The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 08, 1888, Image 2

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abierltMa 1.50 Tcr Year
IT rS1!
iwitai cuuma. one i nr..
a. One iHf,
a, una iw mo M
ltalAl I IaviIl nr rktr . aa no
wmwr, Miniwr, ABmnumiori aaa
AMIajaee Netloea l.M
Vb.TJ ao pflll arranfmeate ara na1a, all
Tvraae titi.lMWhil lot li than 4 monlhe,
tW l.a pr uoh lor ftn laiertloa 1 oi
otweeeandleterfloa aad II eeaw lor eeee
lbeea,aeol laMrtloa.
tbia bat been brought abont princi
pally by tba newspaper. Now and
Iben wa find aoma narrow-mined,
bigoted and egotistical people wbo
condemn tba preaa, and oooaaiooallj
ooraa aoroas ooa wbo makes it bia
boast tbat ha te?er reads a newspa
per. 8acb people are a centory be
hind the age, and for oar part wa
say giro ns mora papera of tba right
kind, and let the good work of edu
cation go oo.
cotot r&ocszsxNai
LM.IJJIL..IJ Ml. '1.1 'I' ' r
Thursday, March 8,
1 L
Tba Judge of a Ne York district
Court, at a marriage ceremony which
ue recently performed, introduced
oaw form which will, it ia prophesied,
please tba ladies Tie asked the
bride if aha promised to obey ber
insband in all things 'right and
reasonable,' to wbiob she responded
promptly, ! do.' 'May your last
days on tbia earth be your bappiost,
and may yoa love and cherish each
other always,' waa the parting bone-
diotion of the Jadge, after proooane
iog the coapfe hosbaod and wife.
Of Intorttt to Csunty Officers-
Auditor General A. Wilson Norris
Las issaed a circular to the various
county officers of the State, which
explains itself. It says; 'In view of
the past delinqaencioa of a number
of county officera entrusted with the
collection cf State revenues aod lis
bility of tbia department to consnre
therefore, it ia my attention to insist
that in the future all such officers
nball make return and payment on
the first Mondaye of January, April,
July and Oolobcr of each yoar of
moneya collected by them, as provid
ed io an act entitled 'An act relating
to aocounta of several coanty officers
of tbia Common woaltb, approved
May 14th, 1874, and an 'act of March
31st, 1876. Where monthly or quar
terly returns and payments are not
made, I 'aball direct an agent, ap
pointed by me, to examine the ao
a - m
couois oi me person or persona ao
failing to make returns and pay
tnenta, and on bis report proceed to
make aettlement for the amount duo
to the Commonwealth and to wbiob
amount will be addod SO per centum
aa specified in the aforosaid act If
the delinquent be a County Treasut
er, l snail also feel it my doty to
bring bis case to the At4' jer-
.!.-- "r'
Newspapers vs- Education.
We can safely say that since the
creation at no time in our world's
history bas the education of the mas
ses attained to so high a standard
as at the present time. Tbat is to
say, education ia no longer confined
to the fow able to pay for it, but
faoilitiea are open for any one so io
cb'ned to acquire a thorough knowl
of What ia transpiring around him,
and information on any and every
Bubjcct is easy to obtain. There
bave been influences at work to briog
tbia about, but none bavo figured ao
conspicuously or taken ao active a
part aa the ordinary newspaper, and
tbia baa been done ao quiotly that a
cood many people are not aware of
Formerly the arts and sciences,
and various other brancfea ofeduoa
tiou were firmly locked within the
walla of a Harvard or Yale, or some
other institution of looming, and on
ly thofte possessed of the wherewith
al were able to gain a thorough and
practical education, but the. tewspa
per has swept all these barriers away,
aod at the present time the press is
furnishing within the means of the
poorest information in these arts and
acieooes and mechanism, so tbat any
one having a common school educa
tion can perfect himself aod master
any branch of useful and practical
knowledge be may feel disposed to
take op-
What bas been the result of this?
Oo among the poorer classes of so
ciety aod yoa will soon find out.
