ick or the bjwstrin hai boon tin prerogative of tho Sultan, mid no one has over been tho w isor. It wns in 14, wdnlo in an opia company singing in Constantino ple, thut shs Isvc into the Sultan's favorit', ami entered upon the career which has ended in death, Tho friends of the unhappy cant i tricd in Milan cl nm to have undoubted evi do ico of the frightful crime, mid a lending Milanese pHr bus boldly sttted it ns a fact. According to the story, one night puis in was placed in the ice-crenin furnished t the oiv cupaut of tho Iuiieriul soia;lio, and 14 poor women, including tiie Amerium girl, wore found deid in the morning. Of courso there was no coroner's inquest, no verdict. Tho bo lies of the victims were buried nwiy to nameless gravel, and Ihe cui tdu dropiie I. I.XTi:.M)i;i T F.UItOPK The Atlniiis FipreNs Company Mnkci Contracts Willi Foreign Itullwny Lines. John Iloey, of the A la n Express Com pany, has in ule contracts ia E.irope for the establis nn. 'lit of tho Ad ims Expr." system on several i f the most important railway lines. He llrst xp lamented by having ex pio-s pickag. s scut trim L union to !:fi Tent parts of Km op., and then went to Inrisnnd did the same thing. Tlio exj criinenti satisfied him that the people of Europe ilid not kno.v what our express service is. Having done this, ho ns.r.ed negotia tions with t' o principal E iglisli and o.uili net.tnl railway comp iiiIim, and suoeco led in iiiNking in rungciuonls for plucing A inn Express cars mi all tho through trains from Liverpool to L md ni, Ljii.Iou to Dover, Ca lais to Paris and l' iris to Herliu. It is also understood tint Mr. Hoey has s cured cv tious for contracts on other linos Mr. Hosy says the c nip my will soon have expr.s- of fices vMtablisli d in all tho riucip!o citi.M in Eur.s). IIj does no', cxpnet to muke money out of the venture a: once, think it wi.l pay evoatu illy. WHISKY DID IT. Seven IVrsi ns Iliiruixl to Death and Another l)ylii(;. A , family tunned Kichtor, farm- em, living 1 ofveeli Uonevii nud Ohiowa, N. b., consisting of the hnsba id and wifo und five (hildruii, were all biirne.1 to deulh, with the exception of the husband, who was so Mriously burned that he will prohubly d o A trump wlio was sM-ndiiig thn night with them was ulso burned to dentil. The lire is b. 1 evetl to have been due to the tramp end Hiclitor getting drunk to gether earlier in the day. TU3 MORAVIAN SVXOD. Reports of tho L-ndin Cor.iiult tcrs I'rcNentcil tim ,.Jopicl. Rov. Ribt. II. Ilorhst, f Grjcehum, M l., led in thedovoti n nl ej crisis nf the Mora vian Synod a: South HeJilehem, Pa. The Commiltte on Sy.i"dieil Expenses re ported total receipts tJ,7iti; lo'ul txi.ius'S, I1.0S4. The report of the Committee on Church Government, on tlio pro;s.r uieth.Hl of filling vae no u ( iy s.i.ciil o ujtiuii), wm adopted. In response to tho nvortureof thn commit tee nppolnte I by ihe Gjiier.d Convoc itio.i of ihe Protoituut Episcopal Churoh, hold in Chicago last autumn, Inviting the Moravian Churoh to npjHjiut a onumittoe of courer euce, with a view of promoting coner.r I among all Christian, th i Committee on Fra terual Rdlation reporlol a proimble in d resolutionscord ally aecepting the luvitution, and (lii ectoj th j Pi oj dent of the Syi.od to appoint a coinmlttiHi of five bishops, threa presbyter uu 1 two loymsiu Tobacco Itudly MppeU by Frost. The toh i oco crop la Kentucky lis been badly damaged by tho frost of September 3 . From one-third to one-half of the crop wai in the field, und ull growing ulo g creeks nnd nollow was badly dnuiuged. RoporU froir all over the enmity nrj to tlio effeor. thut froir one-third to ouo-hulf uf the crop wa cauhl y the frost FEVER ABATING. TIIE STHICKF.N DISTRICTS MORE nor: FLU Only (sis Deaths at Jacksonville Fer nandlna Almost Free of I ho Pla gueFalse Alarm at Gallipolis. At Jacksonville, Fla., there were 73 new c-ses and 0 death. About 31 