The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 04, 1888, Image 2

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    Thu public spea ting during 4 Presi
dential catnpa git Citi ubuut a million
Tlio TdaMonn Society of London have
jivcn Pro'cssor I'Aldwin their approval,
ntating that his parachute will bo useful
for war balloon.
f'rcit l'.ritain !s becoming more of a
money leading than u shop keeping na-
The mastor called to M reaiprs:
"Milk scythe and itlckle keen,
And bring m th grain from thu uplands,
Ami the grnm from th inrwln green;
And from o'Tthn mist-clad .-nnmtim,
Where th wilt warps fret ntid foam,
Ve shall gather the msttiiitf sel;;ns
To furnish tho harvest home."
then th" laborer cried: "() master.
Wo will hriujt tli'W thi yellow grata
Thnt wave mi tin., windy hillside,
.: f i I. ..til -1 - i...
,.. , .,.. And tl...twid.T-ro from th plain
are umk.tig moio mm. cy b ig, j Hut thnt wh on spring on tho in irsu
" I dry and harsh and thin, m
Tin; ntct train services in tho world' the swe-t ileal crusso,
re in the I'liited Statu. Next imiui No w. w ill not gather It in.
"Xow, then, st'r your stumps or I'll
break every bone in your body. Did
you co mo alumni to play young gentle
iiinnf' 'I hat was the beginning. I had been
shipped, not as a cabin boy, for thore
wa no plaeo for one, but n a ship's
dog, a uoy whomustcomoand goatevery
dangered the safety of the crew. While
I suspocted that thin wag a subterfuge, I
was not quite satisfied about it. If I
was something to be thanned and afraid
of, why ihould I do I re to escape? If
taken off I had no home to go to, do
friends to welcome me. I was lonesome
nnn somewhat at raid hero, out wan,
Ergland, tiot Prance, i.ext ticrmauv.
After that it is a si r.itiibic, with no
The ix Kciilu -ky counti'S of Harlan,
Knott, Hell, li'-l-c, l.ii' V mid l':ct-ier
invi! mi c!iiir h within their 1 mit4, vet
tho State give c:i' U year in my tho innd
!) In iH to f.irci .mi m.ssion.
body's cull, and who could be kicked ; nevertheless, enjoying the novelty of tho
mi l nulled by everybody. According situation.
to tho novelist, I should have found a I I built mo a rude shelter, wandered
stanch friend in the fo'castlo. a ,la"k ! over the island, fished, set snares and
J. nit or lien llrnce, who would tako mo captured parrots and monkeys, and
vnder his wing and olTcr to fight tho nfter the first week was quito content,
whole li in in mv Ix-linl f. but notltinir of ! I bud been nn fhn island Ihren week be.
j the kind happened. Most of tho crew ! fore the second mystery occurred. A
weto Dagoes, nni no one snowea me tho ' peninsula or nock on tho western enil or
slightest pity. When wo had been out tho island was composed of sand, and
four days I be:;an to feel very nnxlous 1 Imre of troo or bush. U was about H00
about the safety of tho sh'p. "The plan feet long. There h id been a heavy b!ow
was, at I overheard it, to tako to the from the south, with n big sea rolling
boats, nnd it suddenly occurred to me in, and after this hail lasted two days
that they wou'd refuse to take mo with there was nn uniiHunlly low tide. I
them. I suppose I got this idea from caught sight of a timber heaved up nn
the men telling mo that I was no good, thospit, and went to inspect it, and
nnd t li lt I on 'lit to lie llnnir nvertioiird. . whiln survevinir the banks which llin
in lli j miii nn I t'w (lows of ,lmj ot her expressions intended to upset tide had uncovered I caught sight of
: I'.nt tin master said: ") foolish!
For niiiny a wciry dnv,
i Ihrmuh storm nn I ilrnig'it, ye hnve labored
For lli grain mi I tin' fragrant liny.
, 1 1"" x ro is e.n-t!i is fruitful,
I And bree m of mini ii"r Mow
Where th"
Th" South has gained I ,() miles of track witliin uillit vein, tit a
srt,t sf JJ;"0,iMhl,0MK The ,11 lease of
tlx cr 'p, and oilier product of
thai e lion h is bee:i i:i cijua! projior-iion.
1 1' s than I'fty year m; i th-ic :is t.ot
riiiu-r.i i i the world ; to
! ,o i ) ph it'e.-rapliio cs
to sa.' noth. n i; of the
am i'cur , ill the
plet l; i . I j i ii
I.ty f 1 1 t a:
t.llli I -'hill II' 4,
thousands nf
l.intt; I 'a'l'i
l heaven,
Hive rip rue 1 sort nn I slow.
j Mint out on the wi Iw Id -n m ir-ili'nn 1
Until ni r n p or he, n n-t.
Ami with rapine uu I raeof Imnry waves
The ln vcl lij; miii is wet.
There ilower the pal" ,;ieeii se les,
And the tide that, cli nod flow.
