Dciire to call the attention of ch Public to their Largo and Varied Stock of FooFBDBttQDire, airpQto, CuDona godI (DODeir Wjfq9 PDacao; Fcjaopo and small Musical Instruments. Wo carry the largest stock of the abovo goods in Central Pennsylvania, and a visit to our upacious waro room, will fully repay you and wo hereby extend a cordial invitation to visit us and get our prices bo foro purchasiug.We are offering i,r arpct Stock at special prices and liavo made great reductions in every department. REMEMBER : OUR GOODS ARE DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OP SNYDER COUNTY ! AVo also have a full line of Oil shades, Lace, Damask, Turkoma Curtains, Curtain poles, Cornice, &c, in fact anything pertaining to the furnishing of a houso and all at prices 25 per cent lower than city prices. J. K. SMITH & Co. (Limited 220,222, 22i,Pront St., Milto ftHffBHBH1!!! Fond Mother Entertained. A woman on wlioite fan deep lines had traoed tbe word "old without age," walked about a dime museum leading a boy. "IIoo, wcel" tbe boy exclaimed, look there." "That's the fat woman." "What inado her fair' I don't know. Rating so n.uch. I don't know, I toll you. Will you ever be that fat. I hope not. Why. Rucause I don't want to ba so fat. Does It hurt. No. I think not. Then why don't you want to be so fat. Because I couldn't get Around. But you wouldn't have to gt around. Tana could get a bit; table an1 you could set on it an I1u.m1i. Why. If you don't hush I'll taka you out of here. Do you have to pay to net out. No. But yon had to pay to get la, didn't you. Yes. Why don't you have to pay to get out. I you don't u, iook tuerel wuat's tliat man doing, Spinning elnsx. How spinnioK it. If don t know. Then how do you know he's tpin nlng it. If you don't hush this very minute 1 11 spank you when we get home. Yon trifling little rascal, you annoy me almost to death. After a short silence. Ma, what is annoy. Dottier. What's bother. Are you going to hush. O, what's Hint. The ClrcatHian lady. What's the matter with her hair. " ' yulfaitig', rt'a natural. How natural. - It was r1whk that way. Wheu she was a tiuncy baby. Gracious alive, no. Then how could it be that way ul- ways. Bhe took hold of his ear, 'Ouch, now. Don't you cry here. If you do I'll whip you when I get home. Why musn't I cry here. Everybody would laugh at you. Would the fat womau laugh. Yes. Why. Are you goin to hush. Yessuiu. What are them men doia'. They are cowboys, showing What's a cow boy. A man that drives cuttle on the plains. If he's a mas how can he be a boy, Didn't I tell you I'd whip you if you dld't hush. Yessutn. Are there any calf boys, I think not. Little children would be calf boys, wouldn't they. I suppose so. Am I a calf boy. No. Why. If you don't hush this very tuinuto I'll wear you out. You shall nover go anywhere with me again.never, uevtr o long as you live. I couldn't go after I quit livin1 5ould I. No. I'll be an angel, then, won't I I suppose so. Will 1 look like a bird. 1 don't know. JJke a chicken. Merciful luavens. no. What will I look like. I don't know. Now, hush. But