SOUL TIlHiST. TA t A O I-.'a s U M) V Y S K 15 M 0 !S L f,onfflnit nl Yonrnlnc or Oni " . . . .... t i..i.. jiniuiiriai .-sniuro '"" ''(1. ttt- "A i flint'' ntfei tha 0,lrf." I'salm, xld. 1. hn must sntnetlms; have sn Ur hunt. points u Pro " a h"nt,HI Lkiinr for tha water. The faselnntinit E. l-i .aIIM in tnr text the hart. Is tlm L -nimnl that in aord and profane ft4rnttiro is called thestn. tha roobuelt, tha ind. tha Kaill, thi reindeer. In Central vrift jn I 111. la tunes i nerw w i-i - wmur 'issiairt- liU f them, M rsoiomon BuHesi wnen no "J charge you ny inn mnns tu me Thtdr antlers JutUs! from the long id.' rass HA tnny inv unwn, .so nunirr I ho lias 'sjsmi lonR in - .mmiii i,r..wn k-nck " will wonder that In tho Rihle they Lnr VlaA"d among clean animal, for the. ws, tho showers, me inn waste si uieiii its an as tiie sky. When Jacob, the patriarch, kneed for venison, Ksail shot nnd roi1",HS noma a rwnu, j-miihh i-i.ui- (Vires the sprigniiinesa or me rminrea nplo of millnnnlnl time to tho lonK V ..iii.-k itimn of tlin stun:, snvintz: l hn lame shall lean a the hart," Holo- Ion expressed hi disgust at a hunter do having shot a door is too lazy in cook It, aaying: "ino siomiui hnn ronsteth not that whlr-h ho took in knntimr " Hut onn day David, while far tmn ilin homo from which hit had liecn In veil . anil Mttine near tho donr of a lonely nvp where he liml imiijeii, aiM on me iinnm if n imnd or river, hear a pack of hounds in wift pursuit. Because of tlio previous sllenio if the forest the clmuor atari lex him. ami ho sva to Min-clf: "I wonder wlmt thnss dijs .. .1 -,M I I '0 niter, i neii mrru is n rrm snug; tlm brushwood, and thu loud lireuth- a of some rushing wonder of tho woods. nd liia ant'ers of a oner reinl tht lea Tea the tlurket., nnt liy an inn. net hlrh nil hniitcia rccognlz", lunirr into a md or lake or river to coi i'n thirnt. and t til" K-iiiie time by its ci a'-itv for nwifti-r ml Viifr KWiiuinintf, to (,'ctawny from the .imiii linrrl"r. imvui n iva t himwir: Aha, Hint i inv-lf! Haul nftcr me, Ab. ilom after me, enemies: without number ifti r in". I am chnsoii, tli"ir lilooty'S it my lin'K Imrkiiiic at mv K"1 tiiwiin, jarkiuc after my Ixuly, burking nftcr mv Mil. I'll, tho honri'K the limiinli. lint iok there.'1 wiv DnvM, "tlmt reindeer ins splashed into the wab-r. It puts its hot ips nml nostrils into tlm cool wave thnt n ashes the liitlierml Hunks, and it swims nwny 'pun the tlcry raninet. nnd It is free nt Inst, ill, th it I mitrlit Mud in the deep, wide lako ;f (!ml's mercy nnd consnint ion csenpe from uy pursu-rs! Hi. for tlm wnt -rs of I f nnd I'si'iie! As the hurt i:nteth nf tor the water irooks, ko pnutvtli my soul after J'Ih-o, (I iOll." 1 have Just come from the Adirondnek.s nnd ;hn lirenth of tlm lml-nm and Kpruce mid pine is still i.n im The Adirotulncks nro lew i opulnus with hunters, nnd the deer are :'Iiir slain by the seore. Tulkinif a few ilnys io with a Imiiter. I tliniiylit I would likn to ns whether mv text was i in its ill usion, nnd n henrd the dos bayint; n littln nay "IT nnd Mipposed tlicv were on the truck f a reindeer, I said to tho hunter in ronuli ordiiroy: "I)o tho deer ulways nuke for tho wnbT when they urn uriiodr'' Ho snid: "O. yes, Mister, you tliev nre a hot and thirsty nnimul, mid liey know where the water is. and when they lienr danger In tha disUmee they lift their millers nnd snutr the breeze nnd i-tart for the ltaiiiiet, or l.oon or Sarnnni!; nnd wo tet nto our pe-lnr n!HI bout or utitnl by the ninniiy' with rille leadiil reinly to litnze way.' My friends, that is nun reason why I liko tho liililo o iniiih its illusions ro no Iruo to niituie. Its pnrtridces urn real partridge, its ostriches renl ostriches, nnd it reindeer roil reindeer, I do not wonder thnt tlnsnnt'orcd flory of tho text mukes tho hunter evo ijiai'k!" nnd hi ch-vk glow nnd his re)ira (ioii quicken, To ny uothim; of it useful loss, nltlioiiRli it is tho most useful of all tnmr, its Hindi delicious, it skin turned Into minim npp.irel. its sinew fashioned into bow trin, its nntler putting handles on cut jlorv, nnd thenhnviiua of its horns, usm! iw n j-restorntivo. tnkoii from the noiiin of tho hart Jand culled hnrtshorii. Hut putting ns lt its I usefulness, this enclmiiHiiK crenturo k. ems linaile nut of crni-efiilness nnd olnsticitv. Whnt nn eye. with n liquid l.riifiitiies ns"if eatlieriKl up from a limidred lakes of sunset! 'i'lie lmrns, a cornn il branching into every" possible curve, nn i tifter it seems clone, lei vuucinjt into nth. r projv.