The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 11, 1888, Image 4

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    PuMiahpil every Thurwla.T.
T- H. BARTER Editur and Pi opnetor.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
lino r.ilutnn. n Yi'tr W.O
One hull Column tu i6.0
l nfl Inn rill t'nliiinn. liiipYfiaf IOT.W
rro(i-.Uinl r... pi r riir .0
Amlitnr.. ku-riitor. AilnilnlrlrHlnr. mul
AHlini-ii Nutlrra i.M
When n atiiial a.rriiiiuiiiitii are timiltf, nil
ilvrrliM'iiiriKu, IiimtibiI lor tli.n 4 iinitilli",
clmruc tl.V'i .T Inrh lor lift Inmrtliili fl.00
or lint ktc.ihI I ii -rt I fti mill 14 crnta lot raih
ruli.rijiirnt llli'ltln.
Thursday, Oct. 11, 1888.
Rkitui.ican National Ticket.
for I''iit
hi:n.i.min iiakkisiin,
tit Itiilhtntt
Knr rr I'K'.liliMit
1.KV1 r. m 'hiiiN.
of .New Yuri).
Tlli'tlll i:ill.
Irr riik'in-.
.Mm II. 'I iik'uart.
ImIiii w.ihMin iki r.
IliliU rl I', .Mm.
William . 1 1 .1 u1 It. HI.
.Inlin MrMliliH.
.Iiiw'ili II. T. Cmiti'S.
Wlllliiin X. Kill.
Mlflir I'llH'lliil.
.iiiiniH I., hurt.
KIIwikkI t.rli'M.
V.r.ra II. I(liil'.
Wllllnlti ii. I'.iv IK-.
ivti r K. Ilih k.
Il. iir.v II. Ihi-litH.
.lull II II. ilrniit.
Hum c. KrcHM.
TlKilllllN lleilMT.
iuiiri.'i'li. Ilii1. lilii-.iiii.
Jnllll I'. 1iWlT.
.Irr.'tlll.ill K. MllliT.
iliiirtfi' .1. Klllut.
IIi-iii v S. I'aiil.
i.i'iUKi' Milr.ii. -Ir.
I'nrt.T M. NrwinvtT.
.Inliti W. Wullwv.
.Inlin I'Miirti-viitit.
.fMU-fl Tlllltrma Jnlll'H.
I.. M. Truxal.
W. W. Wittenmyer has a rlean
walk-over in the I'rothonotaryfhip
this fall. Hin at raight-forward mode
of transacting the tnifunewi of Inn
office during thin, Inn first term of
office, wan no Hatiafaetory that the
oppoaition difpairedof nominating
a tnnn againat him. That in the
minny side of politics, and in a cane
of tine merit rewarded.
II. J. Duek, the Republican candi
date for Register and Recorder, and
the present incumbent, has shown
himself an officer worthy of the con
fidence of the people who elected
him. His close application to the
business of his office tho prompt
discharge of his official duties his
social excellence and treating in his
official capacity, democrat and re
publican alike, has made him hosts
of friends in both parties, who will
on Nov. Gth, next, give him uu over
whelming majority.
uuraoie vjv
Are Diamond Dyf . They extel H ouSen
in Strength, Turitjr nd FartneM. None other
arc jut ai good, lleware of imiutionf they
are made of cheip and inferior materials and
give poor, weak, erockjr colore.
36 colors t 10 centt eacn.
Sl nmtat for tHt Book. RiinnU Card, dili.
lor coloring Photot., maklnf lh finwt Ink or Blulnf
(10 cu. a quart), etc. Sold b Unif Uu or bf
WELLS. flCHAROSON i CO., Burlington, H.
Tat Gilding r profiting Fancy Articles, USB
Oold, Silver, Broote, Copper. Onlf lo Cents.
Rkitui.ican State Ticket.
For Au litur Oi-nornl.
THOMAS MrllAMAM'ul ItUIr County.
t'ur Siipn-iim Jimpf,
JAMKS T. MITi'llI.I.I.. ol rhiliulclihl.
A.orUIn lllittft
Rtrf in can Chi nty Ticket.
I 'ntiirm.
A AKiiN S. H'M.I KHI1.
I'ro' liiimiliirv
. W. S IT r l-.N Si Y y.iL
K.-ul.t.-i- N l r.i-r
III.MiY .1. HI I K.
1 p. rl.-t Altornrv.
II. K. 1 1 I.I.Kit. Sr.
.Iiim ('oiniiil-.loiM-r
Z. T A Vl.nlKI KM HKH I.I N I.-
AiliimK lli-nry l'..l.lii, r..l.l n Mit.-licll.
