The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 13, 1888, Image 1

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NO. 38.
I "Co, Oommlsslonim
Miss Minnie Myers of Rcllvue,
lOhio in here on a visit.
Mrs. William Hiu tniim and Hon of
ffhree Rivers, Midi, are here on n
visit with friends.
1 Vrrv count vcnjoyit the distinction
Lf being t ! only county in tho state
V ,.! mi associate judge is niso pro
prietor of ft licensed UOtcl.
.Tut as we expected, C. C. Scebold
look the diploma fit tlio Milton fair
3iis week on the wlnte sewing ina-
Judge Riuhcr, of Lewisburg, is
iell)in Judgo Rockefeller eleiir up
le eriininiil list nnl ih located in
in buck room. Siiiifxiry Xi ira.
Home-made rag Carpet '2.V. 20c.
arml for 125c Kid Gloves 50c. H.V.
Jfhite Shirts (lOc, blue Calico (c, at
hostnuts, Lewistown. Pa. !)-i:i-2w
"Sailor" waists fire nil the go with
Lr dear girls, and when their fair
Inns me encased in them they rc-
nible a shock of corn tied too low.
The twenty-fourth annual conven
m of the Pennsylvania State Sab-
mth-school asKOciation will convene
i AHoona on the 'Jltb, i..lh, and iidth
I September.
Squire S. S. Sehoch is taking' the
ke in trolling for pike. Last week
snailcd"' one in Rower's Dam
:it measured 21 J inches and weigh-
over two pounds.
Km. 1). Herhster of McClure tins
lir raised two Irish potatoes, one
which weighed three pounds and
o ounces and the other two pounds
id fourteen ounces.
A'e have no objections to people
Ining into this office and read our
ranges but we do most earnestly
test against them carrying them
nieaiid forgetting to return Mi'.jii.
Il'he pie-nic of the Hashinger and
Idleburgh Sunday schools did
come oil' on Saturday as advor
(1, owing to the inclemency of
weather. It will now take place
Saturday September 22. All in
.1. . .1. Smith, the Democratic nonii-
for Assembly is wearing a red
liiiina over his right eye. The in
tuition ot tins organ is due to a
-re cull, though some have crully
limited that it was the result of a
litical stroke."
'alcntine "Walter of Contreville
Josephat Walter of this place
erecting a new hydraulic cider-
s in Middleburgh which will
itbly be completed this week.
is a very desirable move, as Mr.
ey's mill has been abandoned.
Pish Commissioners have cut
nets and destroyed the eel-dams
Slmmokin Dam. The fellows
the Pay and lower end of
Susquehanna can't do without
llie lish and are backed up with
"intlooenee" to prevent any in-
reneo in that line.
Monday evening our borough
bcil passed an ordinanco that re-
s all residences hereafter orect-
have slate or metal roofs ; re-
1 on old buildings are to be
blunted with slate or metal. The
limncc will bo published in our
issue. Ltirlnhiirn Jour mil.
in new craze is for the epicurean
it his watermelon with milk.
the melon oil' the ice, cut a
from one end so it w ill stand,
deeper slice from tho other
exposing tho core. Stir this
a spoon till it ih broken in small
and room is made to pour in
li t of milk, then partake. Slop.
krou Post. "California Joe" is
ailing the neoiilo of Ail. 1 11IH
-hip by saying that tho lire in
liools ih not allowed to go out
a whole term. "Joe" ought
low better. He may havo been
M by n good brot her. Tho fact
lire is not allowed to be kept
Sunday und never was. hence
jug is furnished to start it every
Piy morning. A Dikectou.
If you could see your own scalp
through nn ordinary magnifying
glass, you would be amazed at the
amount of dust, dandruil', and dead
skin thereon accumulated, The best
and most popular preparation for
cleansing the scalp is Ayer's Hair
With a feeble appetite and imper
fect digestion, it is impossible for
the body to secure the requisite
amount of nourishment. Ayer's Sar
snparillatiot only stimulates the de
sire for food, but nidi the assimila
tive organs in (he formation of good
blood and sound tissue.
Ax L'nnWs Titi-Mi'. The follow
ing letter explains itself:
Ski.insouovk. Pa.. Kept. 8. ixsx.
T. H. H um it. Si i-: Kudosed find
tive dollars which please place to my
credit on subscript ion to tho Post.
