CDifoUIrarfllr lost BY ST. tl. IIAUTEU. Bubn4ptin (1.50 Per Year BATES OF ADVERTISING : rf 'aa , Ma Yr, VM M wIMia. ntt Yiir svw atki'llint, Var tvopq .Saiaaml Carrla. per tear $J 00 AmAfT, rTeiiitr, Adtalnlitrator, and AMIfAM Ntl4t Wr) VMM apeetal arranainente ara mart, all kajwaM.ate,larU1 far Im than 4 month', titwili 1.M par Ima lor Are Ina.r'loo 1 CO 4re sbJ laaertloa and It esnU lor each wwaejaeat UMnioa. Vharsday, March 8, 1883. There bat been ft loud demand for mailable money ever since the ibin plasters were called in. Tbe com mittee on banking and enrrency io Congress has agreed to tho bill pro Tiding for tbe isnne cf do, more than $10,000,000 io denominations of fire, ten, fifteen, tvreaty-five and ilfty cents to meet tba demand. There U no longer any qneaiion aboat the remo7al of tbe Libby pris on to Chicago. Tbe Hnnl transaction in tbe deal naa ornpleted on Tbars last, and tbe bailding is now tbt property of a local syndicate wbore purpose is to transplant it in that city by Jane J. Tbe parties interested declare that it will not be converted into a cham ber of horrors,.but thatit will be made an interesting place of rosort alike unobjectionable to northern and jalbera people. To show tbe friendly feeling of tba loading citi sens of Richmond towards tliU prv is ftLOonnced that a number of Ibem'baTe, signified their willing cess to go to Chicago and delivei addresses at the opening ccrumonien John L. Sullivan and Charley Mitchell fought tbirfy-nine rounds in France on Saturday last, wbicb resulted in a draw. Mitchell i so far Sullivan's inferior in iz that it was thought almost impossible for bim to esoape the furiona asxaults of tba big slugger with his life. Not withstanding, b'a nimble legs stood bim up for.thirty-nine rounds, dur ing which time he was frequently knocked down, only to jump into tin ring at tbe call of time like a baotnm Bjth Sullivan and ho wore severely punished- After tbo Cgbt the party started for Paris in carriages hen tba whole 'caboodle' was arrested j .1 uv mot ivfuiki fciv ejhii l0CVUD. Suttivau'Mt out tbo utile fcogiie: .-Mo.ti-ly disappointed all Amoricon wor shipers of the brute. Kaiser Willbelin, of Prussia, who died Friday of last week.agod ninety, was the oldest rulor in tbe history of the world. His oon, Frederick Wil liam promptly took his father's place ..... t ... I as Kiug of Prussia and Emperor c.t Germany. Frederick Third, under wbieh title ba will reign, is a noble man, of warm heart, good impulses and high principles, and bis course during tho fifty-six years of bis life has completely won tbe hf arts of tbe German people, who will givo him their cordial support. I o view of his excellent character, great abilities and moderations, it is matter of uni versal regret that in tbe naturo of things bis reigu must be short. A victim to en incurable disease of tbe throat, wbicb Las already made dis astrous inroads on bis constitution a few years is the utmost lease of life which can be hoped for or ex. pectol for bim But brief though the reign of Frederick Third will doubtless be, it, promises to bo one of tbe most illustrious of which re cord caa bo fonud iu tbe history of tbe German people. Saow Bound. Tbe great and glorious West to longer bas a monopoly of tbe active and enterprising blizzard. Ou Sun day from two to three feet of snow fell io the eastern part of this State which wis followed by high winds, blowing down telegraph wires and drifting six and sevan feet of snow on. section of tho cftiu lino of the Pennsylvania Railroad. No trains or telegraph