a Vjcription $1.50 per year. RAIbS Vf AUVbKTISINU: Column. (In Ycr , 'fl."0 h,ll tottimn line yer ,nrih i'l'lumn, Ono Year tt.no IotnllBI a nrup, nr 7vnr tf.uv ;ilrii. KKC'ntor, Aillnltilatmlur, n.l j-tmn-e Nollci-e W.M .n - lrinl rrniiriiipnit rc inaile. nil Li fill". Ina rt.'t lor .-aa thnn 4 tnontha. ,ru' f v 1'" mi'ii tor nrai inanition, f i.iw D nruml lnacull,nnd 7 cenli lor ench .jat-iit liiaartlnii. Brief Fum Hausa Earick. !al Ham-ei.. Ifh liiiscil ttit-li nn ill, net ttott it'll ;lob tlon do iu c lava im Kret'k worst nn liiiinn i piritta ouh gntorv un tin Imva uimpiucliii we tnii ftt'litu. Irh dicli, un ifh plolictlot, tto Rawest -t we an oMtr harnh liounn Lrt pipiun nhush pnnprnnpii. Ich ' dicli not an kernel wile tlo an cr kail list, far ilu list wcnicli 'An far an inon una ilorli tHii . i i : .1. I . M nil un jrrui. ver lrn iiiihm liermT wile Imll oily rutn nose is wo hi nirini luiHsa tun K"ippa Il.-ii it'h aniol in politix. Won nl roiiH kuiupi far ofl'u-e un Ht'tn ir tlo liova a ior mole un jjpt lint ker. un linlTii foil m'luiiere- don kuinpt tie tw'idinn roin c axt woeh un Hturlit : "Per eup- for iler major, general lied oil i lunount fun hafe on ar dere 1 nit wor in unweiii office. Are ireiitleiuoii f vi in nrrita waxHcr," m fai t. Perno hiii ho an lot r dr uiiinarH ware ho und noeh ii liiiHHen nie t ne kernel. I ph loft ho foil oIliociM oh loilii limit, f lielft lien in mini lava ken KllSltlOI'llt. i ieli imeH. llust do in dime laa fVl prof-HHerH pirnum don den la.Ijl.iit f Hie kuniiiuv ulT do we futla-steel in era nliof lien. Ollim fit 0 t kiriiel is, is profcHKcr. i'or 8Cf fun wan ? Per Hai r wuse fun jpts Oil, un dale wiHsa lit t r-iriunk ir rodda-dreek ouh wead a l:iu. h ainole. Won mere nalewe tor don iui lond rum lofa lose onneredn em oniioeli an meiieli Hi fl. iJol oily onera wuyo ufam k lmt mi dm tor un an lx lni-.li-r-icfar ollim eura fun eoiiHUinption t juel o: JP'oi wacy zeclia. Uale ltui liciiu kenda net der differenee soja Hivels-dreek un Hpiiy-trrund won net reeliu data. Over eHHouml r uneeb da weipsleit far due- Mi hasa, doeli kon mere Hie net i. die weipidite dona fil l iu deHera It'll nay tie llcpublienn tnt id dilafa der Urn. Harrison era ire ruin nueir ma uoh we am 4Ben, eram mon, Heiiiw. No nin bemayrada, ho lien nieli liadyes peht mit der Ir. Cleveland eram li e druf. It'll ferdeiiks ena net, do notlirielita worh wora dorieh ner rresidential eainpain don eH auisielit renpeftable in die holding. Kh nioeht mere nix h neiiit kens f uu minera liout. ooked dew dere net fiel wie i-k it KiiHpit-1 ( Ols widdt r. BooNASTlEL. f ir tlic Post. Duties of Voters- k 1 1 1 nt. eaeli of the preat politi- litifsliaK eliOM'ii its htandiird is, the presidential eampaitfii p muy he taid to have tipeiu d. lines are distinctly drawn, lat forms, embodying the prin tf the diilerent parties have I'l'oiuulated. political era is worthy of pro- Htinly. The issues eoncern iiierican citizen either direct- Indirectly, and not only Ameri- tizens, hut foreign count l ies 'iitchiny the iiolitical tide in United