The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 30, 1888, Image 1

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    ", -. ' . ; . ' J , . ' . ,
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. dmninb.
VOL. 25.
NO. 3d
'Weather cool and pleasant.
The grey-squirrel crop is rcioi ted
exceedingly slim.
Miss Clyde Doru left ou Tuesday
morning for Baltimore to visit her
nistor MrH. Miller.
Our town council is urging the
work of repairing our pavements
with good results.
James P. Smith and lux Hon Clem
of Millersburg, spent Sunday at
home in Middleburgh.
Miss Ella Smith of Cleveland, O.,
in here on a visit the guest of her
uncle, John P. Smith.
H. Oppeuhcimor's clothing store,
Selinsgrovo, will ba dosed ou Sept. and 15th, being Jewish holidays.
We have several thousand old
newspapers in the printing oflico
which we will sell at five cents per
One of the "nut-crackers" has
asked us for the answer to our last
week's plank question. We don't
know it that's why we asked.
To Tjie Nut Chac-kefis. I have a
piece of curd-board which is 8 inches
square. 1 cut it io make t.
square inches. How do I doit ?
An immense crowd attended
camp-meeting ut Pallas last Sunday.
Some fifty buggies passed through
our town cm route for the ground.
Note special announcement of
new goods in G. C Gutelius' adv,
Cnl. is always on time in styles, and
though he may not always be right,
he is never left.
D. K. Haas has had a core of
hands at work for several weeks
draining his farm west of Middle
burgh. Dan knows what belongs to
make a farm "fruitful and multiply
The girl who can put a good square
patch on a pair of pantaloons may
not be as accomplished as one who
can embroider and work green worst
ed dogs on n blue ground, but will
be far more useful at the head of a
large family.
Persons who pasture their cuttle
ou the railroad may be benefited to
know that they are liable for dama
ges to the Company for any acci
dents that may result from such tres
passing on their grounds. To sue
the Company for cattle killed by
them is simply out of the question.
The town Council has erected
seven new street lamps in town this
week, which are judiciously distrib
uted through town and make it
quite pleasant on our streets these
iiark nights. Another one was re
cently erected ut the turn of the
road to Franklin. This was raised
by subscription.
Conductor Downes says that the
train which conveyed the G. A. 11.
boys homo over the S. & L. road
from the encampment last Friday
uigut wus tue most orderly excur
sion ho ever took over any line, creditable to our boys,
and shows that they kuow how,
when, and whero to have their fun.
A new serial story of exceptional
power and interest has pjst been
commenced in tho Detroit weekly
Frve. I'ret. Tho story is entitled
Helmut Closed Doors," and was
written by Anuie Katherine Green
the anther of the famous "Leaven
worth case." The j'n uit will bo sent
to any address for three months for
at) cents.
Beuvortowu has an one armed man
in tho person of Simon Specht, a
nephew ol Moses Specht, who was a
gallant soldier, a member of Gov
Heaver's regiment tho HHth. and who
lost his arm in tho service, and who
is the equal of any man in tho county
as a hunter, and it is a caution to
see him bait a hook with an angle
worm. Simon says that he has
leurnod or a truth that "necessity is
A. 1 . .. - . . .
mo mother of inventiou," and that a
man can learn to do almost anything
ho is coninellod to. And wo have an
idea that Siinisubout light. 2'ribune
Mm. Annie T.nnnn nrpomnunirxl bv
- - i -
her non Willie in visiting with her
father Rev. Orwig.
IraSchoch's twin bovs. Geonre
and Johnnie, are visiting with their
aunt Mrs. Jcro Grouse.
Miss Clara Dorn, cashier in her
brothers store at Elkhart, Ind. is
here spending her vacation.
Quite a number of Snyder county
people are attending the Grangers'
pic-hie at Williams' Grove, this
Joe. Ch land and H. R. Reigle re
turned homo from Shamokin on
Saturday and remained with their
families over Sunday. They still
report plenty of work at good wages.
Caution. 1 caution all persons
against selling my son Win. P. Felty
anything on my credit. I will not
pay any d bts euitructod by him.
Vug. It;, '88. :uv. H. W. Feltt.
C. C. Secbold must be selling dead
loads of pianos and organs. Scarce
ly a day passes that lie don't haul
an instruiiii-ut from the depot.
Nothing succeeds like success.