communication bas been lad between Harrisbure:, Philadel phia and New York this week. The traina come regular from the west to llarrisbnrg where they are stopped as against a atone wall, side-tracked, and allowed to stand and await an opening. Trains at this point are made op for tba west as long as the cars will Trains from Pbila delpbift, which left that city during Sunday night are scattered along tba road to Harrisburg. At 3 o'clock Tuesday after-noon tba Niagara Ex press, over twenty-four hours late, was polled into tbo depot at Harris boric vitb three locomotives. A few boors later tbo mail traio arrived with five engines polling it, Tba trains bad bean in tbo neighborhood of Dowolngtown sioco Monday aaoming. Fay Tor School Holidays. A question has arisen in several of tbe school boards throughout tbe State regardiog the pay of teachers and tbe cloning of schools on Mon day, when that day is observed as a holiday that properly ooours on tbe Suoday preoediog. Under the law the schools are to be cloned on all legal holiJijs which occur on regu lar school days. A rale of the De partment of Fublio Instruction, re cently promulgated, states that no Monday directly following a legal holiday whiuu occurs on Sunday shall be regarded as a school holid ty, and it is entirely optional with tbe direc tors and teachers whether tbe schools shall bo closed ou those days. Tu9 Zuropaan War Cloud. Tho cililized world is looking to Europe to know what will follow tba death of the Crown Piioco of Germany. The I'rinoe who will sue coed his father to tbe throne of tbe Gorman Empire, io case of the death of the prevent Crown l'linco, is bent upon war. He will find the FreocL Ki public and tbo UussiaQ Empire just as eager for war. If any two nations of Europe should come into warlike conflict, it is likely that tbe whole of Europe will be bronght into a rccne of car riage such perhaps as the world has never witnessed. With tbe present perfection of weapons of war and doti action, Kuropo would bo literally fliodttd with blood. In snob a condition of hinge how little encouragement there rooet be for internal develop rnont and culture ! How tbe yoncg men, who feel that at'aoy moment they may be called to take up arms in defense of tboir country, must be crippled in all their energies and cn terprises i5nnino must also be come stagnant for lack of faith in the stability of anything pertaining to tbo wuil.l of busitii'BH. With what pleasure we on this side of the broad Atlantic contour plate the present condition nnd tbe grand outlook of our country I We by our examplo teach the world tl at the safety of a nation depends upon its attending to its own affairs, and av iding all phases of that unscru pnlons ambition that has always re suited io wars among the nations of tho past. 3 OUIUJtlS JO 'JUboi lU pOM I , i- cr ! hi in t'TOiccnicU. - ii- mi. nnnnrn Tbe Republican party has had a long career in tbe country, and it record 1ih In.- bono a matter of bitv tory. It is a brilliant reeordv aud one in which every member of the II publican parly should lake special prido. It is nevertheless well to remind voters occasionally of facts which they may know, but which may Lave been tcmpnarily bud aside, Tbe State Coram it to of New York h s done well to bring forth a record of tbo Republican party a condensed form aud issued it to tbe people of that State. in a terso and strihncj form it presents some of tbe achievements ol tbe party that saved tbe Republic and freed 4,000,000 of slaves. IMow we give an extract from this part iul record of iu