The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 17, 1888, Image 4

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    -' UK." .1! '.J..1.J..J1. I. -
-Desire to cull tlio attention of bo Public to their Largo and Varied Stock of-
lipipua siiradi SBeir W&re, Ptomm9 oSLin)
avid email Musical Instruments. Wo carry the largest stock of tho abovo goods in Central Pennsylvania, and a visit to
our spacious waro room, w ill fully repay you and wo hereby extend a cordial invitation to visit lis and get our prices bo
foro p urchasin.AVo arc oflering our arpct Stock at special prices and have mado great reductions in every department.
"NVc also have a full lino of Oil shades, Lace, Damask, Turkoma Curtains, Curtain poles, Cornice, fco., in
fac t anything pertaining to tho furnishing of a house and all at prices 25 per cent lower than city prices.
J. It. SMITH fc Co. (Limited.)
220,222, 224,Pront St., Milton
Where dl J lie K't ''"T
Who wiih litr brolherr
Ilnl sbe n lter?
IIa1 iv niutber?
Wiu slio preAliiiiil
lJorit before history
With her Identity
Sbroudml in iiiVhUryT
Mai.l of Pbmiiiciii,
I'uyi't-. Arabia,
Africa, India,
Or iun-kloil Siibiu?
Who vraa her fthi-r?
Wan hn a viking,
Cruising about
Just to hid likliij;;
Ollt Oft 1)0 WllKIIUl'lU'bM,
Over the water,
Into the Whore,
ltririKiiit; hU daughter?
Itatlve of Norwuy,
Denmark or y wei-dcii?
Lured by It lie charms
Of the (lurden of Kden':
lllonda or llrunette?
Rounded or Mi-ndur?
Fiery or frigid?
Haughty or tinder?
Why are her graces
UllkllOWU to flllllf?
Where dltl Cuno meet her?
What was her tiuun r
Whisper it softly
Hay, cau it be'
The lady we seek
Was H. Huggnrd'a "She?'
Tell ins, ye sngos,
Students of Life,
Answer uiy query:
Who was Cane's wife ?
Sam T. Clover iu Chiougo News.
or a fbontier.
The St. Paul Globo Bay a i Dan
ionkeri drifted in from tho north
country yottcrJuy. Dun's 6lamrinf
cround for tho imnt ten luv8 Lna
beon anion;? t!;j footbilla of (Jio
wcll-kuoWD ami Jo-pcrato elinructors,
who bud driven tho ligllful owner
oil", aud worn boiling" tbo fort with
rilloN and rcvolvorn, against tho pro
tests nnl threats of a ttenk-lookin"
young follow, who ha d filed upon
tho land, and, at confiidornlle cx-
penHO, bnilt a comfoMuble bback up
on it, ntnl win preparing- to improve
it by cultivating tho eoil1 When
Pan arrived tho yonng fallow was
wandering around tho claim, elccp-
iup ou tho prairie, and endeavoring;
to make tcrma with tho usurpers,
who only laughed at Lim.
Pan naid he took 'sort ov a Rhine
to thor young fellow on tho start,'
and whon ho saw how tho lund lay
ho laid himself out to do up tie
junipers at short order. Tt-cy had
beard of him cud know ho was not
to bo trilled with, bo when Dan
wnlkod over to tho aback ho vns met
at tLo door by Tytu WolJand, tin
most desperate of tho two mt u, who
Hhovcd n revolver under Dau'a none
and told him if ho didn't 'vnmoono
inutunter ho would thoot n hole
through him. Dan wasn't built that
way, and yuukiug out Lis revolver
ho fired flt tho jumper, who dtoppod
with a holo through his right niJo
Wolfland's couopuuion, Boeing his
partner go down, opened firo on
P-un, who got a bullet through Lin
left arm and Lad a furrow torn
through hia scalp"; but tho jumper
got a bullet from Dan's revolver
through tho jaw, and f-Ignifiud his
willingness to quit tho claim if Dan
would stop shooting. Tho wound-
cd jumpors wore loaded into a buck-
board that was their property, end
bebiud a pnir of mules that they had
brought to the chum with tlictn.