States with intense in- even they will bo effected Is election. v it becomes the Holeinn duty fry voter to ntudy the princi- I'f tho parties carefully. No fun vote intelligently who has eviously etuisidered the result. man kIiouM vote as though idkt decided tho contest, he I weigh tho creeds of parties f balance and if any are found lug ho should discard them. ry American citizen is u sover posscssing unlimited powers ; bidlot he casts is a decree giv- lt to his fellow citizens whom it 1 beiietit. Ho who casts his I Hellishly or for personal gain, Ui'hh of tho welfare of others detriment to good govtrn- , betrays his better judgment I not worthy of tho name of a. many voters are followers, are not tho independent 1'reo- uig und freo-tifting people they I be, they are entirely depend- f i pon party leaders who often powers not dalogated to them heir constituent. Tliiw Jjccomo an American. The rut ho HurreuderH tho sacred of ctthtiughis ballot, of hela- rule instead of being ruled, the ballot box becomes a curse in stead of a blessing. The moment he ceaspH to vote intelligently j "This government of the people, by the people, and for the people," will be gin to decline. A good Monarchical is better than a poor Demicratic govenment. There is at present a great deal of noiso. It is eiiHtoniary for the press and campaign orators to malign the characters of candidates of op posing parties in explaining the is sues of the day. 1'et theories of polititions are spun ho finely and delicately that those who are not informed upon these subjects' fall an easy prey to the logic of political leaders. It is all right to listen to all we can hear, but when wo have heard the evidence of all parties, we must eh urge that king of faculties, judgment, which must render the verdict. Seventy millions of hu man beings prosperity, hiippineHS, and Hiifty depend upon that verdict. Wc are a great nation, honored and respected by all other nations, its jower seems unlimited, its re sources inexhaustible, its institu tions cope with those tif any other nation. We boast of thi-se. Uoiik- Kit t'lithi'tiiii'd upon her sewn hills and ruled the world, Greece was proud of her Athens and niiil boasted of her Thermopylae, both declined and fell. Do you ask the reason 1 Corruption. Intelligence is tli" safeguard of our government. Our free institu tions are its Gibraltar." Kternal vigilance is the price of our indus trial liberty. May we guard well the govern ment established by our forefii' hers, and secured by our fathers, that we may preserve it to future genera tions who may inherit the glorious privileges granted to us all. A Votkh. Elcctcral Vote f:r 1SS3- The number of electoral votes from eiu h State is indicated by tin.' follow ing: Alabama, 10 Arkansas, 7 California, 8 Colorado, :J Connecticut, (i Peleware, !J Florida, 4 Georgia, 1J Illinois, 2J Indiana, 15 Iowa, 1.5 Kansas, 9 Kentucky, 13 Louisiana, 8 Maine, ( Maryland, 8 Massachusetts, 14 Michigan, l: Minnesota, 7 Mississippi, !) Missouri, 1! Nebraska, 5 New Hampshire, 4 New Jersey, ! New York, North Carolina, 11 Ohio, i:$ Oregon, U Pennsylvania, III) Ithode Island, 4 South Carolina, J Tennessee, 12 Texas, 31 Vermont, 4 Virginia, 12 West Virginia, (i Wisconsin. 