The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 02, 1888, Image 5

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    Subscription $1.50 per yen.
One (Ylmnn. Due Year VG.'o
One hall i'olnmn line year fia.u
line fourth t'nluinn, One Ye r a0
I'nilriMliinal Card., per - n r to.o
Audltum. Kimitnr, AdiiilnlMritiiir, and
Altnro Notice" t.'.fO
When nu fper-al arrm ircim'tii iirr, nil
ilvertleement, Inacrttid lur Ihm tliMti 4 month,
we rhdrKF ! 'it er Inch lur tirt Inmrtlnn
nr the wcend lncrt..n and 7 eonte fur each
runeHFtil lii'vrtlnn.
Brief Fun Imsa Barick-
Friend Harder. Ich Lob deer
hhior nor fergoHBfi tnu Rhrivn tie woch
un woiih net gawerst ware don ho nn
utore-box-Hclinitzlor niich pafropt
het far gflt tnu gevva far tie rani
pninn tnu boonm weil H-h nn koiula
ilate bin far tie HaiiHii Barick pUHht
office don het ich en ferhoftinl pons
fcTRCHH. Ovver ich hob cue obga
uliiokeit according tmi IIo.vl, un wonH
net gawent ware tloH de Polly niich
om ruck fligtfle fexht liet guliot don
het ich me be Chudas full lecher ga
kicked. Eh hut niich ho gowliidi base
gaiiHU'ht don dare ilrcck-kcflVr niich
frogt far geld far fauna tun kaflfa far
dcrjparade om llama Barick doa
ich now deer ahribe un geb ao kail
tHcidlicho warning don w on nee wid
der kuninia uff ho bisnins don nee
xich nrHht ntahlna kHz in era hunna
doona. Do deukut feikicht ich bin
grub, ovver won en noch niaa ho hot
we ich dateH net ho ferdihenkerty
noiheitft gevva un het wenicber dieb
in polidix.
Now denk Arnold draw. Harder, on
an lot fun groHmi oungawoxena kel
ver fun mennerdo rum tfu loffa niit
groHa rhodu nchnoop-dicher weil der
old Thurman iuieH drogt. Denkut
doo es dude anich ebber onister vo
ta won ere an rhote nchnoop-doch
nate? 'V fiel votes denknt do.loH
es da Kepnblicann niocht tnu winHii
don am olda Ben Harrison ni gosH
dody ineina bluck house gawooncd
hut un harder cider gadrunka in
1810. De Jordan h woona ola noch
iuaiua bluek-heirily, un hen noch net
gafrogt for Breuident tnu warra. Ich
koiiH aw net ferntay worum don der
old Bill HarriHon nix doa cider ga
drunka hut Bella niohls de Denia
grada worn doch nellaniols in power,
un 80 hen doch olnfart ganunk tnu
drinka now 1 "We de Demagradu ouh
power nin wohr whiHky 83 cent de
goll un munline 40 cent tie yard. Ich
kons net recht ferstay. Won Hee
Hoga data do8 der old Bill HarriHon
de gons teit gonoffa gawest wart un
het unht a hem gahot, don date ich
bh liever glows far are wohr Rawing
oram weil are ken geld out der na
tional treasury etahla hut kenna (de
Demagrada hen kens drin gahot) un
der drom wohr blendy.
wonsnes yonr nix gebt uos we
cider don mana aw fiel fun dun a
groHHa karl's era mauga don cram
boss si hols date rinna.
Ols widder,
Letter From Kansas-
Salina Kanh., July 14, 1888.
Ed. Pout : While I take up my
pen to try and write a few lineH, this
part of Kansas is getting a shower
of rain, the value of which cannot
well be rated too high, for they were
very much in need of rain here. But
to take it as a whole, Kiuihiih has
not suffered for rain very much this
season. Wheat, which is now being
harveHted is all that any person ex
pected, oats might be better, but
corn at this time is doing very well j
but in this country they can be sure
of nothing till it is threshed. Pros
pects are now that there will soon
bo more money handled than there
has been for some time. Borne of
the wealthiest men in (tome of these
towns cannot to-day pay their small
grocery bills. Enough of that, now
back to Kansas city.
A year ago all Kansas towns were
booming and at that time Kansas
city was booming more than at any
other time, but it has been having a
steady growth for several years and is
still growing, while the Kansas
towns are having their reaction now.
