The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 21, 1888, Image 2

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sr. M. iiA.xtrrKie-
Subscription $1.50 IV r Year
On Yaar
f woo
tut vo
P"t petama, (lot Yaa
ifIf tVloma. (n
-.ouOolamn, O
rraumini i;ar1t. nt Tear
AAflltor, Exttntor. Aiimlnliitrator. an I
Axikd. Notion fi.hO
Vihn nrwalal nrrinicturnti) ara mnOe. all
fcVnbmnti,ltirtrtl lor ! than 4 month',
wmrf ,i.u for lima tr tin lnril.m I in
rth froond Im.rtlOB and It Mali lor ch
IbMaa.nt liu.rlloa.
ffharsday, Juno 21, 1SSS.
A. W. ID r I KK.
. IVl) il.K.lir.K.
A oniMy
AAKnN N. Ilbl.t Kl U.
Awn-lite li
I'mMimmt .irv
H-ifitir k Kcmtrili'r
lM.tli't Attorney.
II. K. MII.'.KK,.ir.
Jil-y 'iiniiii"l'inr
BapaMlcuCStaio Ticliot
For Supremo; J iiiiho,
JAMES T. MITCH i;M., of I'll l.iM .'.U.
tor I'refliduiilial r.lui.-luM.
Mopfonuin lJnrui'
. X.r.WIS I't rmi:, i.l l.rli.nanm.
1 UUMAS IHJI.AN, or PhlU.l-:U.l.l.i.
iHitrlct Kloctw.
1. John II. Tairaart,
S. John Wannmaker,
.MIMx-rt I. Jolm.t,
I. Wm. Hamilton.
. JohlH. M'Klnloy,
Jon. It. T. rnntcf.
- T. William H. hilt',
a. r.dirtr Plnrhot,
a. Samuel 1.. Kuril,
10.Hi.kiI rlct.
II. WIlMnm I'onncll
15. .I'.hn II Ursnt.
1. WiIu'iii '. Krv",
IT. I'nvl.l t'l.irk.
14.(1. .:. llufolilnxin,
li. Jitlin '. Iivi;r,
Joro K. Miliar.
SI. On.rKO J. Klllutl,
el. Harry S. 1'mil,
V't. OiH'ruu Slnrru. r..
3i. I'. S- Newinv.r
'6. .loll II V. A iill
Ii. William w. IMvuc. V). .I.e. si'irtvAnt
11. I'elor K. Huek, Ml. .lo.i yt TIki. June.
II. Hanry H. lloclilul, it. I.. M TntMil.
General Sheridan conlinnoq to iia..
provo aad Ibe hope is jnslitied tint
bo will yet eppoar with tho ei aulots
of bis dow rank en Lis phiulderH.
That would bo a bight which every
bppy would bo glad to eco.
m"f .ii i j.. ij.ii
If tbo etatotnont thit the Stand
ard Oil Company is leasing land ia
Berry Coanty for tbo purposoof pnt
ting down wells for oil aud natural
gas be trae, tbo tboory Hat those
products do cot exiet east of tbo
Allegheny wonld seom lo bavo been
abandoned- If t itber shall bo found
little Perry will boom np an ono of
tbo prominent counties of tbo stato,
Ninety-seven years ngo (Juno 7
1791) went into opperaliou the Un
ited States banks, wbicb, at tbo ex
piration of its cbartor, was opposod
by Profiidont Jack' , as it wf.H not
nntborizod by s r. itntior ."
. piufco
iBi ter. " ,,
Tbo American ns a politician ii
eomowbat of a curiooity in himself,
carrying bis cnlbusinom, so far as
bis political fcnliincnts aro concern
od, to tbo biglu'dt pitch imaginable,
onlhtiippin;,' nt liuios tbo vobctnouco
of tbo oxcitalilo Frenchman, nod the
wild ravings of tbo iraBciblo Irihb
inac. Ou all other points bo is gen
erally cool aud collected, and will
talk ralionully on any other Mibjcct.
