GO -Do Ire to call tbo attention of (ho Public' to their Largo and Varied Stock of- E. and small Musical Instruments. Wo cany tho largest stock of tho abovo goods in Central Pennsylvania, and a risitto our spacious ware room, will fully repay yon and wo hereby extend a cordial invitation to visit us and get our prices bo " fore purchasing. Wo arc offering our arpct Stock at special prices and havo made great reductions in every department. REMEMBER : OUR GOODS ARE DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OP SNYDER COUNTY I Wo also havo a full lino of Oil shades, Laco, Damask, Turkoma Curtains, Curtain poles, Cornico, &c, in fact anything pertaining to tho furnishing of a houso and all at prices 23 per cent lower than city prices. J. It. SMITH & Co. (Limited.) 220,222, 224, Front Be., Milton '4 :' -I , .r ' f i j ; SLdilobsrgsr indTVftsa's Dual. Soma years ro liporge I). Wine, nvt one of tlie Virginia representa tive. In the house, playfully calli-il IlidilW'bertfer a blanked liar In Mie columns of a Richmond ii(wpiiier, rvnd KlaMleberrfer straightway sent n cliallenjre. To show the blooiltlilrtl lifts ot tlio tueu, tliey arrantvl to firht tlie duel on tli't same afternoon. Wluo chose pltttoln for weupotis, find th; meeting was at 4 o'clock, p. m. In a clump of wood a few mili-H from Kii'tnuoiid, and no near the rend'-nre of the Judge of tlm county that he could hear the shots. At the first Are Wife's pistol did not t-o iff, and KlddleberttiT's bull Hew will off the mark. Wise then hand 'd his plntol to his socoml and told hi ni there wan something the mutter with it. Ttie ball was drawn, the pis tola reloaded and the combatants tot. It a n-coiid Are. At this time Wine' bill cut Ulddlubertfur'e cat tall, but Iti.l llebrtror'a shot again wasted itself .on tlie air. RiiMleberKcr reached doMn hie hand and looked at the p'.ai'e where the ball had untie thro' bis t'J coat. He then raised his hand aud scratched hie head He thought n t'.i'iiueut, still scratching, 'and then to Wine's surpria, he seized the pistol by the barrel and threw It as fur as he could into the bushes. Ho then threw out both arms, atidwalkin lu lf way t uard Wise, held out his hand and imitated that he thought they had better settle the matter in other ways. Wise replied that he had nothing to ci.iinhilu of, and, if Klddlrberer was s itisfled, lie was, and so the duel end ed. Frank O. Carpenter in New York World. Tho Caro of tha Eyoa- At Ihe sanitary convention held at Ann Arbor, Mini)., not long ago, L)r, C. J. Luudy, of Detroit, rend a paper toi "ilygene in Kelutiv'i to the Eye," v-'ilch should have th'VtiiIe' c'-enhyjega tu'ti, eMwcially aiuong , T " 1! Stii?AxV-H;iml-t' , eye troubles Is shown to bo the exces five strain upon the muscles and nerves of the eyes due to faulty edu rational methods, the ill planned and insufficient of the anliot.l rooms, poor ink and fluo print in school books, and other causes which educa tion might correct. In conclusion, Dr. Lundy lays down the following rules for the better care of the eyes : 1. Avoid Jreading and study by poor light. 2. Light should come from theide and not from the back or from the front. 3. bo not rend or study while, suf fering great bodily fatigue or during recovery from illness. 4- I) i not read while lying down. 5. Do not use tlie eyes too long at a time for near work, but give them oecuiional periods of rest. C. Heading and study should be done systematically. 7. During sludyavoid the stooping position, or whatever tend to pro duce congestion of the heud uud face. 8. Belect well printed books. . Correct errors ol retraction with proper glasses. 