I can fly, can't I. Yes, Way up high. Yes. Won't I fall. No. I can ketch birds, can't I. I don't know. Dutif I fly fast I can, can't I, I suppose so. Will 1 go around and wrevtlo with people. WbaM You trifling rascal, what do you mean, Bay. Why you read In the Bible that Ja cob wrestled with an augel. I'm going to tell your fatherto whip you lust as soon as we get home. You'll see, sir mlud if you don't. You promised to be a good boy, but you hare beeu meaner than you ever were before. DUase don't tell hiiu WLUbe good. Yessuiu. After few moments of silence. Look at that man, got on woman's 7lotbes. , That's not a man. It's the boarded lady. How bearded. Got whiskers. Will you have whlnktrs. No. Wlir. I don't-,look here, didn't you tell mo that you would be good. You give ine the horrors. I V hat are horror. uoma nere to me.' line eeizeu huh o- -I.. i .i... I ...v. on. .tub Hunting iiviu iiic house, a man addresned her, saying that the performance had beguu down stairs. Ma, what's Hi performance. rihe Jerked him through the gate and led him away. Arkausaw Travi eler. ELECTIONS III 1333- All the elates will elect presiden tial electors Tuesday, November C. The electors then chosen Kill tbeo meot at their respective state copi tola WeJuesJiiy, December 5 and, cast tbeir ballots for presidtnt and vice presidout of tbe United Slates, Alabama will elect state officers and legislature Monday, August 0, and congressmen Tuesday, Novem ber G. Arkansas will elect eta'.e officers and legislature Mondny, September 3, and congressmen Tuesday, No vembcr G. Culifornin will elect part of its legislature aud coDgrussmea Tues day November G. Colorado will elect state officers, legislature and ongrsssmou Jues- day, November G. Connecticut will oleot state offi- corn, le-rislatura and conpitHB.nun T .,.,., v.,...i,. r. eV UUUUT a ' V 1 V au WUt W I ' I nm ... . . a . I ulamn tx tit 1 1 1 l.tnt l.im.J.i 4 I .-. ... and congreastnon Tuesday, Njvem- ber G. Florida will elect covernor. lieu. tenaotgovertior, legislature aud congressmen luesday, dumber u. Georgia will eluct governor and legislature Weduesdav, October 3, J nd congressmen Tuesday Novcm- Illinois will elect governor, liou toniint-t;aviruor, secretary of state treasurer, auditor, attornoygeneral, legislature und congreasuiou Tuns dsy, Novembor G Indiana will elect state oflicurs, legislature and congteubmen Tut6. day November G. Iowa will elect minor state officom and congressmen Tuesday, Novem ber 5. Kansas will elect state officers, legislature and congressmen Tues day, November . Kentucky will elect congressmen, Tuesday, Novembor G. Louiamna will elect statj officer, aud legislature Tuesday, April 17, and congressmen Tuesday, No vein ber G Maine will elect governor and otu er state officers, legislature and con- gressmen Monday, September 1(J. Maryland will elect congressmen Tuesday, November G Alassucljuxetts will elect state of- Gceis, legittlatuie and oongresBineu I Tuesday, November G. Micliioau will eKct state officers. legibluture and oouglesHmeu Tues day, November 0. Minuesota -till eluct state