lie bas been tried at tbo po&t of
danger oud deadly peril, and faced
death itself with an u m n 111 id couu-
tcnanco, and stood calmly await
ing the grim messenger; but talk pol
itics to him in opposition to bis own
fixod opinion and bo scorns at onco to
ernorgo from a stoic to an enthusiast
'Ktnihttho devil and hi will floo from
you" mjs ono of tbo sacred writers,
and wo will add resiit an American
so fur as bis politics are concerned
nndibe will fiy at you. 1 a tbo preucut
year we will buvo a fair chance te
observe the ifl'erts of Ibis political
excilomont. Tbo avcrngu Amoricnn
can geuotally Hud enough to enthuse
biiu in nu ordinary township or cou
ntablu'd election; but in tbo ovuut of
a President's cloction tbo tension of
bit) excitement is btrung np to tbo
highest pilch, and yet in spito of it
all tboy rarely do each other injury,
and generally coniluo their adults
on cacb other to words, aud it is uo
anusual eight to boo two of opposit
opinion politically ready to duvour
ouo niiotlier, aud a etranger who is
not inlimato with our customs would
mippoix-d that tbo Cgbt would ter
minate UH fatally r.8 tbo caoo of the
famous ICilkenny cats; but be would
bo surprised iu an h'.ur afterward in
finding Ibotn holding social inter
cuuiho, joking, and trcatiug each
other 08 though nothing bad ever
intervened lo mar friutuUhip' Til is
political excitement doos of course
til'cct trado and buuiness generally,
and as often as tbo four years movo
aronud and a 1'residont elootion
occurs, jiut as surely comes with it a
general fttagnation of bnciuass all
over tbo country. This fact bus bo-
come so nnrarcnt of lato years that
somo of cur mo&t lovcl-bcudcd man
thiuk that our ProsiJeut ebould
pervo a longer torm, say for ton
years. Whether this would be ad
visable or not wo nro cot compeu
trnt to jalgo, but can only snrmiHo
bat tbo caio would bo if our citizens
' J not fehoot off
'ro quite so
We still tbifik Plnine will ba nora-
Poui ty-lbieo years ngo.on Juno 8,
1815, died tLo seveutb preoident of
the United States, Andrew Jackson,
born March 15 17C7,of poor Scotch
Irish parents. He took up arms at
an early rgo to fight io the revolu
tion aud afterward iu the war with
tbo Crock Indians and war of 1812,
commanding and winning tbo battle
of New Orleans in tbo latter. He
was elocled presodect in 1823 and
again io 1S32.
Tbo Soldiers Orphans' Ccli:ol3.
Acoording to Dr. Iligbee's re
port ou tbo Soldiers' Orphans' School
of this .Statu, wo Icnrn that tberoaro
at the present time 2,771 cbildorn in
thoco worthy establiHbmons' ondfjur
who received relief iu other inntita
tion. This is a very largo number
when it ij coubideicd that tho war
closed twenty-tbreo yeirs ago. IJy
ltw all adujiesiou to theso sobools
closod ou tbo first of June, 18S7,and
couHt'fpiently with every coming year
tbo number will decroaso. Ia 181)0
the schools will permanonlly close,
l'boro will still ba l.OUO children in
thorn at that time who bavo not at-
tainod tbo ago of 1G yoats,uor Q nisb
ed tboir edacation.
Ds Figures Lio t
Let us sec! Two women bad SO
chickens each, which they took to
maikct. They agreed to divide
equally tho procoods of their tales.
Ouo cold hoi chickens 2 for a dollar,
getting for Ibo DO chickens $lf
Tbo other nold hers for 3 for a
dollar, getting for bor chickens 10.
This mndo 25 rcalizod for tho GO
chickens. Tho merchant called on
to divide tbo money said: "You sold
your oO chickens 2 for a dollar, and
you sold your 30 chickens 3 for a
dollar, That makos (JO chickens nt
tbo rate of 5 for .2 Well, 5 into
(!0 goes 12 times twico 12 is 24.
That makes $21 your cbikeusbavc
brought." But, as tdiown abovo, the
women actually bad $25 in pocket."
And yet tho merchant's figures
wero right! Do figures lio?
Germany's lead Kaiser.