10. Avoid bad hygienic conditions and the use of alcohol aud tobacco. 11. Take sutliuleut exercise iu the open air. 12. Let tho physical keep puce with the meutal culture, fur asthen opia U inor-t usually observed in those who are lacking In physical duvelope tuent. A case just reported in the London papers shows the possibility of spon taneous combustion of the body of a drunkard, or at least that such a body may be set on fire by the mun's breath coining In too close contact with a lighted candle or mutch. 'The case Just reported is that of the body of a drunkard be'ug brought it-.to Guy's Uovpltal, London. His body was very much bloated, and when punctured, and a lighted match ap plied, the gas which escaped burned with to ordinary Hmne of carbureted fiydrogen. As many as a dozen of these flames were burning at tho same time. It is convenient sometimt to mark tools. This can easily be done as follows : First clpan the place wish ed to be marked and then cover it with a thin layer of beeswax, raising the edges so as to form a basin. Murk the name In the wax with a sharp In- struuieut, cutting it through to the steeL When this shall have been don fill the t aIn with undiluted nltrle acid or aqua fortls and let It .tnd awhile The fonger It shall stand the deeper U will out Then wash with water. A recent centm pari toe total popntalioo of tbe Chinese Knspir at fiOS.OOOOO. Tbtj ara piled io .boot title feet deep. ' Conner's Prcphodoa fcr 1CG3- Samuel Tlenner, an Ohio farmer, w ho has gained considerable notorie ty through the newspapers for his predictions of future events, and who a lew years aio published a small Teluine on the tips and downs of prU ces, which hud a great sale, lias now commuuicnted his prophecies for the year 13S9. in which he says : 'This year, being the closing yenr in this cycle of low prices seven years from ISI In the golden oppor tunity to commence the foundation of a business. If there is any benefit to be derived from a knowledge of these cycles In trade, it will be In taking ad vantage of theiu. "Young men who are about to com mence their business career should embrace their present opportunity. There are but few of these chances in an ordinary life. It requires about ten years to complete an up and down in general trade. "When the depressions: which fol low commercial crises reach their low- cut limit, as determined by these price cycle, they alTord the best opportu nities for Investment, and the height of speculative eras are the inot dun gi-rous periods to"iuakea commence ineiit iu any enterprise. "This I the opportunity for invest ors to open a mine, to build a furnace to erect a mill, to build a ship, to equip a railroad, and to luuke Invest ment in agricultural, commercial and iud'iHtria! operations. "(ieorge IValiutly lul l tho founda tion for his fortune. by buying Ameri can securities in one of our commer cial depressions." They Don't Liko It. Io speaking About tbo rflYct of probibilioo io Khobar tbe Alchisoti Obiitupion' bns thin Io eay : 'Then is nothing which en onrugus Ibe aver whiskey advocate as does tbe phenomenal grovtfr-CuJ proeperitj . it. ..., jinnntr tiiA pABi six. years 1'hey predicted that weeds wonl grow in tbe etrcuts of all onr cltici that immigration would be checker aud our state and cities would all go iuto baodriiplcy, because Ksdsjs hud bankrupt whisky. Tbo fuct is (hut no AiuericuQ statu, eioce tbe foundation of tbe union, Las evei known such growth and proepeiit; m that of Kansas since 