The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 06, 1888, Image 5

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ook at the fltifcures on the label of
oiir paper. Those figures tell you
Uk pATR to which touh sdbhcrip
tio 19 paih. Within 8 weeks after
motieyl s ent. see if date Is changed.
o other receipt is necesearr.
Brief Fom Hausa Barick.
Liiveb Kerxal Harder. Ich Lob
licr tzcicllirh warnunjr pew vacha
,ler proHHft Betz, un Ich glaub du
hunlit aw der benefit del fun Ran om
nia und dei moulgn-lioldafun donna
IiukUoh was Btylo is oder was net
hie in. Der Boonastiel hut pawon-
liicred rp ich ebbes weist wacha der
JFinbery Quention. Now dort hut
hr farhoftich de recht sow om oar.
ch kon cum grade Hoga dos ich bett-
1 1V.
Mr lcga ton uoh we iiniia, uu nil
Llaub dos der old Orover about in
la Hame-a shoe Mate. lJo warm
Loll wiHft by dara tzeit dos Ich an
JlU'publican, un dos ich net der U. S.
KliniHter bin tsu Hausa Barick.
flch war an soldate mi greek un war
iff der Union side, un wed de For
ign Minions oil supplied wara dor-
h nppoiniiiH'nt funi iiioMiilcnt, un
Lvoil ich net an Rcbi l Brigadier bin
late ich of couine ken chance sta
fur an oilice fun i-iue. Ich hob mich
kw gevva an .Minister ho ioh Uii my
iiicf druka datst. Ich war bong
Ion ilu ouHfinna daist dos Ich aucs
un da coiuinon-a haard var don
laclht cue net drucka.
Om S'niHlog I'll woch Inn din Ko
lublicans an HarriHon & Morton
i'ole-garased an Paxtonville dos en
lunnered un sex foos hoch is. Ich
10b ene Hclvcr gaHana un dor John
Mm tin hut aw, un si ward is ho
tute doH an mortgage uff de Sumiue
Launii Fiint National Solid Bunk.
)cr polo in an ornament tsu l'axton
ille uu is UHht about long giuiunk
iir am Cleveland Hi persimmon run-
per tuti nloga. Noch dem polo rami
an mier un boHH speech guhot.
S'och der seech is der old John Hos-
Miigcr uff-gaiumptun gaswgt : "Now
lireo cheers for Harrison and Mor
on, Jim-on-nity and Liberty 1" Der-
lio hedst Hee harra Holla. See hen
L'a-blart dos era huHHea knepp obb
Lratloga sin. Am Chairman si licker-
ock hut an loch g'sprunga. Fh hut
o nn older Demagode navich mier
Lvihuckcd, un ich hob tuwei mold ga-
Jlrunka fer steam uff tsu holla un
ob erne amohl do buddlo gulongt.
)o globst mier es ferlicht net ovvcr
ire hut der kup gashiddled un hut
pet gadrun!-a. Now Kernal, won an
Demagi'ade amohl tsu gronk is tsu
rinka don is aro naxt ons Harrisa
Ridge un date besser si willa mocha.
ch wor usht in prime tsu yolea un
h hob gagi'isha bis my fiaw bong
p wara un bg hut mich gafrogt eb se
let widder het de slonga. Sel hut
le strick wenich ous mier ganumma
Bee hut gasawgt wou ho gawist htt
oh ich an mowl het dos we de Pax-
onvillo brick don Let ho mich net
AV ell ich hob my subject shir far-
I'HHii. Ler polo is un und bhbt ull
m der Han iHou elect is un wons an
unered yohr is.
FiiEEiiiiiQ Items. Rev. Aurand
reached a splendid sermon on ttiin-
:iy morning in thoU. B- church.
.ome again Rev. you aro always
felcomo in our midst.
Mr. Bassler of Toledo. Ohio, return-
pi to his home at Freeburar last week.
e had been clerking in a store but
las returned with a view ti lt tn
ollcgeville to take a college coui hc.
rrauk Glass, son of our townsman
eorge Glass, who has his homo for
Jonie tune in the city of New York,
homo visiting his parents and
f any friends in this vicinity.
W m. Hilbish, Prof. D. S. Boyer,
ugustus Snrinirman and Miss
Jbuuo E. Moyer attended the Gran
:m picnic at "Williams's Grove.
Cholera Infantum is nrettv nreva
rnt among the children in this vi
Mrs. Daniel Shaffer near Pallas, uf
KT a hnceriniT illnouu .lioil Inuf
Uonday and was buried Wednesday.
