Desire to call tho attention of the Public to their Lnrge and Varied Stock of- . FagrraSftaoire,, Carpets, .Ojto aojidi Mhser Wme, pflgtros,, irgaarao and small Musical Instruments. Wo carry tho largest stock of tlio above goods in cntral Pennsylvania, and a visit to our spacious ware- room, will fully repay you and wo hereby extend a cordial invitation to visit us and get our prices bo fore purchasing. YVc are offering our arpot Stock at special prices and have inado great reductions in every department. REMEMBER : OUR GOODS ARE DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OF SNYDER COUNTY AVc also have a full line of Oil shades, Lace, 'Damask, Turkoma Curtains, Curtain poles, Cornice, &c., in J. H. SMITH & Co. (Limited.) 220,222, 22i,Front St., Milton fact anything pertaining to the furnisl ling of a house and all at prices 25 per cent lower than city prices. ! i '! i v -. i . i Fr&raents- Booiebody asked me toUka'a drink t What did I tf II him T What do you think t I told iiltu-No. Somebody asked me one to pley A Ratua of card :and what did 1 say T I told hlui-'o. Somebody langln thnt I will not swrnr, Atod He and Heal ; but I do not care : I told hliu-Xo. Bomebody asked me to take a sail On the Sabbatbdnyj'twnaof noavail; I told hlui-No. "If slonsrs entice thee, consent thou hot," Iff Bible said, and so on the spot I told lilni-No. TbaSightScrtcfa Tenant. Oh, yea, I huro all kinds of ten ant," said a kind facrd old K-ntle luaa; "but the one that I like bet l a ebild not more than ten years old. A few years airo I got a chance to buy o piece of land over on the went fide, mod did ao. I noticed there was an old coop of a hoase on It, but I paid man came to me and wanted to know If I would rent It to him." " 'What do you want It for!' says 1. " To live In,' he replied. " 'Well I .aid, you can have it. Pay me what you think it la worth.' Tha first month he brought me $2 and tin second month a little boy who ea'd be was the man's 1.011, came wlth';3. After that I saw the man once Id a while, but la the course of time the boy paid tho rent reuulurly. Sometimes lth $3 and sometimes wlt $3. One day I akd tha what bad become of his father. boy ' 'He'a dead, sir.' was tho reply. " I that so?' said I. How long has it been since he died?' " 'More'n a year.' he answered. I took the money, but I made up mind mar 1 would do over and lu-1 over there. The old shed looked quite deoent. I knocked at the door and a little girl let me in. I asked for her mother. She said she didn't have any. 'Where Is she.' said I. " We don't know, sir. She went away after my father died, and we've never een her since.' "Just then a little girl about three years old came In, and I learned that these three children had been keeping bouse together for a year and a half, the boy supporting the two littlu Kin ten by blacking boots and seliiiit; newspapers, and the cider girl manur ing the house and taking Care of the baby. Well, I Just had my daughter call on them, and we keep an ryo on them now. I thought 1 wouldn't dis turb them whilo they are getting along. The next time the boy cnino with the rent I talked with him a lit tle, and then I said: " 'My boy, you keep right on as you have begun and you will never be aorry. Keep your sisters together and never leave them. "I showed hiiu a ledger In which I had entered up all the money that he had paid me for rent, and I told him it was all his With; Interest. 