U if MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., JULY 20, 1883. no. 3i. j- ' v ' ' ' . i n lit! Iiln: Itllh: I.I' im.i , Hi H il It !. Jft'l I., P. ii' A"' R ,olti'' i IDIH" illluf ib 8. tot 17 TerN"" COUNTRY. pay'our taxes now and save five per 't. It isaid that block pepper is death to cfdmge worms. Try it. TK-' eclipse on Sunday night wan n pent of general attraction. Rack -berries are no plenty here tint picker uro glad to get rid of Hem lit 3 ceuts per quart. Some persons' hounds have boon tilling Fred Smith' turkeyH. We pTrtoot to soo their hides hans on the J tan-yurd fence soon. Ryan Daubrrman was last week brought here by a U. S. Marhal and is now "doing time" in the Sny der county prison. As usual the infernal Sugar Tnint has nut up the price of sugar as the canning and preserving season come tin. Courtship is graced with the glitter Jof diamonds; but marriage has to 1 scrabble around very lively to get a 'supply of the plain black carbon. Lost. Near Middieburgh, on July Nth, a black and white braid shawl. The finder will oblige by leaving the same with M. Z. Steninger, f Middleburgh. Jacob Haflley will sell all his real 'and personal property at public sale Sou the premises 3 miles west of Mid jdlehurgb, .".ear Gift's School House, jon Saturday August 11. I Dr. Barber has purchased the prop erty of Adam Showers on Main street for ijfllOO. Mr. Showers will give possession April 1 188t, when he J will move on his farm north of ?nr:.i.n..l l. l i t.:.. i 1 i itimuitruuiKii uuu irv uis iiiiuu Ul 'tilling the soil. "W. II. Bower and family of Bed ford, nud Edward Bower of Renova, sons of Thomas Bower of Franklin, sore here on a visit. They are both Pennsylvania Railroad employees land stand high in the estimation of It ho company. Mrs. John Farubwurth of Millers urg congratulates us on tho im lirovement of the Post in a missive r lated Summit, July 21. In it she tates that she, in company with her L husband, were on their wav to Per usio Camp, and had driven 54 miles hat day. Novice. All the comrades of Capt. p. W. Ryan Post, No. 304, O. A. H., re earnestly requested to attend Die meeting of the Post on Friday, uly 27th, as business of importance u every soldier will be traxisnuted. By order of Davii Reichly, P. C. A grand Musical Union and Hor kst Home will be held in a grove Jcar Beavertown on Saturday, Aug- rl, 11, in which all the Church Jlioirs in the county are expected participate. The object is to leate a deeper interest in the art of peul music. All are invited. Our readers will pardon us for the bany mistakes they found in last leek's paper. Our help was away b the regatta and the head of the liper was at times editor, priuter, id devil leaving us hardly time to u anything right and the result as "lousy" proofs. Many foolish people make them lves offensive in politics to their st friend, and pleasant social relo- kms are often strained or broken by useless party intolerance. All such iberality in politics only displays lo zeal of tho bigot aud never com- onda respect from intelligent eiti- Ins. All have equal rights to their fuvictions, and all should respect e oppimons of others as they re- lact their own. A grand eutertainnieut and pic-uie Bl bo iriven bv the "Bund of lli ln. f in Markley's Grove, Adamsburg, Saturday. August 4th. Music bv I Cornet Baud and Glee Club, and per enjoyments durinir the dav. jfrehhmeuts will bo provided for accommodation of tho public, invited. td. Wlii'n nit tht- world Ik ynuniM'i't. and (wry-thing Is RWII, And t-wry gixiso a s mi 1ml, nnd every lnm K Tlinn Niot. 1h1. nnd liorwp ld. nnd round ttm (hp w ri uway : And go It wlille yom V young did encli day mint uuve lt.i di y. John Howell, of McClnre, Snyder county, spent a few days in town with his cousin, J. Irwin Howell. He was looking up some timber- laud with the inluiiionof placing a steam saw mill 1 hereon. Millfwim Journal. This town uf present is in a state of anarchy the head of our govern ment, High-Chief-Burgess, the Right- Honorable J'lhu Milton Steininger foreman of the Post, is out on a col lecting tour. Farmers, cai rol your fair daughters and lock your hen- coops. Tariff or no tariff is the question. Everybody has a pet theory and a pocket idea. The more you study it (he less