Formerly an orator from of the above
institutions waa looked up to by the
massea with feoliogs bordering rev
erence, and anythiegbe'd chose to
eay waa generally received as gospel,
and if be got bia ideaa somewhat
mixed and made statements which be
could not well maintain, be could
congratulate himself there was no
one competent to gainsay. Dot
what a difference there ia at the pres
ent day. Io aoyaaaemblage of peo
pie venture beyond plain and posi
tive facta, there are plenty dressed
ia homespun, with pants tucked in
their boot-tope, wbo are able and
ready- to criticize. We can find
. taaby men poshing a wheelbarrow
wbo can quote Shakespeare to a
nicety, and other handling a pick
nd shovel who can locate the plan
ate and are thoroughly versed ia as
tronooiy. .So we could continieio
all braccbei of education, and all
Coort convened, Monday, Feb. 27,
1839; rteient, ilon. J. 0 lSncher,
President Judge, and lions. S. A
Wetztl, J. A. Smith, Associate
Tipstaves appointed were Qeo. S.
Snyder, Benjamin Moyer, J. S. Sut
ler and Wm. Napp.
Elias Ilammei vs Susannah llum
me!, divorce awarded.
The executors, administrators,
guardian acoouots and the widow
appraisomonts were all ooofirmed as
advertised, exoopt those herein after
In r estate of John Miller, deo'd,
Levi Fisher appointed guardian of
Eve Ann Miller, minor of said dece
In estate of Jacob K, Smith, deo'd,
Samuel Bnlick was appointed guar
dian of James W. Smith.
In estate of Elizabeth Erb, deo'd.,
Order of sale granted.
In re estate of Boojamin Meiser,
deo'd., report of auditor was confirm
ed, i
Returns to ordera of sale were
confirmed in estate of Valentine
Landenalsger deo'd., and Jacob
Baumgardoer deo'd ,
In estate of Simon B. Strsuser
deo'd , report of master was confirm"
In estate of Samuel Moyer, deo'd.,
Citation awarded.
In estate of Samuel Eratzer, deo'd-,
returns to writ of inquest confirmed
and rule on beira granted.
Io estate of Amelia Kratzer deo'd ,
return to writ partition confirmed-
Joseph Iluffio trust vs, James
F. Rose, Auditors report confirmed
and tba Proth'y ordered to pay
money out,
Io estate of Charles Rboads, deo'd.,
Norton Qlover was appointed guar
dian of the minora of said decedent.
In ro estate of Pell j Romig, deo'd.,
Auditors roport oonfirmed-
In estate of Henry C. Sbaffor,
deo'd., crdor of sale granted'
In eBtate of Charles Rhoads, dee'd ,
order of sale for tin real estate
granted to Norton Glover guardian
Io re estate of Simon B. 8trauser
dee'd., exceptions to Auditors report
In estate of Elizabeth Shetterly,
deo'd., inquest amended.
In estate of Jaoob K. Smith, deo'd ,
Jeremiah App, J. P. Kantz and
Solomon App were appointed corns
mUsioners to partition the real estate
of said deoedont and value the name
In estate of Peter Kerlio, deo'd.,
O. II. Kestetter was appointed guar
dian of Levi and Birbiria Kerlin
minor children of said decedent-
In oatate of Thomas Youngman,
deo'd. , return to order of aale grant
In estate of Joseph Ramer, dee'd..
exceptions were filed to auditors re
port. In the o&se of the commonwealth
vs. V. Moyer and Jacob Moyer, tbe
defendants plead guilty to the charge
of Laroeoy, they wero sentenced to
pay a fine of $5 00 costs aod to nn
dergoan imprisonment io the county
jail respectively 10 and 15 days
Commouwealtb vs. John Wat-:
more; the defendant plead guilty to
the charge of adultry. The defend
ant was sentenced to pay a fine of
$1-00 and undergo an imprisonment
of two months io the county jail.
Same vs' liuniamin Shaffer Deft
also plead guilty to tbe charge of
adultry, and reooived tbe same sen
lunce wuu exception mat nne was
5 00.
Same va. Henry Rrnsb. tbe de
fendant plead guilty of fornioatioo
and was senteoced to pay a fine of
$ 10.00 and costs of prosecution.
In the matter of a Publio Bridge
in west ueaver lowoebtp tbe report
of viewers waa approved by tbe
grand lury and oonfirmed ni. si.
Elizabeth Bailey et al fornse of F.K
isailey, vs Jonn K. Hughes, tba vir-
dio i was for tbe plaintiff in the sum
of $820.03, reasons for new trial
Tbe Commonwealth vs. Lewi
Ring, tbe defendant was indicted f
an assanlt and acquited on tbe
grounds of insanity.