You deserve great credit forgetting
out such a paper, and I hone tho
people of Snyder county and else
where will patronize, you.
Respect fully. D. X. Are.
This pays Mr. App'-t paper to Apr.
1, bs',10, and leads our list. Thanks.
Some time ago the question of the
constitutionality of the act restrict
ing the issuance of license to hawk
or peddle to disabled soldiers only,
was brought before the court in
Reaver County by Attorney Roger
Cope. The matter was held under
advisement by .ludgc Wickam who
has now rendered an opinion that
the act is uncoiisl it ut ional and that
a license should be granted to any
and all persons possessing all other
requirements without regard to any
services rendered as a soldier.
'No girl under 'JO,' says a wise wo
man, "has any business to think of
marriage.' Rless you, no. We
know that. At that age no girl
thinks of mariiago as a business.'
She tumbles head over heels in love
and marries the dear fellow just
because she would cry her eyes out
without him. It is when she is no
longer what you would just exactly
call a 'girl,' when she is rising 3s
and has cut her last new teeth, full
set, that she begins to make a 'bus
iness' of it.
Since their return from the Sol
dier's encampment, the Middleburgh
11 i I. .
nana mis received nx calls coming
from Rloomsburg. Watsontown,
Danville, and Shamokiu. but as the
prices oll'ered them were unsatisfac
tory in every instance t he yjref used all
--liavingahaitdoiied thecoinuion cus
tom of (playing !for grub and glory.
That's bizz. If an organization with
the reputation this bund has can't
earn as much to the man when away
playing as it can at home, it is time
to wait until the people become ed
ucated up to a standard of apprecia
tion. Tuesday night of hot week, says
the Lewisburg I.inutl A ' f.y, tie
Mitllinburg band met with a serious
accident whilo on their way home
from the Milton fair. At a point
near Yieksburg the four horses. band
wagon and occupants went over a
steep bank with far less harmony
than usually accompanies this favor
ite organization. After the smoke
had cleared away and the boys
caught their breath an examination
resulted in tho finding of one dead
horse and some badly damaged in
struments but nothing more damag
ing. Tiikiu Only Medioine Chest.
Di i l'ltith1' JlotitiliHI h e, (',, Jhh.", I
have been using Rrandreth's Pills
for the last thirteen years, and
though I have had nine children, I
have never had a doctor in the house,
except threo times, when we had an
epidemic of scarlet fever, which we
soon banished by a vigorous uo of
Rrandreth's Pills. I lIUvn used
them for myself, two or three anight
for a month, for liver complaint,
dyspepsia, and constipation. In
diurrhua, cramps, wind colic, indi
gestion, oiieortwoRiaiiiiiLiL'. Pills
fixed the children at once. A box of
Pill is all the medicine chest we re
quire in tho house. Wo use them
for rheumatism, colds, catarrh,
biliousness, and inipuro blood.
They never havo failed to euro all
tho above complaints in a very few
days. William W. 13. Milleb.
Pnol'osAl.s. Pronosals for bnilil.
ing two out-houses for the School
house in the borouirh of Middle.
burgh will be received by the School
Jioard until Saturday evening at S
o clock, l'lans can be Heen at the
office of T. J. Smith, Ksq.
J. Y. Shisdki., Sec.
.".oi mi Damaoks. On the 'JHth ult..
Joseph C. McAlarney, Ksq., on be
half of Charley Hower, of Selins
drove, Snyder County, tiled a decla
ration in the Dauphin County court
in the suit against the editor of the
I'i'iiiiii' for libel, allcdging that he
has been maliciously libeled and
damaged as an attorney, to the ex
tent of 5,11(10 by tho publication of
live articles in the Snyder county
T?Hinti This is a lofty estimate
of the Trimii'n influence, and is
equal to the par value of all the
printers in the county combined
hide and hair.
David Harner, of Paxtonville, one
of the track hands on Mr. Attick's
section, came within an ace of being
killed on Sat in da y. The hands were
fixing up ( he f rack near the lumber
loading point at the Paxtonville de
pot w hen a log w as rolled on a car
which struck the end of the skid, (a
long, heavy piece timber,) and sent
it whirling through the air. The
men called "look out." and Mr. Har
ner raised up from his stooping
position just in time to see the piece
of limber come d-iwii v m V-i . ,i 'm 'l
of his face. One Mr delay
would have resulted in his Jiead be
ing crushed to a jelly.