vcro eet udrift and wire never liefm! '
. .i mi n
toru ou a ttarihlo blizzard camo tip,
and Furnos-! must bavo Ltcomo be
wildored, for ho did not reach home;
but l;ig l'i, thinking ho had con
eluded to remain at the ferry until
tbu tl zz ud wns ended, gave himself
no nr.ensir.CP8 about his youug
friend. All duy Thursday the gale
blew , and btill Dun was confident
that Fuinchs had rumaiuod in town,
but when Friday und-Sitorday past
ed and ho did not return, Dan be
gan to fear that thero was eomo-
thing wrong, and buckling on bio
snowfahoca ho btarted ocroes the
prnirio for tho forry. lie had gono
barely moto than tvo miles from the
hoiiHO when a dark object lying on
tho prairio caught his eye, and go
ing sver to it ho found tho alcove of
n buffalo coat. Ho dug down into
tho enow and found the body of a
man lying c his f.ico ns though he
had fiilleu while fclrngglin againtl
tho btorn. Din Idled tho coipne
out of the drift, and turning it over
looked into thu ibid features of
Tho Btrango part of tho story him
not yet becu told. His groat heart
stricken with gtief, Duu liftod tho
form of 1'iinif Bd in bia arms and car
ried it back to thn shack, laying it
ou the bed. He was so unnerved
by tho turriblo fato of hi J friend that
for a day he could do nothing.
When ho at hftt pulled himsolf to
gether ho went about prepairing tho
remains of bin friend for burial. Iu
attempting to romovo tho clothing
from tho upper part of tho body
much to tho consternation, Dan luid
baro tho'white bosom of a woman
lie immediately drove to llo bonne
f u ticfgljbor.ruid Lclifio 1 tho wo
nun of hu huiucicup, winch were
Which ntrvor full. cyjnUliili "
cp-fdily aunt il ihttom duutitxra.
j'Hiiri cofott rnyt ir
f.loort It ilriTc cut ! Uotle mrU. whlub
rai. llh.-umitlnm. snd Mtrrr Um blw
niKklnir ininu:
to lictlthr muillUwil.
igc niM)iiinHiHifc
III m It , y i rxirMn powor. crmblnrj with Mnmt
miu K mm mm mm mJM
' . fkirr't eti t ronm wmi mi
m u?. It ta lii.tiTK inii f.iwTnj nttunl
m-tton to ix Imi. lUtfuUnijr luraly tut.
luW( It BM.
UfttS ffcrrooe Pfottratlen, Htnwne ndch, UKomBwflMbyrrfnnjBdbMlneei Neae Weeke tameck , . g- Bold b bracsiirt. M
mir.. mkm It UM Lot iciuaiur IUI Ml
I'APTf Crj irT Cohfottkp rtrrnbM th
viriwh, nd aiil'tn Uit a-rwm of Mm 1lr
tiro urvaiiH. T hit U will It WM TU UM
I r
WclB Made
1 -1:11 .,it.iin in lh Merohant loiIoriDff business wnhrocms in
M. inn vui.i .-
Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa.
ond take thin means of informing tho people of Snyder county, t'.nu 1
have on hand a well selected stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
ond samples from tho bot and raof,t reliable Now York and Philadelphia
bouses, ami win sen lower mau Ber. vuimmi wi""iii iwrimubi
ing and Sconriug dono on bhort notice.
Nov. ltf. m E BCCH
r V t f o ft i nntt J7mo 7 w i
whoro bo has earned man) dollar
in tho boneBtbut precarious vocation
of protoctiug tbo property of tender,
foot settlors ngain;t tho lawless claim
jumper. Ho is knowu as 'Dig Dan"
in bis bailwick, and bo ia looked
upon by tho settlors of that wild
region iu about tbo earao light that
the citizens of tho United States look
upon tho elanding army, 'ibo title
of Big Dan' is not a taitiuomor, for
be stands throo inches moro than Fix
feot in bis moccasins, and girls ncar-
lv five feot around tho chci t. his
legs are liko tho limbs of an elephuut
and his neck is as that of a Tcxa
Btoor. His faco was cover touched
by a razor, i.or bis locks shorn by
fibcars. and around bis fuco nu 1 over
bis bead hangs a ehnggy hum of
carroty bair that Lau been kept v. itli
in bounds by Dan himself, who Iims
periodically, eawed off tho straying
bair with tho keen odgo of his hunt
ing knifo that he carries belted
around hiB ample wait, sleeping or
waking. This peculiar individual
was born in tho northeast corner of
Oregon thirty years ago, according
to bis own testimony, and gradually
worked bis way acreBS tho Hookies
into tho Territory of Dakota, never
bavlnar ridden on a railroad or
approached civilization nntil a wctk
boo, when bo slid over tho frozen
prairio on enowshoos to Devil's Lnko i
City, and, clad in bis quamt gaib ol
poorly tanned deerskin, boarded thu
train that ovontaally landed him in
Rf I'mil. It was uo ordinary cir-
oamstance that ied this queer luau
to nodortake suob a trip, and the
story bo told the Globo correspon
dent was interesting as well as pa
thetic. In bis poor KuglisU he told
why be was hero and why ho intend
ed to contiuao bU journoy to West
Virginia As bo finished history he
brought bU hoavy fist down ou the
bar by which be stood with a force
that mado the glasses rattlo and the
bartender look nervous, and eaid
with a look of dogged determination
in bis eye. I'm or goiu' ter find
wbnt I'm after, if it takes mo till h
freezes over.'