An I Hi ' I , t .it - breaMi of the wi wind,
i Are tln only care they know.
"'J In have lirunk n of b.tter wiit 'r',
T'h'-ir f'd li itii h 'en "harp s" i s md,
Alld el thev I:. I , e VI I'l .' I U ll irveit
1 ni'i Hi'' n inter's ha ul.
S.i s. nll ye oil. 1 1 l eap -ft,
1 nor the n u.itvtii" more.
And rani".- in Kla l ies, wit i soiii of pr.iise
'1 l.e , r.i. fin il the cle-nlat sh"IV. "
"ii.1 tt'tnti I' o,;r'.
.me. ion can jmfge how green I was fomo ciieir little liovcs 1ml f bnricil in
'by what followed. 1 was in McCoy's the smd. 1 dug one out, to find it so
watch, nnd on the night of the fourth heavy that I could hr.rdiy ding it away,
day, us ho seemed to soften up a bit 1 They were of wood, hooped with Iron,
i when giving mo an order,! inado bold and ten or twelve inches long by eight
i to say : or ten inchei hio,h. I had littlo curiosity
Sir. McCoy, when you get ready to a to tho contents, aiid the idea that
, have tho hhip go down, you won't leave they contained treasure never cross' d
. nie to drown, will you.'' my mind. I got out four before tho tido
j "W what.'" he gasped, as ho stag- turned, and there were several .nore in
, gced back lil e one chor.. mu'ht. After I hud them all together
In ten minutes ho had it all out of mo, above high water, I begin to wonder
and he stood before me pule-fiiccd and whether they contained hails or b illets,
tro nblin'i. When he hud made sure nnd set about breaking one open. When
that I had not said anything to any of row upon row of silver coin greeted
the crew, he took in 1 ri ft and locked mo my eye I i nine nenr lo.n w hat littlo
'i h" i'm m,; i! '1 ink, of !;.eii'H Ayr. ,
iV'I'li tii" i'l his a ci iit.', of
).(.),' ''.a il .T.inin.o i (,f deio-it. It.
f .ie urn c iiu-iin-t '...i i any A ric ricri
a id ri e, -ve: , t!i in the Imperial
II i .U of i i r:;ia jv.
The ae :r.e r'ce pi'd the avcritfe
Jo a i 'Si h.'oin nu'' by liie year is
V-' . I "l. I 'if .III II If til it her 1 1 i lid M'id
washing co-Is her ab mt . 1 e Week and
her I it!ii: g ii:id i cidea'nl "i i more,
ili'! wi I then Ii ive n nirpiu of .H. 1 " to
bui.d ill a 1 ink a' c 1 nit, u iii- h in t w n
year of hard work would iiMituint 10 a
little um:e ill in 1 1.
vT"i;v ii' 1 lit: i .
ilo.i'.s way ttr- full of mystery,"
1111 1 in 1 otie ic.di 1 the truth of t lie i j ila
t H 'ii 1 1 lore 1 h 11 the men In 00 dou 11 to
'ia 111 Mi'p My lil'leenth birthday
found in.; nil 01 pli ill ail I a waif ill the
Mivi '.- of ,'m iv UrleatiH. 1 had runaway
iron a f.. uncr in lliiios to whim I
va- lion. 1. 1, a. id by hook mid crook had
H ac: e I t e Lieat town on the Father of
W teis. 1 had been livin-' n preciuious
up in a stateroom designed for tlie Mipir
cari;o. cxt 111 li ning I was taken to
theinli'n and iiiestioned by tho Cap
tain nnd m itu ii'id r. turned to my prison.
They were net harsli with me, but on
tlie l ontra'-y. p'omKcil tout I sli iuld go
in the Captain' ov:i boat, and that I
need not work imy inoie. I was made
cabin b iy, nnd wa warned, that if I
(l:iippcd one single word to any person
I should be lluii,' to the sharks ut once.
They could irut me. Hniplo Simon
that I was, 1 cared only to save myself
when tlie hour 1 mil'. I could not real
ize that the scutilni'.; of a ship was any
An alligator hide Is worth $1.2.1. I Itef foe tloaatln and Bakln
Three widows remarry to one widower. I 'When roasts are cut large enough (J
v.nunn ... i t,u ,ntk i 111 ore than six tiersona there is a iwm;J
wear darned stockings. t the ends f the ribs which slw.J
The Persians after dinner, wash their T""' 'tt t -i"' d
hands Inscented water. ll.ll"' ."iH
... u ,; u" ii '" nir hkj
Jlore twins are born in May and July roun(i mngCle t the chine end, Bnd UU
limn iuiiij viiiui iiiuuing, iiavoramy rcgarcica Dy consumers; nj
A knot Is a division of a ship's log lino truest economy is to cut it olf l'c0J
corresponding to a nautical milo. :ooKing, to trim away an tno supPr'
A wnmm rnrnntlv reirisfored t)US fat to fry out for dripplnps. ..'
in a hotel register : ".Mrs. IJlank, nee then corn, spice, or picklo the meat l
If a bit of string be tied around a
ooster'a leg ho won't crow for approach
ing dny.