'You keep right on,' says I and I'll be your banker, and when this amounts to it little uioore I'll see that you get a house somewhere of your own.' "That's the kind of a tutiaut I have. Chicago Ileralh Tbfl bayonet ia said to bovo de tlved its name from the fuct tlint it waa first made at Bayonne, ai;l erigin illnslra'es the proverb, 'No cessity ia tie tDOther of itvtntion ' A Basque regiment wus hiul pie-H. ed by the euuroy on a uicn;ii(iiiQ rulge near Hayoune. Ouo of tlio soldiers oggested that, as tlicir aiiunnijilint, waa eihansted, they shonKl lis their long kuivea into the barrels of their muskots. The ouggeBlion wna act ed opou. The first buyouet cLarge waa maJo, and the victory of the Baaqoea led to the manufacture of the weapon at Bay on do and its adop lion into the armies of Kuropo. Stood Hl3 Lifeless Heal . A distressing accident occurred at Pittsburg, recently at the railroad crossing on Eighteenth street. A workman named James Solomon quarreled with his wife and left the bouse Iu anger. Ilia wife followed him, carrying her child in her arms, and their little son ran after his fath er calling him to come home. J ust on -tha railroad crossing Solomon paused -ldoked back and waa knocked down by a passing train and his head was eat entirely off by the car wheels. 'Til's woman, eraied with grtei and horror, picked np the severed head, kissing It wildly and imploring for giveness for quarrelling. She was taken home by neighbors. Euclsbai Arnica Calve Tlio Hft. y,o in tho world foi L'nts, liniisea, Soros. Uleeis, Hull lliienm. Futer Soren, TVttur, (Jimp p.l Hands. Chilblains (. -orrid, nix! all Skin Eruptions, and poiiiy(.h aH8 1'ilna, or no pay rwpircd. It fT'iaraufCfd lo pie per fee I siilj:i. tion, or tnonoj rf ended. J i i,!t 2") cent por box. U M. Sbimlcl. To nil b nr suffering from tha error nnd InalsiTollotunf youth, Borvoue yrankiieaa, cmJ Janay, loMOf rnanhoo.1. tsn., I will wit 1 n ir:lj; thai will euro you, iT.F.B OF C IUrtGE. Tlilscrcat remedy waa lleooTcrJ by a mleslennry In fcmth America. Swod a soU-mldrxiiad i-nvolO to tlio RT. iamn T. Iraus, D, Iftm J'r fffy. H E I X K 'J H frra PARKRII !' CIMCF.R TOnlC nu ... . !..y. It h u nt til 1. n;i V if t T mi "t c U.-'l 11 lor ail ATfwtui-i t rtf i'u I ti rr-.t n;i I ty ! , aj 1 it. i-'i rf lii friuii iiiirt-c .MH nt. Omi'Wi..'i. f.-', ml ki,aM in.'v.inu?(nr.iint (i "!', m,. a.m'v if ii t I l irte- rinv, nl in in uv ! 1-1.1 -r thi fn-.i.iji i-r ' tlnu'lt n.i-f I'irl-.T ifiK"rT.m)r,l.iuli ;Hi 1..,, ,11- I i' :. it in u mv. l! uri'.iiM.'inf tdIu. i aid Uiavnlui-a oC floruw. h ftisU 1m v fcuo. At f ru,-,iU' WINCHSaTSR'S iii'Vnrimsri'iTK or l.nir. ni.jspn im liiutrl.lit'i renii'ily lorl'uioiiiniiiloi) in nrrr '. :i; 01 the ill. rm' -. I or Cuiih', U i-.ik I.iii.l'. I l r lilr'itn,IiFR of Kli-fh on I AM'tlit-, Mlov. r. lonti Idllrm rxl hi ltv It l n iint.iu lo I Sit.' Id H.-hnvtv. -H pirp n. Ki- viN!ir.S 'IKICS I'n iiiHlnn. t tf i f.' r Iu II.