The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 08, 1888, Image 3

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    : t2 ry Cnry.
. .1 .Alil atfcsa aftaMat
W I "i; ::VhhiV ...a ; that he ha sterling stuff la him."
WT7.Tr.VJ'- 1U ares. "IM ... .
had n very Interesting aesslon Mon
i -
X. h. iMtM cor ati. nail II U worthy of not that bnldn Itl Ksanraa c C.LZ3.-TW l-Sow-
rroe to th other td. h U t traitor, th rule among men, and th. eieep- In ali icf pawoaal property w i l l be
VWHUW M Waal w vawwa. . -
..4 ImI the., there U , lion amODC wooro, an
fonatblog wrong aboat him. But hA gear of tb wan Is too sloe and
in iMtM tha nthav aide and warm, whll that of woman afford
eome orar to at, than ha It a man of
srtat ooarar. and wa always 'feel
lauraat i
tsvTwS ii:pt.-b.r. ...
day evening. Tha question of Wo
men 8uffrag wavry ably discussed.
Next Monday evening th following
question .will ba considered Resolved
that tha prosperity of a oonntry de
pends moreon Its natural resources
than on its form of govenment.
At the recent meeting of the 8ny
41. 1 . nt I J., ri Htanrtlnir
a ml..... AifllMI falll VOT1 I n ...!.. . . l .lnn a . . v,AMAfl
liww - - - vuiuiiiitbvv rimiiuviuu " w"
tTCl TO STOClitiia3.
datii TO .?J.9P.T?ii?'!l I recommending A. W. Potter, Esq
3aaVnt sea If date it changed, as a eanuuiai ior uonKresa,
r.- Jot Is necessary. him to allow his name to be present-
iuv. - I . . . ... . 1 . ,
el to tne voters or me roomy aim
- , . . . . i I h I . nrhvria Titiii.fv K. I anf Inn
mn'il slllt' tsait Ti nii iw "" -Ff
riH " Rts. 8. Aarand and W. L. Dean
inont have been appointed by the
Wa have now baa nve wp vi uenerai renn a. uonireace to on v
the cronnd-boff weather." Mlddleburgh Circuit; N. Young goes
.. . v IfnClnr lo ucviare, tu w. nunyan o no
a nam nianwiiruuii i ..,,. n r m
. ...i . .inn nerno. imt. i. w. nun uu w.
was receoiiy - " .,lto,1 Pr.l,l(n F.ld of thl. Dla.
I ------ - r
A new floor was recently pn In the trlct Rev. D. M. Metzgar, (on this
office of tha Washington House. charge last year) goes to South Baltl
Thar, is not much difficulty now- more on the York District
. 1
adayt for a young man or respeoiauie Th Bunbury ytKI Mya. tt ru
appearaoe to catch on to a gm. mored that about the first Of April
Everyman has three characters through passenger trains will be run
liat whloh ha exhibits, tbat which he between Lewlstown and 8oraotou.' It
has, and that which he thinks he has,
i?hi.arv nnt onlv aave lis an adn
I also says "It Is rumored that a force
of men will be put to work during the
dltional day this year, but a general k a douU trftck u w, not re
variety oi an ainu.oi autre very muoh track, as long sidings
m m m
The editor of the Pobt visited rel are the rule on this division.
atlvesinveneoouniyoTrrou.,....,- AUhougk we h(Ve prutei, a 1(H.g,
tne Mrs. stoppea u iuiu.u.ur,,. numhmr of .... mm. thll. far thl rtAr
The jails In fifty of the counties of the season Is not over, and all intend
Iowa are fcmpty. Wli essays prohlbl- log to sell should select, their dates at
tion doesn't lessen crime T lonce and have their bills posted. All
W. C. Snyder is getting ready for -Mj- lli' "
.. .1 f . n.u. .t.lllnir hftlll v.D.v. v
nn Ida lot lu tha Pre jn I solicit tuoli work, as well as all styles
..i. .1.111 As the nrst of April comes on Bun
X ur j .. w
Z . . ... .l . Idav. oonalderabla Innulrv liaa been
n it . . n vi. ,tii trm nv i '
BVVVU Ull vmm w " -- - I , . , .. . . . . , .