Theodore Lamb, of Virginia City,
Neb., has a sunlluwcr plant that stands
lixtcen feet high.
If a thief should get into a Oovornmcnt
fault among the gold lie could only carry
iway $:!., Out) m chink.
The first census of tho I'nited States
was taken in ITutl. Tho population at
;hat timo was a.Mo,.
Mini's nests of the edible sort bring
heir weight in silver for tho tables of
ich ( hincso mandarins.
Thore is an all'gator in a pond in
south Carolina, wtrch is known to bo
it least ninety yenrs old.
The Kusians rinse out their mouths
ifter eating with a glass of water
jrotight with tho linger bowl.
Tho sun is ti:t,0(K),ooi) plm nnd minus
l,.Viu,iiiO miles ftom the earth, nnd tho
noon is about JIO,0 K) miles distant.
'in.,. i . . ... . 1 . :
1 , .,. ,t . 1 -i u imi 'iner rnni iii vuiiiiiiiiu
sense I had. 1 wo o hers con 111 led silver, . . . , .11
1 . t ....1. 1 1 . ,, ron intoHtccl wai invented in H11, and
the foiuiu ono tfobl. It wa l.nllsli 1 . . . . r .. . '
.1 of it. llllil lis I bud JIe,,J iu..iii.iuiu .u.....g,
motiev, every piei
never seen nnv before 1 was at a loss
estimate th value.
llefore the di-covcry of that money I
minted noth tig but. a pa r of shoe., nnd
the sight of a sail woiiid t.ot ha e affected
inc. .vow I wa wild to get nt tlie other
boxes, nnd my eye were constantly
carching the B".i fur sight of rel.ef. i
dragged the boxes to my lions mid most
of eucli day for tho not week was spent
on the nccK in hopes of getting nt more
treasure. I be water continued high,
The Flench police have rcicivcl in
etru t'on-. to discover the authors of an
ingetiiou polit leal trick, which coni-t
of defacing the coin of Napoleon III.
and Miii-tiiutiug t'.ie mime of II ulauger
I., limpereur, with the date 1SS-.
far the ut-titu!ioii has been co'ilined to
tan centime pio cs, ami lias bceu trc ited either
m a political joke. , worK two men entered cue of tho stalls,
' ! devoured a -tew, and drank untno grog,
' mid, lighting cigars, entered upon a
The liHcalooa (Ala.) Timet say: convcrntion w Inch at once attracted my
"Tho lumber trust died early. After uttcution.
ut of a population of about 5n,t0:
)0 i the census of lx-sd reported 4010 a
iicing of the ngo of 10 ) year and over.
At least five hundred New Yorkers
:nko their meal regularly in Chincso
Htauiants, in orthodox t hiucse fashion
A'ith chopsticks,
A Miissaehusetts man offers to prove
?y statistics that seven-tenth of the
narriage cngagi tnent tint lire broken
ire broken by women.
Tho owner of a V ermont dairy bribed
1 man to declare that but'.ermilk had
:un (1 him of consumption, and sales in
.reused to 2t)0 gallon per day for four
The first man to use a toboggan in this
;ountrv, Arthur . I. Tork vn, of Auburn,
ll'n iinme was l.ldeisnti. nnd he was tho east. It was not ten minute After I saw ! N- 1 ..lias just made a great improvement
otilv one aboaid who had a friendly look, her before she wa cast on tho beach, and "'C ordinary chute. He h i changed
lie" had spoken to mo kimllv two or a she rolled over two bodies were Hung 1 1 ho angle so us to increase the upccd.
three tiiuei, mid I felt that ho wa a o it. To mv nmaument and horror I French economy is very evident in
thing mote than u sharp trick. For nil however, nnd I got nothing more. n
1 knew, it wa practised every day in the eighth day after I got tho treasure,
the year. nn I about thirty days alter my landing,
Ono day when we h id been out about the third mystery was revealed. At
two weeks, us near as I can remember, about '.! o clock in the moaning, while tho
,...., L.,.,t t.. 1...I.. tl... ...w, n .1 ...., l.w.L- nil. fl. .If :,.. tit utl-..lli. I .1 V...1 ,1
III., l.t" .1 lli.i.. ' 1. 1..... fl... . . . . (.. . ... . . C .. I . ... .