Philip Hchnee vs. Henrv Gember
ling et al, io tbia case tbe vsrdiot was
for the defendant in tbe sum of $390
In re estate of Abner Middles
wartb, deo'd , order of sale granted
io re estate or ilenry smith do d
net urn to order or sale confirmed
Reuben Dreese, Sheriff aebnowl
edged deeds to Uavid S. Shollv
George Shotsberger, Levi Fisher and
M, S. Brnbaker. .
JToab Smith v, John P. Reams,
verdict for plaintiff for 184 50, reas
on for new trial. Friday, Marob 2
1888 court adjourned until April 3.
tiV for the Potr.
Jemea P. Ilerdie received a die
patch from New York oo Friday af
ternoon announcing that hia ancle,
Peter Ilerdie, had died tbat morning
at tbe Hotel Olenham, where he bad
been atoppiog for aeveral weeks
Mr. Ilerdio will be remembered as
tbe great 'Lumber King' of the West
Braoab valley, aod waa at one time
reported to be worth not less tbao
four milliooa of dollars, but the pan
io of 187S, wbiob caused real estate
to depreciate in value.caosed tbe col
lapse of all bis enterprises, and he
went into voluntary bankraptoy.
Some time since be was disobarged
from bankruptcy, but waa greatly
broken down io health, resulting
from the severe mental atraio to
which be waa subjected during this
trying ordeal. He, however, rallied
aod had almost regained bia wanted
vigor about three years ago, when he
engaged io business again, construct
ing water works io different parts of
the country at Cairo, 111., Orlando,
Fla, and Huntington and Selios
grove in this State.
Mr. Ilerdio bad bat recently begun
to operate io Williamsport again, and
there are aeveral baildiogs store
rooms and dwellings now in course
of erection under bis direction. He
bad bright hopes for tbe future, bav-
ng recentlv beeo successful in a auit
n tbe Philadelphia oourts, the pre-
iminary ateps to tbe reoovery of
nearly half a million dollars worth of
securities given by bim to John G
leading and others, as he ( Herdic)
claimed to be bold io trust.
In tbe doatb of Mr. Ileidio Wil-
iamsport sustaios a deep loss. A
progressive citizen, whatever may
have been said against bim by bis
enemies, it cannot be denied tbat
ad it not boon for Peter Ilerdio
Williamsport might now bave been
nothing more than a village of a few
thousand inhabitants.
Tbe cause of Mr. Uerdio's death
waa paralysis, resulting from a fall
on tbe ice on tbe street in
Huntingdon abont a month ago,
which rendered him unconsoious for
several boars at tbe time. Ever
since that time be bad complained of
paiu in bia bead, but, aa waa usual
with bim, he paid little or no atten
tion to tbe matter until be was forc
ed to take bis bed in New York.
whither be bad gono to visit bis fain
ly, who bad been spending the Wins
ter in that citv at the Gleuham
Hotel, kept by W. B Darry, former
ly of tbe Park Hotel, tbia city.
Mr. Herdioleft Williamsport three
weeks ago last Friday, coiner to
Philadelphia, and from thence to
New York. When be started to re-
urn to Philadelphia bis friends no
tioed tbat he was not himself, and
tried to prevail on him to remain,
but be reasooed that be bad business
Philadelphia and Williamsport
tbat needed bis attention, and refus
ed to heed their pleadings; but be
bad got no farther than tbe elevated
railway station when be changed bis
mind end returned to tbe botel, and
went to bed, remaining there until
bis death.
The fall be received prodnoed a
severe contusion of tbe skull on tba
eft side, aod the natural reaolt of
paralysis ef the right side of tbe
body followed. This was first notic
ed by tbe dragging of tbe right foot
when he started to leavo tbe botel
on tbe occasion above referred to.
Tbe very best medical skill of tbe
metropolis was called into requisition
and everything tbat advanced science
could devise was resorted to save
bim, with the exception of trepan
oiug, which latter was dot deemed
safe owing to bis greatly weakened
elite, ouoli eminent phveieiaos as
Dr, Uinkle, of Columbia, Pa., and
Dra. McKenzie, Draper and Soguio
were among tbe medical gentlemen
summoned, wbo held many ooosulta
lions and did everything possible to
save tbe noted man, but of no avail
His death was a calm and peaoeful
one; be suffered no paio, bnt oootio
oed to sink gradually and entered
tho great nnknown without a strug
Hia business affairs were found to
be in excellent shape, aod all of bis
enterprises now in operation will be
continued in tbe same coarse mark
ed oot by tbe talented projector
All tbe boildiog operations begun io
this city will be completed aa Mr.
ilerdio bad designed, but many of
tbe plana be bad marked out for tbe
future will necessarily be dropped.