I sojourned there a week last fall
and at that time took notes that I
have never taken time since to write
from. A European war would make
this town the superior of Chicago in
a year, and whether the French and
Germans conclude to fight or not, it
is a great town, and is destined to
bo a greater. People in the East and
South have very littlo idea of this
western- country. To them Mis
souri bus no deliuito placo iu mem
ory except as the James brothers
have mado it famous. But Kansas
city is a town with which none of
theso memories have anything to do.
It is a product of the now life which
has come to the United States, since
tho war, and it is tho greatest and
best examples of American vim and
energy and push that I ever saw.
It is in an angle where tho Kaw
river runs into tho Missouri. The
Kaw or Kansas river is a sluggish
torrent of black mnd, running
through the deep prairies of Kansas,
and after making abend, butting it
self against the Missouri river direct
ly up stream. But the Missouri
don't mind that litt le diversion tit all.
It is a whimsical, woman-like river
which had as soon run up stream an
down. In one place it will be a cou
ple of miles wide and about six inch
es deep. Somewhere else it will be
31)0 or 400 yards wide and deep
enough to float a man of w ar. By
next year all of this may be reversed,
you can't tell. Part of town in the
west bottom is in Kansas but the
bulk of it is in Missouri.
In the triangle between tho two
rivers the re is quite a city, with
about- twenty railroad running
through its Union depot, and the
rest of the ground occupied with it
huge stock yards, its tremendous
packing and canning factories and
the habitations of its laboring peo
ple. But buck of this south of it
the red clay bluff rise 300 feet into
the air and on top of them tho town
of Kansas city is built. If you want
to get up there, there is a cable road
running car every five minutes from
a station iu the air above the roof of
the depot to the top of the hill.
There is also a winding carriage-w ay
which will enable you to reach the
town. And the big mouth of a tun
nel looks ut you from the side of the
clilT when you gel off the cars. This
has been finished since I was there
and is now tho avenue for another
cable road. I suppose that in a year
or two they will have a balloon so as
to drop .vo'1 on tP "f the hill, or a
pneumatic tube to shoot you up the
craggy steep before you can say Jack
Itobison. Once up here you are
more surprised than ever. You did
not expect to see such a town, and
you would have been a crazy man
if you had expected it. Iu lots
worth . l.ouo a front foot, you see
sunflowers blooming and wild hemp
nodding its heavily ladeu head, full
of seed pods.bcforean eternally blow
ing breeze. Sunflowers and buffalo
grass are everywhere. They come
up through the auger-holes in the
rude wooden sidewalks, and Haunt
their faces iu the very doorways of
palatial residences and cast their
shadows over the carved mountings
of costly stone steps. You are sur
rounded on every hand with surprise
and inconsistencies. Magnificent
buildings riso out of the earth like a
dream, and miserable shanties worth
perhaps $1000 squat on land worth
perhaps twice that sum a front foot.
You rub your eyes and wonder. On
every hand the most beautiful build
uigs are going up and the sound of
the hammer and saw are beard all
night and all day Sunday. Every
body is on the jump seven days in
the week and if you wanted a tunnel
built in the atmosphere some fellow
would construct it for you in long
pavements, and suspend it by cables
from the moon so you could go to a
different quarter of tho city every
night. They have no time station
on industry there ; no brake upon
progress and no burden on faith.
The city has a great future, and if
you look around it and keep your
mouth shut, you cannot help but
see it. Kansas, Texas and Colorado
are all behind it with their millions
of fertile acres. For their corn.
their cattle and their hogs they must
seek an Eastern market, and they
can send their products east no
other way bo well as through Kansas
city and to save freight, tho hogs
must be packed here, and the beef
must be canned here, before it goes
to Europe. And tho hides of the
bullocks must be tanned here and
their bones ground into fertilizers.
Even the hog bristles havo their
commercial value. So, like a great
net, this city sits here waiting to
catch all the sediment which will and
must come to it from tho boundless
and fecund west. And the west
grows every day more fruitful.