Her remains were interred at Grubbs
iui I'll.
Mr. G.A.Botdorf agent for James
tichmoud's Phosphate from Phila
clphia, with the assistance of sev
ral agents has sold up to this time
GO tons of phosphate in Snyder Co.
uring this easou. Among his as
iwtanco is G. W. Hornberger from
lino who has sold nearly 100 tons
imself. This certainly shows good
r James Richmond's goods.
Mr. Joseph Lewig of Freemont
it county who was burned verv
tverely a few weeks ago as had been
ported in your paper is now pretty
'U ngaiu, at least so ho is ablo to
!ork some.
Somo of our mibses and lasses kept
fy lato hours on last Saturday
Cehtretim.e. Cidr making Is the
We have two hydraulic cider mills
in this vicinity and they are kept
busy making the best cider ever
made here. All work is done by
steam power. It must certainly be a
paying investment.
Rev. S. P. Remcr of Lewistown
made a short stop in town last week.
Misses Sadie and Alice Walters are
rusticating among friends in Cen
tre Co.
S. H. Brunner who was so serious
ly hurt several weeks ago, we are
pleased to state, is able to be about
D. R. Smith of Laurleton was in
town in Wednesday.
II. B. Fessler made a business
tris to Selinsgrove last week.
J. S. McMoutrie of Berwick, M. S.
WagoiiHeller of Selinsgrove and
Newt. Hcisler of Mifllinburg inter
viewed our businessmen on Thurr
day. Mrs. H. P. Stuch of Mifllinburg
was the guest her parents, C. Stine's
last week.
Capt. J. D, Kise of Phila. Sunday-
ed at this place.
Jerry Shrawder, the obliging and
cortcous stage driver, not only car
ries the tiutil through here, but also
a considerable number of rum fea.
F. B. Bolig and wife Sundayed in
Freemont, the guests of their son-in-law,
Dr. Moli n.
A reunion of the Pennsylvania re
serves will be held at Lancaster, Pa.,
on Tuesday, September 18. There
will bo a short street parade and a
visit to the grave of Gen. John F.
Reynolds in the ufteinoon. In the
evening a public meeting will be held
in the court house, addressed by cx
Goveruor A. O. Curiin and others,
followed by a banquet. The recep
tion rooms will be open all day for
receptions, entertainments and
lunch. As the ranks me annually
becoming more weakened all survi
vors aro urgently requested to be
Cleveland's letter of acceptance
is entirely satisfactory to the British.
It required some time to get it over
and back, hence the delay in making
it public, Grover is English, you
August 27, by Rev. Haas, Miss
Catherine M. Smith ami Mr. William
II. Wagner, both of l'eiin twp.
Aug. 19, by Itov. S. P. Brown, Miss
Annie M. Straub of Freemont and
Mr. Geo. Gilbert Brown of Millers
burg, l'n.
Aug. 28, in Adams townshiy, of
dropsy and chronic disease, Susan
M., me Erb, wife of Geo. Ewing,
aged 41 y,. 1 mo. and 21 days.
At the home of her father, Joseph
Walter, near Middlchurgh, on Aug.
30, 1888, Laura R. Smith, wife of
1 nomas S. Smith, of Bellvue, Ohio,
ugeil 30 years, 8 months und 8 days.
X tern of AiliiiitiiMrution on tho es-
tnt l MAMU, MAI KKII, lute or Krlim
timnnhlii. Nnv.h r countv. 1'u.. iIik-M. hut inn
ln'i'ii,l In ttiu u mli-r.-1 k tiitl, all purming
knuwliiK lliolni-i'lvcl Inileliti-il to ml.l l.ito lira
ri'ciiicntcMl to milk liiimi'ihitiu pii vini'in, while
iiiui-u nnt mix i lium will ir!'iH'lll lllfiu U'liy uu
tliviilk'utcU to till) iiOiIcMkiiciI.