Hoaver W. I-', r'oi fi-, '. I'. Si.-ht.
Ilcuvrr W.-.I-II. M. t'Mi, .! Snyder.
-,.tr.i W. II. Nai.. It. It. W.iller.
'Iiiiiihii S11n.u1 I. -11111. 1 in. Trou mm.
Krunkliii I'll ii .I.n-.ili ll.ifiiiK.-r.
.Iiw-k.011 W. S. Sliollv. J. S. Yi-.irt.-k.
Miil.tli'liiiruli I . M. Slrinlnurr. Win. It. mill:.
MiiHIi-i-.i-k-.l. It. K-Mi-r. .I..I. Miti-hi-ll.
M,inr.,e T I' t n -1. W. llonlm-r.
ivnii tl. W. Witiin-r, 1-iiin- How,
IVrrv W. il. Ilnrihnu. U. K. IlmelMi.
I'rrry l-l. f. Mniwrn-r, .1. N. Willi.
Si-llii.ur.ivt- M. I'. Wiim-ii-i lli'r S. I'. MiiiiniD.
SiirliiK 1- 1. Miilio-k, I, y. Id-Ink.
t nloii .Inlin l lloiMi-. .1. H. llermlil.
W, W.To il. . A. llntilorr.
Atkinson Nominated
The Republican Conferees of tLis.
thulHth CongeKsiotitil district, who
met in one of tho Capital Rooms,
llarrisburg, Oct. 2, noniinated Hon.
L. E. Atkinson, the present member,
on the 181st ballot. They had a
lively time of it. Not having effect
ed u Humiliation on the evening of
the first day, notwithstanding then
having cast I"' I ballots, the candi
dates met and agreed to dissolve the
conferees from any obligations to
vote lor an particular man, thus
leaving them free to vote as they
pleased. This had no effect what
ever other than causing home very
erratic voting. On the morning of
theUd, when the conferees again
met they began balloting at once
There were numerous jumps for
this and that candidate, and several
times one or the other of the favor
ed ones came within an ace of get
ting there. At lust on the lHlst
ballot Juniata, Huntingdon and
Fulton east three votes each for
Hon. L. I). Atkinson, the present
Congressman, and Union followed it
up with two votes for the sumo gen
tleman, thus ellecting Ins nomina
tion. Franklin (3) went to Gehr,
Snyder (3) went to Potter, Mifllin (3)
to Culbcrtrion, and one Union man
stood out for Jliller. J he vote was
11 to 10 in Atkinson's favor. The
nomination was made unanimous,
and the conference adjourned.
Mr. Atkinson is a statesman of in
telligence and ability, and is recog
nized throughout the district as one
of the best Congressmen that ever
represented tho countiea composing
it. The selection is an eminently
judicious one, and shows that the
district favors retaining a good man
in place. Mr. Atkinson was first
elected in lbHl, wLen he had a plur
ality over his Demscratic competi
tor of 730, and a majority of 303 over
all In 18H4 the people were ho pleae-
n . . f CELERY
" t'lnt' OIott Com.
Neuralgia pound cod m
oik nek headache.
wmmtmtmmmmmm Mrs. I. A HmKlKri,
. ban Jacinto, Cat
am "After nin ti hot-
PrOStratlOn ilea of Paine Celery
Compound, I am cured
ol rheumatiam."
Rheumatism yjB'ya.
"It haa dona ma wore
KldrieV ood lor kidney diaeau
than any other medi.
Diseases cine." c,n. aott,
SIoui City, Iowa.
"Paina'a Celery Coin
" m pound haa been of treat
All I Ivar benefit fur torpid lieer,
Mil indielon, and Wlioua-
laoropra ri.ii..joeche, vt.
II. I'. Miller the Republican nomi
nee for District Attorney is known
. . . i
over tu e county as a young man ol
superior legal ability, honest and
upright in his dealings, kind and
agreeable in his manners. He will
guard our public interests and prose
cute crime to secure fitting punish-
luients for the transgressors. His
election will be a credit to the county.
Henry Rrown, who will occupy a
seat on the "pulpit of justice in
Snyder County for the next term as
Associate Judge, is a man of fair
legal ability and possessed of that
valuable gift of good common sense
upon which the dispensation of jus
tice is founded. He is known as an
honest, conscientious citizen, a work
ing man who will understand and
sympathise, with the people, over
whom lie will assist in holding the
'scales of justice." A soldier of ex
ceptionally good military record, and
a Republican. The President Judge
being a Democrat, it is but justice
to ask that the two subordinates bo
men of the opposite party. Few
men m the Kcpubucau party are
more deserving of jxiliticul prefer
ment, and as such it is the duty of
every Republican to stand by him
and not only vote but work earnest
ly for his election.