Three years ago, according to
Dan's story.information was brought
tn that claim lumpers were
mnVlntr it hot for a young fellow in
the northern part of Tower county
and be started for the econo of the
trouble, as be put it, 'Spi'llin fur a
ebance ter do op tbo Bfjoawofucod
land hoppers.' The claim in ques.
tion was in an uninhabited part of
the country, and when he arrivad be
found It was in possession of two
fricudua luerea'tcr.
Iho young fullow whose chiim
Dau had Havod wa? esceodir.gly
grateful, and drcHSod tho woundj of
bis benefactor with unucuul Bkill
lie toll Dan that bo hadn't uioury
to pay him for his scrvico then, but
when be could ruiue tho fuuds ho
would settle. Uo paid his name was
Daniel Fnruens, and ho came from
liuudolph county, m ar tho head of
tho Chtttt Kiver. Wc6t Virginia,
where his mother lived. U'u father
aud two brothors bad beou killed
while Borvius in tho Confederate
Auuy, and, tho support of his moth
having fullou upon bia nhouldors,
ho had como up into North Dakota
wiL'.i tho intention of building a
homo for his mother aud lniusen
Thvio wero a fow hundred dollars
left to tho wife aud sou wbon bis
father went down under fire of tho
Federal forces, aud this money bo
left in a Wheeling bank to bo usoJ
by his mother while ho wus cstab
hulling a homo in the North.
This btory told by Fnrnees en
licted tho sympathy of Dau at onco,
and t'ueir chauco acqnaintanco grew
into a eoi t of brotherly atlachinent
that lasted through the threo yoars
that t'uruesa was busily engagod in
cuUivatinc bis claim. With DauV
a.'.Biblfii.eo ho got along famously
Ho hud proved up ou bis troo claim
mid a homestead, uud besides had
munagod to puiehaiio 320 ucres, eo
tlial tho i pi ing found hiin iu poeees
...... . i . ..
hiou ol ol1.' acres or spienma lanu
Uig Dan bud c jmo to look upon
Fumeus claim dabbed them Dig
uud Littlo Dau. They wero almost
inseparable companions, aud a year
o, when 15ig Dan was Btrioken
wilufuter, l'urne&s nuruod him so
touduily that ho pullod through uod
ciiuo out all light.
He wuh us smart or young dock
es ever got rained ou, said Dan,
with a moisturo in hiseie. 'I'll
never forget him as long es I'm on
top ov earth. I thought er darned
eight more ov him than 1 did my
own corcaBS,1
rniuess was making preparations
to go East and return with bis moth
er text spring to bis Dakota poeRes
eions. He bad bargained with Big
Dan to look after tbo farm while be
was absent, and he was to have
started East February 1. A week
ago lost Tuesday Furnoss wont to
Church's Ferry to make a purchase
of provision to carry Big Dan thro'
the wiotor. ne remained in Cbnrob's
Ferry Tuesday night and started for
Lome Wednesday coon That af
t 1 A 1 1
wero given a earelui tnnai iu mo
halo cemetery at Church's Ferry.
Among tho gill's effects, in her
tionl:, wero found letters from Ler
mother addressed to Cora, which
was piobiibly tl.o right i.umoof the
imuqnernder. Tbu theory aJvauccd
for tho woman couconling her bcx if
tlutt tho concluded sho could thus
protect herself ogainst iunult and
indiguity iu tho wild country to
which eho wus goiug. ' And tow
...;.! lvm mn 'oincf to una lue
Voolrn Rtorklnj Fnvlng Dank.
When M. de IxRsep9 was nskod by
Einix iur William wl.ero lm cxpoctcil to
ilmi tho iniuienso rri itnl required fortlio
l'unania canal, bo replied: "In tho
woolen Btoekinjsof I-ranco' tho Btocit
Iiiri In wblch tho peasants, workmen and
piiiall tiudosmen store tnoir eaMiigs,
few sous every Snturdny. The sluowd
old Frenchman knew what he said to bo
truo. IIo found the capital wucro lio ex
rected to llnd it without resort to tho
.. . T-l
irreat manners nnu oanKers ox iuroio.