-tioim of cx'iuislt - ness, n tree of polished hone, uplilted 111 pride, or nut; .lot n for u w f'.tl ccmiiat. It is veloci. tvemlioilifd. Timidity iiii;irsiiiinb1. Theen chantmoiit of the woods. ' Kve liis'rousiu lifo Olid pathetic In dentil. Tho splen lid niiinml a (.omplet-s rhvthm el inus !o nil I bone, nil I color, r.iid nttitu do, and locomotion, whether couched in tlm grass nmniii: tin nIiuiIoux, or n living bolt sliot through tho forest, or turning at buy t attack tlu hounds, or rear ing for its last full under tlm buckshot of the trapper. Jt is it spli udid iippcuranco that the painter's p. neil fails to sketch, nnd only n hunter's ilicani on n pillow of hem lock nt tlm foot of St. licgi is uUe to picture. When twenty miles from any settlement it comes down nt eventide to the lake's edge to drink nmong the lily pods, nml. with its sharp-edge I hoof, hhattcrs tho crystal of Long I. like, it is very pirtur. Hipie. lint only when, after miles of "pursuit, with heaving hides nnd lolling toncue, nnd cye swimming m death the stng leaps from the clit! inio I pper Saraiinc, can vou reulizo how much lnvii hud suH'erci) from his troiib es.iiud how nun li he wanted (iod when h" express ... hims-lf in thu wonlsof the text: "As the hart pant 'tli alt r the water hraoks, bo pautetli my soul after Thee, (l liod." Well, now, let all those who have coming nfter tliein tlm lean hounds of poverty, or the bhn k hoiiiids of iHTsecution, or tho spotted hounds of vicisMtmtc, ur the pale hounds of dentil, or n liii lire in any wish piirsued. II v to the wide, ilis'ii, glorious lake of iliviim mil ico iiinl n sciie. The most of the men and women whom I happen to kuoiv.nt ilill'erent t ines, if not now, have had trouble after them, hharp muzled trouble, nwil't trniibles, all devouring troubles. M;ny of you bavn iiiadii the mistalo of trying to light them. ISninebisly nieaulv "ntt.nkeil you, and you atimked them; thev ileieveiMted j on. you ilcproi'iiiteil them; or tliey over reached you in u bargain, and you tried, in Wnll street parlance, to g.t a corn r mi tnoiu; or you have ha I u beieuveinciil. an 1 uislcit I of being, you nro lighting t lint Is'reavemi nt; you clllllgiMill tllCiloctors wlni failed to ellei't a cure; or you charge on i are les.uess ni th" I'uilro id 'company tlnoigli whi.'h tlm necident oceiii-red; or vou uio n chronic invalid, and you fret and worry nnd nco'd and wonder why yu cannot I i.i well like other, and you angrily chargo on th" n 'Ur.i'g a or tiie laryiig.tis or the ngim or the sick lie-nl-ache. 1 he fact is yi.ii are a ilis-r ut Uiv. In ktead of running to tho waters of divine con Holalioii, mid slaking yiair thnt and cooling your body an, Mini in the good cheer of tiie (oie, mid Kwiiiiming away into mighty (lisps of (icsj love, you are lighting u wuolti kenii-l of iniirieis, A fv ilavs iigo 1 mw in the Adirond.icks a dog ly ni(C neroiti tho rotd, and lm H"eml ti it alilii ti get up, nnl 1 aid to sums millers neiir by; "What if the matt -r wnli thntilogi" They answerel: "A deer hurt bun." And 1 w that ho hail a great swollen paw and u batturod bead, khowing where thu antlers iti urk linn. And the probability u tlmt noiiin of you might give a mighty clip to your pursuer, you might daumgu their busi 1'is.s, vou miglit worry them lulu ill houltli, on might hurt them us much n they hnvo liiirtyuu, but, after all, it i ml worth liil. You only liavo hurt a hound. liiilUir Ihi nir for tho l'psr Hnraiiuc. Into which tho mountains of Hod's eternal treiigth 1K,k dow n and moor thmr uliudow A lor your pliyicul disorders, the wor-t "'yehniiiii you cull take IS fretfuturas,uild tho Iwnl lie ilic jim i leligioii. 1 know MHiili who Were only H lit t!u dnuir leiMd.yet Imvo tlieinaiilvus iutii coniploiu valitludiuiiruiisin, winl.i olheis put their trust iu Ibnl uud iviuim) up Uunj tho vury klmdow of death, anil hTe llrod comfortably twenty live year with only on lung. A man with one lung, but Ho I with him, I twtter oil than a go Hps man with two lung. Pome of you have been for a long time ailing around Cai Fear when yon ought to bare been nailing around t'a)3 Uood Mono. !o not turn back but go ahead. The dsr will accomplish mora with ita iwift feet than with lta born. 1 m whole chain of lake In the Adiron dack, and from one height you can ace thirty, and there are nld to be over eight hundred in the groat wilderness. Ho near are they to each other that your mountain f;uldo pick tip and carrio the boat from nke to lake, the imall distmieu between them for thnt reason being cnllel a "carry." And the realm ot UoJ's word is one long chain of bright refreshing lake; encn promiso a lake, a very short carry between them, and though for age the pursued hove been drinking out of them, they are full up to the top of the irncn bank, and the Minn David describe tliein, and they seem no near together that In threo different placet he apenk of them a a a continuous river, saying: "There Is a river the stream whereof shall make glad the city of Oml;" "Thou shnlt make them drink of the river of thy plensiirm;" "Thou greatly enrlchest it with tho river of Uod which is full of wntcr." Hut ninny of yon have turned your back on that supply, and confront your trouble, and you are soured with your circumstances, and you aro llgnting society, nnd you are lighting a pursuing world, and troubles in stead of driving you Into the cool lake of heavenly comfort, have made you stop and turn round nnd lower your bead, and It is