The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 17, 1888, Image 3

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    (TSVvVT f . LLIjl
published every Tharsdav.
w.j; i'"!h-."l ?.?riV?..!'l
?. HI tietiihborlioo.1;.
at Ik plain iwi " w " ' -- -ri
ifaatdl. Our Minnas will fclway. b. open
Satkeea wlfh to thrMh
Ktwe will set Sold ore.lf rMponslble for the
pialass tasj esawss.
-3 .m lni, akf ihlll iBUPelll
ears Cntmvv Ceeats. re Coarts ef
id.rC.antr sr. "'' fo"ri !
Vfebraary, May, Hsplsasbsr, S.oesd
aaWy ( Bo.ajb.r.
Ireek at the f1igtue on the label of
vatar paper. Those flgares tell you
Sam atb to wmcn orm bubscrip
vhi u paii. Within 8 weeks after
laoBvfl s sent, see If date Is changed.
He ether receipt is necessary.
nniiiciui-1 mi tj mii'
Will 11."
io:ei, ai'diui
Hotlee change In Bchoch Bros. adv.
Sam'l rftullni of Pauling, is clerk
ing for O. Alfred Sohoch.
The lawns are beglunlug to look
beautiful tn their green dross.
The nett eollpse of the moon will
be at uildnlght on the 22nd of July.
Mrs. Daniel Reber of near Mlfllln-
burg last week fell down a flight of
stairs and broke her Ankle.
Henry Mover, of Jacksou township
fell from a ladder on Saturday and
broke his shoulder blade.
This is the time of year when a
man Is apt to go to sleep dnrlug the
sermon and dream of going a Ashing.
lst week's gun club's score stood :
John Frauds 12, M. Z. Stelntnger 10, J.
F. Stetler 0. H. H. Grimm, 8.
Howard Walter has returned from
Lycoiniug county where he had been
employed in an ezohange stable.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Penny of Lew
Isburg were the guests of.tlie editor
and wife over Sunday.
The reason so many do not succeed
In life is because they went to be rich
at the starting point.
ThelHoly Communion will be ob
served In the Evangelical Lutheran
ohuroh at Ueavertown, Pa., on Sab
beth, 20th.
Mrs. James Bickhart of Penns Creek
left Tuesday for St. Louis to join her
husband who is employed In a flour
mill in that city.
Spring gardens and spring chick
ens dou't grow well together. If the
experiment is tried, the garden crop
will grow iuto the chicken's crop.
PLA8TSR. W: B. Winey has Just
received a oar load of plaster which
be will furnish at (9.00 per ton in
graiu bugs.
I). Bolendor's ware-house and eoal
B1U"WU! IWl LUlU Illlli public sal
on Saturday. The price asked
f 1,000 and the highest bid was $800.
Mr. and Mrs. Hebebraud have bid
en their friends farewell and gone to
their home in Cleveland, Ohio. They
left on the 2:50 uiuil Monday after
W. I. Oarman, the shoo man, will
from this on accept all kinds of coun
try produce in exchange for goods
He will always pay the highest price
for it and allow full cash value.
. Wantkd. Two teams to haul stave
timber and two men to cut it. Call
on or address
May 10, '88. 3m. Beavertowu, Pa,
Carpet 12c, 0 Button Kid (J loves
60o., Napkins 23o. per doz., Linuen
TowlsOo., 80 Inoh Detain t0o., 50a
wove Dross Cloth 35c, at Chestnutts,
Lewistown, Pa.,
The elements seem to be at issue
with eaoh other again and right here
in the middle of May we find our
solves shivering under an over-coat
and bugging coal Are. Let the con
gregation sing "December's as pleas
ant as May."
Lecture. Rev. A. H. Spangler
will deliver a lecture in the Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church at Beavertowu
on Thursday evening June 7, on the
subject of "Strange People." Ad
mission, Adults 33 cents, Children IS
cents. All invited. td
An entertainment will bo given by
the students of the Preparitory De
partment of Central Pennsylvania
College in the College Chapel, New
Berlin, Pa., Saturday evening, May
20, ot 7 o'olook. All are invited to
be present.
The eorner-etone laying at Man'
beck's ehurch will take place next
Sunday, May 20th inBted of "May 80,"
as stated la last week's paper but
eorreoted this week. Revs. Aurand
and Reiner will assist Rer. Toung,
Jaoob Frook of Pleasant Point.
(Battletown) Union county, met with
a frightful aooldent on Saturday. He
was engaged in felling trees when one
of them struck him, crushing one of
jegs ana pinning him to the ground
until his companions sawed off the
eetion that rested on him.