11 Total, 401 It requires 201 votes, at least, to elect. A Delightful Vacation Trip- The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany's select excursion of July 2tli, to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea lslo City, or Oeean City is one of tho choicest events of tho Hummer sea son. Every ono who intends to lake a short holiday can select from this list of places a point that w ill afford all the pleasure to bo enjoyed by the Hea. Tho rate, too, is ho low that no one need hcHtitate, and tho limit of return trip in ho liberal that it well tills the average vacation period. A special train, running on tho Ht ht d ule given below, w ill carry tho party, and the round-trip tickets, good for ten days, will be i-old at tho rates quoted : Train Hale. Lr.ucn. Pittsburg lo (to 8:55 A. M. Altoona H 00 1:05 P. M. Tyrone 7 C5 1:80 " Huntingdon 7 10 2:0U ' McVeytowii (i 50 2:43 " Lewistown Junction. 0 00 8:00 Mitllin 5 05 ;J:20 " Port Royal 5 f.O 8:24 " Newport 5 00 3:51 Philadelphia, Ar 7;50 " Tho party will rest in Philadelphia tho night of tho 2(!th, and proceed to tho seashore by any regular train of tho succeeding day. The tickets will bo good to return by any regu lar within ten days, except New York and Chicago Limited. LoweLL. The farmers are well pleased with the wheat crop as they are about all through cutting und expppt it to run about 85 bushels to the acre. Who pan beat GO shocks to tho acre, w ould like to hear. Lowell can show a yield of that kind. We have a man hero that believes a self-binder can cut a Hquare mile of wheal in one day, let him calculate the number of acres. That will knock it out of his head if nny thing else does not. A. A. Romig is so well pleased with his eight dollar reaper that he helps his neighbors, just for the fun yf seeing it doits work. Let him know and he will bo on hand clear of nil expense. The Post in its new suit is ap preciated by all in this place and as far as heard from is equal to any, surpassed by none iu the State for our needs. Levi J. Romig on; old vet., says "Gettysburg has changed a good deal since July, Y3. The rations were different and lead not ho plenty. If you want to see what a battle field looks like you should be in the tight, or be there from three to live minutes after it is over not to wait twenty-live years." Dr. Shi ve took his 1'iii it nt Jos. I. Herbster out for a ri le the other day. Seeing a boy crawl in a snirar bar rel the other day, I asked him what he wished for now, when h: replied "Oh, for a thousand tongues." r. No. The annual loss to productive in- du -II it s in th" l'iiit' ,1 Stii'e-i caused by in -eet -; i- estimate ut S I ".o.nii'i.. um. Iie i . a fair I J I - In tc n man and another soil oftaith oc cupiers. They are smaller, but if they can w hip us, have undoubtedly as good a right to ;h" mull as we have. As ci ili.ai ion alvnii.'es. new