a w He that will not reason is a bigot ; ho that cannot is a fool ; he that dare not is u ulavo. -.ir-iiii rrr - EDiTonjjfcttom 80-26 T. II. HAHTKB. M1DDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PENN'A, JUNE 14, 1888. VOL. XXIV ciiois counts? shit. BY FRANK B. ITACVrM. A wayside Inn, a blacksmith's forge, A furnace flaring In tbe ftortfe, A farm-house and a ruined mill, The flood-gate roup, tbo big wheel still, A lake with lillles on Its breast, A lltne-klln on the hill's sharp crest ? Hnoh pleasing changes meet the eye However fast the wboels go by. The roar of train upon the bridge, The rifle's crack boyoud the ri.lk'o, The plowman's whistle, tho milk maid's sotur. Tho farm dog's baying, clear and atrontr. The bleat of sheep, tho-roadster's neigh, Tii click of reaper on Its way, The songs of bird, tho drone of bees, Till eor and heart with ecstuoies. Oft horc and there a glimpse Is caught Of sceties with fun of folly rraugnt A cow, roused from her stupid Bleep, A flck of panlc8trlcken sheep, A horso that with a frightened snort in frlkv antics finds resort. His tupld driver, with Jerk and curse, Only makes the rampage worse. A peaoock spreads his gaudy tall, A gobbler's tinted crest grows pale, A bumpkin on n farm yard gate Stares at yon with his mouth ngapo, While from tho hedge u rustlo lass Flings kisses it you us you puns, Not that she's forward with the tupn, Hut knows you'll never meet again. O'er dusty roads, amid green trees That flinit sweet odors to the breeze Along ravines whore, when 'tis latef The lav calls harshly to his mate, Hv red-irrown swamps whero phan toms walk, And bitterns in the dimness stalk, Hy brooklets flahing lu the sun, Hy fields lu russet c and dun Past churches In tli woodland shade, And graveyards- wli.'re the dead art laid ; Past orchards' vtl.li thr-frultnge ripe, -S And green lanes swiftly Josjtoslght- speuiv Exhilarating sport, in J ted 1 As to the bird with outspread wings, It vljor to the mustoles brings. 24102257 SAV 33 HIS DAD. Tho KiugPineof LiuJsley'd Wood was singing ao obligalo boIu. The puiulljr true aronud him furuiahod the chorus but uhovo tho cymbal clang mg of the maple e bare branches, above tho chestnut's bourse complain ing, abovo tbo creaking of tbo oak and tbe whisper of tbe laurel bueh, aoundod tbo voico of the mighty Fine, the thundered- Deep iuto tho hill.s crest bad bo thrust bis foot, now moccasioed witb enow. His foothold was firm' When the torn pent smote him his huge body sway od, be tossed bis great arms ngaust tho night's blackness aud Bang bis bo ng of t riuuiph n song bo deep, bo profound, so awful, tbat the laurel bosh over which be cost a kiodly shadow in the en mm or s uoouday trembled in every limb aud expect ed to bo crushed. Hut this Goliath of the woods was not singing Lis duttu song, lio Bwuog baok and forth, to be nre, and never before bad tho Forest Guief boea callod npon for such au ouort in nature's chorus. Iiut he was equal to it. All tbe fibres of bis mighty heart were etraiued.his clinging toes were loosenod from tbe rock, bis great, ewayiog, sinewy arms witbed in ngony. But oaob pendaut, Blonder neodlo did double duty, and tvben their 1,000,000 rustlings were united tbe deep toned, reverberant voice of tbe Kiog Pino was as tbo boareo tbnnder of tbo eea. It was only .at intervals tbat tbe pino roared. xuore wore limes wnen bis voice was a lullaby, soft and soothing as that be had Bang on Bummer aftor boons when crowa perohed in hie Lair and called to their