V7. R. Penny of Lewisburg, Super
intendent Herman and the editor of
sue rosT paid a second visit to Swift
un tost Saturday and returned with
HXIV trout, all trJIA 11.1. .....ll i-i-
r -i .vim auii suiaii satflu
Bonvlnoes us that the stream is about
isnea out and unless restocked from
lear to year, Swift Run will loose Its
f eoora as a "Paradise for anglers.
f Wm. iioysr of Freeburg placed a
beautiful monument over the grave
of John B, eon of John W. Reinlnger,
'n our cemetery on Tuesday. He also
'seed two tablets over the graves of
"tin Bowersox' children at Has--rs,
and one over the grave of
"--!-. Tfcey are all cf besa-
?--:: r' j irl
! Rtk.-T1i undersigned will eoiuiuence I
ithst Hhnde Mountain Distil. err About
the. 80th of April, when he will need
001) bushels of Rye, for which he will
pay the highest cash prloe or take It
exchange for whiskey
D. K. II A KB.
The communion services at the
Lutheran Church on Sunday morn
ing was largely attended and one
hundred and thirty-eight communed
the largest number for years. The
churohls In a healthy state and Is con
stantly Increasing In numbers nnder
the ministration of Rev. Orwig. It
seems that the Inevitable Is a new
church, and our people had just as
well wake up their mind to it aud
avoid an emharraslng delay.
Cornkr-stokk Layhto. The corner-stone
of the Evangelioal Church
at Manbeck's will be laid, God willing,
on the 20th. The services will be as
follows : Saturday evening, English
preaching; Sunday 0:80, A. M. a Ger
man, and an English, discourse. Sun
day 8, P. M. English sermon. Emi
nent ministers will be present to of-
fluinte on the occasion. All are cord
ially Invited.
N. Young, Pastor.
D. D. Hess & Son's Fertilizers are
slowly but shurely growing into pop
ularity and our farmers are united in
their opinion as to its superior quail
ties. Hess' Fertilizers contain the
life aud essence of Animal Bone,
Blood, Muriate of Potash aud other
valuable ingredients. It coutalns
the required substances that are
adapted toevery variety of crop orsoil
It is permanent in its effects, produces
large crops aud leaves the soil better
than when applied.
Miss Eva Schoch of Selinsgrove
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends in Mlddleburgh and on Satur
day evening gave a delightful exhi
bition of the wonderful musical tal
ents before a social clrole at the resi
dence of Jere Croutte, with Prof.
Paul Billhart as pianist. On Sunday
morning she rendered tho beautiful
sacred solo, "ashamed of Jesus" In
the Lutheran Church. Miss Suhoch
is a skillful performer on the piano,
a ready reader, and one of the very
finest soloists in Central Pennsylva
nia. Hon. Mortimer Whitehead, Worthy
Lecturer of the National Grange, will
deliver a series of lectures In Snyder
county on topics interesting to far
mers, as follows ; At Bower's School
House, Franklin township, near Mld
dleburgh, on Monday, May 21st, at 2
o'clock P. M., same dayat7:U') in
Boyer's Hall, Freeburg ; Sulem
church, Msy 22 at 2 o'clok P. M., and
at Shriner's church, Chestnut Ridge
at 7:80 P. M. Hon. Whitehead is ao
knowledges! to be one of the most
brilliant spew liars on Farm Topics,
ills power Cor presenting his views on
any subject Is beyond rival. All who
coin-' out to 'u-nr lint im tlies JlilfJ'j
will be amply repniil. liis lectures
are not only Interer-tlng but also
amusing and iiistsuuttve. All are in
vited to utteml. Huo posters.
A case of rewarded charity came to
our notice tlils week. A few weeks
ago a young German came to Middle
burgh aud applied to Prof. Billhart
for assistance. The young mau in
troduced himself as a fresco painter,
out of work and out of funds. He was
an houcst-appoaring, intelligent
looklug young fellow and Mr. Bill
hart udvanoud him enough money to
pay his way to Shamokln. He had
heard nothing of him until Tuesday
when the young straDger re-appeured-but
iu a different garb and under dif
ferent circumstances. He reported
that he had made his way to Shamo
kin where he had been recommended
to the kiud cousideration of Maj.