simply nntler against tooth. I do not blniuo you. I'robably under tho snn m circumstitiuos I would have done worse. Hut you are all w rong. You nood to do a tho reindeer don in 1'eo ruury and March it sheds its born. Tha Ibibbiuical writers alludo to this resignation of antlers by tho stag when they say of a man who venture hi money In risky enter- prise,iio nns nung It on thu stag Horns; nml a proverb in tho lur Knt tolls n man who ho foolishly lost his fortune to go and lind whero the doer sh'sl hor horns. My brother, iput the nnt igoiiisin of your circumstances, ipnt mis nthropy, -piit complaint, ipnt pitching Into your pursuers; Ihi as wiso as, next spring, will head the reindeer of tho Adiroii din ks. Hlu"l your horns. but very nii'my of you who nre wrongiil of the world and if in nnv nsieniMy ImiIwivii handy Hook, Now York, mi I (iolden liate, Snn t rni.cisoo. it were ako I that nil those thnt had been somctimis bally treated should rnisu b.t'i tlieir hands, nnd full response should Is) mado, there would ls twnsi us nnny hands lilted as jier son present I sny many of you would declare: "Wo have ulways don" the M.t wo could nnd tried to bo "useful, and why wu should biH'omu tho victims of maligiiiiinnt, or invalidism, or inishai. is in-crutalile. ' Why do you not know that tho liner a doer, and the more elegant its proortions, and tho more l-ri nt i fill its Is'aring, the more anxious tho hunters ami the hounds nro to capture it. Had that roebuck a ragged fur nnd broken lns:s mid mi il eve mid a limping gait the hunters would Imvo said: "I'hhaw ! don't let us wasto our ammunition nu a sick ilis-r. " And the hounds would have given a fewsnillsof the track and darteln:! m an other direction for ls-tb r gnni". Hut when they sco n di-or with nutlets lifted in mighty challi ngii to earth and sky, nnd the ideck hid" looks as if it had been sin onthed oy Invisible hands, and the bit side cnelosu the richest pasture that could l nibb!.l from the bunk of rills ho clear they ws-m ti have dropped out of heaven, and tlin Ntamit of it s fisits detles the juek shooting lantern nnd the rule, tho horn, nil I the hound, that deer they will Imvo if they must neisls break their neck in tho rnpuls. So if there wro nouoblo stulf in your muke tip, if you w-ero a birurcat 'd nothing, if you were u forforn failure, you would bo allowed to ,o iiiidisturbed; but the fact that the win. bi jmck is in full cry niter you is proof po-uivo tlmt you ore spUindid gumo nnl worth capturing. Therefore, sarcasm draws on you It "Idlest bend." Therefore tlm world goes running for you with its best Muynnrd breech-loader. Highest compli ment is It to your talent, or yoiu-virtue, or your u-mfulinnis. Yon will bo assailed in jiroHirtion to your great achievement. Tho be-t nnd the mightiest lsing that the world ever aw, bad et after him all tlm hounds, teir-striul and diubolic, nnd they lnpHd hi lifter the C'nl vnrenn mussii-ro. The world paid noth ing to its iiu l-emer but a brnmblo an 1 n en hs. Many who hnvo douo their best tl ninko the world better have bad such a rough nmo of it that nil their pleasure is in antici pation of the next world, an I they would express tliir own feelings in tlm words r tho Hai uiioss of .Nuirn at tl'o clusu of her long life: "W'oiiU yon be yniu g ng.iiii? Su weuiil not I: One leiir uf mentiiry given: (iint sr.l I'll liie; I.ife s ituik wuvu foriieit o'er, All Iml nt ic-l nu rtiuie. hay. won U j'uii ph.ngj ouce more, W v.h huin-j su n go." "If )'kii mluht. wouM yon now le tra. e your wjy.' W I lirongh sluriny wilds, l-iiint ami mir.iy.' Niglit's gioiilny watches fled, Mermiig jil ht-iiiiiitie r.-il. llo;ie's smile nroai.d us cited, Iti-uw-unurtl. sunt:" Yes; lor snino p'otd" in this world there ns'iiis no let up. 'iiiey him piirsueil from yi'iitli to manhood, and from manhood into old age. cry distinguished nro Lord M.ilTord's hounds, nn I (.uieen ietoria pays eight thousand, live hundred dollars per veitr to her Master of I luck hounds. Hut n il of them put together do not fipiul iu miiuUir, or siee I. or power to hunt down, the great kciinul of bounds of which Sm and Trouble nre owner and muster. Hut what is n relief for nil those pursuits of trouble, and nmioviince, and p un. nnd be I'eUVeni 'iil I Mv text gives it to you ill U word in three letters, but cueh isn char iot if you would triumph, or a throuuif you want hi Is) crowned, or a lako if vou would s'ake your thirst - yea, u chain of three letters (i-o d, the ( ine for w houi I luvid longed, and the Inn whom Ihivid loiind. You might ns well inert, a stag which, after its sixth milo of running nt tne topmost s;ied through thickui uud gorge, nnd with the breath "of i,;i; ,-.. . ' ' I'm, ! '. f-o -e'.t f .