The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 19, 1888, Image 2

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    I ! MJ S. !L ."I "LL -' ! Lii !.'' ft
H'. LI J
r. u. iiAtTtrristt.
Bubriprioa $1.50 Tcr Year
(tae Year
Mi Oae Vnr f
tt Ou Year itt
t brtoeaiyU Carde. per tsar
Mti, Mentor, Administrator, una
PvtlOeS S3 M
elal arranguient are made, nl
sis. Inserted Tar lets tbta 4 month?
HJlMrlttinvrhri Insertion 1 "v
Insertion tad It NiU lor eh
ml Insertion.
Bhmreday, April 19, 1883.
A. W. 10 f TEH.
Ren. tor
AnrMttM In-tee
HBNKY hkown.
w. w. witi'miMtf.b.
Megieter fc Kvnrdrr
H'nHY J. M K.
District Attorney.
II. fc. MlLLrlt, Jr.
Jnrv Cuininiasinncr I
SipubUo&n Standing Committor
Aefcaa.e.HenrT Tobies, Toblai Mitchell.
Beaver w. . Veeee, C. V. spebt.
rl.evvr West H.M. Ulan J . l. Snyder.
Centre W. H. Natip. H. I.. Walter.
Chapman Simon Ijong.YlMs. Troinroan.
franklin Chea. Holeudrtr, J.ooh Ilawmger.
jMkMO-W.S. Shnllv, J. N. Yrart-e;.
Ntddlehurrh J. M. Stoitiliner. Win. Komi.
Middleoree-J. K. Keller, J.J. Mitchell.;
MealMe T. r Hnmmel, W. H. Hordaar.
I'eaa O. V. Winner, Iwiae Mow.
retry W. U. Herding. . V. Hrnc'ntis.
Ferry Weat-J. O. Ntrawaer. J. N. WIIIU.
allaagreve M . F. Wegoniieller. S. F, Simpson.
prlI I. I. Mnhw, U. F. Kelgle.
Union John 11 Bower. J. It. Ilermld.'
Washington E. W. Tool. O. A. Uoldorf.
Tbo Judges la Pbilndelpbia bnve
rendered their deoiaioa on L'oeniet
in several ward of that citj. Last
year there were 1311 places In the
Mm wards. Tbia year there were
727 applicants, of which 335 wore
granted and 303 refused.
Mr William Hackuell made erai
nenlly good nae of his 77th birthday
anniversary, whioh occurred quite
recently, by giving $-5,000 to onr
University, $5,000 to Jtffuruoo Medi
cal College of Pbila. , and $2,509 to
the Ongole Mission- The Univor
eity'e ehare in this 'divvy' is for the
erection and equipment of an annex
to the Institute for music and ait
Long live Mr. Buckuell ! and may be
tave a dozen birthday every ysar if
that's the way be celebrates them.
Ltxeitburg Chronicle.
'When I recall Mm course of the
Democratic party towards Mr. Liu
coin, whom they habitually cburao
terized as a baboon and a clowu, los
ward Grant, whom they styled a
batcher and drunkard, Have
4fiw l.rarioiiH condiment in
4ta Be
iiiiii'ion of roiiiliiiintiuii dislips is
tM im iii.tii vimm ' rw - -l
npiM't'to nu.i protnci.-'wlnebibber and a
l- gnuton, Si la interesting to inquire
upon what theory Mr. Cleveland is
ntitled tj absolute Immunity from
anything bnt praise and eulogy. I
adhere to my definition of Mr.Clevei
land and shall never hesitate to say
that when he was elootod to tbe
presidency tbe publio service reach
ed low-water mark, both morally and
intellootually. Senator In (jails,
It is simply a question of labor.
That is all there la in the tariff ques
tion. Redoce wages aod we can
camplete with England. But then
no fkir-minded manufacturer wants
Lis employees to live on European
wages. lie knows full well that bet
ter service is gotten out of well-paid
aod well-fed labor than cheap and
Ill-fed labor. Tbe right-thinking
man wants to see bis laborers com
fortably aitoated and contented.