R publican party; it is CDtnracnded to men of all parties, and especially to those who think that tbe interents of tho nation cau safely bo committed to the party t ' in btld treason and nuttured disunion: Tbe Republican party is a party of the peoplo aud t r thom, created b) tbo peoplo and coutrolled by them- It subdued rebellion and saved tbe Uuioo. It conquered war and established ppaoo. It gavo freedom to a race and a free ballot to all men- It was patriotic enough to create s debt to carry on war and Louts! enough to make provisions to paj tbat debt. It mado libeity universal iu the States and tbe fljg honored through out tbo world. It made treason odious and loyal ty tbe badge of respected citizen ship. It raised the nation from bank ruptoy and secured for our pullir credit the faith of the fiuancial world. It his made persons aod properly and freedom of thought and of ex pression secure in every part of the land. It bas dignified labor and secured it rightful reward by protective tariff laws. It bas practically given each citi teo a free home by eeouring tbe pub lio domaio from tha monopoly ' of capital It bas, by ft rigid supervision of corporate franchise made transpor tation cheap, safe and rapid for per sons and property. It has by wise economies and jat J laws rednced tbe public debt and the interest upon it. It has by generous and yet just appropriations for pensions, illustra ted its lova and respect for tba na lion's gallant defenders It has made competency a condi tion for appointment to office and fidelity to duty tbe tenure for hold ing it. It ban reduced pnblio expenditure to the lowest consistent with tbe gen eral welfare and collected tba tax from sources best able to pay it. It has made religions liberty more secure to all forms of faith by an en- ighteued publio opinion and eg tab.. lisbod froe schools with no sectarian denomination in them. It has by its fi ielity to public trust, by its constitutional amendments, by its statutory enactments, federal and State, by tbe lifo and character of its long line of etalesmeo, beroos. ora tors and martyrs, by its sacred tra- litiocs and its matchless history of great things accomplished, proven tuelf competent and worthy to acbiove tbe great things yet to be lone for the good and glory of the country IIow to Abolish Eogary. A correspondent ofpne of our cou- eraporarioH recently asked United States Senator Stanford, of Califor nia, what could bodotioin this coun try to abolish brggary. Tho aoswor f tbe philauthropio millionaire was is follows t There is only one way, Dry up 'be source abolish tbe conditions hat muko beggars. To tiy to curt- poverty by street charity is like try- ng to Hiop a bole io your roof In uopping up the puddiiog that gath er on yourfljor. Nobody is worse IT because tbe Vandorbilte are vorlh $200 000,000. ult they hud lot tbe wealth it would not exint ut til. It is only in those commnniliei vbsre millionaires are possible that the average citizen has enough to Ait. now, what causes poverty" 1- Ignorance of bow to eavo money I found beggars io California in 1850, when a ly mao c ni l g wit with a tin pan and earn $5 before breakfast When by working throe hours a day a man could make bis board aud ololhutt, there were always shiftless creatures around whom tho rest had to support. It is tbo same way now. The soil is wonderfully fruitful there Merely 20,000 men produce all the wheat of tbn State and export 1.000 000 tons of it every year, and yet tuero aro beggars. W t can cut, thrash, and sack wheat at an expeuse of oue and a