extra nurses will br ihlpped away at the expenss of the Comm.ej on Me Ileal Aid. The situation is hopeful, and the city would I cheerful but for the death of Col. Daniel, who is deeply mourned. I a movement on foot to rat a fund for the erection of a monument to th mem ory of Colonel Daniel rcRNANDISA HAS TtVf CASKS. Fernan' ia advices give five neweise of fever. Hi SJ colored person reported tick re now being looked up to see if they have yellow fever. Thy have called no physicians, and the cases are supposed to be mild. LtTTlJt 8ICK5BS AT DKCATUH. At Decatur, Al.v, The col I wave ha mads the outlook more encouraging. Four cases have been roortcd during tho past twenty four hours, besides ono or two dout.tful one. Two dentin have occurro.1. The sick nre all repotted in good condition. Severn! patients havo l.oen dismissed as well during the past (I iy, leaving only about 14 case under treats tnent. A post office has been estV lished Just out d) the city limits mid one of the newspi per will apcar for tho first time iu three Keek.. OAt.uroun nxs ro fevrr. The report of yellow fever at Gnllipolis, 0 is false in every pniti. u ar. We have had nothing here res nibliug it. The three deaths reorted were one diiibetes, one (dist ruction of th) bowjls and one cousuinp ion. Dis patch from Point Plensant cv.d ntly prompU td by malice. Gullipoli healthier than ever before in her history. Joiim I Vancm. WELCOME TO FEVER IIKKCUT.KS. Tha Columbia, S. C. City Honrd of II -alth resolved to invite rofugis-s from all yellow fo ver districts to c Hue to Coliiuibiii. Tho city has not txon qnarautine.1 against nny locil ity, and ha Isjen opon to all who mi, lit come, but Welnes lny the gates were formal ly thrown ojion to r. fugoe from any or all the Uifected districts. RIOT AT U.AI.VF.STON. A Colored I'ollceiiiiiu In Keif Doicnso Shoots Two White Men. . A difllculty nccured on East Strand near Seveiiteentii stnsjt, Galveston, Texas, result ing in tho shooting ot two white in n, cotton jammers by trade, named W, J. Jucksouand Otto Oslen, nnd a serious clubbing of a color d p dicj cfllcer, Henry Shiw, who did tho shooting, in attempting to arrest one of tho men who had been coinp'ained of for dis turhing public worship at the Seamen's Heth id, corner of Seventeenth reet and Strand. 'J he two men were under the influeuco ot liquor, an 1 Jnckson had .bo n r jvcte I from the church by tho minister, who npptuled to. the oilier to nrrest him. Jacksoa resisted nrrest on the ground that the flicer wrs a negr , and ho and others, according to the (idler's staleinoat, dis irmed bun of his c ub mid was applying it to his head very vigor ously, when be pulled his pi-tol and fired 3 shots, the first taking e licet in Jackson's right lri list, pii-Hing till' Jilgli his lung nnd In dicting whut may prove a fatal woun I. Ol su w..s shot through the hand. Hefore other illleers arrived a large crowd had oagre gitedaid tin ollhtjr was laiiiij severjly In uten and threats t ) hang him w re loud mi 1 determine 1. The c flic ! wustulso i to jail ns s sin as possible, to protect him from the violence of the mob, A '1 liouHuiitl Men lirowncu. Prom a lvie s received by tho steamer Deb gio it is learne I that, tho whole of the new end) uikmeiit of the Yellow river, ut Chang Choii, begun last autumn, and curried on at a i ost eipiul to over nine mil ions ot dollars, bus been completely swept away by the res i-ent II ml. Of the eight thousand lineal feet i f river wall recntly complete I, not one inch remains and the w ater is pouring through the iiiiin-iiso g ip into Hotiun, unchecked. From eight him Ire 1 to one thousmd labir-ei-s who were on tho bunk were swept uway and drowned. Tho cholera is still raging at Hong Kong, tho daily uveraga of new patients ranging from 40 to 5), most ot whom die ot the dis tune. A storm on August 3) at Nokngorl, in Ja pan, caused tho following damage: Numlr of houses deiuolisho t or half deslroye I, 3,000; vesiulii totally lost, 85; ves-els wrecked, S00; number of perso is wound" I, injured und ro ceiv ng pu'ibc assistance, .VJ,0J0. Tho Aine.