1SSI, whei ibu prohibitory llrst wont iut force. Its population ha marl; doubled during these years; its rail way mileage has doubled; its cities und towns liuvo prospered aa tbey never did btf rt ; aud it has today the soberest, mobt prosperous, hup picst aggregation of 1,000,00') iubah iluutu uudur tbo shining iuii,' Kbtiuiuting tbe population of Ibe Utiited Elates at 50.O0J.lf0O enough corn is annually grown to allow each inhabitant at least one bushel Dei week. This in more tLua enough corn alone to supply all tbe food re quired, hut tbe larger portion iscou umud by live Btock, being therefore converted into meat. An avuuge of four children a day are named after l'taxident Clereiaud aud wifo. The I'oor Farm iu Pawnuo county, KansuB, is said to be a failure for lack of paupers Aud tbia ia suffer iug Ksnsac! Mtlro's 'TradU of Mbsrlsr." After Cortes conquered the Aztecs and estulihbhcd liiiiiM lf iu tho valley of Mux ko, the Tarascuns sent oiultUMuulora to hiui and ludccd for teachers who would instruct them how to approach and muke terms with tho all powerful Chri-itiaii g'xlH. 1 liu hpuniard lorwurded inission aries, who turned the Turuwans hv thou Bunds from their idols and hnptized them into tho C.Ythohc fuith. Tlie Turucuiis iox'juni) allies of the KpuniuriLt, paid tri bute and were loyal. When ino de (iuinun, tlie lirst president of tlie firnt en'ieaeia, tu tho hpunuih form of gov t-rnuierit was culled, started out to con quer the cuntry of Juliaco, on the west ern co:it of Mexico, he culled ou tho culzontzin, the king of the Turascans, to furiilf.li 10, WH) wumors and a vut amount of- gold und silver. The culzontzm promptly Hupiiliod tho nun. but told the president ho could nt furnish all the gold. Guzman u"ectod to disbelieve him ond turned him, ut the same time torturing many sulxirJinute otlicluls of the Turascan dynusty to tnuke them reveal tlie sup- isMod hiding place of the treasure. Ihe Tarascan dynasty fell; the affrighted Indians lild among the hills and iiioun tains about tako 1'sUcuero. Tliey have never rorgotu'ii that awful tH'rseoution The good IJIshop (juiroa sjK iit iiia life trying to undo the mischief wrought by Ouiu.au. lie won the Tarascans bade to the faith and to great personal love of liittMeu, nut the portion or the country they Inhabit has been the breeding place or so many revolutions tiutt it I Iieoonie known in Meloau Metorr aa "ihe eralle ot Mrty,"-Cor. titolie-Duuiocrat. "NEARLY CRAZED with psin" is thesotl cry of msny a victim of rheumutisui or neuralgia, and frequently other diseases, such as kidney and liver coinplninUs, are directly trncealile to rheu niuiisiu or lic;italKia. These discs ws, for soiue uiiex'luiiiuliid reason, are rapidly in crtiasing, and iu ninny instunces sro the direct cause of lunch sickness wliiili so hides its real origin ss to lie mistaken for otlierdiseases. In curing rheumatism, neu ralgia, sick headache, and in ninny coses of kidney and liver trouUeu, Atliloplinrus lias wronglit womlers. Those who have used It are best qualified to Scak of its merit. Houses Point, New York. I took Attilophoros and I think it helped me. I had not walked for 8 weeks when I took the Atlilophoros-and have walked since. I havo taken nearly all medicines recommended for rlieutnntisin, and I think Hint Alhlonliorua hclued ine the most of any. I am not entirely cured yet, but am ' T . .1- ..II .1 - . Eoing io vaxa Aiuiopnorcs n ii eoir.es on ad again. Mas. Taos. IiAYfX. Boltonvillc. Vt., Aneiist 18llif 1880. I ran thank fully say I Itlicve 1 owe my Ilfo to Athlnplior'us as an