Free trade millionaires, liko Con
gressman Seott, may be satisfied
when they get tbeir laborers down
to 00 oents per day for mining coal,
bat a true protectionist is willing
that tbe laboiing man shall have fair
wages, and hence does not want free
Sound Teaching-
Tbe Lock Haven Democrat makos
these sensible remarks on disorgan
izes Tfe don't admire Democrats so
called who are everlastingly banging
aronnd tbe Republican camp i nor
do we think much of Republicans
who do tbe same thing. Kucu fel
lows are simply political greasers or
guerillas, tbe sort of men who in war
times belong to neither army bnt
aknlk tbrongb the woods, get behind
trees and stomps and shoot or stab
yon in the back when you aro not
expectiLg an attack--the meanest
kind of warfare and deprecated and
dispised by all right thinking, honor
able men.
'These are ths sort of fellows who
frequently bring disaster npon their
party and who cause wrong in many
instaoces ' to triumph over right.
Tbej are never to. be trusted and
should always be shunned and avoid
ed. Io fact they should be sat down
oo i should be looked tpon as poli
tical and social lepers and banished
from tbe society of all men who claim
to b act o a ted by purity of motive
aod who bavs well defined ideas of
government and mora, obligations.'
We herewith appond the con ft e
sinn of Lather Hbaffjr as made to
liia counsel lately in the prjsenco of
Ex. Stint iff 1). M.May aud others.
It is as follows t
When .Sbuflfor left tho Went and
came buck In this section, Ls almck
Bripbin, CleurQflld cjuuty, where lie
pinnae 1 the robberies that occurred
in the Kngar Valley Narrows, lie
bought the revolver in Uollefoote
On bis way from Bellifoulu to the
Narrows be met Suniw Uoene and the
boy, liubrrt Billet. The girl ws
frif'itoi)od by bia deraoustralion and
fled in one direction and the boy in
anotbtir. After this he proceeded on
to the narrows, where on Sunday
morning, the 6th of August, the rob
beries were committed. After tbe
last man bad been robbed aud tbero
as nothing more to bn dono in that
line, be went to theCulvey boose for
breakfast, after eating which, bo
went to tbo woods nod lounged
around all day watching tbe wove-
ments of rorau and Ioaiab. He saw
John and Charles Culvey come to
the bouso witb their fifthing tods aud,
n dotf, aud afterwards saw them :
loavo. 11a and lit a nurtion uf the'
i i
dny lookiug for niiuerals. In lb
evening be went back to tbo Culvoy
boose for supper. Aftor supper
Isaiah picked up his banket and went
out to cut grass to feed bis stock
his absenco to do what be bad been
thinkiog about all day make bide-
cent proposals to Nora, tbe young
who. sue inaignaniiy repeueu uis
advances and he then tried to force
th,, l,r otnthinr w.a
torn off her person, and eho ran outji,a "lippere, perfumes, balms, cold
of the bonso, screaming for help, creams, Gnger carls and fancy notions
Shaffer followed her out, culled to her !
a.. i: i a. tt! i
to stop, ou u.u u.n iieeu mm. n v..
ever, auu uo ueeomiu aiarmeu at', , , ,
her crying and screaming fired a shot ,,one. 1". lank, commom-enso wo
from bis revolver, which lodged io
hor shoulder This shot failing to
bring ber to lue ground be bred a
soooud time, whon eho fell etnnued
and senseless to the earth. Just
then ber husband rushed to btr
assistance, and be hurriedly hid him
self in the bush not ton feet away.
As Isaiab came up with the baskot
of grass in bis bnnd and saw bis wife
lying there, bo oxclai Died in a'ouy,
'My Qod I that Lute SbntTer ban done
this.' Scarcely were the words out
of bia moutb when Shaffer piompted
by the devil iu bis nature tired once
more, bitting him io the eye and he
immediately foil dead. Shaffer then
emergod from the bushes, and Nora
having regainod conHciouauess piti
fully said t 'For God's sake, Luther,
don't kill me, I will go with you to
any part of tbe world if you don't.'
tie then diabolically assaulted aud
ravished her, after which ho inhnmao
ly 6red tbe third shot into her person
and killed ber. Ho then entered thu
dwelling to see what was there and
take whatever be could carry, llo
Kuc o'ooDd a silver watch, which be put
ilio Wt. S'Wq jji paofcet anj took a gun and a
nav.i I'.vii ouoll aQ(j ft tujt. of eotboa-
.jnticed-tbeliUle tbiid and p'tflitio
to an inner room and closed tbe
door, and then loft the premises and
journeyed towards Lock Haven by
tbe Fisbiig Creek road. The gun
and pouch he carried along with him
to the spot where they were after
wards found by Commissioner Uru
gan, wheie be threw them into the
thicket, lie then omne down to a
burn ou the James Welsh property,
near Flemingtou, where he slept the
balance of the night. The next be
went to tbe creek and took a good
wash, alter which bo came on to Lock
Shaffer Bays tbe reason be slew
both parties was because be "anted
to cover op the robberies committed
and the viler dime of the rape, lie
thitiks the killing took plaeo about
7 30 or eight o'clock ou Saturday
evening. He had been drinking for
from four to six weeks and bad pur
chased some liquor in Belkfonteand
also in Nittany liall, and at tbe time
of the commission of the crime was
somewhat under the influence of it.