mates in Stumpy Hold- For three days did tho King Pino shake tbe wood witb ins inunuer tones and bush it to rest, witb bis Inllaby. Tben tbe great maestro decreed tbe festival at an end- lie leashed tho winds. He N-vv4ge,tbe black clouds into fragments. lie Bent"J6Wg4l-Llo.n1t-0Dbeatna t etart tbe eap flowing in tho veins of tbo King Pino. And be, this Her i coles of Ibo forret, tcssed bia green f crest and sang low, soothing syra- phonies. Scarcely a stone's throw ' from tbe King Pino stood tho Finn ;- shanty. When tbo groat storm cams lit. Finn was ill of a fever. C-J tv Caot'y r'-M wtea the .. i tn.l innt arnnnd tbo corner of tbe boose and dashed BWU U U U Dl u. niUH r " I n " - I a deluge of rain in ber face. Mrs. inu ehook bor boy Mickey,who was asleep in tbe rocking cbair before tbo firo. "Wake np, by Bald she. "To, nigbt is as black as a dove iv black bogs, an' t'h raio.s cotnin' down in washtobs full Hav je lb' uanoy in th'collarr" No, mother,' ' replied Mickey sleepily, robbing bia eyes and yawn ing, 'she's out in bcr barrel foruinst tb' Once' 'All, lb1 dear!' ffp'.isJ 11:3. ri22.!Bu lira. Finn knew that tbo crisis An' lb' watbor peltio' herl Sbure bor milk'llbe all wathcr in tb'moruio.' Hiiog bor in tb' cellar j that's a dear; where she'll bo dbry.' Mrs. Finn bad forgotten to men tion the billy, probably because Jio bad no lacteal valao and possibly on accoaut of undignified conduct on ono or two momorablo occasions. Hut liltlo Mike didn't forgot him. After bo bad rescued tbo nammy from bor loaky barrel he went buck after bcr oonsort. The clement, howovor, bad not eubducd tbe billy's spirit, and it was only after half an hour of des perate struggling that tbo obstinate old bo goat was locked in tbo cellar and tbe latch fasteuod. Even tben bo bolted tho d or in a vain tffrt to regain bis freedom. Mickej'B shins wore barked in tbe alrnggle, Lis bauds worn cut aud bis trous ots torn. Mrs. l'iun raisod ber bands in horror when bcr boy return ed. 'Arrab, b:tl luck t' Ibat black div- vlo wid tb' wicked born I Faix, didn't 1 bear lb' shilloo ye let out whin bo dhrnv ye agin tbe fince ! Musha, take th' as au' bate in tbe head iv bim like keg o' nails ! Do ilifckoy, that's a dearj tbe mm lhciin' vauabondB-l Lak at tb' way be' soillin' ycr bearU-Jblood au' pellit be' yor ebios I Faith, I'll blow bluTilp vTnao' FirColtJ? live 1' Hut M ickey only langhfid. Ho lik ed a goat of spirit, bo euid, and so be waahed bis wounds and scaled himself before tho fire to moud his tronsers, bo bcibg 'migbly bandy wid lb' imdlo.'ui, Mrs. O'Hiicn more tbau once Mrs. Finn rosuuiod ber vigil besido bor sick bosbaud. aud Mickey dropped aaloejij tho chair with bis fytt ou tbo itone hearth. At 12 o'clock Mr. Finn called feebly for water, and wheu ho bad cooled bis parched tongue Mrs. Finn parted tbo curtaiu and looked ou ur.on tbo eight. Tbe wiud bad voer cd and tbo rain was frozen into snow Tho flakes flew against tbe panes molted, leaviug little wet trails bo hind them as tbey ran downward Tbo ebuttors bogau to bang and tbe frail door to groan ou its hingest as the shoulder of tbo storm heaved against it. As the gale increased Ibo snow forced its way benoath tbe door and formod into a little drift npon tbe floor. Tho invisible fin gcra of tbo-wiud toro a brick from tbe chimney top and dashed it rot' timg down tbe loose shingles. Little Mike awoke witb a etart and joine bis mother in the sick room. She was knooling before n crucifix at the bead of tbe bod in r raver As the wind