The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 12, 1888, Image 1

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( n. DAIITEU. . ' ' J
H.WJlJiiHL I.. ."JUJULU-U.ltJiJ-
Ho that will not reason is a bigot; lio that cannot is a fool ; ho that daro not is a Blare.
1 V;
no n
4 m labv
t . u j
y una uia ana uw .
'Tho Old and th New Times-
Is allet hiendich elngerlcht
.in unserer Kulrf
V brauobt Rich nlsiuand ploga uiro
4. 7..i
(Unlet er Is net g'schslt.
pr steam duht alles for do Leit.
H..II la vast was Ich niwn
In wann iuer ergeds Lin will e-u
I Daun fahrt mer uf dcui train.
i war oat to In alter Zelt,
uinoht rllleloht debt Alto bo,
Doch sajc Ich 8 rrel hernux :
I sin gcloffa nil der Weir
Von flnf bit fumir mile,
i Un do was eppes relcher wara
Sin Ran,? uf dt Omul.
Soil war'der style In alter Zelt,
Dss Laufa war ken;Schand.
Mm Is tuer ala do begeilrollt,
1 Sell ! recht gut bekariut,
Ks Is nimme so In unsera Zelt,
f Es fabrt Jeder wann er kann,
Un wer gar nimuie laafa duht
Sell is der gentleiuon.
.Now fabrt iner tutt der engine cars
Sell Is en eisener Gaul.
I lir sohnauft an htcht wle an nuner
stick Fieb,
Douli sebntjnor garkiun Maul.
Uur werd net uiled, un wann erspringt
Kn husnert tausond luile.
Der hot an sure der Vorzng welt
Vou all da anuera UumiI.
l)ir train I burner litullch volt
Von alls Sortu Leit.
Un dehl sin Kr, gricuoBllchduiuin
Auuere sii) so g'scbelt.
E but ufi;rputzte gentle-Mt,
Dohl sctiwarz un annere wel.-t,
Un ladies von der recbte wort,
Wus slu de dooh so nice.
Do fit rt en rascal in deiu Sitz,
Uu dort en guter Christ ;
Oleich koiuiiit so en dutuiue Vunner
Un frot dich wer dti bint.
En Fratzhans boukt uf sellem Sitz,
Seln ticket uf eiu Hut ;
Er lueliut er wtor ties g inz all.u ;
Was docb so gut.
En parrerliockt net welt eweg,
Der uiaclit en Ian; (ienlcht.
Dart drlwa bockt so en rother Kcrl,
Er guckt us wie eu Iriuht.
Uu welter draus Is uooh eu Paar
Uf lhrnr Hoohzlg trip.
die bMwft nft so ariif lanir.
Des wett ich dich en tip.
Do sltzt en Welbsmensch nilt em Kind
Es krelscbt eiuu doll uu daub.
De cars geht uierkwerdlg stark,
Was ruined ties doch en Staub ;
Mer werd sod reck ich vou Kopzu Fuss
Von KolilivAesch un shinuke.
Dooh all des stiuud uierguiudilioli
As eu zimliuh guter joke.
Dt cars duunert dorcb Borg uu Dahl,
En llowo lauge Stuud,
Un wauu se doroh en Tunnel geht,
Do sobnt iuer gar kw Huun.
Mer musz ah iuiiuer in Aeugbte sei,
Bis springa von dem track,
Oder trefft viellclchten ItindHtlck Fleh
Was gebt es daun derno ?
Dann gebt's en gramsllch accident,
Uu alius werd verstaart ;
De Weibnleit werra unuiwohtig,
De Manubieit sin verzagt.
Der englueer blos't luasrderlich.
De engine gebt druf los.
Now springa se ulte Kuh
Was gebt's ibr docb cn Stosz 1
So tn Stosz Is iner net gewuuhut ;
Der utacht ebm daub un stuiuni,
Un debl de scblaga Derzelbieum,
Un kenna net recbt ruiniu
Debtstione uf Iltead uud Fuesz
Sie balte fest am floor,
Un yeder wiuscbt er war dabeeiu
Aus der grosza Q'fobr.