- Sn, by lruK(lU, WINCH KSTK'I a !n . M. , ' 10. V. Iillutu M , New Yuri: BOARDING ROUS 71 fPHL'i UhdeiHiiid 1 1 n v i 1 1 ; niinlo - mi pr.'tlrn fur flu nopo'.n , rtli pm,ip oulil r. .rei fully bp no. mo i ti n t t will furnl'h l.o.irillnu mill ...tK I w Mm.o r.toi.rserri, t-llv cet,t a rlny i,r lvci,tv-tlv conlf menl. Sttiblln u,l leri! lur horn i f'irallit'l rhanp. Tlio't not hTlnn irlei) Ma taMo ra r' ot-; lull, Inv'itil tnoall. nn.l tlif 7 will uol to I rt8ltFfle.. Hofinia low .lunrj writ uflbt! Court Hou, Ml.lJif l.urKh, Pn, I . OAllRlfL UK VHJ. E P P GRATErUL-COMFORTING. O-OOO A ANOTHER SUDDEN bEATH. Il.mlly a w'tk passes without tic t uiv ti.'li ly tlicnc3.:iiius(.fbiklili iMk'ut!if,:tul of lato ilia ularmin fiein ncy i.l .,o Many. li:ttit ll.nt dual It w;is euuM-d I y rlieiuiiuli .lil or iKUralgiai t tiie euiiuot 1'iil t'l li.ivu U'enimii'vil. In i.l I ir 'I nihility i"..n.y ,;.:.!hn ottlil.iil. il to l-yai t (!;.-c:mo i.rc ea..' el 1 lilt-. trrril'iei'ii-i.-.'mt-s ni'-l: r wore i:il:,'frf 1 st!i:.ii u f.nvnilly r-v i !.n.. i tlieroPiiy pi-bitivu enic' "The t iiu-uvir t mu ll a iiiielinti in j;iveu 1 y lln,t! wIm , ji t 'xen eurni y t'uo t..j nf Aihlnj lii re;. M, 5f:i 1M- I I..IV0 ll-.HIi.KM Wit 11 rlll'lllli: t :'.l! '.1 . lie of n;y km-'-s fur Vv-arc, leiunt tin a 1 ii j f.if fcevcr;.! d.i;-s. A'.hi.-jil.i r hi: nlii-i iy ci:rcil li.e. It I 11 1 iil .o cutr I U.j lriei!i!n i f n.iiio v In) wi re lliuwoi.-l cim I tyer H,ir, mm i.f tl.em n yi.unjt man n!v H ye:.js ' , wli ( w.ii r-t 'l.a.l t!u r's j;avo lii :i up. Two l.oi'.li ul'yui.r rciucdy tiiiirrlv cnn-il liici. liL-o.' V.'. Sl-l Kit, Mg'r Illamon.l .", Co. !.!.. r 1 1. 1 '). Tro li.)ltl.fif Alliliiiitirs riitvd i::i; nf .ii!laiiiir.atorv rl.i'iiniali'.i 1. My fu,;i'y I liVM.'inn wf vlnr-.l mo t,, t : k 0 it, fyhi,' l:o iri'l done a'l Im toulil, I i.t cu,.;, 11 t'yiva mo nny rc'. t f ; bi t Alii!, yla t -a drove i; away, nnl 1 nm iti;'iy loi-ay it a Ct:io lt:u !:. .M f ! :t 1 1 i : I . r -;u n!.-o 1 i-. . ... .i ... , - I.. .... cy nan a ikuio a:t- r h .: -r;i , ..i' rheum a' I .Ias: o- 21 I't ns nit ."- t.. V.':it( il-M! v e ana:l I V, (.Vim. Nnl'lia:; I'l' i, Ma-1 , M:iy ii, 1 i :, 1'iT liMiiy y. t I li .vo I .'a s , l. ( U tiisi'i'iitir.i.i ; i i: ,o.-1 in:-; -s. 1 . rU i j '. it i "-e i f -I ih-- I v. ;. i ii i 1 t ' li y 'tTi!...; I;'.r, ::;,. f, ir , .. n;; 1 .ii.icl to 1 1', a f .r rlu-: .i!l u. l.rv: 1 '-i ,- -c. Kverv ilr-i;'i lio i!.l k.-. n il,li rs J Adiluj iioro 1'iiis, lii.l i1ii.c li.jv i Lis t bo IhmivIu of ilu dniui t il e A:Mo liorus fo , 112 Wall St., ., w i.i k. w ill 'id either (cumaKO paid) i n reeiij.t uf u:ir in -e. liu-i i . I , , i r Al'ilJJi'iirv; ' I'V.-r nr. I I ; - 'I. r.-. .V.I M, I .e, A I ! 1. ill' I M'e. f, r 'ip. :(Vi-y " t o. . " .1 v-1 (.j stn, ;n. - il'TMih !. I ;iy, I ; , t '"-o ..!, In i! i i., in j ilt) i...i I iT, i.u. ,i:aii il. n W.H.FELSX' rOrULAR n ill ROOMS. Vnllcv Street, rrrs IlKW'tUUM KUITS, of ulli L:inlu and priet-Bj Mut-! tieHses, l eutLern, Pillow, ii . . .. jinifieiK, Wl .niiix'M. ; . I. n, . . " ' I i r a i ih, i allien, ,Sii,I(H ofllH. bluiuls. Huh ictuiH. Ac,, &o., &o , Ao. I A to line rf Jufn. Hemp. lUg, Ipprains, Tapcfclr, Hodv IhusoelH aud Velvet (Iiimuta. Art SiuiflreH.Hmr'r Win UiiffH. (?oca uiid Onlla hell any of tbo ntmve irixwl n.. i i . . . iub uouogui any piano, an. I fstatioo on P. it. 11 U iit ii. i ien tue jarcesi sioek tins Respectfully, Vondorfr.1 Ccr::. V. P. Hovt ft Co., Wholesale ond Retail DrnfTskl of Homo, Ga , sr.js : Wo linve boon Aolliiiff Pr. Kiu;n Nv Discovery, Kloclrio I5it NiMnud Ilucklou'rt Arnicf Salve fr two vriis. Havo netr LatiJIod r 1'tmiirn 1 1: at rx.ll on wi ll, or Rive f;nc! tinivL'isul patibfarlion. There hive bruu eniui womieif il cures if fnnf,, ,y tl.'cao lucdicinea iu this cit v. .'uvcral en"tn rf irouonncotl Ootiantnptiou hfifti boon ttitirely I nupil by uso of r fow boU!!e of Dr. Kini'B Now Discovery, taken iu . 