-croon Lako and ti ii d to cool its pro jecting an 1 aed toagiio with n dropuf dew from b ndo i f grn-s, us to attempt to satisfy an immortal soul, w hen tlymg from troubh, nnd h n. with auyth n less il.ep. mid hi'-h, and 1 lo i I, and i:i:iuen-, and iiillmto, and eternal than (iod. Ills comfort, why it enibonvii us a. ditres. Ilis an II. it wrenehes oil' all boiidu;o. His hand, It w ihs awny nil tears. Ilis ( lirist'.y iitoueineiit, it make us nil right with the past, uud all right w.t i tho luluie, and ull rigid witlt Ho I, all right w iih man ou t nil right forever. I.nuiirtino tolls us that King Ninuvd 'iid I I his three sous: "Hero lire threo vasi-s, and ono is of clav, another of anils-r. anolner of gold. Clioo-o now which you will have." i'he elitcst sou, having th tlrsl choice, cliose tho vasu of go d, on which was written tho word "empire," and when ieiio.l it wu found to con I am human bio 1 1. Tho heron 1 son, iiiakiug tho next choi e, i hi iso tho va of itmlstr, iusciibed with tho word "glorv," and when ( I it contained tho ushes of thoso who wcro om.'i called great. The th rd sou took the vase of cl iv, and osmug it, found it empty, but on the bottom of it wa inscribed the liituiii of liml. King Nimiol nsl.e I his courtiers w hich vaso tuny thuu;lit wcighod the most. Tho hvbi ic oiis nu n of his court Mlid tha vase of gold, I ho Hkls s.iid tiio Olio of amls-r. Hut the wisest men said tho eiuiity vaso, boeniiso one letter of tho iiiiiuj ot t-o l outwel died a universe. I-or Him 1 thirst; lor His grsi-o I beg; on lbs 1 build my alL Without Him I cilinot bo happy. 1 have tried tho world, mid it does well enough as far its it goos, but it Is too uncertain a world, too uvuiiewuiit a world. I inn not n pro.udiccd witne-ot. 1 have not hiiig against this world. 1 have been one of tlm iuo.t loi liin itu, or, to uso a moru ( lii'istiau wind, ono of thu mokt blessed of men, blessed .11 III V parents, hlesul ill Iho placu of my 11 iti .'ity, bhs sl in mv lleiilth, blessed in mv Held of work, Ii omkmI III my natural liiuipir uueut, bl. ssisl in my lallllly, bli ssnd ill III V cpporiunltte-i, bleioi d iu U vouitortablo llVvtlhoud, blussod in tUu hope thnt tnr onl will go to Heaven through ' tho pnnlonlng mrcy of (loil, and my body, unless It 1st lost nt tmsor crematel In some conllngration. will lie down In the gar dens of Greenwood among my kindred and friends, some alrendy gone "and other to come after me. Life to many h ls n a disappointment, but to mo it lias been a pl.-nsnnt, surprise, and yet I declare that If 1 did not feel thatlbsl was mv friend and ever present help, I shonM be wretched and ter ror struck. Hut I want more of Him. I have thought over tut text nnd prcm tie I this s-rmon to myself until with all the arou'd energies of my Imily. mind nnd soul, I pan cry out: "Athe"hrt pinteth after tho water brooks, so pautcth my soul after Tin, I) Uo I." Through Jesus Christ make this Ood your Clod nnd you can withstand anything and everything, and thnt which affright others will Inspire you. A in time of earthquake when an old Christian woman wa asked whether she waa sen red, answered: "No, I am glad that 1 have a Uod who can shnke tho world," or ns In a Unnnclnl panic, when a Christian merchant was nkn I if h" did not fear ho would break, answered: "Ye, 1 shall break when tlin fiftieth I'srtlm break In the llftietli verso; 'Call upon Mo in the day or trouble; I will deliver Ihoo and thou shnlt glorify Me.'" O Christian men nnd women, pursued of nnnoynniT ami exass ratlons, remember thnt this hunt, whether a still hunt or a hunt in full cry, will soon lm over. If ever a whelp looks ashamed and ready to slink out of sight it is when in tha Adirondack a door by ono long, tremendous plunge into tug l iis r Ijtke gets away from him. The d snppotntod canine swims in a littlo way but, defeated, swims nut again nml cringi-s with humiliate 1 vawn at tho feet of hi master. And how abashed nnd nshnmod will all your earthly troubles lm w hen you Imvo dashed into tho rivor from under Iho throne of Uud, and tha heights nml depths of heaven nre Is'tween you mi I your' pursuers. Wn nro told in lleveiiition, -.'jit nml "With out nro dugs." by which I conclude there i a whole kennel of hounds out side tho gnto of heaven, or, a when a master goes in n dour, his dog lies on tlm steps waiting for him to come out, so the trim lesi.f this lilo may follow us to tho shining door, but they cannot get In, "With out lire ilo.-s!" I hnvo .eeii dogs, mid owned logs, tlmt I would not I. chagriinsl to m-.i in the heavenly city. Soni" of tho grand old wnti h dogs who are the constabulary of tne lioinet in solitary pi i- es. an I lor vai-s hivo I cen th only pri-lis-tnui wife nnd tdiil I; some .f tho sliei, herd dogs that drivo back th ) wolves nml luirk nwnv the Mocks from going too near tho pre upiee: mi l wime of tho dogs whos. neck and paw Lau I seer. the paint -r, has made lm mortal, would not find me shut ling them out from the gate of shining nrl. Nome of tho." old St. It rn trd dogs tlmt have lifted t iliiu trave -rs (eit, of Iho A.p no snow; the ilog that llrown, tho N otch e-is iyit. saw ready to spring nt Urn surgeon let. iu removing tho -;mit. h.) too miii h hurt the Iks. r woman whom the dog felt, bound tO I)Otl 't 1 fill I lilJH II. ..t a-.. ,.........i r.. ..1.1 11. Ti I dnvs. orthatin later time .,,, down .. t,, 1 l"o and tl-o Central Tr .111 ! As..., ! ,ti ,., rug in apparent sympathy when our homes ' havepr ictic illy c"i! op.