. , . . iuduo miuiui iiiuiuig ieuut win
amount oi wear in wt wi mo
a ten
Mrs. Philip Spald was given a oar
pet-rag donation party Friday
evening of last week. Forty two
pounds of sewed rags were donated,
There Is a growing demand for the
h Ink U three cent nleoes as tney can
hardly ba dletinguished rrom
piece when dropped into a
collection basket.
Leap-year Is a sort of wild delu
alnn unVWttV. The nretty girl has
- - - -
never any use for it, and the homely
nn la afraid to take advantage of Its
privileges for foar she will be reject
It is now going tho rounds of the
newspapers that a Perry county man
in Nebraaka wrote back : "UITer a
;premJo t your county fair next fall
-for the biggest fool iu the county, and
I will try to be there."
Report has it that a vein of iron
lias been found on the farm of Henry
M. Herman 11 miles north of Middle
tmrirh. Tha ore is 'known as the
brown hermatito and is Very valu
The output of coal during 188? In
the second anthracite district of Peon
eylvanla reached 5.043,515 tons, an In
crease over 1888 of 810,000 tons, in
accidents flftv-two men were
killed and 146 wounded.
Tha Republican Candidates for
bounty offices have about all announo
be required to move. Many thtuk
moving day will he on Monday, but
Inquiry proves they are mistaken, as
all persons who have given notice
that they Intend to move, are requlr
ed to do so before noon on Saturday,
March 81
Tha Miffiiuburg Telegraph says; An
earnest effort is now being made to
secure subscriptions for the erection
of a town hall adapted to our necessl
ties, and it is strougly ured that citi
zens who can should subsorlho at
ouoe, and liberally, too. Several
meetings have been beld. the result
of same being the appointment of ue
nessary committees tosecure a lot anu
tne required luuds.
The words dance, danced, and
dancing Is mentioned in the Dible
twenty-three times, as follows : 140th
Psalm, 8d verse ; Jeremiah 81:13
Lamentations 5:15: Judges 21:21
and 21:23; Eolesiastes 8:4; Inalah 18:
21 ; 2d Samuel 6:14; Matuew 11:7
Luke 7:31; Mark 6.22; Judges 11:34
1st Samuel 21:11, 29:5, 18:6 and. 80:16;
Jeremiah 81:4; 2d Samuel 610; let
Chronicles 15:29; Luke 16:25,
Anybody can soil the reputation of
an Individual however pure and
chaste by ottering a suspioion that
his enemies will believe, and his
friends never heard of ; a puff of the
Idle wind oan shake a million seeds
from the thistle and do a world of
mischief which the husbandman must
labor to undo. Such are the seeds of
the slanderer, so easily sown, so difH
ed themselves. It appears tbat II. J. cult to gather up, and yet so perni
Puck for Register and Recorder and I clous In their fruits.
A a Uolfplnh nandldat for AfSCUI-
i - . ,
. , rvrvn.ltlnn I xnoseoiour oroiner eaitors wno
- . i v cu vt bioiu a vi r us. jt miott su
YoUBg man, don t go west obwh .--tuiiiir Aaent. No. 84 Park Row.
you know Just "What you will And to New York wi flnd t to their Inter
do when youaretnere, ana uavemon- t la r-.d th. 0iiowlnir Information
ey enough in your pocket to return reoeVjMi by ug froin thw Bradstreet
home if you gat nomeeica ana ine cu- Company, in response to a letter of
mate does not agree wun you. loaiirv
,... t..nt i vn tlah. I "Ho lfr Allan) la aoting as man-
bor; be pays taxes regularly every ager of the business carried on in that
year to support our county; ha buys city, under, the name of tUe 'Alien
the goods you have to sell, and era- Advertising Agency, a title used by a
ploys your labor, and It Is nothing firm consisting of the wife and sod of
mora than right that ha should re-1 Win. O. Allen. The letter Is not be-
oelva your patronage. lleved to have any flnanolal respon
A Quaker lady, who is herself the lbllity, by those consulted."
uest poasiuie, , T 1888 ( ...
prescription, suggests tne rawwise . hw . fi.