half cunts per 100 pounds, potatoes cost only a half a cent a pound, aud Hour is only 1 tt barrel, and yet there is want. Au important cause is uutbiiit. Peopb do not uuderstand ccouomy or prac nee it as almost every rich tnau bns iad to some lime in his life. I realh '"lieve that there would bo beggarr iu the world before night if 620 gold pieces were to be sown broadcast every 'aaiornirg, and so distributid that every mao, woman, and child a ore certain to get some. 2. Tho salo and use of liquor. A long as there are ten times as many -alo'TS in tbe country ns tboro ar t both chinches and schools, and they are mainly supported by tb very poor, tbe sources of misery are pretty obvious. 3. A lack of manual training This last need is most serious. 1 ho many people coald be taught trades that tbe entire product of this country wero doubled next year, tbe wages would be doubled, either in increase of money received or in the smaller cost of tbo necessities of life t i bo bought. More capable, skill ed hands that is one of our great est needs. My great hope is iu my nuivetsity, which I wish to build so tall aud deep and broad that the rudiments of every trado and occu pit ion may bo taught. When every body koows how to do some diillcull and useful thing, poverty will rapid ly dimioiah. To Fcraulato a Flan- The Franklin Repository, acting as the month-piece of the Republican party cf Franklin county, with its usual magnanimity, bus undertaken 'to formulate a plan' for the nouiioa lion of Congressmen and for tbe eleo tion of National Delegates, for tbe 18ih Congressional district, and in lust week's issue published a leading editoriul uuder the above caption The Repository, In speaking of ou Congressional district says, 'In th new district formed by the last sp porlionment there is at present no plan for tbe nominating of Congross men and of course there can be no plan for the election of National delegates,' The Repository comes to this wise conclusion after publish ing rule third of tbe Repnblloan National rules, which reads as fol lows 1 'Where new apportionment )ws Io operation, and counties have been displaced from former districts, delegates moat ba selected from tbe new Congressional district in like manner as candidates for Congress are Dominated.' After reading the above rule, for tba life of as, we are at a loss to as oertaio bow tha role has taken from os tha present system of nominating Congressmen and electing National delegates. But to a man op a tree, it is obvioos tbat the jist of the Re pository's article is the abolition of tbe present conferee system and tha adoption of a system in force in a few districts io tba State, tbat of giving to each county conforeein propoition to its Republican vote. Hbonld this plan be adopted theconferenco would be composed as follows: Franklin 6 conferees; Huntingdon, 4j Juniato, 2 Mifflin, 2f Uniou 2; Snyder, 2; Ful ton, 2. Futtoo it will be noticed wil ! have but two votes out of 20, while Franklin and Huntingdon will have oue half the conferees- The Reposii tory says, 'the old plan of three from each county is objectionable as trades are frequently effected that cause trouble.' Now, with all fair ness we would ask, how will tho above plan obviate trading. Uo tbe contrary, it looks as though that is the sole object of adopting the new plan, and Franklin and Huntingdon will bury their political hatchet and by simply securing one conforoo from oo of the other five counties aud they will simply name their men and they will te nominated for Congross and ducted as