-lciu yaoht Corjmt reiched Yo holiniiiiiSepluiiiiMT 17 on iu voyaue nrcuud the world. From this p irt the owner pro poses to return to N.iw York via Singapir . Hombuy, Suez Cuual, Mediteriu ieati Hsu and LivcriKxil. Hint on n Train. A drunko i mob which was returning from tho Akron, O. fair g. t Into a fight on a Val ley Railroad passenger train ut Uniontown, Si ark county, nnd emleavorel to take posses sion of the car. The trainmen resisted and a row ensued, during which the window of the car weie broken, e it torn up and th lights extinguish!) I, nud the women and chil droit screamed. Kii ally the train was stoppo I and the toughs jumps 1 off and disappeared. During tin row many poseugor were re lieve! dT their pocketbooks. Tho railway official and police are on the track of the men. Inspecting American Railways. Henry Tyler, of London, President of the Grand Trunk Railway, who bos been maklug a tour of the Anierio in continent, arrived in Chicago. He landed in this country about month ngo, hi mission being partly to in tpect tho railway systems ot the United States, but chiefly to lo k aftor the interest of hi own company. He prtoeeded westward ovoi- tlio Northern Pacific to Yellowstone Park, nnd thonce to Portland, Oregon, re turning by tho Southern Puelflo and the A cliison. Oil his arriv d ntChicajo, he was met by General Manager Hicksou, who will ueconip.iiy hiinon hiseastwur I Journey from this poinc Sir Henry will sail for Europe It about a wtek. fiftieth: congress Vajorlty and mlnorl y reports on the Tsriff Mil were were presented to the Senate Thurs day. The majority declares thnt the demand for a careful and thorough revenue lawj is ims perative First To reduce the National revenues, which are now excessive. Second To protect, honest Importers and domestic producers from tin dis .str uts ein sequence resulting from fraudulent unders) vaiustion ot Imported mnrelinndiso on whlCQ ad valorem rates nf duty aro levie I. Tllino To remedy tho detect, anomalies and Incongiuities which bavo twn fmn time to time oiscovere.1 in the tar. ft sched ules, or which have len tn-at'-d by en-onion decision of the Treasury Dopnrtimnt, Fourth To wun tho proper readjust ment and cqunlif itmn of tariir rmesrenoerixl neo sssry ty modlllol tiuslness conditions, Improvements in ne thods of pr.Nlucilou, rad io il changes in prices, or by new elemout or Source of compel itio i. Fifth To give relief and protection to many industries which aro now suffering on account of the inadequate ra.e levied on competing products. The report ol tho minority makes a doc. ment of i'i printo.1 page. It begins with ths statement that in the preparation of the sub. atitute for the House bill no member nf the minority of the committee was consultel or in formed aa to its pi ovisious until it was res ported to the full committee nn the 2.t!i nf. S"ptemlier. Tho minority recites the work of the suti-cominlltee iu hearing the "state ments, arguments ant apiwsls nf man Ufacturer and ntlni s, who ileinand I hit the present high rate of tariff tax it ion shall tie maintained, and in most instances, proinp. ted not by any revenue necessities, but alone fort Is) utioe nf increasing their own profits at the exnse of 0M.(H0,tKI of tax. psyota" Continuing, tiny iy. "It is sit to say that all tho Interest lsneflel lya high protecti-e tarilt have Ixs-n lullv hissrd and have ha nmc'i inflaence in shnjilng this uititute. While tho groit Isoly ol tlm msi lilo, tlio taxpayers an i victims nt this policy, have not apprmol and have not been heard." Tho French Decree. Referring to tin French immigration do cree, the Herlin Xarth (.Vnnaii Gazette aI Vises tiermans not lo live in France. It adds: '"Every G.