..i tK.n. t..,t i.rA.ti,. "
lwu"uu" is one of ultlmated blessing. None
voice, prayer; ior tua eyes, puy; tor . . . ,
frk.V VMM. .-y , " " DI.M. 1.1. 1.1. - 1 1 & I
.!.,,-... tha hrtla. "u uuonan uar
Borne person In hooking corn from thon.and hill. .hnh.r.i. i..h h.i.
John.Stohlnecker west of tow odo flook th db
uiKilb lv v..K" - --i atlll vratara ami hnyln... .nLrnrl..
w ,. a l . ni..,t. ' r. ,11. I f
cal Company In boxing bitters. The L, ,Qto wit bd lamina
owner can nave same oy ,kuk nto their biding places until
Mr. Stablneokar. thaaa dava of nnlvaraal nrnanarltv
i w ' rw -r' --j - -
Henrv S. Stetler will open a sub- owmr. x-esuienoe sea is nis lips, and
- m a a . t a
sorlntioQ school In Mlddleburgh In oai oream poisons toe atinos
. I ..i .ii. i a. i i a
tha Snrlnt?. Henry holds a profes- Pere. mria noias nigu carnival,
.iinal MartiflaU and is a first class nd for twelve months sorrow and Wa are clad our neople ining snail nee away, tuis tradi
will be afforded suolx saUfaetory tlon must ba true for It is so old, and
schooling f aolUUet tblt year. oelw,Tea v moasanas oi people
Qeorge 8. Mitterllng of Richfield I Hon. J. Q. Stewart, Deputy Super-
will sell at pnbllo sale on Saturday, Mntendent of Public instruction, reply
March 24, 8 new top buggies, I truok ling to a question concerning the pay
-waffon. i buelt-board. l larany oar- oi teaoners ior insutuie weea, gave a
rlaga, 1 new open skeleton wagon, S positive Interpretation of the new law
aeoond-handed top wagons aud 1 yesterday. lis said that tha aot of
butcher wagon. Assembly, approved April 13, 1887,
Will tha vonnir maa who takes his sipressly requires tha Boards of
position along the curbstone In front Directors to pay the teachers for the
of a church every Sunday night to urae ounsinuieaiienuanoe as report
ventilation. The remedy naturally
suggested, a contemporary says, It
that men thoulJ wear little bonnets
and plumes.
A Act To abolish all taxes laid np
on watches, household furniture
and pleasure carriages wlthluthis
Commonwealth, for State pur
poses. .
Sectioh 1, be It enacted Ac, That
all taxes for whatsoever purpose, laid
upon watches, household furniture
and pleasure carriages, by and under
tha revenue laws of this Common
wealth, be and the same are hereby
abolished, and the laws under whloh
said taxes are lelvcd and collected, so
far as they relate to the property
herein mentioned, are hereby repeal
Approved i The 13lh day of May
A. D. 1887.
J AMPS A. Bkavkr.
It Is very probable that the scalp
law whloh was repealed In the last
Pennsylvania legislature will be re
stored In part. It seems to be the de
sire on every band to have at least a
premium on fox scalps, and It may be
that others of the most distructive
animals and birds will be Inotuded In
the bill. Hon. A. S. H elf rich, who
will have no opposition for the noiu
Inatioo and very little In his eleo
tlon to the legislature has promised
us to do bis utmost to have bill to
that effect brought up and considered
favorably, and there will be mem
bers from other counties who will do
the same. We hope they will be sua
At a meeting of the Pennsylvania
Fish Commissioners at Harrisburg on
the ild. It was decided to buy carp fry
In sufficient quantities to meet the
large demand for these fish. It was
also resolved not to furnish more than
two thousand trout to each applicant.
The secretary was instructed to cor
respond with the hatching houses and
ascertain the number of trout on
hand, with a view to a pro rata dls
tribution. A resolution was adopted
directing the secretary to request
uiaraet masters ana omers to see
that no flesh are sold out of season.
Persons catching trout less than six
inches long will be prosecuted and
war will be waged on fishbaskets.