rose higher and higher tno nuonty rocked on its foundation Mingled witb tho bowling of tbe tempest was tbe plaintive ma-a-a-a of tba nanny goat in the cellar door as a bo tried to regain his freedom. All through tbo terrors of tbe sue ooeding two hours Mike Finn slept a a . a ... ai least bis wife tbongbt bim asleep. until boo touched bis feet wbilo ar ranging tbo bed clothes, and found them as cold as tbe euow drift upon toe floor. juo storm was forgotton. Tbe imminent danger of tbe tbo toppling sbanty was uuboeded. Her husband was dying. While death was gnash ing at thorn from tbe outside, tbat devolod wife and son worked to drive tbe grim terror from the in side. Mickey replenished tbe fire He heaped it high Kith wood until tbo sparks flew out of tbo chimney and mingled with tho odd vinur snow. Ilales. ' Mrs. - Fins t sated flannels and placed bot irona at ber iosensi- blo husband's feeti Together she and her boy foroed bia month open and poured brandy down bis throat, at least balf of the fiery liquor being spilt on tbo pillow. Tbo chimney full with a crash, bat tbey worked 09 evd fce-dsd it r?k - Tbo drift on against tbo block arcel wbosoiboots wings were hovering ovor tbe Inson- eiblo figure on the bed. Mrs- Finn's face was bathed in tears, but do cries escaped bcr lips. Little Mike, witb shining eyes and pullid lips, ran back at,d forth between tbe bedroom and tbe kitobon, carrying bot flannels now robbing bis father's icy bands, and then cheering bis mother with hopeful words until tbe reluctant blood began to flow, and a faint color, snob ns bcralds a coming dawD flushed tbo pale faco opon the pillow. was not yet passed. 'Whisper, Mickey,' aid she, clos-. ing the bedronm door Boftly bobind her. Placing ber rough, red bands upon bis ebouldur, she told bim to look into her faco And there tbey stood in that darkened room, looking iuto eneb otbci's eyes with tho fire light throwing its flickering shadows over them. Whisper I D'ye tbiuk IM Iff could ye got lu doctor r hob conld around bis tcart yet, and ho'll die ogiu morniu' if th' d jctor's not here witb bis drugs 1' Yis, mother, yis. I'll got him 1' Baid little Mike, simply, the color on bis face deepening aud bis heart boating a n ild tatoo against bis ribs- 'Now, quick pat on yor father's boots, wrap this shawl 'round yer hhouldois, put on ycr father's gloves, an' an" (Mrs, Finn's voico ttemblod) dod bo wid yo, mo b'y 1' Mis, Finn stooped down and kiss ed bor bou. She prossod him to ber heaving bosom in an embrace which was bo close that bo gasped for breath- Then be want out into the nigbt and tbe door was shut. Mickey stepped into a snowdrift up to bis neck wbon he left the stoop. As ho floundorod out of this fleecy quicksaud bo rounded tbe oomcr of the shanty and. was bang- d aguiubt the '"cd, etanued and UkO4Htjiw, H' road be never knew. Hoie tbe wind bad carromed down from tbo Cut kill aud swept tbo road on cleun as a .barn floor after a tbresbirtr. But th.uwful Kale beat uron bim liko a huil cf carp;t lacks. It stuug Li lleeb even through bis trousors? Hut Mickey set his tooth together hard and zigzagged op tbo old point road like n vessel beating in a bead wind until bo reached tho shelter cf a friondly bill. Uere he encountered tbe snowdrifts again. Tbey roBe bo foro bim like suctioHsivo cscarnmonts Ho scaled tboso packed bard by the "dechism," said Charley, not to wind. Ho struggled through the 'l'0WDd down by tbu biiigont billows. Wheu bo reached tho doc- lawyr in business. "Iu tho