Ch AIU.KS MAT' l Kit,
Auif . 30. .. Ailinlnietrulori
(IKtiKUB I'll.Mll s, Imu il Jiu kKiin toon-hip,
.-.iiiii-i i-.iiiin . , tifi' ii, uii. nii( nri'ii icriiilicil to
till. uii.l..rMl..i,...l ..II !........
flvti inilui.iiMl to milil cututu Hro ri'iiientul to
iiiuke Ixini'illiitu uiyn.iiit, wlillu thofu IihvIiik
IhIiiin will iiri'fHiit t Iioiii duly utlieiitloutc-d to
... Mlll,lllllll
A u if. VS. A'liuliilHlrittor
Common Sense
In the treatment of Blight ailments
would lave a vont amount of Nickneas
and misery. One of Ayer't I'llls, taken
otter dinner, will wsist Digestion ; taken
at night, will relieve Comitipation (
taken at any time, will correct trregu
laritlet of the Stomach and Boweli,
stimulate tho Liver, and cure Sick
Headache. Ayer'a Pills, as all know
who use them, are a mild cathartic,
pleasant to take, and always prompt
and satisfactory in their results.
" I can recommend Ayer's Pills above
all others, having long proved their
value as
for myself and family." J, T. fleas,
Lelthvtlle, fa.
"Ayer's Pills have been in use in my
family upwards of twenty years, anil
Lave completely verified all that Is
claimed fur tlieiu." Thumas F. Adams,
Ban Diego, Texas.
" I have used Ayer's Tills In my fami
ly for seven or eit(ht year. Whenever
I have an attack of heuilache, to which I
era very subject, I take a dose of Ayer's
I'llls and am always promptly relieved.
I flud them equally beueticial iu colds j
ami, In my family, they are uxed for
bilious couiplatuta and other disturb
Slices with such good effect that we rare
ly, if ever, have to call a physluiau."
It. Voullieiue. Hotel Voullluuie, Sara
toga Bpxiugs, N. V.
Ayer's Pills,
rairAaso bt
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mail.
Sold fcy all Dealers lu MnUiclus.
Trial List Sept, Term,
Tl Co. of SnydT, vs. John Mohn et 1.
Rdwsnl Hiillir. Admr. vs. Jnhn Y, Hhlndol. et. Sl.
The th-lw-r Mfg. Co. vs. t'mhnltx and tood.
II. P, App. vs. Albert ArtxvnM rt. et.
Kd. flnllK Admr., vs. I'lillli) swlni-furd et. st.
The OihitnlKMioncm uf I nlun t o., . Kictmrd
D. II. strHiiwr. et. sl. Admr.. vs. J. r. Nipple.
The DiiliiiHtls Null k tmn Co., vn. .1. M. HI lie.
Knims It Hchwenk. J. i. Wdkii'T.
Tlie lAkcns Volley MuU Fire Inn. Co., vs. Diinlol
n. rmynr, et. si.
Ellss Bully, et, et. nwof F. E. Itally, vn. tjdla A.
HiiKlii H, Admr.
Andrew Shetlcrlv. r. .1. Kohlrr Peclt. Admr.
tmrliK llower, vs. etr lintf, et. sl.
Diinli'l Kern, vs. John S. WimmK et. hI.
The nlmve rsiiw ere nt iHNiie and lor trlsl st
Keptemlx-r U-rm 1hs.h.
The nndor-lirned Rxerntom of tlirliwt will and
tPHtamPiit ( (MMirifi' Mwr, late vt Centre
townnlilp, HnydiT itiunty, l'n.. iIit'iI, will expoee
i riiiuii' nue on ine premises on
Monday, September 10, 1H88,
St 10 O'clock A. M. The foilnwlwr H'TIImiI Rest
KHtste, to Wilt All that iiTtiilll iiiohxiimhi nr
tract of land sltiiste In tovn.nlili, coiuily snd
SUtte srori-wild, coiitiilnliiK
10H Acres,
more or lens. tHiundcd north liv IiiihIh of .Tiiroti
HiiMxltitriT end Kelirlum Wiiltcr. mmiii In IhtuIk
of Kiihrlmn WuIut mid saniin'l strmili. K:it hj
Ihtnli'l Kihiiih. und tI by .Mm hkiiit. where
on are n-cti-d s ifinid Two-siory Dwelling
limine. Hum. and other oiifhiilldlnir. ifimrt witter
snd exci-llcnt fruit on the pri'lnlwu. I'm- nlmvc
tract Is In a IHkIi nintc of cnlllvatlon except
slHint n acres which la well tlmliered.
TKIt.MS; o pit cent cauli, and the Imlance on
the lat day of April. Iw. when tlissl will la de
livered and INimeNnloh given.
.lOSKI'A. 11 SKKIt.
Alllf. , IhhS. Kxi-cutors.
Court Froclamatlan,
VIIKRKAM tho Hon. .lon-ph , llth hrr
' l'reid-nt JuiIk ol the Jinllelsl limirlri.
ennipwrd of the roil nt leu ul Snyder, I'nloii Ami
Mlllllti, and Snuiui-I A. Witicl and .IhpoIi A.
