The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 30, 1888, Image 8

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    JJ. iifi. SmiiuflOu & .9 (LDDDSieaD), RflnDd.nn9 Qpn.9
(M )OOOU OOOt )00000
Ougah and small Musical Instruments. We cany the largest
our spacious ware room, will fully repay you and we hereby
before purchasing. Wo aro offering our carpet Stock at special
Kor lln- I'iwt.
Ill my former art ifleM I tried to
hliow the furiner Homo point h to liin
iidv:intni.v in farming, will now ntill
fiutli' i nIiow htm liow ho may rc
Moiv t the v'i'ouiicl those cleinentH
uliit h w. yi -nrly t;ikc away from it.
The tint-) piiiuiplo i-h-nii-nts tlmt
tutor into the fertility of the
tfi-onn.l, ure nitrogen, phosphoric
iici.l, ami potash; now if any one of
tlim tli'-.. .: wmitinir the conno-
HK in-. H m e 11 delii'ieut crop, wheut
takes from the soil about fifty-two
pound of nitrojji n per ton, twenty
one of phosphoric arid, and thirteen
of potiish, potatoes about fourteen
an 1 11 hulf of potiish, citfhtof uitro
pen find four of phosporic acid. Now
it remains for the fanner to step out
of the oil ruts ami make use of the
information which we can obtain
irratis from the experiment stations
of each and every state. The farmer
of the lust thirty years may call this
hook fni mil:); or what he pleases, or
may poke fun at those who practice
this mod.! of farminp in an iuteli
feiit way. What fanner would em
ploy a Dr. who was n quack, and
larked a regular course of medicine.
Most certainly he would employ the
very hest, tiie suine holds true to
the student of Hlackstone, or any
of our professional men. The farmer
is hound by the inevitable to adopt
new ideas ami a more scientitic way
of dointf hi work, if ho desires to
make farm in pay. After the soil is
exhausted it will hrinn forth only
imperfectly. This holds true not
only to cereals but also to all kinds
of fruit. .:id grasses. Let the close
ol..-.rrver travel through any farm
ing district, an 1 he will notice where
iieat stlllilile may be turned dowu
for the third or fourth time in sue-ccs-iion,
because the (jrass did not
catch. Now let the pood farmer stup
ii'i 1 think for a moment why it did
nt catch, and then apply the rem
rd.v, instead of kecpinp tin in the
old way, making his land poorer
htill. evei siirecitc crop of wheat
or of any crop (without restorinp
some uf the wate will surely make
his land le.s fertile every season.
The writer does not advocate the
u-ii of ; 'iiliers indiscriminattly,
biit every farmer should experiment
011 a .-m.ill st ah-, and find out what
spt rial manure his land larks and
j.- - . eni hiiiiM If thereby. If there is
an .-:.(-es of straw the wheat will
lodh'e, the same holds true oi the
potato, if there is a lack of potash
y.r.i .1iIJ1ue all stalk ainl no po-
aioes, or very small ones. "When all
the uru'.u such as oats, corn and
wheat is sold, and only a small por
tioii fed, the manure may be larpi
in bul'n. but poo;- in praiu-farminp. '
This muLure is then spread out
twice the acres it should lie, and the
sea-,uji is blamed, where often it is
the farmer himself who should be
blamed. Farm less acres, more per
urrc uiid sec if farminp don't pay.
Use more bruins instead of muscle.
Head the papers, and lind out what
farim i s ure doinp in other sections.
Don't stand idle with your arms
folded, and be called only un ipnor
!!! fjivmcr, but show the world that
it ta!; an intt .-lipeut man to make a
pood and successful farmer.