cat. tot's door ho was so nearly exbausti c0"'1"?'' What calechiHiur' "In tbo ed that he could only roach tho bell toD cent catechism, 6ir." "Who told by crawling on bis hands and knees. on to looI in tue calocbism for tho He jerkod tbo bell cord so vigorous- dcfioit'oa of an oatb?" "My sister, ly that tbe bell rang like a firo nlarm Suo toJJ me ,UHt nigbt'und 1 got it through the silent balls Tbon he anJ studied it." "Havo you got listenod. For five minutes there ynr catechism with you?" "Yob. sir were no sounds of life in the bouso uero i4 8." taking tbo wall thumbed Tben a lamp twinkled at the bead of littIe book from bis trousers pockot Ibo stairway, which be oould seo as "oa 80e tlj0 bis docuojouts," ho passed through the' key-holo. intorruptod the judge, with a smile; -uv.w nan a juitur or Biipporod loet ia the hallway. The big dor ewuni? opon aud tbe vioious wiud dasbed in vnd blew out the light. Who's there' said a voico. It s me,' was tbo reply. ' Who's me V Mickoy Finn.' 'Why, my little fellow, what are yon doing out on snob an awfal nigbtas this' said tbo doctor. n8c"al olhor questions woro asked and bo closed the door behind the snow boy who entered, Mickey couldn't reply at first ho suivered so. Besides, bis ovelids it . were fringed witb ico work an.i A mask of ico was over his faco Thr was a big lomp in his tbroaL loo. as he stammered out : 'M-m-m-e fader's dd-dvin' sir. An woold ye come ' Mickey brushed tbe ico from his ashes and looked at tbe doctor with bis soul in bia big brown eves. The physician's eyes grew moist as he gazed npon that eager face, but out- sido he beard tbo throbbing and the howling of the tempest, no besitat, ed. . .u.. m i oi ' morning, Mlckey " No, sfr i mo .Jor'JI ba deafl th' mornio- vs. Hon't , r , bit. The dootor looked again at . the panuut, expectant nguroDerore bim, . U . . . ,. . 4 r k. - A A M a m I witu it iruzoa ears standing out I whitely on either aids of the h.ad. With Its ahonldar. ..h - WI l.l.l .1 , . . . -...w mium amij BUBWI, SOU OVairUIIU "i t''t-mwrT f r-"S He tnufllod his neck witb a show!. His hnnds woro encased in sealskin gloves, liafore tbey wont out, however, tbe doctor mado Mickey drink two Clips of bot coffee, which tbe boy swallowed at a gulp, so anxious was be to return. How tbey reached tbe hsanfy tbo doctor has novor been able to toll cloarly. Ho only knows now tbat tbo boy was alway ahead and ovon shouting oucoorngemcnt. .', Pay was breaking when tbey reached tbe enanty od tumbled in side, accompanied by an avalanche of snow. Tbo aociior irilTC- n tbe nick of time, ; Hy tho aid of powerful stimolanta Mr. Fiun was brought np out of (he shadows, and at 8 o'clock was pronounced out of mraediute danwer. When Mrs. Finn and Lor bod beard tboso glad tidings they bad another bugging match in tho kitch en, while tbo doctor looked hmiling" on. As nouo of bis comrades could bo reached to whom be could impart tbe joyful news. Mickey repaired to tbo cellar to inform the billy. This grim, silent, told fellow bad boon standing at the cellar door all nigbt longing ior bis liberty. As Miskcy advanced toward him witb caressing bands tho goat reared ou his bind legs aud When Mickey ro-entered tbe fchanty a fow minutes later bis cars were full of mow and tbero was a gash ia tbo knoo of bis trousers. A look of indignation came into Mrs. Finn's face. Slio said : 'That black divvies at bis onld tricks, wid bis wioLeO boms. Mickey whore's th' as ' Tbo Bun kissed U'O King Pine, tbo south wind brcatbtd