. . .. V '; i i r '4 it , f n V . 1 ( r- J r . J 0f -OOOO' (M ()(()()() J: area entirely. J do uotn woikod fio months io 1872 ore they eonld get a soli J founds for Ibo road, and it was consid- pua of Ibo most stupendous oflbekiud in Ibe history of 1 building. Tbey are work and small b.1 bdJ drtjr nl ' rcBtut lryil)8 Ms place np, but are meeting our epaeiouv poor success, as it nearly before mueha. Cur' in tbo cigbt- REMEMBER ; OUR CHARITY HOSPITAL 6A0 SCENES AM0N3 AN DNFOR I tUNATE CLASS OF PEC PLC. Ilasloa Work on Miiikwi IP. l- l in,l. ( la. Hundred VulTurvr. tinier ! Roof A Ltylna Ctrl Nuliln Im.!i j" Charity Oatalde Work. - The ladles of tbe tiiU ilon pnllierod op tbelr packages and paper nnl dlvl.iej lu two parties one to vlatt tho efiiteiillury and do there tho beautiful wuiU wl.U h Elizabeth Fry Initiated. t'.;o ofLvr to the Oiarlty hospital, aud with tlio latter 1 went A mall room Is set o;inrt there for tbe un of tlio mission. Tho tulles In It war already covered with liatikcts of fruit, glaam of Jolly, bottles of beef tea, Cant of oyntern, and various otln-r dell. eecJea. By each basket lay a number of papers and religious trurts. After brief (religious services tlio Indies ti'j. united, acfe taking bur own banket and rending matter to tho word sho was lu slin-d to. Bore, under tbis ouo roof, aro ltn htitimti beings. In every eonocl vr.Mo Mno of suffering ' Tbo puns of j overt y iuv In creased a hundred fold when dlKeiiso SoUc la Its cruel clutches tho uiihu;t-.n of Hjg masses. Victim rcw poople aro fortunate clioii;- jly liinu lLat Uaglaod'CiD isbninn," gays tbo London s wbva be emigrates to t c wsluj vato for fieo trade, fact an Invariably does." Tbis rL.ii.. mm ,r ,m,m,mMlm , giVOU h moment's . . ; if intelligent lush-American pnll of p-.l hot t'xxl, tho kltrlienrardcil, .. . ,, , whore TiUlo r'rl nro canfully t:iuht,,urc working for tboir 0WU and tbo piuiArilve work, wldch ulnm to ,vill not liolp tbo DcbJCratic ouiiimy m nbrxmd wntil sho finds work. -Mrs Uc.bu-t V i'ortor In Now York Pti-sa, ames ombDiind s keuve route. Osimr and Onea, ths mnmlncnt tn' pollmta, ar tha rl and aalM J)r Took It ftronthans and qutotf tbe ncrvnus trmem, enrlns Frroos Waaancaa UVnoria. Bleep- KsnKwa, Ml AH ALTERATIVE. B For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. It drlvm mil tha pAfmrmt tumors of uic Diooa panrfinf ana tnncnin 11, and m OTt-rcomlng Ibrwa dinenws rilttti from tniura at liapoTtr tshed blood. - - LAXATIVE. ,rr A wine mlldirbnt mtrAym ttitbowolt llcuna babltnal enntttlon, and pTTrni"timru!rbhU lfnronlj bnt t)i ntnmach, and aid dltfouun. DIURETIC. . In lu cnrnnmltlnn the bent and nrwt active din retlrsof th Materia MMIra "Mini fcicd'OlciiUncnUywIia other rli'ccilTe rvmivlin for Ulxeaom of the kldiicr). It can bo rolled on to (tva quirk rollcf and apocdj cure. ' TTnr.flrfd, nl tnrt ImcnliUa bw h-mn nww4wl ffmnt prrnonn who u."l thu rnmiy wtttl rns.Tlir.tilrtyiiftbl, BwJlijtaireblan,(tTt9tt rail ptvtlcalw. . .fi ftlM (t 0. Sclt hf DnrlM "W WELLS, RICHAHDSON CO- Prop's bUULUTOA, y .2- tnnfnrd'a rnlvonlry and Cocitnrat Ion. 1 ii lied ns to tbo Stanford tmlvoTHlly, ami S. ;iatnr Rlniifnrd idiowcd mo aomo of tho photo0-int'h of tho tidMinjf a-'i tbey aro today. Ilo lion photogrnpbs scut Mm Uiucb. Kvciy Iribb-ojuu vote for free trado tbis V bccuuBO it is lubelod r'vanoo cf Civilization- , as practicod along tbe tbe West, baa bad little ractivo about it for years every hionth nhowliiff the po,-rcM of the utillillnfr, and theso Itift ihotogrAphH nhow that It l.i only it