Dr. Tlietl. the great Speeluliht, has
cured more cane of special, kidney,
blooj utij nervous than nil
01 Liers combined. The power of lieul
luii tliut the Doctor poshem-eit in no
doubt due to bin complete, practical
kuowludpe of th fcllopathic, liouiiuo
put Lie uud eclectic bynteiu of medicine
We would advise thobe Buffering to
coiiHiilt him In person or by letter.
oilice WH North Forth Street, I'hlla
delpbia, I'd. 1-bbl-y.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve-
The Ucst Sal re iuth world for Cut,
Uruises, Horea, L'Icera, Salt Klieuiu,
l-ever Sore. Tetter, CUapped Haudd,
Ctiilblaius, Come, aud all Skiu Lrup
tioiie, ami ponitively curea IMes, or no
py reipuired. It in guaranteed toiflve
perfect Butlf-factlon, or money refuod
ed. Price Si3 ueuU per boi at O. M.
bij:uJel'e Vtun btore.
Desire to
Wo also have a full lino of Oil shades, Lace, Dama .k, Turkoma Curtains, Curtain poles, Cornice, &c, in
fact anything pertaining to the furnishing of a house and all at prices 23 per cent lower than city prices.
Merit Wins.
We desire to ray toourcltlzem, that
for yearn we have been Belling Dr.
King' New DiMcovery for ('onmiiup
tion. Dr. K Ilia's New Life Pill, Buck
leu's Anicu Salve and Klectrlo II I Iters,
and have never handled remedies that
kcII as well, or that have given such
universal Hatlsfuction. We do not
hesitate to guarantee them every time
and wit stain) ready to refund the pur
cliiise price, if Mill isfactory results do
not follow their u-tr. Thewe remedies
have won their preat popularity pure
ly 011 their merits. Bold by G. M,
Sliindel nruggint.
A Ssund Legal Opinion-
K. Haliibride Mtiuday linn, Couuty
Atty . ('lav Co., Tex nays: "Jlave lined
Klectrli' Hitter with most happy re
sults. My brother also was very low
w itli Mulariul Fever and Jaundise, but
wns cired by tliucly tie of medicine.
A a sati.lod Electric Bitters saved his
11 I. Wilcox .11. of Horse C.ivp,
Kv.iili' a l:' I iuiofiy. nn yinp:
It- .' -uiv.'ly li'M.-VH he wmiM lm,,
ii 1 . it i.i K lt-l lu-cli lor Eh'l'W'iU
l'..i. jr. it r.-r-i will ward oft, a
il .-hi m all M 1 n ia l)inene, und
li .
all I 'lii-y. Liver anil Sluiintt-li
r,i-i v anil niieiiualed. Price
o..i ;i. at G. M. Sliiudol's dru
ited at
pood 11
Waiile.l at once a responsible party of
pond mllr-.s to represent
HY IIoN. TlloS. K IIII.L, Author of
IIll.l.s M.M Kl. of Social audlius
tiiehj Forms,
In Your City and Your Co.,
An excellent opportunity to sennre a
ponk position and MAKh .VIO.Nhl.
Sales can be mailt on tli In
stnlliiieiit Plan when ilesir
ed. Adress for terms
and particulars.
10:i State St., C'liicapo, III.
July 12, 'M. Sw,
Time Table. Iii eir.-ct May 15. 1888
li m am A. 1 ft in r ra
4.iu '.' : I.ewli-lnwn J. 7 16 3 10
4 07 i t: Main street T. 1 s 3 08
4 u6 I.ewiptown 7.V0 ,1 6
.1 9.11 6 Vsltlnnil T 9 11
lio til I'niiiloT 7. 84 I'D
J.15 V II st,rill 7.:i fi:
'41 bl 12 WAnner 7 4.1 S.aj
a.31 .4i 17 Mn lure , 7 W .1.1.1
SV 4 1- ItHttt.'s .llllle 7 M I M
).I7 J 21 AilnHlxburK S.U4 3.6'J
3 .10 I SO V . Aeitono .lo 4 i'6
J.S SO Hint-r S.jn 4.1J
!.W K.U 33 M.iillul.ulKi 1 2H ' 4 21
'i 41 K.(4 a Meier h SB 4.:e
2 37 H.ihi 37 Kreemer s 40 : 4 "
2 ::i 7M 3 fsnJInii h.45 4 4
i.M 7.11 43 Sellnmiriiv ft. 68 4 4'.'