NiultN, li.. A mi it I nt ft .IihIkfh m and lor Nny
der county, have 1upi their pieoi.t, Ix-itrl nu;
dm the Kwth day in May A. I.. ln, to me
dirnpted lr the hnldlns: "Ian Orphana' Coiirt, s
court utComiimn Pleim, i'liiiit nl I ;yer ami Ifr
uilni r and iimiomI 'mrt nl Hn,irl r Si'.-lmiK ul
Ihel'nave, at Mldillnlniridi, lor the coiuily n
Moydrr, on the 4th Momlny, (Iwinit ths Mth
day id Srptemlicr, IS), and to rnnllnue on
Notice Iff thnrelnre herel'.v slven tn the t'oroli'
er, .luntlerii ul the IV, n o and Coh-iiilili n In anil
lor the county i f Miyder. to u. ear In their
proper periii wlili llieir roll", r r l, Inipnal-
tmn-, x in i in,' i. in-. uh, otln r ti'iiii'iiilirniii ri
to du Ihom' Ilium, wliii li ol I ik Ir III.-,.- ami in
thsir hehall psriain In he done ami wltiipf
and pertain nK-i-u tl n In In hull nl the I'om
iiiunweiilth iixHlhul any perm or pi'mnu'i are re
julrcil to In-tin-it iiml u,erx aiininlin ami ilo
partinu wnli. mi ., at their peril. .Iiill-e
are rt-ipinati'il In lip piini-lmil In Ineir altetiilanee
at th aiMiiuti-il time aim-'- ihly in iiuIh i-.
Olveu tiinler mv hand ami ne.ilat the Mu rl(l"
llllli'dlU MiildlelmrKll, Iho Mill. I IV ol AllKU't
A.H., imu ihiiii.-aii-l emhl hiiinlii-il and i-mliij.
HKI'llKN HUKIK. Sherllt.
rIIM)WH' Al'I'lt M"KI KNTX. Nnlli-e N here.
" hy irlvi n tlml tin- IiiIIiiwIiik W IiIohh' A.
priilHcnieiilH iiiidi-r tit- )Uii law. hae li II tiled
with the clerk of Die orphans' cmirt of Simh-r
coiuily Inr I on ttriiiut H in on M .1 H 1. 1 , Hie lull
day ni Si-pteiiii-r. :
AiipralM-iiii-iil nf siiNinna hi-rlelii-r. WmlnW
of lleiiry hcrati-tler, lale i.n hapman lnwnshlp,
Appralsiiieiil nf Cimillm- ll.-lwlj.'. widow of
(k'oiije llelwlif, late nf West pi-rry twp.
AppniMneiit of Siilllo i. Shlndil. widow nf
llev. .1. P. Milmli-I. lale of Mliii-lnirt;li.
AppnilM'iiK-nt nf I'n ii i iv I'.il-e, widow n Jnhn
1'nlk'e, lale n 'i-rry twp.
Appralseiiieiil of Iti-lieccu Hi-arlck. widow of
imiiu- in am k, I. He n !pi inv, i w p,
Appttil nn i,l nf Ann II. i Mnllli. widow of Hen
ry Miillli, I, He or Miililli'l'iiru'li.
AppntlM-iiienl of Maria Vetli-r. widow of lli-n-ry
letter. Lite of Weal Heaver lowiiMhlp.
Apprntmneiit of Hanili A. Miller, w idow of Chan
U. MIlWi, liOul hcllllntfrnte.
Appnuselnelit of Siirnh Keltic, widow of tieo.
k'ikic, line oi i nn hi tw p.
AppriilMcinent of Polly liood, widow of Daniel
mum. i:nn oi AiianiM iwp.
Appr.ilM-ini-ht nf KllH MldillcNwarlh. widow of
MHM lllilnl. -...! I II. lale III lle.lUT twp.
Aiilali-niiil of s ir.ili Pont Urn, widow nf peter
I'lilll II1H. till-ill Mlililli-ereek twp.