' I " !111""1 for so.ietlmig wanted from the Inziirette. sti p s bout drilling in trom too s utli-
1111 III M'l'l 111, II. I. .I'll. .,1. If ... ... . . . . I ...
a t ol my work to open I he oysters con
sumed in the la. e, and thispoitiou was
done in n little room juit in rear of some
)'i i ut staiU or cniiipartiiieiits. Thu
stilN fioiited the public room, of course,
and were ititei ded for pa'tie who de
fined pUMicy while eating n stew or
drinking 11 u.nss of wine. I could hear
all Win', was said in two of them, us the
l art 1 1 ions we:c only cioth; hut 1 had
lie 11 in the phi e two week before any-
thin i of inteicit wa dropped from
lie evening while I was ut
fore cooking it, or stew it in a tl,
taiice until it is tender, or boil It r
removing tho bones nnd press it to.,,
:oid; or make it into a pot-roast orjJ
Npocssltlea of tho Tlourlolr.
Every lady's room should bo furnish
with a clothes brush, a wisp broiro.
hand brush, a sponge, a bottle of i
tnonia, a vial each of alcohol and i.
tine, nlso soma cleaning tluid or cmi
loan, to oid her in keeping her war,!-,
In order. Another very necessary itJ
iu viio iiiru ui t'iuinin4 m iiiuiuiing i'
repairiag every article as it may lie,-,);
1 ho timo spent tn so doing is well
towed, for besides the pleasure it jjiJ
to always appear in wn ip, rcspcrti'
garments, the clothes will lat twice J
long. J.very rip and rent In Urcn
skirls or underclothes should receim-
tention as soon as it occurs. The o
timo adage, "A stitch in time n
nine," is well to remember. (i0-,
ihould be mended as soon us n rip i
pears in the fingers, and, if thin i
worn in tho hand, '.nny be neatly ilr
ur mended with a p. ceo of nn o.d
of tho sumo color. . iroit Fnt l'r,y it sent it agent into Minuu
Fo;a to buy nil the timber in that mate.
The people had been fo warned, how
ever, uud much to tho disgu-t of thu
gent he could not purchase nil a re of
timber at any price, and upon his report
ing the fact to head jil ii ters, the trust
went to pie cs. Minucsolu timber ovs ti
ers ate level he idi d.
Morinonisin U spreading. The tribe
t Sn't I ai.e may be d siuicgriit ing, but
only for the l.enelit of other locui't'u -s.
Four hundred .Mormon I ie hare
icii.'iitly -cttled in Wyo'ning. Thou-ta-id
of M'ir;;ioii have M it e l in d u o
'i'le re nre lii' ge .I'm iumi i nio nes in A 1 1 -mm
i and Cohua In. .' c.mia is so over
run them that it Inn been d clari d
tlie Mormons co iid m.o i .i cuii.' co trol
f the stale .f they siioul 1 inac u vigor
mis 1','ort.
Tllilt foreig!) I'l.ii u of a torpedo ve-sei
lb it c .ii r n for h ;ir-u .d r w iter is not
a -o iiid one, a-s ':t tiie i h iuuati ..
fyiir r. I; i simply a rcprodu. I inn of a
la e Amei inri l.vper me t in the bo it
cal I tlie ". c:i eiiiaer." The S' heine
will never be a coi-ip etu sucni.'s until a
motor i disco. eri! i that ne. ih tin lire
and in ikiM no smohe. Coiiipre-.-ed u r
wa used by the "l ea clunker," but so
littlo of that can be cairied thai, the
vuii pa gu nnf-t be very bri -f. Itv hap
aoiui! day some one will bu able to so
'store" electric. ty a tn holve the
T h'.' owner of soni" hi'iu'ng pigeon-,
at Malum, in llol'a'.il, bet ih it on a tine
Jay twelve of h s bees wouid beat n like
number of carrier pigeon in making
the distance one hour' between llumm
an 1 tlie tmvti of l.hynein. Twclvo
p genus an 1 twelve bee (four drone
and c 'glit working bee, ull powdered
witii liouri were taken to Ilhyiiern and
i.i niil r ani'ously set free. A white dunie
urii'. el homo lour second in adinuceof
lh tirst pigeoa; tho rteuilining tluee
lr me uud tin; -econd pigeon urnvi'd t,,.
jjether, and the eight winking bees pro
t;eded the ten Ji genes by u length.
'Well, havo yuu got it all fixed?"
askeil one,
Everything ship shape and under
stood," icplied the other.
"Mie is iiMirud i"
"Way up."
'And no sii picionsj''
".Not a one.''
"We take machinery to !5io .laneiro.'"
'Ve. That and other Htiitf."
"And bung back Migur and collect"
" cs, if we return."
"What do we get?"
" I hree th u-anil apiece."
"Well, 1 don't like it, but I'm in with
Vo l. Mie's to go dow ii o:l' thu tiilihea
COU-.I, cli
'. s, down that way."
"-prieg a leak and founder, and all
hand- lai.e tn the boats, I suppose"
" Thai's tiie p nn."
"Well, line's succe s to it. The Al
bitroi a 'good old ciaft. and 1 hate to
See ,.er go, lillt
liiiu-ell. '
".e; mate, that's Ho-pe truth.
That's wl.a; you and mean' goitig to do
now . 1 1 M c ine from t lie rich insurance
compatiie-, and no onu will be the
"And wt can trust William to hand
ovi r o n ui xy ?"