insects make their appearance. IiiareliMig si leet inies ea-t ward, but generally westward. There are few. if any, forms of vegetation that hae no parasile th.at devour eitheir fol iage or fruit. The loss to the cotton crop i-. estimated at l.'i.oiri.iini) n year w hilt-that to the apple ei op is not much less, und that to tin- pota toes crop at hast one half rs i.oieli. Rut the estimate is not a fair one until into thelissis counted, the lime t-pent in lighting to secure the proportion that is saved. : Bum Ktipture etna guaranteed by Dr. J. U. Mayer, bill Arcli St., I'liiCu Pa. Kuse ut tmce, no operation or biils liess delay. TliousnutU cured' S. f' circular, tf. WAXTHil" Two teams to haul stave timber and two men to cut ft. Call on or utltli'os (iKouiiK Sl'AID, May P, s. ;!in. Iteavertown, l'a. I'r. Tbeel, the celebrated S iali.-t, has yet to receive ara.-i' of special dis ease, nervous uii'l Kidney disease, or blood poison that 1 1 1 i I not promptly arrest in its progressand permanently cure' We would adsise a!l Milt'eriug to consult the Doctor, personally or by letter, his knowledge and power of heuliug is most marvelous, onice 5:!s North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa 7-1 ss.)y. A woman's Dim ovkkv. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her ami for M'Ven years she w ithstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were iiiideriiiiuded and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. Shu bought of us a hot tin of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consum ption ami was ho much releivetl on taking first dose that she slept all night ahd with one bottle has been minieiil'iii-ly cured. Iler name Mrs. Luther butz." Thus write W. C. Ilaui rick and Co., of Shelby, N. ('. (ietu free trial bottle at . M.SIiinilelVDrug Sure. TlIK YKUDICT I'X AMMOI S. W. D. Suit, Druggist, lh'ppus, 1ml., testilied: "1 can recommend I'.lectrii! Hitters as tlin very best remedy. Kvery bottle sold has given relief in every case. One mail took six bottles, und was cured of lMiciiiiiatisiii of ten years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Hellville, Ohio, affirms:. "The best sell ing medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Klectriti bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is uuaiiiiiioiisthat Klei'tric bit tern do cure all diseases of the I.iver, Kidneys or Kloud. Only a half dollar a bottle at (J. M. Shimlel's Drug Store. Bucklin's Arnica Salve- The Debt Salreintho world for Cuts, bruises, Sores, I'lcvrs, Salt IMieiiiu, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ull Skin Krup lions, ami positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat isf action, or money refund ed. Price 25 ceuts per box at U. M. Shlnders Drug Store. Help Wanted! Rantral flnr Cnnrfc Stnro Wfinted nt onee a reoponslble party of good nddresn to reprenent A NEW WORK, HY HON. THOS. K. Hlbb, Author of Hlt.L'8 MAM Kb of Sorial nlid Uus fiipsii Forms, III Your City and Your Co., An excellent opportunity to peur a gook position ninl MAKK MONKY. Sales can be made on the Iu Mnllmetit Plan when desir ed. AdresH for terms and particulars. HILL STANDARD BOOK CO- FnMis!icr$i l(i:i State St..Chlengo, 111. .Inly 12, m Aw. ADMINISTKATHIX NOTICK. l.