Z. Taylor Gemberling tho Repub
lican candidate for Jury Commission
er is a man of good judgment, honest,
and intelligent. A man who is
worthy and well qualified for the du
ties of the important office, vote for
him, work for him ; he is most des
erving of your hearty support.
Tlila 1. .........nt.Ti, of 1
1 inn ,t I i 11 JU I'llifll . '1 Aivsiiw.
where political shysters and politica'
liars are to be stamped into silence
with the iron heel of contempt, it is
hardly fitting to stoop to the indig
nity of recognizing the Democrat
who is sailing through the county
under the notn ifV plume of "Repub
lican," charging Hon. A. S. Helfrich
with opposing certain of our Repub
licans in the last cuiiiPaign and dis
couraging the candidacy of Hon. L.
K. Atkinson for Congress. Those
who were in the political swim of the
last campaign know very well that
Mr. Helfrich did not oppose any Re
publican candidate. That he inform
ed Mr. Atkinson of Mr. Potter's
strength is nothing impolitic, for the
party in this county did stand by
him to iho last and hud he received
the nomination for congress the
county would have given him a tre
mendous vote. If Mr. Helfrich is a
ring candidate, pray tell us who con
stitutes the ring and where are its
bounds ! We answer, the people of
Snyder county constitutes it and the
geographical lines the county's limits
bind it. You cannot find fault with
hiH record as a representative. Now
don t disgrace tins thus lar respec
table campaign by dragging tho can
didates into a dirty political whirl
cratic opponent by 3.47, and had a
majority over all of 2,050, thus prov
that his constituents think he is the
right man in tho right place. A man
of broad views, gifted and bright
his course in Congress has always
reflected credit on himself and those
who so constantly increase his ma
joritieB. Having served over four
years in the army, Mr. Atkinson has
been especially watchful of the sol
diers' interests. That he will be
elected goes without saying, and by
a largely increased majority.
Line of STOVES
8uch as him never before been een In Snyder county will be found at
Tl m TlTTniTlTlfl
U. nllUAllEi)
A new Stock of Goods
hnn Jtmt bpen received which we will
take pleaned toxhow you nml if you are
of good and ntyliah clothing? If no let
me prevail on you to call at my store
and look over my
Fall Stock.
It in made up of the cholcent and moot
desirable selections that It has ever
been our good fortune to secure and
has been bought under the niont fav
orable, conditions that ready money
can control.
is a
In upsetting high prices, and we have
used it well. Our
Mwm Reap Us Benefits
CiTCall at once,
Mlddleburgh, Pa.
, ti-
tv m o irrr-at. tlie styles so eieirniii. ami inn price, so rensnnauio
that the closest, buyers cunt renist the teiiiptinir appearance of tlie
The variety Is so grpat, the styles so elegant
niHifiiilloent ftiuare Heaters and Klegitnt Cook Stoves antl
1888. Spring and Summer. 188
All buy a Stove and go home happy. AV 0 ftrc 110W r rePared to lMW ftU vancn
Cmioro Uootorci Xcw Avi Cft SOfilkft bile
uUUdlu riydlulOi Howe Ventilated, and others.
New Keculator, New Susquehanna, Onnl Otminn II IllTT
Grand Times, (.olden Age, Kte., Etc. UUUlA OIUluOl I II U
Th( underslRnctl AdmlnlHtrator ofIVUr I'on.
tUniH late of Miililln-rii-k township, Snydrreuiin.
tv, l'tt.. dee d, liy vlrtin- of an ordi-r United out of
the oriiliHDS' I'uurt of Snyder county wfU expose
lu UUUIIU who uu UiU I'ruuiiM.. uu
Tuesday, October 30, 1888,
at 10 o'ti'K-k a. ut. The following dcwrlU'd re I
t-Mliili', towlt i All that certain ini-KHiiajfii iind I
I ru.-f ,.f tiiml ullllutM In 1Ulf1,llft.,r, (.u,ul,ln I
ed with him that they ran his ma-1 Snyder county, ., bounded ou the JJorta by
jonty over all lip to 2,4U.1, in 10 undHiiIMuryllutiimel, South hy lands of Henry
S. T. Buck, Merchant Tailor,
Swim MaebuiB
1 Ilia machine is beyond a
doubt the liizhtest rtinninir, eas
iest operated aud most durable
uihehiue in the market. Simple,
stronir, swift, and sure. Perfect
in every particular. It has work-
" - ed itself into the lead airaiust all
competition ami to-day stands
unrivaled for all purposes.