Across tho Kaw river, in Kansas
is tho thriving city of Wyandotte,
which is to Kansas city what Brook
lyn is to New York. You can go
from here, on the lull tops, down the
cable road and then on the elevated
road over tho tops of the houses in
west Bottoms, along past the great
packing houses, and pork slaughter
ing establishments, (where you can
cut tho atmosphero in slices, with a
lull knifo and fry it in its own grease.)
over tho Kaw river on a substanti a
bridge, and then through Wyandotte
to tho country. Of course, "in the
country" is a relative term there, for
you never know when you get into
tho country. In a corn field or or
chard you will see the sign of a real
estate agent and tholegand. "Theso
lots for salo at $50 a foot. All over
tho woods there uro streets aud lots,
and plats of land. You cannot be
lieve your own eyes, and yet, when
you pinch yourself, there you are.
But that is not Kansas city. Wyan
dotte is on a boom too. Most of it
was once owned by an old Indian
chief of the Wyandotte tribe named
splitlog, who is still living in Wyan
dotte and is said to be worth two or
three millions. He is now engaged
extensively iu railroading and real
estate. To give an idea of what kind
of building they put up there, I will
give tho amount of rent received by
owner of one of them on Main
St. With two store rooms on the
ground floor and three more floors
divided for offices, earns over $40,
000 a year rent. Of course I cannot
say much about A city liko this in
one letter but when a person remem
bers that but 15 or 20 years ago it
was but a village, one naturally says
I had intended that this letter
should begin and end in Kansas City,
but I learned something to-day that
may bo new to some of your read
ers. I asked wliy they bad lynching
parties for all the men who had been
commiting murder of late, and they
told me they had a law in this State
opposing capital punishment aud if
a man was found guilty of murder in
tho first degree the Judge would
sentence him to be hanged and he
would bo taken to the Penitentiary
but tho Oovernor w ill never sign the
death warrant, and for that reason
they have tho nct-k-tio parlies for
I have been on the sick-list at Mc
pherson and being too warm to-day
for me to venture out. I took this
opportunity to write what I had in
tended writing before this.
McCi.vue Items. Fanners are
busy cutting aud putting away their
The lioiiHe and lot of Anna Dreese
dee'd, was sold on Sat unlay last at
public sale to Tiliuan Weader for
$1000. The house of Annie Strunk
which wasalso up at public sale was
not struck off for want of a sufficient
Jerome Smith who w as working at
plastering for Will and Hai many has
left them without saying "good
bye," Philip the Ex-Shcriffi sorry to
see him absent, he says he is a good
mechanic and would like to see him
back at work on his new house
TT 1' . J T 11 i .
j. o. oi lioweu snvs ne is sorry
that red bandanna of McClurc was
too young to be a veteran in the late
war, he is old enough now, nt least
to bo a sonny of a veteran liko Mr,
U. No. He also reported the Republi
can pole raised by Democrat funds
Truly some few good Democrats who
will surely vote for Harrison did
contribute toward defraying expen
ses ami much to their credit too.
A Democrat continually asking for
township olhces in West Beaver es
penally where there are three
fourth Republican, should not give
advice. "Boys" stick to your party
or ho will iu the future, as in the
past, always be left.
Apples are coining into market.
The K filler Bros, bridge builders
have begun work on the new bridge
near A. Romig's.
Red Bandanna.
Centreviite. Merchant C. M.
Shower and Constable Nairn did
Lew isburg a business visit on tho
Commissioner S. H. Straub was in
Selinsgrovo on official business.
Sugar is advancing in price.
John Mohn made a visit to Laur-
cltou last w eek.
The days are growing shorter.
which gives the young man more
time in which to interview his best
C. M. Showers and wife visited r.
latives m Lanrelton on Sunday.
Co. Supt. C. W. Herman held
teachers' examination hem on Knrm.
. . . . , . i4
day. There were seven applicants
and all but one were successful.
S. F. Sheary and wifo are visit in p
in Jjowisburg and vicinity.
. . . ...
Rev. Lau of Brookville. Pa., del! v.
ered a very interesting sermon in tho
Ijutueian church on Sunday after
noon. The following named nersons bon.
ored our town with their presence
during tho last week : Clms. A.
Bolendcr, Robert Smith. Middle.
burgh ; J. W. Specht, Beaver
Springs ; Jacob Machamer, Weidler
Roland, Lowisburg ; George Roland,
liethlehcm j N. A. Dougul, Milton j
William Loss, Millliuhurg ; John
Gross, Beaver Springs j Henry Mil
ler Lochiel ; Daniel Seiber and wifo
Troxelvillo ; Harry Stuck, Miss Min
nie Reichly, Middleburgh.