The commission will visit Allentown
shortly to inspect the hatchery at
tbat point.
ed, as advertised In tha Post or for
which bills bave beta printed at this
Wednesday. March 14, Sain'l C. Blng
aman will sell personal property 1
mile east of Port Ann.
Tuesday, March 18, Jacob Baker will
sell personal property . ) mil north
1 east of McClure. -
Thursday, March 15, Lewis W. Man
beck will sell personal property 1
mile north east of MoClure. .
Friday, March 15. James Willi will sell
personal property 1 mile norm west
of McKee) Fulls. : "
Tuesday, March 20, E. A. Banmgar-
uner.Aamr. or J aeon nanmuaruner,
deo'd., well sell personal .property
In West Beayer township.
Saturday, Maroh 10, Rev. S. I. Shor
tess will sell personal properly in
Jackson township, t mile south of
NewBerliuontheKelltisgrov Road
Monday. March 12. P. L. Manbeck
will sell personal property v uuies
north of Adamsbarg.
Tuemlav. March 90. Joel Matter will
sell personal property in. Attains
township, i mile west of Port Ann
Monday March 12. David Ocker will
aell nersonal Property on me pre
uilses of Simon I) Weiand. 8 miles
south of Centrevllle,
nt unlaw March 10. John Wltten
myer and I... M. Uoatz. agents ior
the heirs of Menjaiuin Wittenniyer
will sell personal property In
Satnrdar. March 21. T. E. Reltx will
sell personal properly on ronu d
tween Middlecreek and Bannervllle.
Saturday. March 24. (teo. S. Mltter-
llnir will sell personal property in
Friday, March 80, Jeremiah Desher-
innn and Hlizauetll ifesnemian, mi
mlnistrators of Elizabeth Erb, will
sell Real Estate In Paxtonvllle.
Saturday. March 81. W. D Bilgerand
W. II. roitz. Administrators oi
Emanuel Foltt will soil personal
property 1 mile south east or Mid
Time Table, In effect Msy 32. 1887
Brother Lumbard of theSelinsgrove
Tribune came within an ace of being
killed on the ru II road at Sellnsgrove
Junction a few days ago. He was
standing on the west track iutentlv
watchiug a ooal oil train going up ou
the east tract. His reverie was brok
en by the sharp whistle of a freigh
eugine which came funning down the
track on which he stood and bad ap
proached him within eight feet when
dlsooved. He leaped to one side just
iu time to escape the monster which
went thuuderiug down the track
Several eye wituesses thought he had
been struok, but, though soured
speechless for the time, he escaped
Injury, and is still with us to cautlou
others against carelessness while
walking on railroad tracks.
The Lewistown (JazeUe gives Judge
Bucher particular fits for granting
the usual number of licenses in Mir
flin county this year. We can hurdly
see tho justice In the attaok. W
kuow personally and positively that
Judge Bucher it not in sympathy with
the rum element, either In soutlment
or notion. The stand , lie recently
took iu a case under him In thi
county will justify this assertion. It
Is as much his duly to grant license
as it Is to sentence men to bang, and
experience has taught all that h
takes no pleasure In either. It is his
duty to see that the laws are execut
ed as laid down in the statutes, and
not to make new ones. Persoual da
sires or publio preludioes should not
bias his judgment, and any one ask
I ng It Is not only very InooBnistoctJ
but extremely impertinent.'
Roll of Honor. The following
persons have paid their subscription
to the Post to the dates opposite
their names. Should any mistakes
occur In these credits or on your pa
per please notify us;
Reuben Algler,
wstws eisTj sttioss. jmtstss
rtB a si A". t. s m f
.IS t L.lrtaJ. til Is
4 ar .n Malaatrsal t il 1 0
4 os ' t is iitoa Tie ft
IM til JMaltlatd f.t il
M SOI rainier TH Itl
1.41 lot II KhlBdU Tie 1ST
4l lit It Wasr T 41 I II
lit 141 IT. Mfti'lars IM III
LIT IM II Adaaibarf 104 I.M
IS 110 M BtTrla 1.14 4l
IM .o to natr . Its I II
lie IS mi1llargl IN 111
1.11 1.04 IS S.I4 IM
I IT l.mi IT Kimr S 40 4 0
111 ).U t rwHn III IM
t IS 7.41 IS anroTS I M 4 41
111 TST 41 Sllnfro J. SOS 4 41
l.oo 1 it to tiunbary I to
For the W. 8. Duglas' three dollar
hoe go to Qarman's shoe store, Mld
Rubber boots nt reduced prices at
W. 1. Oariuan's, Mlddleburgh.
Buy your boots, shoes, and rubber
goods at W. I. Garumn's oheap shoe
store, Mlddleburgh, Pa.