you will know of it ; so sit down quietly, keep your mouth shut and look wise. Rend all you can on tho subject and vote as you please only so you vote for Harrison. Parents who believe that children are incapable of doing a wrong act, and will not believe it when told of it, very often have their eyes opened by bitter experience when it is too late to rectify an evil, which, if taken in time, might have been nipped in its incipiency. A nionuiiiilit was unveiled in Cali fornia the other day to he memory of the man Marshal who discovered the gold in Captain Suitor's mill race it is ail rignt to do honor to men who were the central figure in such accidents in discoveries, but Mar shal died of starvation a poor, neg lected, miserablo creature. Persons who do huckstering should infonu themselves of statue laws. It is unlawful to tie the legs of chickens, yet we see that done al most every day by country people offering poultry for sale on our streets. And another thing, many employ wet measure in selling lu rries, peas, beans, &.v which is also pro hibited. Dry measure must always be used. To Whom It May Concern. Notice is hereby given that all persons do ing an unlawful business, such as pedling, hawking, &c, in the county after August 10th, 1MK8, will be pro secuted to the full extent of the law. By Order of Merchants' Protec tive Association of Snyder county. N. T. Dumioue Pres. G. C Gutkmus Sec. July l'J, Ihhh, 3 w. Miss Jennie Bibighaus of this place has secured the agency for a new poetical work entitled "Crown Jewels" which is a valuable book. It is tho most complete compilation of poetry we have ever seen, and she has been very successful in her can vassing. She is also agent for the lives of our Presidents, prepared by the ablest biographers in the couu try. People who want to acquaint themselves with the life and services of our chief executive for the next four years, whether Democratic or Republican should purchase one of her books. Miss Adele Carlton's Dramatic Company is exhibiting in Seebold's Hall this week. On Mouday night they produced the thrilling melodra ma entitled ''Only a Former's Daugh ter" to o crowded house. It was ren dered with thrilling effect and the audance was delighted with tho en tertainment. On Tuesday night they unfortunately put the same piece on the boards und the result was a small house. Wednesday night they ploy ed to o fair house and rendered "Kathleen Mavouriieeu," which was a tine test of tho company's dramatic ability, and we are flunk to admit that it is the best troupe that has ex hibited here for years. They will appear in Seebold's Hall every night this week with an entire change, of program nightly, and each entertain ment to end up with a roaring farce. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Mb. Harter. Kindly tender my sincere thanks to the Middleburgh I Band for their. conceit at my place on their return I'roni lh Sunbury Regatta. The citizens were highly ' pleased, and many thanked um er sounlly for the rich musical treat. All expressed their appreciation of the efficiency and advanccni'Mit of the musical association of which the county is so justly proud. Wm. Hultzwokth. Proprietor National Hotel, Selius- grove. Brother Joe of the Tribune asks us in mercy not to look down on him In-cause we ore bigger'n he. We have pulled an old hand-press for fifteen years, and have learned in that time not to dispise a thing for size alone, that there are some bright intellects found behind small papers and some mighty small intellects be hind large papers ; that there are some great men found in small towns and some mighty small men in large towns and that "great" men are most admired by those who know them the least. We wish you had a Hoe )ei feeling press aud asubscrii tion list of a hundred thousand. The Best Test Ok Success Is St c cess. Tested ami proved by over twenty-five years' use in all parts of the world, Ai.i.ctK n's Pouot's 1'las TEiis have the indorsement of the highest medical and chemical auth orities, and millions of grateful pa tients who have been cured of dis tressing ailments voluntarily testify to their merits. Ai.lcock's Porous Plasters are puivly vegetable. They are mild but ffecliYe, sure and quick in their action, and absolutely harmless. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Au.cock's, and let 2h-explanation or solicitation induce you to accept a substitute. "It Makes Mk Tiheu" to read all these advertisements of medicines upon medicines when they enume rate with such particularity and minuteness of detail, all diseases mankind, womankind, and even "bubykiud," are hi ir to. How cheap one feels to commence what she sup poses to be u tragic, or tender low story, l ead until her sympathies are so thoroughly aroused that she can scarcely sleep without knowing whether they were married or not, and then have it end something like this: "Dr. Piere's Favorite Prescrip tion is the only positive cure for all classes of "female weakness," such as prolapsus, inflammation, periodi cal pains, etc. For sale by all drug gist." Dr.Pierco's Pullets are Laxative or Cathiutic uccordiug to size of dose. Children catch cross tones quicker than parrots, and they often become permanent habits in them. When mother sets the example, you will scarcely hear a pleasant word among the children in their plays with each other. Yet the discipline of such a family is always weak and irregular. The children expect just so much scolding before they do anything they are bid, w hile in many a home where the low, firm tone of mother, or the decided look of her nteady eye, is law, they always think of obedience either in or out of sight. O mother I it is worth o great deal to cultivate that excellent thing in woman u low, sw eet voice. If you are ever so much tried by the mis chievous or w illful pranks of tho lit -tlo one, speak low. It w ill be a great help to you to even try to be patient and cheerful, if you cannot succeed. Anger makes you wretched, nnd your children also. Impatient, an gry tones never did the heart good. but plenty of evil. You cannot have the excuse for them that they lighten your burdens at all j they make it only ten pounds heaver. For your own, ns w ell as your children's sake, loaru to speak low. They will re member that tone w hen your head is under the turf. So, too, will they remember a harsh and angry tone. Which legacy will you leave to your children. PaxtoNviu.e. It appears that Pax tonvillo never had auy reporter. It isctntainly not for the w ant of news. Our town has some live people. In April the ladies formed what they call the Mito Society of Paxtonville, the motive of the society is to raise money to re-puint the inside of our church. They oiguuizcd by electing the following ollicers : President, Miss Kate Bowersox; Vice Pres., Miss Tilhe Mitehel; Sec, Dollie At tic; Treas., Miss Mollie Horner. The admittance fee was ten cents. monthly dues ten cents. They me doing tin. The Lawn Festival ou Saturday evening, last, was will patronized. The luwu was well lighted w ith lan terns aud the moon furuUhed good light for the rangers aud ring-tag gers. The best of ei der pi evaded. The ice-cream, fancy cake, lemon ade, candy and peanut stands were well patronized and the society re alized a clean profit of $25. Success to the young ladies. The best is, the young ladies are all for Harri son. Du. Haushiiokx. Ckntukvii.le. We are still here and doing about as w ell as can be expected these times. Wheat was good here and potatoes full of bugs. The Post reached us enlarged and sparkling in a new dress, aud is highly appreciated by its many pat rons at this office. We congratulate you, brother Tom, and may success always attend you. J. II. Hart man, P. Hartmun, J. E. Shinkel Esq., S. F. Sheary, Dr. Kenuwtll, J. E. Spongier, Jos. Kuhns, A J. Bowersox, J. M. Biug man, Phares Bowersox attended U. S. court at Erie. They.made the trip via. Buffalo and Niagra Falls. It is best to keep cool especially on luetics.. ,'i ,.v t , The Festival held by the Union Sunday School, Saturday evening was reasonably well attended. Though intoxicating beverages were not down on the bill of fare, it ap pears that a few of tho out of towu bo-boys carried the "nectar" in their pockets and what they could not drink themselves they gave to others aud in consequence they became rather fresh and loud and tried to make Rome how 1. Merchant J. 11. Hartmau is rusti cating in Michigan this week. Recent visitors in t.wn: Mrs. Dr. Mohu, Laurelton, .Mrs. J. M. Miller