11. If. a (rnncrtion n tiiocmo uiuois. Wo piiaraiiloo llipin alwuy8. .Sol.l by O. M. Shiodol. AFFUCTEDUKfO3T0HaT fir all otter tall cnnaull 13 jT- IiOBE n. isth it.. beiowciUowMii. rhua., r. f- '' " t"-;y " wc I ! It cr- ti'i,,.C. .ill or writ'. A('. ice It' dnrl ttitrtS chv ti.'.i-M'.i) II it a. III! , ml la i trtniir.. t)i. I' ! : J ) rrt gi'iB liU On at Irrti. itnmr mi l il in' !n: hH h (vwi rt tin. I M llsVITI r Hi tTKR Ml Uairihf CmL. CAliPIMlWl P.:i.NritmwlW, d lb 5VRUP CURES' ..v.jnr:-ii Full A.v...i' Q0.LDS. Jl ' r T t u. ..-tfti. w tfc .ViMsJ iUMir, M srwws r . ;t.' it:r i .i,'r rtr i,tfvsBr f r.r.l l. 'n 'l, f ' "nt-foan. ru's) C 'HJbi. e)sl M u 'r..ij "Ifii t aii-Hto Mrt, lrr a,tnssn4 f-wwi a.-i ('-oaj iMT t.Kull(1 rtst si n ve w t.o w-su4 rrfSv 11 5 vn l."s?wii t,ik'ti V.a rV. hew yohe: OBSEHEE. KSTAHLlSIlUn JS 7S23. THE OLDEST AND BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Six Rpftubr Editors; Special Conv roiMloiitu at llo:no ntul Abroiui; StOi'Jj3, Jovio.', Con tlonst il New?, 1H jiartnumtH for Formorf, Merchants, Hankers, IVoIVs sj.inal Men, Students, lJoys ami (lirl?. Tlii;? year tho On.snr.vr.n will liub'isli mere than FIFTY 1'iIIZE STORIES, ai:l the ill les t mul mof t popular writers will contribute to iU col umns. Tort. aiul pro:;o writers, autlion.. editors, men of bhYiico : ami wumcn of genius will fill the columns of tho OHsnnvEit, and i It willftivo lifty-t wo unexcelled papers in tho cuming year. i i'rieo, eil.OO ft year. I Clergymcu, $2.00 a year. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR 1888. 1. ThoUr.W YOCKODSgRYEil will be sent , for one yinr to any rlnpymnn not now a j su!eciiber, fur OMi DoLLAK. ; 2. Any f ul scriher b n Mug his own ftilnerlp ; tlon tut a yea-1:1 Kdvauc-s anl a new sutscrilior Willi Jj.tll, cr.n lavo a cnjy of tlio "Ireniou Ix tt rs," or " Ti.o I.lf j c f Jorry McAuky." I 8. ft'awill d nil tbo OUJKKVKIl for tbo ro j uiulu'liT of t;.ni year, unil to Juiuary 1, to i any now e ul.-ribi r s.iidljiir us lis nnino and i oJ IroM ntid $;.C0 in ailvcncc. To such sub j scriU-rs wo will also kIvo ililicr tho volumo of !"Irinipi! LotUi-s" or "Tbo Lifo of Jerry McAulcy." AiiealB wanted everywhere. Liberal terms. Lnnro commlikuont, Bainplo oopy free, A Ud rest, MEW YOPvK ODSCRVER, "i'OItlk. J Lewistown,!!1 r I'AUl.OU SUITS i Hr. wi Terry, Raw Sil't, Tlaii Ch ili and I'IiirIi antls l'iiil'r Kncl;er9, nil kidlH Mui l)l Top ThleH.Look itlf (llrtHBCH, HCIll" tl I ues, I'iclnreH, &., &n P.relin Door Mnt. Wil na low na sarua nnalitv can . . - tutv fre ubt c niraea to sua nie oricea or come atui . .. r . . . . . . siJo of riiiliiilt'Iplii. W. II. FKLIX. 