The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 24, 1888, Image 1

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ThtrVa a good and a bad In the way
side Ions
On the highways of our Wren,
And man can never be free from sins,
Mo matter how hard he strives $
Tet even when down n dlntrtictlon'
Oar thorny pathway tend,
In spite of a thousand errors made,
"It Is nerer too late to mend."
There are crosses heavy for men to
And passions to conquer, too ;
There are Joys and woes, each must
Before the Journey Is through ;
Hut men may be poor for honor's
And truth and rhjht defend,
And hope will never this promise
"It Is never too late to mend."
Tin ne'er too late for a noble deed,
For, blessed by the audio's tears,
It plauts in the breast of meu a seed
That will grow in after years,
Aud words of kindness, of hope and
Will always comfort lend ;
We mast live for love, and banish
"It is never too late to mend."
It Is never too late to mend, my lad,
No matter what people say, '
And no man's nature Is wholly bad,
Kven if old and gray
And in our Journey toward tho grave,
Until we reach the euoj,
There Is time to change, and time to
"It Is never too late to mend."
taei!i,j;'""".fi".'.! ..
Yben Mr. Hearno, with a com
pany of Indian guides, was travell
ing in tho Arlio circJo, cot fur from
tbo Like AtUopnssoNV, ono of the
guides cuine suddenly upou tho truck
of a edaugo sno'ibboe.
Astonished at tbo eigbt, in a re
gion aupposod to be bundrods of
miles from any human habitation,
eajs the author of 'Kviuarkublu Ad
ventures from Luaf Lifo,' tbo Indians
olio wed np tbe tiuck, end after
pursuing it for some distance, arriv
ed at ama!l but or cubiu, formed of
enow and driftwood, wbtro tbey din
ooTSred a - vc-''--,
She nuderstood their lonRunge,
W1 lid not notd much ncreuuliou
u luu-kr lo return with them
to tbe IravuilUl ii ia.
being interrogated, si
story when it catno out tlmt 6be
was m oativo of DjribbuJ IuJiim,
wbowero, or bad been, at food with
tbe Athapascans, and that on inroad
of tbe latter, during tbo summer of
1770, bbe bad been' taken prisoner
and carried off to slavery.
In tbo following summer, when
the Atbpuscan Indiuns were travell
ing tbe country, ebe watched ber
. opportunity, and on arriving neat
tbe place where alio was found, man
aged one nigbt to give them tbe
Slip, intending to find her way back
to bcr own people. In this however,
ebe was diaippoitted.
bo had boen carried away in a
canoe, and tbe twiatings and wind
ings of tbe river were so sonny and
intricate, and so often ioUrsectod
each other, and there were! so many
lakes and marshes, that she found it
impossible to persae Lor route.
In this dilemma, instead of re
signing herself to dispair, she set
about building a dwelling for shel
ter daring tbe winter, and bating
completed it, she calmly took np hor
abode and commenced ber solitary
housekeeping-. Bbe bad kept an ac
count of all tbe moons that bad
passed, and from this it appeared
that for seven months she bad not
seen a human face and bad subsist
ed in this desolate region entirely
by ber .own exertions.
II ow had she contrived to sustain
life When asked that question,
she said that when ebe ran awaj
A from her captors she took with ber
few deer sinews. With these she
1 made snares and caught partridges,
, 'Mils and squirrels j she bad also
killed a few beavers and porcupines,
and was not only not in want of food
when discovered, but a tolerably
good stook of provisions laid by for
fat are nee.
When the snares of tbe doer sin
ews were worn oat, ebe was ready
with another stock manufactured
I .from sinews drawn from tbe leas of
rabbits and squirrels which had fuU
- victims to ber cunning. But
j c- -: .--! t-1 rai only
. . I
uji, .1, ,u .j,., , k.j, tJI, ,.,,.,,,, iuiiuinii ... , , , - , ... ... , , L
mnuuu...umHHUJu ... tu.mj.
imals she bad caught she made np'
an excellent winter suit, which was
warm sod comfortable, and accord
ing to Mr. Itcaroe, was pot together
Kith great taste and exhibited bo
small variety of omnmeut. Tbe
material)! tbongh rudo, wore curious
ly wrought, aud so judiciously ar
ranged as to make the whole gaib
haven pleasing though some w bat
romnnlio nppanranco.
llor working iinplemcuts counUl
od of the broken ehauk ofnn iron
arrow bead, n fow inches of iron
hoop roughly sharpened into a knifo
and with those the hud constrnctod
ber dress, a pair of substantial snow
chocs and othur useful artitlcs.
