lU.'J.', OOOOOOOOOC (X )000, -1) oi ro to call tbo attention of cbo Public to tbeir Large and Varied Stook of - 9l and small Musical Instruments. AVe carry the largest stock of tbo abovo goods in Central Pennsylvania, and a visit to our spacious waro room, will fully repay you and ve hereby extend a cordial invitation to visit us and get our price be foro purcbasing.We aro offeriug our arpct Stock at special prices and have made gTeat reductions in every department. ' . ' OUR GOODS ARB DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OF SNYDER COUNTY I- i. m REMEMBER We alsabave a full lino of Oil shades, Lace, Damask, Turkoma Curtains, Curtain polos, Cornice, &o., in aC A. ll ! . . A A it t f.- - .11 1 - t e w , . J. It. SMITH & Co. ( LlinhJ DT 1 iact unyiiiuig pcriuiuing 10 uio iunusuing oi a nousc nnu an at prices zo per cent lower than city prices. 220, 222, 224,i,ront St., Milt Mat tow I i :iT i (!). f 1 8AFECUAR09 AGAINST THIEVES. V If.rmrt Hnr-lir TrlU llntiaahuitlart the Dalle of Thrn rsrsans anil llew Mow lo Protrrt Thrlr FrnfMrtv. Tliay Curry Thamat-lvaa. Firxt of all, I rny my that the houv It would appear tliut the draper lias el Mr, especially if his huuse Is situutJ nys Urn a conretiicnt inilivi lutil to i tin- suburlw, sliould count an nrxt to nialie a Jolco, ati'l tho shopwalker wpvi .otliiug the protection allordoil hv the ally li'is count in fir ft liujje Hhara of the ij;ht wiliceinan mi liis Leut. I don't nttontion of many writers. AVhctlior it aiuil to insinuate that tlio liijlit licu 1 because tho duties of this individual :ian nolects his duty. 1 Ifliovethat. fts make il necessary for him to Ikj a model a rul liv poi'loriiiH it ns well h lm is uhle t'f cleanliness ami politeness, or whether lo, and ll may Iw pretty safely relied on it is Ufa use ho occupies such a conspk-u-hat at rath time lie pus-? a row of vil- ous joiiion that he receives so iiiueh at I is ho will cat tho licht of hi hull's rye tentum, it is imrd to Bay; hut corUiinly in over tho front pardon, if there is one, ull concerns of any magnitude the sliojv niid over the house front, and the lower walker plays a very iniH)ilant iart, and ivindows and street door. If there is no to him is intrusted tho currjing out of front gitrd.'n, ho will see that all Uriht the rules of the estahli.shiiient. In some md tiht ia the area ns well. Hut his hoiiws. wliere tho business is not large is a lotiK one, and it Is probable ho noiiyJi to keep shop walkers and buyers, will not jass that way strain for an hour, It is for the laid r to undertake the rr K-rlns longer. So that If there is a hi'i' S of Khopwalkcr and buyer; hut in job afoot all that those rnj?a:red in it have the largest houses the buyers havo suffl to do is t J hide and sec the olii:t'maii otf, eient buying and marking to do to cm nnd they then know cx.u-tly how niurh ploy their whole time, nn 1 then the shop lime they have to get through their work walker's duties aro eti icily confined to liefore ho can luako his apjivaraiice one routine. Ugain. As a rnlo lie Ktho one tooin-n the (hop Hponking from my experleneo, nnd and sec that tho "Wiialder8" are all in from that of others with whom I havo their various department at tho projs-r been acquainted, I should say that at time and that thu dusting of the various least a fourth part of the iiamlM-r of pri- department is prox rly attended to. Tato house burglaries thit are success- After an interval for bronkfaKt the thop- f ully committed are sssi-itol by servants, walker is found "on tho loards," where But speaking of oidinury work it is the ho will remain all day, wrth thoexcep- female servants who are made useful. tUn of the interval for meals. In a largo and that quito Inrioecnily on their part, concern it requires nil the tact and wa- Masters and misiresm's have no idea what Kai'i'y of tho shopwalker to see that each easy simpletons many gills in service customer is properly served, and