instrument in the hand of Uod. 1 linve had no return of thofe nwfiil scel!sof rteurnlRia of the lirnt sim e I hist tt rnto you. I loping this may induce other! try tavuhinLlcanicdi ciuo, I reuinin Very respectful I v jours, Mks. I'. . l'Aini:. Pawling, N. Y., AiiKi:st ID, Wid. Tlie bottle 'f Alh!o)iliorn I procured f r.laeol' Tieinnrr's wife acted likes chnrm. She had heon coulln-d lo her Ik d for thrre weeks or more. Oudl hardly help hersolf nnv. In one week she was on her feet. She limlnot ImKhefnrepivcnliirthtoachild ami hail iullaminatory rliuumatiniu. A. A. Torrr. Frery ilrugcivtshoiild he-u Aihlonheros and Alii'iuiioros 1'ills, hut where tliey can not ho hoiuht of the drupKut the Atlilo phnroa t'o., 112 NVull Hi.. .New York, will oend cither (carriage paid) ,n receipt of regular prico, which is f 1.(0 per bottle for Attilophoros and oPe. for Pills. For liver snrf Llilnnv f1lfnr Hvat.rf tn. dlie!l in, wvaktin..., Mmuii tr t.llity. iIwiih- ot o n"n. enii'tiruittoi'. hcmiui ). in Mils bl'XKl, A.C., A t!.l. it'll' rrw n" "Ill'U'lk'U. t An End t: Bono Ser?.pin Edward Shepherd, of liarrisbnrg, 111, ruys; "Having received no much benefit from Electrio Hitters, 1 feel it my duty to let eufforing hu manity know it. Have bad a run ning eore on my leg for eight yeirs ; my doctors told roe 1 would bare to have tho bone sorsped or leg ampu tated. I used, instead, throe bot tles of Electrio Hitters and seven boxes liuokleu's Arnioa Halve, and my leg ie now oouuu Uii v.w'.!. ' Electrio Bitters are sold at fifty oenta a bottle, and Buckleu's Arnica Salve at 25 cents pur boxbj G. M. bbioJcJ. AGENTS! EJ, IENTIRELY WATEDIan I NEWJ300K The iDoft wiiiiilrrlully euiiiiileto enllMtlon ol Hi aliMiliitMy weluluml pmcllcal ulili'li liu ev er lii-i-n iulilUlicit Iu any n illon on tlit Klobe. A marvel ui evary-iUy vulue ami uctimi money esr'lo4 siel iunfiry'Mii liibr lo every iioiatopAer. Iliilidrujf npon liun.lrr.ls ol lieuutirul snl 11 1 1 -11 enr:tvliitf. Iu rxiri'irillniiry low price I'e- N .nil eiilulM'tllliin, Nn'lilHK In III" wtiulu lilr- o ry ui th'i lHxk trail like It. Select "luvlliliiK ir est value t'i the i c i.e, ari l ulci ro fliro. A rei' looUlnic I'T a l ew (uil nrrit clur l"m. lir li in lull lU'M'rlotinn Hint terms. W tlaji' qui 4lven sue l- nriou! cupiKU. M iMlt l.l. H I II. Itox S9TI, l llll.AI-tLI I1IA.PA . fab. ' , "H. . llieCrcini of all Mini Mmlw oiulruer.l Into One Volumr. PI0NE OK! inn (DARING HERO - J m,u 1 DEEDS Tlio tlirllliiuc iilventurvi of sll the lieru ei- lilorer suit Inuitier liulilen wun lil'llHUi". out' unit 1 left", over our whole couniry, I nun ihe ea.'ll'it times to the prevent. Liven H'iiI luni'Mit ijil..l ol l)e"U I. ifiille, Mun.l i-ii. imiiiiii.. jveiti'oi. i.ruur. riH-eeii. inmii', HoMflii.n. 'ar.ii", ?iMer, Cii'lfornla Joe, Wild Hill, Iti.tl.tlit Hill, lieiivrxla Alilea anU rook, reel lu ll. in :iil-l?, ami tcoret ol others. S(len lillv lllu.tri.tt.il with xAi Una enuraviiiin AUl:NlS V AM'i;o. IxjuitI . sod boalt arvthiiiKto Be II . 'tuna lor payiusut allowed Ajtentt (hortol iui.ui. I'LANrrrrt'ii it.x e-ai. PlllLAbtU-lllA. I'a. Feb. 1, 'U. (at. TO CON U PTIVES 181 WINCH EMTKH'S ' YI'OPHOHIMIITE f IL' I 111 L ...... Will. A L .b .I..H-I. Weak l.iinu". iv.imlii. Antliuia. HroncbilU. and ileherul Jit-in ill! J It it an H'nowludKed heulltc Iteina.ly. THY 11 i-rice i auu u per pom I'ro. aied only hv ifti Mriiii a neniiit, liii William HtNew Yora. Mold by brmctfUia Meud (or Circular, I. P.TiBonias&Son's, BOESE Ton'aln alt tha valuable, element! of atahln manura In a i ou ii utrali'd form. em. iu ly prepuied for all rr pa. They are uirnufariumt for reaulu iruia Dr ' weiiln. 