Waxtkd 15,000. Any person wlsh-
ng to place from four to five thous
and dollars on Interest on two or
hree years from the middle of April
at 5 per cent., to be secured with first
mortgage. Can be accommodated
with the desired Information by call
ng on or addressing the Editor of th
Post. Feb. 16, '88. 8w
mmI iij II work 1
Ian MtlrM,
IrinoTTonersl hoase-work
nlinii torr. r r iruii
1HK l1ST,MMlleburKb
ForSalk. Farm of 20 acre. For
particulars address Ueo. W. Brown
Middlecreek, Snyder county ro,
For good hand-made boots' an
hoes go to Uai man's shoe store, Mid
WtoaSaay waoewk, vaaakr
Whaa aba wao a ChflA. aK rii4 for CaMarla,
Win aba ! Mtea, Ik la la Caataria,
aillnarev Arrommoilntlon
(Oaoasoilnx with trtloioaN.U. Rt )
LstV "(llntixrsve. Arrl' t fOllmgrST.
1 10 f. M. So I. M
1.01 P. M. J0 P. M.
fralns Leave Lewlstown Junction t
It II, s m. 1 01. s in, 10 41 smt 07. n m,, t m.
IS n m lor PIMlnrs ami mi wan.
tk . m ii a m. I 4T o m. 4 S v m. I 51 t m.
It II p a. For Phllalitlpbl, Now Tork, Haltl-
Philadelphia A Erie R R Division.
Trlo La SnnborT
I IU a in, lor HOIiOivaia, trn mam i.aaBKuai
" . ..
nil n, ror i.n i a. o.
llHpa, lor HMIatoate, Kane sd Tasis
d.ln. . ,
1.10 p m, ror hodovo anu w
I II am ForCtala ad Hatittaa.
i vi i unn and I II a m ror W llkanbarra
num. li o a ni. 1 40 r a. For Dbamobla
a .d MountUarmtl.
Tln t.mmmm SallniarOT JnorllnB!
Dim. arrlTlna at l'hllalt-1ilila I II P n. Wow
York s w p o, iiaimiaoro w p w,
Im.iaii mht n m
II n m, errlTlu at I K) p tn, Tow
York ISkpm, tWIUmor 1 41 pa, Will
lnioo I 4 pm.
m ,rii i Phlladolnl la I Sla m. Now
Vsrkf to a at. Ualllmoro II I in, Wkih
Inaton A ol a m.
x..,r, .la.. NnnburT:
SIOam.arrlvlDK si Pl.llod-I.blai a
Yum ii wi a m. umiimora ! v.
Issionlina m.
J. n. WUOI), Ooa'l Pail Aiol.
CO AS. E. PCOH, Oou'l Uaaasor.
Genuine Borcann at tho Central
rt a
Our Spring Invoice of Hamburg
Edgings has arrived. The assort
ment is large and patterns beauti
ful, with prices way down, in fact
lower than ever. Call and take a
look at them.
Tk. POI.ICK GA7.KTTK will bo nallod,
orural? wrappod, to iot aildr.M in ina unit
a Htato. for inrro nonibt oo receipt ol
Liberal dlcouat allowod to potmta
nl tad eliil. Pomplooopin nanoa iroo
AtldiSM on orari
Vnllcr Street, Jicwistown, la.
Extract Of Meat
only sour
Guarantee flGennine By Baron Wa
HlKbiT focomiuondod M a nlK'Hcap Initeod ol
mlcnhollc drill kt.
Unnulna oalv with tho fko nlmilo of lUros
Lloblg'i ilKnaturo In oni lnbl.