Wintield, Adam Ihibb and wife. Dry Valley X Roads. Prof. D. S. Boyer, Ed. B. Bassler, Frei burg. Capt. J. I). Kise. Phila. G. A. Steiue, James Boganriei', ThompHoittowu, H. P. Stuck and wife, Mitllinburg, Miss Ella Snook, Middlclungh. Lowell. The late rains have put the farmers back with storing away their grain, but it has done a vast amount of good to the corn and po tatoes. Miss Lucy (loss from Lewistown is here paying a visit to her parents and friends. Wm. Krick lost a fine hog on ac count of a worthless dog w orrying it until it died. Isaac Treaster tthe painter) is making tho vehicles of this place shine by giving them o new coat of point. Sorry red bandanna of McClure was too young to be a vet. in the late war hope he is of age at present. C. W. Fisher says he has the best and largest crop this season of auy since he has been in Snyder Co. Tho must talk now is about huckle berries and bass wondering where they can be found the most. Pete Libinger's big mule died the other day. Audy they cou not blame you with that death, you had your share of blame last winter. If the merchants around lure need anything in the shapo of o piece of beef, they kill one themselves, They do not patronize their fellow trades men. What do you call that, tariff or free trade t W. H. Kuepp is still doing his shore at black-smithing these warm days. Billy you must drink plenty of lemonade with a small dy for a Hooter. U No. Troxei.vii.i.e. The Troxelville Band Festival was a grand success. The crowd was fully seven hundred strong, and the "Boys" realized a snug little fortune, which produced a sweet smile on each member's countenance. Foster Smith was unfortunate enough on Saturday morning to fall from the hay mow aud dislocate his left shoulder. Dr. Shumau was sent for who rocked Foster to sleep with chloroform nnd adjusted the dislocation Foster Was at the Fes tival in the evening and seemed all right. Mrs. Cupt. C. H. Hassenplug of Mitllinburg is paying a visit to her acquaintcni'cs in this place. Our Band will furnish tho music for the picnic at Adamsburg. Beav- ertow n, also gave the "Roys" a call which they answered, but the terms ain't quiet finished yet. The Lowell scribe wants to know who can bent tU", shocks of w heat to the 4-re. That's pretty good, but J. J. Shruder had tV4 shocks with twelve sheaves to the shock on 1 of an acre. Now come along ye lords of the plow. John A. Fettcrolf, whose veracity I never doubted, says that, judging from tho depths of bear-trails in the Seven Mountains the woods is full of them. He also predicts an abund ance of deer. Some of our farmers have already commenced to plow. Abo Weider has purchased the old orchard at Jack's mountain of Troxell Bros. A certain young farmer along the west road recently tried to payoff his female hired help in Chinee's wages. Better make a bargain next time. , The corn rrop looks well and the oats if, beginning to turU color Some of the young men from the west end who attended the festival had better go home aud stay there until they are invited back. They didn't have much fun hanging to the a pail fence feeding rats. Prof. Jim and Trapper Jim have contracted to furuish the logs for Muckel. Pitch in, boys, there's millions in it. Calikoiima Jot. Jackson Tovvnsiiii', July 17, Imsm. The enlargement of the Posr is des criptive to the leslllts of the Chicago Convention. It surprised many but meets the strong approbation of its patrons. The S. S. lesson, sermons, etc., are worth the subscription to any house-hold. I do not hesitate to say that the Posr is now the best and cheapest paper in the county, am confident that the improvement is not all benefit to the reader but also to tho editor. Our farmers are nearly done with haying and harvestiug. Hay crop is light ; the grain is a httlo more than ordinary good ; corn crop is encour oging ; potatoes need rain ; wats is very short. Jerry Spongier says his oats is just as long as other years but the straw was so short. Last week Kiios Maurer fell from a cherry tree about twenty five-feet. He was fortunately not much hurt but w as not able to do much w ork for some time. Newton Wetzel agent, to sell the Keystone it Diamond fertilizers has already secured quite a number of orders and expects to sell