-rnmi who crosses the French frontier will uudeista id tint holms remove I from culture 1 1 bnrburism and lis lias no right to complain if he coniis into dis agreeable contact with iinOnul customs an J instincts. " The Vown'si7ie 7.i il ung nplnes that Italians, rather than Germ ins, nre a mod at It ad mits that the decree ind cati s 'hat the Frenelt Governmont has weakly yiel led to tho Chauvinism nf tho masses, but siys OiTinany cannot Justly nbjis-t, tho provision of tli decreo having long boon enforced within hai own border. Alt MARK IOTS. riTTHiitmuir. RUTTEU Creamery Oiuntry roll CHEESE Ohio full cream New York EOOS $ SS IS t ln 20 175 5 75 1 50 8 V) 0 25 1 115 125 2 00 1 10 1 15 Ml r,i M Hit I'd 7 25 7 25 (ilKI 47 5 17 no 20 00 2:1 on 10 00 22 00 1 17 f.J W :u 2t 17 17 00 1J in v.) 12.) :l 4 1 ".") t! ' A IN) 1 M 1 0) l no 1 15 1 14 .v M 41) FRUITS Apple, bbl (traiMsa, pound POCLTKY-Chickens, p'r. PorATOEi-Irlsh, lii.L SEEDS-Clover, country, Timothy . . Hlue grass . , Millet WHEAT Oil No. I red 2 COHN-No. 3 yellow ear, .Mixo.1 ear, Knelle 1 uiiXHl, OATS New No. a white. HYK New No. Ohio i . I To., f.'.t F1.UUK Fancy w ine a- ' . 7 is) Fancy spri ig i ntV, 7 no Ciesr uit , 6 7." Rye Flour, 4 M HAY New Timothy, 15 OD 1sise, from wagons ou MIDDLINGS White, Itriin, Chop I'VhI, Jl oo 15 5il 20 00 llAl.TlilottK. Wheat No. i! led, $ Ryo i "urn tl.tta West Pin Hutler Egcs 00 M HI 20 10 50 Hay Western CINCINNATI. Wheat No. 2 red, $ Rye Colli Oats Eggs Pork liutter PHILADELPHIA. 1 13 $ 1 is i;j 45 25 40 20 17 10 00 2d 15 Flour Family 0 50 $ 7.W it M fts Wheat No. 2. Rel 1 : Corn No. 2, .SliX"d Oais Ungrudol Whito Ry.-No. 2 Hu ter Creumerv Extr.i Cheese N. Y. Full Crruin 52 IS MVK STOCK. Ai-LEoiiExr Livk Stock Yaiids. CATTLE . There were 2:iil In n I mi sale, nf nhlch Is heal wore from Chic igo nnd fi'4 he id tr.uu Ohio, against 2114 hesil last M ind iy. Alex. G-eenwald, wlio had all the supply, sold I'tu-cngo-liought cattle at 4 to O'c, mid Ohios at )i fc o.'s'o- BIIEEP AND I.AMUS. There were U4S huid on mm, nil luinhn, nguinst lW head ust Mond y; luuil.s sold at 4! IVj tifc, aevor.iing ts quulitv mid cud" tion. Il is not often thut ilie u a. k"t heieis bure of sheep, but th re win not lunch fill tor them. HOG. There were 25S leal on silo, nfilnst 2J I'Oid last Mon lav. A ex. ireeuvnn s .Id lis In n I nt tit tolle, W. Il s k. nbergi ;r 51 henl ut 0.:i.'ic. and Go), Woiiuer 2J lieu t at an av erage of 11.70c. Ciiicao Market slow ; natives lUo lower; Ims'V. s. If. I to 0 !i5; sieeis, H.2.5 to li; stis k-r and feeders. 12 toll. 40; enws, t ulls.ind linX 'J. l.li5 to U; Texss cattle, l.5 i to a 10; West tern ruiigei-s, i25 to 4.15; Market slow and lO.r lower; mix-sl, tU to Oe') heavy 0 to 0.45; light, 5.0 l to 5 li t; skip. (11,50 ti5-:i5. Hneep Market st adv;uuttvrs. I'i to 8 ttj; Western, f-i lo U.0J; Texa is, 12. i to 3 60; lands', 4 to 5 50. Cincinnati O. Hog weaker; common and light. 4.75 to 0; pucini und butciem, fj5 to 0 2.5. , Haltimdkk, Md Swlno Light supply ami uiriy good ilemuud ; ipjoiilioun, fS.iO U 6.75; roct'ipls,'J Grain and Provisions. . Last week will long bi remembered by th trude and puhlio for the amount ot plunging in w heat at Chicago. There seemed to b little abatement iu the bull fever when tue market opeued Saturday morning, with prices from I 7-e to xo higher all around. VV ith 2d minute from the opening December see to II 10, and May to l 20), ami from tnat iKiint the advance wsssloa iy, with occ isionul luctuation, until shortly before ibo clus Ikcouiix-r bulged to l 22; May to $1 23 auJ November to 1 20 1-2. From ihispoiut tuc eastsl off to closing prices. Closing prio si Wlnal Octolsjr, $1 W 5- November, tl 2d l-o; Deisjuiber, l2li Muy, 1 2J il 4 Corn October, 44 3-4o; N" vwuhor, 45 H-So; Dtfiwuibdr, 41 8-4 ); MOo !UI5 8to 303-4. Oat -Oct, 24 Mo; N"'-' 24 7 8c; D.CJinber, 23 l2c; May, 2016 pork- October, (15 50. !