Hamilton, lessee of Thomas Gelles
pie's Hotel. The young mau stated
his circumstances to the Major and
he referred him to the owner of the
House, who requested the young
German to make a design for fresco
ing one of the rooms, which he did
aud it was so strikingly appropriate
that he at once employed him to fres
oo every room In the Houee a job
hich brought him $300 in solid cash
oyer and above all expenses. He
came here Tuesday, paid back the
borrowed money with interest and
gave the Professor an old-fashioned
WKST Bkavkr. Lewis Manbeok
has his house up and under roof and
will be completed In a short time.
John H ominel Is the ooutructor.
Aaron Howell and brother will buv
and ship a lot of bark from MoClure
this spring.
Any person who wish a variety of
Deans can nave a small planting by
caning on our land lord at McClure,
C. M. Middleswarth is getting over
an attack of sore eyes, which seem to
be making the rounds in this end of
the county.
miT if i . . .
nr. ai. urannen or ie Wigtown was
in West Beaver last week, and made
a general sweep among the potatoes,
seventy-five cents being the price
W. J. Oteeley left a few days airo
ror laauo, wnere be expects to stav
M a . w
during the summer months.
Your Bannervllle correspondent
didn't have his coin nass with him
when he estimated the potato acre
age of West Beaver at 800. I think
400 aores would have oome nearer the
Saturday last your humble servant
took dinner with Henry Houserand
while there was shown a fine lotof
uiaoic Bpanith chickens. Henry is al
ways on the improve.
Judging by appearanoe W. Q. Wan
ner nas His sbare of trade in Weal
Troxel's saw mill was last week
moved la L. J. Roinlir's woods whera
he intends euti.'j out the oak timber.
B--''V- . a a J.t.S"Vl
Mwloal College end Pennsylvania
iiniirrriiiv niitfiiuenrtj 01 niuuf iilf
principal towns of ten counties. The
puiuiurr pcr-nivii will urHI .ruiy ov, c?.
... . I ill I ! . . OA 1Ui I
t or particulars adriress
t U. MOVER, Director.
Nkwark, N. J., May 13, 18S8.
Mr. Editor. It affords me pleas
ure to Introduce to you the Newarker
who was formerly known an a Middle
burger. He will endeavor to give a
brief description of his new home.
The city of Newark Is situated on
the Passaic River, which Is navigable
for a number of miles and regulates
the climate; bnt in the line of business
It is situated about halfway; yet there
is always a wave of buslnos back and
forth which moistens It so as to make
It grow and it certainly does grow.lf
Mlddleburgh had but Ave per cent, of
the energy these cities have It would
undoubtedly be a city, too, inside of
ten years.
The city Is healthy If you keep
away from the gas factories and beer
saloons. In summer it Is quite warm,
and the mosquitoes are plentiful as I
hear It said and in which I will soon
have an experience and in whiter It
is quite oold, but at present it Is "just
lovely," epeclally to be out on the
river in n little yacht on a moon-light
night with your best girl.
Newark has a population of about
100,000 inhabitants, and among these
you will find foreigners of almost eve
ry nation generally offscourliiK-
thoiiKh occasionally you find among
them very Intelligent and valuable
The city Is well supplied with edu
cational institutions of which Cole
man's National Business College Is
one of them. This College is such an
institution that will make a man or
woman understand business before
graduation, it matters not what
length of time it requires. There are
about one hundred students in attend
ance uo w who stud) type-writing
short-hand, etc., but the majority
take the business course.
Send me the Post to No. 83 Fulton
Street until otherwise ordered.
CVNTRBVILLK. ThursJay. Ascen
sion Day was spent by a great many
along Penns Creek fishing. They
have a peculiar superstition here that
every body must go a fishing on that
day. From whence it comes or what
was Its origin nobody pretends to ex
plain. The young folks only know
thut it Is so, and they follow the rule,
and it matters not if they don't get
the ghost of a nibble, they are carry
ing out the unwritten law and keep
ing up with the superstitious proces
sion. J. E. Mohn and wife visited rela
tives In Fremont last week.
A hundsomo monument was placed
on the grave of Mr. aud Mrs, George
Herman in the Union Cemetery iHst
week by the heirs of the saitl de"M.
"?fr""Tu eTil o lYu I uClT." t T.i a oi ni a II -
ship of R. H. Lance of Mifllinburg
and is a neat and tasty job of work.
It is 8 feet high aud cost $U0.
J. M. Hartmau was registered in
Wiliiamsport a day or two last week.
Mrs. H. C. Sampsel Is visitiug rela
tives and friends in Montoursville,
her nativo home.
Communion services were held in
the Reformed church on Sunday.
Rev. T. it. DieU officiating.
Capt. J. D. Klso of Philadelphia
Sundayed hero.