Tbe keeping of ber firo bad given
ber most trouble. Willi two mil
plitirknis stonos sb9 could by dint
of violent friction and continuous
poundiug, raiso a fow sparks so as
to kindle a bunrtful of looso wood
con fatly picked smull ; but tho la
bor was voarioms and long j and
to void the necessity of it, sho hud
not snffured btr fito to bu txliu
guithod for many months.
ho was never idle. When futigo
ued with tbo toils of tbo chnso, or
when sho win not nnder the neces
sity of bunting, sho ocenpird borstlf
in peeling off Mm thin inner bnrk of
tbo willow treo witli which tin spot
abounded, and twisting it into u
Mpccius of twino Of tiua sort of
line she bud nlready acoiimulgtad
several hundred of fathoms in
length, nil d it u.ti her iutouliou to
niako of lliooi a capacious nut for
Gul.ihg nn ocu ni llio float should
treftk';;p and tho streams bccoiui'
Of this rem likable ftu:ile, Mr
11 oat no in Iih journal eays : "She
km ono of tho liocut women I cvsr
saw in any part of North Amtiica.'
Is would sn iii (hi t hia Indian
guides wi'ie of tho siwo opinion ;
and that, wbilo tbey ndmirud hor for
ber coujeliness of poi son, I hey were
by no means iDsoneiUe of tbe value
of her mollifmious acoomplii-bmOnls.
Ihoro was uot a man among them
who did oot denire to bavo hor for)
his wifm t 0 acior.tiftr"-' , ".."
petition, and wres'Icd in the ring
for her the strongest of the pnrty,
fter ho had overthrown all tbe rest,
having her duly nseigued to bim
11 averty lUtfjarAne.
A Etunp Shot Wound of tho Test .
Nothing Lbs iwpiebsi'd rnevecout
ly with greater respect for tbn Via
Medkulrix Nuturrc, than the de
scription of a case which happenod
4G years ng3 iu Suydcr county, I'a.
It was related to mo by my esteems
ed old friend, Joseph E. Eyetor, M
I), who has long livod in Hnubary,
retired from tho cares and peiplex-
itios of active practice.
Or. Eyster whs the worthy col
Icugue of Wageusollnr, Lniz and
other pioneer heroes of scintilla mod
dicino, Tt appears from the old doctor's
conversation that even fifty years
ggo physicians ecjoyiog the felicity
and distinction of finding themselves
located in town, extended towards
their brethren of tbo roads tbat gen
erous and comaitndablo conciliation
and mollification for any attendins
shortness of 'average knowledge of
tbe profession,' w hich weoftoday
Gud it so nnctaous to do andor sim
ilar conditions
Sometime in the snmmor of 1842
Jamos Ancbmudy, age 20, farmer,
residing near Selioegrove, visited g
farmer who lived back in the country
about fifteen miles. At tbe time
tbe young man arrived at bis destis
nation, a number of tbe neighbors
had gathered to witness tbe blowing
up, with powdor, of a large and un
sightly pine stump, which it was do
sirablo to remove from the door-yard
Tbe by-standars as well as those
more interested bad just about or
rived at the conclusion that, individ
ually and collectively, tbey were
willing to lot tbe stamp rot 'before
tbey would taoh off the blast.'
There is DO danger, of coarse, bnt
I'don't understand it as well as you
do, John. You do it, Tom. You're
older than I am, you know.' A deep
hole bad been bored into tbe stump
and filled with powder to witbin a
short distance of tbe top. A bard
oak pio, slightly potntsd by an ax at
on end and t t tbe other, with a
let t:
1 f Z?J :t j
He tlint vrill not reason is a
train of powder along somo shingles
that hod been arranged so tbat tbey
rsacbed fro'n what was considered a
safo distneia to tho cooflnod expan
der. This seems to hove been the
virginal attempt in the neighborhood
to work such a grubbing machine,
for, ontil young James, probably
with the reputation of bis own ton
sLip, or vnlley, (Involving upon his
srnsitiro (.boulders, volunteered to
apply tbo mulch, not ono of tb
crowd could be indiicod to do bo.