-t-tern of Administration on times (to lit llrnr.r S. Ntnlili. Uti. ,l ,M iil'ltt'liiirvli, Snulrr coiiniv, knvliiir .,.i n nr.oii.-il In Ihu tii.O-rKiuiifil, nil n-rcni ktmwltiK thm-n-'lvfn ii.fl.tf,l to jti, rutnli- tv ri-.iir,n -I to linik liliiMi'ilhitr iavim-n, w , le tle- Iiii.Iiik rlalim will .rroiit hi-iu iliily n lit tiei.t Iom inl In tilt ilililt'liiiiii'i. , AM KM A SMITH, July IU, M, AiliiilnOlrntrlt. UNDERTAKING. K. L. 13 U F F IXOTON l,.-Ml.. ,.. ... L 1,...... ... a..- . r Il. li.iruh nn. I vl.-liilii Hint In- h:i- r.- .1 an.) Iiiij.nn .-. hl ll.-nt-i- mi.l .p.v., liiiiia-ll nilh i. N.i.l l.-n i.r fur pi- 1'iv.rr .-r. Id- Il ia i,l o I f"1 uii'l IiIiiipi-H nllli nn ..l u,,- l.oi.i I in .t ..v e.l l.tiilinl.iiliiK. Iiiyiim- ut liil.l, .- ...i..H.iim tlip fi. lu-lm MkIii tor it- ii in ll,a ,.trli-t. All Oil linn Im-oii -lone 41 un- il i xi.i-n-i-, on, I .Mr. Uiiltliiuiun ri-.iM iliiiy iiaka y.mr ilrmiiui" .i lis lire. iisrl.-. .-.l iirniniriin-nia t . t ,kc ih ir.,- ! Iiiiml hihI n-rliriii nil iha li.n. l.i.o-ol it liin. r- ul illri'i-tor Hum nv.n.linif th I.irr:iuii-iit ninl Im .nn cnii-iii-i' iilw.iy h iie.'nin. aiiviiiu lunar- lla. BOARDING HOUSE. 'I In- iin li-r-lLcii-.l .,r ii,.,. i,. .,,m,... ,ri-.;ir.i Hull l-.r II, lll'l-i , i,. , . ol Hi. i niill,- m.miI.I r.--.i-.-il.illiv .iiiii.iiiii..,, ii, , ,i ,,. ,, .ll( , i,,, ,r, " i I r 1 1 1 ii I' I tin- ,i (. ,, a,. . ul x ,.,.,a ii .l.iy i.r li-in lit,- ri-ni. i,.,,, si.il.liui, uii.l I.-.-.I ,,r linra... til rol.-lic.l i'lii.i,. 'I'li.iMt nut IiiiMiiu trii-,1 lea tnl.l.. nr.. ri-'l-.-rl. tnllv lmi., ,,,nl i win i,. tf ,. Il-nlllallrtl. II id a ,,,r, ,,,., ; jj,,, I'.'Uil lli.usr, 3ll..lMirl, c. IVIiHIKt, HI-.AV i:u I'ri.iirit-t.ir. 77TPTTT V"W;",,'' Rrn " "-a iXX V.'Xlj X Oil" iiililii"i n. l: lli.. will iiimI Ii m i ie eiii,.,ynien' the will na til.,. h, iu from iliun" limii.-f ,,,) fiiiin Ho. Th.. er.i titt nra lima ura ,ir tvnrv imlunirl -n-i"rN.in, nmiiv Itav, .17 i.l.. un.t irn inKhifi ravaral liuii lrn.l il,.f" niniilli. It m tn-r I .r miy on., t i nmke ib t; " iii'vr.ii t ilnv, lm l willing I i mrk. Ki.'hor im. y,u y ,,r I'l-l : rilti i...' ii. i . i ; , .. Mt y..ii. Kvxri t l.lntc new . N. ,p ,1 l,i!y ri"l,ll", l: -n. r- n.t. r. urn ilu i,ii w.-ll aany,,i,u W rile in ua i "in--li"r I ui uriii'iimm. Men m ol Ir. o. A,l,lii).n SUn.un t! , I nrtUn I. ;ilu.a. CAU1I0N NOTICE T A I.I. WHOM IT MAY TOM KHN. NiiIIi-i. I In rol.y uivc-n l.v ti,,. iiii,l,.rlitii,.., liiul tin, lo'.i liiira..,, im.- ('.,, nut, iv, hnrai Wiunn, Driin Iliirrow. I'lmr. Il.ir-i- ( l,.r, t'.il lara. liri.ll.", Mn.-a H11.( u .r ,., ,l.-ini.,!a, In ih.. , ,a.,...i , , n'."ii ILioiImt- var, .1. N. llMriiln-rir.T, im.l tl. i llurnlii-rKiT "I t,,n l,l, Miy.lir i-..iiiily r,i.. la u, v iri.,arty ami la li.iiri tin-in l.v nit. All i,.