Dr. D. N. Sampsel of Wlnfield made
a short visit to his friends here on
Centreville like all small villages
has Its share of gossipers who must
be continually giving some one the
length of their tongues.
J. K. Snyder, 'alias Muokle' the
vateran sawyer of Spring Mills, Sun
dayed with his family here.
Uriah Weirlck and S. F. Shearv
paid Winfleld a business visit on Mou-
TnoXKLviLLK. The five rainy days
last week belated some corn nlantlnir
In this neck o' woods, although most
of our farmers were through before.
If blossoms tell the truth we will
have more fruit this year than we ever
Uur wlieatflelds have lnmrnu.,1
amazliiKly during the last few weeks.
auu we now nave fair prospects for
good crop.
John 'came home drenched to the
skin wbioh is now almost bronzed
V . T a a .
wn oaiurury last "Trapper Jim
caught 11 trout that averaged 11 In
111 nntiinl . . -
J Kuessmeni. iiel's see.
til a.
leren loven a leventy-leven." Gee
wbiz I What a lie !
Well, Tom, the trout oame at last,
Better late than never.
io-uay (Monday) a week ago, Jaoob
Biugman left for a tour through some
of the Western States. He will go as
tar as Kansas. Hope he will have
pleasant journey and safe return.
oiiss a. jane Uood urt. rni..
where she Intends to remain for some
time. Jane is a fair sample of our
oeauurui girls, and we are all sorry
to loose her.
Geo. Krebbs and Miss Sarah Knaus
were Joined in matrimony on the flth
Inst., and on Tuesday started on their
honey-moon trip to North'd county,
Howard Trozel has employed an
otner teamster In the person of Hardy
uisn. it suits Hardy first rate as it
brings him a little uearer his sweet
The first plo-nlo Is not yet announc
ed, but it won't be long a-oomin'.
a oss Si Oreenboe Intend palutlnc
tneir large store bouse which they
puronasea or tne Myers estate.
J. tu. retterolf has his new boese
ready for the roof.
A, H. Swarts has the plasterers at
nis new bouse.
Miss Ida Eisenhower of Kansas is
here on a visit the guest of faerunsle.
Jueob Nebrhood,
ft!s tie season that, the rrow am
Kit 1
' i t'.tTi la r
For 8AtK. A bouse and lot In Hie
frnm M. Ariii.iiainir.rli .ntn if u
- w
the property of Benjamin Witten-
myer, deo'd.'or particulars iuquire
or address
L. M. Moatz,
May B, '83. Agents.
nu.-ja u.iiij,j.
J-ll-S'.l' P. . 1L1I.L1.M-I
lLA.ltI.l 11313.
April tOth, at Banncrrille, by Rev.
N. Young John D. Lash and Miss
Mary P. Baker, both ot Bannervllle.
May 13th nt Beavertiwn by Rev.
N. Young Wiu. B. Musser and Ellen
Shrefiler, both of Troxelville.
ji j:i.
Mny 5th at Beavertown, Pa., Jacob
W. Feese. aited 80 venrs. It months
and 12 days. Mr. Fees was a highly
respected citizen, ami a member of
the Evangelical Ltillivrun church.
May Gth at the residence of Mr.
Nerhood near Adauisburg, Jacob
Witmer aged about &0 years.
I'nrxisnt t- in orrtxr olih Orpbsnt' Conrti
of Mifflin o.l Noy.lnr tltt. lh undirnlKB
d Ailmlnlitfftt'ira emu 'iUiiiontu tniipm dl
tii bit will co.l uiiioini r Ainrr Ml.ldlm
wrlh lU of trrlni i wr:h.i, Snil. r omnttr
l' . will ipoio to I'uMM U no tbo ,nmiC(
Id DfesUr luwnrblp, Ml.fl.n rnuutr, I'., with
in od hsil mil of WchI ir MaUoD, on lh S.
kL, K. K.od ,
Saturday, Juno 9, 18SS.
ItOo'cloill A. M. the Mliwlnc VAMIAHLK
V A KM, rllotclnic Inn. In ol ,Ug.h I limit, h
Wsgiicr, Licnul (Hill, Mcrhia Miller and
Olhari, annlalnlnr 100 ACIICS n oro or
Allot MM Ik lid U cletrrd !)! In '! Mai
nl rultlTit.n Trent Flftoit .T.'f wliUb la
WKLL.TIMHK.RKI. A t:m nt rnnnlDK
IT p-i tbrouifb Hi farm, in. I ttirri'un
r rrc(J lonillJ RAHN, TWO ItWKI.I,
lNtl HU SKS, ud older viltbulMIURK, ln S
well of lond w.iter Boar th hona- an I Una Or
chard of J.Min trees ofeirvllent fruit
1KKMS OF 8 A l.fcV no liar eent. It bo paid
i.ndaj ufaale auona lli properly In ao'il.