Sclaiors Pendens
There has boon considerable agita
tion since the opening of tbe present
congress concerning several pension
bills. One of theso is called the Dis
ability pension bill, which has been
discussed and approved in every 0.
A. R. post. But it has not yet beeo
passed upon a eeoond time, as it was
vetood by President Clevoland last
year. It is claimed tbt the need of
its speedy passage is today much
greator than it was a year ago. for
thoso it is intended to relieve are
more numerous and more needy than
they wore a year ago. At their ago a
year brings much addition to their
disabilities and necessities. After
this law has been ps ssed it is thought
by some that a genoral peusioo law
ought to bo passed, whioh include io
its comprehension provisions every
man who wore the bine honorably,
and did bis share toward saving tbe
nation. If it were possible, such a
pension law should be devised as
would give equitable treatment to all
classoa of its niaob deserving defend
ers- It is hardly fair to pot tbe man
who served only three months on a
footing witb the veteran who fought
steadily throughout the war, or tbe
wife and orphans of one who gave op
his life on tbe level with tbe one who
is yet living. But be that as it may,
we are of the opinion that every man
who eerved bis ceontiy little or
mncb is entitled to receive a just re
ward for tba same. Those who gave
op opportunities, strength and
health, who endnred hardships, are
worthy of a recompense.
Vernona Jarbeau, who was recent
ly interviewed iu St, Louis, gives the
following as her way of keeping a
huabaod true, nod odd as ber plan is
in some particulars, it is not wholly
without merit t
'A man loves to see bis wife wtll
dressed. When she goes about io
tatters, big shoes, soiled oollare and
a hulo of eurl papers, if be doesn't
swear be tbioks it. I don't believe
in the ecouomy of borne toilets. 1
ocvsr Uke a dross that is done for
and wear it in the bouse. When the
life is gone out of it goes lo tbe rsg
bag. I make a duty of nice linen
with pleuty of lacus, aud my bona
gonne are not old, they are not wrap
pers, and they are not ogly. Auoib",
er bobby of mine is hair, which I will
havo as near tbe putt's coocoptioo of
'ber fiagruot tresses,' as possible
TLon I have a whole lot of little do-
vices I perfume my eyebrows aud
lips i keep my bauds soft and cool.
,uy ,e()lu jn 0()j or,lt.r, nud 1 make
my doctor propoiile fvr a sweet
bi until. But dou't put that in tbe
puptr. x only toll you to give you
an idea of the care required to keep
a io 0Te wjti, 50ll jlen ike
to preach down extravagance, aud
style, aud dress , bnt the woman who
,baogs ber hair, powders the sbioo
0U ber luce, bides a ulotcu or scar
uuder a rie0e of court plaster, whe
ll!WftDt pretty gloves and stockings
to ibcreuse ber cburins is tbe woman
,w ig ajmilcj . lima. Xho8e
men may gii about witu tbeir
wholesome ugliness aud cheip sim
plicity, bnt the processiou of men
who follow is net a long one.
Ecath of llosc3 LRd&lesw&rth-
One by ooo the veterans of the late
war are muritered out of service
Tho death of Moues Middleswarth
which occurred at his residence near
Beavertown, on Friday night Oht, at
tbo ago of 77 cars, bus removed one
who at one time was kuon in every
seciion of what was then Union
county, and in the days of Encamp
ments and Huttallionf, none of them
would have beeu considered complete
without Hones Middleswarth was
present aud took a hand in them
In those dnjs be we considered a
bard man to whip, lie was tbe
priuoipal in many un encounter aud
we aro informed never met hie match
but at one time and that was witb
fil,l.Slit5vJCiwactw--woU known
to tbo older cilizeus of Selins'rove.
Wben the war broke out be was
about 50 years of age, but even
looked older. Lie went to Harris-
burg, enlisted but wus nji-oted.