" i1'.-. Mitiaic. lie's got to be sijuare."
I was n g ecu country boy, but I
ra.svji n i to lueir taik. 'I le y were sail
urs, a .d ihcy weio planning tlie mss of a
ship to et the iisuriince. I ioe up and
fiiend. Wo were scarcely alono when recognized them a tho bodie of the
lie took from Irs pocket a box of sulphur Captain and mate of the Albatross,
matehe , n linhline and several hooks, though it was more by the clnthingthun
and a large pm ket knife. Ho handed by their features. It was pi tin ut a glance
them to me and fiiid : thut they had died of exposure and
"lien, take these and stow them away want. There was neither food nor drink
in your pocket, and on your life say in the boat, and tho bodies were littlo
nothing to nny one! lie sure to keep , better than .skeletons. It wits tho Cup
them about you.'' 1 tain's gig, and it seemed that these two
He turned' from mo a if ho did not ; got uwuy ulone. They must have drifted
want to be ipie. tinned, nnd I pocketed , here and theie for days, for thero was
the articles without a word. I was in a neither sail nor our.
state of wonder, hew ever, and nothing i I win scooping out a grave for the
was made, plain until the next day. At bodioi when a turtle sloop rounded the
10 o'clock in tho forenoon tho ship wa ; island and was iu the cove before 1 saw
liovo to about a mile from a small j;l;ind. I her. She had a crew of three men and a
a bout ordered lowered, and tuc'n nil ' b oy, and they had como for a stay rlf a
baud were ended aft. When they hud week or two, it being tho season when
I as iinilod tho Chaptain said: j tho turtles cainu ashore to lay their eggs.
I "Mon, I discovered two days ago that ' They were not from tho mainland, but
thi boy was a leper, lie has got it bad, ! from a larger island tn tho north, and
nnd i to bo pit ied. .My duty in the were native Wost Indians. Tho Captain
case i plain. He must bo marooned." ' spoke English fairly well, and I gave
"Ayo, aye, sir!" chorused the crew. bun a full explanation, even to tho tind-
"I shall tit him out and set him ashoro 1 ing of tho treasure. They could have
here," ho continued, "and you are my knocked me on the head nnd safely
witnesses that it is u step necessary for ! taken all, but they did not do it. The
the safety of all." Captain looked over my money, and said
There was a ready assent, and before I I hud about j:i,ooo, and it wa agreed
fully understood what was going on I that, in icpayment for a pasagj to
wa in the boat with McCoy and being ' l'orto liieo I wa tosurivnder all right
pulled toward the island by two sailor, to the ship's boat. Iu lour days those
liven when I knew that I wa to be left poor turtle catchcts, none of whom had
I did not raise an objection. I supposed ever ha I ijfoil at once, took s ii',iMii out ol
the island to be inhabited, perhaps there tlie suuds. I hero were more boxes left,
onomy is very evident in the
marketing of fowls. Not only half bird
can bo purchased, but leg and
breasts are oilered separately. The i ur
eas i used for soup, and even blood is
Some big peaches have grown in Ore
gnn this season. Tho record was beaten
by nn l ast Portland fruit grower, who
raised a Iree-stonu peach that measured
eleven ami thrce-i)uartcrs inches in cir
cumference. Tho "Champion Frog-eater" of Ilaalo.
France, recently wagered live francs nnd
a ipiurtof brandy thut he could swaliow
three dozen of live frogs nt ono s.tting.
Ho won, but was immediately sci.ed
with horrible internal pains, and nearly
died befote he could swallow chemical
enough to get tho frogs out of him.
When they wcro ejected fifteen of them
weio dead, but the rest wero still alive.
A Horse's Keen Sense of Smell.
A horse, says tho New York, will
not drink of water objectionable to his
question. ng sniifs, or from a bucket
which some odor makes olVensi.e, how
ever thirsty. His intelligent nostril w ill
widen, itiiver, nnd ipiety over tho
daintiest b t, o'iered by the fairest of
hands, with coaviugs that would make a
mortal shut his eves uud swallow a
nu'.iscou in 'tithful at a gulp
wa a city there, and I was not sorry for or it wa so believed, but they required j A ,,,:,ru is "ever satisfied by cither
the c hange. W e ran in so dose that I other outfit to secure them. I was not ' M''llt or whinney that her roll i really
could wade ashore, nnd tlie mute, bandi d onlv landed in l'orto l.ieo. us mm-eil. lint I her own until she lias u certl.ied nusul
tol l how to take cure of my money,
most of which was exchanged for paper,
nnd my passage- on a sailing vessel bound
for New Orleans was secured.