there is Bio, or how easily they are induced to vpry ''ttlo time for him to stand at the betray the secrets of the Iiouro. And not 'l,r 0I11 'low to all tho carriages as his only girls, but women, rooks ami house- compeer did in Queen Anno's lime. A tuaids, who are old enough to know bet- clever fhopwalker is always on tho alert tor. A smart chap, with plenty to bay to tako up "scraps." and in very many and with money to spend, has but to instances he is successful in niuking a ecrapo acquaintance with the kind of sale where on assistant has failed to do servants I am alluding to when they lire ", And this is often not liecauso of the out for church on Hunday and meet thciu ability of the onrii.,uiit, but for the reanon a few time afterward, and he can h am of additional argument in favor of the nil ho wants to know refcjK'ctiiig the vul- puichase. During thu huy part of Hh nablo 6tuff la flie house ntnl where it is lIaT " requires no little amount of energy kept, and the ways arid habits of their on the part of the shopwalker to see that employers and when they are at homo 'I'0 counters aro kept clear, as he knows and when nwny, that it is utterly impossible for customers It Is not often the burglar himself who to bo satisfactorily served when the in this way goes a-llshing for useful in- counters aro in a muddle, formation. Generally speaking, ho is not A.ri important part of his duties, too, is what may bn called a "ladies' man." to sen that the right assistants serve tho lie ia very well in his own line, but ho '"ost Important customers .-Yty long ex- luvfl't got the good I siksor tho insinuat- leiieiico tho sliopwal'ii.r BOOn finds out ing ways that go l wn with the fair sex. which aro tli "al" among his ens- That art of the programme is intrUKt.xl tomer -'VI these aro handed over to tho to the "sweet ..tuif iiuui." Ho is au ai- ' ' elt hLs assistants, some of whom H v-. . k whateerj0 of encountering the vilest nd dr it 1 Haver ',ul 11 v oond ailoiist.i..n the krvanTsVc , 'ouol TiaLLivlilverH are strictly jVi . -ifl 'S iijiearMi eo would disarm suspicion. It should not bo forgotten that the """fr.lar lias no particular desire in the I'lJTsuit of his calling to run his head into more danger than is ncccary, and thero is nothing that is so much to his liking nsr jiarapet work getting in nt attic windows that are scri-ened by tho roof parns't. Not one hoiiM-holder in.o score piws a thought as to the security of tho utlic window. He will have his street door iron plated, with a patent lock on it, nnd a chain strong enough to hold an elephant, but a catch that can ln pu; back with a bradawl is good enough for tho attio window, and all tho tiuio it is quito as easy to enter by one way ns the other if tho houses stand in a row and one of them happens to bo empty. This is one of tho opportunities the fraternity ore idways on the lxkout for. Nothing can be easier than to enter an unoccu ied house at tho basemetit, and once within all n man has to do U to walk up stairs and get out on to the parapet, and there, well UTOcnod from view by tho coping, he ran creep on his hands and knee's, anl by means of the attic win dows get into any house he lias a fancy for. t it is winter timo, and after dark, lie will have no difficulty in taking stock of tho front windows U'fore he makes the ascent, and so ascertaining which of tho front rooms are occupied or if the family are at dinner. If the latter he can be pretty sure that the servants are all down suit's, and ho can explore the upper rooms without much fear of inter ruption. This wouldn't be railed in the Iirofession tip top work, but it is a means y which householders lose a considerable amount of jiortablo property, and it very rarely hapjieiis tlutt tho robber is caught in thu act. As regards honso fastenings thero is, in my opinion, nothing safer for windows than a long thumb screw in a socket, going right throu;;h the fraino nnd