National delegates. They can make their nominations. but it will ba a sorry diy for tbe Republicans of tbe lSth Congression al district if it is done, for the reason that we will surely be rcpreseuled iu Connies by Democrats. Tbo old confer)) systom is still in iree in our district, and we appeal to the Ri'publicius of Suyder, JuoN ata. Mifflin and Union to submit to no change; our counties are small, but they have certain rights which Franklia and Huntingdon are bound to respeot. Fulton Republican. NOTICE TO HEIRS. In tht wilier of Vie Estate of Henry Kmlzer, lutn rf Centre townsdp, Sny di r county, l'a., dee'd. To Amanda Kratior, Iniarmarrlmt wl-h nier Thorn n. .lao'il.. of A lima lownhli. Snyili-r KiiiDly, l'a., Win. Kral..r ol Keedn rll la, .ti 1III11 o-MinlT, Pa., tieorKO Kriti T, of raiionvilie, Hnydar ountr. l'a.. I.lila. Id. termarrlml aw It l, njidu -I Ornaa ol N'lru le 'I .llllla. IMifnln n oiitv l'a., ISiUiori Kr.ilr.lT, Al loa. Inturiuarrlrd wlih lluimla Mlt. li ll. Aluaa. ta, tilrniarrlai Nilliau H okanUnra, all or raxlonrlllo. hotnir oounlT. fa . John Kr.Uar, a nilncir who hai for lua caarlii A A. Rami. .f 'cJJwr,AW-,tl,u,,'," no" 0., wno'e--' , ,ltl iiara nnanauu. ..n.T. 1; . Miti. tninrouii. tr. fa. aul lha Ailloa-lrid ohililran all: John. J on n la. inlnira.a h Lata fur tbalr guard lau A. A. Kmnlif, of MrCluia, 8n)rrt r connij, r-a.. Sarah, uu iao'l., wh lavra to aurviva br huabaml, Amlraw Wagner, and the folloalnu inlMred, rl: Cliitrlea. Kate, OeorK" A Hoe and Kuan, all Of arhoiu aro inlnuri ami liatro or titnir i.ianilan A. A. HuuilK, of MoUluro, Murder eonnl.v, l- You aia lier-bf cllo I 10 ba an I appear he fore llie JU'liiea of our court ol I 'oukiioii r-lwtl. Io be held at Allddlouuruh ou the 4ib alondat of .11 A V. A. 1). at IU o'olork Iu the foroiMou, then and Hi' re to annt or relnte to take tba real eitate or IIKMIY KMil.tll, ilce' IhaaiMiialeed valuation put upon It hy an In ,uot dy awarded by the and Court, and returned by tha hbi rlll ol aid oountv. .r ahow oauie bv tba auma aheuld not ba told. And here'd fall not. w lineal tnn Hon. Joarnh v. liui-bvt. Prel- dint ol our aald Uourt at iVllddlebumh, tble itbday 01 Maieu A. II.1HM. v. w. w 1 1 1, rrotii-y. NOTICE TO HEIRS In tlte matter of Vie EcMnte of Amelia Aralar, laU Centre tuwnthip, Sn;id.r cuunti, l'a., ilec'd. To Amanda Kratier Intermarried with Prt. r Thnmsi. dro'il.. of Adama towuahlp, Si,ydr count, -'a. Wm. Kraner, of Rjodavllla, Mil. in county, fa. uejiiia rvrair. ui a aa on- vine, Miyder county, ra, i.itito, ioo rinar, mu with atnuol llroaa I Shra ler'a alllli, Mifflin oounly. l'a Siruoo Kralicr, Alloa, lulerruar. rien with llopnl Mitchell, ah eat inieruiitr. rlrd with Nathao ltaekuber, ll ol faatwu vl la. Snyder ooumy, Pa., John Kiacr, a inlnur wbu baa lor in tiuardUn A. A. Hiiuhk, of MoUlura, Pa. Catbeilne, naw deo'd. ia.tei to aurrive bar a boa uud, J aaib H'i-r, of shradrr'a Milla Mlriln ooiii-ty, Pa., and tba followiuf children vli i Jihn, Jantilc, mlDuia, Wliu nave for the r guardian A. A. B'U'H. Ol iUoUlura. rJutder eouniv. l'a.. Harab, now dee d., who I -area to aurviva b-r hu-baud, Au. draw Wuiiuar and tbo toilowlnv. enltdiau. vli : tlbuilea. Kate, Uuorn Alloa aud El an. all of wu iu are uiimra nod have r. r meir guarui.i , A A. ll'iium, of AleClnre, riid-.r county, pa. You ara btrubr eMail lo ha and ani" r bniura tba Jniliica ol our t!ourt of Loinmoa Pivaa to ha hi-Id at Mid'Uehur.b ou tlu I II Monday or May i HH, a I iu o'ciouk In the foianoou, lln:n au I Ihure lo inc' iii or reiua- to taW i tha ral e-tie ol AMELIA KKATZICIt, deo'd, ai lb apprala ed valuatiou put upon It by an lnquil duly awarii.u ny ma tall i;ouit, and ruiuruea uy the bhrnrl ui ald county, or ahow cain-a why the aauie ah'.uld uol ba li ld. And borrol fall uot Wltuxaa Die Hun. J . t). lluubur. Proalilent of or our aani iJ'iurl at Alludl. burijb, tun oiuuay aiarou, a u i-i'. W. W. W1TTENMVEH, Proth'y. Iraah or Jewelry, hut ituoila that i.iail fur .". 