Ho geht es ewa uf dem train ;
Ich haewz es arig scIkd'.
Mer krlgt ken Kopweb vou der Ilitz,
Un ah ken lulede D;e.
Mer kauft sei ticket vorna uaus,
Dann Is iuer all. K. i
Uu wauu's bojszt : "Tickets, if you
please 1"
Dann rwoht mer's ewa bin.
I don't like you ! I wish I bad
now married yoa l' cried Elfrie Sa
brooke, paesionately. 'Let go of my
band I I don't want yoa to come
Dear me '
Sha was only 16, this beautiful
passionate young creature with the
11 ue, glittering eyea and red lipa and
bftir like golden mistand Colonel
Sftjbrooke looked down on ber with
Mtonishmoot. Elfrie bad often been
n 'temper Itb bin, bat never one
"e mis. .
'Don't call me Elfrie don't lnnb
t tne,' she eobbed. Yoa don't lore
hieyon won't let ma oa tn !.
cP"a with Italph Kyllngel'
o. cur e. bat.'
"jj "ip to go home to mamma.
wJl nx 21 mamma. 1
Vim t Wrtrl1
H in short c
.c--it lu ber ecattcv of ipttaat
-,r:'.':d Ft:!2rtIt
lie rang the bell.
'Send the close carriage round to
the door, Hammond. Yoor mistress
wishes to go to ber mother's. '
Present! Hammond came,' wilh
(be aoDooncement that the carriage
ready. Elftie perched a tiny
velvet bat, eurronoded by a bine
bird's wiug, on the top of ber yellow
hair, atid a costly cashmere aoaif
roand her sboulJers, as she rone'
'You will tell me good-by, Elfrie t'
Out Elfrio never turned ber bead.
She was a spoiled cbild, both by
temperament and education, aud as
yet llydo Snybrooke bad failed to
Gad the key to ber nature
He sat silent and sorrowful after
the bad gone.
She is right,' be suddenly ex
claimed, 'I ought never to bave mar
ried btr. I am too old, too grave,
too dreamy. She is a thing of light
aod air and snoBbine and if I bavo
done her injustice in forcing ber in
to an unequal match may God par
don roe.'
Elfrie wan silting ready shawled
and wrapped op, wailing . for the
carraigo to briug lior home that
oveuiog, when Mr. Forloscao, the
old family l.iwjor, walked in,
Elfrio Mailed up, palo and trorab
ling. for t'joro whs a namuloss some
Ihiug iu Mr. Fortoecue's face.
'Oh, Mr. Fortosoito, what is it
Soiui'thiuir has liunroiio l to IItiI.i ?
He is ill purbaps dead 1'
'eUher oa or the other, my dear
child,' slid liiu oil mau. I am mere
ly tbo bo'trer of a noto from your
And breaking open the scaled mis
sive, Elfrie, read that Ilydo Suys
brooke, weary of ibo perpetual com
motion of bis domeolio circle, aud
paiufally coutcious that tlioro exist
ed a disparity bolwoen .himself and
bis boa ntiful young bride, in other
and more serious respects than that
of age bad decided to leavo her.
'Not because I do not love you,
donr Elfrie, more tenderly than ever,'
atono, iu so far as it is possible, for
tho gravo mistaken which l:us oter-
sbaifcwed your futnro nnd blighted
my one life You will bo happier
without me, nnd us for myself, I in'ust
cxpoct to re:ip what I have sown; tho
bitterness of a dip, which few men
are culled up (o drink. You will bo
lift rich raay you enjoy tho wealth
which has nevor dono mo any good
Dourest Elfrio, goodsbyo, and thiuk,
sometimes of mo, as one who loved
very duarly who will lovo you for
ever !'
Elfrio banded tho letter to ber
mother, with a band that bhook liko
an aspen leaf.