-f mnia an' iaulluiii.. not to hueri. ri- with ,,, ,ro,crly, nor I'urli-r or irailii with nny ol tli. ui on thi- air.-nittli oi an l, .r-i..-nv. n-Oi.i aamn wim IhhikIii ,iii,I ,.ii. .,r nii mv own nii.ni-y .l.ti. ll"i.NHl KUI.H. .Iiim-14 M. Wiat l i-iry ..wu.-liii. B00O nook Afront-i v. .'i ntetl to sell - tui Lin inii i uiii ie lii'.iivicKM or (: if 'f ft hrover Cleveland t .11 H r'.-. f , , ., , ,nn,.n In Hb I...,i, " III, ... .l ...,,.,..,,,. Ii.rj.l,,,, ai., aiLr.!.,!. Ii.l.a-lv IIL.ir la, i, ..., ,.,, ... .!,,,,,;,. LIKE OK MltH fl.r.VITl e.'lltrt., hh m.1.i. ""'' AM.f.N O. '1 IUI I.MAN. 1 M, I. lb. vnlm auf-o. y. I 'i t. .,.i i. 1. 1 ,,n,, i i,. !- Ul, I. ,. (vul! ..,., ., ,,. ,lW ((t Jtn-a Du ,,ti.t..MUa, a, , ,n. all l,H,,a..,.,tl. n ,'),.rtfp,. P.4 S'.e.nl, In I. .a, I I ,n tt ,h,. nrj .IMf tl,. r.ap lha ,f..lalaD h.'..t. W -na f..r f-i.l , B..,,. -.ra a,M S--ll T..OW 5sS.'f-.,n:i- Ii WINTER A CO.. l'"-. orlniifleld, Man. SdwcUOmnmtce AND SHOHTHAND INSTITUTE tlur .tr ,n anti-r our i-lt-ie-nt m-w I,iiI!,Iiii wlil.-li will Im- (-niiilet..l IIiIh lall. Our ,r, a..riiv artai-a Iroiu thu t liolouuli ,riii-tl.-iil triiluii.u In lioiik kei'.inif. SiH.rtlian.l, Typrwrltlim. aiol all otln-r l.ri,i-ln- ol llii-iii,.,-a n.-itt lun. nl tho s.li, ,,,1 ol I ',.ini,i, r... I A Hun llii-nii'.ti l',,l. tu) l.lintru, N. V., .. A. MIL1.I.I., Vrvt. NOriCE IN PARTITION lit the nitittir af tin' -'.ifife f .i fi ner J!fflinirurti, fate nj' Siriiii tmrnsiiii, Smith r ''., ft.,he',l. To Kolierl Ml.l.ll.aiMirtli your pflitloni-r Kl mini now iiiiirrli-.l lo Win 11. Kvtiior, .loliii N. Mlil.ll, nw.irtli un.l Siirali 1'.. M !!.! Ii-wiirlh. all ol wiunn ru.-.e in Snyilvr t'oiintv, I'n 11,'liry Mnl.llit-iviirlli win) ri-nl.ti't at A i ll alli-y, I'liwnu I'oiiDiy, Kaunas. S.irali wlia In tliu Vl luw ol MU'liual Siullli iiinl ri-m.li' at lliirronk, St. Joa t'oiinly. Mii'lituun, ami Al.riiliuiii Ml.MUawurtli who rL--l,, nt Kaioer, t., ,.r.i.o. Vou urn lii-r. by notiiip, ilml l.y vlrtuo ol a wrilol I ii - un-1 1 in ii Imuu.I out ol llio I irliuin' t'ourt nt Siiyd.-r i-oiinly, ami to mo iliro-ir.l tlial nn iniif-t will Im lii-lit on the ,rctiil.'i In Nirlnn lownliti. Sny,l.-r i-oiiuly, l'a., ,,q Md il.iy. AiiKiial i!7, 'm, at 10 n'clo. k A. M.to tnki I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 or Miluatlon ol lliu Ileal llntu ol Mil l ilm.-aieil. U lu-ii ami wliuru you may ulteml It you think i, roiier. i!i:i'iu: tihek.sk sinrin. AD.MI.MSTUATKI.S' NOTICK Let ters of .Vilministriitioii on the en tali) ul Ahwu Mlilillftwartli, lute ut tluarar townnlili, Snyili-r county, l'a., ilee'.l. Iiavinii liuun Krantuil Iu tlte umlvrxiitnutl, nil ptrnorn knowing tliL-uirulvei In.lalilt-'.l to until antulu are r-. lu-ste.l In make liimiediuto piiTtuont, while thoae Imvluic ilalina will nruaunt ilium duly au tliuntlcateil lo lliu utuh-raiitnail. AlU llll. MlUUL-MSWAltTH, July W, 'M, AamlDKtrator. SELINSGROVB, PA. KEAO OT I We know it is only an advertse nient, but it is worth reading. UNDERSTAND IT. For it tells about bargains that will bring pleasure and profit. Dot it it Down