Tbe family. arrived in tbe oily laat
evening at six o'clock over tbe Phila
delpbia and Reading railroad, briog
ing tbe remains of tbe great finan
cier and operator, wbiob were taken
immediately to bia late residence,
corner Elmira and Fourth streets
wbero they will oo doubt be viewed
by thousands of our citizens. Tbe
funeral will be bald to-morrow after
oooo, anj will be coodooted by Rev.
Gsorgo C, Foley, Willlamiworl
Oiit, 3rd. . j
armors which raoatora discord.
- '
The democratic party of 8oydr
county bad bat recently become a
unit (ao was demonstrated laat fall.)
and tbia largely throogh tbe efforts
of F. E. Bower, Esq Oar intense de
mocracy and anmeaaurable desire
for success alooe prompt as ia de
oooocing the methods employed by
MarsnslsDill and bia eatilites, oo
Tuesday last, ia bis efforts to con
trol the party ia this coaaty by de
baacher; and intimidalioo.
Tbe fuott are t A large majority of
the delegVtee were ia favor of and
instructed for F. E. Bower, Esq , as
delegate to the Slate Convention.
Two dietriota having teven votea
were not represented, Chapman and
Union. , Dill's rbetorio and demi
john inspired Jobo C. Ereitzer to
represent aud cast tbe four votes of
Chapman witbiout credentials or tbe
are beta mik it woold seem are
not ao folly recognised as to deter
tba over abiUoos aod anaorupoloas
from subjecting themselves to the
Tbe candidate far nomination
who offert a day's wagea, or aoy
other oooslderatloa large or small,
to a voter for bis vote or influence
at tbe primary election, may be eoo
vioted of biiberyi aod the voter wbo
takea the pay sabjeots himself to a
fine of $300.00 and imprisonment not
exceeding three months.
The Aet of Assembly of Jane 8.
1881, is ooe of tbe election lawe of
tbe Comnoa wealth, aod aoy persoo
violatiog it falls under ths diijuatt
fioation$ imposed by tha Constitu
tion Art. 8, Seo. 9.
Iu several of tbe ooaoties of tba
State this law has beer enforoed and
sustained by the Sapreme Court.
Tbe foot that it bas heretofore beeo
a dead letter ia Union county, is no
guarantee to aoy one tbat it will not
be enforced hereafter.
To pay S20 00 over tbe bar for a
thadow of authority, and agaiost t box of cigars worth $2.00, with tbe
the instruction of the distrlot. It
was ao easy matter to inspire a fel
low wbo had not ev?n attended tbe
election to represent and cast the
three votea of Uuion without cre
dentials oraatWity against instruc
tions 1 Instructed delegates from
other districts were ioduoed to, first
get a plastio substitute, then sneak
into a corner, thus disregarding the
expreased will of their constituents.
Nor did it stop here. A gallant,
one-legged soldier, holding a petty
little office, was given to understand
tbat it wonid be to hi interest not
to go into the convention. Threats
of Nati one UAdmioistration-diss
pleasure aud meat-axe were freely
indulged in. This is'our first lesson
iu bull-doziog, and tbe expressed
will of tbe Democratic party of Soy
der coanty baa been completely ov
erturoed aod we are virtually told
that we are not capable of maoagiog
our party affairs, but that Union
ooonty, and tbat portion of the Na
tional Administration located in tbe
city of Philadelphia, must come beie
aod ran . the party ia a direction
wholly against our wishes, aud ia a
manner distasteful aod humiliating.
Tbe Civil Service law (wbiob pros
moted tbe election of Cleveland) waa
openly i violated and tbe reform
pledges we mado to tbe coanty disregarded.
In appoaliog to you, Democrats
of tiny dp, we bare no personal in
terest to le'rve, bat our, unswerving
and life Jqog loyalty to our party
impel as to ask you. First, are we
oot cupable of managing our own
party afftira T Second, ia bull -dozing
by outsiders to be ingrafted io
our system of rules and regulation t
Third, will tho parly beresfter select
delegates to mis-represent and -
Jeat its will ?
If this is the lesson we are to learn
from Marshal Dill St Co., we aball
profit by it and henceforth prepare
to meet them on more eqnul terms.