Squirrel hunting begins next Sat
urday, September 1st, though some
of the habitual poachers, who can
never bide their legal time have been
cracking away at them for the past
two weeks.
Anotiikk Hi'MM'o. I used the
coal-tar paper rooting for my house,
built less than three years ago. Tho
roof is ulreudy rotten and falls off
in pieces. Puss it around.
I. II. Boweksox.
Middleburgh, Pa., Aug. 27.
They have fair prospects for n
famine in ham ami eggs up in Centre
county since our devil is up there on
a visit. He left on Monday morning
loaded down with guns and anima
tion for squirrel hunting. He'll re
turn in a week with everything lost
but tho patches on his pants.
The Sunday school at Hassinger's
will hold a pic-nie in Bower's woods,
1 milo west of Middleburgh on Sat
urbay, September 8. Tho Middle
burgh baud will fiurnish the mush
It is probable that the Middleburgh
Union school will join in the cele
bration. Full particulars next week.
Mrs. Herman, the female contrite
tor in the Kratzerville elopement.
has returned to her family n suddt
and, we hope, a wiser woman. Mr.
Howard Kline, her chum, is still id
large, and his personal property was
sold for debts week before last by
tho sheriff.
The administrators of Benjamin
Wittcniiiycr, late of Franklin, dee'd,
disposed tho real estate on Saturday
at public sale. Tho town property
was struck off at ijil.ViO to Miss
Amanda Wittenmyor, and the farm,
forty-two acres was purchased by
Commissioner Samuel B. Walter.for
There will be a social basket pio
nic, by the Union and Evangelical
nun nay rvnooi oi jieavertown in
Henry Kern's Grove, about mile
north-west of Beavertown, Snyder
county. Pa., ou Saturday Septem
ber 1st. '88. The music will be fur
nished by the Troxelville band. Ex
ercises begin at 10 o'clock a. m. All
are cordially invited. Positively no
Hucksters allowed. Refreshments
on the ground. Come one come all,
and enjoy yourselves. Committee,
hue John Gephart, a btone
mason, of this place, was stooping
down to put u stick of wood under a
stone ho was working with Thurs
day afternoon about three o'clock at
the railroad river bridge, close to
where somo largo rocks were being
unloaded from the cars, a very heavy
one bounded from the log on which
it was dumped and falling on Mr
Gephart killed hint instantly, his
neck, jaw, ribs and legs being all
broken. His remains were interred
in tho Episcopal cemetery Saturday
afternoon, followed to the grave by
the (1. A. R. post of this place and
many friends and citizens, and bur
ied according to G. A. 1L rites.
ZtHoittoien (hiictte.
The Smith Orove Band will hold
festival on Saturday evening,
September 1st. All are invited.
Misses Susie Mensch and Carrie
Wittenmyer left on Monday morn
ing to attend school at Factoryville.
How sweet 'tis to sit on a soft Hum
mer night.
By the side of the girl you hold
And mash the mosquitoes that on
her alight
While whisp'ring love's tale in her
"Daniel," naid the President, "can
you tell me what cyclopedia Mr.
Blaine gets his speeches out oft I
have an idea that the people like his
style better than limine, mid I want
to buy a copy." "Sire," replied
Daniel, with a sigh, "I urn afraid it
is beyond your means. It is a con
dition, not a theory, that confronts
We notice that tho prohibitionists
of Mitlliu county have nominated C
W. Derstine for Assembly. We aro
confident that these are honors
"thrust" upon Churloy.usheis a con
firmed cold-water man, his nomina
tion, we wager, didn't cost him a
cent, and an such it is well worth its
price. If he should be elected he
would, in tho House, meet with
many inferiors in morals as well as
in intellect. Go in Chawley.
The Snyder County Teachers
Normal which opened on Monday of
last week, has a slim attendance,
1 his looks to a man up a tree as
though our teachers cared for little
else than a certificate. Superinten
dent Herman is working hard to
iaak this term on of especial
benefit, and no. teacher whose aim
is upward and onward and whose
object is proficiency in his profes
sioit can afford to absent himself.
A. .1. Crosgrove left with his men
on Monday morning for Millersburg
where lie has a contract for re
painting a church. The steeple of
the church is 170 feet high, has a
slate roof, and is considered a very
dangerous undertaking indeed so
much so that it was impossible to
secure any one else, and we under
stand Mr. Crosgrove is offered fancy
prices for the job. We hope he will
be successful in the job and not
i-ninr ihnrn till he is ready.