5 1.' 7.a7 46 Sellni-Krove J. 901 4 48
2.D0 7 2 6" Sunlairr 8 16 5 ?0
M'llllXUrol 4' 44 4lllllllOllltlll
(O.nineotlnif wit b trtluion N.C Ky.)
l.eiv Sollnni rove. Arrive at Sellti-uroro
i.a 1 A. M I0.u2 A. M.
1 40 I'. M. 2 l-l I. M
6.C3 I'. M. 6.30 1. M.
Trains Leave Lewistown Junction :
l'i 14, it), i hi, m, 10 40 ktul 07. p iu, 5.2, p m,
b I 111 lor 1 uiibDrg ini me v est.
7 M in. i 34 in, 1 47 v m, 4 3t p m. H il p m.
11 14 i ji, ror riiiiai' i'Ui, .-w 1011, 11111.
more ud WarblOKtun.
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Trilne I.euve Sunliury !
6 lo a ui, Kur Dellcloute, trie aiid Canaiulal
V 63 a u. For Lock Haven.
l'i i.p ui, I vi Jl. lletuote, Kane ind I'tmg.
6.30 u iu, Kor lienovo aud Watkloi.
i '.'6 a iu. Kor Ctala and Haielton.
6 f aw V6610D ami 6 6 p iu fur Wilkebarre
6 6i a in, 11 .u a m, 6 4u i iu. fur hliauiuklD
ai.u .uouuiaruti.
Trln Laive Selli.fjrove Jnoi'tlon:
V 63 a ui, arrlvlDK at l-Llla I. Ipl la 3 16 pm, New
1 urn b no u iii, liaii.uuofo 4 46 p iu, Hub
liiKton 666 11 ui.
1 66 v 111, K'rl, li g at Plilladelpbla 60 p ui, New
York 36 put, luniuiore 46pui, Watb
luuion 7 66 Mil.
7 67 ui.arrtvu.K at I'lilla.leli.l la I 'it a ui.New
York', 10 a m, Baltimore 6 16 ft ui, Watt"
luglun 0 x a ui.
Train al, l.ttrn Hunburv:
i l0 h in. errhlOK ' Fl llad. li.bla 26a m.Nee
Tora 11 a iu, Ji.uiuiore l a ui, Waal
IdkIud ii m.
J. H. WljuiJ, (Jen'l Pan A Kent
vma. c. r Ltn, ueui AiauaKer.
Subscribe for
SI.50 a Year.
call the attention of ihe Public to their Large and Varied
. GuOitdsel
iTiM f r. T V I II IU 1 1 ITS
? m i i Va-i n 1 11 a II E7 a I i I II Jl-1 II
for Infants and Children.
'Caatorla 1a ao well adapted M ehBdm that I CaatorU eon Oolle. OooKtlpatlnn,
. recomme.MHft.riorlo.nyprlpUo. I 'e. rtt- dl
anown lo me." R A. Aarnia, M.D.. I
111 80. Oxford SI, BrookJja, H. T.
Pick Ileadarheand relieve all the trouble Inci
dent to a ui llou aUte of Hit aratem, tuch at
Uiuiueaa, Nftuaeft. Droweluwa, DiatifMia after
atiiiK, Haiti In the Ride. Ao. While trwlrmoat
remarkable tuocca bat been tbown In ouring
Ilpadarh. yet CaftTZft'a Lrm.t Livaa PiLift
aru vqually raluable in Cunalipatlnn, curine;
and praveritinie thia aiinoylrur complaint, while
tliey alao cnrrei-t all tliaurdrr of trie atomach,
atiinulate the liver and regulata the bowala,
tren If they only cured
Ache thoy would be almoet priceleta to thoee
hu tnfTer from thit di.treaunr complaint:
hut fortunately thi-ir Roodneea dea not end
hr, and t ! who once try them will find
theae little pllla vtlualila In ao nianr way. that
they will not he willing- to do without tbein.
11 ut after all alck bead
la the bane of an many Uvea that here li where
we make our (Trent boftat. Our plllt cure It
while other do nut.