deep into the sash on lth sides of the win dow. I don't know if there have been liny wonderful inventions in that way since I took an interest in such things, but I never ww a door fastener except the thumb screw that should giv a workman a minute's trouble. For the iitrcct door there is nothing so good as a flat ljnr fastened to a pivot to the center, co that it will extend across tho jambs end drop intoxlois made on tbo plan of a watch and chain swivel. For window thu tiers tho rhesst and best protection is a lightly huiu !oll on a coil spring. But I tetter than lockB, bolts and bars is a wiry littlo dog that, roaming loose, will open his pipes ami let nil the house, know It the moment he hears a suspicious noise at door or window, Ixtndon Telegraph. Tbs J'II of thawing Clovrs. V'heii I smell cloves on a man's breath ny first thought is, "That man is a fool." He thinks he is concealing tho smell of w hisky or some other vile smell, and lit is only advertising it. There is nnothef reason also why ho Is a fool. The oil of cloves, which is expressed from them by chewing them, is an nclivo solvent of the enamel of the tooth. Any one who chows cloves will soon notice that it makes tha teeth tender. Thut means that their enamel is d (appearing, and the next step is ft mouthful of decayed teeth, which ail iho odors of Arab tho Mcst cia r.evtr swt'n. AY lieu will lK.-3plo Jem tlmt the aweefe-t and rarest mull of all is no uuulj utuU? Chicago Jounml. Tho poojtle of Toklo, Japan, liavs taken to rating horse iosli,' and there it quite a deitisud for iL . ENGLISH SHOPWALKERS. a nilter u como into a shop. As a rule iis pocket know pretty well what they , want; out in exceptional cases there are leopio wii enter drapery shops who'o minds havo to bo made up for them, and it requires no littlo amount of tact to deal with such individuals without getting tho "swap." Hut to their credit he it Kii 1, thero are saleswomen nnd salesmen in i!io draKry trado who are capable of making a salo to the most cantankerous individual, and that not by any set method, but by treating his customers according to their several weaknesses, in t-omethiiig tho eamo manner as Ham Slick treated his horees by "soothing the fractious ones, encouraging tho timid ones and lathering tho sulky ones like blazes." The last method will hardly commend itself to most people, but it often happens that it is necessary to speak very sharply to some customers before they caivlto got to make up their minds. And when the assistant has used every effort without avail, the word is passed 'Vign," and this brings the shopwalker to the fore, and then both try their best, and it is almost certain that the side will lie effected. Tales of dodges of shopwalkers with "tabs'' aro numerous. One very com mon practice in selling dress fabrics is to put a piece each on four or five chairs in a casiiid manner, as if to show them to the bott advantage, nnd to barricade the customer so that tho can't very well bolt without making a purchase. Another very common practice, nnd which is fre quently successful, is to put asido tho articles there is a difficulty in selling, and show something else, returning to the first article at a convenient time. Warehousemen nnd Drapers' Journal. Tho Scandinavian Way. There is nn American custom that the Swede do not seen. Uko to very kind ly. This ia tho custom of "treating." The S.tido b too thrifty to find delight iu paying over and over agsin for 'booze'' which somo else will have tho lienclit or rurso of. "No,"' 'says a centleman, v. ho lias lived in a section of Minnesota thickly populated with Scan dinavians, "the average Swede or Nor wegian never stands treat like an Ameri can. They have, however, what we Americans, living among them, used to rail a 'Swede treat,' that is, every man pays for his own drink. A dozen of them will come up to the bhr together and drink in unison, and with the lest of feeling