Rrolher J. R. St oil, formerly edi
tor of a Republican paper in this
county, is now editor and proprie
tor of the South Rend, Indiana,
Time. It is a rattling good Demo
cratic paper, but on the principle
that a leopard cannot change his
spots, he occasionally shoots of, un
consciously, such Republican doc
trin as this :
The promise of an early fall should
encourai:e business men in South
Rend. The prospect of increased
trade is made apparent by the fact
that very few, il any, laboring men
are idle. Workinginen are the life
of trade. Jf thcy are at work and
receiving fair wages, business is
good. The reverse is always the
case when they are idle.
A remarkable couple live in West
Perry township this county, says the
Ciinri' ,: Daniel Stuck, aged 00 years
August , and his wife, aged ;io
years, March 22. They have lived
together in the marriage relation
about (IS , ears. The old gent Ionian
is sfill quite active and industrious.
The old l.uly is also in excellent
health. They never had any chil
dren, but adopted a Stimely
who married Joseph Arbogasf, who
occupies and owns the premises
where these old people started their
matrimonial life, and where they are
kindly treated by Mr. Arbogasf and
his family. Charles M. Arbogasf,
son of Jos. Arbogasf and tho active
Secretary of the Independent school
district, also resides on the premises
and is extensively engaged in farm
ing. Three generations residing on
the same premises with so venerable
a couple at tho head is a rare occur
rence. Skepticism. R.v reason of the state
of chronic, incredulity in which many
men pass their lives they miss half
tho good of this world. They seem
to think that doubt and unbelief are
proofs of wisdom, and throiiL'h fear
of being deceived reject much that is
true and good. To such minds the
statement that Dr. Pierce's (iuldeii
Medical Discovery is a real and pro
ven euro for all disease caused by
torpid liver, and blood or scrofulous
humors carries with it its own con
demnation. They do not believe it,
apparently, because we say so ( and
yet what more, or less, than this can
we do? e know the fa.ts. nn.l if
we did not mako public the great
value ot tins remedy few would pro
tit byit. Wo try to do one dnK- In
tho matter and it remains for the
doubter who needs helo t
his prejudice and give it a trial.
!.00 Reward for an iiicm-nl.1
of chronic Nasal Catarrh ottered by
tlio manufacturers of Dr s!.i,r,.u
Catarrh Remedy.
Peter Felmy Killed !
Peter Felmy, of Paxtonville, aged
8ft years was brought homo dead
from Snow Shoe on Saturday eve
ning another victim of a tram-road
accident simular to the one in which
Bruce Hwengel lost his life.
Mr. Felmy had secured employ
ment on the Li wisburg Lumber
Company's job, near Snow Shoe, a
little more than a week ago. On
the dav of his death, Friday evening,
7th, lie was ordered by Superinten
dent Rock to take the team down
the tram road and another man and
Mr, Bock's son were ordered to take
two loaded trucks down. One of
the men not being ready to go,
Felmy, who was experienced in the
business, jumped on the front truck
and started down the road. When
near he saw mill the rear man lost
control of his truck and it came
down the grade at a tremendous
velocity. He called to Filmy to
jump oft' but he either didn't hear
or heed the warning and the two
colided, throw ing Mr. Felmy oil' and
a heavy piece of limber falling on
him broke his back, killing him in
stantly. The other man jumped
and escaped with slight injuries.
The deceased was a r honest.
hard-working man, and the father
of three children. Superintendent
Rock accouipaiied the remains to
tho gi ief-strieken family, and he
ceemed a 1 " rted as though
It v.CiO . . Jle personally
bore all the funeral expenses, pro
vided the remains with a new suit,
a splendid coffin, and made Mrs.
Felmy a present of a sju gold piece,
und r' nnised to present the matter
before the company and have them
contribute something. He seemed
much of a gentleman ami his actions
created much favorable comment.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
and the remains were interred in
the old Hassinger grave yard.
Luzerne county has been boasting
of a recent case of marriage w herein
the contracting parties executed the
contract in the office of the Clerk of
Courts, as if it were a novelty.