3 2 t-j 7 ti.u i'ur t-tr I . i Liobig Company's JK struct UK MEAT. Flnot flirt I'Ihui m Mi-tt Klnr ourluK Htwk lr Sou, Mmln Dlrhoi nni Hauro, Aunual ,uoo,'iuu J r. Licbir Coiiipiiny'H JCstrjut UFMKAT, An In lnoli tnnlr. "I a me' eoti () a I mn tor w ti loli nm li. ni tlimilil l'i' 3 KWlslul." Hee Mutlionl l'r,' -Jinncvt,' ko Genuine with Blue Signature UK HA I.l IN 1 IF.mOliifie-ilmllPiirro.'ailnhH. ti iKMy rcoti imndeil m a nijilil c nuicud of ali'i.liiillo drink. Iiiebig Company's Kstract OF MKAT. T Im hd of nil f turckoflif r, Jrocrrn nn l l)lnmlft. M do A- cnt" lur t lt 1 filled 8tnt ("li'ili-nlo o .y) I'. Ilnrl I fc Co., V Fein hiuck Attniio, toiinliin, I-IikIudiI For IMA li bMtn than rrr. und ohmild In th hnd ofrff rr ttwii cntmplit(ni( buying O CCRQ PLANTS sr D12LB3. linii.n.l .tf lllurmioni. ami tinirly I.'hi Irllina win! to 1'iir, anil whora In i-i-l It.rml namiiiff lnwrpt prl'- for li'int pwN, prti of ol I PK only lOivnia, lucluUiU2 ft Crrllfli-nff a-v . fnr In r-n W"Mh of hnla. JA-113 VK'K. si:i:ism.n. . . UocUeatcr, ti. , Chick-Chi:l;-cr-re-Kco o53 HAKES HENS LAYI pnrvrTfTPi Arro, If fe4 CTrjr dy. Cllclcf hirk-r-i-T c (otiHnr food inl prrn Htsj of dit4 tr ptiuliiy), ti e treat rg IlhxI, rruHucet prtMliio ualr and la good lr th health ol lb fowtifiy. It ii the fret article of its kind ever t'atfnteil i tH Vnitrd Sluice, ( ana nd KnjUnJ. Try It. It cou only nt rents per pound. It no powder. Chicktm will eut it. otijht to convince) ynu that it Is food. If our Grocer, lnigiHt. J lard ware or Country Storekeeper will nut get it for you, send me cue dollar, and I will ship you twenty-pound box by freight, or one hundred pounds Cx five d liars, A lara box will crU you no more fieiht than small box. Attend to your poultry, it you want to make a profit out of them. Just ll.t same as you attend to your land Unlaws you manura your land U will not pay you. Just so with poultry ; yoi mint j-ive them aoDiatUtug besides Ired. Ihey must have materia) to answer for grinders, and mat Tin I for the egg. If you feed ( l7uk-chkk-r-re -lie (e food) every day you will never haw any si V chickens, and your bent will I . y eg.s when otherwise they would nrt. You will neer do without il after a fair trial, lio not pav twciilv five or fifty cents a pound fur medainc to fred if our poultry when you can get a better article xom votir siorekeencr nt sit csrnts a iKitmd. 1 Joh't le a clam : trv il. aIauiuLu:Uired iu the United butlca only Ly S. S. MYER3, Patentee, C23 tl. Front St. PHILAD A, PA wnsamnsar. rm,y n m ARBUGKLES' aama on a paoliage of COFFEE Is a euaxaauio of cxcelleacs- ARIOSA COFFEE la kept In all first-class stores from the Atlantic to tha poiflo. COFFEE is wwr pood -when exposed to the air Always buy this brandinhermotloally soaled ONK POUND PACKAGES. "OILS wintj:i:iiii!::-:j. iti-i'Kijmiv . JtDV.Vl.SI'KAll.UlNT a- 'il (itlinc minMly, l oulit In any Vjiinnllty lor . .i. u . i , iru. ui uiokurano, I'uuiluualou, ttinac. fcu., iy DODGE & 0LC0TT, Importi-M ami txpertora, gs wllllitiu St. N. V. Si'pt. a, 't7. Om A prnvoj reniciiy rr OnuHumiiti-.n una di-ea-i fl Tlinmt nn.l l.unu. Nw I.Wi- aiul pur luilniri Ha urn. A.