'Uoad it, mamma, aud tell me what
does it meau 1 Has he gone lias
bo left too 1 Oh, tell them to call
11 s .....
uun uacu again to tell nim I never
meant it 1 For I did love bim, mamn
ma 1 waa learning to love bim eo
dearly '
And Elfrie sank whito and bodbo
lees to tho floor.
She bad her way. She was back
once more in tbo borne of ber cirl
hood, freod from evory shackle, ex
1 it. -4 - - i rt .
gup i turn vi a name, wuue nyae Hays
brooko'a money made a sort of gold
en halo about ber footsteps. Yet.
such is the inconsistency of woman-
she was miserable.'
Elfrio,' said ber mother, gravely,
'I don't know what to make of
you. Yoa are nut a bit like vour
'I hope I never bball be. mamma.'
l-eaid Elfrie, with a slicht shudder.
'My old serf, as you call it, broke a
noble heart and darkened my na
ture lot me now study for a new
'Bat, Elfrie, yoa are independent
'I was more than independent be
fore; mamma, had I bat known it '
'And Colonel Baybrooke certainly
was '
'Hash mamma 1' Elfrie held up
ber fioger.while a scarlet glow over
spread ber cheek, 'not even from
yoa will I bear a word of disparage
ment of tbe noblest and truest man
tbat ever bieathored upon this
And Mrs. Percy, who waa a gay
widow, with a certain shallowness of
cat ore which Elfrie fortunately bad
oot inherited, shrugged ber shoul
It's a pity you hadn't found it out
before.' 4 ,
Elfrie burst ioto passionate tears
and bid ber faee in ber bands. Alssl
was abe cot c!ily r?l irrurly be:ora-
nore c?r;-. J
'At last,' she said, with a quiver
ing lip, 'I oaa study to become more
worthy of tho love he noon lavished
on me I'
V "Botyoa willlay off that mourn
iog dress. Elfrie f It looks so
strange. People make remarks 1
And, after all, you are not a w.dow. '
'Not a widow but worse.' Elfrie
said, smiling faintly. 'Let thorn
talk, mamma I shall always dress
iu black until until they put me iu
the white tnusliu shroud that is the
end of all thiugs.'
'This is slrango talk, Elfrio, for a
giil of 10 !'
'Is this mamma Bat you see, I
fuel at least CO I1
And young Mrs. Saybrooko kept
rigorously to bor word. She attend
ed no uioro parties, went to no more
balln, operas nor concerts, but mov
ed liko a geulle, youug Sioter of
Mercy through eceues of trial, won
and suffering. Her soul was daily
becoming refined iu tbo alchemic
fires of solfdonial aud charity and
Hyde Saybrooko would scarcely
have koowu bis butterfly brido now.
'I told her bow it would bo 1' cried
Mrs. Percy, fretfully. 'Poking
about iu those taBty touemoct hous
es whoro nobody evor goso but tho
lux-col)ccloi8 aud tho missionaries
and now she's down with the fover.'
A film C'inie over Mr, Fortescuu's
'Sho has followed iu ber Master'
footsteps," he said solemnly, 'and if
it leads her to tho very gates of the
gravo, who bball dare to murmur .'
Hut there camo a timo when the
angel Azraol folded his pinions
across the threshold, aud then there
was a new watolior nt Elfrie's bod
sido; oiio who never tired out,
neither grev weary, for tho might of
lovo upheld bim 1 And at last she
openod ber eyep, pale, cmaeiatod
aud weak as an infant, but with the
burning fever goue.