officers, logiblatuce otid congtussmen Tues day, Nuvouiber G. Mississippi will elect congressmen Tuesday, November G. Missouri will elect state officers, legislature und congressmen Tues day, November G. Nebraska will elect state officois legislature and congressmen Tuess day, November G. Nevada will eluct legislature and congressmen Tuesday, November G. New Hampshire will elect gover nor and other state officers, legiula ture and congressmen Tuesday, November G. New Jersey will elect legislature and congressmen Tuesday Novem ber i. New York will eloct governor nnd lieutenant governor, legislature and congressmen Tuesday, Novembei G, O..io will elect secretary of state aud congressmen Tuesday, Novoro ber G. Oregon will elect congressmen and legislature Juue 4. Pennsylvania will elect a supreme ojurt jadge, legiblature and con gresemen Tuesday, November G. Jtbode Island will fleet slate of. ficift ami Jegif Iaf ma Wednesday April 4, anl congressmen 'J uesday, November G. Son Hi Csralion will elect state of fice"' nhlare and eontf ressm. 0 i uesd-ty, November 0. lcooessee will elect rovcroot log.B.alnro oud congressmen Tues- Aa,v V.amua, ft f " Texas will elect state efficeru, leg iplature and congressmen Tuesday, November C Vemont will elect state o fibers, legislature and congressmen Tues day, r-'eptembor 4. Virgiuia will elect congressman Tuesday, November 6. West Virginia will elect stale of' fleers, legislature and congressmen Tuesday, November G. Wisconsin will elect state officers, legislature and congressmen Tues day, November G. When u.juruUU comes feeling around, and you have a tooth that begins to feel as though a Fjirlng chicken was digging away at its roots it's time to pullet out Whaa Thj waa eUrlr, we. (are hr Owt-I, Wk aha wm a Child, aha eried fur ('aetorla, Whan alt b.iiaine Hmt, alia eSaiif to Cutork, Uret Excellent J. J. AtkiDs, Cuief of I'olice.Knox ville, Tenn , writes: "Aly family and I are beneficiaries of your most ex cellent mediciue, Dr. King's New f x . - . . a IliDiAWArtf iiit tftitri a ri m rw mn hanmrv vIBwv Ivl J IUI VV'UQIIUILIVU t WKVIUU . . .... .. found it to be all that you claim for it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom Iblve recommend eJil Pr.1'Ha ' at every opportunity.- Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is guaranteed to cure Couirlis; Colds. Bronobitis. Asthma Croup and every effoction of Throat, Chebt and Lungs. Trial Bottles Free 1 f r t!Ll. 1.1'. n L't... at O. M. Hhindel's Drng Store Largo ize $1. FROM LIFE TO DEATH U but a moment it' rhounutuiu or niirat- :aiiiikn tin; iicurt. 'lliufu ditvxiv) hti me iiuwt phi, i, i,l m'l tt.o i:ift l:ir., t-i out -!' any t i uitii h human kind is iiuliiu l'liuy ily l.-niii one null to uiuiliier w ii nuili i m n.H'rt's v.iriiiu.r, niul linii'.'.a.U uiui 'iiiicr initwurd ii;iili..iitio:ia arc in tln m. clvt laii;,'iuii. we uuco liieyaro iia'il t inveliio ,in-.o to nuic vital tir ;aiis.ii(l a i iso iiis'.nul ileatli, liliounmliHiii nn u'lji'iil'ia uie.li.'M.fji)f tiie Lio n!, Mid nil Lj Ka lie.1 n remedy Iiic.'j will Irive fr.i.u t!io 1 i 1 tUtf iaii- r u.