'J l ie .a irenuiiialfnr, a (ortuualo ro i. Hiiti-factluo anawu FOR A CHEAP K-7 of lu of tlialr lrn.nd.,w III M r.-L-iv lor Ulilil fcUn nla 'wli.nnMi.liii. YOV MUST GO TO Dreifuss Brothers, Selinsgrove. r Ao aro daily adding large quantities of Spring and Summer goods to tlieir already immenso stock of Clothins, Hats, Caps, Jewelry, &c, Xeckwear, Trunks, Satchels, tonishing low prices discounting any House in Central Pennsylvania. Tho wonderful increr so in our trade dur ing last year fills us with hope and wo aro prepared to meet all demands. Wo despise imposition, invito oppo Rition and defy competition. 4 READ THIS 1 A IS IAISY wmmt mil A ft WAsirtwci MAcmivB rntcsil Ltrt war r'" OP ! marfc-t th !. ant lnnUon f tha lih e-nlarr. Ii u a -M or rtln WMhlnT -KliU ........ ,1, l.iLhlf-V f).t WfTflOrT i. .u.i.iPtlOH a:"T l-.rlilirao WHATKVKIL Wilrttrt af- hn.lrJ tr to tnt-wln-a tliom, nd Uinn fh ih fi- aniv,l a-M Tr M).fKO. Ona !) In C hlwuro (Mr K.tL K w. imh ..) aoaU plfatrd Hh r Mirtpla tht l b-rama ao af ni and n!d OTtr 10 In four month. W. C. Hamiil, B.. M, Toi.atn, tint, ordered OTr ero afw !. !. bit aump'o. wa ha corn of Jt anrh aiamplM Itila. Ii par' " to cart your brd Spoil (ia wawra." oV' ft OSP. T iftt It to wa Intrnil to a-ll not Irm than ON MIU inK WASili:r:. and to do tM w (Irm urtorThfUIVIKO AWAY IM aniplc, alia ak o( Uiom who mITt on ! i tny will aira It a onrl trial, and If Mtltiacf'iry rarotn nnd It to thvlr Arniu ara cmnin rnonny. Wa har aararal trho ara miin II Kr daf and upward. ' Kirat roma, Sral ae-rwl. If rim want ona from Ilia lot wa ara Roma to IT away, arnrt tnur narna and id-lrp.a atoaoa. Ad lra.a, MOXll:H LAL'hnnV WOKK.4, tlVI'aluliaTC..CIitrirn,llL (Manuoo thlapanarl, a cpoeisi cffori rr:r2 otjr nm tooee). w w4M mukr thTwr-rUlofTfr t To ( fint p-tty lnejch ftte ndl lenlhtrf who aVrtwrt turf iitl vert (se mrnl wro vi1 -fi,. tu n fttcwin, orxtof the) C'lebratfd lMY Wpi '.nr. n, retxtlfwica. lyseeirh. Ibra nnprca)liiinl orTrt mi(l lor the tvJe nvrmm trf In-luctttn you to ajritft pyf on of our W ... AT nwr ft, If yrm kramf of ny frrrd ojt of rpttvTii'it, n'l vnu ilrsj' cull $IOO Reward. rrrnte hiivo bees) mtMed hw otirr ninrcrni wbo are) It t Indeed ''th ctwir- at ft hf-ttm. J -n i of "ir rrwAt tttccsv ptm ABsi o Imiia ! Ti(NS I W hr e beoti tn iho laundry supply btfnM- fitf o yfa ana in p soo fowsua tM suijr ibuukgo it-en! r nt V'ahr. HEAD THIS!.TjrJ": bennnally s "Hi mined irreat nany letter received (rim al) er-n4 the ountfyfrorrt rhenc whoarw minf tli is fv-nd-rfti Waehiraf Maehinei. ssnd all unit In crv-mendii-s h In the htgii-M terms.'' Wa also havw iim .larrT(etrmefnrinti'Armfrt Pirwit4," tha "llusasfj f"l ai..i i ,-nn," ai d tr-rr-i'-f rt'i-ij-irt. Oandidato Cards. For Congress. T. It. II AUTCR, 8ts: Tha Hepiibllcan Oonn ty t'ominlitca havlnx l ne in a tho flnttrin hon or ol aaklna: me to become a candldiita li.r Hit nomination lor 'onrr.aa, at the aiimaclilnir irlmary election, I liorcby coaiply with the kl-nl reiiii) ain-rcaalul, 1 ahall do my whole duty to toy eonatlluenli to the beat of my ability. Very truly yoiira, A. W. I'OTTEII. For Senator. Editor 1'rtar. Wa takileaaur