-r itions. W.-ikn-si were di-e hit -d. fs iv, if somn soul entering ! an 1 sidling iii imp ut.-int W intern i:k e..n lieuveti should niii"ii to leave tho g ito mar .1. . 1 . , 1 - these faithful creature, shouM , ,"tlv ! ' '"' "'" m,rk"1 ""l'r"v""' '" U 0 walk 111, it would not at all disturb my 1 coal tin 1 1 h"ln m:fiy sto !(. 1 ho situa'i o heaven. Hut nil llms.. human .r brutal I does not improve th- demiudfor s-s-i.-ni -s leiiiiios niai. irivn eu-i-si niM lorn au-i l.-ieer- t nted tho world : yen, all thnt now Into or worry or tear to luces, shad lo proun ne.L tt iiiioiii nre in .gs : .m plni-e . there for linrsh crit cs or backbiter or do- spoilers of the reputation of others. lown w ith you to tho kennels of darkness nnd de spair! The heart has n-a, h.-d the cteiual water brooks, nnd tlm panting i f the long I cha-o Isipneted in still pastures, nnd "Tin ro I shad be nothing t 1 hurt or destroy in all 1 tiod's holy mount." I Iih. whon soiiio of you gi t there it will 1st I like w hat a farmer tells of when he was push ing his c.iuis! fur up .N01 til 111 the winter and imnid tiie 1 e I'.ie., im I a hun lied m les, ns he th , light, fioiu any other human Isi.ngs. l!o was startled one day ns ho Inard a I stepping on th" i. e. uud In) cocked tho riilo ready to meet nnvthuig that came near, lie found a man, ban -footed uud iusnn.i from long i-xpo-iire, appro , clung hun. Taking him into h:s c-iiiod and kindling lire to warm him, ho restore I him and found 1 .tit where he had lived, and to l him to hi home, nnd found nil tho villngo in great excitement. A him lre.l men wi re 'arching lor this lost man, and his family and frieii.U rush -d out to meet him: nu l. as had Isvn agreed, at his (li st appear j aii'-o bells were rung. nr. d g'.ins discharge I, ' ai.d banouets and th) r. s. 11 r loul.,1 with p'o-eiits. Well, when s. me o you st-p out ot this w 1 ieiiiess. where vou have Issmi chilled and t' r:i and soiue'inir. lost aim I the ii-,1 cigs, the warm greetings of nil the villages of t ie g!.. filled, and your friends rii-h out t 1 give you a welcoming kiss, tho new s th it t'.iei .i is nil-, th r s in for ever s.ivel will call the caterers of li av.-n to spn a I tho liai.t.'t. and the U ll men to lay hold of tlieroe 111 th" tower, mil w hie the chalices click at tin tea t, and IheU'lU clang 1 toin th - will be a scene so iiplnt ng I prnv do I I 111 iy ! there to take part in th" st.'al merriment And now do you not think th" pray -r in !-o.i-inon's -oug. where lie ciuup Christ ton rc.inie r coming down iu tne 11 u lit to p isture 0.1 Ih" pi mis. would make an i-x,'iis.tely ap iiopriiiii ieror.itioii to my s 1111 11 : I " lit it tiie day bi.-ak mi l the shadows I'.-e nwav', be tlioii like a in1 or a yoiin; hart upju tho mo'iiitaius of l!"ther." lit TtlWCAM: IN i ris.v (jrcnf Dcst ru l mil nl' I. id uud 'rop- ci ty, Ibuu.igc tu .sl.ippiue. Tho liurricine of Tucs.lty was tornbly d strtictlveto both life and prMs-rty. Thegtm b utt Ialtul, lyiignt liatebauo, found, ivl in tl.o stonn it'l l nine of her crew, incliidiug tho c iininai.d -r. were drowned. Adviei-i ironi r-'agna nro thav .VI persons l.,s; the.r l.vo thero, wliiio the ige d ui) to dw.'l lings ur.d waro Imus. in the city, to vc-s. U in tho h irbor and t ) w lnrvoi is very Tho villtgo of l'ueblo Nuovii. in th" no'.gh bolhoi'd of Siguil, Is liteuilly uu Telegi npli wires at e badly brokort, unt no news from oilier parts of tho isl.iti I bn l..'.-u I'cuolvod, Oflloeru i:i'ftiil Ity ( tit Miners. Tho National Kei.eration of Miuei-s and ; Mum Uibori-rs clti-o 1 its e uivi'iition at In- di in ipoiis, Thur-ulav. Tho otlicers cIkw-cii ; were: Christopher Kvans, of Hhio, htH-utivo j Secretary; Jiiuic t'antwcll, of Iu lia-tu, I N itioi nl Truisu "er. The follo.ting meuiliersi ' ut the National Executive Hoard wen.' eltv- I t, d: Daniel .Meljiughliu, of Il inuis; J.iliu Mcllrido, of Olilo, and 51. F. Morgun, of Wt'kt Virginia. Tho so't'ct'nn of a reprvwcii tntivoou tlm bo.tnl from the uuthiMcito cml regions was left iu t to haUvU of th,i other nu-iiibers. In tho afurnonii tho minors cud e l on lli'iierul Harrison, a' d a few minutes wcro devoted to the interchange of iwurtw.iiu.s. I'prty-ono jeirs acjo a youti! inau of i:l)o.le'lsUuil nskt'J a youne; woman of tho ssine Mate to marry huu. Sho s lid No," Tiie younc mm weut about h's li ibiness, but he kept his eve ou th woniiui, ou t from time to timo reuewed hi milt, ihe rcfusini; oiler after oiler. Uo porsfvered nnd his coustaucy wiu res warded a t-hort time aji, when, she ao cUi.icd nnd unriied him. tie was then ivuiity two ytats old uud she sixty one. Minnesota women want a law to corns pel a ttiK to unaiunce hi iutentioas within four wick uf;or 'ayiu hi tlrct visit to a sii'l. TRADE REVIEW. EFFECT of noon cnoi nto)- PIXT9. Adynncoln thn Bpccu'.atlTO Market, and In Railroad 8ncks Incrcna ctl Dcmaiiil Cniiso Closeness in Money at homo l'olnla. H. O. Pun fi Co.H weekly review of tra la says; Wool and Iron Industrie! rescind nt last, though with somo hesitation yet, to the stimulus afforded by good crop prospects. 