The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 02, 1888, Image 3

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" "..-!. lilat Bad Bela-hat ""I''
ilaL wbe wl.b to . UfOnh IberanB
"!?rr imsI oneetloVi ef pntille tBt.rr.t
Cw" -Til t h.Vdo-rW r..p...lOU forth.
ealaten Way MP""'
Cnrnta.. lta Cenrtl of
w .
ad Seooad
-a-ebraery. May, and Hspwmoer,
.jaey ai
NOTCS TO SUB331.Il.2a 3.
. i- fl.iirnrpa on the 1a1l of
UStfll HI All..
Thou figures tell y
oar tiappr. ii - . .
BfTK """ tiruLU a wnoba toft!
within a weeks utter
? If date is changed.
mneyi ci, -
Va other receipt is necessary.
mri'ii dill' mn Ti taltn Mitt, u'
la 11 11
All Wool Blank ts at bottom 'prices,
Bchoch Bros., Bellnsgrove, Ta.
Found. A pair of spectacles near
lha residence of Baiuuel tiasamKer,
i.ii.. fowmdiln. The owner can
K ru"" -
have them by calling at this office.
Clearing out sale at Schoch'e Bro
Bolln-jrove, Pa.
Elsewhere we publish ft notice that
.in Interest the members oi ine w. n
n f Union. Snyder. MilTllo, Juniata
-.i itnntlncdon counties. Exchange
please copy.
Remnants of U kinds, below cost,
Bchoch's Bros,, SellnBgrove, Ta.
The Lew 1st own "Free Tress, " says
that one John Harris, married to the
daughter of ft prominent farmer In
Bnyder County Is in the Miniln Coun
ty Jail charged with too much marry.
Who Is he?
Dress (J nods at inarK
down prices,
Bohoeh'e Bros.. Hellus
grove, Pa.
Hon. A. S. Helfrlch now leads our
subscription lit-lmvlng paid lor his
Post to June 1, 181)0 ! That will allow
him to read his own paper well luio
the last year of his second term In
the Legislature as Representative
of Bnyder county.
Big line Ladle's Coats 'and Jaokets
below actual cost to close them out,
Bchoch Bros., 8ellus;rove, r.
Dr. Kilmer & Co., of Blnghamton,
?f. Y., are now working a ulnht and
day foiee to supply the druggbts' or
ders lor their Swamp Root Kidney,
Liver and Bladder Cure. ll'uijhtiml'in
Daily J,Yj.i.MiVrii.
Dec. 22, '87. 4w.
Mifllln County has a colored preach
er named Japper, who was found
guilty at the recent term of court of
selling liquor without license, atid was
sentenced to three mouths in the
County Jail and pay a fine of 500.
What is this world couilny to T
s and Cliil'len Coats be'ow
coettoolosOlhemout, fcchocli Uros.,
Bel iusw rove, r.
For Balb. Ner A. Feere of Klm
inokin, Pu., offers for fmle about half
an acre cf ground where Is erected
a handsome new eighteen house,
elegantly finished, located on Walnut
Street in Beavertown, Pa., for par
ticulars tuquire of
8. A. Wktzkl,
Beuvertowu, Fa-
One hundred and
rlage licenses were
forty-three roar
issued In Snyder
county last year; the total since the
act went Into effect, October 1SS.1, is
three hundred and five. This looks
like a heavy draft on our pretty girls,
but you would be surprised to see
how many we have left. Leap Year
may somewhat demiuluh their num
ber, but like wine in a cask the last
lot is always the best.
All Wool square and shaped Ilore
Blankets way down, uow Is the time
to buy, 8chooh Bros., Sellnsgrove,
Editor Barter will please accept
our thanks for a complimentary to the
Musical Convention to be held in
Middleburgh next week. We how
ever feel slighted that we were not
billed with the sepclallsts. TVibune.
Come, Joe. Don't feel bad about it.
The time for big fish stories hasn't
arrlcd yet. We will give your special
ty abecoming recognition when that
time comes.
Men's Gloves and Mittens, Buck
and Wool for less than cost. It will
pay to see them, Bchoch Bros.,
Selinsgrove, Pa.
The present has been the coldest
winter ever known In America. We
have had exoellent sleighing every
day since Christmas, and aow we
have entirely too much snow for good
traveling. The snow which fell about
two weeks ago had formed a crust and
on It fell about six Inches of the beau
tiful, as light as down, wbloh the
high wind that followed whirled over
mountain and hill, lodging most of It
on the highways which renders them
almost Impassable. Upsets are so fre
quent that the traveler Is almost
compelled to get out every rod to see
which side of bis sleigh Is up.
Doable and Single Shawls at most
extreme low prices, Sohooh Bros.,
Beliosgrove, Pa,
This is Good KarouoH. Mrs. C. E.
Bartholomew, Kalkaska, Mich., says:
"I owe my life solely to Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of
llondont, N. Y. I had liver sod kid
ney disease, and for fly years was
unable to go about. I'aui now well,
and can do a man's work oa my farm.
I shall always hold up both hands for
Dr. Keauedy's Favorite Remedy.