'Ihe cannot I mi licuton In tbe field. ttK WIIKKt) poaaeiejtvery (aclliiy. Wa atvo tlmn our x nwiialattiMilliin, For the aam uioney e KuuraiiCen our (oikI not to be eurpaa-e.1. lboa who u.e tlu-m titidoraa lueiu. You uaa tbeot auil yuu will uudorao them. MASUFACI'OMRD BY I. P. THOMAS & SON, Philadelphia, Penn'a. toU 1LK BIT laaae Blilrey, MnClure. Bauiuel Hliirey, Heaver Brlnits. Uiraculoua Zscaps. W. W. Heed, droggist, of Win. Chester, lod., writes t "Oae ot my enstomeri, airs. Loniaa Tike, Barto nia. Haudolpb Co., lod , was a long offerer with Consumption, and was giten op to die Ly bor physicians. She hoard of Dr. King's New Diss oovery for Consumption, and began baying it of me. Io six mouths' time she ulked to (bis oity, dis tance of six miles, and is now so mnon improved sua Dasaolt oslnir It. Kbe feels aba owe her life to it." I Frea Trial Jtottlaa ai O li. ff.hlndftl'a Vng Store. r ma)- i iiffiiii -THE CZ5TTGH1C. Thta medicine, cnirtilnlnf Iron wlih pnrs Te.-e'a') tonii-. rjnf.-l.-ly ami compl'tp'y nrr ryrln, ItKllrretlmi, Vrak nee, Impnni Itlnnd, rlalarta, Cbllla ami Fever, and Newrnlnla. It io an unlHliltig rcinatly tor Dlaeaaes of the Kklaaf and Liver. It I tnvalunlilo for T'lvanca fianillar Ut Wouteia, and all win IrAd acdctitary live. luloeenot Injure thutci'th.raiiachcailaehe.nr produoa rnnttii-atloti nthrr Inm mrdirtnn tin. It fnrlrhea anil iwrinea tho bloort, uttn'Ulii of tho ni'iilitn, ohla thn n'lnillatlu , of riKMl.re'.liv- lleartliiirn and ltelcllttlg, aud troujrtheni f ie mi ! a and ni-rvr. Kr laUrmtMrnt Kevera, LAltude, Lacla t i:uijr, etc., It liai no cjuaL IV The RonuJna !i ahovs tmrte mark ant eneaed rwl lluet on wnippor. Take no other, a- Ml) SHOWS tSISII it CO, BtLTlSOaS, name on a paokage of CQTWX.X Is a guarantee of exoellenoe. ARIOSA COITEE la kept In all flrst-olass atorea from the AUantlo to the Paolo a. COFFEE ' Is never Rood when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand In hermetically sealed QKK POUND PACKAGES. ESSENTIAL OILS WlNT-.HUHKr'.N. PKl I Dt MIN . I'ENNY KiA ALSl-r; VKM1NX ko of prima ijunilly, houKht In any quantity tor "ch on delivery, (roo ol brokerax, .couiuilrnlon, DODGE & 0LC0TT, Importers an t tinortaie. la alllimn Kl IM T 4 PI. W. '7. sin S.F SHZAFaY, Ccn'rcville, inyder C , ra. ' flrat-clainStookCouiuaaae rem taunted. ' reniiuiu Nelea. h AfaeanreM BOARDING HOUSE. 'P11U nudornicned Lavins made -l auiule Dreriaiatlun lor the arnommnil.llee of ibe puhlia ould reepoi(ull annnunro ibal L win luroiin noariilna and lodging at ihe ralei l iveiit-flva eeoli a dav or twant-Me rani a meal. Miauling and lead for horacr Mirnirueu eiionp. Thu.enol ha vine: tried hla tal.le ara renpeot inn) iitv iej tooan, aou may win nol no awai dlaiaiiiflad. Hoomi a law dnori welt of the uoun itoua, alpidiaburah, I'a, UAUK1KL UKAVKR, 109.1.19S2. raopritr ShKVOUJ ULLILWX I'lLLa. 'llN ' V A lMre and a:' i-e. ilii f r V Cja ry'j.n'V ntT t11' '"I'l'tiV of Ihe iieivi" v 'l Vl3 YZS tf!'1' Bni B"ncT:l' ahTuaiiow i T I Irom V'Mnhf.il iiiMoifli-m e.et ui ay Irtun ymthf.il iiiMrtuii-m e,rf'eri ''?!. Mi end oerw rle vt b-dy auj brain ''-- iVS.'.A ,ao'''a i ysiral and in.-ut.tl r..L TKt'Z '. y I a ntrmt..y and aejlual hi- r !! ' . IV ClU iS C..b a n' V0UN3 ! -V ' I rote yi rr a. I'-epared anil I l Mib.u. n''i lillir II .rcmack l.ahor.ilirv, No. faOU H. ti titreot, in. miiJ (or cucuhr Chlck-Chick-er-re-Kea rj. 