C'ARTKK'a t.ivrn Pi 1.1 are rery email
ami vrry eiuy to take. Hie or two pill make
a dim,. Thoy aro strictly vt-sreUil'li" and do
not irripe or purire, but by their p ntle action
i lrnae all who uw thf 111. In vlala at Hi centa;
flvo for Si Kold everywhere, or aent by DiaiL
CaSTXI KUlCUtl CO., Hr Toti,
SdlH. hilhi, Small Fries.
have abused your Stomach
by fating or drinking too
much, or of tlm wrong kind
of foo l or ' 'it) M vou will
30 ' ..
because your .Siomach is
angry. Now beware of
all temporary expedients.
TRY that never-failing, safe
Remedy, j)r $cIi?IKk'5
Re.ndrkQ Pills.
rur Kle l v all !irii,rrM I'rlro V eta. per bux
I Uii. for M ct..; or by rail. i( 0
rewuft jI price. lr.J ll.r'.i.ii. K.II'J'i.
1 he uudenlKued bavin made ample prrpara
tlou lor Hit avcoiuuiodaliou wl the publlu would
ro.pevtluliy aunouupe that he will turnl-b board'
Iuk and luditliiK at lb rait uf aevtmy-Hva oeiiU
a day or twenty flvu tent, a uiual, UIIIuk aud
leed lor hoiae. furul.bed cheap.
Thoae not havlnii Irlod bl. table art rtepnot
fully Invited tot-all. aud they will unt yo away
dlaaatlrried. Kouuie a lew duora waet ul the
Court liouat. Mlddltbiirah Pa.
llmis. iLJ
i vou
aoidl SiiiQveir Wsir9 P0sionS)C
stock of this poods in cntral Pennsylvania, and a visit to
extend a cordial invitation to visit us and get our prices bo
prices and liAvc made great reductions in every department.
I Wttltout lajurioua tnctUcwflno.
Tn Cbktaub Cowaut, 183 Fulton Street, N.'T.
Our New Comlatlon Shot Gi anl Me.
We bave Ihe Wet thrra barrel ennMaaiiea (a maile. A 4eetiM
Iwk Udii fer .so w waal 10 pi 01 imee ,
;s.n:;::-7pr.wrv;;i ouit kmpekok ouSs
are aeiarnaM4 and the bMi valae I ttieaarket. Iflawaatof
t). KiOm. Wall ham .uii r Hpurm.i Omvit Mel veer
;7:rVt;:?;:ri!u man on the road
wllirdiaa iaa. Acenle for the I'plera "hot Uwn Carlrlda-
Geo. W. Claflin A Co-, 64 & 56 Duano St.. Hew York
D. D. Hess & Sons,
Popular Fertilizers.
JJotliinj; irw without food-
Jttiruirr) hok to'tpmlily ih well dm
to prion in hiiyingI'huHphiiteH.
JiuportHnt tn remember tbnt I. I).
llHr- & S W Hih Glade Fr
tilizem nre nlunvH foiiml tn tn-
reimi'ie nr 11 hi i lie uhiuo mh
JhuJ by tho moHl enterpri.ieiK
fiirmuin in iVtiiiHylviiiiiii.
rjlhey will enrich Mm noil; nml in
ci't'uce th ctojiH,
Jmipoet:il of Atiimiil Iiip;itJifcUte,
lloiio, lllooil. 'J'aolinge, etc.
JJltnt foml MechubioHlly jtn piiti'd
for drillirif'.
The bent Uuruirig Oil that can ou
maJw from lVtrolinni.
It give n brilliatit liht.
It will uot Huioko tho cLiinuey.
It will uot char the wick.
It has a high firs tent.
It will not eiptodtf.
It it without a compuiioou as a per'
It is uiuiiufactured from the finest
Crode In the mort perfectly ecjuip-
ped refiueries ia the world.
It is toe lies t.
Auk your dealer for Crown Acme.
Trade orders filled by
Your truly,
12 8 '87 ly. Saubory, T
Stock of
mmi & Clark Go's
Hij?1i Orsulo Bone
arc prcpurctl of
of cattle slaugliteretl in New
York, and tiro positively the
most genuine article in the
market. They will improve
any land and can be cither
used with or to replace
Barn-Yard Manure.