It Li to lie feared that thotw woolcu stock
ines will lonir bo worn out and thrown
nside before tlio littlo Ravings oi mo
French re:iflantry will find their way
kick to them. Hut tho lt saon remains,
and tlioro ia no peoiilo on tho fneo of tho
earth that needs it so mucli as the Arueri
can pooiilo. We aro a nntion of spend
thrills. Onco New cnirianuprs naa
repittittiiin for economy and thrift, but it
is wiid thev aro losina it. l'roili!thty and
extra vnpniice nro tlio rulo. There is ht-
tlo capital in tho woolen stockuiga ol uus
country. Chicago Times.
lathe m'ltcr f Hi tfe of Um9
limber. Ma of Ctntre
(Ttr cetuifii, IU, cfccM.
TO flTnm. - -- t-rtMv,
Wm. nrtii'i
Pa., oeoriio iu'".'" ,
IxloiivlllP, Snydor loniitl. . " . 1
trrui.rrk.l with Humnil ',"" KrViir. A.-
Nnvdi.r roni.ty, I
rl,e. V nuti oi'tili'T,
JOHN D. FOCKliEll, Frop'r.
Solinsgrove, Pa.
fOfOIS.'llj S bilj Ti,,l,it, i)lo,anotl3rlootain lh "qnr,
I u.l l vr"1eiiriblo plco fu trivolcr to.tup
i.oiiKTof roiuuioiUllon.nt lowritu. .f
til ot,.iHtoimlnu nroillb..urotoclli(lii. Tli.
, at of ll'tor l'i Hi. tat
rf-Vliiu-lu Uoitur w.
A ir.ri 1 0
J D. SlaLUblMEil
Iron. Kails,
steel, Leather,
Paints. Oils.
Coach & Saddler Ware
Stoves V Tin wn re
LowiHiown, I'oim'a
! Ms ! WU ! !
The following Dlanks v ill always
be found on baud at the Tost Print
ing office.
Ore Lenses.
Dlank RelenecF
Constable Sales,
klnbr oenns
IiiHiorB' Dnns,
Certificats of richolnri-hip,
Judgment Ezcinplion Notes,
Financial Statement on Shool Board,
&c, Sic , Ao. All blanks rot on
hand will bo promptly printed to
Mcrcltuii'Kt House
41.'J fc 415
Terms --$l-50 per tiny.
J. A. rSrAHN, Manager.
CM. Miller nnd W.FI. Morlson, Clerks
inc. i, in-i,
National Hotel
Dy WM. 110LZW0UT1I
HemoilonJ, Kefurnl'VoJ noil Improrad. Tb
moH eontrnlly locatou tiotol In tit tuwn. First
oim acfiiniiio utlum (or tut traveling public
April in, OJ.
Mors StroDtfy
Voiiclici Fir
Tliaa Any
Oilier Dm
Modern Tines.
rowerfnl Tonic
tdullml, uniitch will bor.
pacific Tor Malaria,
Nervous rrostration,
nd ail norm Dlnemoii.
TMK MOST milRNTIPtn in awn
uprlr toqulnlnr.
Ir. K. K. nliv.iirn . o.
IK,l. Nbw York, (,,' n,eJ Kn.kln. "it
"vrr yuar with ronMiint nnd iinfa.llim iucoiki).
ui'inriri oi Hi liiulient
Tiilno w-iinintipyrntie, niitl tvinotio ami nil-
piii.luco uu tnd olloct. aa.l ia t,i.,,.,.n. . ,,,1
lao. ' ' -
'iliir !tr ol a liar charaotor firm proml.
nent intliriilimla, wl,-h ntnmp Kai-klni
ronidy orunduubtoU merit, willbi acntcn iu.
pllcmlur). r
niifKina onn n tiiken wllhmit but fpcclal mid
li-nloilvlo. (I.W tier buttle. Sol.l l.v
orirnt lir mail mi rnvrlpt or iirloe.
'I'll tr I.' A L 1 .' ... . . ...
i.amnu uiran ai. p
hnt tl
Liebig Companys
Ail Efliuieiit Teiiic for Inwliis.
Alio lor r.ivorlnj
Buurci and Mode
OENUIkK only with Citron Llebiir's
WKiNATtHlE In bint. Ink acro9 label.
UulJ bf all SicnlnpM, aractri and DraBgliu.
ta. Ii.lriiirrld -llli Nalbuu 'V . n
iv l i an. Mill flli)ltn; chll.trwn v.i.
jV,,..' o u O il ... Uhvo l..r Ibel. K"-;l
l...l.i..l. A i .IWW V ""i '.J, , A
.i.ii .ii., . vl: flfiK' Kaio, "'. r . .
I llli It II V I'
Ite Cirrw ni ll Bcoisof Llnm
,r,l Into One olinn-.