RTPTTT riowart!", Ui.iso who feail
iXXJiXU X tlila ami llinn ai't: they will
nun ii ninrn i lo eini.iyment tliut will nt Uko
I In. in from their hmm i ami film i lieu. Tin. pro.
nta ara lari m.i.i ,.. i... ....... .
...nw - . u . . iu. o . j iij.i u aiiiuui
pfcuon. many havn murtu ami are now maklntf
everal liun.lro.l ilull.ra a month. It Id cany
lor any unit to make 6 ami upwsnla per day,
who I. wllllnirttiwork, hither' aex, or
old! oapltal not unudail; wo mart you. Kvory
tlilnmiew. No npeoLil ability retutrtl: you,
roaufr, oau do It a well aiauyone. Write to
iia at nnna (or lull purtluuiar. whloo we mull
Iroe. AdUreaa Mlmou ,h Co., I'orllaDcl, Maloa.
Help Wanted!
Wanted at once a renponxlble party of
good Add rets to represent
BY HON. THOrt. K. HILL, Author of
Hill's Mam ki, f Social and Hut.
iiifCK Form,
In Your City ami Your Co.,
An excellent opportunity to upcnr a
gok position mid MAKE MONKY.
Suit's run In- imule on t he In
stslhneiit l'liui when (ltir
ed. Adrfus for terms
and particulars.
103 State St.. Chicago, III.
July 12, "8M. ft.
ters of Admlnlntrntlnti on the c
tnteol llt-nry M. Smith, late nf MiiMlcliurili,
Sn.nliir cininljf. Ph., iIpo'iI, Imvlng hrm HrHiitril
Ui lh niiilomifiKxl, nil irrn knowing (ham.
lor Inilclilril to HUM tl lire reiili ti il to
limkt Iniiiirillnli- iiiiviiivtil. wlillr th.,.,. I,.ln
tlalin (till irHui tlioin duly iithtmli'mril In
July W, 'M, Ailinlnlntnitrli.
lr lo miikr II kimwii 1 1 tha ipoip nr M..
rililiiirxh mi. I vicinity llmt In- Inn-r-inMl an. I
lminivrl hlf Har anl irmllal IiIiik'-II wild
a Nn. 1 Irr nr 'r r Tri-wri ar. Hi1 Inn al-o
i.nm. Ii'.l l.iiitai-lf with nn- l lliv lairft linirttvrtl
KiiiIuiI.iiIiik, luyinn- iu i. f..i.inu tin)
arluitv rlKlit lor Un un. In tliln ill -Hint. All
llil liaa l.pii iliini-41 a rxeiiM, an.l Mr.
Kutflniitiin rfitftfiil v anka ymir iMtrniirwi" .
ha haa iivrli-ctw.l arr iiitfeiiii'ina .t t.ikr iliii-iiri
I' liainl an.l iorli.rm nil ll.a liiitt-tionKnl a Inner,
al illrtfinr lhu arnltllDK the aiiiliarriiiitiicnl
and Itir-onvcnirm-e alwriy e.'niiii.aimiiK lunar
nl. Sch)vl4Cc7rvm&tC
Our .iitrii! anti-r our fLm nl hew l.ull.lliw
whlrli alii I.,- tin lall. Our iri.nurity
arln It. .in tin- ti..r.iuxh .r;n t'fiil t rn I iiii.k In
lfcak-krcilnK. Stiiirtlianil, T) m-wrllina, anil all
nthar lirai.i'lirn nl Humm-nn Kiluriitioii, al Hip
Hrhntil ol t'ointnrrre (Allt n Hnliit i.i Cnlli'icc)
Kliiera, N. V., N. A. Mil. I. Kit, Pre..
In tin' HKittrr nf tin' Eiih' of Ah-
tirr Jiififhutrtirti, Intr
To Hubert Ml.l.lltuwinth your pttlll.infr Kl
in Ira now ma.rlnl to Win 11. Kwinic. .I.lin N
Mloillriwarlli ami Siinih V.. Mli!.l. -w,irtli. nil
nl wlmui rr-l.lf In Simler I't.iintv.l'a llnnry
Mlililli.iwurth who rvH.r at Ah VhIIov. I'nwna
nunly, Kniimm. Sur.tli alio la tlio nlilnwnl
Mlclinal Smith ami rt.plilrMt M. J.,
(Nullity. Mii'litioin. ami Aliriiluim Mlilillrrwnrlll
wnn milieu at Oumer, Ci...rnilii.