What Fi.okida Pe on.E Live On-.
"What do you Florida people live
on i'i the summer"? "Fish." "What
in the winter" "Yankees." Alas!
how many northerners draw their
last breath in Florida, slain by that
fell destroyer, consumption, who
would have lived, had they used at
first that marvelous specific for con
sumption, when not too far advanced.
Dr. Pierce.s Golden Medical Dis
coverybetter than hypophosphites
and cod liver oil, because more nu
tritive and tonic; also nn invaluable
liver corrective and blood purifier,
cleansing away all scrofulous humors
(which cause consumption), ami all
other impurities of the blood, curing
glandular swellings, goitre or thick
neck, old sores, and ulcers. Of
Don't hawk, and blow, and spit,
but uso Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
How To Overcome The pasokiis Ok
Exi'oscke. Francis O. Reilly, the
well-knowu livery man of No. 18
Prince street, New York, says of All
cock's Porous Plasters:
"For tho last forty-two years I have
been engaged in tho livery and hack
ing business. I am greatly aided by
my four boys. We are much expos
ed to the weather, aud we have found
Allcock's Plasters of very great ser
vice. Wo uso them as chest protectors,
placing one on the chest and one the
pit of the stomach. They not only
ward off the cold, but act as a tonic.
We we frequently affected with
rheumatism, kinks in the back, and
pain in the side; but one or to of AU
cook.s Piaster quickly euro us. uiv
wife aud daughter have been using
Allcock's Plasters for weak back and
thiuk tho world of them. I have
uow beeu usiug them for twenty
years, aud always have a box iu the
On Sunday night, last, Mrs. Eis
enhower, widow of Reuben Eisen
hower, residing about four miles
west Of Middleburgh, met with a
very serious accident. Her chil
dren had been to church and when
they came home she got up to open
the door for them, aud, loosing her
way !h the darkness, she fell down a
flight of stairs, breaking one of the
bones in her left forearm and badly
brusing herself about the head and
face. Dr. Barber, her attending
physician, informs us that though
the injuris are serious they will not
prove fatal.
On Saturday we took in the Har
vest Home at Centreville and found
quite a large crowd iu attendance
probably oue thousand. The exer
cises wore somewhat abridged ow
ing to the turbulent condition of
Penns Creek which made it too haz
ardous to attempt either a boat or
tub race. Wo witnessed Master
Leon Bolig in his tight-rope per
forniance, saw a rattling little tight
(this lust wusnt on tho bills), beheld
several couples dance and sweat
like furnace puddlers and wound up
by taking supper with the Sumpsel
families which was the most enjoy
able feature of the day. There was
some unpleasantness prevalent all
day owing to the appearance on the
ground in the early morning of u
flying-horse, or merry-go-round
n usance, which detracted attention
from other amusements and i nked
ia a harvest of dimes and nit Lies
which should have gone into the
coffers of tho Ccntrewlle Band, as
they had advertised and arranged
the pic-nic, and had rented the
found. We are sorry that this oo-
( ufr'-- as the band is a most deserv
ing institution, has made wonderf u
improvements iu music within the
last year and should have all jxissi
ble encouragement.
Our granger friends will find a big
time in readiness near Centre Hall in
September. It will be the fifteenth
annual gathering. Colonel Taylor's
"Fort Woods" is a delightful grove
of fifteen acres proper, with addi
tional grounds for horses and wag
ons covering probably seventy-five
acres. The Bellcfoute and Lewis
burg turnpike runs through the
grounds from the north and south,
the Balsbiirg un-l Milheim road
and Brush Valley roads from the
east and west. Railroad accommo
dation complete within twenty
rods of the Centre lit!! -.ration on
tho Lewishurg and T.viot,. Ihiihoad.
Those from the e.i-t and south
can come by Moiitandon on l ,y E.
R. R. (of the Northern f.-ntral sys
tetu ;i those from the north by way
of Lock Haven, and those from the
west via Tyrone and l!-llefoute.
Excursion rates over all leading
I roads. The committee has arrang
j ed for a full supply of tent-, so that
all who desire can secure tents at
the following rates : Wall tents, P)
X 12 feet, $1 ; hospital tents, 12 x 11
feet, !?'. Tents hould. as much as
possible, be engaged in advance.