Sold by Storokeeperl, Urooors and l)rnlU
Am and TrHn S.ilpum.n to f.U our
Kl,ni varltlM of Nuierv Stork, ulthor on Miliary
url'ommlMtun, p.riiianenl oinilnymi'nl to th.
rUbi ni.D, no room for Imy on, uprliilit and
h'nrM aro tb. ohm wo aro looting ior. ao
dre, wll i rolprcno."
MAY HHOrilERS Nura.rjrman
Jan. I, 'II. lw. pd. Kusbcilor N. Y
wait for bis beat !rl please bead hit
ear in this direction a minute T Gos
sip deelres a word with blnv "taw ar
an nnmitated nulaanev, yoa are,
and the glrj jRkOwWyA'pei"11 herself
f iSU ploked up br yoa Id n oi
the ohureh l wanting tn elI-ripot.
Why don't you go o her ho ncl
take her to eharab, had tit best" ber
durtf v the aaruien. -Ind learn wP100'
and take her home a a respeeb'
ed offlolally by the proper County
(Superintendent. Teaohera ar entitl
ed to compensation for Institute at
tendance la addition to their regular
wages, aooordlng to their per delin
pay for actaal teaching, but compen
sation cannot lawfully ioed two
dollar a day. Th tlm of attend
ance eannot be eredlted as part of th
twenty day actaal teaebtoj reqelred
to constitute a kohool month, bat I In
iwlJItlon therete. Gimlria ViraU.
Oeo. W. Snyder,
Samuel Welk,
A. MUdleswartb,
C. K. Biokel,
K. M. Teat,
L. E. Pawling,
H. Calvin Ulsh,
Michael Ewlg,
Geo. I. Kline,
D. J. Blngiuan,
Fred Steluiling,
P. 8. Bubb,
Philip Ainlg,
A. J. Biokel,
Geo. Dreese,
Isaac Dreese,
Thomas Bower,
Robert Mlddleswarth,
Rer. D. P. Kline,
Howard A. Ulsh,
Ner B. Mlddleswarth,
Philip Herbster,
Aaron Crosgrove,
Henry K. Sander,
March 1, '08
Do. 1, '88
Maroh 1, '88
Maroh 1, '88
Feb. I, '80
Juue 1, '80
June 1, '88
Jan. 1, '68
May 1, '80
Deo. 1, '87
Maroh 1, '80
June 1, '88
Maroh 1, '80
Maroh 1, '88
April 1, '88
March 1, '88
Deo. 1, '87
Deo. 1, '88
Maroh 1, '80
June 1, '88
Maroh 1, '80
Jan. 1, '80
Jan. 1, '80
Dec. 1, '87
June 1, '88
XY Latum of Adtnlnlrtr.Uoo en tha Utof
NOAM I'IKG, Ut. of HKnVEH Iowu.kII
Smitor Co . I' a.. Joea.H.d. baring boan ar.ul
td to tha and.rtliinril all orioul kauwlng
urmi.lT.l to aald ..lala .ra raquott-
kd to ni.ko liaoiodlato pr.o, wnua mow
havlDK olalmo thorn dnly antbas
tioatod to
II. u. l lll t KH.
M.rebl, 1 'II. adminUirator.
Iottfror admlnUtratoln.on th.o.i.taol
Tuwo-Llp. Kuydor Co., !'., doe'd, b.Hi
woa grantod to th nudarilvaad, all perionn
knoaikR tb.mi.iei tmlobtrd to laid r.t.taara
rasoantod to m.k linon-dlate p.jD'nt, ard
lh(H. hvton oLIni. will prt.nt tbnm duly
auihoail04led to the ooJ.iUd lor .Ho
rn. ov.
March I'M. Admloitrt-r.
AnK MONTH and MOAKD for S llrlxkl
OOOyoUN' MhN r l.ADIKS In cuili
emu f. f . W. ZICULKU fc U., fblIadoliibla.