He was not afraid 1 IJo was made
of better slnff I Hero was a chnnoo
to do notnetbing that would lo talk
ed about at tho Vritsins,' the
'huslaugs,' and iu tho 'rcapiiigs' of
tbat part of llio country for years to
conn. Ho w hen every &ne elne bad
provided himself with tlmt difciraMo
accompaniment of 'nnturw's fust law,'
unfety Jnmrs walked with the
firebrand iu bin hand towards tbe
distal end of tbo powdur train, aud,
when closo enongh, li-auirg well for
word and sidewiso, tonched it off
When tho snioko end dut.t and
Ibe Brrjces cf tie sptctatoii bad
cleared, it was apparent tbat tho
joiiLg man was st riuntly hurt
lie was tenderly cntried into tho
boueo, and the neureht phyticinn
untn moucd. Examiuatiuu ditcloMed
a tiavtuo fracturo of cno ratella.
aod, what was more ii explicable, a
pnnctnred wound nbi ut at inch iu
Icrg'h by onc -lalf ir ch wide, bit tint-
id oco and a half itches abovo and
lo tbo outer tido of tho insertion of
tbe deltoid nuncio of bis light arm.
A patch, corresponding iu cize and
6l.ape to tho wound, was missing
from the tloovo of his liuon wam'us,
and could rot bo found. No for
eign material could bo found in the
'.vouud, and no idea r f bat mado it
eonld be formed. He was confined
to bt;(l at the placo brro lLo acci
dr.Dt happened for nenily nine
months under the euro of tho coun
try doctor. An nrncconutable lung
trouMo and closely followed tho in
jury, resistii g all efforts to allay its
dangorons tffects- Several times
litttebliidf - - ?' t"
the exw
,-.. -.i.., TLoouod iu
I u
e arm healed over in a few weeks
after tho injury ; and soou ufter tho
lung troutlo began.
About nine moiilhs affcr bo was
hurt he was removed to his home,
tbreo miles from Selinsgrovo, nnd
Urs. Eystnr and Wugenstller were
called to fco him. From the hitdory
and nature of tbo ca?e, probably as
sisted by somo local manifestations
present, tbey concluded thero must
be somo foreigu body, or tin ubsess
in tbo upper part of the right lung.
Those wore tbo days of activo decis
ions and decisive actions, it would
appear, for tbey promptly mado an
incision through tbo interment nnd
mnecleo down to tbo iutercostal
spaco between the tliiid and fourth
ribs. They were rewarded, as well
as surprised, to discover what soom
ed to bo tbe pointed eud of an oak
stick, jtiBt luvel with tbo outbide sur
face of tbe ribs. Forcipn, Yjiucors,
tongs, in fic. every impleueut at
band was intffccluul to even start
tbe pieco. Now notice tbe fertility
of necossity. One of the physicians
held tbo wood with a pair of forceps,
wbilo tho other curtfully bored a
common gimlot into it until a firm
hold was obtulned, Tbon both.witb,
pincers and gimlet, mado the neces
sary traction and landed at last
just balf of the plug the ingenious
farmer had driven, nine months be
fore, into the blasted stump to bold
the powder. It bad split in two
pieces, on strikiug tbe patella and
injuring it.while the other bad struck
bim in tbe arm, pausing beneath tbe
muscles in front of tbe axillary vess
eels and nerves, between tberibn in
to the chest. The manner in which
be leaned forward when tbe explos
ion occurred made all this possible.
Adberant to tbe butt of the plug was
found tbo patch of linen from bis
blouse. In tbo groove which had
been part of tbo vent-jbold, were re
maining some grains of powder wbiob
had neither been faeed by tbe blast
nor dissolved by tbe liquids of tbe
wound. Tbe pieco of wood meaeor
i inches in length, and at the large
end was the half of an inch ping
Mady recovered bis health and lived
for twenty years, an industiions far
mer, dytaK or some fever, Tbe piece
of plug which he insisted on keeping
was given Christian bnrial with bim,
instead of being placed s a relic
wi'ta us ooiy inowo eautf-
V Ynibi B,noelit, wt
' I
bigot,; ho that'cnnuot is a fool ;
SNYDEIt CO., PENN'A, MAY 24, 1888.
QSAirS 07 GOtD-
Faith is the fljmvo of car.
All finery is e feign of littleness.