Yon ara hrrrbv ni.tltlt-tl tlmt l.v virion al
writ of Innutrition iMiiml nut nf'tlm llrrhnnn'
t'nurt ol NiijuVr diunty, nlul to tne tllrorleil that
an iniiici win nit it.-l.l on Hit. preiulrra Hi
spnnir townihlp. Nnynpr count r, 'a,, on Moa
da Auituat '47, all, at 10 o'clock A . M.tu make
piirtlllon or valuation of the Ural ltat ol raid
droeawd. When anil where you may attend If
juh mine proper,
... HKfliKN MiKUNENhrrlfl.
x tern of AdininlftrHtioii on the -
tata or Moral MlddlMwarth, lute of Heaver
townrhlp, Nnydrr county, I'a., iloc'tl. having
lit.n irranlrd tu the umlcrrlaupil, all prriunia
kuowltiK t hffiifel re. Indebted t i r-ulil entata are
requited In liiHke liuinrdiaiu l.nunrnl, while
thove bavlnK rlalma will pri'M'tit Hu m duly au
thentlcaled to the uadcriKncvl.
.tuly !, . Administrator.
List of Grand Jursrs-
l.lHt of OrHinl Juror dmwnfor Mm Court nf
tiyer mid I fiiiiiiii-r uml (iriit-nil .IhII (Ifllvi-ry
uinl Hurl ol tii.ii li r M vIiuii of llm IViu i- n
fiiym-r riiimty iii'in us N iiii'ini r smiiii lss.
iiiliillirllt'lliL' Si'itfiilH'r t, A. I.
Auuiiia irvin riMiernii, .ii.iuci w. MliMlvH.
wiutli. J. I.
Iloavcr Imiuc Wlntor.
Ili'uver W. .N. It. Mltldlrnwiittli, Knilikllli I.
t'.iuiiiimu llonn- KhrlKliI, Siiiuni l W. Ilorold.
I'.-uU-r Allfli lliiyor, KriilH-ii II. KohhIit.
rniiiKini- ittiiKTi mui'ii.
.1.11' 4'liurli'S SwurtluniliT.
MldtlliH'rei'k-Wlllluiii Auruiid.
MtmniH Itwrenov Ajip, W. W. Jurrf't.
ivrry lli-nrv llovor.
1'nrry W. I-wIh Wimmcr.
SprtiiK WIIIIuiii Adiiiu Mnltli, J. 1.
A mat (irinw.
Si'lliiaifriivt fhurlin Mlllnr, Ni-wtmi nrlrli.
I llinn -Al.lo lli'iulrli kH, .Inliii H. Huhl.
WuhIiIiikioii Ahum Jurrrlt.
List of Fotit Jurors-
AdumK-Juhn F. Zivliliinn. .1. R Fi t'i-n ilr.
Braver Philip Ili-rlwliT. Miimli It. Hia'lit, (loo.
II. Hinllh. lU-ii)iiiiilii Hlilun.
llt'uvfr W. Aunw Snuok, Imiiiu .MIildli'Nrt iirtli.
Vlmiuiiiin .Tiiiiiitliun Htronli, IliifiiH Itiimwy.
Wlllluiflun A. Arnnld. (liHiriru A. HIiafTor.
Ct'Dtn' Juini'H Hiu kiMilHTif. tli'iiivo liiiif.
Krnnklln AiiHtln (.in. cIiiiiIcn iiiHi'iidcr.
JuckHiiii- Siiinin l . Li-linn. WIIIIuiii a. Hhollcy,
tlllllU .vlliytT, IIIIMII tlllll.
Vonni.. .Iin inlali lluiiiini l. Ilu Id Troup. Jiu-nb
iMini r, inoiii.ui iMi'in r, Alum L.tllrj .MurtlU
MldtllM-mrk 11. P. Kreamer, A. N. How, II. H.
Mlddlchurgh Irvln Ilowcrwix. AmimttiH Hlium
liacli. IVnn-ll. rt. Smltli. WIIIIuiii 1). Jiiin tf. Ili-iiryC.
IVrry .lohn II. Klahpr,
1'i rrv W. Ilfiirv II. Hnvdcr. Mli'linid (inhln.