One third after deducting xpenaa ol aaln to
remain aa adowor op laid preu.lara the llf' -tune
of tl'.e widow, tine half tho rrrniin.l. r t be
paid on the ft rut dajr November lsns and the
lialauoe on the ft rat day of April ID'U, whoti
dead and poiaotiloB la to be given. The wid
ow! doaer to b o. ure l hr bond ad ni irm-a.
AdtDlnlalratore' oum teautmrnto anneto.
Sheriff's Sale !
Hy Tlrtni. id anndry wrlt i.f Kl. K., I will .
pnao'uhlio aale at the Omrt lluuie lu Mid
dletmrgh, l a., un
Siitunlny, May 2(5, 1?8S,
at Id o'rlo'k, A. M , all tho rmhl, llllo. Intrreat
nnd crtule (I.oIDk the undiridcd one lmlt) ol
John lliirtmnii. In Iho lollualnu liii-aaiiue-, Hill-c-uii'iita
and trema l Iiim.I aiiuato In Monroa
tonniih p, Snydvroouiity, I'a.
Tit ACY N. I,
la lionmlod aa Inllnara : On Hie North by lunil o
the holra ol Wmer llaaalor, on Ihn Ka't hy Iho
Snxi'ii'hnniia Klvi-r. on tho n hy land of
Win. Klrkpat'li k. too. H. Hinm-a and land ol
tho heira ol I pu t tlrln-r ! dy Mt. lmrl
llumiiiil routiiliiuiK MNrHr-UVE ACHKS,
inure or le.
Hound ad North ly land of Elichaol Huinmrl
KjiH by the Siiripihiinna l'.lvor, Mouth by land ol
the hrira of lirnry llummal. d'Cd.. and on the
Wl I't land ol Mlrhaol llutniiiel, centalulng
KUTKKN AUHKs.ui,.ro or le-a.
TUAtrf NO. .
Koiinde.) oa the North hy land origan ll.inlori
.-loom iy laiiierine iiaiiry, imh i,y holra ol
Wel.or Itaiwlor. Wet hy shrtni'r'e holra. contain.
InaSlM'Y At'KKS. mora or Ivaa, laion inu eioeutun aud lu he iold aa
the properly or John llnrininn.
HK.l'Jir.rf DRVKSr Nhnlll
CJourt INxilniniuitm
WllhUKAS tho Hon. Joseph C
Hu.-hor Prealdeut Judge of the Jadl
olal Matrloi oomu iaed of tho countloa ol Sny.le
Union and aillHIn and allluol A. Weiael and
Jacob A. Smith, Ki,. Aaaoolaie Juduea la
.., nu,,i.r tunij dim laaued tholr pre
eept bearing, d.te the Nth day or lo. A.l.
17, to in directed for the holding of an Or-
pnan oourt. a oourt ol (Joniuion I'leaa, court
of Oyer and Terminer and (lenoral curt ol
Uuarter Sraa,,na of the peace at allddlekurgh
.... ...j.iuij oi lanynor; on iho th
(being the vnib day ol May 18M.) and Continue
Notice la therefore noroot glren to the Corn
ner, juauueaof tho t'eace and !un.tahlea In
and for the county of appoai In tholr
proper perNona with tholr roll! recur, la, Iniiui.
Itlona, exainlnntlona and other reummlirunoei
ininga to their olllcoe and in th.dr bat
nan psneiu 10 u none and wltneraei and per
aona proaafliillnir In hnhalr of iha l
wealth agalnat any peraoniaro required to bu
the n and titer attendlnu anil Dot departing
without leara at their peril. Juatlnei ar rJ.
queaien v do punrtuaiin Ihelr attendance a
the appointed time agreeably to noio e.
Illtron under my band and aea at the Kl...
III'! nltlaolo Mlddlehuri-, the Svth Jay ol April
auouoauu oigni nunurad anj
JL-Jteatatuentarr on the aatata .r
Mwungor lato ol W.el llear towuahlp Snyder
Oounty, Pa., doo'd, baring bean grunted to the
ununraignoa, an poraona gnawing theinaelvea
ludabted toeald oatatn are lequeatod ta make
linmedluta paytueul, while thoae having nlalma
will pmaent tueiu duly authenticated lor let
iiBineut to iu nuueraigneii.