Nothing daunted, he weut lo Balti
more and enlisted in a Uarjland
regimebt theu being recruited, the
examining Surgaou had marked him,
rejected, wheieupon the old men
emphatically iu for mod him that if bo
could not get into tbe TJuiou army
be would go to l'ixie aud jiu tbe
Rebf! army, this bad tbo effect that
tbe old man thought it would and be
was mustered into tbe regiment then
being lecruitud lie as after ward's
irauufWied to Buttery M, 4th U, S-,
aod attucbed to the 2d Div. 20th A.
C. The firht time tbe wtiter met
the old vet iau was at Bridgeport,
Ala,, 16 1, be bad just returned from
Gen. John VV. Gem's qu.u t r nd
was telling some of our 'upper end'
boys who had known him at borne,
how be had been received' Among
other things we remember very dis
tinctly that Middleswarth said be
told the old General that as soon as
tbe war would be over aud be lived,
the people of tbe old Keystone State
would make him their Governors a
prediction which was verified and
we have always believed that Moses
Middleswarth was the first man to
formally tender General Geary the
nomination for Governor. Mose be
came a general favorite in the Divi
sion on account of tbe quaint manner
he bad of expressing bimsolf, and
whenever bis battery would pass us
on tbe march the boys would cheer
him. After the war becoming better
acquainted witb bim. we frequently
talked with bia. about tbe days and
years we spent together in tbe ser
vice of Unole Sam, Daring tbe day
spent at Beavertown about two
weeks ago we last met bim and en
joyed an hour's conversation witb
bim as our want about army matters
The old man bad been trying for a
long time to get a pension but did
not succeed, death coming to bis re
lief and assuaging those necessities
wbioh tbe gevornmeut be had served
so long and faithfully, failed to satis
fy He was laid to rest in the old
oemetery where his ashes will join
their kindred dost, there to remain
until tbe time that tbe angel, witb
one foot on tbe sea and tbe other on
tbe land shall cry: 'time is, time was,
but time shall be do more-' Then
will the gravees give op their dead,
and oar old friend with the rest of
us will pass to hit rswaid. Tribune.
Wtm Mf was alak, w aarr kat
WWa alM aa a CfcOtL aka rta4 fcw Caatarla
WUm Amtmmi Ml, aka alaag Oail naa,
Wl aha hoi (MUm, ab fa Skwa UaMa
Tub scicncb or
UFK, Um Rraat
Medical Work of taa
aeaoa llanboodltarr
oaa aod Fhfiloal Ua
bUlty, Pranatnra Da
cllaa, Brronof Tonth,
ami Um antotd i
lea oonawineut UMtaon, ano vara S o, II
aerlptkma for all dinmn CViUi, Tnll (IH, otilr
I pre
dt man, aeaMa. luaatratlva Mmpia Ira lo au rouaa
and middle aiwul bmii. Bend now. The Wold aad
Jowalled Medal wanted to the anthor b Um NaUon
al Madleal AaaoetaUon. Addreea P.O. Hni lNM.Ho. Dr. W. IL FAKKKH, (radaau of Har
vara Medical College, M roe re1 practloa in Hoeton,
who ui be eoakwilted eonldontiallr. Offloa, Ho.
a BalBnch M. Bpaclarty, Utaeaaea of Man,
Caltatowat. laaajariarwiMMi
ftfiCt MONTH and
BDAND for S Uriah!
nr L.ADIK In earh
oimii jr.
f. W. ZltULKllfcCU., Phlladoh.lila,
la Ths Oet'iiAKa' Court oi RatDR Codstv,
The umlerilvhed auditor ai'tmlnlwl hr the
court to audit, nettle end adjnu the acoeunt ol
siiMiem riiirtior, aiiiur.. oi the atato ol Kllr
Miller, don'il. and ta mnka dlrtrlhiition of the
llan.-a In the lianda ol the atvountetit, will
nirfi me mr iaa in(rrereTe. lor the nroNt ol
hie npixlntment on Wednesday. At.rllii. I".
at In A. M. at tho I'uhllo llmel, at MulMrTHlo,
whrn and where all nartirt tnt'reM' d ara re-
iurrl to reiit thelrrlal f. inipcrl aulhen-
in nnu or ua ueoarrea irum eurnn n id opou aaia
March 19, im. Auditor.
la hereby iflren that the Inllnwlna named
pernona haylnK Bled their petlllnna tor lli'enaoln
the i tllce nl the t;ierk ol the t'ourt ol Unarter
.Solon of the I'eace ol klnyder eenntv, and that
Hiillratian will he taadelo trnlil t'ourt. on Frt.
il.ijf April 117, ISNd, to icriint the isnir,
Applicant. itpaiiieuro. Kind oi LTcenne
Andrew lllckel... .Mlln.rove II I'arem
S y r'raln ellie.inTa 11
( ath lutluaiel....I'nlon iwp
S Kanihflrh Ml lfllorrerk twp ....
t! 1, Nmlth Mlddlehpnch 11
JHOelH ...Chnptnan twp
M Speoht Uourer twp
il J ltlni(ainaD....Monmo twp
KAurend Monroe twp..