Snyder leads Luzerne by a big ma
jority. We have four of these eases
on our docket, October !! lssii,
Henry K. and Malinda S. alter the
proper proofs and preliminaries un
ited themselves in marriage without
ceremony other than a simple agree
ment ihat they would be man and
wife, ill the presence of 1', ,
Rower Ksq., and d o. H. Steiuinger
Deputy Clerk, ami signed the Du
plicate Certificate.
In Snyder, we have no t inie to stop
to pay at tent ion to such small affairs,
as eit he'1 novel or lemaikable, and
would not have taken notice of this
matter had it not transpired that
the Philadelphia, Dailies noted the
Luzerne case as a matter of extraor
dinary interest and novelty. Luzei ne.
pick your lbnt and give us bigger
game next time.
Concessional Com r hence. Sen
pen Death. The Congressional con
forces of the several counties com
prising this district met in conven
tion at Lewistown on Tuesday of
this week ami after taking sixty-one
ballots without eliciting a choice
they adjourned for the night. About
10 P. M. Capt. Stackpole of Harris-
burg, ami H. H. (ii imiu ami 11. .).
Duck of Middleburgh called at the
Coleman House ami were shown to
the rooms occupied by the Fulton
county conferees. While in (Malver
sation with Mr. Oiimm, John 11.
Dullield, one of 1 he Fulton conferees
dropped over on his bed and moan
ed. Dr. McKibhon, tho nominee
from Fulton was called, who gave
orders that a physician of the town
be sent for, and Dr. Smith came
once but ho was dead. Having 1 i d.
as is supposed, of heart d" . ; .
He wuh aged i)0 years. His father, a
brother and three sisters have died
in a similar way within two years.
Upon thcintelligence of the death of
Mr. Duffidd, the conference adjourn
ed to meet at Hurrisburg, Oct. 2.
The Kast Kni. The oust end is
rarely heard from through the col
umns of the Post. Whcthcrnews is
scarce, correspondents lacking, or
the editor not open to us is not
known. Poahaps Herman articles.
or perhaps, again, the sporting at
tractions of the west end, may cause
the editorial stiitl' to look with feel
ings akin to distaiu upon the quiet
and unattractive actions of the peo
ple along the river. If the leaders
of the Post think we simply exist,
let them visit our latest industry and
see from one hundred to one hun
dred and twenty-five pcoplccmploy
cd, and busily at that, from !. A. M,
until 10, P. M., and it is apparent
that sonic little life exists even in
this quiet town of Selinsgrove.
It was certainly hard to see disap
pearing, one by one, the boat-yard,
the dock, the lower saw mill, the
planing mill, the sash factory, the
abandonment of the one foundry
and machine shop. If other indus
tries take their places certainly all
Would he pleased. All -, Well there
might be some doubts. It seems
hardly possible that a person could
live in a tow n ami not rejoice in its
prosperity ; yet. sorry as we are to
tell it. some of our citizens are said
to lend anything but a helping hand
to foster the few industries already
stal ted.
The all -abs) irbing topic, polities,
with the exception of talking on
street cornels, is very quiet here.
Of course the latest county conven
tion caused a little talk but that was
all. At present (here is not even a
dub of either party to keep the ball
rolling. Many of us are waiting to
hear the result of the meeting of the
Congressional Conferees of the sev
eral count'cs of our district.
The death of i!. 1!. Swengel was a
surprise to us. Death at any time
seems hard, but coining to one who
is in the prime of manhood it seems
much more so. The early part of
the summer he had taught writing
and drawing here and was well
know ii to n I must the entire town.
Prof. .1. H. Willis moved into our
midst last week. We welcome him.
He is among our corps of teachers
in our public schools and we think
there is not much doubt of his being
able to please his pat rons.
Our firemen are making prepara
tions to visit Shaiuokin in a body
and attend the volunteer Firemen's
Convent ion. The object for which
this convention is woikingare good.
The Ii remen ask of the Legislature
of our State t hat it prov ide a fund
for disabled firemen ami their fam
ilies. The money t hat is giv en to
the State Treasury by the dill'i ivid
foreign insurance companies, they
claim should be paid to the treas
urers of the cities of the third,
fourth and fifth classes and incor
porated boroughs in the Cuiniiion
wealt h w hieh have fire departments.
Certainly for the work they do, tire
men receive little credit. And there
is little inducement to work at a lire
knowing that if hurt there is no
means provided for support.