' ; i ' .ilnfulnn. ftf lull orn
l.,r llirlruuardlan A. A. ItumlKi
for. ilia JuSkM of our court ol ''',,'
?'.. n,.r. lu arc It -r
app'aKo l n ai.i it l'-o .
mt d.ily aw.-mo'l I'T ,
iiadliy t:.o ti! ' '
n the riireooou. I'lr.u an., - -.. tf
L U I 7KH. ilDC'U . ai II.C
,,, it niMin It lT an lii'iiif't
I, ..I ntnl rnltll'llftt
mn ainu .. . ttl-
hMilil not b.. ifllil. tetc-l Ml P. i.
Wltneaf tt . Jl""l "V, ,., ,Ji, thu
,l.nt l nur Kiiltl Court i ..ll'M'1''
6tu day ol Mifii A. i'. ii-';
l li- ' l.rlttii.-. r'-.i. ..In
1.x cr i' mi I'.'iu!' r i...l i..'
:i nnii wilil !--. "if
1 1 ..III .1.0 I III' I St ' I '
ii!.. I i .ii .f i'v .vi hi-. I
t ., i.-, l.i ..,.. I r. .
I. II ' '!., U 1' I ' ' , t'l'.T I .1
i, i.. a i" Dm. ;
;".'iut l-.ll .1) I.', '' -f.i
, 1 1 . t V ll!u I'd "'I.
A'l !-.N I S W AM I II. !
....1ii.inu t.i .:!.
't'iine lur ianimiil i.llm i.' AkciiIs hortol
IU"df' I'LAN Ki I'! " iv.. lli.xflsv.
1'!. II..' IU. I. I ll 1 A, IU,
PS. ( III.
of nil llif 1 to tx
witn I i.tliuni. out
nr wlii'lo nii'iury
'a pn.i" ii'.. l.ivo
.., liSlill'-, -" ' ii ti -I-'rrkvii,
;,:.iniln .loo. Wild
.'l ion a..,l t'riHik,
.- ill otllorH. Slili'tl
i tins tn-rimnit".
..rati', l ll. I UvuU
Heir.., to innka It known to tlx pro) 1o of .M lil
dUliumh and vicinity tbat hi Law rrrnoHlod
and Itiipton il MP llvarKa ami rov.iml uliu-
ell wiih a .no. 1 ica or imrp.e t ntcrvor. ih
uaa ulJO rrovlJoil lit n loll ltli sua of tl.a lat-
out Ixprotcl I nl.nlrnlliif .InyoUK out tnblin
po,crlnu tho e.'lii-l'- HI Ita n.a ID
tliil il.-nlci . A II tlil ban Jin c Kt a treat
eipstifo, nrd Mr. rx'i'ioiliiUy ark
y ,,ii r patr..t,HKO, n I o bna lu r f'Ttcl arraiinc
mini-ta Inko tl.i c rpfa In linn. I ami pvrl. iui
II tlia, I a lanvral Iroctor-ttu-
aroldlnv tlio nil'iirrnimant anitlDdct'DVLUleuca
alwaji aooouii'inyl'ill luuarali.
wriTtNUYKK.Pr. tn-y.
1 f-K U'l.NCKITl ll'SHYrdt'HC'rHITE
(!! I.IMK i.n.i StiliA. Kor I!.. it-.ifi'itlmi.
Wo'-W I. ii nir.;. I) tilit.. Antli':u. Ilnmi li It,', um
i , t lu i.!'!' v : 1. nn !! .nuwlcil'-'Bil Min'i'tlii'
liuuivdv. 'IK Y 1 1'. l'ilial und f-iK-r bctUu
rroiutv.l nnlv liy
WIISTHFSTEK fc 1()..iiomlt,
Tlienii.ft woiulcrluMy coiiipklo colli.-! ;uu o
Hie nlipulntrly uelulnn.l pnntlciil wlilfl l .:ac
rrl'unn pulill.-lii'd Iu any iintl..D on tin it!. I"-.
uiurvel ul t.vory d.iy v.ilt'i nnd nctiiiil mm c)
onrnliK nnd iiiiiiuy cannn to eery po.v r.
liuu.lrcilf npou lintulrvila ol hciiiiiliul mid prip.
til ontiriiviniiK. tip axtriKiritinury u w pricu uu- N'.thttm In tlit wl.i.lo lil
ory nf tliu lu k iruila liku it. Ncl I il-ln-v
real valua to tlia people, and vnlop lira mic
Anuntit li'f.klni; lur a new and IU..I i'lw 1 1n ,
(Irlla lor lull ili'-i rlptliiti uud leriuo. ;u dnya'
t.uio giveu A'.'fi-t without ci.tiltnl.
&flJ.Ut.l'liK I U. UOXO'.'ll,
K,b. l,'r, J1.
ldi Wtlllulu bt.