HprliiK llonry Jltiuivr, Kdwurd MKi lu-l, Jolin
(i. Kni-pp.
St'llnsKlom II. 1). Hlllilirc. K. K. llilrk.
I'lllllll JllIIlfH . HnllHIT. Illllirll'l WlMtf.
unliliiKit.ii I'lillip II. Mnor. AiiifimtiiH Arbo-
IfKHl, IHH4U! UOtKlllllg, JOllU ilruUTlt k.
v-onuuni io lull and compli-I. llxa of both
lh. rr.41 llnrfarrf licir.r. tll.' !.k ...........
nnt- Amoog lh. auiliort will I luun.l Hie n.iao u( Scnv
. .,, try, in.u,,, l-iiuioi...!:!!
J?".. ' ulh,nl)C lama, tH Jivvt, tHJ.TtiJ tt
tmi. Ktf. Cm. Don l l.ln.ui.l lo eel iny other.
Uu.nolnnJ.rUK. kwt .iy ll (n-llit cluiM. Stn.l SO
it la u. itimpt for ouiiu n. b. the flr.t In the field, or
Vlte fnw full n.nlr. .Ibm ..H 1.1 -r . . . ...
LVIUTEa X r.A L.. .I . ....
" mw . ww.,. o hi "laiimu , mini,
Oeolrel Ory ioods Store
1 . 1 1 i i
We know it is only an advertse
ment, but it is worth reading.
For it tells about bargains that will
brins: pleasure and nroflt. Dnfc it.
it Down ! and come without delay-
to see wnat we are doing to please
customers. Examine our Summer
Dress Goods and Seasonable Nov
elties, and notice what lovely
shades we have in all new mate
rials, what charming designs and
exquisite creations in all goods for
ladies wear and observe the Re
markably Low Prices at which
they are all marked. Don't ask us
how we do it. Be satisfied that the
quality is unexcelled and leave the
rest to us.
II Will Fill
It is tin1 placr win re Uiov nil p1o,
W.H. Felix, Lewislown, Pa.
For a lint! lint1 ol' clicap and
1 Stylish Furniture I
Not only once but every day in the year do wn
oiler hHralliH tluttCHii't hi eiinili-( Hnrwiiri.
If you want lo bo convinced come and look.
We Practice-Others Preach
about ll; ImrtrninM and lend von to
bell-ve their fitlne imHscrt Ihiih. and
even bait yon with a fw trinktn at
font, but the end i al wityw the muiic,
And You come back, not richer, but wiser,
When You Insure Why Not Get the Best
General Insurance Ai?ent, fcelinsgrove, Pa.,
lojiroHOiitH tlio following Orout Hlot'lv.CoiiipMnios:
1B1B 7ETNil, cf Hartford, Gonn,(
1B53 HtlME, dINbw York
1B17 FIRE ASSDCliiTIDN, rhil'a,
Thane Ootniiann i rank atnoDic the HKST, ara
Capital ai.d ri'our. B Kiiariinlre uiniueu'loned ralely and recurlty.
fly their prom, t aotinn. fair, houeKt and natlnliirtory tlealltiK Iu all their l.ia n (tlulnoiita,
they have wou for lvei OKKAT KEPUTATIUNn.
No Asscssnicms.
If not, write to the above Agency nod
You would be surprised,
were you to visit Garment's Shoe St ore, see his .stock and
learn his prices- lie has everything in the line of loot-
wear ana muxes a specially.
nF Tnilioa' n ml flan t. 'v
v 4... ui.i, i.
Fine Shoes
In which he carries a MAG
ing brands thai cannot bo
duplicated in the countt.
His goods arc nearly all hand mado
too numerous to mention. He lias
A Monopoly in Fine Slippers,
ranging infsize from a No. 2 child' to
10 in mens including an the most nrTrnircd -n desired styles, '" t
ialty of plow fhons, and shocmnkor's halNso': md she? ''"ssinq
Arnold's Rrct , MiddleburgV P.
Til T
2, B J 7, 121
OI.Il in experience, and with their Itnina e
No Premium Notes.
you will receive Prompt attci.tion.
as a many others have Icon,
. . , nn. mi a rV f
11 I . UN of " ""1, U "M
and of the very best material, in styles
a 7 wotnons' and a n boys' to v
W. I. CARMAN. Prn.