H Midoiefwartb... Murine: twi
K IS Millar W llcavcr Iwp
Simon Ijoe; Chapman twp
J 11 Nipple Itnlon twp
J t' Hitli-iitlno... .Monroe twp ........
II lUrtinan Centra twi
W llollFWKrtti......Si'liii'triivo II
J II Fork lor KolluKroe It
KC Orayblll r'reukllu twp ..
II U rrr-yuiu)er....)eiiver twp..
' n.pivr I'orry iwp
A NNtahl IVrrv tp
II llol.i.ilor Mlildlnnurgli II
I) l.' Wa.hlnirton two
N W l;iy a T All tcli I Admin twp Wh'l Sale
u n nam rruiltilii twp do
J Slmwver Ail mi. twn An
llonterinan a tlrltnm Wae'ilnlun twp Hottler"
ruuioae vtra-nioKuin iwp itrmaurani
MMdlehurgh, fa., April 11 'el
Millinery Store.
I desire to announco to
tlio public of Midilleburgh
aud vicinity that I liavo re
ceived a full lino of Spring
Goods, consisting of the lat
est stvlo of Spring
I vi-
Children Caps and all such
goods that belongs to a first
class Millinery store. I in
vite you all to givo nic a call
and examine my goods be
fore buying elsowhcre.
Kespectfully Yours,
The loll 'Winn la the UM of r Jurora
drawn, lor May lrio ol court,
Adatne Mown F.rb.
llcavvr Vt I-aa Heayer, A. N. Enjrle.
Ilnaver Wet Jonopli Kllno, Will. J. Wleiind,
( untre I'hlllp J llow.
r'mnklln Wm. Mittier, J no. W, Walter.
MlilillnhnrKh J. W.Swiirla, Joe. Mtm-er.
M iiirue IitI J Heaver, Simon Hummel,
I'ouii AiIhui J. Kinder. Wm. H-hur.
I'crry Al. Maralny, Jacob Hi-tinea, Lewi,
Kotuh, Hii'lmel r . Menxle.
Scllm-arnyo I.hvI Kluher, K. H. Jonra.
Sprlnit l lmer K. Shannon, Win. J. Kloae.
waaiuuKiou KeuDeu riuiipa, jauiei llinrp.
The lollowlnc lr the list ol Petit Juror, drawo
for Muy term ol court.
leaver Wm. V. Keoao, Ooo. A. Kline, Hen,
Heaver Wont fel'H. I'l.h, That S. Knyder.
zcrno 1 1. n. r roeii, junn ituL'K.
Clmpnian Auk. H . Troitttuan. lmnlfl I.. Hnloh-
viiiiDrri, Hoot., near ueilil, Jacob
Newinun. Tlioa. It. l.lirht.
Centre S. Slicurv. Urliiu Welrleli.
rrankiin r.d. huiuiuui, w in. iiaaint,r, i.andia
Haiwtniter. Iavl H. uut, Win. It. Houlijr,
JiieobU. Hanlnner. (loo. U, Kpccht, J. O.
Walter. Mllliirri Haulnver.
Jaekfoa Krttnklin Snyder, Oeo. KlitiKlar,
David V eliel. Wm. 11. Wotiel, Ilaa Spang
ler. MlddUhutyh Kred Smith, H. K. HoIrIh.
Mtddlrcreek Huury S. Sholly, Jacob Lawvar,
lul. Miller, Euiauuel lloulnr.
MouriKJacob Jurrott, J. C. Oauler, Peter
Penu-tl. W.Row, A. S. Bow.
Purry l.i-wlr Mlnnlum,
SprliiK A. A. I'lali.
cnton siinan J. uerroia, m. n. iierroiu.
Wanhlniitoii Jacob M. Rouali, a,d, oloyer, Wm,
boyur,Uoo. i; Millar.