'cuits MSMAKU HtNStAV MAKES HENS LAY! lltfTEHTS APESL I'KKVKN TM HO I H, ,.! Win a ! a nuiii.na, r.r,i.ST i a v:mi fcnrr EOfjta If fad ovorx "7 Oilck-chlck er-rt-ke (peulinr hni and tin of dlMaa (or yna Iny), th t'roduce eck'i prodiaio ualv and araal ( kind. hmlLh of I). a fcwhog. ii u ih Aral arlitl of Iu u aoon tor ina kind vr I'm anted in th United Sialea. Canada and tagland. Try it. It coaia only ,u canu ptr pound. It ia Do powder. Chicken, will aat if. j bat ought to convince you that II l good. If your Grocer, Diuggial, llaidwar or Country Slorckcrpar will nut get ll for you, aend in en dollar, aud 1 will ahip you a Iwanty-pound boa by freight, or on bundivd tiounda Kr fiv dnllara. A Uru boa will coat you mora ireigni uiaa a mi aoaau uoa. vitiena io y to ntak a prolii ut of tn Attend to your poultry, if you waul cm, luat ui aani aa you it th aani aa you you manur your attend to your land, ouleaa you manur your land It aill uot pay you. Juit ao iih poultry; you muil give them aomethhig bctidea feed, 'i bey aiuat have maUrial to aiuwr for grinder. anatarial for the tel. If you feed Chick-chkk-r. Lhi iU re-kee (egg foodj vry an alck chicken,, aud day you will nevr bar any alck chicken,, aud your ban, will lay erg when otherwise they would not. Vou will never o without II alter a uli trial. Do nol pay twenty. 6v or fifty cant a pound fur medicine to feed your poultry when you can get a Utter arlitl from your elorekeeper at lia cent a pound. Doa't be a dam ; ary a. ttauuaaOuiaii hi lb Uuil4 fclatea only by 8. 8. MYERS, Patentee. Cafl N. Front 8t PUILAD'A, PA V lurUeCHriior ro) KPILCPTIO F1T0. i mi m any sHiav Utsim akia. liiiimni i tm. mam tttk-ui otMilH iftiiitl ud cus4 k WBiu sr. mw- on i mty kmq m mim. nm .vi s f i iu iimw, mmtmmm imkusjs - fivini arc i mm w muw V.U A 11 Ir I J I n jiil KUaUJU Lai tM - m e fp- r r M I Hi I n m (Ui jttMswivTotlBT VatVia iMJksi:hv. rJEVO. W. WALTER. Salesman trorCIti. S.'.'tawart a Co't.. Nnrtarv Nawark, New York, will ha nil DMd Io feenre rdart (or thl popular Arm, for anyihlnx Id th Nrrj lln. Ilhole ai d Ntw Varlatlta an- l.n I'otitlvtly nmiell nyethr-ln prleo an1 quality. Benefaction. nra ataed. H will ealloa all partial thai addrMf bin at Ponn Crok, Haj Jir Uoa sty, Pa 4a. ai,re. National Hotel! By WM. UOLZWOKTH 8EL1N80 KOV13, PA. Ranndll, Kaluralihod and Improved. Tha nioatrontrallr notd botal In tka town. Flrat eiM aeaommodatloni lor tba traveling pokll Aurii 14, -aj. UNDERTAKING! E. L. BUFFINGT0N I'ealrei to make II known to tha pr oj.1 of Mid dleliarxh and vicinity that ho lia remodalad and Iniprovf d hit Hearo and Provided blm oil wlib a No I leo or l'oris tr-ierver. It haa alao provl led hi " elt vlib sue of the let at loiprovad l alialmlbc 'lay o top; out tahl-a rnwMa.lDa; tho oxelualveah o r It tie In bladUtrlet. Alllbt'ha dope at a croat oipsjro, aad Mr. HulTliiitton r'i"ei fully aak your iaironia, a ha baa prr-cl'! arrai ic--roaniatoiak- tha enrpi- In band and verlorm all tha lanrtlone of a lui.aral Ireeter that avoiding the i oibarraireni amllndcunvealouc aiwayi aocomf an jlng isnorali. rIIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B.FOCKLER, Pron'r. SeliriHgrove, Ia. Thla Hotel fnla9ty located la tha nnara. and lea verydoalrable place for travetera toatop be lUTnl accommoda tlnua at Low rate, l et onaaloppluRonea will beeure to call again. Tbo i ai si liquor in t n oat eaVVOratola Uaataoran iDconcartton w, Apr.lv.'VB. owns a no oir.r.aTa-.H ovm 6.000 S OF I'KKI ECTLY fOSHTBUCTKD KA1LWAY. KNCTRATC9 TMt CEST PORTIONS OF ILLINOIS, IOWA.WISCON8IN. MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, NZBRA8KA, and WYOMINO. w a.Mr A RunnWi 4f Exprotsi Tmlstfl must oucuplsrt Ant motion. et(uip- dmuI HKTWtLN CHICAGO M.UWAUKER, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OVAHAi ihe inoN ntiniova r MirmoAi TJj R HIK I AH'.'WJjr l'ai;'T AN ii !. 