-k lur llukui's till ami Mull, nr wrl e In . . JOHN C. ItAKKIt k 111., I"U1, 8. I'hlla.leli.hla. DR. HCSENSACK'S T L i' lATTil lU'lllT .v niTin . , .inn , v ii ll 1l.iJllilil X IIjIjO. . A Hire and alo pccincfur weak r I nc- ati.l tlir'.iiUiy of llie nervous tyu ''...V . i-v ' ' n. nl cilnumon aiituig N " -tT V" 'c': 1 " ' . !' "pared and lor ' " l'o!nmt-k'a laboratory, ' T'.r, I'lilU. Send for tircuUr. Kiiaiulniii nniim.Twli?a.r.ii,.r.i... sf:-:eh:asy, Centrevillo, Snyder C:, Pa. efleral Fire lasarance Aegb Only Hrt-Ui!irltM!kOoinpi,l.a r.pi enned . CHICK OUSI U-R?Kl MJUS HtM UV yo'.iT'ni'i imini(leme,exceiica ' '( o crwnk (, b iy m,.l brain, ."p." ciuii. r-hyxlcal auj suuialncak ; . .- ' ,h i ' r-ii-r.t-y end ae.wal in- i I .iieiiv. i.i Tfj r,1 A ai vniiaia ladies "nrfiiiirontol T I't, J. II. .! Arrh M., Illl., I'A. lOnrn at nni-r. No cp nitlon or bii'lnfw rlflnT. Tlmm nrra. Al K..l on H .ii.f.liMillnif '. aml .if iira 1 Suturilay of aacli month. Bon if ir rirciilari n.n iOTi irc. ian. l, "57, ly rEVC. W. WALTER. Rahman tror Cliis. ar .:.mwrt k Co'!.. Nmaery Newark. N.r y,.,k, will ili,iKd o aaor.r. r.lera fur llila jiopular linn, fn- ftPTtl lnu In the Nnrfery 1 In. . I'h.iira nr .1 If w Varfeili. afnei'laliy Cnaillrely i.nnrll any thr In prlca anil qnollty. nlllarll. n ii-r ntanl will pall on all priire that a.l lrfnt bliu at Panna t'rek, bnyj-ir Coo sty, 1 Jan. al,s. National Hotel! vy war. iioi.zwoimi HELlNSCinoVK, PA. Kerroilalaxl, Keitirolatiod and Improrod. Tb oiuptraniraiiy loo nan Dotal In the town. Kliat rlaMii-eommodatluni for lh trarellrii nubile. April li, '3. Tfl' E. L. BUPFIITGT0N ilrr to make It known to ll.a of Mia. ill. Iiurirb nn.l tlninlty that ha Im- r.t',o lelod aud linno. i! M Heart, ami i,r.iTi l. il hlu. naif Willi a N. l 1. .... !,l ... ' . haa elao iro I Iril bin aell vth oni of the I at" . u .......... i.HiiiiniMi.a .ia oio oui CaolH piufpv-lnrllio rnliiv0 , r . in ibn..;rlci. All tin bus .li-i.. at lei eipeme, ai: lr. luMuu-'in rft V fully bkIi ymir r'r..rinKe, a. ,o I al p-rl -l", i, rm .... nia.itvtotaki- lliecmpi... I , I . , p. rfi. n ll tl.a Hiiii-ll .(,, ,.1 a n,i cr irector-ibun y..ilini. tin-1 mlarriiarnani nn Mudovnvchlence alna.ta acai.Qii.aiiyli.g fui.cruls. rjinE NATIONAL IIOTEI,. JOIINr.rORKLKn.Trc.pV. fSeljriMgrove, Pa. Thlr TTnlal linlmunll. I . . .. .. . . . im-.irg I II II r --pnparO, and laa verydeairabl.i place for traveler toator ba BuktiiI a. oiumniUliona al Low rat. . li oiiKi'pptiiironra wlllboaure '.ocall ukjIii. Tbe SVliratclaa Kuntiurin Incornei-llri. w, A lT.l'.i,';. OVf. AM) (il ritA'l 18 '3, of ir.i.i ht.'.y on vrerc-j ld iulwas. tNaTrt A7S. TliS BEST PORTrONS OF ILLINOIS, iOWA.WI3COr.3lr., H'.ICHiOAH, P"!.iS30TA, DAKOTA, W2BKA5KA, una vvy ori inc. Itnnnliiir v. J 7,:" , ,Sv J.Jiiroaa 1'rnlns " ri iniint cantilut and niiHlm fKiuin. luant IH.TWI.KN AND MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, r::.EAPOLi3, C3UNC1L CLLFF3t OMAHAl TliK Ti: : nriit'iNi ov Micmm 21'. H 1 I H ( I A Vil A M i Vi ; 1 1 1 : ph .Wij, (;N 1 V l.iyr, !) 'iiik nf.un TTiT.T.), '1 UK I'UlM.l'lt 1,'NV ni (".T.l li il XI . For nt liinatalilija. and lnt'-nmuou iu Urn Iulli4 dutvl. aililtai-a (ai.Nliiiatf Ulu n; r) N. A. Cr."JS3,TraTeIIt XtU, SMW'HKilCHITT H. C. WICKER E.P.W'LSOI a a. TraJIt ii aaofar. ilra. iW A noreto IraalneM men whs will aire it proper aiu.ii. JJua am waulad to bauble lbUp'u:i! in evor, too in Pa- N. J., M l , 11. V. and II. a, and will Ua a aroad euulrul of eaiiaUuuurltory u.l al, tuAf uooutcd CHAfiLES G. BLATCHLEY MSUFacTUREa ifussj ii.iar Pflaai HN.F. (It Hull 8 ,:, P.l . v . p. V. Broad Uu ilk4 I'. f il l I idli'lJ.ViiSi Hi IIM lTrri T7TT uiii;iiaxieLiii FORCE LMIlL O sb K rj s " - 'If .'