1 he Increased domsnd for wool Is shown in higher price for nearly all griides, Conlto's Oircutnr for hrptemb-r 1 reports n corsidorablo speculative feeling, and Ihe average of 109 quotation is now '-'.'.J cents, sgalnst SI. 7 August 1. There In boon a distinct Improvement In tho purchas ing by manufacturers, nnd In dress an 1 knit giods more activity. Thcdenm id for cot ton goods, Isatprofout co npiratlvely lihl and Irri gulnr. In the Iron trade also an Improving demnnd Is felt In all directions, exc ' In tho mar ket for steel .'rills, l'ig Inn I llrtner in New York, a'.d though .nu Houthern iron is still offt-n d bdow current quot itlotis, an I four now Kouthem furnn " nro b Is-giu work; this month, tho lono is firmer. At i'ittsburgh advances of So to 51 out ji-rtoii nro rep rt e.1. liar a-id other llalshe l Iro i li also stronger In Pittsburgh ami l'hila lelphia, a id mie eculntlve ilisKsi'on In tho pig iron mil ket Is noticed, i li'VoUnd n'sirep rtsn'i Inprovel di in in I for oro an I better prices. The deliveries of steel mils f-reght m.ititi of this yesr have Iss-n only 71o,V)J totij against l,0.nn last year. The s; ei 'iUtive innrkot nre higher, wh 'st lienrly 1c, with s-tli-t of ",1,1111,111 1 bu , and C m nboil le,i'ipile of exc .Unit r the ppdinblo yiel I. Cn't-Ins risou in ar'y JVC, though til" best fee nt rep irtsns to the yield no coit'lrinisl. The eff -e m u k t is ' 4' cent higher, with a letter dein.i-id. ( l s strongor. and foreign hid. s higher fu; ir ha nlv.nei). and lir I lu-n'ty ' ; yet other frork pro.1'1 -ti n:e ste nly, and hogs Id; per 10.) lb, lower. The stis-k 1 1 Ins shared t'.:o upwnr I tend -acv, s i .wing n-i a I Vance of a'snit .V'c er s'uiio ic n iwic' ngo- Tlio gr iss n ntngs of railr.nls ccitunio encoiirsging, Tlm wars of rates. I ) 11 t e -u- , nr.dthoilo nornli. ition is sun'i tli.-i. the ti n ik sITero 1 by projectors of newroid". X .r I) returns of forvigi" pro ilis the im sirti it gold w hii-h nro ii-tnlv cxs-ti d in tm fall. Kxports from N'.-w York f ill tfl,'.' ".'i'l behind last year's f ir the 'a-.', w. r pn 'el, in.lll pir c -n". ii !,in 1 for tin c'. ti. i wis ks. 1 no ace Hints iroin m'ei i r cin-s c i i'n decidsly favorable. As to collis tions n!-i. while some coinpi ii its nps'ir, tit" g":; ,-,! tenor of reports is im.r ) f.iv .r ib'.e. Ti." in creased de. nand for ui'.iiey has c.-i isi l -..:n.i closeni-ss ill the ma. ket a'. II il'.inn ire, C.ov. hvi.l nn I N.islu i.l -. I 11' nt in .-t i.ints th.i mpl Iy is .impl . 'Mi . 1 reisiiry has ta'i -n i 1 during fie li ii.f'.o-) iii'ir-tlnn i- lias paid out, but tho pityui"iits f r '!,'' ',o 0 ondspurcii ise I li .v.. imt yet Inn repot tel. The business failures number 'J.M, ns c ui pared with W last w.-ck and 'JU tho w. prevl an to th . las'. F..r tl c corresp- u bug week of la't year tl.o tig'ir.-s w.-ro 171, nnl '".' iu th) l)"lii.inoii of Citn 1 1 1. tiii: i.fTiir.i. w sv.Mtit. t Imn-gcs In til.) I 'iml ! ill ion ami P.y Iiawt lil-i-iiss, (1 Uy 1 Ii lcmbcrs. The Ohio K-.-iip '.i.'t s -ssiou in A!b'g e iy I '. lirst e-ssi'.u iu .lis u-sii its c .nstitutii.n. TU" t.iat tho " je m.ide acq i lint I w i' .i d ctrine.s, and be ii r; f ire and after c. .ulii'iu.i I rov. k"d ciisi lei- i.dopt. d. At tl.e alien I.e.- in Sy 10 I, i:i it til '-I. -t till am -u i ii" r t t UlU.'li' I tl'-llt -v .s t.i .ur li i o f.i'-n i-ii I .- s.t. ll al ,.: T.ii. u-. p uiittco on (.'..ii-'it .' . i re. i.)i".-1 ti.o flowing sc. -'tV-.r j mM-d v. ;., c msoliiti in g ' i i.t e '.1 t i w irk 1 1 .ii S. lot Of dls.seir U'tl'l's :il . ppos.C fi-oiu Sa'a'i; .md v ' ' i : e i it. .i in- i lino :i ti ui n it t-'gr i.v "v i"' : t tii' ) vie ' ( tli i I.. rL, w- I ,i .- : i-1 - i t.i in'i tlm I, rd, f r lie Ins b -s. . 1 mi- f ill i"i vrft'ct ilT-irts v-ry gr :' . -r; i !: ; wi ar) promp''sl to r-'iie v I I - -i Pni'l, t" I iccommo id to I' s'cri and te of the disibl. d s'i: I" l iu.l . -I i'l t d.- i ii d h "S ,-l .i I.l '" ir "U . nuns, -rs' tu i 1, mi 1 tii it 'ii 1 fund b ) ri-meiiiliere I I y ad I.' .nu ii c mtni n- ti in, and tl:a"ev.-r if its own p s r. 1" homo in -se us, wc c uu'iiittee, a id it ,i ivvuioti "f tU.'.l lV !' ; it'- i i -i ;'. iro I-- .l!.lllg t) ' i i.l' th T l-e .',i t. I t til S.' no I I ,., i-. i . W ,! ll I el . -I si. was ud. pte. I. The next p ip. r wai i p ' tt. -ii from t'to N ii the. u , lis re- r..' o.'io'y. Th' js'titi-m wis i-.-i'.-i I'ominittco on I'ti 1 .'Hi' ui Th r (A'oiiUit'eo on the U 'V si ,u ,ii t.u s 'ill' d ! i tr ict d t-'ti") ...rr.ol' the H.