Farmers who have used
them will have none other as
the effect not only comes up
to but far exceeds their expec
tations. Prices from 820 to
30 per ton. For sale by
Middleburgh, Pa.
oil s rills
ThU popalsr Nmidy nwr favlla tt
ff actuftlly cur
Dyspepsia. Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
And all diseases arising from a
Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion.
The) natural rcanlt la rood aattllit
od aolld riven. Doae) aannll t alaarani
Ij au.r conaad and ...y to aw-llow.
For it Snpr-rior i;ruh of nlir-lf itiul ben-
vy lliiril wiii-h it in iiiwhvk liort to
K'o toolilitnd icllulik' iloue
wlio Iniveii reputation
to Mihfrtin. Such In
J.B.FeibBimer, LgwIsIowd, Pa.
Iron. NiiiIm, Sti'i'l,
I.Hiitli, r. I'aintM, OilH.t'onrh
nml SriildliT Wnrt. MMUiifacturfr of
Stoves and Tinware.
TJTpTTT XT"wr,,,"' ' "ho rad
XVlvrXXJU X thla andlhpntrt: thev will
nnil truioru lie employment that will not take
Ibcm from Ibtir Imuiri ai d famille.. The pro.
fit. art laraa ami aura lor every Induttriou.
paraon, many have ;nail and art now niaalnK
.everal hundred doll.ri a raontb. It la ay
lor anv on.i t i maile i6 and upvanli prr day,
no ta winmv to wora, r.uner tel. lou-u or
olili eapltal not niiuilad; we alart you, Evary-
iiiinirnew. no upenioi anility rtouiren; you.
rradi-r, nail do It at wxll ai auf one. Write to
ii. at oner lor inn puriioiiian, wnien wa until
rrt. Auart.a Min.ou n Uu , Portland. Mama.
Fur our choice and Hardy Nuriorv Nioek
M,aily work lor eneraintlit, lcuipirate iiirii
Sulury und, or l-oiihiiIk.Ioii II prulorrtd
inn iiu'iiifMituii-Hiy anu ea.liy luarned. pintle
lantliiu KOrniiiiil to i-UKloinora and auniit.
Write linui.illiMi ly lorti-rn. Ntuleiiita. Addrciit
II II.II.AM. k ('It..
W'lU South 1'enii Kuaio, riilludulphla, I'll.
AU. . ai. .ui. pu.
Kt'Ct-iua, Ilrhjr, Hraly, kkln Torlurre.
Tim ilnit.lo iipplli-atlon ol "Nwayue'a OI lit
mi ul," Hltlioiit iiny liiti-riiiil uiedliilin, will l uro
any t-na ol Tuttrr, halt Klieuni, Klnirworm
l'll..ri llj'li Kin.a I'lim. .. 1- u ull k: u
Ili hy hkln KniiHlonn. no rn.illfr how iihatlmilu
or lunii .lunuiiiH. ii l polviil, elleollvv, and
coin out a triiiu. June 14. is, lv
a iiirT?nrvTTTio rt immi' mi a
wliloli Kiait bolomou nvvor heard ol a L'MiTHfca
I.1NI-; tlmt reiuiri. no t 'lothe. nna. Kvery
bou.MkHvpor, luuudr.ia and atorekeener want.
II. NhiiiiiIu rent hv mall, I leal lor ii rent.,
Ivet lor H oauu. (r.t elaa. AkoiiK Wanted
llila loiiuty. Adoie.a niiktuk 11. In, Ml a.
I'll., Manulai'tirtia A(i-ni.. I'lilladelpbla, fa,
lijc'B nut woof, auii.j, ae. ew.
AAJ Vof Uiuof,uill eWa M Vea
, t!eli,uiallllipl.O(M.,aOrwoelia
b-ab or Jewel rj. but h.mI. ll..l i.rtull f.,r ,t u. i Lla
lo! Bone, ami Mea
It. SMITH & Co. (LimiteJ
220,222, 224, Front St., Milt
Aftr tall otnara fall conwil
999 ir.lflUlt.,blowCallowhin, Piili ,
O n eanerlence In all APF.C'I I. IIkm
manentlv re4oree lhne wenlteneH hv rnrlv InttiJ
liont.itc. 1 anorwrue. Aflvice rrean-1 fnnlv4
ftdenlial. Hour 1 1 11 a. m. till t, ae.l Mg cvenij
V'.i. Iimmi n r a I HlKtta U., 1 ' ,
or Ilvtr I1... Ntrvuu.nioe, . 41
uii.ranieen. tim. e an An n Mrret, rniial
pbla. 1 00 per bottle, for J ttl. Atll
p a..