'liT't i TTr) Nfl'KASK.,. TtTf HN Y I INK -i THK lit rK TfiTT-SJ, THE )'l"M'm T.trTlf 'li l,".l IfOllNlA. For rr.il1. tirnatahioa, aud ln((-ia4joii la Umi lulieet tetail. athtrei- (mali"ninj iaiurr) H. A. CaDSS,Tri'"iirt.laftrr.Pa MAftUINHUCKirT H. C. WICKER E.P.WILS01 JYiwAmJ, fru7U JlMia-, Cm. J ''a. Ajt 7C0raiSEMSE FORGE Boaraatie beatneaa men who will give It proper alien, tloa, are weutad to handle thla pump In ovary town In fa , M. J., lad . Dl . Va . and M. O., and will be ao wilad oatriil of eeiubla tarrllocy out already oeoupied CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY MANUFACTURE?, Vjvfiga tfjfflr Tii5 fe'PtllawBlp-la, P.. LADIES V Jtnajnal vour atani -m t a i ti noo- . llfouUiiU, , .d vokakj) Wuud, kur lai w All era au, ( a HB9D t AV iff uS tell-4 2 til wmm$ SEtljSPl I r k TiVv I T B. BELUhlMEa M a f aLt:B irr EiaiKDWAUB Iron. Nails, Steel) Leather, Paints. Oila. Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTUHLK OF Stoves & Tinware M ARKr'T STREET, LowtNiowriy l'enn'n nv. it. ! Blanks ! Blanks ! ! Tbe following Blanks will sUays be found on band at tbe Fobt Print tag office. Ore Leases, Blank Ile!ense Agret'tneuts, ConataLle S'ales, - Warrants, Kxpcntiotis, Jinl pei fins Jnalines' F'nns, Certifieats of Scbclarhlip, Jiidgmeiit Kzcmplion iN'ofrs. Fiuanrial Statement on Sbool Hoard, ivo , vo. All I'lanks not ou band will be promptly printed to oruer. ill crelm la's t House NORTH THIRD STREET. PHIL'A PA Terms --LCO por'day. FANNY Sl'AllN, xrs J. A. eSrAHN, MaiiuKer. C.. Miller and W.Il. Morison, Clerks 1)00. 1, Mason & Hamllii Organs and Pianos. ..The Cabinet Orpan was Introduced by Ifason A Ilamllu in IH01. ftiiuon A Hnmlin Oritui, have alweye maintained ihrlr aupruinacy over all oilier, havlui; rocolvod lllchnat liouor at all Ureal World' iUblliitiou aluce lbo7. Tha Improvml M'tduof filrliiL'liiir I'lnno. Invented r Mitrmi Ilnnillu In lKXi. U a ifrtvit ndvance in y Mitrmi Ilnnillu In liwj, h a grvnt ndvance in plann coiiatriicllou, etpcru prouuiitirimr it "til in T.- 'I i piircbaaera, uiii-U luna. auil tuner, and Piano and Ori(au Catalogue, Ireo. ia:c:i mum cusaii aitb piasto co., it Zut lith tk (Qslw Sqiin), VTW YOU. CUIUS JHtS WHtflt AUlKkrAILS. Pi Doett'outth riyruu. 'f aelra ood Cm in time. r.oid nyuruKiata. tup. Nolo hyuru;'tfl a.yT.-.t I )ollove riso's Cure for ConHitmpttdn savod rny Hie. A. 11. Ijowki.l, Kill tor Knqulror, Kdon tun, N. C, April 23, 1W37. The iieut CohkIi Merit clno Is 1J iso's Cons fob CoNHtJMPTioM. H'liildroa take it without objection. liy all druggist. 24o. ft c -f M -.1 We ! -T f . J II I -B JL'i JJ tllfifS WHtH ALL tLS iAUS. 1MM l oiiuli Hrruo. Taauia Rood. UM n.iin i dnurviHia 'rami T 23 YEARS irj USE. Tks Orestsst aledicat Irlnmph of thsAgsf 8YWllTOMa OF A TORPID LIVER- Laaaof nppeilta, Uuarela eaatlva, fala la tha lisad, with dall sanaatloa la tua back art. I'a I a nadar lb aboaldnr blade, Vullaaaa after aatlaa, with aSlse Incllnailnalo axarilonof body erailad, Irrilublllt t of trmpar, Iw aplrlta, with . ft faellnsef bavins argleotad aomodaty. Heart, Dots bofaraih a yea, lleadaveha aver tha right eya, JUatlaaaneea, with Btfaldroania, Highly colored l'rlaa,aa4 ynrium,, vizziaasa, a) iaiirin( at tao C0M8TIPATIOM. TTTTT'ai 1'lI.I.a ara aapeolally adaptsil to suoU raaoa, ona doo cfTaola auoli a (bunge of feeling as to aaUtnliUtliuau Oarer. 