REAL. ESTATE I ad nlnUtrat m of Ellialiolli
fcrb, lala ol I rnnklin Uiwuanlp, Hnydsr county,
la., do'd, will oxuva. to yablio alo on tb.
pr.inUa, oa
Friry, Msrob 80,
ISIS, all that oortaln moMUHg. or TI1AOT OY
LAND illuato tn railuonlla townnlilp, rouuly
and 8ll alor.aald, bound.d north ly laud ul
Julia Erb. (outb by publio,.t by laud ol
IUyld Heliauibiich knd wo-t by aobool bou-. lot,
eanUlalnK ElKbty I'.rvhi'l (10) tirat tuoamir..
wh.rtNin U.rcoi.d a l.Wry.Lo UWEL.L.1NH
HU1I8k I Woo l-.liml. aio. Tb.ra n a well of
food wat.r and choice trull on tbo prouiUv..
Th. mndltluni of wlo ar. l pr oonU eaab and
tho balao o os Ortt day of April, noxt Halo to
oouiinouoo at 10 o'clock, A. M.
. AUinlnUiralort.
lolUrtof Admlnlatrtti.a on tha sitata of
Eaiauu.l Folta. lala of Kr.ukllo tw . .tjojdor
Uo., doo'd, havlnn boau Kraals, to lbs auda
Ignad, all parioai knowlas theoiilvM lod.b
ad to Mid Mtataara raqa.-u la toako Imm.
dial. paym.ot.wbll.tkoK h.vlna elalinl ware
prauot than daly aatli.atUatad to Iks endsr
W. U. I UL.TZ.
Mar. T. 'IS. AdalautraUrs
TITDTTT XTK.ward! ra iboat who road
XVXwXXJu X tbli aadtk.aaoti Ib.y will
ttuo hxuura tla anployaanl that will not uk.
I hum from boui.l aud rami Ho. Th. pro.
dls are Urge and sere l.r ry lada.triou
ponon. many bay. ui.da aad ara Bow maklnx
araral hundred dollar! raoutk. It is aaiy
fur aoy an. to make II and upo.rdi p.r day,
no I. wifllae to work. KiUiar soi, yoa s or
old.'eaplUI uot nowled; w aiart you. Evory
tblnnuaw. Mo apaolat ability raqalrad; yoa,
ro.dur, a do It as wall as uy ou. Writ to
ut at met lor lull partlouiati, wnlse wa mail
rr.a. Addraa bilaaon h Uo , fortuad, Mala.
TTTANTKI) liainrdlatrlr. I.ndteii ta work
W whole" le hou. on eeillrwork at thnlr
homrl. (Sent any dl'tn-.).
ninm.. .rytlilUK lurnlnh.d.
AddroM Arll-tlo Neodlowork
New York City.
Good pay e.u b.
FartlruIxT" Ina
Co., 71 ItbSl
In Freeburg, Feb. 25tb, Sarah, wid
ow of Jacob Bonier, deo'd., aged 02
year 10 mouths and 87 days, -
Mollis M. Bowersoi, died Feb. Si,
aged 8 year 10 tuoutbs and 4 day.
Edwin V. Hare died Feb. 23 aged It
months and SO day.
kind and prices t Mat
trosses. Feathers, Pillows,
lionlstera, lied Spring,
Chair, Tables, .Sinks.
Sofas, St mi els, Hoicaus,
Ac., ice. Slo , iia.
PAH 1. OK SUITS in Drown
Terry, Raw Silk, Hair
Cloth aod Plash good.
Parlor Rocker, all kind,
Marble Top 1 ables,lx)0k
ins Olrtsae. so roe fine
ones, Pictnres, ko., Ac
A full line rf Jute. Hemp, Racr, Inerains, Tsrestry,
Uodv Isinsele and Velret Curneta. Art bnnarea.smtr
nia Rul'b. Coca ami (Jutta Pt-rcba Door Mate. Will
nt-11 nny of the above goods as low a same quality cat
be bou light anv place, and pay freight cbareee to aoj
station on P. R. R. W'rito me for price or com aod
nee the largest stork tin side of Philadelphia.
Kospcctfully, AV. II. FELIX.