-t.i.n was diss'iissi d ;it s ii iii lei ".li. Tun ol tu-s reading: 'I i its relation to Urn svemi c u gre"; ttious, Syti'.'d an adisory bod ,' tirstso I b .1. iniuil. r of tit" uiusLeis, but It will likely b il 1'ipr.e.l. In t '." vveni.i U v. -V W. .VIwui'. of L 0,-i-j.i, W proactiy I u serin u in C. .'i tn iu. lucrcaso of lo.t Dltlcos, The forthcouiiiig report of th" IVsiiiiiister lloiioral will .show tlmt tlio nuniber ot l'resi deultal po.stoltlcs PifoiV) Jil'v I, 1SS, w is an lucre iso d irnig Ui... vein ot l'KI. Tbo total amount; of salaries paid 1 1 l'reid II tiitl pi.'Stiiiu.toi was f I. .''ij.six', nn incroiino under tbo occ of Mu clid.l, tsi;(, o f !g-.',"MJo, or J per coiil', Tho grus-f o dpts from I'resi dential lor til" veal wero & lH, US, tui lucrctt-si o i.l,:.''.','s-0, or 'J uer ucut. t'lU'U I'lO.lUCl Ut, tst'iavtury .Mih-r, of tiio Iviiistts B.ui'd of Agriculture, bus issue 1 tl st, tteiiiout show iug I hut of tho total.'!, en p I mud t- uoiu in b.'iii sis, 74 pu'ce it is ;d woi ih lug. Tho ooliin iWd uveragoyiuid poi- ucic OU t'bw atTO I";,) pi IlltO I s!lOW4 H ti,t'tl ooi n piudu.'tof lll,H7,SW buslint, wilicil ut ul uistat tue produot of lu,,t itrsonrfos i Miowuifn. Franco in about to noil lior crown !ewcl, and, to prevent thiir falling in 0 the linnda of showmen, the crown and ewonl of Lmiis Will, nro to ao to tho molting pot. Ynin attempt I Jn loss than six mnntlm that crown and swotd will lm in tin) liana's of every showman on tlio continent, imt to men tion thu I 'tu toil Kingdom or tho I'nitoil rUntosj of America. L'ox.'ot Trail' On. Stirling as tho first General ofliccr to d!a alter tho Itevolution. Tho grave of Wcndeil rhlllips, nt Mil ton, Muss, is nniimrkod. Hut a monu ment 1 soon to l o eroctod hy Mrs. tircen, the sister of tho dead orator. It will ho a rough,ctt lined tanito bouldo-, about o feet in height, and in tho tr nt tcntro will lo p'nccl a sunken tablet bouiingan iimcriptiou. - 4S A tlrllshle Itemeilr, At.l.oK s Coin us, ri.tnrim never fill to gbe si edy pioof of their etlleiicy ns the ls-st external icun ily f..r Weak l!ai k. Khcuuia llsm. Luiii'ing ,, h atiea, ( 'old, ( otik-hs, )s.,ro Throat. I'lilmonary and Kidney Ilillli u, M i aria, Iiv -pi-p-l 1. Ileiirt, hplisn, Liver and Moiiiui h Attn, tins, Mains, and all I .oral I'n ns. They have t een In ns.) f..r over Ihirty years, 1 and their value has t een iitte-led by the high- 0-1 iiieitieal iintherlties as w,- as by voluntary nul ' 1 : 1 i 11 1 - :i . h ih e I in. nt.itl t frnin thou minis who have 11-ed them, A- s tnr A i.i. iii K's.ainl let no f'tp'nnitlon or rnlu iti.te.ii I ii.l if e yiel In ine pt a mil-t it ut. Work like 11 11 in, I ut ,11 n't Is) workcl to nth. Ib.-i 1 S.l. I'l'l.e I'' I., A ! If sfSltrle.l witn sor.t eyes a... Th.iii'.j''s K j-w.iter. liniggi. e.'..'. 11. r t" r f !e. I T. I ' I .Li soi, .11. i C t i'is cri li ir-I'-r"cl hn:i 1 iuiii" Jir.f, bu' tlu-y Wi-r.; lit mtn for tl.i: d ,i.)ii..'ers tr.e:--1 ur ani-i'i!' rs w.-ri; rnggi'd s; i :.,'"( i.f tlob " tll.tiihoo'l. 1 , r 1 1 ; 1 i . ." -.g a and i-n 1 :r in. .'. 111 I h.- r .ine. ire re ro. I 1, . ii to ". in ind W -n-ncr liner' i I . i- r ,1 ii'iiiii. -: a unii-iiiiii .' t.t ?iV'lVl'A ELY S CBEA'i BAL'd jjf ,' " V fH i i .1 I Vt'. S ,'vlCCLD 22f HEAD j f jCjf "' -. i i v - ' i-. i -t . s v ' FLORIDA J. I lillss, M ... I-1... ll. I. i-1 1 .( ii t . 'V f'l .'Sft 'It. SIOO to S300 -i.. iii. am ai USST IN THK TH K WOltl ii li it 1 1 a a . I i J M , rot's ."...I P P!UM HA3!T 111 'II 1 II' !ldlid tv IMmi If 1 1 i I i .it -ii' ui I i ' .ii I I II HI I Utt If ' III I l f II., I Dl-tlx' (r8a' oijhsli Uutil anj llhuuinaiiu Huiiiuily. (Ivttl lint, .1 I i-fiiiuii, 1 1 1'iiit,. S5 ti s a bile - mil "I .es slur ll UT. It I''. Sitii.j.iMs Dunn 1. (I, ll.. II, t si' s II. i. Will. Illlllll t l.',M 1111,1' i iti': ; , Ul.-.l Ai D I'll I "I .li li'iiir . i .. . I'.. M.u- net -.lllii'ii 11 . I The I Int.- .! ,1. jT s A lilt'e sis-d l.i- in tl.e 1 uti r' p-illi: syV I A lilt'..- .1 1 111 Ihe slrollg Wind's f t A I'.; V-1- ; A bo esl.riil, gr.-. lit i r...ts l.c'd f.-i-'- f ' . :JZi l!e-iia -:..iil 11. bin..! .1.1 II... wi;.t. f,'l,:n.. I ' S-Ar, ' A Tit i,,i .1, t. t tK -i-, ..nlv !:'.: ff&i V I A lot..-1 1.1.I -I .w-rrd ".- 1. .nt- . f i.igl.t; sr". -- j A !.' , .to Htel ' .. i-i t-i .-i ..i. I i iVf' 1 l.l-ll Kill- ll.p'.., . ,' 11,1 ,M'. -fr. flgt), JJ Sy r I lie v. I' i'l ):.. ),.-, k t!,e!i"V,.u..... l-e I , k I'.. Utile 1 .i,l. ill-ti-,1 ll.e 1,11'.- .l,. ere tl.e J ' ','! .,' V ' T 1 1 ' f li- ;. 1 ! in- t,l I .-s .1... , 1, r. 1 'f tk 'V J M'dl. .. III ). I. III tine , is . I I. i:ii-., ; X.-. rl'' t ; for lh.-s.- li,-. I , ' I ! Never i!.-i;i.i,r. "I.-st h-'p- is a fatal j yl" s. jrK i " .1 iisl Mi ur TI111I ( l.ll I -.-rrnit.: " i Vi' T,v";?2 CM Mt-.s.-ti, t-.l.i s.-t.f.M,. l..,-...,, , sT" -1 1- "'.' ' '-C:'" r , '; i X I.,. 11ei.1i a.i..i'i-. -i.-..-k..-1'ne 1.; -.. ii. I v- V..:t N trill II tl (.1 .. I.. !....:. I, '-I-.. -: ilk,:, I , , Z 1 ' : 1 e' .1 M-iti.ii, 1..1 . t. -i 1. 1 1 1 . e.'.u - it .-. - 1 t- - y ; . I J . r I I'-lr. t, "N-i, i.,.... .l." r, l.:s.-, j '' ' -S:'' in the .-I.l 1. 1-!,-.,. 1 . , '-: l'. ',.( ! ., ti.t-'n U 1 .'..-) ' s A -W ; 'r:B?