Bold by Urutrglali.
.New York.
baud lur Circular.
. Oocthe'a EnrnlDKa.
Cotta, the old lmUishor nt Ptuttfflirt,
Wnitcmborpt, Ims maJo a fltp.Umcnt of
tlio nmounta bin flrut puM to Gottho uud
bis holrs from tho yortr 1707 to lHd.l, or
in wvontv veiira. Tho lioct Winsolf re
ceived not inori' thnn ?100,000j tho houu,
$110,000, or nltogothwr, $210,000 for nil
tlus works of tho fcrentobt Gcrinnn pot t
until twenty-threa years ugo, when tho
Cotta-Goutho monotwly came to on end
and Goetho became tho property of tho
German people. Now York Commercial
Cream Good for the Kick.'
As sn antidote for n consumptive ten
dency it U clnimcd that cream acta like
it chnnn. and serves all tho purposes In
tended to le served by cod liver oil, with'
much treater certainty and eilect. llo-
Kidi. ixrisons consumptively inclined,
thoo with feeblo digebtion, ocd iople
nnd thoso iitcllncd to clailmfcs ana cola
extromitiee, are especially benefited by a
liberal use of woet cream. ou uuy
Foot Wear la rrolnoll Europe.
In Knronean countries wooden shoes
UFA n foncrul uso amonsr tho iaaantry.
Thev are clumsy, but cornfortablo and
cheap. The Aluiay women Rononuiy ko
hnr.fooied. nut tiiev nro very suuuui in
embrolderina slippers In gold UnBel
which, like thoso of tho Turks, aro worn
jiiBt over the toee by lmlius of the higher
classes. i niiaueipiuu iiunn.
Halno claims to have sixteen men and
women who havo lived more than 100
years, and no end of Inhabitants who wo
over 00.
Thero 1 1 a floiiruiilnjr. ;rort of 32.00
cixu-wut int at Cuiki tiaLle, tho tUtl
frni-iot.t pjint VI I loriua.
Ak" for mo, l'l,,,,"r no,,k ' 1
l.rcai nt tli Uelora the Arorrlran lieo.le(
The lion. 11. ry W. Ulalr'i (U. a!. Senator
from N. H ) 'Teiupcrnme Moveuti lit,' or
TteUi'lll' t Hetween " Alcolml.
Tl.e don I- tareit to-cWV In tlio came of TKM
PKRANt'B tnxetlicr with the Kreat earnnt
. l.and imi ,i llrlty of tUowrlti-rof till nl .rtl
Si "a" of'l 'lacatlui n Hol-rin. will ,,uu
alUOtha (IrilUt IH.i eaprowuy uu..ub
The work l .-omplete in 1 Vol, .f flOO patsra
....... .-.i iviiru iiiuir,iw,i- v.
r.1. i omiTorai Laa.lera, Inl.luilliiK (Ion. Jll - Contain all tho Valu-iMa elcrointi of lUhla manure
I ! it ?!a I ranoll Murphy, Ml-i t ran. la K. 1 a concentrated form. Hrclallf propared for all
I'M. u. r a ' - . . . . , ' i . I rl, .1 . .nr. ... n V. ... . n. u r. , . ft ,. .1 I. rut. I, . nann..
nr 111...1 . ji, , lul.iruil ijliuuiir.wu. vw. m- . ..-ium., . ...i p.. .... . . ..-
" - "I w ' Mull. Thov OJltllint llO ItflHtHII I II tK fllllll.
""". . ii..ii,.iv ,1 IV I), and
Ttiework !"; .,il7,;
the rrmpi-rai co UrK I l.u"n" niruim......
land' anil a uu.reulc. of 8W.vO cople. liaa he,n
uiaua to tu i nuiirur. .i i 'i
E. E. BAITER & Co , rUOllsnGrs,
1011 Arch bt. l'hlla., l a.
Fab. 1, 'M Sui
I. P. Thomas & Sen's
13 "WEEKS.
in. nivirTTK. will tfl mnlleda' wrippil. to any ..Mr... I. Unit
ed mate, for three month, on receipt ef
Liberal dliconnl allowed to P0411..
agent aid lul... Baaapleeopui mane-
Aauta.. an im. ' .nv vnT.
.li .. .' -
l beiuass
int roan la. '1 her
OUU WOKlUi posacn ovorr faclUty. We give
thitui our ncnonal attention, hot tho aarne mnury
wo guarantoeourgooili not to be aurpaawd. Tboi.e
who uae them emlorae them. You uae them and
i jga Will Ctidurse thotu.
Philadelphia, Penn'a.
lano Bblrey, McClure.