'Mamma 1' she murmured faintly,
'I have bud each a sweet .'roam 1 It
stttW-fovvaryde inkHsfii&rbvx Ifv&r sYniftvj-byTd,'Jw"a in
mo, pressing my bund, whisporing
to mo 1 Oh, if I could have died
then 1 Oh, Ilydo, my husband 1'
'Elfrie I
IIo was bondiug ovor ber, bia
dark sad oyes looking into hers-
'1 meant only to eco ber onco, and
thcu to go but Elfrie, I could not
leavo, uutil I know yu were safe 1'
I'caroat, yoa must nevor leavo
mo,' she uttered j 'I have learned to
value and love yoa at least. Oh, my
hunboud, it is liko welcoming you
back from tbo gravo 1'
'Shall I stay Elfrio T Do yoa levo
me at last V
And to bolh of tho earnestly ut
tered questions she answered :
Colonel Snybrooke was happy at
lust. He bad lost bis wild little
Elfrie, but in bor place was a tender,
trne-souled woman.
For Elfrio bad discovered at last
that she bad a heart.
'A boat a year before be died I
met 'Wild Hill' Ilickok on a train
on this road,' said Luther Lafliu
Mills, as wo were borne southward
over the Chicago Si Alton road ouo
afternoon la6t week. 'Bill and I
had an entire sloepiug-car to our
selves from KanstB City to Chicago.
Whon 1 introduced myself to bim I
was a little surprised and quite
pleased to learn of bis idoutity. lie
was a fineslooking man, past 40
years of age, with remarkable eyes
quick and restless as a greyhound's,
bright and clear, and tho color of
cold, blue steel. He was a vaiu fel
low, aud justly proud of his bunds,
which were small, white aud shape.
'Of coarse I talked to bim about
himself. I asked bim how many
men be bad killed. He replied that
he had killed thirty-two in 'private
fights,' and ho didn't know ho many
he had killed in the war of tbe re
bellion and in frontier skirmishes.
He related many of bis shooting ex
periences, and added, impressively,
that be bad never killed a man un-
juntly- tbat in bis fights be had al
ways been in the right. I said Cer
tainly, Mr. Ilickok j I had no doubt
of it.' You cau readly see that I
did not care to take' issue with bim
on tbat question
He said be was
born ana rained .
b li Ca9 county, line's tud la
tuan, twenty-five years bofore. Ue'tbrjaqh the cold, damp air
was at the time marshal of Abilene,
Kan., a very bad town, where be
had in bis official administration,
killed six men in as many montls.
He was compelled to do this, be
said, to restore order, as the cow
boys had taken possession of the
lon, nnd tho good people of
Abilene bad niudo bim marshal,
knowing that bo loved peace and
would have it.
'I asked bim if bo bad over vinited
Chic.igo. He said bo bad, a few
years Ltfore our rumliD,?, and then
bo told me the ono cttlo romance
of his life.
Ooii. Phil Sheridan and party bad
engaged Hill as a gniJe on a buflfilj
bunting cxpudiliou. Sboridan look
a liking to Hill and iasistod npon
bia retaining to Chicago with him
nnd making n vitit. Dill came, and
rcruuiuod for somo time atShoridau's
house. Tho first Suud.ty after I got
to Chicago, said Hill, ftheridau said
to mo that be wus going to church
and vvould liko to have me go along.
I baid I hadn't beeu to church for
twenty years, but I'd jusl as lief go.
To woweut to tho Plymouth churob
down on WabaBb or Michigan avo
uue. Tho follor at tbe door know
Sheridan, cud ho took in away np in
frout, near the preacher. About!
tbo time the sermon Unu on old. '
white-haired inau and a young wo
man came into the puiv iu front of
iu. I could boo only tho fiido of the
wemau's fare, but I full sure I know
ber. I didn't bear the tenuon at all,
I just kept l ooking at tluiyonng wo
man all the timo, wilh a strnge sort
of feeling as if 1 was hanotod, aud
my thoughts kept going back to
when I wus n boy down in La Salle
'Well, wbeu we all got up to re
ceive tho benediction I saw the
young woman's f ico, and my heart
como right up into my nock, for I
know ber. There wus the otdy wo-
tuuu 1 ever loved, nnd I bad loved
La Sulle county. Hho was Maria
ISitldwin, and the old man with ber
was bor father. Herman Puldwin.