-. mid. iucliare::i-j.! ii Adilniiiiitrw. Ji iinn Uvu dmr mlily i-.-lc-l h.:d la a Nile, Mill :urc. S'Tieo ('rc-..!, Pn., IVt. 5, lx$r,. In .ins? ;.r i y-n:r ifiii.'hl t' know .ni wir A'.!i!..d. ;. I.::s tlcnu ( r me, I nil jy it Iikh (lono B'p:i.IitI'uI Hoik. I li:iv HiiU'eivd i'riiin rln!iii.i;itij;.i t r cil.tt in r.i initro r Icjm, att.l Rniui-tiiri i net id ! ti) i it my elotlin on or fit nlouo. 1 loci; all kill. In, doctored iili n good I'.fliy din tcin, Ii it nothing did mo any i-od. J wan etiiui worse intiiid vf h tur. i rend your udverli..e'.ieut in t!ie "K.-iuo- rrat sn l "Kntmel ' import of J.tis.i.. town. 1 luive tu!:i'ii in all fnor l.i.l.lin 1 sn.l "Sontinel" feel no nain. I wim il.-awu i-Mo'.ed, L:i: now l urn i.trnl'Mt i.ine more. J lian's vm mr me poon ii uo:ie mo. .iim .tpiioros i. tlio iiRtli.'iuu. ruii.ii U.viu ii i.n, Y'ojr iiicdlcine Ims ctu'O'l mc c f lu-nrul-dia. I sullorud with it for three days, mm it gave i. if intatil relief. Wm. F. Kincii. I'aluivra, X. Y., AuL-i:st 10th. 1836. 1 uifd oiio liottleof Atlili'plioroB lor iuu mUda nt1 r lnin laid I up t i -ht wt-cLs. Tin rot-nil wan very baiibluctorv. U. s, r.M.v. Kvery lril;ls,tilioiild keen Atlilopliori ul Alliloj.lioroH Pills, lul where tlit-v run lot le biiulit of I ho drug-Mat the Ail,), ih.inw (., Hi Wall .St., Ntw York, wi! H'u l either (carriage paid) en jen-ij-t t.. osr ilar -ricH, which is H.fO per Ifttli or Atlioihoros nnd 10c. for Till. If-r llvr nit klJnoy rtlfrnic (!tirla. In t;.v.iii. wi-akiicw. nervous ilcl.llliv. lu.-a. .t .).,!.-n, ifintiiMitlon, hvudci-liv. lniurr IOO I An Old Citizen Cpcaks- Sir. J. M. Ncrris, an old resident of homo, Oa,, says tbat be bad been badly troubled with Kidney Com plaint fur a great many years and with Eczema for tbree years i at tunes could scarcely walk and bad tried many remedies witbout benefit, until bo began to take Lleetrio Hit ters aud annointing hia bands and feet with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbis treatment afforded bin. great relief aud be strongly recommends Electric Bitters to nil wbo suffer with Kidney Complaints, or need a mood runner. Sold by (i. M Sbindel. 45P$TS 5??i ENTIRELY W AxrUJI an I WtltJti Tbara wt wnndsrriilly enmptola enllaclion ol .... - , .c ui aim praoiu-ai wiiiuli haa av arbeoo pulilliij In any nation on tba aloha. A nurval 01 every day valua and Bi-tuaT money. Hundr- I. tiMn hundred, or beautiful and boh.: lul aiiRr.rlr.Kl. lu .i-Mordli.ary low uJ C, l B. youdoouipMlilon. Ni.il.U-v in in. whola 1 hta. ... ... ,,u ,,, aeifot aouiuili ofrcnltBluotullia rtoplo, and mIk. arei Aifeut Im-klnir for h na an t at...u wrlta lor lull dofurlptluu and term.. M dava1 tliuttflveu A koi. 1 1 without eaplUI. ' , . HfAMAIELL. k t'O. Ili.f 7I, r t i '.. ! ,'H,1'AlKU '. pa. 01!! IV! BACK Vrtry itnle r mid BlUrti that weak Back wa vaari pniinHi jv. THC ESTTQHIC Btreawikcaa the Ola-M-Ira, . Htradlra tha Nrrrca, Fartrtioa Id Dlrv.l, OIvm New VIor. Pa. J. b MiiM. Vlr(lld, to. ari - itniwn-a 1t I1ittn i thr. Imw( Iron nrdlcrna I ktn knowa in mr Sufn' prtl. 1 ! ond It aiMoUUr bwiH"il