Centre vllle, Snyder Co., Pa.
General Fire Insnrance Ag(
t ArfUtlaif Stork Companies rcpiconl.J
rremiuui iivivi. fv An-fJii
Tht FOL1CI5 UtZKTTR will ba n.l
tcureiy wrappm, to any aililren. la the 11
eu niaie. lor tor.t moot ba on r elpt ef
lillitral ill.ronnl allnwr1 ta iimin.
aitent and tlubi, bampleooplti mailed
iiuim an
I aAMKLia MqUAti
Itucknell University,
Invllp. attention to f 1 lite mil eooniepnf Mini
lUlmprovod bullillim., (:)ll Irne acunlurMilI
lia iiiriro iiornrv innii.i djhs new ni'rronniiiirn
nvrvulory, () IU hpnlihlulnrwe ef biratton. C
reinurKitble utu'iiimvM, and (N) It. rmw nn
inu.lo liiilidiiiK. Ilaa no iuprrlor In I'mm-i
nla. Three deimrtmenlt. Kor men, younr
ini'tt, ana join In. CntiiloKiieii and Inlorrui
win ne oni on appupt-tion to rroriiivnt
PI Ira I filet I Ilcblwa; PI Ira.
SvMPToMaMnl.lure 1 Interne itollnu
.tliiKliiK t inn-ttit u'xht t worm by -ruti
II nlow,'l toronlinui' tuiuora. wliloli ollon q
and iilcorii e. hiMvnuliiK wry .ore. Sn
Inlniunl atoi the llclilnir ami blcidln.
ulceration, und in mom ranea rumor. Hi.
inon At druuKlma, or by mail, lor 61
Dr. Swaynt a. Sou, Philadelphia. I U, .
Tin followini; UlankH will nlway
found on hand at the Post Prtnd
Ore LcusfH,
liliink Hcli'ntieH,
t'oimtabln ShIph,
Whti HIltM,
Jiistii'ori' Duns.
tVrti(h:AtrH of ScliolarMliii.
JtitltCt'iiifiit Kxeuiiition Noter,
Tux NotiiifM.
Jiihtlci'' HoikIm,
Financial Statement on School Hod
&c, &o. Sits. All blank not 011 li
will be promptly printed to order.
I. P. Thomas & Son
Conluln all the vulunhlo iloiiii iils of .tnblp m
In a roUrvnlrated form. fpei-iaJy pr,iaii-U m
en pa, Ibvy are uianufaclurr l lor reuli 11
uiii rrmm 1 iirv cannot nt rfrtui'n in tae it
OUH WOIIK4 noneM every laoilliv. Wi
thrin our -raoiial attention. l o tho .nine vj
we Kitarauttit our sooaa not to ut an rimatrxi.
who uo llinu andoraa tliuiu. Vuu u.o Iben
vou will euUorae tueni.
Philadelphia, Penn'a.
Ittaiio Hlilrey, McClure.
Namuel Hhlrey, Heaver SrlDir
The only Unliable andOflluliiK
rmlk'ii Look publitihutl, with the '
authenlo and complete bloi;ruplil
together with the platforniH of
parties ; Tariff by Kolley und t'uril
l'rehldent'i MoHnage ; Hlalne'i U
of 1'renldent'a MenHnge ; Kle
HtatUtloa, eto.
15,000 AOENTB WANTED to iu
uillllom of lntelMKnt voter.
LY ! Show the book and it null.
keif. Write at onoe for llliibtq
Clroulam and Terms, free,
L. W. i)ICKEK8()N, Pulbl.hJ
Ht. Loul
. .-'. ... ,i - -