A number of 1. O. of O. F. from
Sunbiiry visited the encampment
here Monday evening. They came
in a steamboat, and doubtless spent
a pleasant time.
Selinsgrove Public School opened
Monday. The attindance in sonic
of the upper grades is not as good
as last year, owing to the number of
pupils working in the factories.
AiiAMsuriiii. Nights are cooler.
Prof. Paul has organized
a singing class numbering .VI mem
bers which meets every Wednesday
night. Our young people should
take advantage of this opportunity
afforded t hem.
John Steiuinger, Foreman of the
Post, vvas in town looking after new
subscribers and taking in the silver
! liars for back pay. Call again,
1 1. I. Roniig has received a tine lot
oi moves sv hich he sells cheap. Kvery
stove warranted to give satisfaction.
The members of the Lutheran S. S.
will hold their Children Harvest home
services on next Suuday evening.
All mo invited.
Miss Reynolds of Virginia is visit
ing Rob Smith.
Ada Lamlis and Annie Sliircy are
visiting in Centre county.
Communion services were held in
the Lutheran church (J. C. Miiiuinii,
pastor) on last Sabbath.
Mrs. .no. Spangler is visiting
friends in Union county.
Mrs. Ilarrv Wagner is on the sick
Some of our fanners have com.
menccd cut t ing coi n.
The freight office of this place has
been changed to a first class office.
It took effect oil the 1st of Sept.
Lowei.I.. The late rain has put the
farmers back with their sowing.
Henry Rauiugarduer's cider mil!
has been busy for the past month.
It tllllst be f he ladies prid" as you
can always see some of the fair se
at the crank. It is run by electric
main strength and awkwardness.
A. A. Roniig finished thieshingaiid
had a big t urn out wit h his wheat
and other grains. It was far above
what he expected. He has one of
the finest stacks put up in front of
his barn that is in this or any other
county. It was put up by an expert
from Troy.
Levi J. le.mig's new wheat is a
beauty. It was imported to this
country by a Swede. It is called lin
early Red lv -r .'daiuamU-rst random.
The Si His' of eliiaiis of McClure
expect to have a big time during
their re -union. All are inviti d to
participate in tin-affair, and it can
not help to be a success to the boys.
Ro not forget the day and date of
the union pic nic to lie held at the
St. John's church on Saturday Sept.
Still a few cow drovers around of
fering about one half what the
cows are worth. Call again if you do
Hot succeed.
Amanda Wiizd is visiting A. A
Roiuig's and her friends in general
through fhecity.
Some of our farmers are talk ing of
cutting off com this week.
Crawford, how many squirrels did
you get with your paper sack full of
gun caps. Would like to km.vv. Vou
can report the next night of the auc
tion. F. No.
Following are abstracts taken
from the "Code of i'.tlin-s" of tin
A lliel ica II Medical A ion w hid.
should In l ead cart fail v by tho-eof
t he profession who are coiil inuallv
parading I heir womh rful k 1 1 1 thro"
t he h ical col ii inn s of our pa pel's;
.MtT. I.- 1 ut n s or ) In- siippi at ot
professional character:
Section It is derogatory to the
dignity of the profession to resoit
or to publish casi s an I opi rations
in the daily prints, or sutVi r such
publication lo be made. These ale
the ordinary practices of empirics,
and are highly ii pr hec-iUe in a
regular physician.
Section 'J. There is no profession,
from the members of which greattr
purity of character, and a higher
standard of moral cc Hence are re
quired, than t he medical; and to at
tain such eminence i -i a duty evci .v
physician ow es alike to his profes
sion and to his patients. It is due
to the latter, as without it he cannot
command their respi ct and contb
deuce, and to both, bi cause no sci
entitle attainments can compensate
for the want of corrtct moral princi
ples. It is also incumbent upon the
faculty to be temperate in all thing--,
for the practice of physic requires
the unremitting exercise of a ileal
and vigorous understanding ; and
on emergencies, for which no
professional man should be unpre
pared, a steady hand, an accute eye.
ami an unclouded head luav be es
sential to the well being, and e veil to
the life, of a fellow creature,
Miss Yelliio Muthel'spaeh of Lew
istown is visiting in Middleburgh.
The Wouicns' Aid Society of Mid
dleburgh will hold a festival in Sce
bold's Hall on Monday and Tuesday
evening of Court week.
...... v
t 4