April it 18. Eioutrii
NOTKJK is hereby piven that the
following Wldowa Anural aomoiilo miflMv
ine iiw ww, nare noon nio.t with the CMiirk nl
ins wrpuaua i:ouri oi Miy.iaf oounty, f,.rron
Brmatlou ou Monday, Ih 'JMh day of .May.
Appraisement oiriiathurlneNhnlhr, widow of rtuoii-, inicoi oi union townihip, border
Oounly, l'aiA-'d.
Appralaouivnt ol Mng.l.ilona rolti widow of
r.iuanuoi runs, line oi r riiiiKllu lowiialiip, Mny.
dor oouuty, I'u., doo'd.
Appralainetit of M.iry Kike, widow of Noah
Flko, lute of JJoarcr lowimhlp, 8nydor county,
Appralaetnont of Naruh llonfar, widow nf
Aaron iionior late ol Jackaon towuahlp. Snyder
county, '., doo'd.
Apprulaement of Kii'annnh Hwangor, widow
ol la ao Mwonger. lato of Weet beaver townahlii,
Snydor oounty, I'a., doo'd.
Appralaement of Martha J Cooper widow of
.i.iui.a .uvn r iaiu oi ine fiorough Of bellna'
grore, huydor couuty, Pu., doo'd.
Msye, '89. Ulerk, O.O.
In tlie Estate of Jmie Dicmer, dee'd.
Ia Tug OiiruAKg' CoiriiT or Hkyhkk Coumtv.
The uaderalejneil auditor annul ntod hv 11.
Court above niontloneil to dlatrlbulo the fund
remaining In tho lunula ol Daniel K. Uoyur Kx
eootor ol thoeatute to and uiuong thuao legally
entitled to the aume, hi ruhy glvea notloo, thut he
will attend to Iho dutloa ollile appoint merit on
Monday. May II. IDD4. at U o'.doi'g A. M. in 11, .
ollloe of A. W. Totter, Ken., Kelinagrove,
I'a., at which tune and plaou all pornona luioroat.
ed are reiiuoaied to attend aaid preaont tholr
clalinior ha forever debarred from aliuxl igiu
aid fund.
. . A.W. POTTEK,
May 1, '88. Auditor.
The following AocounU have been filed, ax
anilued and pauod In the Hrothouotary'l 01
lloe, and will bo praatiotad 10 Iha next court al
fomiuon ro'aa mr oonnruiaiioa. All perioni
M..v W.I, H, HUtlUV.
r'Irat and final aooount ol T. H
niutee ol Poter Zochiuau a luautla of Jackson
Miituauip, ouyuer oouuty I a. .
First and hualaooouut of M. A. Wot..,i
ailtuo ol Moeea MlddlaaaiartU if lin.v.. ir,.
ship, Snydor oouuty, t'a.
Mays, '. ,( Ulorli, U. O.
Letters of BlavUilalralulii.oa tba.atat..f
1X4 At! UKa r- i.i. i. J u LTSr.'
krea... MHIttml.'l 1. all r.ran.
aow i utaa! vf . - - w.'M ..i.i..m
Time Table, In ftect May 15. 18S8
wratWAgn ( iia. OTATioFa. katwamii'
p m in A . V. a in am
t IS l t.ewlatownj. Tit too
4 (it u.n MalnRtreel f.m un
4 0 s.i Lewiaiown T.S0 lot
(M e.ll Waltland T5 3 15
IM V0I S I'atntrr TBI IS
l.4t H.OO II Mhlndle T 8 tJ
S4I S.ST II Wanner T 4.1 .11
( SI S 4S IT MetOttro T M I II
I 'M S 41 til Rauh'lMllll AO
5 IT 8 3 l Adamahurg 04 t.M
3 19 no m M. arertnwn a. lo 4 r
3.M .0 10 Monlr 3 in 4 111
l.M all JJ Uiftdlehurgli mi 4 11
1.41 S.P4 M Velaor .)
137 n.m it K reamer m to 4.101
1.31 I M 14 Pawling a.16 4 J4 1
1.13 T.41 43 Stellnaarora ih 4 4i ,
111 T3T 4 Sallnagrora J. 1 4iai
1.00 TW 0 tiinliury I3 3u
srlliisKrov Arrommodntlon
(tlonnectlng with trlnaea N. V. Ry.)
Lea o Helluegrers. A rrlre at MollnagreTe.
1 in r
.! n. ai io.o-j A. m.