geutly up on bim, end bis voini was as soft as tbe dovj's w l en itAvos for its mate. t A Chicago papor telle tbe story of un UDJU8ltlS coue in a court-room in u,al c"y- Id tie boy nbont tight oara olJ was l'ut 0li tuo 6t;l"d " witneta wheu tbo o tposiug oounHel obiucto'1 00 tuo KiYuud, that the cLilJ JiJ aot uuJeri la& tlio uaturo aa oatb' "Dj Jk koow WUftt aa .fttIa i8.UuulIoy tbe judgo. Yes, 8ir'" onHwerJ Cbarley;"it ia lo ask GoJ lo uolP yu l 1,10 truth.'' "Wboro did you learn all tLis." frowuod tbo opposing caunsol. "In uu lJu,t liner wens round lUo court room os it became evident that tuo mwJ'er wa9 boiag boaton by the child. "II, ml Let me eee the book wonder it you kuow any thin j more tbats in it. Who made you? "Who, God of course," was tbe I reply, as if tho lad poob-poohed tbo "doaofboing asked a simple question an wanleJ "something hard-" Sev- elioitd roady replies Tho lawyer 8aw tbat bo was in for it, and accept eJ tlie dtfuat s gracefully as possible i 'i'.. - i ii . ; . i r ' s lo lU0 JuuSe B said Your honor,! goess we will accept tbi8 wd8sj and for this littlo book 1 won,J Humit it to my loarnod friend, tho counsel for the other sido ftnJ roooinmeBl1 its careful persual oy mm. it will do bun good ' What Sherman Says of Grant- " 1 said to Gen. Sherman: "General, WM Bot Grnnt after M one of tho 0108 remnrkobIe cbaractoia which .baflC0D?!e?0r088 yUi otbit" . ' eB,u oueBJBD, "uiant was snP y wonaer. AO think of tbat man in bis want of pretention and in bis great success, staggers all of th ?"?Ptyoa can get out of tbo P00" - . ' WB ..We .nt in what vou roiant call Ibe senior i. Grant camo in there aa a rd-h ii migni do said witu truthfulness tbut Ik, .1 m A 1 . . .. I a a ... au uw iiupiossioa ai an as a ex?P 00tl ntr. As T ""T"? u"..w" u, ut . i f immmo mi iii.vu . T of his own, otar ' aim I'l'parw'r rln vvt! Seldom What They Scorn- Thi is a sort of topey-turvoy world. No one eeorus to be satisfied. One man is struggling to get justice and another is flying from it- Ouo man is ordered to eat eggs because they are nutritions, and auother is cautioned to leave them alono bocatise they produce bile Kobisoo takes a sherry to give bim an appetite, wbilo Brown, who tins a wine cellar, can't lake a drop on ac count of bia appopleoMo tendencies. The prize fighter reforms and be comes a preacher, wbilo the thoolog- ical student loaves bis university to becotno a professional baeo ball pitch er. Ono man keeps a pistol to protect himself against burglar, whilo his neighbor tskos tbe same instrument and commits suicide. Tbo roan who can make 20,000 a year an a general thing can't save a cent, whilo tbo who is thrifty and wiso is seldom bo gifted that bo can earn anything at all. Ono rich man wears poor clothes becauso bo is rich and cau do any thing, whilo a poor man wears fine clothes bucauso ho is poor and wants to crcuto tho impression tbut bo is not. Ono man escapes all tbo diseases that flosb is heir to and killod on Ihe railroad ; another goes through a half dozen wars without a scratch and then dies of whooping-cough. Tho laborer wilb ten children keeps out of debt on $10 n week wbilo many an unmarried bank offis cirtl witb 100 a week can't get along without helping himself tho batik's fands. A5t:ry cf Thad Stevens A writer in tho IJoston lleriild ri lates that Tbaddeus .Stevens had two weaknesses : an uucoiniueraHe love for (ioler, and ft heurft su .t.eiu!i-j TruV oil ; i I', . ; reliovu disli-OKM. Ji.'V ; ne was tiMially very fa. ... J,." One