In dttoii m fhrtinl ih.uwlon, aad In all dvlillrvwliif ailnwmU thai lwf k-ImiiU cat tha .Uni. tlx it liwlr In mj own fmlly." Ma, W. W. Known, mi Mln St , Onln.w. Kr . aw: "I wa niMclF bnikan d-iwu In liraltb nd irmj,lJ )! pim In my f . ,..""" Ir0" iiUan aauralf MUml Bw ta tUh." OavainatiM abnTrada Mrk andaiiiw.d rd Hnaf oowraULnr. Tnllt! olhrr. Miujaonlftr BKVWJI lUEMltAJL UALTlMVkX, SO. ARBUCKLES' same on a paokage of OOrJTXX ta a guaraatee ol ezoellenoe. ARIOSA COfTEE Is kept In all flretlase tores from the Atlantio to the Paoiflo. COFFEE i nerer Rood when exposed to the air, lwar buy this brand lnhermetioally "na urn ruunu fAUiiAUkU ESSENTIAOILS WlNTEKtlMK.KN l-KITi'.HMIN P, I'KN.NY KO V A L St' t A H M I NT fco. -if prima (iiiiiilir, botinlit In imy quantity I-- nt h on ilcllVBry, irca wl brokoruiia, vuuimlMiluii turaua. fcc. by DODGE & 0LC0TT, Importer and fcxpartait, 80 willluDi St. ti. T. rj-t. S3, 'ST. Cm S.F SHI ART, Centrevllle, Snyder C$ , Pa. tjqI Tiirn Tncmi 1Q1 1'llU 1U0D1 Only Omt-olai.SlookCoiupBBi. rrplinld. No i'riuilum Isott-a. No Ancuam BOARBINGr HOUSE. PHK undHi'siptiPd having ruadt -L Bini1a preparation lor the aoooinmodotlon oriba piihliaould r-'Upeotfully annoum a ibal La will lurnlab boardlntr and li-duli:, atibt ralecf OThtyfla eenta day or twenty-tlTt ronua luaal. Stabling aad lead (or hor.t-f luraUhed eh. p. 1'biu. not b.alOK tried bll tBl-la Br raipeot lully liiTifed toeall, and they will rol no dUfikii.tled. Nooma a lew .loon w.at oftbt Court Uuuia, MUdlel.urah, pa, I'eo. 1,1181. Piopriator. flu URrNCArHiQ KfciiVOUa 2;kdUlUTY PILLS. j. - II A ur mid aale tt-tclfic ftr weak. ' If? "..V, "7 tlel.iliiy of the ncrvotm i ?.r:'JJl "J . "J 9nnu f xliaiuhtton urinnr v V A r&1'1 yul'''l,l iuprtnicnie,ei(f&M: r. (i HJ ft ovtrwnrk it Uxy itnfl bruin f ( '' ''"V''.i r!jin rhv(t:l and niititule;t!; ) iii' inory ind irtual ir " '-yr. ;-.r-c'y tu: ts olo V0UMf. ' "'' l 1. J' rpired auti . t v.' ' VjsC J Oi M IjfujiH'i .nbor.!fn " :i . . 1 d; rott 'iiu;, t.cni l.inm uLt Chick-Cliick-cr-re-Keg JLCD CHICK CMiu I MAKES HENS LA7I rBrvr.N-rn APEA 1'HKtl llTa KOIIp. iKKt r.n tn t uomt rm 1.ATINW hOfT KfirCS, TU KUU-KAliaO, If fad va7 day. OilckMcJt-r-r-V. (poultry food and nrevon. live of diiaaM fur pOu Itry), the I real Itrr), ue utl and ays tiod, d jr tlia produce, rgg. prodlgio u.ly and l goo htalih of ilia Hwlinc. It u the f. litaiin 01 the b.wlinK. It U flrat artkle of lu kind ever I'alenwd in tba United bulu, Canada and iuigliind. Try it. It eou only ix cenu per round. It it no oowder. Lhickcm will eat it. Ubal ought (0 ronviaca ynu that It it giml. If your Grocer, Dnigg"'. nardwaro or Country Skxtkeeptr will not at It for you, aend nu one dollar, and I will .hip you a twenty-pound boi by freight, or one hundred nounda fur fire dollaia. A luge bos will coat you bo mora freight than a small boa. Attend to your poultry, if you want la nuke a profit out of them, put the aame a. you land It will aot pay you. Juit ao with poultry you mutt give tk.ni eonieUiiiig betide. Utd. 1 hy vo our ibuh nave tualerlai to amwer lor grinder., and