W. W. V 11 KNMYKIf.
i lii k urpliaiiV nun
Oi lilmiis' ('mil t Suli' nf
Valuable Real Estate
Ily vlrlile of an order Ivoicd nut of the nrphnna'
Court of snyder county. I'eiiii-v l ahl.i, I. iln-iin-ilelli,rheil.
ailllilliNlratiir nf the clale of .l.iruli
Welsi-r, lale of Mi.-.ipiehaliii.i low li-hlp.
county. Pa., ilii-'il. Kill sell liv pnlilli i-mlue or Un- pi'iiul'H In chapman lon-hlp.'-r coiiniy. pa., mi
Thursday. Sept end u-r 1:1, Ihhx,
at 1 o'clock. P. M.. the follow hit; diwrllieil Ileal
Kslale. to wit :
A Tit At T 11-' I. A Ml, 1 hiii in li-d on Ilu- east liv
lalnlHof .1. I. aiiilc, l. Welx-r; mhiiIi liy lauds of
A in .iii.i I ti iiiin-i'. north liv inmls nf .1. . Khliie
ami oilier, coiiiaiiiint; ? Ann ami n r ln-s.
ninre or less, u u t in- apiH-rieiiance-., a urn s m
w hli-h are cleared and t lie Imlance 'I'llnlier-lalid.
TKHMS uy s.M.K -Ten bt ceiil nf the pur-cliam-Uinney
In In-paid nu day nl i-ale; t -lit
live tcr ceiil. lo In- paid on .mi of wale
liy tin- Coiiit; llilrly per cent, mi April 1M,
When deed will la-ilellvereil llllil KirvM sl,ii v
eii. anil the remainder on April 1st, isuu, with
liiU-rt-Nl from April 1st, A. V. li-l), to la aecured
by JiuiKiiicnt.
JAMF.H WKISKU. AdlnlliWrator
A I -Sll There will la snlit liv the iiiiit..rvl(rii..,l
Adlnllllstrator, lit the lale Mlllislnu Hulls.- nf
.lai no wt-iser. tiocii. in sii-ipii-haiiiia tow uhlp.
Juniata i-iiiiiiiy, Pa., on
Tlnnsday, September l:ltli, IHHS,
at o clin k P. M.. uf public outcn-. the followluir
Ucstriu-d vitluublb Itctil Kntutc, vu ;
Tract No. 1. 159 Alien.
A Tract of land situate In Susquehanna Town
hlilp. a cnunly. Pa., iMiiindi-d on the east
by the huwpii-hiiiiiin Itlwr : on thesouthtiv lands
John (I. App I on the West by lands of liarluira
App and AbruhuJii WUItmer. ami on the N.nili
by luiida of .1. 1. A C, II. Welacr. cniitiilhlhif I-M
acres and 7s perches, more or lesa, w lih the p-piirtenaiii.-s,
IiiivIhl' I liens hi ens-ted a Ijirvre
Tlinsj.hlnry llrlck Dwelling- lloun- and siort
riHHll colillilhi-il. Tenant linuse, did Dwelllni;
House, Wurehouae mid Waifiui-walea, Hank
Hani, lllui-kamllh-hhiip and OutbulldliiKs. This
la a very luHialile pn.artv, the land u-ltiK all
clear, of the la-st (piallly, well fencsl and Tn an
excellent al ate of culllvatlnu. TheSlnre stiuid
la a kinmI one und tln ro lu a Wharf for HhlppltiK
by i-uiiul upon the premises. This property will
be sold aa a whole, or divided to ault purchasers.
Tract No. 2. 204 AcrcH.
A Tnu-l of IjuhI sit mile In the aame Township,
County und Stale, bounded liy laiida of titsirge L
llurm-r, lands lute of Henry Will, Surah Ann
liiiruer, Henry If, Ik-ule. te-orne KlliiKlcr, Frank
I'lirl.llne. i.tsiri;c sn.Mli-r ami others, colitalulnt;
u4 acres and vn px-rches, morn or U-mh. with the
appurtenances, havlntf thensin ens-led a tfissl
Dwelllhk House, Hank lliirn and ol her Out build
Intra. AIhiui luoucreauioclcurcd uiidllie but
uin e in timber.
Terms of mile the Kiiiue us alaive.
At, the aame time and place a ymo Itis. Cnuibl
nulluu Lock Fireproof Safe w 111 U sold.
JAMKS WKlsKIt, Admliilhtrattir.
)sb WANTKI) rerinsiieut poalllnn 1
Kuaranterd ilh 8AI.AHY AN 11 KXPKNStti
PAID, Any ili-li-riniiioj man run u.-i-i, with
II. I'eculiaradvautiiKe to lii-liini-r. Sttak
t'otiipletH, Ini-ludlUK many lam selling 'I'Si'i Sl
lle. nuintlroe,
Adrsr at iiiii-o, (Nane tills paper.)