Tbo end is bore at last. Frederick
. n . ii.. . ,t .
f their polifcy l - v'"UBnJ'lU8 vrayo nn1 irue.paBB
frequent!"' - eA 0D luo morning of Juno 15
" "vIr P" bus IVovid--" ( "-'i'U
T 7 -r
a i new
s The AGED.
Olr-7 Hn4 Cor. th fflWRlnstit !n
, rrcltenia, r tl rxn-t nd mint
i fKrrt Tonics. It Mren-then and
qiUri the nprrrnij jytu-m, curing
K-nrnm WiUncs Hjritorla, Bleop.
Iv-Mio-A, Ac. fc.
It rtrlrc out th jiolvmrnn hntnori of
the blnud purifying and enriching It,
nd m OTnrormlii thorn Limk4
rrniltlng from Impure or ImpoYer.
Ishcd I UpoL
It cure baliltua! fontl otlon, nd
jiroroottttrejpilarhiirilt. Iiitrcn-lb
cm the ttomnch, tnd tida diettlon.
In lt ciwpoeltlnn th b und raKit
bctlvcillurvltosof the Materia Medic
eroromhUiedrlentlflrally-tth other
ci!"cllvo iemelle fur tllncam'- of the
ki''.nc;i. It ran bo rrllcO on togir
quicK rciii iqu ppewiy euro.
TTnno'f-'li oT ttlmmlftU hhn wielf
ft no bo Iut uim1 Uim rtn4 vtib
r Tirki'iii(l beso IstcmuUn.slrliM
lull I'uttt "lar. . m
frit : loll hf DrMtUWt
uuuu.iiirv.i, vt. 1 ,
tyBisIa acid
Well Made
1 still coulinuo in tbo Merchant Tailoring business w ith rooms In
Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa.
and take this means of informing tho pcoplo of Snyder connty, t'n. 1
bavo on baud a well selected stock of
Cloths, Casbimeres, etc.,
nnd samples from the best nnd most roliable New York nnd rbiladelpbia
ninnninrr. Tlnnnirinrr. Dve
IIUUBcB, UUU Win DVII iu tl ci ..tii.u wv. wuim, "rT 1 -"r .
ing and Scouring dono on short notice.
Not. ltf. E. E, BUCK
You would be surprised, an a many others have leen,
were you to visit Garman's Shoe Store, sec his stock and
learn his prices- lie has everything m the line of Joot'
wear a n d makes a specialty . . , nni mi h o' P
of Ladies' and Gent's RL.uOUbLASeOTJ
Fine Shoes S3D0J
.'.0 b,.!,
state banks, and this 'I jixv,
financial panic ensued
On Juno 13th, 1770, ono hundred
and two yoars ogo, was born Gen
Winfield Scott. Ho cntcrod Ibe
army as a captain in 1S03, and in
1812 was mado lieutenant colonel
lie took an important part in the
war of 1812 and the war with Mex
ico. He wa9 a candidate for presi
dent in 1S52. and was retired in IS
CI. He died at West Point May 29,
dtr cfUr i'1'.'i icg it np for fouryearu,
what would bu tbo result if tbey only
bad u chauco to unburden every ten
yearn Ono thing can be eaid- iu
favor of our presont system, if we
bavo a good Pro&ideul we cnu ro
elect bim, and if wo should happen
to get a bad ono wo can consolo our-
delves that Lis term will soon expiro,
wbicb could not be said of tbo pro
poned ten years' term- Tho country
has exibled aud piospcrod under tbo
pit-sent fryatctn, and perhaps wo bad
better leave well enough alone
Tbo attention of merchants and
dealers is called to the following law
in refference to the payment of trier
canlilo taxes: (Section 50, of the net
of 18C2, pamphlet laws, 11)3, leudsas
It shall be tbe duty of every coun
ty treasurer to fine for tbo recovery
cf all licenses duly returned bim by
tbo mercantile apprainer, if not paid
on or before tbe first day of July in
cacb and every year, witbio ten dayo
after that date, nnd tbo said treas
urer shall not bo discharged from
- any each Jicc&fco, unless bo brings
suit to recover tbe eamo within said
date and presses tbo samo to judg
ment ond execution aseoon thereafter
as practicable and pays tbe amount of
all eucb licenses received by bim in
to tbe State Treasury on or before
tbe first day of October ensuing, nor
ahull bo receive any cotnirrtiHioua on
each licenses unless be tuuko pay