1.0.1 r
1.03 r,
M. r,
rrnlns Leave LewMown .Timet ion :
13 14, m, J 01, a m, 10 43 ami 07, p to, H, m,
n M p 111 lor riilsbnrg and ih Weat.
T 4.1 im.'iJU m, I 4T p m, 4 31 p m, 3 51 n m,
11 14 p u, Vor Phlladolphl i, No York, Haiti
more ami Washington.
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Trlna Leiro Hnnhtiry 1
t IV a in, Eur lloliefoule, Erie and Canandal
o. m a m, For Look Haven.
I'JVptn, ror 11 lief..nte. Kane andt'aoon
d llgtM.
.: p m, for Hennvo Sud Watklni.
3 S3 a m For and Ha to Hon.
( .'.'. ant vtviinn and 4 .1) p m for W illieaharr.
Mi, 11 ?o a m, 40 p m. Eor Hhamokln
aud .Mount tlarnii I,
Trilna t.oiv" Sellnanrova .TnnotlnK!
il ni, arriving at I hllad. Iphla 3 16 pm. New
York 6 ) p ni, llaltotnore 4 4 p in, Warn-
lugton 3 66 p in.
I 58 p in, arriving at Philadelphia 8 Ml p m, Few
York 16 pin, 3 4ft p ni, Wash
Ington 7 4.1 pm.
T 6T p in. arriving a I'hlladelpl la 4 :i a m New
YorkT Ida m. Italtlmore 16 am, Wash
ington 3 13 a m.
Tratu ala.i T.oavoa ftnnhtirv:
63 a m, arrhlng at I'liliadi'lphla 3 tbt at.Ne
York II no a m, D.ltltnore 8 16 a tn, Waal.
Ington S 80 a m.
J. It. WliOl), nen'l l'as Agent.
CI1A8. E. PlllU.Oeii'l Manager.
Tho Lost Huroinjr Oil that con oe
in a1o from Prtrolium.
It (rives a hrillinnt light.
It will not smoke tbo ebimuey.
It will not cbar the wick.
It tins a high fire (est.
It will not explodo.
It is without a comparison as a per
It is manufacture J from the liuest
Ci ntle in the raoit perfectly equip
peJ refineries; in the world.
It ia the Best.
Ask your dealer for Crown Arme.
Trade orders filled by
Yours truly,
12 8 '87 ly. Sunbury, I'a.
11 I lH I I !..,
rniii tIiirkcl.
No. 1 Pennsylvania fid
"3Fulti 110
"3 White inixoil DO
Ke Oi
Corn os
Oats so
Potatoes CO
Middlebiirs: Market
i'ittiMl cherries..
I'lipitteil " ...
( Miions
(Miii-lu-UK per Ih.
... 7
.... U
... .
"DTPITT Xrnewariln
1 are thnao who read
XVXVii.JU X tlila
ml thnn a.-l! Ihfiv will
llinl Iwnura I le einiilnvment tint will nut inUn
Hum from ibeir linmi'S am) fain I lies. The nrn
flta are larue ami sure l'ir eiy lniluFtrl .ua
Iiithoii. many liavn .mulu an. I are mm making
'""" uuiiureii nuiiars a uiiintn. ll la eaai
fr any onn t i make 6 ami upwanli par day
wUu w ii una wnra, r.iiner aex,J..U' o
olil! capital not nxnla l: we atart yu. I.rery
imua ma. nu apeoi. ii anility reUlren; yo
rrau.-r, can no it aa won aa any oi.e. v rite
ua ai rar lor lull particulars, which wa ma
ires. Addreae Hilnauu , (.Jo., I'ortl.nJ, Moid
to ennvaaa fitp the a:i lu of Nn pai.pv
Stock Nloiuly i-mi.liiyinrnt nuarutiti'eil, SAT.
AKY AUU fcXl'KNSKS I'AU). Apply at unro,
Sucll & Howland
is pnpi
R, N.
April iu, '.ni.
-a-Jtasiamentary on the estate
lif 1alatl.
Klt'er. late of SPHINt,. Hix.i.r
u.iuu.r, rm.t n.o ... liavios; DOdll illtl'll l
Ilia un.leraiirned. all neraona ken
anivaa iiiisi.eti-il le aal.l estate ar. remieaieil
... iiiMiiruiaiw, wui io lll'ise tiav
liivelHlms will nresont intm iiulv auti.aniin.i
u wi a"iueuioui io to. un ioraluni- l.
, Wal. HEETKR,
Maieh ia, '88. Eieeutor,
Walter's Patent' option tho'sta
Metal Shing'leswind Pain Fin
IflML shn hi A ria..ltiui
Durable and Ornamental.