No man was tver scolded out of
his virtno.
The troe ornament of matrons is
A langh is worlh a hundred
grcans in any market.
Free-lbitikers aro renrally those
who never think at all.
How ry it is to bo amiable in
the ruilft ( f liapjiirjrM nnd snrccBS j
VThrn pride niul presumption
walls brfcre, hn.ue and loss follow
Virtue in its f(rsndrst nppecl is
neither more nor less than follow
ing reason.
Ne.ligenco is ilio reft of tho soul,
that corrodes through all her If si
Fcandal, like a reptile crawling
overs bright (rods, leaves a triiil
nnd a sting.
How many psrrons fancy they
bavo expciienco simply because they
bavo grown old I
We smile at tbe snlirn expended
npon the follies of others, but we
forget to wfrp at our own.
He knows much who knows when
to speak ; be knows moro who
knows when to bold hia tongue.
If there is any person to whom
you feel disliko, that is the porson
of w hom you ought never to speak.
Kvoiy runn has sointhing to do
nhiclilio reflects, every man bns
faults to conquer which ho delays to
If porclianco the cunne of thine
enemy cauio before thee, forgot thy
ii juri'.'8, and thiu'i only of tho merits
of tho case.
Somo uio curbed with llio fnlnfi
cf satiety ; and how can they bear
the ills of lift?, when its very pleas
ures fatigue thota. ,
Tbo langusgo uouo'og tbe mau.
A coarse or refined character Cuds
its expression nelarully iu a coarbe
or re'ioed j hr"jv 'v.
s 'out1 fow
nL.jJM . will oatcl.
tbtir judgment's, s u u uh fltey aro.
We ehonld bo careful to desoi vo a
good reputation bv doing w ell ; and
wbeu (but care is ( tu.kuu, uot to
bo over anxious ab nL tho success.
ADrcan cf tho Past.
I wand- red to the country, Tom ;
I sat buhido tho brnok; I tried to
catch tho uiiublo trout with line nnd
bated hook, Tho bauks were jiihtas
muddy uud tho current just as tlow
as tho day I used to fish, some twen
ty years ago. No people now were
with mo, Tom; I squatted thero
alouo, and died to yank out massive
fish, whvro there, ul:ts ! were none.
Moequitoeu bit uio just as bard and
chanted just as low, ns when they
(iced to bold their wcila some twenty
years ago. Aud wuilo I tnml to
swipe them ouco, aud break their
dreary eopg, tho Lank rolled down
into tbo creek and carried mo along
The wutor wus as moist, my friend,
the mini as deep b. low, as when 1
rolled into the creek some twenty
years ago. J'lio line was wouud
abtut my litiibn, tl.o book stuck in
my eye, tbe pole twirled round tho
baine old way, and bit mo ou tbe fly
I i cold off .curses quaintly then, and
naught could stop tbuir flow I curs
ed su loudly aud as long ns twenty
years ago- Aud wbeu I blurted
through tho woods to roach my
bumble homo, my eyes wore full of
last year's leaves, my cars wero full
of foam; a snako sat up and bit me,
'lorn, just as that snake, you know,
that left its tri'do-uiurk on my leg
some twenty years ago. And then 1
to tbe market went, as you, of course
will guess, aud having captured ue'er
a fish, I bad to buy u iu ss; and then
those withered scrubs I bought I to
my wife did tbow, and told tbo same
old fairy tale of twenty years ago.
Seldom What tbey Seom.
This is a sort of topsyturvey
world. No one seems to be satftflod.
One man is struggling to got jastice
and another is flying from it.
One man is ordered to eat egg be
cans tbey are nutritious, and anoth
er is cautionod to leave! tbom alone
beeanss tbey produoe bije,
itobtHoo lakes suetrv lo cive
' 'rowo, who
" a ?rcp
w at wiiitt olir, .'
ho that daro not is a slave.
;, The prize fighter reforms and b-i-oomes
a preacher, while tbo theolog
ical student loaves hi university to
becomo a profesHoiial bafo ball
.... ..
......w .....ii.tii, 1(111117 win
neiglibor takes llio Piimo inntinment
i . ...
nun cummin suict le.