I did not go near the owner of the
Albatross. Mie had been reported lost,
with nil on board, uud to th s day not
one of tho crew has been he nd of. I
could have gone to tho authorities with
one must look out for several bundle which tho men sun
posed contained food, clothing and Con
viences. As soon us I had evcrythf'g
out of the boat the thrco gave me a curt
good by, and I sat down on the a md and
watched them return. The boat was
hoisted up, tin Albatross made sail, and
I was marooned upon an uninhabited
island This fact was not fully real bod
l.util toward night and 1 was so simple my, story, but who would have believed
that it was several hours before I had it? Tlio-o who had plotted against me
figured it out why I had been set ashore, hud been overcome, nnd 1 hud spr my
I was in pus-ession of the plot to scuttle 1 from poverty 10 wealth at a bound. And
the shin, and I must be rot rid nf The hn 1 reneiit . inl'ii uiivu urn full nl
... . i . i. i... .i.i. o . ... j ...
uu -ii it no.e in ui-i ioui lunuigii which cui'laiu had called mo u leper to ,ustify mystery." Ai to lurk Han.
1 could gel a look at them. Tin y talked his action with tho crew, and 'it wa '
a bit urn eutid then weutoiit, and within planned that I should not livo long
ashore. When I came to undo tho bun- ! 1,10 1 '""''" 1,1 "au n crystal,
dies I found them to bo composed of j There havo been noiiio curious changes
empty bottles, oakum and bits of can- of lato years, says a I'uris correspondent
vuss. There wu not u particle of food 1 of tho I'hiludelpli a Ttlejr.iiht in the
not uti article of clothing -nothing fashion for staple commodities, and
but rubbish. It wu then I realized the especially is this true in tho matter ol
kindno s of the second mute. Ho must i watches. Tho watch is either looked
I'tirlllentlon of Ycnsf.
Tho flrrirrr' Gunrdiitn says that iu
method of purifying yeast has ln m
gested, ntid tint it ha iilrcinly !
adopted by some of tho Cmit n ;
manufacturers. The yeast is a Mnl:
dilute solut on of sugar, and tin- v--ing
mixture is Mtbjcctcd to the ru t ii,r
a centrifugal separator. Py this r,
the living cells arc effectually tin:
from the dead cell and the bli
the pure yeast leaving the miv hinc
concentrated condition, while th.'.j
cells and the baeterm remain in
liquid. It is said that the proce...
perfect that nothing but heu'tiiv
are to bo found in tho separated
aud that tho puriHed article p ..... )
such rcmarkablo germinating power"
a gins which is one quarter lilleiit
it will overflow in the course of nu h
ticicntiji; American.
I.ntinilcrlnir Table Idnen.
Tablo cloth and nnpkins slioii:
carefully looked over before being .i
ia tho washtub. and if any fruit it
fee stains are found, they can bercmc
by stretching the stained cloth mt
pail or basin and pouring boiling n
through it. Tho stains will quirk!.?
appear. Make sure that your tahli'!:
is well washed aud thoroughly rins-c
is nicer without either staich orlm.
When preparing for ironing, it sht
be made quite damp. A hot iron .
bring out tho pattern nicely, ar.d it.
the linen sutficieutly stiff. In tabled,
but two folds are admissible at wa
crease through the couter lcnyik
the other through the center crns
Tho cloths nre double 3 loosely, or,
ter, rolled so as to allow them t
placed in drawers, and not produce,
additional creases.
Fiinged nnpkins nro quickly, ev
and rery nicely ironed, in tho fnllo
manner: Alter thry have been thorn
ly dampened, pile up, my half not
evenly, gather up one side ot tlie :
kins in tho hand, nnd striko the fr
on tho opposite sido against the i'!f
tho ironing table. A few stroke,
separate It be lutifully. Hcrve nl
thus. Then place the nupKins n
ironing table perfectly ftra ght,
not pass the iroufcver the iriuge. .
rie t anner.
twel e boil's one of thu mysteries ne
on led A boy who had formerly worked
for tlie restaurant, and who had fallen
iick, iccovcrcd sii:;:cieii' I v to displace
ine, and 1 wa cast adrift again with
only four bit in my purse. 1'he next
day n d onu. as I cuicicd a tavern on tho
li". en iu hopes to tind something to do,
the op ie.oi gave me uconluil welcome,
w iili a dinner, uud ut lust gut utoutid to
say :
"Now, my boy, I feel like a father to
you. 1 do indeed. , ou have hud
haul ti i e, and you havo been
have overheard them plotting to maroon upon iisatrinketoi anuurticloof Kcrious
me, ami he went a far as it wa safe for ; use. Iu the lirst iiistauco it i set in n
him to go. i round bull, encrusted with small din-
When, at about noon, I roo up nnd . inonds.somutime intermixed with rubies
understood mv position, 1 felt that tho 1 or with siinnliuos. or it form the tno of
hud a first thing to down to explore my island j u smelling bottle, or is set in a bracelet
full o' I nm writing of thu year I V. At thut , or the h indtu of a parasol. Hut tho
pluck. 1 m interested in bceing you do timo many nf the island in the Carib-! serious watch of every day wear ha bo
well and b ivo I'ot li nice nhiee for von I c... 1....1 1,,..,.. l, ... 1 . ' . . .. . .-. i . . .. i ..,
... - - - p. - .... - j -. .in., ).t.
hud not
i .1. - ...I - : . .i .i . . .i . .