V, K. Bower, Eq., alwaye bus
been a loyal democrat aod a staunch
supporter of Cleveland and bia ad
ministration, and for tbia reason
there waa oo ground for such on-
warrantable conduct. He ia manly,
intelligent, dignified, and bonorible,
and hence cannot be used as a tool
it was said 'toe cannot use him for
our purpose" Whence came those
"protest from abroati?" It ia not,
who our representative is, but tbe
contemptible maouer io which we
have been treated and the bad blood
engendered in onr ranks- Demo
crats give this careful consideration.
lours truly iu
Tho Primary.
S. II Orwig writing to the Lewis-
burg Chronicle, offers some sug
gestions regsrding the use of money
io Union oounty wbiob are equally
appropiiate in this county, ne says
tbe Primary Elootion is regulated by
law, and offeuoes against that law are
puoishablo by floe and imprisonment
indirect purpose ef influencing voters
is within the constitutional prohibi
tion, ana punisuable under tbe Act
of Assembly.
It is impossible to anticipate all
the devioea which may be invented
o evaae me law: it is sufficient for
'he citizen and voter to know tbat
hia vote ia oot an article of mereban.
dine, or for barter aod, for tbe Oan-
. a a a . .a .
aimaie io koow tuat luere is no
indirect way by wbich be can make
bia money available to aecare hia
nomioitioo or election without sab
jecting bimself of tbe penalties of
tbe law Aod if be can saocossfullr
I L ' I . . . . . .
oooceai ois vioiaiioa or tue statute
la of tbe state be bas yet before
mm tbe ordeal or committing willful
perjury before he can enter upon Ibe
discharge of (he duties of an office
which be. ban procured io violation
of tbe constitution and tbe laws of
tbe land
Instead of answering each individ
ual inquiry in relation to the caovaes
now io progress, let this suffice for
ao answer to all.
Candidate Gards.
to tb RRrrnt.irAHH or snvDaa coptt.
reeliaa inytell entltiM to um nor. imrm In
tha Iu mutura, and aotlnn upon tha almlljr lug
anatluui nl many raireeiiiativa Kepulilteana, 1
liarvbjr rrtpmtfully uliinll my name aa a citaUI-
ui iw auaiuiuy i r re-uioction MuDjert to tna
ruin, of ths Kaiublleaa 1'rluiary on tli. u. inn.
Tha two term rale being raref nlted by tha Ra
publlcon of 8oyder ouunty. I tlmrelnre au
tkiuuca tnyell a randldala for re-election to tbe
(mice oi rruinonpiary and leipetrulljriubialt uijr
candidacy Ui tha party.
to tiis ctTizans or snYDKH covvtt.
Al tha tlnia lor tha holding or the Keinb!l
eaa Primary Election haa been rued, I hereby
reMul my name to tha votera of tna oounty,
abject to the rule ol iUr party. U-log a be
liever Iu tha prlnulplea or rotation In olDna. that
all ettliem ahould fiaa a fair and euual rhanae
to rill tha tarloua utnoai Iu the e..uuty, that the
oftloee have boeo created lor ruaa aod uot uiau fut
the olBce. 1 ui.-et reapectfiilly preen i my name
ur tue oince n rruinonowry, e.auia your gauar
oil! eumiort. and DluduinK mvnall II aleeted Ut
dlehr.a tue duUei r tha Ulrica to tba beet ol
uy ability.
franklin Tap.
TOTHCciTizanaoraMTnan ooprty :
Tbe tliue hitving been set lor holding ol the
kepublloan Primary Election, to wit: Natur
duy, March ltd. 1 horealth praecnt my
nuina ua a candidate for the offl.ei;f HeflfUr
and Iteaordur, pledging ruyaeiril (uccea-lul to
retire Iroui the office at the end of tuy acoml
tans, Ko.pocUully ollcitlng your eupport 1 am
Youra, Very truly
H J. Dl'CK.
Oentleinen: I hereby announce in) fell at a
randl late lor tha nomination ol District Attor
ney, proinl-lng tnat II 1 atn elocted I will per
Inrui the dntlei of the oltlna ta tha beet or uiy abil
ity. Youre truly,
Euroa PoT. You may announco my name
ai a candidate for ibe olhce of AMovtute 'iiile,
iibjcct to tha decision ol tba Hepublii-an Prima
ry ou tiieMth. 1 h it, alwuyi been a coiiujIuii
tloiii Uip' rtr ol the Keputillruii parlT mi l, b
Ing a nablent or I'eom townahip wlitcb la en
titled to the nomination I reap.ctlully aullult
tha aui porlor the party.