In Dry Goods we have an elegant line of Coinbinat
Suitings, Ladies' Cloth, Satines,
A Variety of Wash Dress Good:
Seoteh Zephyr Cloth, Century Cloth,
New Calieoes, "Whi to Dress ('km
An Elegant Line of Cassimeres,
Laces, and Embroideries.
IPin'slocBass (Biroceiries
SCHOCH BROS.,Selinsgrov
rr AlL-itikiori Ii w llcmo. saur. ei uy minis 01 iieury iiuiniuvi, coiiUIU
.Mr. AtklUBOU tltltaieil U1S UO- in i acHKU, Uiore w lima Willi llw miDuli-niuio.
es, on which are errx-ted aTWOSTOKtf UVVKLlr I
INI) llOt'SK, BANK BAllN and oilier nei-esiiar
ouiuuiumiKN. hiho an orcliara of choice fru
tre, irood Hprlnir of wuter near the dixir. about
40 ai-n-K of the above land Is clear, uud the rest I
Is well lluibered. I
T Kit Ms so per rent, cash and the balance on I
me lsiaay oi Aiiru issy.
Oct. 4, 'tw. Aduilnlbirator.
xxters or Aaministratlon on the es-
Ut. ull'tlerfunilouKtlata of Mlddl.ereck Twn.
bnyd.r county, l'M deed, hsvlna been granted
to ill. utnleralKned. all liernoin knowluir th.m. Indeliled to said lata sr. requested to I
mak. luitnadlat. payui.nt, wlill. ttioa. bavins I
claim will r.a.Dl tliem duly authenticated tu I
ui uoueraigueu.
bajit, 30, 'M, Ad ut lulatrator.
My Merchant Tailoring Department
is full ami complete. I am daily reeeivimr shipments of CLOTHS, C'ASSI-
MKUKS. Ktc. for the iniiiitifiieture of Stylish and well made t'lothinir. I
take orders for suitsthroiiKh Snyder county and alwuysguariintee Satisfac
Scouring, Dying and llepairing Neatly aud Cheaply done.
Call and examine the famious New Home Machine, seethenuality of coods
and the. stvles of our clothing ami we will need no other recomeiiilatious.
Aug. 10. 'h8. S. T. BUCK, New Berlin, Pa.
The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun
and Rifle Combined.
This system in combined rillo
and shot-gun offers advantages
over other makes even more
marked than those for shot
only. They far excel all oth
era in strength, accuracy
workmanship and balance.
Side-snap action, best decarbonized blued
castcelbarrUO or 12 gauge shot, 44 Win
hsetcrc. f. ntie cartridgo weight 10 to 121bs, price $30
Top-snap action, same as above, 38-55 Ballard cartridge, or
H a m ... n n "
Tho above prices inciiuiio luuspapcr she and one box of
A Complete Assort
ment of
Artificial Bait, cct.
I respectfully submit to you a few prices Assorted
Troubles at 25c. a dozen, tr.out-hoks to cu 25c. per doz.,
plain trout hooks 5c per doz. best oiled-silk lines from 2
to 3 cents per vard. all other lines from 1 to 2 cents pe
yard. Keels from 25c to S2. Orders by mail promptly
attended to.
SrtyDnsIn an
1 etill continue in the Merchant Tailoring buaioeBS witb room!
Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa.
and take this means of informing the people of Snyder coanty, thu.
have on baud a well selected stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
and bamplea from the best and most reliable New York and Philadelfi
bonees, ana win sou lower man ever, uauiug, meaning, x.epairmg. '
ing and Scouring done on abort notice.
Not. 1U. -K. e-. utLa
Freidman fc Getz's, Beavertow Paj
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, PaJS"
t&rWeJiave iust returned from Philadelphia tv
New York with a new stock of goods, embracing
ft mini i i in i u u iiiiiim
LI I IdlllU Wl. Aa i. w wwwn
Summer Dress Goods, Quilts, Linen Table Cloths, U
Embroideries, Lace Curtains,
C V SZ? t - v c v ' ' " - - -
Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Glassware, Queensica'
also a full line of ready-made
SHOES, GROCERIES, &c. We have our store welU-
ed, and request the -people to come and see us- TFefl
thankful for past favors and reauest our friend
continue their patronage no sew cneup tor cw