Uttlo alwvo the founda tion. Tho dilgn of thin unlvorilty U lu tbo fchnpo of threo rjiiadranprh'S and it will have a half ml In of mvnml rolotinndi'. Tho only blh fealuro of tho building lr iraokliens, and cQlCBCy be tbe rhiinol towt r, and tho deMgnd Driucitial funturca tbat Spanish. Tho building will cohhIhS i w L a.U of Ing, low ban As I und--d fomniond -1 irat came tbe it, tho unlvcndty la to cover rtistorn of loading tbo recipient on borsubuck undor u true with bands about Cut) fwt by HOD fe ta5 bo atxiut an arm avd n , i.f .-...a -otnude ton. Thero awottcr, find ground alKnitaro with tbo ..t.L 'DS Hioro docidod unlvc rjverueut in tbo poli- -'tjunlry, tbroogb tbe to escape tbo knowled of bodily pui t . " " Host, indeed, con recolhTt at lew f r tbo "'mors througbont aeaaonof physical wrote hod new To oty aro conipluining tbat tbeir Bur thero was a soft bed and l.crfte(, Ja Bot coming out in Windows, skilled euro and loving att a tlona. doctors who said ph-wmnt things a1. 5om0 BCenl to forgot tbat dlagulaed tbelr doses, dellclniiH trilles tUJli'Hb colored Worm, or wbftt ppeered by nmglo. and a tlmummd U cftn0(l ft cloVor WP0Tw Lnp gttiilous snrprlaee to rnuto an nppetlto o ... ., , win a smile. With all that, s.m..!tblt.a9tnt'uS lhe clover fields Ilk a sbuddor comes over ono at tbo it tbis county for Boveral thought of a repetition of tho experience, j that tLo ftro gcllwg ir) pttal convinces you that tho primer of U tL'9 ycar witb a l&Wh I her I -Jn.1 I 'ft! beat mlaery has yet to be mastered by tho ret.t of ua Imagine yourself on a narrow and lumpy bod. the light from a row of big Windows boating lu yourcychall. tho fet or the convalescents sbufultig end scuf fling over tho bare floor, tbo whitewashed walls, devoid of even a wall paper pattern to be deciphered, the callous young doctor to whom you aro but a bit of o&perlenco, and tbe food such that If well your tomneh ntid Bcnsa wpuld revolt at It. A to fHwern, lokv -''Mo and briH' Ctilors. they como oil -rna. Aftrrn!! tiofl'neii v" tn h ! ' " tlcnltit tVil i.i-ulo Y imfoti?. ...ipi'e.stloii upon " a ,'1rl iD'.no lnt i$i,v-- ' ,',,n auuiptlon llhioes bad robin , I her f.vo of the com-5nir--i',0,yu' Thrp-oboeoo for Indiana to bucoc wonald (Domocrat) in tbe United bv-s Senato, and made o boflt of friends in tbat body. Tn 1881 Lis name was prominantly mentioned aa tbe possible cboioe of tbo llcpnb licao National Convention. Tin candidate for Vice I'resideot, lion. Lovi P Morton, of New York, merchant, banker, ex-Member of Congress, ex-Miuister to Franco, has been a prominant character in tbr politics of Ibis country einoe tbo cri eii of 1800 brought to tho While Honse tho first Republican Protideut an l always with honor to himself uad high credit to the Nation lie lovos to servo. Tho nomination of a Wttilern candidate for Proeidont r.i'o tho cboioe of Mr. Morton a Hi' rat ono. Now York is ono of tbo for.r lotiblfal States of tbe North f d it id expected tbat Mr. MorK-i'.i jrco- i uo render is asked e "a c.'pyor Gold, pick off (jb cburccUx, Lit tYiBtiugniBO 1 f "'.