1 hiy Inereaaa the Apctlta,and caua tbe Dinij ,o laavoa aica dy to 'lake ou ft Iceii. tliita trie atateut la ncr.rrheil.ard bytlioirTonla Aetlon oq tbe UlneatleeOraaBI. IT ejcular fctoola ara jrodori-d. iTIcn J.lo. 4 Klti n y r. , IV . Vj tutt'8 dAiii m. Gm.kt IlAia or Whikhs ehanned to a (Jupr libAOK br a alnxie apullcallon of thl lira. It traparta a uiiturui color, aou Inalnntaneoualy. Bold, hy PrugglaUeM tent by xpraaaOB yeoelptor 01. , Ofnoo,4 Murray St., New York. (xiaSueiuala huaaair vl iuraltaa. t tr t A i.t. l ia Mal.lthHr Hal, boWAMreauaaMijind rweeiv ner ner earaie eiteolod. bwi,,e. f nr, v- Iwrlaetiuuttoua. l.ea..A,i.vai.LMu, a. Y. 0 .PISOI N M I !; I I Ecva EL sua A S K I N E (THENttW QUININE.) . More SlroDjif Vonclietf - Fit TtanAcj Other Dm KoCcmTics. Powerful Tonic tdellcate ttomaeh will bear. pacific Tor Malaria. hat th A -mv;uiii;iTisin, N'crrous Prostratiou, and all Oerin Dlteaio THK MtlST SntFNTlFHI in aliie ai an iiiti "yrello ? ,, ':!? '"K1"' pile. It loweraV, 'I'rnK" alT,!""1 ..roduce bad ,flw,f 1. KHrk Ins eon he ink.. . .. Iral ndv.ee. si.eo m b,7, ',Tl'?I Vl" orient I - j a . " vi'i in Hit. IvASKiNG VO..U Man rice. Marren Bt. K eSlO A "?TH. Ne eapltnl rriiilre,. A i ,r Vt' "'""t chaiioe to Duke money. Ai r.i, lor liirili.rv t . ii u iV'.1. ' li. ti. Leuderbach i ", ii. J, -fll X U exponae paid. Nteailv work "t ipvj. Malaria, Dumb CliiUsf Fever and Ague, Vin folic, Eiliou3 Attacli They Bredar reernlav. aaaaaa.i '" rlM or Interrere altlj !"""""" eimlly narairiud aaav umiiii eaer IB arvcryr uouaenolil. ... MOLD HVCUYWIIEHE. EFPS'S G3ATErUL-COMFOrTIC. f. A piMVed remedy for ConeuiiiJitl'Jn audi i:n..r ..i ill i 'l. llllll a u l,l, New I. He and Vlrroi loilowi Ita ua. Ak f r llukai'l till ni.' Mult, or arri'e ti J-'llM . IJAKKK k (l April X, 88. I'fciladfl.I Lxvhlg Company's Extvi OF11KAT. l'lnuM and I'lienpeat Moat rl uuruiK oiot a inr noiipa, Made lli'hei r-.iucn, A n mini iul ,uuo,"uu;Jiri. liiebi.-' Compuny's Exld OK W EAT. An In aliiul.l tonio. "Ia ci. and boon lr ablfh nutlon ahmil; gralelul." See 'Modirul rre'a.'-Ijiiinl Genuine with IHue Signati OF IIAKDN I 1KH1M In fiie-.lnillearr. il" i iiiKiny rveoiniiicuilcd a a ulglit can iiii ot uluuhulio drink. liichig Company's Extn OK MKAT. To lie hud of ill 8torekrf iiriM'era ami i nenimta. Nole Ai-ent-United Stutea (wbnlu'ir4e o ily) J. Hati I t ., y r'uiicliuruli Avonue, London, top Catarr ELY'S CEEAM mmmfiv a a. MdtZ 9 ahon apiilled Ind the noatrila, will In aloorhed ellwtunl ik-aiiflnit the beai of cutiirrhal villi ramliiK hvallhv ac erntloua. It allay lullaniinatloii, pro itxtia the nifinbraii' ol the unanl paaaatc Irom ad (1 1 1 Io na eolila. com ii I a I e I hayfever heMle tlio aorea ant ronton a enauul Liat Hay-fev and aiuell. NOT ALJUUIUorKNUlK TKY TIIKDTTRI A partli'le I aunlleri Inln A.i.n A a""auia, rrioe ou oenit at llriiirirlala. In roaiaiered. do ol. li.v umlnivK winaaiw ok, riew ors, HAIR DAL6A OWnMsj Mil beaut in tW I ail to ntort C?urMoia p it m svmi baUi Fleli a tt It ValaaatlkA.I C HINDERCORN8 TM BShaSl Saraar .. k. . .a-v . a. .-.. r,. ' sill Star jfi.-riaa rjiiun puhinupJn. I.uiHii-o iuniforft tu khn lL Ui VtaWf). Uieuut a Liebig Compau BXTBAGT OF IIEA INVALUABLE FOB DYsrEl"K An Efficient Tonic for InFal:ds- Also for flavoring 8oui. ail, Lnaiioa, novrrt ..m 1 i.. . 'ju BiuriAiUttisin Ulutfli, aoroaai.f pldy-rallbUrekaetierii, OiwiirVaafl Err K , l---i.aji,-friMi' OXJIPtES ?lnBaaaBa, i 111 m - -fa 1 a" It 1 1 III WOT Call bro(fortns ofi we'nt 'cJ I .ars,)poD I 'loer'tind pr ti.gr. nntil bi perio 'ored a woJts., to dssti Ilowtj tbe.d, . oca of I w 1 tb. ordii .nsitio X