.- tm ..maw
Dreifuas Brothers, Selinsgrovo.
Wo aro daily adding large quantities of Spring and
Summer goods to their already immense stock of
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Jewelry, &c.,
Neckwear, Trunks, Satchels,
tonishing low prices discounting any House in Central
Pennsylvania. The wonderful incref so in our ttcAo dur
ing last year fills us with hope and wo are prepartU to
meet all demand -- 0 despise imposition, invito oppo
nition anLflefy competition.
cni a tAiiT mtzsit nat -
A fa wabbimo MAtaiivai ram
aatlatwr-aaTtna lo.ntlon of the IWh eeMafy.
Mat year we piaeea wpoa tte atartet taa nM
wethee the tkHMtf eleen
n w
i waa a eeU ooeraUnc Whln Merhii
Merhine. h
rmiot'T Jtil
We adrertlM a tmm haadred free to Introdene
tnera, end Ihrmab Wieee free auuyh aoM era
HO.OOO. One lady lo Cldeaeo (Mr WeNa
Terue a im
end Ihrooab I
OO. Ore lad
m . Itb at.
rr.pla that ebe
mn im itimt mm
aer aan
aw w. let r.,lu au aeu aieeaea wim
aa ant andaoM
Im, T'wonto, Oat. rwilered arer 09 atrf leea.
prerianin foer ajont'ia W. C Hemlll,
mt bia aunpie.
Va hera mnormm of eu-a
aiamplee Mile. It pa - to caat rnur bread
pn ! wetrra" OL A flDRAV OVPKR. Thla
tar Ini.nd to aall not lae than ONR MIU
JoDWOHmt, and to do rhie we will Srat
Utrtoffhy OlvtlTO AWAV KflO aampla Allwa
aak of Iboee whs reeelra one le they will
am It a fond trial, and If eeiialeetary leenra
naad U to thalr frfentla, Aaenia are eotelnf
money. We haoe Mreral who are eiakim, ail
Kr day and arwarda Viret r-rnie, flrat eerred.
If yoa waat one from tlie lot we are eotna to
aive away, end ymr name end edrirrra atoaoa.
nWabaanarfc,Cbln,llt tMeattoa Ihleaaneri
A Spaclal Offarl tVlri
fnmimmfm4mt,w4l frnk'thMaralratreti Ta
Us) Ir ft part tat aMcli fttat a4 Ttrhtorf whsj mmmvm
tuc SfitrtBTSSM ww wtu ejtitcl M m gin, aas)c
?kbrwlrd AlV WH tNf.RNA. trtatlfwic. , .
hts wmlrm4iHnd orTrt Is marl a tor fla ) rwi
aw Wiiunf va so frad fof tm or our AT
ONCaV It jrnai krtov of aity frariMlcMt f matrrrt.
won't ytm Drcaao rail hit ttMttn to tttai sul
forrt.rrw n ta tttdcM ''ato cWrwo of Wtbn.
$IOO Raward.Sijs
rwtitt h-tv boot, rptod by otbtr cmctm vho w
fotooo of our grr?at UrtrM, Dm a a o Imttv
TKiNfl t Wo havo boon In tho lautvlry oarfly bwainaot
taf 6 voora ami will pa aoo rowani km suty saaVtasrO
mm. fo nTl WahrT,
READ TMlftl Tva Haw Yotii Cwtiaai
oroonoJIy ojraenlfbed A sroat man lUrrt motvori
Inn aUwctkuiieof Itio cv-unlrysVofM iosihOAfO oalnf
ihta -TOSKlarful Waehtns; MachW mnA All tmlto la Cra
OwWHltnar It ta tho rile;r IdKTaa.' Wa ak har ejraaa
Hat wfVeoneo fnm tho "Fajva and Plraalilo," ttaO''larjasal
QpMaftfi ami m n( ot-t P 1
A genie for the kneel papalar Book at th
preaent time belar. the America a, people,
The lion, llniajr W. Illalr'a (U. S. Per a tor
from N. 11.) Temperance Maweuaeatt,' Of
'TheOonfllet Oetweea Man and Alcohol.
The deep Intereit to-day the caaao of TKM
PKRANCE tosethnr with the great aarnent
arfa and popo drily of the writer of hll effort,
on half of Ediioallon aid Relortd, will make th la
one of Hi. imMt rapid) aelH.ia; book, known
lase the Urenl Book, epi dally during the
prraldrntlal ram nit I cm year.