,iiy iiroiuer, who is inu ocsi man in mo named. 1 wn. us
worl 1, is a mm captain, and ho wants a , tuiiicd, on n key or isle to tho north of
good boy to sail with, him." Trinidad, a id upto twclvo year ago it
"1'Ut I was never on a ship," I pro- wa down on the chart a "Littlo Coco."
tested. It was about three mile long by ono
" f course not, but that make no and a liulf wide, and fairly wooded,
di icn iicc. Vou will have a nice littlo Thero were various birds, troops of
room to yourself, live like a prince, uud monkeys, and numerou snakes, but no
ii for work, nil you will havu to do will , wild animal to put ono in fear. I hud
be to hind the ( a tain his spyglass been landed I i th" littlo bay on tho wes
v ln ii a ship i Dines in sight." tern hide of the island. I found a spring
1 h id no des. re to go to s"ii. Indeed, of water a quarter of a mile inland, willi
I had a diuui o it; lint in half an hour plenty of wild fruit till around mo, and
he hi, 'I won me ouir, uud that liftirnoon , on the first niirht of mv stnv I stent on
Ncbn-ku. w le -flier u ( 'inn i uau who has 1 was sent oif to the ship in company , the open beach. It was three days be-
teen ill this country twelve yiars, iimj
been charted or i come a verv practical article indeed. "Iu
I afterward ascer- , old davs." said to mo a famous Swiss
A letter ha
H'ncral Land 1
be n tuccived nt the
c In Wa h'ngton
I. as d.-claie I h intention of beenm nga
c.ti 'i n, can in ike an oiiginal homestead
rnity. An nn ha been jirepand
staling that uu ler section .'.I of the
llci-cd rs'.atutes, a h nanian can not
b e tne a l, uud the i font the
entry in iiuestioii can not be liudu. It
is .slated at tin) I uu l ''.lice that uu up
'l;. at nil, ui bus been pub idled, has
1 i en ler, ive 1 from U Clliliallllll ill
Wyoming. In' a Cmhcr ultu:e
rn'ry, a id that no dgciiion favoring
mj h upplieatioM i.ui been lutein.
witli c,cral sailors, l.t two hour. after fore 1 lutly realied my pnsitiou and saw
coming iii'our.l sii" started down tlie .that I must depend entirely unnii myself.
river on her tiip, uud it wa only then When 1 walked dear around the island
that 1 got my eves opened. There win
sueli n hunhiih nhoaid thut 1 hud hot '
paid particular attention to olHrcrs or.
men, hut u.l of u sudden I discovered
that the captain mid mate were tho very
two men 1 had seen and ovcrhcuid in
the msier booth. Then I asked tho
and across it, and I decide I that my best
location was near whero 1 had
come ashore. Had I gone to the cast cud
of tho island and raised a signal 1 khould
havo been taken otT in a week, ns there
was a channel between that nnd the next
island north much used, but thi I had
iiame of 'he ship, uud learned that it was j no means of knowing. When 1 found
the Albatross. J wu urcatHy troubled, myself the sole inhabitant, 1 madii up my
or Weil il havu been if left to myself. ; mind that escape wa impo-sihlo, aud
ti were baldly iu tow nf the tug before , thut I was to live out my years right
the I i r -it mute, whose name wa McCoy, I there. Thu Captain hud culled mo A
Chun) ui on me with a mpe's eml nnd n i leper. 1 hud novel' heard the mime before.
I terrible curse, aud exclaimed. , He had sent mo ashore boeausu 1 cu-j tho road, of the Hue du la l'uix, tho other
lay, "tho business of replacing watch
crystals was un important item, amount
ing, on an average, to $:i0 per week.
Nov, instead of the delicate soap-bubble
glass formerly used, the watch crystal ia
ma. 1 1) thick and strung sou to stand any
amount of rough usage short of un
actual blow. Tho introduction of these
massive crystals has brought about a
change iu the muko of watches. Nol
hall' so many hunting-cased watches arc
sold u formerly, us they are so much lest
convenient than the open-faced ones, and
the thick crystal does away with the
only real objection to tue latter."
Soldiers and Cards.
"Thero wero but few soldiers in thi
war,1' says a veteran, "who wero not curil
players, and they nearly all liked toowt
a deck, but they bad a dread of being
killed with a deck ou their person,
Whenever wo heard thu cannon begin
to boom and tho guns of tho plckctmac
begun to clatter, we know that thu buttU
wu coming, and you would i-ee men bj
the hundred draw ing their cards froir,
I their pocket uud throwing them alonji
thu rnuil. ti AV,ijiio' .-1 fnnti nf
ccrtilica'c to thu fact.