$, and bis popularity with T pooplo will swing ths limpire btnto iato the Kepadlicnn lino. Ho is em ioently fitted for tbo highent plncoin tbe gift of the poop'.o, and bin etluc ti n as a candidate will add strength to tlio ticket and confidenco in tbo rosr.lt. wond after another, ox. Itio carefully &r.i bo will bottom of ucarly ovtrj to besom a small, flosb b,t'', about tbo eizo of o pound -iit,nlnP8 'ttlo longei "ibick. Thcso pest 'Inco where tbi 1 tboir existtnet a should be in In Ui.uf.n v.bolo firld cl at, in LloHtom and llo cluvci ads can bo Been fa ding aud drying without blossoming at all. Otbci beads oomo out in blossom alont out hlf, and very occosionaily ono couiti ont ubout porfect. In oomo field hnrdly a bnndful of tbo pink blossom can bo found. It is alno feared tbat owing to tho incrciucd number of tbcHO pests tbiH yoar, tbo worm ( r weevil will ogniu outer tbo tccouil crop of clover and J on troy tbe yield of clovfirseed. So mo instances have boen reported whero cattle will not eat tho heads cf clover tbat aro filled with tbo worrun. Rpports camo from other counlios of tbo State, and even from Maryland, of tbo exiHttncc and ttevnbtntion of tbis destructive insect. Farmers cood not wait witb tboir hnjmnkiug (bis year until the clover is in bloasom, na the first crop of 1CSS clover will never come on! som. rorbisownBfttkfaction d 1 1 boo for himself, tho reador in i i . Med to tlep iota a Hold and ex- amiiio for himself. Pick off a lot of heads uud examine or lay thorn down on a clean iluor or on a sheet of paper aud in a nhort time you onn seo tbo weovil crawling around iu every direction. The writer triod tuij and found it just as here briefly described Iklleontc Ouz' tto. l. in mi mwm . miwrnj THAT EOTTOMLECS PIT, The Ktio railway company, whioh is at prctent laying a doublo track on its Jefferson branch botweon Car bondulo aud Susquehanna, baa met with a vory formidablo obstuolo at o place called Ararat summit. Sovor- tied behind him, dropping a lino to him ovor a bough, tying it in a four- iu-lmud beneath his ear, and then bitting tbo burse a stinging cut with a whip ou tho flank. Tho surprise manifested by a borao on such oc eanious ii more tl.an shared bv tbe rider whoso startled appenranco is ooticublo for dnya aftervards by peo ple who pasa tbnt way. Then followed tbo method of driv ing a bull toitm and freight wagon uuder; tbo tree, iustead of the nad d"L'd horeo. As civilization advanc ed, wealthy and prospers eoffocation clubs arose nod introduced tbo spring wagon, tbo Uiowster eide'-Lar, the pbiuton, and .the .Victoria. Later on, with tho shriek of the iron horeo, onme other methods of excursion, and tho upper deck of a freight train was nutilized, aud when all was ready and tbe victim bad Bmokod a cigarette clean riownto bis yellow finger tips tbe exccuuonetbjgnal cd the engineer, and tho other xos cursionists went on, while the con demned gentleman changed cars foi tbo dim difltaut country whose re iieenco still continues to pnnctuate ao if v.V : f..r Tw.i'W"' Woo ttvrrocM .i:!.l I. Weil Made OdDilinDg 1 still continuo in tho Morobant Tailoring bnsiness with rooms in Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa. and take this means of informing tho poople of Snyder county, t'n. I bavo ou hand a well selected stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., and ar.mples from the bost and nioet reliable New York ntid Philadelphia bousos, and will Boll lower than ever. Cutting, Cleaning, Repairing, Dyo inrr and Scouring dono on short notice. Nov. ltf. E. B, BUCK EDUCATICU IN T0LITIC3. Any close observer oanuot fail to notioe a groat and growing change for lhe bettor in Amorican politics of to-day from that of a few years eiuco. In those days when party iuo were distinctly drawn and political "bousea beld fall sway, it lookod an tbongb whole connties and evobfU days ago tho do w track sank near. PMites were in ti,0 hands of t fely two foet, and has boon sinking ev- uiou w Bway ana mrow tuem ir the balanoo on