The work la complete la 1 Vol, of SOO pawea
and enntalna 60 I'liotogr irnre Illortratlotia ol
he Temperance Leader., Inbladlna (ten. (Ill
ton B Flak, rrenen Murphy, Ml. Francla K.
Willtrd, alto Uolored Lithographed Chart, and
The work ta endnreed by the W. O T. V. and
the Temperance UraaTlzatlnBe throuibnet the
laud, end a (laarantca of 160,000 eoplea baa beea
made to tba pnbllhere. Apply at ore to
E.R. BAITER & Co , PnWlsliers.
lvll Arch SI. I'hlla.,
Feb. II, Sat
in the witter of tlie Edute of Henry
Kratzcr, Uite 0 Centre township, i'iit
dcr county, i'a., dee'd.
To Amanda Kratier, Intermarried with
IVter 1 botn.e, deo'd ., of Adama biwn.hlp,
Snyder ninety. I'a., Wm. Kratacr, el Keede
vllle, Mfttln eonoty. Pa., oeorae Kratier, of
Paitonville, Snyder county. I'a,., Lliile, la.
larmarrled wlib Samual uro.a of Sbraileri
Mill., Mifflin ci anty. I'a.. kiimon, Al
io., Intermarried with Hopnla Mib bell, Alvea
ta, Ititerinarrled with Nathan Heekenbura;, all
of I'a itontrl lie, Knyder county, Pa... John
Kriinr, a minor who be. for hie anardlaa A.
A. KonilKi of McClure, Pa.. Catherloe. now
dee d., who leavre te torvlre here hn.iiand,
Joseph Mimt, of jatrndor'a Ml.., Mfnla ooun
ty, Fa. and tbe following children vli : John,
Jeutile, mlnora.whn bare for their guardian A.
A. Houtlij, of Mi'Ulure, Hiiyd.r county, f...
Sarah, Dow deo'd., who leavrl to lurvive hr
hoaband. Andrew Wagner, and the IoIIuwIiik
chll ilred, tIi: Charlei, Kate. Uaorge. Alloc
and Kllen, all of wlioa are Minora end have
lor their guardian A. A. liomlg, of MeOlare,
Snyder county, I'a.
You are hereby cited to be and appear be
fore the Judge, of our eourt of Common Plea.,
in be held at Mlddieburgh onthe4ihldotde;
of M A V, A, U. in. at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, then and there to aoeapt or
reln.e to takn the real estate of II tNHY
KRATZKK. dee'd , at the appralred valuation
put upon It by an ln , duly awarded by
the f aid Court, and returned by the sheriff of
aid oount. or .how cause why the same
ebeuld not be (old. And hereof fall not.
W lineal the lion, Joiopb O. Hocbrt, Prenl
dtnturouraaldConrH at Mlddieburgu, Utli
Sib day of Mareh A. I'.HH.
W. W. WlTTtNMTi'K, PmtU'y.
In the mutter oj tlie Eestate nf Anxtlia
Krutur, late Centre totcnMp, Snyder
comifi, Pa., dee'd.
To Amaiida Kratier In'ermarrled with Peter
Thomas, dee d,, of Adams township, Snyder
countr, .-"a. Wm. Kratier, of Keedsvllle, Mib
D 1 11 county. Fa. (leirno Kratier, of Paxton
villa, 8:. der county . Pa. Llsile, liitermarrled
witb Samuel lroa. ol Rbrader'a Mills, Miffllu
county, Pa Simon Kratier, Allre, Intarmar.
rled with Hopnla Mllchell, Alveata Itteruinr
Med with Nathan KacktiL.rn, ll of paxtou
vine. Snyder eounty. Pa., John Kraizer, a
minor who ha. lor hts Guardian A. A. Komlg,
of MotJIiire. Pa. Catherine, uew deo'd. leaves
to survive her a bn.innd. Joaoph ilnaser, of
Shrader's Mills Mfflln eonoty, Pa., aud the
followlngohlidren via : J hn, Jennie, minors,
who have for tbe r guardian A. A. Kornlg, of
McClure. Snyder county, I'a., Sarah, now
deo'd , who leaves to aurvlve hor huiband, An
drew Wagner and tbe loilnwlng ohlldren, vli :
Chnrles. Kate, (org. Alloe and Kllen, all ol
wbjin are minors and have for their guardian
A . A. Hoiuig, ol Met lure, Snyder county, Pa.