prevailing all around, but when it conies to settling every one of them goes to the bottom of his pocket for the price of tho Ifquor he has iersonallv ab sorbed. That's a 'Swede treat.' "Pio neer Press "Listener." The Vuiroterteil Neck uce. It in ours to warn, und with warning givo counsel that shall protect. Dotwecn a man's coat collar and hat brim there lies a epaco of neck that nuxlern hirsute fai-hion has left bare exposed to chilly wind:i. uncovered to cold. If collar bo upturned, some help is found, but ui rc less draughts still play at will nliont one of life's centers, For beneath this ex posed skin lies what anatomists cull the cerchro-spinal axis which is tho renter of animal ss tho front brain Is the center of intellectual life whence proceed the nerves that govern both heart and lungs, among others, the muumogasli io and spinal ncoessory. So, iu place of most injudicious exjiosur", it would logically seem that extra effort should 1st made to guard this sensitive area. William F. Hutchinson, M. V., In American Magn- YVhenover a sentence begluniug with "and" will make complete teiiM without tlte "and," it should be disturded. A SWINDLES does not refer powibla pun liosers lo Ms victims. The Athlophoros Co. gladly re fers snllerers from ilx uniniimi, nciuitljjn, sciatica, nervous or sick l.enilsthe, kidney and liver complaints to timet hn tunc Ixm csr of these U tresses by At hit hou, viul will furnish names mid nMn!ti of n.nnv uch HTm,t)S to thuse dtsiiing the m. AtJ. lophorosis the only nn.i !y f:r iIksc tlis easts that can stand such a test. A. L. Thomas, Ci.l n, N. Y., snjs: "Sly sun, J.M.Thon::i,hnd I cn intViii g from rheurniui-iii lorK-ve ul n, ntha. Athh plio ros relit ved liitn of tl.o aili, i.nd rcduinl Hie awt-liing ofthc j .ints, i.n.l tl.c h.uiencss entirely disappeared. 1 l ave , en those liaviug neuralgia cured by taking t-ncdcstV' A. Ueanl, Mt. Ki: ro, N. Y., syfJ "1 have been trembled for some tiu'ie with sristlca einl rhcuinntism, Ircupbt rn by working in a damp place. I could find no rcniwly in medicine I was Urine-, until 1 tri-il a bottle of Atld'-phercs, hich gave uie iiuinedintc relief." Mrs. Alfred Tin Mnn, 42 North Main Street, V ilkrsbnrre, I'm., tcys: "1 inn net troiilileil vi li rliHin'!itiui tn.v, einrcuslng At!ilo'liors. 1 beiii ve, hln i.iil il in any dice t. relieve nnd ju in.i.iiri t!y cure, the cause v..:)d b" t'lhl (lie Jirct tleliS wcic nctfai.l.r.lly llcv.i-J." J. J. Snvltr. Nnxnntli, I'n , snys: "I pive t'.vo bottles of Atli!(. Ik res to my s:stor, r.nd she Ims (ti'.ireiy rtc vtretl. J lie wi:snfT!ii'ie. v it ti hir.unm.a niy rlieiiniati' m and St. Vitus' d.inee, ne l rltl'oeph we lind two of the best doctors, she gnu'iially prew worse. She would from irnin night nd day. I heartily recommend it. Every driiggibtslioiild keen Athlophoror and Athlophoros Tills, but where they tun not bo Imiluht of tht. tlniCKi'-t the Athlo phoros Co., 112 Wall St., New York, will Mil cither (carriiiKO paid) en receipt of regular price, which is Jd.fO per Utlllc lor Athloplmros nnd .'.f'e. for Fills. For iivur an-l klilncr Hmhhh. h-rrrt, In llKliiiii, woMknev, nervnas ilcMllty, OH iit, I uctincn, eorj!i.:iiitpi. liCHtlncho, llniim jlotxl, e.. A n.. I'tlln ore unetjualvtl. U:ct Ezccllcnt J. J. Atkins, Chief of Pol ice, Knox- villo, Teon., writes: AJy fatuUy and I are bcneQo:.TWd of jonr most ex eel let l medicine. l)r Kind's Net I )iscoveiy for consnmption Imvinff found it to be all tlmt you claim for it, desiroto testify to its virtue. My friends Co whom I have recommend- ed it. praisa it at every oppoi tuuity." Dr. King's Nov Discovery for Consumption is guaranteed to enre Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup and every t flection of Throat, Chert and Lungs. Tiial llotlleaFreo nt G. M. Sliiudel's Drtiir Store. Larpo tizj ?1. AGENTS) 5?, OEKTIRr LY WATEDriSlH WB OK Tiir inr.t ttoiiilriliiltr com ' t-t oiilictlun til tli'i iilntuliittly u -t I til anil irnc tluiil wliiili tin iv-rrliut-ii uln Ifli etl In unv ii.itinn on t! o k!o1u. A intrvvl te rvvrydny valuo a nil iictiiul inuuvy tnrnitis lllul inmit'V-. it Inic In evi-iy n.