wbiebever ui.lo tho Hcmo wouiu bost servo their inloreek and purpooo- rraa(j ft0ti corruption. m a matter or coarse, ran parallel With such ft state of affairs, and the letter class of American citizons wera in somewhat of a qaandarv to contemplate where all tbis would end nd bow tha power of the 'bosses could be broken; It seemed in thos times that no matter bow clarim? the Jd perpetrated, or how corropt tione of tbe leaders the difftrM lotosoh party woald stand "."jtna defend tbe moves noth' sdherentfl, and trv tcl Z' xvl"7 their mie-i vosDderfol ebangoM a l-t rcIiUee of to-d v i f awer of tbe bosjJut t i er Bince, Tho eamo phcuomonon was observod in 1875, when tho road was first built. One day in tho rui.li dlo of the summer of that year the railroad for nearly a quarter of a mile disappeared entirely from sight and an immense marsh, appnronMy bottomless, appeared in its pluco. An effort was mado to find out how deep it was, but tho largest timbors that wero thruut down into it found no obstruction. Tho company dumped Into the pit 100,000 cailoads of rock and gravol and 300 immense hemlock trees, branchos and all, but every bit of it disappeared. It took fonr timbors, eaob about forty feet in length, to reach a solid founda tion. It is said that many years a?o an immense lake covered' this' plaoe. One day several white people cbanc- A - At. ft . . COOO Book Agents wnntort to soli ilU WTC UIU rDDLlQ giavicn vr . . lpij; : is brover Cleveland r.ll fti.d rr. l.u frrm 111, b-jl.ood to hi, aomlnulna In 81. ImU. tth wrt..itl LmlblMvucM, ItMM.au ..4 uMdilH, I nfu,i I ltlu.lr.1 wilh .I..I i; irirftlu ti wnod '.bcrlnr. . JS"" '"' ,"n,l", " "!'.!. Vlrt( ftii. . (nil cud con,J.U UFB or MilH. CI.SVEI.ANK. f U'lb., llli...ii.l.l W. ,..y of ALI.KS O. J lit' UM AN. ThU li tU vnlm 4lnulcX. I M.U.tl toinDIUr. Th.r. lU Vr. UMy U un.utliuil..4 Llvot, but 1M. li lb. rlftht MW. b.iul.raiM., m. m. bay .11 lru.rlluo cU.rff.fc 6mi4 U .qU In If. .uiiii ,ml b. II,. nt la lb. .rid, uTilmi np L. 'Id.. h.rv..l. Wrtbj fil full ,.Nrlf.,.l.n) Md SfUI T.nal Am .11. lir., WINTER & CO.. INrlika eprlngfleld, Muss. -- - - l TVT.':,"0 Anenta Wanted at UXU .lAKUijf oni'O tn mil. lily 'IVu .Ulll J,l i. hi iDtiTii ilh inu uiily ollkial , ty lion. w. U. UsMsab, alo I.lfo ef IIrj. t'k'vcluiel. t'Liiiiniia atiivl iinrtrniU, Votorn' 'in til.ln. Me r'ri' Trade Tnllcy. e.. omnpli to. hh o Anuntu ut wurk roport liniut'iii'v fUd'en. Kiir l.rvt urk, Ir1 terin, ii.ily UU'kund uiukt f.Oj to jini u mouth. limit A&c. lU ltHAUI) HKUS., 1'hlladolphln, T. I'll.. 1'IUmI IlclitnH file. Svvi'roiiH Al,.lnturu i lutoitto lUtfclnu and tliuliiK ; inu'tiit iilidit t wiirm) liy ncriti'liliiK. If nllowud tu l ontlniie tuinun, wliieli ulii'ii l,le. and uli'iTiitii, lii'ivimlnu vory ..ri. Sw.iync'. iiliitiiii'iit tnii th Ui'Iiiiik and I.Iuu.IIiik. Iiciila uloonitliiii, an. I In moft cej rumuvvn tlio tu- in.irri. ai uruicuiHUi, ;or i.y mini, i.tr b cuu ir. nniiyuu . ciun, riniuduliHiu. O-U, '. 'hi, r.cxriua, Itrtiy, Sraly, Skin Tuiturr.. Tho alinplo ii..liitliin of "Swayno'i Olnt iiieiil," wltlieut imy luteriml eiedloln.'.wlll run any tas. of Tuttwr, N ill Khuuiu, KliiKwonii, I lies, in-ll, rorrw, l'llll.ll'.. I'.l'ZL'lua, till jSl'ttly, liehy Skin KrupilunK, no tuuur how ilMtlualu nrlonn mainlliii,'. It i pouul, ellcctlvc, uti.l oeiU hut a tritlu. Jiino u jy . rjHSACHEIW EXAMINATIONS FOlt 1S,S. lAiuiiiniitiniih ror teiuiinr s certificates will lie liclil In the auveriU dliiti lctti ol Miydir I'ouiity ut. InllonH: West leaver, lit Mil'lure, July 83. HM llirf. ut. Ailulnsl.iny, July U. Allium, ut Klliiea H. II. July t JIi'hmt. ut lteiiverto li, July VJ. .MIililleiiiirKliAfiiiukliii, nt Ml.iaieburgU July IT , ii. i , ui i . iiiiri tin . u illy i:u'll.l:.!e (linl.) lit livemlul.'