I and come without delay to see what we are doing to please customers. Examine our Summer Dress Goods and Seasonable Nov elties, and notice what lovely shades we have in all new mate rials, what charming designs and exquisite creations in all goods for ladies wear and observe the Re markably Low Prices at which they are all marked. Don't ask us how we do it. Be satisfied that the quality is unexcelled and leave the rest to us. 3. WEIS. W.H.FELIX'S roi ri.AU Dl NOONS, Vallrv Slrn t, Lrwisloun, la. 1 urMUilM I.KIH.OO.M SUI I S of nil kinds nn, I (nieex; M -it -tleNNt s. I'eiithers. PiIIowh, vJ.iiilstei, lied Sjiiiiin, Ci.in. TahleH, .Sinks .Sinn.... Slnnds. I'meiiiiK. Ac., &p.. iVt: , Vc. t I i iiiMiwin Mmmwtmn m iiwaap a i: i. hi srn s in lit, tvt Terry, Ituw Silk, II ii. ('loth iiml I'ltish guilds I'm lor Kofkers, nil kinds MniliUi Tup TuLleH.Iiook- illU CllllSfifH. tlOtllt' ll'H tineH, rietures, &C, t.,1l I;. .. . t i ii. .in, ttni'. liiiTiiiiis. Tunt-strv. , fin, . ' ir. Illl- - '-P' " f- -i I't dv Ihi.sstls iiml Velit t t'urj.i'tM, Ait Siinuits.inM niii liiiH. Coeii inn) (Jiittn P.'.'flia looi Mnts. V sell Hiiy t.f (he uhove j;ihii1m hh ,,,w """ luun,J ie Iimiugrlit m,y liief. hii.1 u .'rMlt flnirt-M 10 itn ,tntio,i l 1? it v. : ".. r. ,i- hi i. s or eonir .Mi.! , ... a,, i. - in. lliu III' I .. -iu the liiryest stock this Hide of rVW.VelVi'.h'in KcsiifH fully, V. II. I' HI. I X. When You Insure Why Not Get the Best H. HARVEYSCHOCH, General Insurance Aient, Lelinsroye, Pa., enroscnts t lio lolltrwnii;? .4 rout St ock.Coin panics: OKI I AMZK.n- lBlbl .CmA, ! Hratl.-r:', Cnr.., 1 U i :-j i r n m i: , i-t Kl: w Y r ; : , 117 1-1 R Z ASSGCIATILIN, Tii'n, -ssrrs T' : :": :-: J , . - j -. . - J ll t . , a . -J !, BiY, ' Thn t'oinpanii i rank iiiiioiih iIih ItKST, are I il.li in X . rlcm e. n,t with tl.elr Inure e Cutntal anil r-.aour.-eH Kuar'int.-o niiiuea..ne,l aataty it.. I aci-.trlty. liy I Ii.. i r ,rt,iiii t ai'lioti. talr. I, .meal an. I sBtlalai'l-.ry Iril.lniia lo nil t'o 1" 1 (Ih ::n-.t they l.ve won I .r iii.-ue, e cj uui.a i ki.i-i i a i io.. No Assessments No Premium Notes, I AUE YOU JNSUUKI) If liOt, wiito to tlic nliovo Apcnry im-l ymi will lefeivt I'i omot utU i.tiori. GARMAN'S NEW SHOE STORE! Ill which he carries a MAG .YIFICLW T LLXti, includ ing 1 ran dx tint I cann ot he You icon Id he surprised, as a iiiani oi hers hare hern, were ijou to risit durum it's Shoe Store, see his stack tuirf learn his prices- lie has crerithit in the Hue of joot lvear and makes a specialty.... nni mi ao' of Ladies' and dent 's W.L.DDUbLASr!Z77r Fine Shoes &3.0Q,tlA SHOE f& QsEST ' TA N 21T7kW duplicated in the count t. bTfo -v Hi$ goods are nearly all hand made nnd of the very best material, in sty.es too numerous to mention. He has A Monopoly in Fine Slippers, ranging in size from a No. 2 childs' to a 7 womens' and a in hoys' to a 10 in mens' including all the most admired and desired styles- Asp:; ialty of plow shoes, and shoemaker s half-soles and shoe-dressing W- I. CARMAN. Prop. Arnold's Room, Middleburgh, Pa.