ment as aforesuid-
Tbo town of Duboia, Pu. was rd
mobt entirely destroyed by firo on
Monday, and about thirty persons
killed and one hundred itjuicd. Du
bois was a flourishing littlo city in
Clearfield county, wbicb owed all iU
prosperity to tbe late Join Dubois,
the well known lumbermuo and wuu
nfacturer. Tbe firfct eoltJcment was
made in 1873, and it waB not incor
porated as a borough OLtil 1881. It
contained several large Lottls, five
churches two banks, two opera
, Louses and a number of mills and
factories, most of which belong to
Mr. Dubois, tbe bur of tbo founder
of tbe city Only two stores are left
. Io tbe town. Tbey are tbe property
cf J. . Dubois and liell, Lewis A
Yates. Three hotels remain oat of
; aovccla and one drug store oat of
' cine. ' Four thousand people are
bomeless. Tbe loss Is estimated at
two and a half millions, and young
Dubois contributed talf a million to
tbe suffers
Largest, Leanest, Highest.
I'lf pared li.r Tost 1 y l.C. M., laipewuy, I'.t.)
Largest Ocean iu tbo world, Pucifie,
" ?oa, " Moditeranean
" Uivcr, " Amnzon
" Clulf, i Mexico
" Lako 44 Superior
" Hay, 44 Denial
44 Cataract, 44 Niagara Falls
4 Hound, 4 . Long Islund
44 (leyser, 44 Giant Iceland
44 Acquiduct 44 Croton, N. Y.
" Empire, 44 Dritibb
44 Descit, 41 Sahara
44 Valley 44 Mississippi
44 Sluto, 44 Texas
44 Coal Podd 4'in Pennsylvania
44 Pui k, 44 Pbcenix,Dublin
44 Capo 44 Horn
44 Island, 41 Australia
44 Territory, 44 Dakota
41 Cave, 41 Mammoth
44 Suit Deds, 41 iu Austria
44 Fortress 44 Gibralter
41 Pyramid " Cheops Egypt
44 Library 44 iu Paris
44 Trees 44 in California
44 TtltBCopo 4,ut San Joso.Cal
44 Tbe&lro 4Grund Opera,
44 It. It. Depot'4 St. Puucras
" Bridge 44 Brooklyn
44 Hotel 44 Paluce, Sun
44 Pub Building St Petois,
41 City t. LouJoD
44 Steamer 44 Great Eastern
" Dell 44 at Mosoow
iii ' tiu luli.iit ifL liatd I., ft . inrrSu !? 4r
us their ruler this trulj kingly audl.o-
roio mau- Boiu in tho purpk-,bo wa9
a great and glorious exoeptiou to the
rule of tbo60 so tituatod, Broad and
large and great of soul as bowasma
jestio and Imndnome in person, this
man was of that make of which borers
and demigods grew iu olden times.
l'orn and bred a soldier, be yet bal
ed wai; tbo son of a king aud an ab
solutist and siuronndod nil bis lifo
by tbo tyrannical brutulity of Ger
mau militarism. He bad great and
broad Kympatbins for bis people, and
claimed no kinship with tho domr-
nantEpiiit of tbocourt and tbe times,
living in an age and in a couutry in
which raco persecution was still pjs-
iblo, bu bravely nnd openly pro
claimed bis sympathy for tbe op
pressed in the facoof popular move
ments against them- But two weeks
ago. although then in tbo tbadow of
doatb, be dismissed a minister who
had long served tbe state becauso of
bis intcrfuronco with the popular will
as expressed iu elections, a thing
hitherto unheard of in the history of
government in Qormauy. Such was
the man who bas jast pussod away
What next Ij now tbe question
if tbo hour for anxious Germany,
A year ago it was thought that
tbo accession of tbo Crown Prince,
now Emporor, would bo the signal
for war, and this viow was justified
by all then known of the impotuous
aud foolish youth, theoldost and un
worthy son of so noble and heroio a
parent Of lute, however, bo seems
to bavo shown greater dignity and
poino of character, and may disap
point tbe fears to wbicb bis earlier
years gave rieo. But that he can in
auy way replace tbe true and noble
hpiiit that has just passed away is
out of til possibility.