Tho niiin who can inako $20,00") n
year as it gene ml thing can't savo n
cent, whilo tho muii who ia thrifty
and wine is seldom mi gifted tlmt h(
can e irn atijlhii g at all
Ono rich man wears poor clothes
bccaUHii ho is rich mid cnn do any-
thin,,', wLilo a poor man wears lino
clothes beeaunc he is poor nnd waut
to crato tho imprestion that he i.
One man c cipes all tho disou-e-that
fl i-h is heir to and is killed on
tl.o tailioa.Jj ttn tLer goos through u
half djaeii wins without a seralch
and then diia of whooping cough.
Tho lab irer with ten children
keeps out of debt on $10 a week,
wbilo many au unmarried bank oPJ
cil with $100 a week ouut get aloug
without helping Licuself to tho bank's
It is a mistako to suppose that in
telligent, ikuuiortul and rweponsible
beings woro placed in this world
simply to eat and driuk, Laving no
higher enj lymenl than those enjoyed
iu common with the bruto creation.
Itisii iuihtilie to infer that one
mau id bettor than another, simply
because ho was born in a favorite
country, that ho has brains, simply
because ho wears fine clothes (be
longing to the tailor), or that wealth
is u gunrauteo to good breediug and
good behavior.
It it a bad mistako to snpporo that
young Indies wero mado simply to be
urrnjed like peacocks, to receive cox
comb beaux in tho parlor, while the
mother is a drudge in tbo kitchen
' juU good onou'jli to wait 'ipon'
suiih a dogUler- (ue one ivio
!r.r:ticos tats, nua V-v. ."Jnf.r 1 jilir."
tO StinOOrt " InoKol. . ''nnrjjlt.,- i
un.i that ou acruu of sue, pu.lj and
selfish indolence, bho will roako a
good wifo for a poor and honest
young mau.
A Barber's Ob:orvati:n-
Tl o lorpiacions buibers now and
then have intervals when they ro
tnuik incidents tlmt escupotlo utlon
lion of many in tho lar and riirh of
life. "You sleep on tho right hido of
your bod)," one of them said the
other day, ns bo clipped tbo semi
bloude hair of a customer. "Why '(
HecaiiHo don't you gee that join
hair is thicker on tbo right than on
the left hide Wo can always tell on
which pido a customer sleeps. The
In nt is cinCued to tliu bido .f the
pillow, and tln.t heat tnuk'ts I lie limr
grow thicker about tho ttiniiK,"
Tlio barber didn't expluiu the nccpt.
cd statement that tho constant wear
ing of tho bat produces so much heat
that meu addicted to tbo practice are
bald. N. Y. Hun.
Thre are now 3,U17,315 H.tiiti.-ts in
this country.
UIhhs fpoons for I'lcklen nro coiuiii;
into futliiou.
A Luko Shore train lately ran 05
miles in 9) iiiliiute.t.
Admiral Wonlen, who fought the
Merriiimo Is cow 70.
Of the 8,00i) painters of jileturea in
Purls 3,000 ere women.
The Nova Sootla gold mines yMiled
about 000,003 lat year.
MiiiueHotti linn tried lii'h license for
elht months und likes it.
A Neaside dress from 1'niis is mad
of eighteen bandLurohiefs-
St. Auguutine, Flu,, the oldest
town iu this country, has no nide
WHlka. Phi). Armour of Chicago supplies
most of the fresh meat tatou iu Flor
The population of Ilia world is es.
limated in round numbers at one
hundred and fifty billion.
ltusfciii baa forbidden the Ameri
can Bible Society to distribute Bibles
in that country.
Jersey City has a man who return
ed to the ownr $'20 found in a second-hand
A prisoner In th. Ohio Penitentiary !
ditlnpr with a fftiarJ, nUl Iid would '
Ui tivfore h would yield. OirJ.
The rounder of I hi Adams KrnreKS
Contpuuv, Alvtn Adttnin, vtarted )n
eoreor f - wTlot boy n Boston
onu man icreps a piBt. l to protect i-1
himcnlf nrr.inul l,n r,,l,. ,-. n.l.,1.. l.ilFtl
M LA r
for Cnfantn nnrii
"VJwtnrUMMWvnslAritr.ltoctittitiV'nal I C it tori fyrmt rVto, f5o.1TfttT'l
(monin-ml ltatrimriorloanyrrworikt.oa I f'"r '"i''l. I'HrihuB, Em'flA, "
toowB to tn.. ' U. A. kmmm. il. T... I ,ailirl;;;,, '' ""' I0"1" M
lil to, Oxford tit.. OruvUj-B, X, Y. VTlXnit kijurious birdicUUia.