' Very irnij" r.
March t, INS. la. E. PAWMNO.
EtitToa PoaT. Weinke tdeanurc In aunnuue
Ing the name or Henry Itmwn of t'reeburg, aa
caudldate lor Awocltte Judge, uhject to the
rulea ol the Republican Primary on tha iUth.
Ho li a gentleman ol high foclal qualities, worthy
and wull u.uallned tor the otfloe. Ha but a bril
liant army record having aerved la tha anion
araiy three yrare. He would ba an ornatueut
to the bench aud an honor to the county and wa
retpcctlully aak hie nomination.
M. My, DaD tely, Act ferllj.
We p'jssesa the facility and inclination to give you rtn
al Bargains and will do it in our new stock of
Zmrzjyvmm Te.
whi6h is just in and comprises the largest line of LA
Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Ready Made
Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware
etc. Y ou w. II be pleased to see how we combine old
time honesty in qualitu and price with ntw,;rcshslyUs
SilyDnsDn and
Wei MlaoJe
1 still eontinue in the Met chant Tailoring business with rooms ta
Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa.
and take tbia meana of informing tbe people of Ssyder sonoty, IVa. I
bave on band a well aelected stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
and samples from tbe best and most reliable New Tork and Philadelphia
bonses, aod will sell lower tbao ever.' Cutting, Cleaning. Repairing, Bye
ing aod Scouring done on short notice.
Nov. ltf. H. B, BUCK
Eo. Pout. Pl.aa. announce my name a a ran.
aiuaia ior jury ijommiaeionrr, auiiiact to tue att
rition oi toe jtt-
I net.
March 1.
itpubllcsn Primary on tha mh
Z. TAYLOtt oemherlino,
The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun
and Rifle Combined.
This nystcm in combined riflo
and shot-gun offers advantages
over other makes even moro
marked than .thoo for shot
only. They far excel all oth
ers in strength, accuracy,
workmanship and balance.
QD I f Ff Side-snap action, best decarbonized hl.,wi
F li 1 VI LdO cstoel barrel 10 or 12 gauge shot, 44 Win
nscterc. f. vitie artridgc ' weight 10 to 121bs, price S30
Top-snap action, samo as above, 38-55 Ballard cartridge, or
44 Winchster, price . . 35
The above pricct includlo 100 paper she and one box f
A Complete Assort
ment of
Artificial Bait, ect.
I respectfully uubiuit to you a few prices: Assorted
Trout-lies at 25c. a dozen, tr, out-hoks to gu 25c. per do.t
plain trout hooks 5c per doz. best oiled-silk lines from 3
to 3 cents per yard, all other lines from 1 to 2 ceuti po
yard. Keels from 25c to $2. Orders by mail promptly
attended to.
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa.
ol Penni.
EnlTnit Por. Pleaa. announoa tha name of
W. H. Wolle ol Mtitiiteereok twn. aa a eauUldata
fr Jury C'ommt anloner. Mr. Wolle haa beeu a
Ilia long republlouu. aaoUller In tha lata war and
Id avary way uual fled for the otfloe .
Dic-eifiios Brothers, Selinsgrovo.
We are daily adding large quantities of Spring and
Simmer goods to their already immense stock of
Clothing, Hats, Caps, tXewfehy, &c.t
Neckwear, Trunks, Satchels, whiclTwe are selling at as
tonishing low pricesisQCfanting any House in Central
Pennsylvania. , Thoiv6nderful incref se in our trade dur
ing last year filfe U8 witb hope and we are prepared to
meet all atfiands. . We despise imposition, invite oppo-
sition.Knd defv comnetition. .
Freidmanfe Getz, Beavertown, Pa,
TJie undersigned desire to inform the vubliethat tht-u
have just returned from the City with d fine Stock of
Consis'tkl 6i afulLUnop" .
BlankeJ;s Hidps, Shawls, Ladictf
. . Gent's and Children's Woolen
and Cotton Underwear,- a
full line of Ready made
Ladies' Dress Goods, Groceries, Motions, Jewelry, Cloth, t
Watches, Chains, Glassware, Queensware, ete. ' vd
We sell Cheap for Cash or Producer-tor wKith c s cSj.
ways allow the highest price, We hevs been t!:::
With a liberal pzironaje, are thzrJfztl f:r i) cii
hcpstorieriittzTmtl'j l?wrri::Jc :: jfr V:" ' xt''