In pruent ln to tha I'epnMleaa Totara of Mnydcr Oounly the name ol li.lhilend. r a a inltahln eaiolldata for Mt.te Manalor. Mr. H andir If known throughout Din Menatorial II etrlot ta a wide awake, eiiterprialne: (f-nileinaii. ona wbma charitable aplrlt baa lm it baooma t rovnrhtal and bla kanrrnl ItitclilK-nce ooupled wiib bli eitatiMT iiiirrienau in putiie rminrnlliy tin bim for I ..a pfllre. Si.idt-r county l entl.l- rrl to the nomination and w raalite that It will niak-no mMa," lu aaUetlOK bltuaaihelr U'Bi. mnceraiy youre. RtrrsLican. ASSEMBLY. TrtTim RKprnLirAiva oranynrn copwtt. KiioIiiik iiiyaoll enillied to one more term In tba loalal iture, and ai'tlnir upon tho kindly aiiR- rn-alloi.a 1 1 many n proacniiitivo Knpubllc ma, 1 ii-n-hy r.-ap -i-tlnll) autnult mv niimena a cm, II (lute lor Aa.cmhly I .r re-election Nuli)o"t to tna ruieaui tue iiepu'illoau I'riuinry on th. Vt. lnt. A. 8. Htl.l KKH PROTHONOTARf. The two term rnl-J helnr recopnlaod by the Ke- piinnciina oi nnyucr c.iunty. i tin-roiora tin tMiitioe mvai'll a citndldate lor re-clnctlon tolhe iiIIkm ol rrotlionol try and u-ipelfully lubmlt my candidacy tu the tmrlv. W. W. WXTTKNMYER, REGISTER AND RECORDER. TO TltI('ITIZI!a or SNTIIRR rOPUTT : The liuio ImivIiik been n-t lor hold Inn of tbe Kepuhlloan rriiunry Election, tn wit : Satur day, Mtinili 'Jt. 1 herewith prcacni my nnine aa a cttidldiiia for the olll.'e of Kealnl r and llcoorder, dod)ilnK mysell II tuccei-lul to rollre Iroiu the olll'-e at the end ol my recond term. Jtt-rpoctlully aollcltlnp: your ttpurt lain 1 oura, t ry 1rlnJ' . DUCK. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. TO TUB REFl'HI.lrAM VOTKII or SkYIIKItrO. OenlleiiiflD: 1 b.T hy annouiice uijiullaaa cau ii ior tne noiiiinaiion oi ina-ricl Attor ney. T I ia 1 1 'JJ"-M ' "I11 I" ' lorm tna uuiica or i..o oini.v iiiu uuat oi my au.l- Ity. Yours truly, my II. E. MILLER, Jn. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Ewtoh Pout You may announco my name aa a cn. int uluru lor the otltce of Aaaoclttto IiuIko, uhict tu tho dicl.'loii ol the K.ipulilit'an Prima ry on the -Jatli. 1 h i e nlw.tya been a cona:len tloua U ..rii;r ol the ltrpuolli-mi putty utnl, b Inn r.nocnt ol I't-iina towualiip which la cn tilled lo the 1 renpi'L-tliilly aolluit Ihe iiipjiurl of thn p irty. Very iruly votiri. March 1, 1K3. b.fU'AHUMI. E in Tint Pot. We take plcaatirc In annnune Iiik the name of Henry llrownof t'reehura;, aa a candidate lor A -! lie JuiIk, aiilijci-l to tho mica ol the KepulilU-iin Primary on th Mth. llu liiaKuiitli'tniiunt hmh -1 :i I o, nullum, worthy nnd well t n 1 1 1 1 .- I f r the oltlce. He Ima a br I Itutilariny rerord lmvln acrved In tha union army tinea yrura. Ho would bo an ornnmuiil lo the brncli and an honor to the county aud wt rcapuctlully a.k bis noiuliinttoo. II1S FRIENDS. JURY C0MM1SS10RER. En. Po.t. Plraaa announce my nameaa a ran, didikta lor Jury Oomtiii'alon-r, auliect to the de ci.iouol ilia Jli-iiuhlicnn Prltiiary on tha X4ih mat. liopeotluy, Z. TA V Lull tl I.M IIEni.I NO March 1. nl Punna. EiUtob announce the name of W. II. Wolfe ol MMdleoreck twti. aa a camlidate for Jury t'omim axionor. Mr. Wole bus been a lllo louii rrpiililli'itn. aaoldler In Ihe latu war aud In e.ary way unul Uud lor tho ollloe. MIDDLECKEEK. WANTED. Aejcntefor the most popular Bonk at tht firweaiil time ttelore the American rnple, I ba llott. Ileairy V. Illalr'a (U. M. rjaostot from N. II ) 'Temperance Movemriat,' or TlieUoiWlict lirtwreit Man anil Alcohol The deep lulereat to-day ID the cauie of TEM PEItA.M-t. tOKethur