t.ij;lit li " "t ... ' luolv ut cards, cnmo... 2V - .m-iimntiiit r nu oven 100, vs 1), ,i ,js ,.,..,. ... were cashed he received iiciic. new lill of that th'iiouiiimtlon. .NVxt inoruiiis ho went to the capital at the usual time, and wus there waylaid by a soldier's wi.low who liu.l a lteou tala of sorrow and sulTeriii!; to relate, ytevons put hisliuti.1 in poeket found the 100 hill - it nil , IM, and hanili-.l it to the astonished widow. A fellow member was stand ing by who hud Men the kuiuo the liL'ht before, im.l know uli,i (l,u money came frf in. Htevens eauht his eye, smiled, and by way of expla nation said : "Hod moves in a mys terious way His wonders to perform. rawMMMi Mr. Conkling's Foe- Hero is a story of two Rochester nicn who lutoljr woro ia Xcw York on leal business. It occurred t.i thorn to consult Mr. Cookling and they did so at somo length and very much lo their satisf iction- As thoy rose to go tho spokesman euid: "Mr (Jonkhng, we thank von for your ad- vico, which is very valuable to us when we got homo wo will send yon a check for l;i03. ' "Oh, no gontleiuou," said tho soo ator, "dou t do that. I am only too happy to bo of sotvieo to you, and cuako no charge. You aro quito welcome, but when I do chargo my foe is S5.000-" Tbo Maryland legislature passed one good law at least at its last ses sion, viz: a law providing for the treatment of habitual drunkards us lunatics. On its being sbo-vn thai ono is an habitual druukard the court is empowered to appoint b committeo to confine bim iu au in stitution for such length of timo as tbo court may approve, and to re lease bim or extend Ibo period of Lis couflnenient, with approbatiot of tbe oourt. 'You will have a week's holiday. children ; and I hope that your be havior will be unexceptionable tuul that you will tjive un all your bad habits." A bright Httlo girl, near the plat form, looked at her teacher a moment as she said this, then jumped up aud BttlU ! 'The same to you, ma'am." i aeo, said a young Jady. that somo publisher advertises blaok dee. larationa for sale. I wish I could got ouo.' ' Why,' aslcod bor uiotbor. Beeaoso Ur. a ia 0 in in III f ' ii for Infanta and trooomiaesdHM superior to any pratettpUoa I S"" P',''"0 fcnwtxw , Ti. ts 0?Ti BnxiiJjB, K. T. Without iulaiima DcSlu&a, . t ' ta 0aat4va Cwrr,'r T2i?ii tCtf C rVVSK l i!L"1.f .'ill. 13 "WEEKS. tti TOI.K-K it 7.KTTK will mlloil, noi-urrly wmi''l. t"iny 'Mr In Hi" full o I Slaiet tur llins iiionitm on re ll'l ' ONE DOLLAR. I.lleriil illiiooiitit llowi.cl In .nptnmi"t KKtt ami fliilm. tBDi.lroilci nialleJ lies AildtOfi all rderMn ItHMtA III) K. KOX, 1 HAMU.IW MgVAUU' rjIHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLKH, Prop'r. fcsoliriHgi-ovo, I'a. Tlilnnl lii)lPti"Hjr located lu th "qnar, anil la vcryilMlral)ln )l- trvl'r toattip lin hihtoi auronininiiaiinti ai i.ow r.iu n i onol'TI'KiKntH-v wl IMie a lira to call attain. Tli rut of 1 1 j nor lu Ilia lat ai-va"0111 liaaianran ncnnnrciiiii-i Hie Cream of all Bets of Aflvculnre Conilriiaril lnttr Himr. HEROES I TDEFTO "r..,Vi in,l...nf...H-,;Vl arorj. n. 'ViVvrwTKriifwi"... ,.r... nl otlivrt. Sl'l un.l t'oali urnviuuK mx" " A,'n,, l,ullo, 5" ri.rrn;MM...n;ixi;;i.4j WMII't. ' , A- b lt 'M. 6m. I. P. Thorns u, lu jon'iiln alltlioTnlnnl lo clmcntofiMn nmniim . u. ,.,. rNvia'iy it. i.ir.., fr il tnPtil rMir rwrWr.nl nt I. ,t.l. ... 1?... 