. . '1 ,r : I .'..j "'- f ?. BfiLU.lMK.t l e IroiTj Hails, Steel, Leather, n , e o Paiuts, Oils. Coach & Saddler 'Ware AN U MA.N'JfACTl'RKH OK Stoves & TJuivaro AlARKrT 81UI.KT. LowImIowh, Inn,a Koy. s,';i. Bills! Blanks ! Bite ! ! Tlio following iJlnr.ka will fiNayij Im fonml on liaiid nt tho 1'oht l'riut in ciIHcr. Ulank Itclfnppp Aprct'mftita, CoDEtalilo Sales, VVrttrnnla, ri.xtonl iiifH, Sol'jii.i imp .lllslicfV I'lipa, Corlifionla nf Kel,rlin!ii. Tiiilrrinpr.t mi linn No(a. t.: ;.it-.. . . ' ... ... .vi . Ar X-n All II.. ..I... . l ...... ,v , - munii iiin on li mn mil i.u niMnn n m h i.. - - - - V .V.Ul.J . I lllll.ll ,1 uri'cr. Rlcrchnu'st Sfiotse NOIlTll TIIIHD STIl l'ET, I'lML'A IM Terms --l..r0 per tiny. J'ANNY SI' A IX, x is J. A. fiVA UN, Munn.T. MiCrrnnd V. II. Murlron, Clerk? lli o. 1. laia, Now Shoe Store! AIIXOLD'S I5UIM)1X(1, Trliddleburgh, Pa. rri - in minors !";wI hav opened a new k!ioo store here tnkes (Ins method of calling atenlion tohissuperiorlineol' BE mm n la JU-JJUO, inel'idin;,' trie leading makes i" liand-manulaetured lieatli er and standard Kulilier pods Tlio quality of material, style of manufaelure and the low prices will i t once make the goods admired and desir ed. Call and see it. 7. J, GAfilllAH, Mason & HamHii Organs and Pianos. Tha Pnl.lni.1 nMMH .... 1 . . .. . . .t u ii,inxiiiiiii ny maaon Hiniln Iu 1M1I. iaon & ll.unlin Orpmio bara aiwnya nialntiiinrd lluir aupnuiary over nil ntliem, navliiii recuirt .1 UlL.liimilluuuraat allUrvul Wwrld'a iUluuitiouaaliico laor. Tho Improved Slodi; of Htrlnirtnrr I'lanoa, lnTnted bv Marnn lliimliii in Isnj, ) a irrmt ndranca In liiuno coiiatritcliou. expi-rla iiroiioiiiiilnu IL "tlio irri-aluat lniiri,vinii in in piano, i imlf rfntnry lli.liik rlri'iilni. ........l..l.... ...w. . 1... 1 pim-iiawra, piu'ulcluna, Oruau Catulii.'Ui'a. (run 111L11I11 inr :CI0 laallinoiilula from id tuuvn, ud 1'iauo aud KAS01I & HAliTJlT OnaAlI ACT PIAiTO CO., 48 Ii:t liia 51 (Tnla C;urrt, rnr TCIS. LAHD SALE ! Fumuant toan alias ordor of IlieC'nnrt orcnm nun I'lfHa ol Si ydr on iinv, mill, rl'urtillon pt i itliiua iiuil ul llie vii it i.l :iiilierlno XI.elt, va IVredt rli'k al., to No. I, KebruuryT. IN-T, 111 auiil foiirl, 1 will nim 0 10 I'm lio rvilu II c tlio I'oait lioiibo la idldakbuiKli.Siiydur Uu.. l,uu ' TiiedlnY, l Vhrunry 7, 1883, all ibnt pertain innwauiiirnor tract oflitml. illuate In Iriiiikliii ionli,i, Si,y.,.r o.inuv, I 'it rnu liilnliiK KiiVKN i Y-T1IUKH (U) Al'llKS and III I'lirchi-N, aitjotiiliiu bums ofl'burlua Hoyer. Kplinain llounncl an-4 Uinu lloinnii I, deo'il, (in tlio rniiib, Juwib n-rao. 11.,. lit lli rinnn and .;barl Uoyerontba enat. Mnry 1hkiI1 and Win Jiilu.auii u tho north, aud William .Mitclul and heir, i, Ch.irlea Mlu-hol, diro'd on llio i.t. Suld Iracl coDtHlue nboiit VU aere nl Hi Hill TiAl IIKtt I.AMJ.iind tbo bahini'o ulenri-d mid Imiuiuii laud, 'lliu traol la well loi-nied and can be uiane a ifimd Imui In, vriiiiiiK uml ullur iiiiriioi'. it la lllu urn anv li.ti.lw,...! .... ( - . ..... i .. . i... die duu'd. " . eaio to commence at 10 o'elock, A. M. oftuld day, when due aiU iuUuoo will be alven and Uruii mada known by Sherlil (,a.'