Samuel Bhtrcy, Ueaver Srinrs.
Trial List Hay T- '83.
Anlf (lru et al use ti Klliitl.eth Oroenhoo
Tho Cmuiniiiloueri of Vuionuo mkui
nuu'i ....
A W I'ottur VI AI.el llorrold et nl
Jcrcmliili Moyersdui'rviJoho Hnene
Ami Wary lie vi ixer aiiu.iiui,, v. ...
Kennedy kSl.lreivi 11 W Hummel
N V lUre vi franklin towrahlp -lUlHtiawaerolaladm'rkoriJ
O Nlftpie
The Hnluitttla a Irou Vo ti vi uwib
The lMtuiatla Null It Iron Co ti 3 H fclne
The ltalumlla Natl at Irou Oo r J M Ulne
Kniiua U Hohwonk Ti John O Vt SKner
TUol.ykea Vulley Mutt ire lui Co vl IUnlol
8 Iloyer el al
JJaolul Kero vi John S Wood! et al
In the matter of tin Etstute of Amelia
Knitter, kite Centre townthtp, Snyder
county, Pa., dee'd.
To Amunda Kratier lulertnarrled with Pelor
Thomai, dee'd,, of Adanii tuwnitilp, sup
fi.unlr. .'a. Wm. Kratier. of likedavllle. a
rtm eo.intv. Pa. (Itiiru, Kratier. of faxton
villa Snnlar countr. Pa. Llllle. Intermarried
with Bamuel llroaaol bhrader1! Mills, M.tttln
county, t'a. Simon Kratier, Alice, lotormar.
rlu.l wltli lliiimU Mlluhell.
rl. d with Nathan HacUouLir, all of l aiton
villa. Nuyder
May 8, 'ii.
Vouadrlv-n, e4
i iai'hine Rl.riM.
i.aUi., aiui.
Aher U1 OtriOre frail aewiult
a9 ft. litk It., below Call oir Mil. Fills.. ?s.
aaaavnllv nMrca it, naa wealiraiad W aaily lijiaiwi
li oim . &e. t Ull er write. AeVtea fraa ead aaHcilf eaaa
aWemlaL Ikni ii e,a. lOt a,aed f aaeaalo(al
CtmuuKW and beanttnea the bair
l'n.x.uj(ea a luaurlAnt arowthw
Never traile to Haatore um
Hair to ill Yealhftil Colon.
Oarvaaaalp illaNaaraautl hair (alius
Ti i i ii i matri.Ti.
T rU'mt, aurrat nnd beat mrv f 'jt Ocma, Bvnloae. Ae
CotaUrla. t'-nNRreijmfurlWtrifci. tnIM
temxe. u eeale at IroiiuuM. Hjaouc V. X m
EL Cat
Cir.HU 1111 tin
;'asal PaatsaKeK
Aihirs Pain an.
Iiiflaininnt ion
Heal tilt Mores
itof to res t li i
Venues of Tasti
ami Sin! I.
"Social Mirror : or Moral nnd Soclul
I; the tltlo (iflhe Krmi'l nw book Inlro.litccd by
Miai riovelB'.d. inipnralclled auu-
ci, pruluiuly llliiMn.tcit, witn vickiiih iiiiio-
iraph iluteol .MISS UI.KVCI.AKl. i ne with
a a. cniniiluU, Iruuliiia on Moral and tvx'lul I'ul-
lure. truo tiiiitihuod and nouiiiiiliix.d, Tlio t.'oth
er'i liillui'iioo, llo piitiont wiih Hie hnya, Keep
ruiir dmiKi.i-r nraryou, ui.nig nviiumiu, i-.nnlv
ituvurnnu'iil, 'Iho art ol cuiivurnatton, Tl.o
uwkWHid Mini hy, A uiothor'l care, 1 :i I iiui- I to
Iu nil lul.runclieii, l-lo. Iu iiivchunlcal eiccu
tion liunuriiDe., inakli.K It 11.0 l.und v.turat
auhacriptlon Voek crrr published . The II lut ra
tion aro Uie Uuix-t aud made by npuolul artmt?.
Ererywbero. The luccen of workliiK-igenti I
auaielhlng lomarkalde. None hut live, enorgotle
men and women wanted on tbli worv. Wewuar
ant.'O ('.elusive Territory. A(enti at Work are
Urn k I iik Imm l,UJ to eiu.uo r diiy.
Write nt oneo lor llliitrutd olrotilnri and
tertni, and name your cnotue ol territory 1 or to
iccure II liiutuutly lend $1,00 lur eomlote
aKent'i uvtnt, which will ho forwardud l.y return
mull ptiuld. Liberal turmnguuruulecd.