Illustrated ratalnviie ami prlre Hal free.
a t.oai aJin ni now lor City,
U.. f L a. I. . a" . 7 r 1" . '"T "'""I
aaV JBk. jfaLLHrSI Ol A 11 111 1 II 1 II VS1 1 1. IIS ASS ttSakaa.... M
Snya.r Oo., Ha., leoeaee.l, havinn keeo aranU
til tu tlie unders aiiad all n.r..,7,. k-T-i '"
ier. d. r. diiiiiubi jklu or ll I Uliuiiu
r , . . ; ..laia are request.
bdtpmak.luiu.., at. payment, while tlioae
tlolua ti ""'Psot them duly
bHlnaalwaa,l,a a 1... .-
May I, 3S.
Eopubllcan Standing Committoo.
Adams-Henry Tobias. Tnblai Mitchell.
Heaver-W. . Kersu, U. f. p)I.U
lleaver Weat-H. Al. I'lali, J.U. 8oydor.
I 'a 1. 1 re w. H. Nui, u iV ur
'ljauman Niiunn Lmu a.,a 'i'.... 1
' ' ' - ". J. . V -'e. '-.
Spring Opening
o.1 UJB -ejaglal ill a.
- -
Our store is now fuller than evor
with now spring goods. ' The caliT
coes are simply; immense, and we
sell a e:ood aualitv of Prints at 6c.
per yard. Our
T 1 - J .1
juawns ana warDeens is wortn see
ing. Prices of Satteens: 10, 12h, 14,
lb, iU and. cents, all ecxellent
quality for the money. Anything
and everything you want is dress
goods at a moderate price. Full,
line of Parasols and Sun Umbrellas.
Large variety of Fans. All the
leading shades in cashmer Shawls.
Carpets and Wall Paper a specal
ty. Large variety of fancy window
shades. We have one line of
shades in different colors 2 yards
long and 1 yard wide on the best
spring roller 35 cents a piece tho
same kind with a fancy border
40 cents. Call and examine our
stock. Respectully
Valley Street, Lewistovrn, Ta.
kinds and prices; Mat
tresses. Feathers, Pillows,
lioulstors, lied Springs.
Chairs, Tables, Kinks,
Sofas, Stands, Bureaus,
4e., Ac, &e , &o.
A f..M !:.
I'ody 15, , Velvet
ma JugB, (,'ocn nnd (liiff-i
nell any of the above poods
be bonoght any place, and
Motion on p. It 11. Writ
lua ,utKvhj, sioPK tins
When You Insure Why Not Get the Best
a aaa. .
General Insurance Acent. fi1i
J , Roproscnts tlie following
umi All !
.Ola JETNR, cf Hartfnrd,
. n r ti nn i -r-. . , t - .
IU3J IJ UXVi ta ) CI I1"! U W I A) - S
721, BIT, 1S1
Thrse Compami s rank amnrK the HV.HT, sr. or.n in experience, snd with their lmmeH
esnitnl ai.d r. avuri-ea Kiinrunire iitii)iieaaned aleiy ami aeom Ity.
lly tlinir pu.ui I antioii., ho-iefi ari.l railalapt. ry .leailiiKa lu all lest Settlements,
they have won ur tuiuiiles UKKAT KtHUTA l lU.Ns.
No Assessmpnis. No Premium Notes,
If not, write to the above Agency and you will rccoivel'rompt atteatioa.
1888. Spring and Summer. 1888
We are now prepared to show
Drv Goods, Notions, Groceries,
G hiss ware, Etc.,
In Dry Goods wo havo an
Suitings, Ladies'
A Variety of Wash Dress Goods."
Scotch Zephyr Cloth,
New Calicoes, Vhito Dress Goods.'
An Elegant Line of Oassimeres,
Laces, and Embroideries.
- ". "fUW,.
at the Central
sOo teed
stock Ginghams.
e . . 1
PAiaOK SUITS in BrowrJ
Terry. Raw Silk, Hair
Cloth and Plash goods
Purl or llorkers. all kinds
Marble Top Tables.Look-
iijg iiinsnfP, some to
ones, riclnrsp, A c , i e.
Carp ... fq,iluesinv.
Prmha nrr M.d. vtf;
as low as same quality can
pny froiRbt chartjea to any
t f.,r r .n,i
Bido or Philadelphia.
Great 8toclCorapanis:
., Jg"'3JfcJ
you an iuimenso varioiv of
elegant lino of Combination1
Cloth, Satinet,
Century Cloth,