1 won't tell you why I didu't mairy
her, but my lovo for Ltr wob one of
tbo reasons why I went out west.
'Wbeu I saw ber fuce and knew
who (die was ! just belted down tho
Q'ulo and out of church, and blood
guard at tho dour, waiting for her.
Whcu cbe o-iuo out I went up to ber
and said : 'Maria, do you know mo ?'
Sho Iookod at me a minute, and baid:
'No. sir, I do not-'
'Well,' said I, kiud-a bracing up,
'I urn Willio Ilickok.'
Well, you sbould-a soon her. The
tears caino in bor eyes, and she took
my hand in both of hers and hold it.
bo told the old man w bo I was, and
tbo old man snid ; 'Why, Dill, is
that you ' nud bo shook my band
was glad to sco mu. Then both of
them insisted on my going to dinner
with thorn, and I went. We tulkud
all afternoon aud away into the night
about old times down in La Salle
county; and I tell yoa it. was the
happiest day in my life, lint I
couldn't stand it to tdsy iu Chicago
any longer, aud I blurted for tho
went tho next day,'
'I was much iutmsted iu this
story,' resumed Mr. Mills, 'for I
knew Mr. Baldwin, nud I felt moro
kindly toward 'Wild Bill.' I asked
bim if bo expected to retain to the
west after bis vifait to Chicago. He
said ho did, and ILat wbeu bo left
me ho would bid mo good-by for
ever. IIo had a grout many desper
ate enemies, and from bis caloula
tion of tbo law of cbanees be ooii hi
not live more than a year. He cx
pectod to bo febot and to die with bis
boots on. Suro euough, within ten
mouths of tbe lime I mot bim oa tbe
train bo was shot iu the buck and
killed in a saloon out west' Chi
cago If wa.
lgrmtmn im iimmiihi
1. Wearing thio shoos and cotton
stockings on dump flight aod iu cool.
rainy weather Wearing insufficient
clothing, and especially upon the
limbs and extremities
2. Leading a life of enfoobliiiar.
im t , ..'
oapid laziness, and keeping the mind I
in an unnatural state of excitement I
by reading romaocs, (Joiog to
theatres, partiss and falls in all sorts
of weather, in the thifP' possible
dress Panoic'. till H opiate
pw; 'nUon, t- Vibe-- -
Sleeping on feather beds in seven-
by-uino bed-rooms, wit hoot ventila
tion at the top of tho windows, and
especially with two or mcro persons
in tbo same small, unvontilalcd bed
room. 4 Surfeitiog on hot aud very
stimulating dinners. Kiting in a
hurry, without half manticliog your
food, and tatirg heartily before
going to bed every niglit, nheu ti e
mind. and are exhausted by tbe
toils of tbe day and excitement of
the evening.
5 lieginuin; in childhood nu ten
and Coffue, and gcing from ono step
to another through chewing and
smoking tobacco, and drinking in
toxicating liquors, aud mental and
physical excesses of every descrip
tion. G. Marryii g in hudo, and gutting
an nnoongcoiiil companion, nnd liv
ing tho remainder of lifo iu mental
dissatisfaction. Cultivating jealous
ies uud domerlio broils, aud being
always iu a mental ferment.
7. Keeping children quiet by
giving paragorio and cordials, and
by supplying thorn with raisins, nuts
nud rich cako, When thoy aro sick
by giving tho:u mercury, lartiu-em
ctic and arsenic, undor the umtal'cn
notion tbat they aro mediciuea and
not irritant noinous.
8. Alloiviug tho bvo of gain to
nbsorl) our uiiuda so as to leave no
timo to attoud to our health. Fol
lowing an unhealthy occupation be
cause money cuu bo tjado by it.
9. Tempting tho appetilo with
litters end nicotics when tho blom
auh suys No, and by forcing food
whon nature does not demand and
oven rejects it. Gormaudiziug be
tween meals.