41 . ,T' W tfllaarillllaMt 1IIIV rUtaf li.it I - . ' v vuuuiw; iiii-ri. - kiivitb uu u um iiiu mod ai.niy.VTrRr.ft nt I. P. THOMAS & SON, Philadelphia, Penn'a. FvE iALK UV Isaac Shtrey, Mt-t 'lure. Bamuol Shirey. lteaver SritiRs. The Best Blood Purifier 13 THAT WHICH KEEPS THE LIVER AND STOMACH IN A HEALTHY CONDITION: AND NOTHING in the WORLD CAN 60 SUCCESSFULLY DO THIS AS MANDRAKE, WHICH, A3 IN )r. gobenol's jyandiae Oi Us, 13 A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. T..r 8alo ly all Drogl.ta. Price 2.1 c ta. nor boxi ho' far ct..s or Mia ly null, 1ala(. frw, ,S tasolvtuIVric. br.J.U.bcUuuci4oCi,llllaal Malaria, Dumb Chills. Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. Thy produr rcnlar, tt.tura.1 . Uattlou. ii .vrr irrliko A,i.i..r.ui.k dally bu.li.rn.. Asia family mrdlrlue, tboy hulU l lu awry Iiouabol4, liVEUYWIIEllE. EXHAUSTED VITALIT-Y rllllK HU1KMCK or i-Llr-U. Ut mat M -Ileal Work of tha aeuu Mauliuutl,Nar oua u.d l'tialcial I bUity, 1-ruiuatuta Do- afunvv tuven r c"dc Krmru,vout't rirlUll I fll WbLllatidiba uutold mlaw km eonanquant thoewn, tHI pa, , a vo., 1. pro. vunpuiaia in au uimni. i luiu, toil kiii, iniir ii.ui hy Dull, avaltxL liluaUatlra aauiUa (ica to if yoiwii Ki uittl.lla-ahiHl man. beaj uuw. l l. (.!, I ai.il wal'a.1 MihUI luill U Uiaamlinr by Uia N'ailuiH ai Hadlcal Aaauclaik.ii. AiMrsaa I'.O. Utx l,IUia km. M..or lr. W. H. t'AUKSH. graduaiv llain rara atndual IWIm aa aara' iMat-llaa In lkMtm. lo atar b eouaulunl auilduUllv. OOlca, lluiauch SL u'ilty, 1I ot Man. Ca4 lata aHI. Vaa mmt aarar m Ii aa-aaaa ,ro, tlio crl.- '"'V" X,o iVTll" Sl.m.1 (lout -rn. l.u'lor. " l" , ',.,0,4, Tulfs Pills '.ALU Children, !LI 1 3 v.w dttorneys-At'Lcti& J AMES 0. CHOUSK, ATTOUXEY.AT.LAVT. MIKDLEBUROI.TA n ii unn.n.ai Pbirniiau la, all or a nflla eii rtnmiit attontlos. Cesig'tatma tao3 man nl l.nnll.u. i. - - ii i ia,i JACOB GILUEUT, Attorney nml CounsiUr at JSCfi MII)l)lKllt'Kll. PA, t'ollantlon and all ctli.r I ula.rnwi IT atlnmlail t. Cosiu Itat Im la tmllia an UoriuaD. I'M-Mk E. r.OWEK, AfTORNEY-AT-LAW; AND DISTRICT ATTOHN'l!T UiJJkbnrtf, Ja. rolletion made, nil (larman. (luninltatlnBi in fat" lJuna t . mi as p OlHsat n A' lluiMln nna dool Nottk t - ftHlltVUlllUTILl fie'insRi o e, I'enn'a. Oallectlnnn an.l all,lliar pmlntl t bdiii In follrlto.l and will racolvaa ratatiap prouil't attention. April, 'JH.tli TJ SMITll. ATTtlltNET At t.A A U1DDLF.HVKU, 8S YEPH eO.,Ht Terf bin I'tofr l.inal Narrlcai talk Otnfr " ti a ji v r. H H. GltlMM, Midillehurh, Pa. , yAp.LH.0KWlOf VaaV . o on naruct blrv ereo Hil-a. le ..'0, jHrT.tf, at aar MUMS JOHN K IIUailKS, JUSTICE CF THE PEAO . WTolleeliotiN prouiptly loidt, ;itii:rt HARDER, PHYSICIAN & SURGEfvi . M iili!lelmrr-h l..nIU' o - -1 - .. ... ft, r ri 1 rroi.lnnl nrvlceto ti tlltjt i ut .Ml.l.ilri.urii an.l vloli.tty. ipmoa a lew.a-ff n BMvi in- . ouri ii.)uo, in aruoi.j'i kuu.M I'nsicians, $e. J)ll IIAIIANI) KOTUHOCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Fs lr;i.lu ucol Unit Imorc C(illris of Pliviir !n n.l smuixiii, .iilom bl prnlcfil. aiil tarrlf lo tUa Milillo. Ni..ag;i'.UHil'l'anS ara.aa. I)" i:. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Froebrnrg, I'a." Ol1ar hl un r-a'l. n l i.rvlpui la Ih. a k 1 1 a In cuiir..r ..ml In la It Kuallbli and G.rniaa Uillo.' un Main xircot. V. VA.N iltlSKIKK, H KCICAL MKCMANICAL' DEKTlsl Sulinsiove, Peun'a! - - - . . MtuU ta Ml foe HISTOEI or rttUiaJ 1 i a4 lOtxM. tk rrrt W M K mhs - Nl aaa IMS - u4 m. K4 mm -- s-slkprws. W WlataMa ft ftS a aSi M aJt; I v,r Vv. U l'r thta cw and ahauld U In ,"',, J i-wiai.i.aii!"il" byjiiia fltEj3a' -'sn.z: iin f ,0 fcvnwt-a' aw...