. July SO. Wi.'ni I'eiTv, ut cns itniiiiH H. U., July 81. 1'ern.nl rn-iniHil, Auif. I, liiiiinuii, ut Itoluvr a M. 11., All),'. S rnl'iii, ui Port Tn veriiiii, Aiitf. a. WusliliiKion, ut Frt'ebtirir, Auv. 4. Muiir.., ut Sluiiiioklii Irani Au(. A. J:u'k'Hun, ut KriU.ervllIu, Aujf, J. . I'eiili, nl Huleiii, Anvr. i. Mlil.lleeieok, nt Wetera H. II. Auif. t. 'Hie ex..iinllmll. in will le;rtiials:!touelock.u.m. I'ertioiis iinilur ii yuitni oliigo will uol be ex amined. l-i lvate extiinlnuriona will Ih) clvcn only lu ac Uur hiii. e Un tlio m liuol luwa. A.. Ileal. ts miiNt bu examined In tho district In wlili Ii tuey luti'iid to teaoli. IVmina who liuiki) No. l In iui bruiieli will Ire exempl frem t jni. 1 1, Hi In thut Liu Hill liext Jour. Tula earl uiiiik Hum 1 U ft. Teuuli.tra who luirciv luxaed iiov ji-iir miuum uuo uiuuu nouiuiu uiuuxivo- Ulellta. Dir. ftora: niecertllloatelntoaoertjilnptii.nl arrlUTtouol tlin teailiur'a wortli. Aiiiilkuiiiii wuo uuve uu uvei iiK" ol 'toil) Uliml bo em pluyiHl at Urn rlNtC ol the Hehiml board, wiileh in. pliija bueli upiiliiaiila. Aaldo Inim the eerililuutu, dUectiira would Uu well In liutlelnir mini aueh aa t Ilium i eliarueter. buHliuwa niiiiuii.u.ii.,u tiiihintr.v, linblta, nuture of the achnoL 40. . - in miliuiu UV BOU.JM31I (,U UlOriU IlksexiNvud that illroetora will attend llm iivMiitlnttitoud. All IHcuda of edu(IUiu are lit- mod. I will hold a Noruuil tiinn nl f,uir u-..i..r Mlddleburyli, OoimiiDiioliiK Am;, til, The an- lltllii 111 UllllUl Will I1IO..I UL MlildiHlllinh illlrlr.r. GABMAN'S NEW SHOE STORE I You would bo surprised, as a many others have lecn, were you to visit Garnwn's Shoe Store, see his slock and leant his prices- lie has everything in the line of Joot" wear and makes a specialty... nnl fri of Ladies' and Gent's W.LUULIbLo Fine Shoes $3.00 In which he carries a MAG NIFICEjT LIME, in clud i His goods are nearly all hand mado and of the very best material, in styles "- too numerous to mention. He has I A Monopoly in Fine Slippers, rj cning in size from a No. 2 childs' to a 7 womens' and a in boys' to a It. n mens' including all the most admired and desired styles. A spec feriy nf.niow shoes, and shoemaker's hall-soles and shoe-dressing ' Arnold's Room, Middlcburgh. Pa. SHOE I VIFICEAT LIME, in clud- r-T'Xr t-3 rf brands thai cannot be M8Ta- luplicaledinthccounlip . AEE YOU A MAN of keen peroeptlve faculties, and are yon A COMPETENT JUDGE of Rood and stylish clothln? If so let me prevail on you to eall at my store , and look over tuy Summer Stock. It Is made up of the cltoloeot and most desirable selections tbnt It lias ever been our Rood fortune to secure and bas been bought under tbe most fav orable conditions tbat ready money can control. Casl Is a fciM Lever In upsetting high prices, and wo have used It well. Our C J"Cnll at onco. G. C. GUTELIUS. Middlcburgh, Pi BBS THE PROFIT IS DOWN I A Wo ask tlio privicgo of soiling yoa on tbo closest iiVin man ins the finest styles and qualities tbat moncv can buy in tbo line of Mens' and Boys' Clothing & Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Jewelry &c. "Wo ask yoatogivous just ono cbanco to mako you happy with beautiful gootls and Jed Kock Trices. We will Pay your R. R. Fare for a round trip excursion from Jliddlcburgh, Bcavcrtown or Adanisburtf