A blind hoise, now living, will not
allow the approach of any stranger with
out showing signs of anger not safely to
be disregarded. 1 he distinction is evi
dently made by his sense of smell, and
ut a considerable distance. iiliud
horses, as a rule, will gallop wildly about
u pasture without striking the surround
ing fence. The sense of smell iiifouns
them of its proximity, others will,
when loosened from the stable, go
directly to the gate or bur opened to
their accustomed feeding grounds, und
w hen desiring to return, ufter hours of
caieless wandering, will distinguish the
one outlet uud patiently await its oj cu
ing. Tho odor of that particular part i f
the fence is their pilot to it.
The horse in browsing or while gather
ing herbage with his lips is guided in it
choice of proper food entirely by its
nostrils. Iiliud horses do not muko m s
takes in their diet. In the temple of
dympu a bronze horse was exhibited, at
the sight of which six real hor-es ex
perienced tho most violent emotion.
.1.1 an judiciously observed that the most
perlect art could uot imitate nature suf-
hciently well to produce so strong an 1 d0p in boiling
ill iision. Like I'iiny nnd I'ausaiiius, ho ' tav iu two run
Miobcqiiuuiiy ii in ins iuai - in cabling mo
statue a inagiiiun had throwu Hippo
manes upon it," which by tho odor of
thu pluut deceived thu horses, aud
therein we havo tho secict of the miracle.
Thu scent ulone of a bullalo robe will
cause many horses to evince lively terror,
and tho floating scent of a railroad train
will frighten some long nfter tho loco
motive is out of sight and hearing.
( u iion Collect ion of IV ns.
A man in Denver, Col., named Lyon,
got nn idea some years ago that it would
boa line thing to collo t nil the odd
shaped pens ho could find. So ho started
iu, and to dav ho hit a lot comprising
over 700 (liferent varieties. About
twelve di 'erent metals are represented
iu the collectiou. Then there ure a num
ber of wooden pens und lots of odd
quill. The collection embrace speci
mens from England. Ireland, Scotland,
tiermuny and other European countries,
besides America und Canada. Thore are
Keel pes.
Yf.umh r.i.i.t fc t:r. lloil n tPie ip
vermicelli in consomme enough to o
it, uot over twelve m. notes, then a
it a quart of consomme.
Kit k Proviso. One cup of I
rice, one half-teaspoon of fait, oaf
of sugar, four eggs, ono quart of r
bnko in amodciutc oven two hour.
H. "itfiimii.k I'cnniNc. Two .,
buttermilk, one cofTce cup sugar, i
ing tub espoon of butter, thre't
spoons flour, four eggs beaten seti t
favor to tade; baku" until the cuti
cold boiled potatoes into dice,
tl em in a baking pan, cover wit m
si.uce, sprinkle the top lightly,
l read crumbs, anu unite in u m
ovcu about twenty minutes uutil I'
HucAU Pancake. Take tlie en
stale bread; mix thoroughly withe"
sweet milk to make a thiu hatter
two or three eggs, well beaten,'
. . . . . ,
small cup oi nour, wnu a icasim""
baking powder aud a little salt,
ou a hot and well-greased griddle.
AlTI.K I'KKSF.ItVKS. I t'el and V
tho apples.dry in sun nearly all us.
wean alum wain
inl.1.11.. tlsf l.inifHr.
. DV'lv IU inu lUll.Ulf, .sv ....(,
I - ..... .f
eery pounu oi iruii use one m
Proceed as you do with i g or
preserves. ITavoi with ginger.
Oi.n Kami ion im Yiuuima Con
iiMi. liulf a dozen cars gre-n
sulit the L' ruins nod cut from tli'
Iteut up un egg and add to the 1
then add one half piut of milk
tablespuouful melted butter; one
mioonful salt: a itinera of m Iier.
into a baking dUh Mid baKe 1"
("UICKKN BitOTIC. Cut up a ill
into nuall pieces and b csk tne
Cover it with cold wuter und put
it will simmer for thieo hour".
thould boil too fast i.nd the
awav. add moro. Season to tn"
few stalks of celery may be boiled
if desired and rico added if it U all
The weather in tho Alns has 1
bivl thl season that the hotcl-ke
look in vuiu with dismal facet f":
usual stream of foreign guests. A
li.ii.nnuv.lii Ima lii.i.n u ., 1 1. Ml it V t1
pcu poiiiieti iiuu uiioiigu iu iiiitKa lines . jee-jon.
of mi(!roKcopic delicacy, und others In- ' m
tended for men who use tho lli'st per. Will Martin, ayoung boy, s n "I
Konal pronoun a great doul iu their cor-1 lain Niartin, who was chsstisedi'
resiotidencu. Sumo are iu shape like j toucher, set tire to the Mount V
shovels, others leeinblo a section of school house, near Nicholiisvilif
htovepipo and others uro dolkuto und i and destroyed it. The boy i uboas
atmiuuttve. nijciy tune. years old.