HKOWN HKOl llKlt.S, '
JSU, 1, 'M.
Whereas, hy writ of a writ of Fl. Fa., twined
out nf the Court of common I'lenae of Hnvder Co.,
Hs.. snd lo me directed, I will expone puMlc sele
st the court house. In Mlddlcbinvh. IV. at in n-.
cltK-k A. M.,nn.
Saturday, September 22, 1888,
helnff nil that certain lot or piece of immiid alt
itale In the Vllhiire of Franklin. Frnnklln Twn.
Hnydor County. Pa. It Mug lot No. Tit In the
ireiienil nlun or plot of and! vllliiire. bounded snd
dlacrlbed aa follows, to wit: North by lot No. 7S,
me int"-ny hi n. . uniynui, lanntn ny lot no T4,
the tinira-rty nf the P.R.H. Co. Knat bvsn allev or
stm-t, end went by mi alley, U-Iiik St lei-t with
and north boundary line in feet deep, snd south
oniiniiarv one ieeiuis-p,conwiiningone-founh
ai re more or leaa.
Also lot No. lo In irenernl plan nf said vlllaire.
bounded snd dlscrlln-il aa follows to wit, Nnrth
by lot No. the property of II. II. Hater snd Co.
snd ii n slley, Hoiilh by lot No. II. the property of
A.Krvoifer mid Main street. Kiiat bv an allev,
west hv Main atn-et. ta-lnir sn fis-t wide, tan feet.
deep, when-on Is errecletl a two story frame
dwelling house, stable mid sll necessnry out-
tselnsl taken Into execution and lobe sold ss
the property of Isam- Iteiiver.
It Ki ll KN tlHFKSK. Short IT
HherllTs Ofllce Mldilli liiirKh. Pa. Auk V Isss.
1 KOISTKR'H NOTU 'KH. Notice la hereby iflvon
lb that the fnllowlinf iiiimiihI nersoiis have llleil
their AilinliiMminiV. iiunrdlnn, and Kxecutom'
accolltiis In the Ibvlxter's Otllce of Hnviler Coun
ty, and Hie kiiiiic will lie pn-sented for' continua
tion and allowance at the Court House In MM.
dlcliurifli, Montliiy, Septcmla'r 141 Ii, Imhs.
1. First and final ai i-oniit of li inlol Artnnfiu-it.
liiiiiniian of KIIiitR'tli Alice siiarTi-r. a minor
child nf Wi-nr xe ami An mi ShafTer. (Iiv'il.
f . The first and final aivount of Wllllain .1.
Ilrtley. Adm r of the est.ile of J.u-.ih lllckhart.
a. The iiccounf of If. 11. Itmnnlri'' executor of
theesuteof Ktlwnnl liis-rkey. M. I. th-e'd.
4. The ms-oiiiI anil II mi I ncrniitit of Wtllluin It.
lash sud A'litm Waifiier. Kxivninra of the estate
of John Laah. tlis 'd. us llleil hy Win. II. l-isli.
S. Thestvond and lltnil ai eotiul of .1. W. tl.iu-
ifl.-r snd J. . I Irli h. Kxis-ulorsof the estnte of
Wllllitin OniiKler, ih-c'd,
6. Klrsl mat tl mil acci mill of J. v. liauk'ler.
Kxts'utorol the est ate of M.infaret OmiKlcr. ths-'d.
7. The acCnniit of Valentine IVillir. nne of the
Exts-lllorsof the est ale ol 1'iler llnlu;, deed.
S. The acenunt of n. F. Rnllir. one of the Usee.
Utorsol (he estate of peter Ii-iiik'. ilis il.
. The account of Ilanlel Wlttner. Kxectltor of
the estate of KIIjiIk IIi llrubaker. dee'd.
in. The ini-ount of ll.mlel w. Miller. Hilar.
dlali ol Harriet IL K nit . minor cnlld ol Sliunii
hanu. His tl.
II. The first and final account of I'.llas A llaiiiu-
irardiler. Adiiiinlstralor of I hi- eslale ol .lamli
li,illiu; r. ill .- il.
It. TTielli-st and tlml iu'i'ii nit of Sauim-I P.
Hull llllil .loll II K. Hillies, Ke.'it'irs of Ihees
bile of .losl.ili II, ill. ii-i i.
IB. The ilrsl mid Dual iii-cnuiif nf . -it.i Mil-
man, A lliilnlHlriiinx of Ihe eslale of Klslo Mil
lliau, dis-'d.
14, The first and filial aivount of William II.