a.ai.ri.1 for the egg. If you feed C'hiLk-chii.k-er. n-kee (egg food) every day you will never bava any tick chicken., aad your hn. will lay egg. when oiherwiie they would not You will never do without It after a nth- trial. Do not py twenty aire or fifty cent, a pound for medicine to feed Jour poultry wlien you can get a better article out your storekeeper at ai. cenu a pourul. Don't U a cuua 1 try u. Maaulatlurad In tba V sited etaiaa euly by 8. S. MYERS, Patentee, &3 N. rront Si. PHILAD'A, PA I are ia.ru, bet akaee wke wrMe ta a tJe-.Terwaaa, mm., win reeotve rrea, full laruiwwloa abuat work wlilcb 114 eaa a, aad lln at aoa.e,tkM will aw V l-l ac iiftilli IPUH III 11 IJ aa-4u mtJMi Htm uty ' w- W MM um eanwe ever le ft - Bfltllra4. Ml ai, aawtataiy tw.vi. " a a yer Bay aim here ma. wh ui aM. rrtii. e. 1Me.wk.eietataaea iviti:itv. REVC. T. WALTER. Salfsraan for CliM. W -aiawurt a Co'i.. NnrmrT Niark. Km Tork. will ha iilttud la aaenr arilart fnr llila popular flrin, far anTtblny In tha Nararf Una. tltanlea ai d Nw Varlatlaa aaia--iaii7 muxirtty mnall any athar-In prloa and qaalltf. Hatlalartlnn ( u.ra Slaad. Ha win can oa an partial mat ailtf rat blia i ranna ran, a)Jr uoa mij, rm aa si, National Hotel 1 y WM. HOLZWORTH 8EL1NSGKOVE, 1'A. Ramfldalail, Kalurnlahad and Impro?ad. Tha mo.t rantrallt loaalad hotal In tbatowo. Flrat OlaM acoommodatloni for tha travallDg pakllo aprii la, -aj. UNDERTAKING! E, L. BUFFINQT0N l-enlrei to maka It known to tha iikolU of Mll rilrburgta and leiultv that ha lia rxtno-laled and linpro- il bla Hrlli and i roTI-li'd blm allwIibaNo 1 Ira . r t'orn-a (-roertur. Ill li alo . ro-lla.l hi (all lth ana of tha lit ant lioirO' I f nhltn bg aj nttif( out tatilan Ppsmdk ma aioiaaiTKKa n r ita u.a in ibia u.iirlct. All thl baa Jot r at a (tat apana, aad Mr. Iiulllna: B n-ai-reilully aik. your -r.ina, aa oa Iia- pi-rl-cia-1 arrai.a maniatotako tba orpi t ba nd ami porforn II tha lourtlima nf a In aral Iraatur-llm- av ldln tho rinbarra-loaot aodlndooLVCbiaiicr aiaa( aoooinau j!d (uuarala. pHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLKR, Trop'r. SollnHyjrovo, Pa Thlallotal laDlaaai-nllylocatad In lha "annara, ami iia Tarynaairauia place for trarelnra to.t.ip dibhtdi aucuininiiaaiiiina at Luw ribi, I't-i oii)lpplncnnra will baanralocallaRaiu. Tin i ui nquiir i u ma uai evnrolaaa Kaalanraa In eon t, llnn . Atr.lU.'7 OWH-, AKU Ol'KRATM OVB 6,000 -V3iles Or I EEJtCTLY CONHTnUClXD XAILWAI. FENITRATKSTHI BIST PORTIONS Of ILLINOIS, IOWA.WI8CONSIN, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, and WYOMINO. Haaidn Eipcva-mtaa moat .Mnpl modem equip BKTn'EKN MILWAUKEE, 8T PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA TIH IPOS KEOION8 OP MUTIW. 