10. Contriving to keep iu n con
tiuual worry about something or
nothing. Giving away to lite of an
ger. 11. Being irregular iu all onr
habits of nbioping aud eating, going
fio ied
nt. lUi.iuitfiu uuU ,'iliii' tip
at noon. Eating too iimoU, too
many kinds of food, and that which
iii too highly eeasouod
12. Neglecting to take proper
caro of ourselves and uot applying
early for medical advico when dis.
case find appears.
L:aks Absut tho Farm.
The manure pile is exported to the
summer and winter laitxi, and a
grout part of its valuable constitu
ents are lost.
Tho baru has a poor roof, aud the
crops aro injured after being bouuad.
The barn iu full of holos eo that
the fctoek it) in au uucojafoi table
state Pending catllo eat a great
deal but do uot fallen, wbilo milking
cows yield only half whut they
Stacking crops which should bo
uhelu led in tho bat a.
Holding crops for bolter prices,
forgetting tho Ions of interebt and
the losses from shrinkage, mico, ia
iasects, etc.
Farming so as to get half a crop
wLero a whole crop should have been
produced- Interest and labor ou
tho half crop costs just as much as
on a wholo crop.
Cheap hired help.
Farming moro ucrcs than cau bo
well attended to
From wide feuce comers growu
up with woods.
Prom being too busy to think bo
foro ucling.
All money dropped into tho till of
the village tuvuiu -
All money spent fur lobacco.
Tho total loss of tho contents of
the privy vault, as is common on
most farms.
Not hiring enough to keep tbo
a oik ahead. '
Allowing the buildings logo with
out paiut.
The reader is hereby solicited to
make ono word out of these foar, viz
' lied nuts and giu" Do you give it
up Yes; here it is : "uudtibluudt
Au Introduction lo Mexico,
When two jieojilo ore introduced in
Mexico, if Ixith aro women, thev ex.
chunge u lij;ht rtnbrneo and pulmad'itn or
liUlo iut on tho buck - wlieit one or both
n.'t M.r.n n l.n.wl ..I...I.. t . I - . .
v "jvtii, m 1111.1114 Diiuttn it ui truer, viia
Uisido the formula. "Let me l-reHont."
etc, of tho oilioiiitiug pnrty, each of
tliou.1 liilnnliioiHl plvna Ilia rm.n ,.,..1 1,1.
lilt MAfc winii -nlh.r., h a... '
k ...... l . i : a. I
such tstereolyiM-d dIh-iimo.
Ji.ivu uuirertil fium nut lieu rin
iX ninaa who
in; llio n;uui (
,1...... t '
Mill ml over :
of a irtinnrci', uiun;lI.' or
hv Id lnti.llli--r. f l riiKfim will l.i t
"l tot --o .U;, V'l 1;-- '
for Infants and Children
" i
"CartoN It wo waH sdnptod toohlMiwi th I Coti-ta vAras Ootlo. OeMMtMllnA
I rcommKl II m twnorlor toftnr prcMcrinUiia I ,l" ftomiwa, LHrrhrn., l'H-uuMftoi, .
uwwsw II. A. Aomm, M V., I kU1,T' 3nHUt
Ui So. OiJufa 81, Druufclgm, H. V. WWuwi Injurloas medio
' . TD OxVAtm CotiMxt, 1S fulloa t)ttet UiYj
Hi ttinl V&u Ui u it. rii.rrfti! lino fr Pisiny
, ;.r i tti t i.i- r ftriil vul In'tl UitruUtk;wl la
.in t u.itry, t lh
V,it nni1r h" Vir'!T.-t 'iiil nf f .tit'nnrtoj
ruHiiM nii'1 i.vritin. -tt f nnli4rv'oiuiiilMiin.i.
t will vtm llli'llant ft "jl!ur r o hoin II hui
l.r.niM r. Mul. U l)a Mnl ut'ii-vU mho liat
IrtuJ IV I
frni f urtlu r iwft'ii , tf vnn'jl nt-'y trtve it n clrdno
titt. a -v i-riff
run i i nr. r r.