--o-ir. Hui ilr upon Inintlrcttt ot In mtllul anil lii'lp- lll CIIKI'ltVuif. itr Mi.nml.'itrv I.MV plicelit. NuPil fttiiipi til iin. Nmhuiir In tint wliulo lit"- r y i l lli.t l-iM'k Iru le liku it. Select coinullillis w rent vslnr t i the iicnplr, nii'l iil" are rurtt. Au"iit luttr inj ler a ncurnnl liml-clurf tmi'i. Drila lur lull tlrrerlprlun iintl ttru.f. BU ilujr ' iiifK'tun t. wot , n ...... i, i t ffC AMMIXI. k CO. Box 171, 1 iua, PA.. t tb.l, '!, (I n. IbcCiCciiii oi alt Eoohof MvculQ.c Ciimlriiard luIoOlie Volniur. PIONE El , vn (DARING HEROES I y iTEEDS Tliu llirilllnic ailvunturt'i of nil Hie liuro cx plercra Hfitl Inintler SsliH'rs Willi IinllliDi", nut liiwo uiul wltil I.'-1, ev er imii' wlmlu cunntry Irom Hie carlltpt ilium m tho prcxutit. I.itc iind In iiittua exploit ul H: to, I.uSullv, Man.l Ifli, IIooiip, Kcnloii, llraily, i'r.MUeli, llowlo, Muuittin, t'srum, t'niior, C'aliturnlik Jo:', W ild Hill, IIiiILiIii Mill, ilt'iit'riil Jhlrt ami 1'rcuU, Krt'iit linlliiD C'hleln, ami ciirer tiiolliem. Siilcu lilillv lllimtrHlt'il with V2U fln etiirnvlnurt low-prlcef, antt buotr MnTlliliiu in ell. 'l'lmo lur pini'iiti ulluwci) Aiceuta tbortol 11111 tn. 1'LANET I't'H. CO., Hi xosit. PllII.AULU'lllA, I'a, Fel). 1, 'Ml. Cm. TO CON U PTIVES t'SF. WI NCH ESTKH'S II Y I'll PHI 181'lilTK (IF I.IUtl ami M)DA. lur Uuiiauiiipilun, Wu'ik l.iinii", CJ'Hiulm, Anlliiim. llrnhchiils, autl llonuiiil 1'i l'illiy l( In hii U'Aiiuttlt'iUe I ptvilU' llruiuily. I K VI I . I'nco $1 uutl J ir tiulUr I'rot arJ milv liv WJNC'ilKSTEK h CO.. CbcmtM, Mi U il lilt in bt., New YorK. SuM by liruKgUtH. 8vml lur Circular. ..P.ThOaDas&Soa's, BONE Tontcln nil the mliuililo rlrmrnta of ttnlile mnnurs in a cuni'iiiliutcti I'iriiL hpti ia ly in puid lor U i r. p4. Tlity am uiamifiuiurt-1 for rtmullt pvruia n'it rwiiin. They cinnint Im tx-ateo In lk fluid. OUH WOHM pofii,ftT fitoliliy. W lift llciiucur p.'riouoUiiiuitl.iii. For Hit) nuiia money guaranicM our rooUh nut 10 be minmi.t-d. Tliur alto u litem vmiora tUoio. You umi liiu aud yuu will eudono llieiu. Manufactdskd or I. P. THOMAS & SON, Philadelphia, Ponn'a. UK SALS SV Jsaao Shlrey. MeOlure, Samuel Hhl'rj y, lieaver Srlns. iwiim wai Xliraculotis Escape. W. W. Reed, dtugaist, of Win obestor, lud., writes i "One of my cuHtrrnern, Kfrs. lionisn Pike, liarto nin, Hitndolpli Co., lud , was a loog sufferer wilU Cousutoption, and was Riven np to die Ly ber physicians. Hbsbcurd of Dr. King's New Diss eovery for Consumption, and befan buyiopf it of iuo. In six months' tirno kbe walked to tbis city, a dis Uuod of m miles, and is now an tuucli improved alio basquit using it, 8h fould she owes ber life to it." Fre Trisl Ilottl.a at Q II. Sbindol's Drug Store. , , Oil! LV3Y BACK tfery itrals Sr cnIS altarVn that weak back aaa Btarif f rwvaus yoa. THE C3 ) BEST TONIC htrmHIefl the Nrrrpis Farlrfcen 1)1 nod, New VIfor 1 J. L Mtkmi. ritnltjtd, Tnw,unt " ilrown't Iruo littr tb tt Inm m1ldn I bav known In my Su yvnin' rM tvm. 1 iimwm found i l'iiUiT lfril)cil In unTTon nr ih)nknlsihuMktnt od in all clvlitUtitUif nliw oU tbn tMr tv hTUf co (Ue Ryatnm. Uf U frwly Id my own family." Ma. W F. Hmowk lai Main Bl. CoTirun-n. Ky . Myn: ''I wm cotn'fMy bnh(u U-wn In I mm Ho atxi iruilta with pain lit my lar k. Bruwu'a Iroa fiUwrs utinly ratuffd & lo bUth," Onnhw ha AbtvnTnd Hark and ermwd rA Wnm on wrapj.'Ar. Tube no inhrr. aa1fdtmly ly BUOW.N ClIEAllCXLCV liALTiMOKtsMO. ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE Is a guarantee of ezoellenoa. ARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all flrst-olass stores Irom the Atlantic to the PaoiBo. COFFEE Is never (rood when exposed to the air. Always bny this brand in hsrmetlcsllr sealed ONS POUND PACKAGES. ESSENTIAL OILS WINTKKOREEN. VKI'I'KH MIN P, I EN ft Y KllVALSI'KAK.MlM'k'-, o: prima quality, t onKht In any Quantity lor smcIi on dt'llrur) , Ire ot lirukomsa, comuilii'loD, florae, fce.. Iiy DODGE & 0LC0TT, lmpoit'Mand Kxportari, williaui bt. ft. V. Bopt. S-l, 'H7, Sin C,F SHEAR Y Centrcville, Snyder Co., Pa. 1 y fl rri-olatiStockCotnpaatai repi ait-nled. I romluin Notn. Tio AMmmrrl BOARDING HOUSE. THh undersigned Laving made A anipls prspantloti for tho arsoinmodnttoD oiiha puMiowould r.'potfuliy annonnco thai La will furslib bnarillns snd loilKlnc at ilia ralonf coot, a ri.y or twsuty-flys t ont a meal, btabllog and fad for bori lurnipiiau ooaap. TboM not hnrlnstrld M tabla ara rrfpeot Inlly Invited tooall, and tbsf will not to awa niMaiianait. Itoorai a few doors wl of tha i.uuri nguil, ttJIUUHUUrrtl, I'a, . OAUU1K1. 1JKAVKR, '0.1,118s. Pjoinlor. XT. DR' HOBENSACK'S tS Ki;aY0U3 DKWLIXT PILLS V t, . l ma ami i'rcific for weak '. . nM and drhlliiyof the neiirLii.itY vSikiJ hu ,cm' anJ prcr l t:kl"Ulion oii.ii g No. 'JOU N. U Citrant, Pblia. Send for t.ttuUr Chick-CMck-er-re-Kce llJLCJ. 'CHICS MAKES HENS LA7I pnr.vrnTS etprs, fHttENTM ktOUk. jeKl.VK IN 4 IIOI.VRA. ritF.wt.N ns i,4viNu Morr boos. If f(t eyary da. ChlcV-chlckr-re k (Multrv food and nnvu. lira of ditaata for poultry). Ina gteal ec food. prouueet ckk prodi(io u.y and u aood for iha i Rr neann ot in lownn in. It ia in nral article of u kind ever fatemed ia tha Uuited Suite, Canada and England. Try It. ll coeu only tn cent, per vounu. it re no powuer. vnicaeni will aal u. 7hal ought lo coarlacs you that it i good. If your Grocer, Urugiat, tlaidwara or Country Storekeeper will not gel il for you, tend at ona dollar, and 1 will ahlp you a twenty-pound boa by ficigtn, or on bundled pound, for five dollar. A lurg bos will cot you ao mora freight than a . nail Doa. Attend to your poultry, if you want to nuk a profit out of them, juat the taut a you attend lo your laad. Unleaa you manure your laud ll will not pay you. Juat ao with poultry! you mutt give them aontetlilng beaidei teed. '1 hey mutt Imve material to answer lor grinder, and material for 111 egg. If you feed Chkk-i.hitk-t-re kee (?gg food) every day you will never hav any aick chicken, and your ben will lay agg when otherwlae tltey would not. You will aever do without it after a air trial. lo not pay twenty Bva or fifty cenu a pound for medicine to feed rour poultry whea you can gel a belter article om your itorakceyar at lia ceuu a pound. loa't be a clam ; try iu alanuieciurtd Iu liia Uuilail butca only by S. S. MYERS, Patented, tag N. Front Si PHILAD'A, PA A Taullna tndoa Phys claej ratabiUSra eta OlUnela New York far tbe Curs t KPILEPTIO FITS. from AmJtmrnal oilnlicin. (Uie of London ),wboiaaaea a pe- ia WtliuMl SoMtil liMUd -i.t unl (xora aee than any oth.r liviua plivmtviaiT Uu auueeea baa iiin Imm aetoniaklna , w fc ve beard u7 aaea of a- Il -Z iifffilili IrUH li M U 1 yituinnii iirpn.i'encc,cteir yAl- jf M onnrntk rl h.ttly an:l t'l.m, It a'? . J'".'- t !'' mi-pi.,rv and Mxnal in VJLVTt. 3 r'lY- CUHES 0L0 and YOUN0. i ytttfij v i" i'-ptf'i ii i! VJxUs fc.-., tJ itl. at III H'.ltcn.ack'm l.aKorafnrv CMICI U-ss-KU MAKU HtlU LftV ' nil KJI 111 I IJ bfu'ol KudJuul'bt r.-v Mu.-g, eaceeeaiunr cureq Dy plot, tie baa pubiiabed a work on (liia daa, wkicb Ea aaayk wil h a Ur.e beto aj hia wondeerul nr fraa to any uamwiBaaS'laiau?aaureMaiSP.O.aZdtii t.iw - m 3iu??X "waCl wltnf TO REVC. W. WALTER. SalrMwu rort'h. ar.;.4iswart It CVi., Naiw Nrwarli. Nrw York, will ba nil ii(.