-&wl , W. L. DOUGLAS I I-' II til- -,.."! I ', t. ' I- I' '1. H I,' ti , V 'I .. s , . ; ii 1 r ;.e, .,1-.- -v, CO CTjnT? nil ! br.'-iel M - ",.t. -u I, v ,1.,. . , QQ OlXVsFJZj. (.F.N II. KM KN. I'r. I'.. . - I..:, ..- t I' it-.. it , . ,. 1 , ,;. , , 'If..-- ,.r,.. :r- . r. .- u i !;,,,' ! . n,,, I T' e v a ' "e , nt 1 " - i e i.i t i- r 1 a : . .. . ; 1 - -. t . , 1 , , K . . 1 - - , . .ir 1 1 1 1 . -,, in-s. ! l.i.ks,. r ,ts,i .. A . . -n .nl t..- '(,. ti,'.. ii., 1 1....I;-. ..." ".;i -., ,,,1' d-i -U 1 ...--!. ... 1.1 '..j - , i.l M , - 1 1 , 1 ' s S' riii,.'' , 1 - ' ' m ..- n t .. . t, I , 1 It 1,1 t s. . --.I r-v'h t n ..ii" 'in- S 1 ! --4 n. I ,t. ."l.r.'V 1 ' l -' ! V .la'.' ' i,.t:i ! -s ..nil . - I - It 1. .en . I "U. 4 "O. ; .u m me. : ' IV. I . I') 1. 1. I !(ir. o,.. rj nil irt) It Tl.- . I' -:-i- a-.'... I.f.. I..- 1 r I'.'- nr., .,n I .. ' , ' . .1 e .,;is.-l tt- te-.-r Iu. l.r.ur. i.,, , '': "'' ' ' "I''""''. I V. I.. lllll.l.s Sg.'.O -IHIK it tint ,( "',"! ' I-o s.t If. .,:m-sn. t,:-;. ' "v. l". I. ,."1. - -IK'K J n- " ' s- '"', . . . Dsit, i-le n. X-ev .'...! 1. ?'.."!). s..".e. 4i .(,.. , .. . .- ....1. 1 .. 'u . 1 ,t.' 1 :--(. i- itr.-a ' , . 1 1 , 1 t" ! - ire t.. . .-, I .1--. 1.- I'.il t. -I." .1" I I... .. , el ,f ii. t si. i. I. r. (M . ... a ,, i .-'.,,,.' , r ,- '. I.. Dill n 1. 1 . It - it : n 11 i-. t","f,,-i,. ,;. -..'. '-i i 'A to II K. .I'.il' -"II -V 1 ' I'd Mil: s ..j',. ' - ,..,, V.I.. :tl."l " i" I "I. w I. " .. !. .-ilei t Wui .i. m l.i' ' .1" 1 .t.,ni" t j,.-; - . : e -.i .-it;. ebc c or c i ft n-g-g. 1 u.'.w Ic-.l r!i. sV-e: w !i"!i s. mi" til s 1 .1 - r 1: S.r-lpar:i:.i A WET I '. .III III! .1.1 II V I ll ll I tu livi: -li'k.ti- ill it iinU-Ml I.'muI, tilt .tl lllft Hi "l flU'l !IU1 D I AM I It lliU 111 i .i"itn iliulk in ln Kt.rr-'M (Jul t i Intniiy ..iiiUrr tn i Lou tiiuu ti ini- iiiilo ih tllln;, U"l wiiiV trcift cluttsl Uh Ut tKllii asU tl.itll tuki 11 lit, (Hit tii iii ll-t.h II ht li: IHH liniiC l:&tUli llKU HEN -mi uiu rmii imi.y ii - ii ki.h m m ipii-.i m it ii.t v tut r imi ttiiA.i, ui' i tu nir sirerrij'iivt'i 'X, i ! i i i i i i - A3ENTS WANTED to l lit. LlKfa' OK i ii. H.nfi. r(th. ,,i,ti jiuiuir, -tuitiiiuui, tiiu un.'v 'tu'h'-int-i lii'itfiKi'liy, " f ui i . in- 1 rifttU Urn I lur u 1 lit-11 lluri iHuii lv iui Mra. LeUoJ Ftonford'. jewels ro val nod at a round mlllon. Her diamond necklaco I the finest in the United Htates, and possibly in the world. It cost 74, 000, and consists of larpo "blue tint" olitaires. resides this slio has severs! pairs of magnificent colit iiro esr rlnM, and enough other precious itouei to till a quart measure. A man down in Tunned, who is about to mirry tho fonriu time, Is let than 4') years old, and a flnsncier u? pests that it ho bad only insured the lives of each dear departed lie might now rank umong milllonnirc. JACOBS OH K 11 I A I . ft 11-' IMienltistl-m. Neiir il' l. rlnllr. I n 111 lm . Iim-Uni lie. 1 .ii.t'iarlie, nm llinint. Hn I It ti u. tl'ritia, ISrulsrs, Hums, Sralils, I -! -lilies. S-MW PrMrf'etif'' Hoi -' "'"-. The hnrlrs A. og-lT I 11., Ilslt.i., 'lit. y v .it wir frf ) rml a DU. SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TOH!G hit no ee 1. .1.-" i -i ri r nn t i : '. -:l-e Mir.. '.I- ike P"! .PS .V -1'"ll . ml 11 t i.tinr i..- . .; ) !n..c ui. iii. DS.SCKiNCK'S !.?Z31C;?IE3 u. l!.. DISCOVERY. ll".,li It'll i-l.e.l 1 , ,.1 i I oil ..lie (.-lll a. 1 1. 1: ii .'' .1. I -In. i , ...I. -si. I I tl I Ii.l SO Sl.'lllH. ttii.:i .,"1,1.. '.. ,..' i ' .ii.l,-hi i a I ll I s ll-( l,,. t ,,. ff . -I" t t .... i-.ili-'I... I. M . I).. I'l-... .il.V '1. jl j' -A . .,,s 'till . "'" "I'"- '-- ". n ii ' "' s 'TTi' l IJ 1. 1 it 1J Q.iUUf, IIUNTIHU A HO TAHttf HIM IS M.HIIN ftHt AKMii Cl)., i - . .'. Nl"l H,"CK, CT TOXIC PiLLS -i li.. i o,i.' -. ,,( i- -i. ,. V. (.li , it ll.'. I i lili II. .ii.iiie -si,, a ( , KEr.3.1AJID FIFTH IVHHSL. XWX'Zl lint'. . liie.ll. III'.UIIK 1 Ml !.. II. ,,,.,1,1. .,. t- -iiir i m,,,, iwini' ititi.i (hul Mv a J -l Kdioi.i.L th.-l l. . lllhl ill,, ill tin i M lm. II i I'Miii-.l I nu 1.1. 1 lll IlKAMi " ;-i.U', ,t luiiiic I iii i ii i. iii in i.ii., (?(iv,-(-'' .in '. r Hit -itiul, W .Ui Hn ui J 'lU 1 11 i Ii . H Mil .tllll il li i 'i '( i.oal it " inm i m I is,- hi.iiut .-..,1 Kl , 1 mmm m w aim ?tkr t u i. u ur uni ! .ii.i.c,,!!!-, i , i;, i Stimi.,n ,- i iii, imj, .i.., i v r- 'I r "I "X I-1 1 1 s:ippfy FIFTY u'.:LL!GMj ;cc)!b witfi (iy mo uuthor of I BEN HUR. l'iii"nl, ninl " i 'r 'I'tdcii, 'aitiftxii, in wilt 1114 uiu, '-- ',-( it 1ml i illltJiift uuiu, S.iu s.J.IH. I. ... 1 'n i i.-v. 1 1 I Sl,lll'- .l en III.-I. I'. mi ,.f .! l ., ..,'.. .1 . 1 - t , I.. Tote 1' SI Tl 1 1,- I 1 t ' '. ',: r ....',, I tirt. 11 -1 ,,.-' 1 1,1 ,t.'. r.. r w .-1 If -1- ,,' 1 1 t'.ts 11 . I,. I If,,, y I,, ,, . it . r- -l I 1 I r . .- f I f.l' tl I, , I'. ', lll lt..; I'. I '.' . ' t tH .1 I UU tie- I,., I'.il li.:, -t -. - . .- s : r.,u.L 3 V 1 It . ,to urtr . At i'iij- r i '(..( (tu M.w's, . 1. m.. . ...l;.... ; ; - i-"- " -' s.-