1MB rilRIt I.AW1-H or I'tHQI j AM MH'.rm-hN SKPPAPKA. jnr iim y link ro 1 11 1 HK MnNKF.lt LINK Til (l.l roU.NIA. F- m.pa. time ublea, aud tnloematwa la aua (uUeet H. A. CROSS, Tratellaf 1ft., Laaoaiter, ff llflRViN HUBHiTT H. C. WICKER E.F.WtLSON rrtuUnt, Trtfi Afaaaar. Cea. eat. the cor..ion SENSE P1IH sis A m - FfA If Ufa iHii! 2 tliJym- Si! W 1 5 SatwMtla bneiMM men who will rtr H Droour t.tln Uiitt, u wanUMt in liandU thb pomp la mmrj town ta U. M . k 1.4 f V.I IT. -..A U ft g,. . corimd uotrul at MiiuLl U1T.U117 tuJt'ftUvawljr oMupiskil CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY MANUFACTURER Ir'A-SSB ViWtir S2Ti biK'urs.Pr.llaislplili, Pi. IADIEsV raXyitYV"? I.uaiuel your atarui. lan. a iwr. i-uj,a B wmk and vou havr tha Knot ioii .-I tvuvaln ! J B. 8KLUL1MEU ri ALr.n in EMROWA1CE Iron, Kails, Steel. Leather, Faints. Oils. Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANVFACTUllr.lt OF Stoves & Tinware MARKET STRUCT. LewlNiown, Xenna nor. x.'H. Blanks! Blacks ! Blanks ! ! Tbe following Blanks will always be found on baud at tbe Tost Print iog office. Ore Leases. Blank Releasee Agreements, Constablo Sales, Warrants, Executions, Subpoenas Justices' Dunn, Certificate of ScliolarLip, Judgment Kxemntion Notes, Financial Statement on Shool Hoaid, Sic, do , &a. All blanks not on band will be promptly printed to order. Itlcrclmis'st lousc iia sc -lies NORTH THIRD 8TREET. PIIIL'A PA Terms --l-CO per'day. r AiNp) x Sl'AIl', ir s J. A. SPA UN, Mnnnicer. CM. Miller und W.H. Morison, Clerks uco. 1, lani, New Shoe Store ! AUNOLD'S BUILDINO, Middleburgh, Pa. Tlio utulcrsisucd having opened a new shoo store here takes this method of calling utention to his superior lino of incl iding the leading makes of hand-manufactured Leath er and standard Jtubhcr goods The quality of material, itylo of manufacture and tlio iow prices will i t oneo mako the goods admired and desir 1 I II , oa. uiui ana see it. W. J. GAUIrTAir. Mason & Hamlin" Organs and Pianos. Tba C.blnat Organ ni Introduced by Maenn A Hmulln In isnt. Aliuon to Ilamllu Organa have Blwaya malntnlnrd their aupreuiacy over all other., having ruoolvoil lilKhuat llouora at all Ureal World 'a aUlubitloua tinea 1N07. Tha ImproTed Mode of StrtnKlng Planoa, tnvenUd by Maoa A Uaiiilln In lhrtl, I. a grut adrajiea la piano eon.trncllon, cxnerta prononnclng It "tbe en ateat Iniprovauient In piano, lu half a rautory. llano circular, cnnbiluiug 8m) toatlmonlala from pnrcbaaora, niu.lciana, auu tuuora, Bud 1'laoo Bad Orgau CaUiloguca, froa. lusotr ft mxm onoiir axd mso w., M lut Uta It (Mog Hurt)! mr 70S. ClIHtS WHtHniTESfTATLS; tlKiunti Hyrup. Taauaaamid. In time. Koldbyil no. Kolilrtyilt-ULwi.ta. 5" I boliov Plno'g Cure for Couauuptton laved mr life. A. II. Dowell, Editor Kuqulrer, Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. PISO Tlia best CotiRh MedU duo la Piso's C'Dua fob Commomption. Children tstks it without objection, Uy all dUKjfUt. S60. it ti. i t Ail L.U I.. 1 j BealJJo. ti brou Ta--a ou4. DM yi 1 0- I B. B 4 r KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) ir it, .1 THan Aoj Oilier Dm rowcrful Tonio hat tba tdallcaU atoraach will bw. A pacific Por Malari. Ithcumatisin, Nervous Trostration, nd Bll CIrrin Dtaaaiea. cknsfi'i. ui,ood evtiiiiiu ' Huporlor to iulnlne.' ' " I .tDu Fl Mlllr, hotua phymalan at St. FrJ cl. Hoaplul. New Yoilc, hV ured KHklna f- Ha bj 1 ' Kn.klna I. a mrdklna ol tha hlithnt V' ZTIZL l'm'rf ". PTnianenll,! ia,, -"-, pieaaant