when you buy a bill of us of $10 and up wards, and one-half tho faro for every bill of goods amounting to $5 bought ot us. Economy, Comfort and Satisfaction goes w ith every purchase made of us. Wo want 10,000 pounds of wool, for which wo will pay tho highest price. . Dreifuss Brothers, Selinsgrove. Ml II. 111. mi ll! a p. d. te:''A.: H.A Wo bavo now in stock tho largest aud finest asbortmcnt of CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS Kvor brought to this town. See our great bargains in goods; Working Pants as low as GO cents. We offer you good working suits for ineu ot $2 75. Better grade $3 23. A fine line of Seersuckers, Alipaccas, &o- Chevoit suits at SI, letter grado, all wool, warranted, $5. C ASSIMERE SUIT for $7.50 Union Casaimere suit at $5 C0 guarnntood. Woostered sack snits as low as $0.25 guaranteed all wool and fast colors. A magnificent lino of Prince Alberts, Four Button Cuta ways, Chesterfields and Sack suits, of all grades and prices Guaranteed ta bo sold cheaper than at any other plrce in the county. Our stock of Geuts and Boys Garments is unsurpassed. We offer boys' Knee pants at 21o. Our pantaloon stock is larger and bet tcr than over, A full stock of IIAT3 of tho latest styles and very cheap. A Full Line of Shirts at25ct & Up. Snmmor Underwear, improved line, Gauze, Marono, Lialotbroad, &o. &o. Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Canes. We cannot give yoa all prio'.svor names of tbe stock on band as it would take too maoh spaoo. ,We Dfiye cnt down our expenses tbe lowest figure and will C.' onr caatomnra thalhAnefit of tha aa.ir.ir A Mr. r Bhwif whbli Jrin .oil at cost as I don't wifcj to carry them witb Clothing fl by in,. . . L. I -MM . ' l-.l i.l. ... . . . . x I ! i.3B ? M - .. . I Z " - ' PR I V FK Sia;suill) ftctio, best decarbonized blued t 1 tllVf casteelbarrl,lo or 12 gauge shot, U Win- I nsetcrc. t. nilo cartridge weight 10 to 121bs, price S30 P1 lop-snap ad ,on same as above, 3S-55 Ualhml caltridge, or L 4-1 inchster, price . . b jor B I ho above prices indudlo lOOdvinnr Kl.nnml u? cartridges. K v " . The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun and Rifle Combined. This system in combined riilo and shot-gun offers advantages over other makes even more marked than thoso for shot f")!?:. jTbov far nvrol nil ntk, era m strength, accuracy, workmanship and balance. FISHING-TACKLE 1 Complete Assort ment of Rods, Flies Reels, Lines, Hooks, rVrtificial UaLt, cct. I rospo ctfully submit to von a fW Trout-rles at 2oc. a dozen, tr,out-hoks to gu 25c. per doz., plain trout hooks 5c nerdoz. best nilml-siilf is lino 4m- A. n 1 -w b4tM alUVg AiVilaV .W to J conts per yard, all other linos frnm 1 tr. 9 Attended to1 1Vm 25 t0 rd0rS by mail P10! J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa. r -JAi V AT Freidman & Getz', Beavertown, Pa. We have. just returned from Vhilnilnlnhin. aa - - v t vh vwv vywc W VV SVf fVV New lork with a new stock of goods, embracing A Full Line of Dry Goods, Summer Dress Goods, Quilts, Linen Table Cloths, Lace Wi, 7. ;,7 T n utnAcriica, UjUVO JUTlUl,il8t Watches, Clocks. Silverware. Glas ' ' --w w ' y blfVVfVVvVVI also a full line of ready-made LT.M D W tr tn SIIOES, GROCERIES, &o. ed, and request the people to come and ."' ' 1 wnnKM j or pui pavers , cna rciiCTif P.tfuli a A f -ft my We have our s tore: IfftSrSt' Wm M 1. Jtor theaaf'J SI" 1 r'i ,: PI. -. I I r: vj pass urn way anq rMf wore tho week eouimciu.'luu Nov. ?. , ft. lo ttad tbat y ... WlcruiKli, ri., Juue ao. Co, iiupt, I.. . I