Tor omni'lo'ft itit rMmt cu. Iff 'H::t t i'niu
pltll'l, lttl Ufl'flKMilrtit, lift'.
Fr hiIh t) nil ilruutit' trf. It no i f f'ml'tr U
Hot lu witl'u t fiiriMli ii ! y mi, il t tint In or. tn btko any tin Mir rM, n ly hrtri it hn
ihtinrnl AKrtt, I'lMl tV .
bill K htfl Murlti-t Nurnl, l't.UuliUhUi.
ij3(JoioD 3jno pus pSJO)53i
eupipaui titjl woiW papjjj AJUi(
-init spunnoii oj not Jnja.i hjav m uanj
a ui ptm 'oXu)uAps ou Ol iq ouioapg
&ixi"ki, :jv'4' i'.',,.v,, sVitJofv ."r;' .?v.'
'OI3V()00) mjM pjplUJB 'UU3
noif J 'ujujom 40 uvui in
- poojt j.tAau uiiiuiun3(i puu tuilju -iiiM:jiup jaA9 q ajiiNvnvno
V u y.yunu -po Dup.-i.vj .dsuioii
,(jj4 OlIK'ip.llll p)03 U 11IA )U0UIU3j
x--l 'wjjiw o 9iiui)uo3 piioiS no" AIJ.A
UUHCM OU l Vjrl'.l!UU JO fciiuud Oll JO
SJ.Illl W) 3l)IIUII10tJ lj mu.ip
01 Ai Ji-.u i pnj.-iuo() 9i
V4 f
tliu.-. U yotir Si.orrtu-.i
by cativi;.; er driuKsn too
much, or of tho wrmv
of fua 1 or U.kl, yuu will
1t:uisc your .Sa);r.nch is
anry. Now beware of
all tomjinrary cxprdii.-nts.
TRY that never-'hi'un;;, r.;i(
Remedy, jj cheKClc'S
i 0 Mandrake PHI5.
Vt K.l l'. nit IiiuujUi!.. I'ik.-i. I'-r U-i
SLfUUMlot f.'i rl'j.; tir ..-Ml l.v nii-l, 1 imI.. -t. !(. .-
tjeiMjilul I'tiiM. in. J H. b: ...;' X '., I'I.IIu'a
3 AS.rrj wanted
A few rrliita
lilr hi.'ii i .-ll "ur
ail "PltTC t'wiii'T wiUi
llm I Ibdli lull law. f
Ii. (.mill r tl.AK V huiI
l In lluiii't.1, Ai-livv aatl
r i.tiiui
1 lo U LIST l llTtlU i'.U
Aftir rorty riirf
H.crirnrs In tti
(rutaraliun ot intr
likU Ou tItiuitrtM!
mm r 1 nonna anpiicaiiuin ior puitfoi io
Kt M "l0 I'l'Httd ntatp aud Fnraiira ooun
IH y trla, tn pntiitNlisr tf tho Ki intitl
PrvM Aiuvrirau conlinua to act aa aulkiturtf
I swat 1 for paibDla cavtxu. 1 rada-iuairlit, cot
UmmbJ ntftua. ato., f.rth 1'mii4 ttata. ami
to obla.11 iiaiunia In (anatla, KnglauU. ratios.,
Oarmauy. and aT otnr counirifi TUlrirl
uca la uuvqualwd aud tUair laoilitiaa ax ouaur
Lian.iad, lirawlnva and tftaef ftoitiona prapararl tn4 014
fa lua I'aiaut fh.a ou aliori Douoa. 'I'a r mi i
raaawtiiarjla. iNo obarga Cur aiaintnaiioatfC lawdaltl
or draittiiffa. Atlvtca by mail fita.