Youiiiriiian, Aduiliilsiratiii of t lie, stale ol Tumii
as VounKiuan, dis- d.
l.V The first and pirtlal ni-coiut of. I. M. H.iu
iN'iuiaii, Kxei illor of tin: eMail- of Jin-nil II.
Krat.i-r. ths-'il.
10. The sis ninl ati'l llnal :ie.-..iint nf S. A . Wetz
el, Kxis-lltor nt Hie estate nf .1-ill II Klllll'i-r dee'd.
17. The first und final iiiviinii! of s iuiui-l II
iner. loianll. in nl Mary V llllil. i lnill. a minor
child of l'i ti-r slinllv, iis d.
is. The Ilrsl and dual in nit of c. I., siiitt h.
Adliiliilslralnr ol lie-est. ile nf Klialieili Mnllli.
dts- d.
II. J. 1)1 1 K. Idvlsti r.
A. K. UllT.
Real Estate Agents,
Have the followiuu special bargains to
offer :
A Valiinliln liirm nil int" In Murine townalilp,
Snyder county, conliin ii 1-is Aire". Ill tin
tract sft acres i i-i-r and In a litiit Mate nf cu.
tlvatlnn, the halam-s K's-d tlniber land, iissl
ImiiTC, bank bars, and other jus.d mitlui.linir.
I liMid Iruit, K-sid prinsj near tin tbsir; bH-atel X
miles above Selinnaroi n and It below Hunltiiry.
Thii I an ritra aiaid lurui laith lor uraui iid
lock ralflnit. Church, k-Ii-ioI houe.aml miirki-t
handy. I'rn t fM per acre. Term to ult pur-cltiifo-r.
A vulualile 1 1 nn. iMtiiatp lii I'r uiliUn towniMp.
Snyder enmity, Pa., mar Pa lon llle, inlli i
weal of Mlit-tlt'liurtih, county. peat ol Snyder Co.,
eoiilalnliiK Ul Acre. 76 a ere rb-ar'and un
der a aid i-iiltiviitioii, the in. :i ai re In tim
ber anil under li inv. inukina u -i d a-ture land
with noier l.illina riiiiinnu r on It, Tki-re
are 4 nt-icr taillna ei.ri uu e on the id. in-, oiip ol
which I near ilis bulldinv- Nearly v sry held
ha- water for ntis-k. Tim ! iimiil iir.iln. bav.
and pii'tnrs lario, well i-ali-nln'i-il d-r .1 ilo-k
l.irtn. 'I'le-re are liim-nton.- on th- 'lai. ul-n
in a l.i Me w 1 1 r ini-r. The I 1 1 I - are a I,
an I I trail, i liir- li. . Ii-.. l and Market
null 11 h ill a iiillo tin- l inn. I . "- t-J per
aer.-. nn n.iy term' of paytnstit.
A Farm oi li)i A- re, '.in umli-r culm itmn. -il.
II a I d Dear I'lum Creek, tin hty in .11 ill IliW-
011 1 oilll'y, Nell. llli.-lKlSn w. lis. 11 Kiai.l t 'i-
t- ' Ir.iti-.e dwelllnu' Imii-i-. k 1 .tat.!.-, nil 11-w
wnlnn 4n rod ul liool. I'rice f)."J pt-r a. re, ( art
un 1 inn.-,
A I'arm ol li-) Ai-re. -ilu tti- ..line u alore.
l.ln .e ni. ui.iler i-ult 11 ntini , I1-1. I In 4 tiel.l.
Itai .t Iioii.u and b-irii. 'i wi-Uh. new wind iiiill.-iuii
a K"i-d larm. 1'rn e -.'tl per acre, part on tune.
iiJ"Ve eell ir exclmtin-e, mlvertise
atul survey property, and convey
titles. We Kiinritntet' nil mir work
mnl invite parties who linve real cs.
tate (or the market to adilre-s
Mi.l.llel.tir-li, Pa
Prmlliilile employment for honest, enervtetlc
men. cither on salary or eoiuiulsKlou, es-nses
paid. A tine out til furnlslnst each s.ili inun.
The business ea-.Ui li.nii. il. W.-uniiv all the
new .iinl ran-lai ii'tli s nl Knill and t 'ni ini.-nial
llfes. Will.' fur tl Tills. lUml-Klt. Hliti. &
TllnM s. Mapl.- Aie. Mii-s, i i,-.,. , sl Chester,
Pa. KnUbllnhcU ls.U. 7-14-4W.