. Mlddlvliursh, J.a.t, me. mmmi li-. ! - 1 1 L L 1 1 U I'M. A 1tn',trfi.U:'uiiT.vvM ' , IV ' r- rrrV lT-.1I K A SEINE (TH NEW QUININE.) VcncM Ffir TtaaAfly Giber Dra .ires, -Powerful Tonic tdc!l".ite tiimnch;wlll bear. pari lie Tor Malaria, mt tho A uncuniadsm, Nervous 1'rostrntion, and all tiarin It5oaei. T;r most woikntifio Ann sou :iip'.ii .r ti. i ii f . 1 1. v . v lir F. K. lilt r. Ilium iiiv.lrlin al mi V.. ri, II,,,,,!,.,!. nw Voik.l!..5 , K.akVn. "J; i.o 50 a . .irki'io I.u niedli-innol -be hlkbt . - ' " n " '"'tipy-otiiv n nil tviui, tip . Via? pile. Il - wna i:n tvmYpmiuro iieriiiVueiitl pr.iiliic-oua Hud ,i:,. Jnd I. r.le'aVanrfo", !XftZt&' :r.'If'7'v?. rroail. rrrni.ilv ni ii .i. '.J. '"'"iim ia a i :,nr l.; ' - " msrii, w.ii oe arm on ap- I w . t . . KllSkllla nun hn lubsi. am ...i . - "r!'.'.',1. 1'.?""1 K-fdp' ol priro. 7 iHh KASKi.xt; t:o.,t' Warren St. ? T A AMuiKNTI.KMKX A(TENT3wonted , .J V' 7 r"y A rpuriuni. Aur-'iMl.Ui .nk. Ail.lreta TUB WOMAN lH ; 1 11. IW Nlis?a.i s!; , Now York. LA IKS ACF OKFri:KIrln'a n-Hl.wnrk a lli, r..wn liown (town or country) by h .-.ilk. ion.-.. ITnMlnl.lM-,,,,,,,,,. UuV run 0 ni .r-. K-rrvil.i,,,, i,iri,ii'.,. Now mk l ltj-, ' " IHESUCCESSFi'L mil CATARRH ELY'S CREAM TUiT.TLr ccntiilna mi li jurlutif dniKii a,,d ia( ao onenilrs Wll"l a CATARRH Von will nil. Trouble, 7E4C A T A R PR - si la n rm nm ELY'S ClUfAJT BALM (i,.f.ili.1iil.l,frn..nror iiowdr. Ap t I., ri Inf., ursuilM I, q.,5r,kly al,,oX -il. It i-...:n,fPH th,. Ind. Allays Iti .iinmiti,,,,.. i,e,.,, M!Ve'gltJ", -to,,.-the .,.ha ,,f tlio tasti and -1 Hi- -e,,u nt Urn'rt: I y i,.il. ou.lrred.DO cent, ii.YHiioriiEr.s. ()(:!, SPij fitei nwiuli Sf, N. Y. Citj. An Only Daugljter Cured of Consumption. YVhendeotb vo hon;y ,,ei.ted liom eon. f L a a "l. ru"'1 CuM '" '"' A. dreai CURE ,urte DEAF i'V'w'i.'i.'!'!!?,"!,1'!""0''"1 '""hlnriml K.r Uru. I IKI-KlTI.Y HIS I'll ; iiik ui-ii" r . ' I" lb. r .l.-nl.Jf- 1- Mll e, J " J1' ' i'iHn 1.1 Mm nuiirnl drama Aliuva in V. ...1 ., ...bu.'ii'donmlnri . " & .. "''.J 'nvio.i, eve,, wlila.ieri hrHI: In.- ly W o r.,r In H ualnir llirui Wri.t to . HISCtiX.MUHnMidwiiy.iir 14th st vi York, lor lllortruted book of prtos " ' ' DO YOU KNOW IT ? Wllll-hl-atHr'a II.,... .,.. .... uut ( tho illaeuao. For CouLl , & i ?.l,,y ri,.o,ti)i,...,, iAt J, i 'lu'iuTAnZW imd eve-y lorin ol t).,nral D.l.l lty i u' l-'L'!' 1!o - nin(,uiari;B, Ma William 8t.,N. Tart. """"""""e"eioiioaaaolaiaa Nervous Debility ll I " 1 I.' V T'vl .1 - . ... . i!r 'ii! illy.. ,i -t ouu auuiaoruera brought on ,7 ud ri lo""' or overwork if thi oullyVur" d brUU" 'J"""Xli' nd M" ' WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL a purely vegetable propnratlon, the moat sue. eranul rouiody known. 'iSend foreitonlar. ft Livo Saved and Health Restored.V.'JS Xkx llUlllltll III. I nn..i.....l... V, . . . i -"....hi nun, vriioouiiie, Aatama. Hori.lula. and all Ibroat sod luug dleeaees. Hiapared ao ,. to he quite pulatable. lr.Tl.l,,',' Vui tMtt OH ed Halt. If HOI told L llruirarlil u.-..r.-.- ' J NU. I). B A ak": , Aprlll.ea. U Filbert 11, PWla. . PATENTSiVu:-: M. eular. Cata rrh8!.- Free . "',, n , j , - lflnPa'MT ,,ro Bsn-plss Free to men Vy t-NT ennvaaa ra Tor I. Prof t a Om. l'',".i-l',c.l,, Pr11'- "'". fcT Ladr aJenls w York. e. wwn,' m h my