PausiitMohtnitiHd ( tmiiah M until On. am nctloM
tha lamaat airuulatiou
liawauanair uf ilm kiut
Intlia Ml IKIt; AMKKIt'A W. wbivh baa
au l i" u iniiuaiiiiai
?'? ' wa a umv r Haw
liawauaiiaj of Urn kiud uubUvliatS taa ufi
'I'l, ij-ttM 1 1 1 taataMf Af aamnanaa
fcP.'ih1 '5
U.L tMir dNviitflMl to foi-no.
anl. .ilo-rli. work. t4
aj uu a jraar, ana ia
I - Tiaiiwu-l
I i.4 lu r o.nintt. u ci.utii
" "ulliJHllf "'7 '
t-h - h. fry II fu.r hwMlu
lAinli lit um of
11 V H. Try 11 fu.f WlMI tMt WW UmM
' ' J m mm lo.-ali.-a P I
f f .1 i'N.fc 1 mil. p"
i .,, i- .biiiif aw-
Attorn cys-J!ULtue
1 111 1 'I .' I I I-J iJ-U-lLII
All biicilncit Dtrndcil l, kit SI
! frompt tHDlloo. Caialuila !
nil nil Knulluh. t-l
Attorney mnl Conn net of mi Aril
Miiiii.r:ni kvii, pa,
(' and all otkr aliaa
it tinn.lo.l to. Coaiu Itailaa Id AmIKi W
(Urui.n. lt-t4h
E. 150 WER,
nil Jerui,
Attorney It Oouiiallsr-At-Nr
Offlteln Ai'i HulMInt on Saai BnBJ
KtTaruni Mutbl.
Sciinaciuve, ftmm'm.
)nllrtlB( an4 all.olhararaliill
tiwiioiiBn aaa.will rtlT
prompt attaalloo. Aar.
MiDi;r.Eni;Ka,snTto J.,M
)Brihl Profeidanal Sr?Ui t ft
',111. ... WVTfl
.' A. W. POTT1SB,
SeHrsor. Pa. ,5 . r
'""M . ."TOjlt'l . -. - tth
Alllelha.iut..uu.,.,,i. 1 . 1 ' if 1 r
Attornr-at-l-itW9 t "
Miildleburgh. I'a.
JJ'IJ"' IU KD!lik taSaOjj'
LciTlabHrcr. IiiIoh Co.. prfi
i'rTo' Ho a "rk" BtrMl' " M ''
lue.ju, ;
Kentz, Unrjtlir Co., Pit
"Collections promptly HAdn.jfJ
Mihllbnrcli, PaanV.
n,l.ri hl pr jlti.lf il (iitlctn tm tk cMrf
01 Bni l,-loln
lifllr a rt fif I
Wt,il tbK Conrl Htuie, a Arol4
"- ) "' '" ''I '. 'I M mni.,ajia3aj
Physicians, $0,
1.1 ymt.r.ymrS?frT WVSVXVZ
Fremont, Snyder county Pa
(lr4uls ol B4I1 Iraoro Col leg ol Thy illa
11. 1 "-urKrnii. oiler liiu ruU il..Dl r I
to 1 1 loilc. 8p..k UuKllahitifl -riuo.
Froobuirg, I'a.
inrl hi I'n f-Hl .nl iTvlr., to lb iuli
.i onvtirnnt la tmh t.mlUb aud German
( un ;jlu irot.
Ki?linNKl0vci I'ou"''
Ayculs to N'll
tho JIIsTOK-Y tt
, K MUtli. Ta 9t iflW
l.i ...,,. Iki .nvaiOlia
Kin a"j"M "r'H
tZ-r V i. . 'l m
fe l kiUs ltlf
I mr i IrfWi. vf il M "
J. riu m atf-bry W SA
pUSfaa4. Ifsa 9
AMERICAN PUB'BCl i i ty . sir... ii ooinrniiilnlln Cu.ri.if CtcnXJ
I ; l .. lliiitrli..n. ui.vl nil liwjiA'''-,f.
I i. Hiv. u Mt !va h, r M.'i.l "'- "f W,',f.
, . r. iwli, TI IM (il'lUP oiIIBom-- fc
av isr
I 1 a
a KZi. "
i f :t
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r ...