IvODgOut Bail road
44 Itivor
44 Tunnel
44 Day '
tbe Union Pacific
St Gothard
u Spitzbergcn 3
Highest Volcana in tbo world Is
Popocatepetl, Mex
, fountain 4 Everest
" Zionnracct 44
. v f .a I i r cv re-
In which lie carries a mjiu- " J?
WFlOEAT LME, includ- JipCi,prt54
X'UEst TAr.irr-"-iri
in$ uiunds that cannot be
duplicated in tne coami. v'tomv
His goods are nearly all hand mado and of the very best material, in styles
too numerous to mention. He has
A Monopoly in Fine Slippers,
rangitv i in size from a No, 2 childs' to a 7 womens' and a in boys' to a
10 irt m. ns' including all the most admired and desired styles. A spec
i Aiaikai.ijr vv shoes, and shoemaker's hall-soles and shoe-dressing.
, . r - m.wm fir I . , W. wr.iin.r.,1, luu.
Tim HT-i.WXiO Auoota Wanted
IJXVT i)XUilU9 oiic:touip.lT 'leu Mill
tun tuiuia Willi urn vuiy uiucmi J.irta 01
ty Huh. W. U. Hkkkll, al'o LI la of Mm
t Uvi'luud. ciuul.lia aitHil iMirtruiu. Voter.'
Cailrl'U. Kox trua Tmilu I'lMicy. ha., eouinluiu.
M'li Akjij(h ill wur n t urt Iiiiuiuihuw.'i'M. i'or
vv.. wurn, icei leriui, a'jiy quicaautl luaae
twj iv ibvy a muiiiii. iiuini.u.-.
HUUIJAKO litON., I'blladeljiUU, I'a.
fllra I fllci I IlxblBK Plica. -
KvmToHii Mulatura t luUna ItubluK and
vlinirluK I luuatai ulalit I orM by wraUIHiur.
11 alluwed tu cuuUuuu tuuioni, wliloli olwu blued
and iilcuime, bucuuiliiK very aura, rtwayue'i
Uuituiuul eUi'i tli itehiUK aud bluedlnir, uuali
uleeratloo. aud iu uiuat caM reuiuVM (ha tu--
iuur. At UtukkUU. !ur by uiall, far k i enU
vt. ftaayu k. tovo, ruiiauuipuia. 0 14, 'M
Kc acuta,
The ilm
Uieol," wllliout any InturoMl madleiu. will
any eaa vl lutur, Halt Kliouui, Uluywl
l'ile, llob, Sure., I'luiplua, ruiuia, ajl Nit
Ituhv ISklu Krublluu uii uLLtir luiw iilu.lli
aiuingtoajruiuttriu.. ... Jsuu, !)
. t..X-
-1 ... . .' .'
-t- -It""-,
Tj if -7
ia It nscm.
VJ .- s-
1 B
2H.--VrJt??Xt;-:, 22sr-Att krf
Wo have now in stock tbo largest and finubt assortment of
Kvcr brought to this town. Soe our great bargains in goods; Working
Pants as low as 50 cents. We offur you good working suits for
meu at $2 75. Bettor grado $3 23. A line line of Seersuckers,
Alipaceas, &o- Chevoit suite at ?1, better grado, all wool, warranted, $5-
Union Cassimore suit at $5 50 guaranteed. Woostered sack suits as low
as $0.-5 guaruuteed all wool and fast colors. A magnificent line of
of keen perceptive faculties, nnd are
of good and ntyllhh clothing? If so let
we prevail nu you to call at my store
nnd look over tuy
Summer Stock.
It Is made up of tb choicest and most
dasirable selections flint It has ever
been onr Rood fortune to rerure nnd
has been bought under the moot fav
orable conditions tbnt ready money
can oontrol.