-i1 In icnr r.lari for llil popular Hrm. lor anvihlnidi lh Narrarf llnr, Ctanlea at it Nw Varletl a !' ) li y PtiMllyaly nnmrll as tditr li pr.oa and (nnlliy. Mallslactlnn u.r ttri-il Ma will call on all parilet thai .lis hln at Pei nal rk, NaTJtr Cos nty, I'a rfita. ai,rra. National Hotel! ByWM. HOLZWORTII BELlNSd KOVE, TA. Rniftilnll, Ksfurolrliad sod Imprortd. Ttaa mopt rantrallf Inenlad botal la tka town, rinl elaat ai-commiKlatloDi for thttravalloi publis. ATII 14, 'J. UNDERTAKING! E. L. BUFFINGTON l'alrf to mak 11 known to the prola of MM Uli Im r sli and rloinltv that ha lian rnno'lalad nd Imp'OT) t bin H'irii tuil .rolilfd Ul'ii ailwIihaNo 1 li r Cnrp-a (rrrertsr. Ha baa alo prod 1d lit i-fall wltb one of tha lat t lmprn.l nbalni'h(.lsf Dtng out tablon pmteulnv 'ha axrliiiyub . K i It, tma 10 lbi il.. irlf. All Oil ha a 'do, r at a sraat aipsnra, and Mr. Iiuirostin rvppKi' fully your paironasa. a ua ba pirf-ctail arransn. mnt tni.k.- lha o rpi In iiss'l and pi rlurra II tha lunetloD of lunaral Iraotur-lhua avnldlo tlu rmbarratnitnl aDilludeonvcDlSDca alwajs aooomjiaii jlng musrali. rjIIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B.FOCKT.KR, Prop'r. SeHnHfrove. Pa. Tblallolal laolaaarntly I netted Id tb "qnara, and Ua yarydaalrahln pltce for travrlr tontn ba saiiTof at'oomniiiilatlwtia at Lotrrtt.t. li onantnppliisonra will beiara tocall again. Tbt ! of llqnnr In the l'l a" Vlftcl Kaitauria luenonrrtlnn w. Apr.lV.'it. 6,000 .Wiles- OF 1 tlU ECTLV COMaiUUCTED k.ULWAI. CNC r RATES THB BEAT PORTIONS OW ILLINOIS, IOWA, WISCONSIN, MICHICAN, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, and WYOMINC Rannlna Kipreaa Trains of moel eora plaia and modern aquip- mant flETWELN MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, Tun inoN tikuions of MirntOAH. tii r. mi K i ani's iiy iiAiitii j AM' N-'HI II t-HX SKHH.KA. TH t (INI.Y LINK I'D 'I HK lil.Arrt rTiT.TA TIP. I'l'lNKKH f.INK TO Cll l"l'HN I A Tar matte, time tablea. and hifunnatiuu in Iba luUeet dctadl. addrcrw (mMitmina ati, pmpm) H. A. CROSS, Trsrallsi 1ft., KASVIN HCCiiITT M. C. WICKER E.P.WILSON i-rH (til. frajfie Umier, )m. W 4S I"! COS. SENSE rti9 A (bV VV faV S "Bkv CHICAGO -m m osm hbmb.bHbHBMB t2 istiisaCvH u i3 tit mmm$ aneewetio Dnaineaa mm wno will airo It nranee atteii. IkHa, are wanted to ham) I ttua pump In every town la 1'., It. J.. Md . Del . Va., and N. 6., and wUI be ae aorded aoottul of eaitable Uarritory But already oaouplad CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY MftiiUFACTURER "If Vvl? IrWf- atuamalyourpaw. twoaar r.t. LADiraV troiij, Waaivu) mi iioviiii'.i J vaia j 1-. SUL!lllMEiC t aLrn in EiAKDWAItE Iron. Nails. Steel. Leather, Paints. Oilfl Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTURER Of Stoves & Tinware MARKiT STBttT. LowlNjown, X'en n'a Wot. i.'TI. ! BMs ! BMS ! ! Tbe followiocr Blanks will always be fotind on band at tb 1'ost Print ing office. Ore LensPS, Dlank Htlessos Agreomenls, Cocstablo Satea, Warrants, . Executions, Kubpoens Instiefa' Dtiua, Ccrtiflcats of Sobolaibip, JoJmeut Exemption Notes. Fioancial Statement on Shool Moat J, tio , Ac , Ac. All blanks not on band will bo promptly printed to order. illcrcl. nil's t IBousc NORTH THIRD 8TREET. PHIL'A PA Terms --1-50 per'day. FANNY SPAIIN, tri J. A. rfPAHN, Mnnnger. C.4. Miller and W.H. Morlson, Clerks Doa. 1,1 Mi, Mason & Hamliii Organs and Pianos. Tha Cabinet Organ was Introduced by Mason Ilnmlin In INHI. Maann A Hamlin Orfan. bars al way maintained tliflr .upramacy ovar all other, liavinir received HlclietHlouoMal all Urea Wurtd'. KUilbiliou tinea 1M07. Tha Improrrd Modu of Slrlntrtn? Plsnos. Invanlad by klaiKin A Hamlin In lxxt, h s great advance in piano construction, rxprrt. pronouncing ll "tli grvataat Improvement Iu piano In half a century." Piano circular, containing SUO leatlmonlal from unrchaMr, mualclaua, and tunara, and l'iaao sud Orran Calsloguaa, f naa. MACON k HAiam CHOAIT aUTS riAVO CO., it Sari UA Si (Cabs Squw), m TC1X. I believe Flso's Cure for Consumption saved nir life. A. II. Dowrll, Kultor Knqulrer, Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. PI The bkst CoukIi Medl elno in l'iso's Curb for Consumption. Children take It without objection. By all druggists. 25a. CURES WHlHf ILL tlSf UilST OastCuuiiSbyrup. Taste good. Cos j tiuiw. ninn nr nnu.if Ilalaria, Dumb Chills. Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. Thaw prodac rtrsl.r, natirsl nmt luua, nerer fjrlp or latrrr llk dally bttalneaa. Aaafatiully mexllrta, ttivy tbtulil ! la avary liouaabold. SOLD EV12RYWIIEKJE. E P PS'S CRATEFUU-COMFORTINQ COCOA HAIakkll'ti , 1 HAIR OAL0AM ineansea aad beantlSea tit hair. 'il I Hair H Ha VawtkM Colon, I , 4 "" n rhilnneeeaiiilhaji faiafl ' jl,, - al Itn.--, J. VL -T r i sj jajR.n'iija5 CURES WHtHf All US JAIIS. 3 KM Bat Cough Syrup. Taattta gttod. CM "1 IjJ Intiinn. Hold by druggm. rnifc'iaisiffTi 1 CvZSk. a4 utfsfills OXTIT.1IS Lw-i-L: K A SKINE (THENEW:0"ININE) More StronH Tban Aoj Oilier Bri Modern ft: Powerful Tonio tdalloats stomach will baar. haitbe A paciflc For MakrU Jbiiotiinatism, ferrous Prostration, nd all Oenn I) THE MOST mtrsTirri, . Til . . Superior to quinine. " ""Lr, hones phy.t.ian at . I Hosi.IUI, New Yo.k. Km V.?.N a aa.l a ... " V t'thxr leter. nfs .Imllar ebaraoiav . I b.nt indlvldnsls. wh l"h "JSmt Mtirthi1?!! Ul.,Lln....l....L leal advice, si n 7Z:,ZV,a""l"?I Pal kJ "r.'nt h mall nn rielpt of'prl". . . "-'vm V w rr St. H 8350 A MONTH. na rapiui raqaltH mr larrltury at eua pv. viinrrtj io man nootr. iv niaaa ntitnaw j tiewara, , j. . a. juasaarbsb tt. AGENTS'Jxi.drtr n:i E I Pi MAKES SUGGES Wholly unlikv uill'lcml viH in.. Any buuk teamed In ouw rer.Oing. .."'I.?1.10'7." Hsltlraoro ami r.trrl 16J0 nl riilln, lnr clnrsu of la l,J ,v eueaiay, i nn run. oi lcun... KiihlS'in I ni.rrilt. CliHiilauquI ruoK. j-oisKii r;,!u; finh Ato. kw Totk PARKCR'S CINOBR tONIO wmZST, Mit kiui euied many ui lua wuret oaat a and lain beat reme.l v a lor all arrectiuns o tha tbnatt and lunVan3 d-l MATS TOIl flVniiYh. T4rvTir,lai Iwkm. tJi . at aud dlsurdata of stunuuik aud bowels. Sua. at tAruglikna It Catarrh8 TBViT. 0 til. lit. 1, t. a ....... It ft sr . . .wa- .f' V V inta'l I ZT'S ' 1" "'Will II-I.T, . .3, Isft U sUiaUAUll l!u., 773 llrvaJ 6t.,Nowa.k, N. J. you v: ill sa vi Mime. I lino, Pai.i, Trouble, AD WiLt( Pll C AT A REE Iiy Ujincr ELrsb CatarrH u m T 7M FALnlyAY-FEvipf i'uliiivie' ilco w ""' tlmgl.i.. by mall .? f XV DHliTaiEaLa SS9a Ureonaicli St., w Turk. A provad rained e tor consumption 'sad dls """i tnrouiana L.un ?,WrL,"r,,ad VIH'0'' fuilows Its bis. A. for Dakar. Oil md V no. malt, or trrl? to April i, 'CJ, I'kllad.lfkls. jjieoig uompany'a Extract Or MEAT. Finest and nbaanaet Ma., an.. Kaucoa, Annual .alsa.OOU.i.oo-u ! aw. Liebig Company's Extract! ra,AtT: v,An ln'l"bltonle. .'I. . 1 n"r boon l"r wbloh nation .I.J..M I erataiui."-., .Medical l. u, Genuine with Blue Signature ft tlnSL m? '. "nll.scroa, label Liebig Company's Extract Ultl Kutas (whola,.l. o 'j 'c. Vii C tt k tuohWKk Arsosa, laondos, tBlas Liebig Companys EXTBACT OF MEAT INVALUABLE FOH DTSPErSIA Tonic for hnUi Instantaneons Beef Tea- Also lor flarorlof Rous.. Samai sod Mads fill es. Rl?.v.Iifi?i,0.n,JLrr,tn Ba'0D debit's S1UNATUHB in blue Ink aorn.,l.h.i 14 bjs41BtoraMpaM,frTJs,r.sn4 Dngtit. mU3TED27C3Tt:iATE Ha say. , K .-....; 0f if.M I'tio. It 1'iwera tlis tcnmeratiira 1 .?' ; '"'""Tfiiiir liiruAlturit(Ti.n.i ieclt4 r ,it ..., i ,,,A1, r yvMiM.Sj Judae Cliiwos. Ir Hrown, V.J. ' j?"A rlno.IN. Y. KtS's orulsl Cull. sl I'iomm ' tun viihi' ri n: Ir tin " I - ..rva buiii rsaiMinijn, J flat TfSfliiia ud l,-k,MrairRlingaajalluSdlaaM,aiid slowly drtfune to Uie irmve. will In n.any eaaee renover heal'""? the lluielyuMiif l ar-.01aerToiiM,biitdelaria.l avrvna. Take It la uma li. i i....i....i.i. ..rT i ism t. sau vneras oall emoaaaMals lJV. IZ'JX It, Islew CaUavt IU, nila., fa. rt)aa-mariaaaalae -sw f, - r -a a !.,', t- At -It.a'.. d sod rcely loi 1 is ooftr U partnei Vlk with a drite tod it Itch, wb w suntly (who ti iNbUc'd nbsll a d, Vai I AlirllU L.f li Ire tilile oV Where 0'tUuJ Lrsouu I Fora o joa 1 r, resan Mr. St few wo lightly, er lovei yes, tbt ndbalt Vod Mit Varrisgi Ttone t Lived t plollio, moron, She JlOWlDg biuasel has et Stone Wt . a.i. 4"at.tjM.