Tsa Cb.t.t Cvxpajv, I t DtRaa Zttrt VtlTl
y ij;Vy m U
K Kt i Viit iihii 1't ii In K.ii ivwsful um fir inftf'F
,u .vtiitVrj. u Ui
kf Nl 1 " .-.
TU floniMjr Iim Uio fil l ii'Til of CoritiwiM
l,ll)'l Iftlix utt'l O - i '.n 1. 1 s ittAr) ('!,. II. li1' 'Ii
ii wvll M Vi Imu." 1 . f r;1rtnr:i t i whnu It tin
tf-.)ir it p.lf. U lM.t wtt iUijm--4 vlio liv
IrWii Ik. II
from fnrtln-
i v. If TM i nly iil'n it k r-niuia.
r.iK'iv iiux
Rfln.l.Mrlii. will' -t
f ,A Rn4 Im.Ui t. V fl-
F"T mni'i'! Inf. -rtnat nti, lifTrtpiir 1'am
lilili'U w:tli it:.'uiral., fr-.
For Ml ly nil drntitlMi.. It iiii nr t'A cthor It
lu i .mi it. ut .t t-i lu.t I j .
mioitct to !. jiytiium '!. l.'H m i lr i!ir-ot ' Hi
ml Airwil. I'l tl I I K UldM. i i .
bl tW Jl AlurkM nirwi, i'liUn.UJiibla.
A Mci'IcIm with curative proper
tics as impossible to counterfeit
, ,- . . . . .
rm uuQnjtit tne U.ilted States
and Cuiuda3.
Iiuiinj; tiic past two 1 Im.lW ulincicj
.ir 1 have UM'il litllr wuh lltum hiiis on. I an
nl Dr.'l hnitiu.'.' Jclci'tric 'altuLliuu nt tlic llirnnt.
t)il lur iir.una. linn Dr. Humus' licli i tm:
cillk, Imiiiia iitnl Itt.fl- Oil i iin.-l tin' l:iv-rrj.
m.itici. Il aluMvicnrrt. , Ut ile Isle, J Y.ahi Mir-
M.I.. I'.l.iir, AM. 1 iltli 'ii. i t.
V. :t,l, N.iv. i-(. .DAVKM'OltT. Iowa.
t.UAY V1U.K. Il rn. Ai a f..r e i
In casta i.l t'limii, li,rrh lir.'ll utiias'l-.i Irr
Tluiiniis' Kt'let-tric Hi) On' nil Hiiii.I', at l. ;i
liuvt-r tailh to cine. Il II t.irrii mi-, anil I I .'.
rnroil mr of a vi-ry bail lioe will fun- av ..i.e.
t. 'Irvmti'il 1 'In. Kit li.lw. S. Il.nvli' v, .ai
C.l.lliill,Uiiiywllc,lll.JU'ibl iili Mucl. '
4 0
IS tl'.C I.
It v,ry v. t!y
It c.:n y. ci.yn'
c u ro.l ji' ii ni ni-'M1
I .lil. I
r i
w'i'. h
t :.!.!.- ;
l n ; t: i ; nvp,
!' r it-i I'.t a!! I m.- ; I'i I
S Ii. xi i I . a', .u ; . . I M : .
ri'Kijiiof j r;-o. Or. J. U UL.J.
Tlalaria, Dumb Chills,
Fever and Ague, Vind
Colic, Bilious Attacks.
Thoy iruiliiru rt'srnlitr, mitiirul I'inr.
ultouH, itvvcr K' l r lulurl vr niih
dully .1 u rumily itit Ulcluw,
lUy hlioiiltl ho In ut vry liwu-n-liulil.
sou) i:vr.itvvjii:uu.
x-jA1, Clf MaJital Work of th
a;auii Muu(Mxl,NrT
on uij l'hyalcl Ua
bUtty, rrvmsiur D.