All tents will bo put up by commit
tee ready for tent holders on arrival
on grounds.
Lowell. The pic nic at McCTure
was a grand success with quite a
crowd iu atteiidotKv.
The G. A. U. boys of McCTure
pronouueed tho encampment at
Lewistowu a grand affair, it was
well attended and things went off iu
regular army style.
A. A. Roiuig aud his son John is
takiug in tho pic nic at Williams
Grove; it will be a big thing for
John, as it is his tirst trip from
Hoibstcr and Go's new thresher
is doing good wook, is tho report
from tho west end. A little more
practice will make them able to com
pete with any machine on tho road
The lumber business must bo on
the increase us it requires tho or six
teams to haul it to tho station from
Goss & Warner's mill.
John LI., I buppotio you fuel more
contented since you do not have to
take iu TroxolvuTo so often. Tho
reason is U No.
From the Lewbttnirn Onutu.
Thi Ssldlor'i Bounlon.
For some weeks arrangements
have been in course of completion
to hold the first reunion of the vet
erans of the late war residing in
Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Snyder,
Union and Huntingdon counties at
this place, and culminated iu a very
Huccessful camp here last week. Ev
erything needful to make tho affair
commendable except the final
touches hud been arranged by Mon
day morning, at which time our
citizens generally commenced to
decorate their houses and erect
arches across ths streets, twenty-
live of which spanned our street,
some of them being very suggestive
and all commendable, the most
notable being those on New street
with the mildier standing in it, full
life size, the double one at the cor
ner of Third and Wuvne Streets
with the word "Wclcnine" mis-
pended us to be read from every di
rection, the one at the corner of
Third and Main streets dedicated to
the old Logan Guards, and those in
front of the Fame house and W. H.
Felix's on Valley streets. The pri
vate decorations were on a scale
commensurate with these arches,
there being few houses wit hoiit sume
decoration, many being festooned
very elaborately and de-erving of
special mention, but all done well
and it would burden our report to
refer to those who excelled. Much
decorating was done Monday, but
tho majority of our citizens had de
cided to devote Tuesday to the work,
and when they awoke that morning
aiul found the water coming from
the skies iu a stream disappoint
ment was general and during the
continued downpour all day many
Anxious glances were cast at the
sky and hopes frequently expressed
that the rain. stop falling, but it
seemed to have com ' t sMv and
when it got at it even harder in th
afternoon many concluded the camp
Would be drowned out, but it clear
ed off during the night. Wednesday
turned out to be a beautiful day
aud by evening the town was cover
ed with bunting, flag- and ever
greens poiM to an tent never
befi ire known.
Ou the part of the soldiers the day
was given to eoncl.iding the w- ik at
the camp, winch wa located on the
base ball grounds ar th" e-T end of
town, and the n ceiving of delega
tions and conducting rhem to eatnp.
while "'.e hundred and tw.nry
tents had been erected for their ac
comodation. In the evening a dress parade w as
held, the Middleburgh band gave a
tine musical concert and a camp tire
was held, at w hich II. J. Culbert -on.
Esq , aud luarti niiaur General
John Taylor made addresses.
Thursday morning addresses w ere
made on the camp ground by O.-ner-al
Gobin, of Lebanon; M ijor Samui-l
Harper, of Pittsburg, past comman
ders of the G. A. R. of this state, aud
Hon. L. E. Atkinson, of Mitlintowti.
Iu the afternoon the parade was
formed and moved at -: lit in the fol
lowing order: Logan drum corps. Co.
G of Lcwistown ; City band of Hun
tingdon and Huntingdon post, Bell
ville post; Middleburgh ib'um corps;
McVeytowu post; M.'Clure post;
Lewistowu post; carriages contain
ing crippled and distinguished sol
diers; Ycagerstowu baud, Knights of
Malta, P. O. S. of A. of Lewistowu,
MitHuitowu, Yergerstowti, Reeds
ville aud New ton Hamilton; Logan
band; Lewistowu K. G. I'!.; Middle
burgh band, and Fame hose compa
ny of Lewistowu.
Iu the eveuing fireworks of a very
commendable character were put off
from Woodruff 's tield on the ridge
and were witnessed by a large crowd
of people. They consisted of color
oil tires, rockets Roman candles,
wheels aud stationary pieces, the
most uotablo being an American
shield and tho itars and stripes.