When You Insure Why Not Get the Best-
General Insurance AsCuc. Lelinsgroyei.,
Represents tho ibllowinsjGrreut StockJoiiiianie:
1019 JETNA, cf Hartfcrd, Ccnn., $B,5BB,B4i
1B53 HOME, Dt New Yarki - TtBUiJii
1B17 FIRE ASSDCIATIDW, Phil's, - 4,442,811
121, B17, lit-
lib laia.a
Ir lots, '
Th'(. rnmpaaiM rank araeng th. UET. ara OLD la xrr!.nee, .ad
sapital i.d rratmrraa auaraota ooquai'l'iawl al.iT mud nouilij.
(it thalr rim I aetlun. fair. Iini.nt .n1 .a'lf l-rl .r T ilaallona Iu all tb
tb.y hara won for thi-mailta QRKAT UBI'UTA 1 IOMS.
No Assessments- No Premium Nole
If not, wiite to the abote Agency and yoa will receiteProaipt attention.-
Whnllr unlike attliloial Tt
Any buuk I tar nod Iu s. ralliK.
-i..... .,i iiiht at ll.lilmnr. anil 101 iat Detroit.
Iiint" i'lHa. l Culumlilit I.iiw WHuIi'IiIk, at VhI. I
W.llralry, I ibrrlln, 1'nlverally ol I'onn JM ! Ill
an I'ulvernl y. l'liHinauiiia. 4ii'.. o Fiulonil
by M Alia TwaIn, Hh uakd Tkiktiih, tho Ncla'i.
tut, Hn. W. W. Ahtuii, JtiiAH I. KksIamin,
JuiUe IIiiwun, V.. 11 (Vuk. I'rinc ial Slut
Nurmal dillrue, Dr. IIiown, a.c. rruKtui
rT r.K lrin
PKOF. 1.0lSKTrE,a37 Fifth Ave. New York.
Fur Ur
or Ll.r I
Irla. Try It.
Z. Orav.U tlrUbl'a Ha.rl, I rlnary
laaaaaa. N.roa., t)ur.
OfDue su Area titraat. PMiad.l-
I M par bolll, for SO. At lru.
Feb. 9 by B. P. Brown, Mis Meryl
M. llotuorfto Abaoloin wntbotnor
9nw laM la baiwr taaa avar. aa4 aawaal b. ta ta. haaas
oravar avnaCUHiwii""a c
ri2flT3 L-!' .
llareb 1. at the Luthsran Parsonaff ta,"!9,r1'L?r.'
In Mlddlebnmb by Rer. 8. P. Orwl. 1 ,,7-".- r F.
John H. ehainrae nl Wllle U. -iu ' . ' . . '
Lotion botli of t'rMnklni Tw m. , ... y.
Tie bast Burning Oil tbat can oe
made from Petrolium.
It give a brilliant ligbt.
It will not amok the chimney.
It will not obar tba wick,
it ba a bigb fir teat.
It will not explodo.
It Is without a comparison a a per
f notion
It is tuaunfaotured from tb liuest
Crnde in tb most perfectly equip
ped retloerie iu the world.
It is the Rest.
Ask yoar dealer for Crown Acme.
Trade order filled by
Your truly,
12 8 '87 ly. Sunbury, Pa.
Grain Market
Ifo. 1 Pennsylvania
"3 Fultr
" 8 White mixed
.see .
Mlddlebiirfir Market
Pitted cherries.,
Cblokens per lb.
Houlde.....,. ...
to Buy
Grand Opportunitv
Cheap !
We are offering Bargains in eve
ry Department of our Store prepar
atory to taking Inventory.
Now is the time to come and se
cure the Biggest Bargains of the'
Come early and secure the best.
... 5 V- ST
i a i1 i "
Ml 14 . r mJT
win i r. ..aT-
1 I
m I
- I
"ksAl W 111 easraala lk
V VlrK-..-.. m.A daa U smMr ttUn M
l.'ier Iiiau Is Is ill in wait. e r
r, aaa 4
ii'a.a'twxkikaaUUa. alaae eiiAai raMa
ratasa lb. wwaay
V au.aaaa alllaa tkla WaaWr 'laj mjUm ( i . -;
'v . I l BilfU'
I S . a lav t. t Mtaat lanwiulH. S'laa t . I
' a . a l wkl ara ar ta'tbar Mfrcatart.
I a '
f 4..
rra CO., VA,Tz
I f-v-er I . . -