Di-i-ire tu make It known to the people uf Mld
dleburah and vk-lnity that he hai rvunsleled and
I in h roved hi Hearse ami pruvliled hiiiKelt with
a IS'n. t Ice ur Corine I'rvnervsr. He ha alo
iirui Ided hlinrelf Willi ou ul ths lali-'t liupruied
Vluibalintnit. laylns'-out table pu-iui the
ni-linilie rilit fur it u In tin dmlncl. All
Oil- ha been done at s areat expenne, and Mr.
Hutniuitiin respectfully ak yuur (ilronas' a
he ha perfected'iiiciits to lake tliucore
la hand snd perlurm all ths luiu'lion-ol a luaer
sl lliu anilJiDH the einl-arramiirnt
and liiconveuleuce slway ssooiupanyiiia luasr
sl. to Drrmooros ths rrroar -
bsStwrsUUT P. 8- MstT.
fto Only Complel Hltlory ol Tvlfl lgllaUa
kTs Standard lor Rslsrsnco an tho All
laiortMl tubsl ol tho 0y, tbo I
Too Book Ol too Vttr I Oultsllo ovsry oUiw I
Udress B. S. PEALfi & CO., Fuillsivi,
MfHUM IHMkstrti tsw. Cslsioo U. .
1 . 11 ! 1 .i 1.11
We know it is only an advertse
ment, but it is worth reading.
For it tells about bargains that will
bring pleasure and profit. Dot it
it Down I and come without delay-
to see what we are doing to please
customers. Examine our Summer
Dress Goods and
elties, and notice what lovely
shades we have in all new mate
rials, what charming designs and
exquisite creations m all goods for
ladies wear and observe the Re
markably Low Prices at which
they are all marked. Don't ask us
how we do it. Be
quality is unexcelled and leave the
rest to us.
You would he surprised, as a many others tore let n.
were you, to visit Gut-mint's Shoe St ore, see his stock- and
learn his prices- lie has everything ui the line or j ot
wear and mak es a special n . . . nn. In, . p
of Ladies' and Gent's ' lyl.DDUGLAS-?"p7i
Fine Shoes S3.00wl
In wh ich h e carries a . MAG- nUL
MFICLWT LLL in clad- 'C 0f j
111$ brands thai cannot
aujnicatea in t ie count.
His goods are nearly all hand made and of the very best material in st'es
too numerous to mention He has
A Monopoly in Fine Slippers,
ranging in'size from a No. 2 childs' to a 7 womens' and a in bojs to a
10 in mens' including all the most admired and desired sty'es Aspec
ialty of plow shoes, and shoemakers half-soles and shoe-dress ng
W. I. GARMAN. Prop.
Arnold s Room, Middleburgh. Pa.
Ylll Will Fi
It is the place wIhmv they u) t.
W. H. Felix, Lewistown, Pa.
For u tine line
Stylish Furniture
Not only oih'i? luit everv tiny in thu yiir tlo w.
olTer baraius tlmt cun t be tiuiiUl auywherx.
If you want to b couviiifeil un.! lo.-'i.
We Practice-Others Preach
about big bargains and leu. I vou to
belHve ttieir falsa asusertions, and
vn bait you with a fnw triti kt- at
cost, but thueinl is it! wily th' saiiM,
And You come back, not richer, but wiser.
When You Insure Why Not Get the Best
General Insurance Aent. Selinsgrove, Pa..
leprosents the tbllowinCitvat iStuolSconipunio:
1313 iETNA, cf HartL-ri, Ccnu.
1953 HGMtJ ct Ne'v Yrrk;
1B17 FlRhl ASSCC1ATICN, FhU'a, - -i-lj.
Thus LViH.nit)i rsuli imous lb btsr, r 1.11.1) In, nJ ita luuis s
Osjiitsl .nil ruurM urintc uuu.''l Dtsl 'iy n,l ourliy.
By tSsir liruuii l Sdlioa. (sir, biiu Ml aJ silisotrv I Iuk Iu sll lo .;illiuiit
U.y lif stju lur IUoui.l. UKtA V KKfl r4lly.Ns. '
No Assessments. No Premium Notes
K oot, writo to the abot Agency ul you will recivrroujit attectioa.
Seasonable Nov
satisfied that the
he irscsT tan'
pcrT?.. ir.'
of t lii-ap aiul-
sssrasT ns'iwinsr
- --1
7,f ' i t-j
j 1
t- s.) z:
r'"",r '"TY"m'
1 w WTstl nssas tsr T
"1 I .