Tho display was no doubt tho finest
ever seen hero.
Friday tho features of tho day
wore two sham battles ou Aid's hill,
to represent tho taking of Missiona
ry ridge. That in the after-noon
was witnessed by a large crowd of
people, but as the number engaged
on the Union side was small it was
not so interesting as the engage
ment at night, w hen rockets and
Roman randies were used to enliven
the scene, which made it very im
pressive and delighted ull who miw it.
After the sham battle in the after
noon a meeting of t L association
Was held and Sclin-igrow selected Its
the place for the encampment nxt
year, the time to b appointed by
the officers elected, whose nam
follow :
President, B. F. Wagi nselh r; sec
retary, J. A. Lutnbard. treasurer. M.
S. Shroyer. all of Sehnsgi ov e. with
E. W. Fosnot. of Mifflin: C. MrCb llun
of Juniata: M. L. Wagen-t -llei ; ol'Sny.
tier; Samuel Dickson, of Huntingdon :
Thomas I. Milligan. of perry; J. V.
Miller, of Union, and Tln o. Rurch-
tield. of Blair, as n e presid. nf. the
latter county being admitted to the
association at this meeting
Miruit Ki i:i k.k. Apple "-tot zings'
are on the titiiM.
On Saturday the squirrel season
w ill open.
Our gossips had an unusual buy
time last w eek.
A number of our people attended
the encampment at Lewistowu and
report ft pleasant time.
Another team has been added by
Mr. Li-elring to h oil props from
Jacks Mountain to A 1 inisliin g.
C. B. Klmglerand hr sister. Mrs.
Jerry Koeh of ('.-ntie county, were
visiting their aud friends
ou Saturday and Sunday.
Quite a number of our young peo
ple took iu the pic nic ut M Glare
on Saturday.
On Saturday Septemb-- 1, a Sun
day school pic-uic will be held in
the grove at the Ridge church.
A number left ou Monday for a
week at William's (irme.
Mrs Rev. Schaiuliach is at pres
ent isiting h"r inoth.-r, Mrs. l,-nrv
Troxelville. I InD. .Vniad. r m l
Hir h n nh are both on beds , f
sickness, but have
"pulling rhrou.-h."
( n M u lav n;, .m:
: 'I'lite i trim
:'r. fi -r the ( Iran
;l'..a:n' ( rpive.
her of our citiens left.
gers' pte-r;;e if V;l
M ist of them w -.11 also
it ( r. t v -
lllirg bef. i re they V till'll.
The d;si-a-c am- i.g mir dogs is de
stroying val.iai if st. ck. N.-arly t
doi-n ha -1- - !.
down A-.rh t
blooded barn
Ibiigam in'-, w
for catching '
fall, died last
1 an i tii.i:. " ;u. t;" I v. A t a.l-
vird pup of Fred.
v 1 , !.
v Minded dc-r ' tins
Week, alld Ffi-'Mle'-i
eyes ain't dry yet.
The Lowi U cr'Oi
who can b.-at 1 1 hu
so small sheaves. '
lire the sti-i-A -t'.oiig
wants to li'io-.v
hels of '-aTs from
lie did 'lot Ulea.s
.!! 'Ac call it
a whopp, -
"Bully" Lyons was her
last w
.uid paid his
pect s to his tcipiain-
Our schools ale :io.n ill upu;id
with teachers and l for kindling
wood for each. Mcoliouiical indeed!
Tho fire i tun er allowed to go our
during a n in ac term.
Ou Saturday after the
auction, two country '.addles es.suy.
el to see two of our most charm, ng
country home ip-m town.
Thev wi fe slice'ul, and the
was a plc.i.-ant one until they 'each
ed the lane that turns in to tho
house, when the g iU took an un -pected
h -as e f t heir . s(-oi t s and in
vited tllc!U to call when they Were
not at home.
II.kI i- o r !.u.-. si .'iii.iiv ,
U.iM -i in o l' ,1 s 'iih.lh ,
lluU i' in w i in, i jr iMiicJ
W M.ul :i- ii u - s'-ii-li' j: i' 'I "
Cu.m KMV -Jot.
hu 1m Ctui J ii a! fut Cteui
Whaa til Imsauj Mum, til liuig to Cmmi,
Wba mm ii4 Ctuuitvo, am kuou Ciwi