Casl is a Wosflerfnl Levar
In up&sttlng hlffli pricos, nnd we have
used It well. Our
Customers Reap tbs Bmis
C iTCull nt once.
Biiddleburifh, Pa.
"Wc ask tho privicco of Kcllint; yo-i on tho closest living
marjitiH ilio finest styles and qualities tliat money can
buy in tho line of
Mens' and Boys' Clothing & Gents'
Furnishing Goods, Hats and
Caps, Jewelry &c.
Wc ask yon to giro us just ono chaneo to mako you happy
with beautiful goods and Bed Hock Prices.
We will Pay your It. R. Fare
for a round trip excursion from Middlcburgh, Bcavcrtown
or Adamsburg when you buy a bill of us of $10 and up
wards, and one-half the faro for every bill of goods
amounting to $5 bought ot us.
Economy, Comfort and Satisfaction
goes with every purchase mado of us. Wo want 10,000
pounds of wool, for which wo will pay tho highest price.
Dreifuss Brothers, Selinsgrove.
Prince Alberts, Four Button Cuta
ways, Chesterfields and Sack
suits, of all grades and prices
Guaranteed to bo sold cheaper than at any olbor plrco in tbe coanty
armeots is unsurpassed. We oiler
pantaloon stock is larger and bet
A Full Line of Shirts jfitf
Summer Underwear, lf?" he doo.nt
0 then tell. ni.i:,r "" a
m 1 ot abandon Hm Ulftt ' be
X I UUi 1 Bo off iom.wrhe "7!:uy PJtloa
I UU urlll At . . . - irr on
Our stock of Gents and Boys Garments is unsurpassed. We offer
ints at 21o. Wur pantaloon stock is larger and bet
. fall stock of IIAT3 of tbo latest Btvles and very cheap.
boys' Knee pants at 21o.
ter than over.
The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun
and Rifle Combined.
This system iu combined riflo
and shot-gun otTers advantages
over other makes even moro
marked than those for shot
only. They far excil alloth-yO
i i -. . , J 'ETT t ir. .
wuiKiiKuisnip anu uaiance.
PR I r Fk Sia-Klli,P action, best decarbonized blued V
1 ilLVilkJ casteclbaiTl,l0or 12 gauge shot, 44 Win- V-
nseterc. 1. ritio cartridge weight 10 to 121bs, price Si30 X '
rop-snap action, same as above, 38-55 Ballard cartridge, or "
4i inciistcr. nnco - oon t
T he above prices includlo lOOjaper sho and ono box of
vat inuges.
ACompleto Assort
ment of
Artificial Bait, ect.
I rospo ctfully submit to von a few imcr Auanl
IrouWIcs at 25c. a dozen, tr,out-hoks to gu 25c. per doz.,
plain trout hooks 5c per doz. best oiled-silk lines from 2
to 3 cents per yard, all other lines from 1 to 2 mnta a
yard. Heels from 25c to 2. Orders by mail promptly
attended to. 1
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa.
Freidman & Getz', Beavertown, Pa.
" We have just returned from Philadelnhia. and
JVcw York with d new stock of (foods, embracing
A Full Line of Dry Goods,
Summer Dress Goods, Quilts, Linen Table Cloths. La ce
jumoroiaerics, juaco uurtains,
H ri,'440 lr
lUby, Bclr, kl.T.rtarN JTJ """V
pi. a.llrtloa of ''Hwayn.'i rf 00 bWUO I li-ilbo
Ona wn . Irv.,.
u-n Iu ukL ZZ " ' money ha
aud a,n..TT ipn to tlia ti.;.
..u uvr no i.. .1 . .
--rv- h ill uou,piaii ,,. ' I,"
I J l amim. zoo. ii u i r... ."""i rmin.. " " M
r . ii i i.,' Iioa...iL ""i a v . -r
f i i- t- ..ireatv... aa.i i..
" V ,:rs:;i' &,c ur store we
i ., t il;.:"'mm. am fl.v ,
f : r ' 4 if 7-.n,v "'-in. .... "vce us- we
f r " . - - cur
t -
, r ...