several carloads of that stuff. Newt, is an enterprising chap, and whatever he takes hold of must either come, go, or break. Ho was the only tax collec tor of our county that squared off at the county settlement of bvs'. Samuel Leitner comtemplates building a new dw t iling house on his farm to occupy next spring. Samuel E. Gross, formerly of our tw p. has opened o general store in New Berlin. Dr. Daws and Norton Glover from Selinsgrove in search for a good cow last week secured one from David Wetzel Newton Wetzel and Charles Svvartzhuidcr were the happy reeii ieuts of a little girl and boy respectively. Kimi Words. Below we print a few of the many kind things said for the Post and its editor by our co temporaries in their last week's is sues. Men only attain true great ness by helping others, and this spirit is so prevalent among our brethern in these comments that we take the liberty to call especial ntten tion to it : Oh ! Brother Hai ti r. of the Mid dleburgh Post, but we w ere slirpris. ed to see your paper lat w eek. No more apple-butter sheets, but as nice and neat as a sixteen year old maid en. Success. Jttnititit Tribune. Good for Tom Harter. the active, wide awake and enterprising editor and publisher of the Middleburgh Post, which paper he has just en larged from a seven column folio to a six column quarto, printed on new type and tipped off with a neat head ing. May success always attend him. MjtUiifm nj 'J . yniit. The Middleburgh Post came to us last week enlarged to eight pages and weaiing a hamNomt- m w dress. We rejoice at this evidence of pros perity on the part of Brother Harter, and trust that the people of Snyder county may uppmiate more than ever the benefits derived by the pub lication of such a journal in their midst. I'urt A'.-.y. Timm. The Middleburgh Post, by Thomas H. Harter, has also been improved, having been changed from a folio to a quarto and is printed with new type and press. Like his given name indicates, Harter is full of fight, ami belongs to the class that would sooner have "benzine" down to twenty-five cents a quart than bust up monopolies by a moderate tariff reduction. Lnriatmr-n Jcmu erat and JicHtirml. Last week the Mid-l'ebu'gh Posr doffed its old rags, wa-d l it smut ty face and donned u ri ;.l:i! 'Sun day suit." When it nppe-ied on our table it fairly took breath away for a moment or two. I'.wt wi have again recovered our equi;li viv sufficiently to congratulate ti:.'. ! Harter on t In manifest iiupt oveiiu he had made and to w ih him in crca.M.I prosperity as hi reward. He must have struck a bomma to have justified such an outlay, hut we ain't a bit jealous. Tom is too good a chap for anybody to cherish unkind feelings toward-. .uni.if.i .,.. We elevate our hat und et. n d to the Mid. Hi Inn 1', r ii mo-' cor dial Wilcolue. Last Week It came to us as a hew paper. P., in- l,.ii,g. d from a sev en-column folio to a six column quarto, with a bran new dress, new Campbell powr pitss and a new head, it just "looks too lovely for an.v thn.g." It is an iui provement that the leaders w ill cLer ish, und bring it to the first rank in country journalism. We congratu late Bro. Harter on his linpi os, meiit, and being located in a midst where his labors ure appreciated, and we congratulate the people on having such a good-heal ted. W hole-soul fel- lovv who will tell them which is right and which is wrong and enlighten thelu on the everyday topics. Again, we say welcome to the Posr, and we hope tlmt it and Bro. Harter will continue to grow until both will need a new dress . wit,rn l'rtt. There will be a festival and cake walk at White Springs, Vniou County, on Saturday August t. The Ceiitreville Band will furnish the music. Refreshments of all kinds will be served on the grounds. 'Squire A. K. Gift and T. H. H.ir ter have i ntered into a copartner ship for the establishment of a Real Estate and Exchange Agency in Middleburgh. The firm will be known as Gift A Hitter, who will contract for the sale or exchan property, advertise, survey. of and Per convey tittles on a percental sous having property vvhicl tl lev desire to place on the market will receive prompt attention by ad dressing us as above, stated. ruu... .M bJ . wit th , ..thiy am on to do bint n K U u- T. It L