Vnu are hereby cltod to he aud appear before
the Juditeii of our Court of Common Pleas to be
held at Midilleburgh ou th. ih Monday of May
I MM, at 10 o'clock in the forenoou, then aud
there to accept nr refm to take the real etato
of AMELIA KKATZtn. deo'd, ai the apprais
ed valuation put upon It by an Inqneat duly
awardrd by the eld Court, and ruturn.d by
iheSheriBof .aid eounty, or show caime why
the eama should not le sold. And horeof fail But
Witness tba Hon. J . C. Buoher, President of
of our said Court at Middlrbu.'gu, this lib day
Maroh.A 1) l"t.
W. W. WITTEN'UTER, Proth'y.
Snyder County Appeals.
The Commissioners hereby rive notice that
they will meet atthtilroftlco in Mlddlehurgh Pa.
lor tho purpose ol nulding tka annual apiioals on
personal property for tbo year lt)8, as lullows I
lor the dUttrlats ol Adams, lloav.r Heaver
West, Spring, Centre and Jucksoa. on Tuesday,
the nth day or April.
Far the district or Franklin. Mlddieburgh,
Mldillevreck, Penn, ferry, and Perry West, on
Weduemlity, the lstb day ol April,
b'or tbe districts of Helliiagrove, Union, Wash
ington, Monroe, aud Chapman, ou Thursday .the
lwih day uf April.
Appeals will be ope a each day from t:M A.M.,
to 1 p. M. Porsoni may attend If they think
proper. S. B. WALTKR.
tj. 11. SIMAUII,
Commissioner'! Offlee, at arch S3, UM.
which we are selling at as
Tit Carefoly, DgcUi Mi Art Promrflr.
Wepossesi ihe facility and inclination' to givo you re
al Bargains and will do it in our new stock of
which is just in and comprises the largest line of TJi
Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Ready Made,
Clothing, Hardware, Queensware,Glassware
a. be pleased to see how ue combine old
time honesty in qualiti and price with new,, reshslyUs'
1 still eontinne in the Merebant
Eby's Corner,
and take tbis means of ioforraiog tbe
bave on band a well selected stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
aod Saooploa from tbe best and most reliable New Ycrlc and' Fbilade!pta
bonnes, and will sell lower tban ever. Cattiog, Cleaning, Impairing, Bje
ing aod Sooaring done on short notice.
Nov. ltf.
The Piper
and Rifle
This system in combined rifle
and shot-gun offers advantages
over other makes even more
marked than those for shot
only. -They far excel, till oth
ers in strength, accuracy.
workmanship and balance.
DD I C IT W Side-snap action, best decarbonized blued
1 1 1 1 V-Laiiawf csteelbarrellO or 12 trail tie shot. 44 Win-
hKeterc. f. riiie artridgo 'weight 10 to 121bs, price 31
Tvll fit. ilta llIVimt O'llVIA fid a1y n OO t .T 1 .11 1 t
a.ti-Bnni tiviiuu, r uwMu)()o-ud jjuiiiiru carinuge, or
44 Winchstcr, prico 3)
The above prices ineludle 100 paper she and oo box f
A. Complete Assort
mcnt of
Hi es
Artificial Bait, ect.
I respectfully submit to you a few prices : Assorted
Trout-ties at 25c. a dozen, tr,out-hoks to gu 25c. per doz.,
plain trout hooks 5o per doz. best oiled-silk lines from J
to 3 cents per yard, all other lines from 1 to 2 cents no
yard. Keels from 25c t $2.
attended to.
Freidman & Getz
The undersigned desire to
have just returned from the
Consisting of
Blankets, Haps,
Gent s and Children's woolen
and Cotton Underwear, a
full line of Ready made
L T H-.O P3 0
Ladies' Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Jewelry, Cl?l '
Watohes, Chains, Glassware, Queensware, 1 $t '
We sell Cheap for Cash or Produce for vhi
ways allow the highest price. We hews ; . w cU:;L ji
With a liberal patronage, are thznl fui jcr i)
hc:ij r?.criSC:?:--'.:ly lzrizZlcr.l fc 'sC: :'A
W, Etc.,
WeilS Made
Tailoriog business with rooms is
Selinsgrove, Pa.
people of Snjder county, th. 1
Breech-Loading Shot-Gun
Orders by mail promptly
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa.
Beavertown, Pa.
inform the public that theii
City with a fine Stoch of
a full line of
Shawls, Ladios'
S3,0U) a.tiuti"lt.
' jKaia lor jniicij-