Tliycri f" cIIbb, Errori of Youth,
I II I WbLl twid tlia untold mtaw
kaoiiiiMiqtinit tborson, aoo laun 3 ao., 1M pr.
acriiUiuia lor all UimiiM'a. e'lodi, 7un,-;ilt, only il.uu,
by iukiI, au.ilat. lllimUatlva wiuil fk U ailyouuii
and uiiililla-M-wl nixit Bond now. i.uiii and
J:wlld M.nlal awunlud to Lit author liylLj Nation-
S FiciS
"" ouUk u rra' irrticin Butw-o,
aalio way ! oouauluxl oonStloiiUally. Oflloa, fli
a Uulfluch HL SiiucUltr. Dlaaaa ol Man.
-iit (kto (. Van vavy m Ii uptfa
hMm Oil!
i - j
j'... '.'L-'... . i.
NO 23
itiM.iiyi.Hiiujif m
u f. r. a
, .... .ii.... m
A!l l)'lri ntrnftil to, hia fr iSI 1k
!:, .ronit attenllnn
rtiniiiuilea ts lira
iliiu ml l.iiKn.b
Attorney nnd Cfnttr 0) Arft
t 1 1)1) LK lit IIOII, P.V,
IUrtlun klii) ll cth.r Vlrirti
it ti.m la to. Coia ltilj l hnll.k
y r. uownn,
An DirntioT ATTonarn,
J'utilfebtvrp, ltk
rnl!f ptlofit RiMo,
i 'I ltrn.o.
iitBtnlliitUei tt IVfVTj
Jun k.'fht.
QUA 8 r ULiaUlT,
Attmicy 4 Conunellor-At-fftrfl
)ltlsla Ai'k Hullillnc on di Norit
Kktoiukb Hutkl.
KrlliiNttroTft, Peuu'n.
t'leotlnn and ll.otbr prrleiKI 9fT
nut In notlrlteil sad will nMfvr
I rora i t BttentUo. Apr.ll.'Tt.tik
ATTOnnfT A1 Xk if, .
MU!I,t:Ul'RO, IIKTfNKOg.,n,
'rrlilt Prnfparin(, Sortl(a to bp b tnnliih BDd Uatlosn
A. W. l'OTTEK,
7nrt.YH AT XAWk
J n. (iRr.MM,
Atfornv-t-iWtTW, f
M.dillebnrgli, ra.
remullRtlon In ;bth
9H.0, Ml'
I.ohMhiii;, I'lilon Co.. ptk,
(tnn'i; on Mnrki'l htrmt. & liituA fO.C
liri'D M0llQ.
licc.o. ri?
John k. m;unp:s,
J:ntz, tinttltr Co.,
r-P"CoIlertioim protuptly made,J2
;mii:r nvnnEK,
?.iiilil.. btir;ch, Peid'.
( 'Mi m I t. prnlci:.'c n I t ervli'ra lo Mfv
( I a! hlill.MniM an. I ! -In It jr. iftlna irta .-mi
iVc.lti tli ' i wi.ti Itoiiiv, In ArimM'a ImfiOaKilx
, Phys'eitw.s, $v,
lVwr ura.Minr'fl -vvrit(iriS-
Fremont, Snyder county
irrl Inula ol IJaltlircrei'otlKffti of PnTl -
lil Suruann. '!ter.i Mil rulcml-Bit I l 1 1
tu ike ji.ibtlo. fijurika l.nnilii auil larma
pu. . W. TOOL.
Pi in limfr, r
!': r h'.f i r- f i-nliiriRl IT vie l lo Ilia inMl.j
I-rnnr. r-ii' t In Iip Ii U.ui:ll.k and Otinii
(I fo- ou .11.: la .'rcn.
Si-1 i ii Ng rove, ic ii u':
Ay nlj tt) heJI
i ua msronr of
I l'-f' ' Krt k. .r-'" f.a.fil
, s' .J,- v, 't r. ' ii ' i"t"i
y X v i. liiii.iiii- ' i.'-
Vn'? .f'.n'Hlr4);. 1i.ii..4 ai-.". x r "4
1 -?riAi' i- r.
, TT- Vvacn.S i aui.ntw. -i ..-
-I T V. . ... Mr..-,
Ti x I'.'j l l'i"tr thii arar. anil annuio '
nfr.rrv l aulilvm.ll.l"IC Dayiu X V V Mfi.
11 mtivf . nil! DO 11 C'in-W , W
i VT "TV
JfiA k
u. j '5 x..-;w:-:Mi.iyi:F v. I
Sfrf' (W V-i:2i&.'
ai am i
U-l tt, 1
i 4
'-Wvvh' ".JJ "IT'