to let 01 her Utr of a almllnr rh.racter fmm pna Bnt liidlvldnn la. whlrh .inn tr..ki.r "l dbiiuuD.' un,luul,,e1 "uerl'. " b. aaat on "J Kimklne can ha token without any rpeolal aiJ li-al advice gl.OO par bottle, holjby orirnt ly tna-l on rpoplpi of nrlca. I ELY'S CATAR R K CREAM BALK C 1 e n n se th Alliiys j'ain ftn I n II n timintioti. Heul8 tliu horoh Kpstore b tin rfcVFSVIRl SfUHPH cif Taslt itnil ISiiiell. TRY THE CURE JKt laAY-FEVETt A pirtlrlc I. appllrd lolo oauh nortrll ainl I utrrt-ralile. l'rk- So cenl. at lirucirUtu . I. nil rrui.ii.ri-d. C'J cU. KI.Y liUOIIIVIIH -k JIl-rnBU-u r-l., NW lotk. CQfirt AJtONTII, Nnoapltal required VUvV uuod nlMiico to In.-ki- iiioner. A i t.ll Uir larill.i,. a, n...... U u -f i 1 .. . .... .....-..j vm.., ... o. uuvrnacu ii-wnrn. it, j. Ni-w iii.uiIh. .shiu; Un.lroe va JLJJk-J JL K aii.an.oa plrt. Hlrany tio .y orti F, HILL' nui ii. i , iunilie. 3 VL"?Z.VS2y: rraichltl.. JtMhma, IndbmeUnn I Uar PARKCR'3 OINCER TONIOlUiiSrdii.J. It Laavuii maiiyuf the Hvretoiuceurid 1. Uie bart r.m1r for all arrevuou. ol the thruai and lunae, and dlxiem ar1.liur from tinnure bliod and eihaumion. II f..h and ili-k. MrutrailmramiiiKUUaaw, and .lowly drtfun J. the (rrave, will in niany earn renorer thelrhaalUi lij the umelv uuof liu-kr'eOiiiir.rTntrlt, butdeUr teitwi -roui, l.ke II In time, ll 1. Invajuiile luc nil plm 3 Live Saved and ITnalt RoetrtTrlby.u,'n ir, Uid Liv.J XVCOlUl Clio I and IM alt A earUI. tauioily lor t;-.ntuiu tl.n, Urnnohl If, A.tbmtJ .-...ui., nun an ui run bdu nmgui.aB.ri. Pieuared " Bi 1 1 la qulta paNtthla. A.k for llaunr'a t)od i.fver Oil and Mali. ii not .old i y DriiKff'rt, writ to Manufacture " JWU. II. Bf KKIl, a to, April l.fl. ill Filbart St Pbll.. Malaria, Dumb Chills; Fever and Ague, Wind Colic,' Bilious Attacks. They prodnre) rearnlar, natnrat ararj uslloiia, not or ajrlp or inlarrarw wlta H.llT II II Ml IID... A1.I.IMII. MMI.IM "" ajvury uouaeuolU. - SOLX liVEUYWIIEUE. E P PS'S QRATEFUL-COMrORTINQ, GOO O A Vi ri t'iuiv A proved remedy for Consumption and dK gu.e. ol Throat and l.ungi. New Llle and VlRor liillowi I la u.e. Aik lor iiakar'e Oil and Malt, or wri to JUUN U.lilKKH kCU. April 1, . miadelpklB Liebig Oomijany's Extract OF MEAT, Flno.tand Oheape.t Meat FlaT f ouriiiK btock tur hi-uin, Mudal LllsbM bb Hauuoa, Auuuul ilu i,uoo.-JO0j4ra. I Liobig Company's Extract UK MEAT. An In-alimble tonlo. "la B iu' oa and a Ixiun lor which nalioin ahould Ira) grtelul." ta -Medual frera'Lanoet,' Genuine with Bluo Signature OF IIA RUN I IEIIIO In r.o-almlle aoron Inl-aL' highly ret-oinuioudad BI a UlgUl aau luauai, oraleoholtodrluke. I Liobig Company's Extract OF MEAT. To be bad of Bll Storekeeper. Oronera and Cbetul.U. Kola Agenlajler tlx Hutted Hutea (wbolanala o ly) LI. liavld Co., 9 t'auoburoa Arunuo, Loudon, i.uglaui b4 lo buy, and when lo get ll.e-t! nau pein fiir boruMl eaon., l'rti'e of 0 1 1 1 a oi luwa4iav .ed lffc A aw Ms rills OXJ3FLH3 it iau la lieltar than aver, and abavld M In tha hW "' OM"Jll'',1l1l buying 1 J I" Q C . latlawai. All k) m. w wia for a.ie.17 ail Utwaei. buu a . f