017 & U19 Olive St., Ht. Louis, Mo.
Ai ril w, .
A particle li applied Into eaoh niU-ll m.l
iiiio ahlo. 1'riia 60 ccnt.f'at l)r i i?l II hf ma
rctili erod. to et. CI.Y HHUt'll
Utcoiiwlch St., ew York. "
Alreata, Interiniir
eoanlT. Pa.. John Kratxer,
minor who haa for hil Uuardlao A. A. liomlir
of tloOlnre. Pa. Catherine, new deo'd.. leatei
to lurrtTA her a bnaband. Joierh Uuaier.
blinder'! Mill! aim In eonuty, Pa., aud the
followluuuhlldren ill t Jchn. Jenule. minora
who havo for their suardlan A. A. Itoiultt, of
MoUlure. Bny.ler eounly, Fa., Harah, now
deo'd., who liavea to kurvlve her hu.haud, An
draw Wanner and the lolluwlOK ehlldren, Til i
Uharlei, Kate. tleorKo, Alloe and Cllen, s 11 el
wham are ulnon and have for their uuardlao
A A. llotnlK, ofaloClure, Huyder couuty, Pa.
You aa hereby oiled to be and srrear before
the Juuuua ol our Court of Common Pleas to be
held at allddleburvb ou tli 4th Monday ef Mai
JaSH, at 10 o'clock lit the fore-n.aiu, tbeu eud
there to aoeept or rerme lo take the real eataie
of A Mr: 1.1 A KKATZkll, dee'd, al the spprali
ed valuatlou put upon It by as luqiteat duly
warded by the laid Court, and returned by
the isiier id of raid county, or hw ea.tae why
the aauie ahould uot be eold. Aud horeof fall not
Wltnei the Hou- J . t). Duehar, Preildeot of
cf our aaldOou rial MlddlabargU, this lUidfcy
Marck.A I) I"
r,th,ES WHHiC 111 (IKE Ullit
Beet Couuh brup. Ta.iua arood. D
I bcllovs riso's Cure
for Oousuiniitlou savod
my Ufa. A. li. Dowkix,
Editor Enquirer, Eilen
tou, N. C, April 23, 13a7.
Tbo bust Cough Medl
rlne is I'iso's C'ijbm won
CoMHCMPTioif. Cliildroa
tftke It without objection,
liy nil druggist.
vun.j a
tU t
... T
rs i
Wholly unlike artificial iTalama.
Any book lvurnud Iu oae reading.
OlasBOl nl 101.7 at lliiltlmnre and 1001 at DatrolL
16X1 at l'hlludulLihla. Ills at Wuchlnuien. Vilt
at lloaUin Lime olittwoa ol Columbia U
biudenu, at Yule Wolloeley, Olierlln, TJnlremlty
oi Penn.. mlchlKan Culverolty, (.'hautauuua.
fcc.Ao Cndoracilhy KiuiiAau l'KixrroH.the boien
lint. Hun. W. W, Ahtoh, Jdi.ah P. KkhJawiii,
Jiulae tliiieoR, Dr. Ilrown, K. II. UooKi
I'rluulnnl N. Y. ritate Normal Collcae. Aei
l'auKhtbycorre'pondeuce. lronpectui ro vacs
I'ltUF. L01SETTE.S37 Fifth Are. ew York.
Waal WANTED. Permanent poiltloaill
uaranteua with halahi inu cxpknses
All'. Any determined man oan eeceod with
A Peoullar advautaiiea to bexlnnon. Stook
comuleto, Including man lait-ielllo( ipecUl
tie. Outfit free.
Addrcia at onoe, (name ibis paper I
If irerymm. Uoobeitar, V. T
April w, 's. luo. pa.
for DropiT. OraveL brlicht'i Heart, t'rlnary
or 1.1 er niaeaeei. iserToaioeei, fco. Our
Uuaranteed. Omee IU Aroh btreet, Philadel
phia. l.eo per bottle, for Ai.tS. At Drug
b-ieii. Try It,
Centreville, Snyder Cr, Pa.
General FirB Idshkidcb Agent
A rit-olau Stock Comirlalei repieionted.
re aiium Ketoi. Ne Aiiemwenl
rPUK undersigned hating made
X ample preparation for the aeeoiueaodatlea
ollhe publio would reipeelfull announce that
be will luralan boarding and lodging eUhe
raleef leveoty-Bve eenti ady or teeutj-flre
eentismeal. Stabling sad feed for soreei
lurnlihed ebeap.
Thoae sol harln tried his table are reipeet
fully lovlted to call, and they w.ll not to away
dl.atlHad. lio- faj 1 t Wlateftae