Willi Ilia ideal aarnaat' araa and pupu I rltjr of the writer of bis elforta on half or Education aid Helm in, will make lh la one oil lie in. i rapiu bciii-ik uoota known aluoe Ilia (Irani Hook, a.p. oUlly during tha Irrallentlal rampalun year. The work la cojitnote in 1 Vol. of flOO parra and o iniaioa oi PbotoKrtvure I lluiiralloiis ol tba Temperauce Leader, liibludinv; lieu, till -Inn II r'lak, I'raneis Murphtr, Mi.a Fraucla E. Wlllard, alio Uul irod LilUographed t barla and D'anrama. Tha work is endoraed by tba XV. Q T. V. and tha Teuipurauco (lri(a'riztlone turouabont tba laud, and a Ou-.rant.-e of Xdo.ouo eoplaa bas leou made to the publirbera. Apply at unca io E.R. BAXTER & Co , Publlsliers, lull Arch tit, Puila., l'a Fab. II, tut) la AND STYLISH which wo aro soiling at as DKKTFUSSBltOS. 1M Carefolly, Deci Wisely. Act Proifly. Wepyssess the facility and al Bargains and will do tAe which is just in and comprises the tartest line of ZJ DIES' DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, FLA J WELS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, RIBBONS, MUS . LLYS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, GENT'S BURNISHING GOODS, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, Hardware, Queensware,Glassivare etc. You u U be pleased to see how we combine old time honesty in quality and price with new,lresh styles PRICES VERY LOW. MIDDLED UEGB, FA 1 still continue in tb Metobnot Tailoring Lotion, will) roomi ia Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa. and take this meani of informing tbe peopU of Siyder eoaotj, t.k.l bare on baud a well selected Block of Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., and bADiplpB from the best nnd mont rflinbl Nw Ycrk nnd rhildtlpk!a lionoc". and will cll lower tdan ever. Cottiou, Cleiniag, Rpairinf;, Dje inrj and Scouring done on aboit notice. Nov. llf. The Piper Breech and Kine This systcin in combined rifle and shot-gun offers advantages over other makes even more marked than those for shot only. They far excel all oth ers in strength, accuracy, workmanship and balance. DP I P FL Side-snap action, best decarbonized blued F 11 LILjwJ csteelbarrellO or 12 irauffeshot. 4-1 Win. nsetere. f. rillo artridgo 'weight 10 to 21bs, price 36 Top-snap action, same as above, 38-55 liallard cartridire, oi j l inensier, price Tho above prices includlo 100 paper she and one cartridges. FISHING-TACKLE 1 A. Coinplcto Assort ment of Rods, Flies Reels, Lines, Hooks, Artificial Bait, cct. I respectfully submit to you a few prices: Assorted Trout-lies at 25c. n doen, tr, out-hoks to gu 25c. per doz., plain trout hooks 5c per doz. best oiled-silk lines from 2 to 3. cents per yard, all other lines from 1 to 2 cents no yard. Keels from 25c te illlX'lHlUU l. J. B. AT Freidman & Getz Beavertown, Pa. The undersigned desire to inform the public that they have just returned from the City with a fine Stock of Consisting of a full lin eof ' Blankets, Haps, Shawls, Ladids Gent's and Children's Woolen and Cotton Underwear, a full line of Ready made L T M D R! 9 Ladies' Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Jewelry, Clocks Watches, Chains, Glassware, Queensware, $t. We sell Cheap for Cash or Producefor whieh we ml way 8 allow the highest price. We have been blesstl With a liberal patronage, are thankful fcr ii er.d hopeto merit thtzrmtly lew rricTscr. 3 f?.1?;-' J 05 inclination to five you re it in our new stock of 9 Si Well Made . B. CUCM - Loading Shot-Gun uombmed. or S30 box of 2. Orders by mail promptly Reed, Sunbury, Pa.