Price $1.00 a bottle, six for 13.
Deo; 2, '87. 4w.
- Gent's, Ladle's aud Misses Fanoy
Woolen Hose very cheap, Hohooli
Bros., Selinajfrove, Pa,
A arn-ae.
THQUUBIGiL Ouli?Bi liull
A Class of 110 and Hon to Toller
Th suocess of the Mlddleborgh
Musical Convention has surpassed the
expectations of the most sanguine
members of the Association. A class
of seventy-five was expected and as
we go to press one hundred and ten
voices and Instruments join In the
ringing choruses. Monday night op
ened under the most flattering auspi
ces. The hall, which Is counted on
seating nearly five hundred, was
crowded to overflowing. The Con
vention was opened by Rev. Bpayd
by reading and prayer, followed by
muslo by the Freeburg College Choir
and welcome address by Rev. Orwlg.
The Freeb'urg Choir rendered several
pleoes which illustrated the benefits
derived from the musical advantages
afforded by Freeburg.
Miss Lizzie Mart of Sunbury sang a
solo which was the signal for our peo
ple to lose control of themselves In
their anxiety to hear more of her.
Her wonderful voice with Its peculiar
trill at once eapltlvated the audience
and lit response to the continued ap
plause she mounted the stage aud
with a teasing bow acknowledged her
appreciation but could not be Induced
to sing any more. She sang Wednes
day and Tuesday evening still In
creasing her popularity. Miss Libble
(iaugler, Selinsgrove's gifted Soprano
soloist Is also wllh us, and winning
admiration on every hand. She Is
gifted with a soft sweet voloe under
perfect control. Miss Walker's reel
tations are well received and she Is
sustaining her reputation asan elocu
tlonixt of great natural ability and
cultivation. Professors Joseph Feeh
rer and Alvin Uift are here and eu-
oy their share of popularity with
becoming modesty. At this writing
(Wednesday morning) Miss Derr,
Prof. Lowel Moyer and Prof. Kelt'
nieyer have not arrived, but will be
here In time for the concerts.
It looks as though we were to have
a convention after all.
Director Moyer thinks Dr. Hashing-
er Is the prettieft man on the stage
They Iniv.iu't nil been there yet.
Prof F. C Moyer Is at home on the
pluuo stool and there are quite
number of girU In the class who seem
to want to share that home with
him. "Barki is willin."
(J oil xeut his singers upon earth,
With sonuMof trladueHsaud of mirth
Tliut they might change the hearts of
And bring them back to heaven
You wouldn't believe It, but See
bold Hall will seat twelve persons
more than the court House.
A special train will be here from
Sunbury on Friday night with people
to attend the Concert. The R. R.
company has offered transportation
at 8-J cent', round trip. "This, means
an overcrowed house for thut night
We'll take care of them, though.
Rev. Bpayd Is on the stage and
boosts up the teuor. He sings by
note. Bo does your humble servant
ings by without seeing them I
C. C. Seebold Is compelled to build
an extension to the stage for the piano
to make room for about seventy-ulue
BKAVKitTowN. "Judge" John L.
camp ci lea on Thursday and was
buried on Saturday. He had gone to
bed on Monday evening iu his usuul
health and cheerful mood, but at
some time during the nlirht was
stricken with apoplexy and In the
morning was found helpless and un
couscious. He never regained bis
senses. Ho was a native of Berks
county, and came to Beavertown
when A young man. He embarked in
the mercantile business, but soon
abandoned it and resumed his trade,
that of cabinet maker which he fol
lowed up to the time of h's death. Of
later years he was best known for his
pretensions as a weather prophet.
He was aged 70 years, 4 mouths and
II days. Rev. Pfleuger officiated at
the funeral.
William Beaver has been confined
to the house for several weeks suffer
ing from an ugly wound wbloh he
out in his foot while chopping wood
The foot is still swollen badly and the
wound is very painful.
uobert Beaver has butchered 120
hogs and 23 beeves thus far during
the fall and winter.
The roads in this section are much
obstructed by snow drifts.
Rev. Lazarus, of Three Rivers, Mich
igan, formerly pastor at this place,
was in town on Friday.
isaao brook, or. lleedsvllle, was
buried at this place on Sunday a
week, and Mrs. Jacob Bpeoht, of ad
amsburg, on Tuesday a week. Revs.
Laodls aud Mumma officiated at the
respective funerals.
The loe houses la town have been
filled with a good quality of loe.
Thomas Wright Is dangerously siok
with pneumonia.
The children of John L. Camp, who,
by the way, have nearly all left the
home of their yoath and are scattered
over Pennsylvania, were all present
at their frther's funeral, with the ex
ception of his daughter, Jane, who Is
seriously siok at her boms In Reods
vllle. A protracted meeting began In the
Lutheran oharch on Sunday evening.
Spuld & llerbster now manufacture
their staves luto kegs. They already
have orders for several oar loads
I have been requested to say in be
half of the children of John L. Camp,
that they gratefully acknowledge all
favors dons them during the illnese
and burial of their father, and return
sinoars and hearty thanks to all who
have tried to aid them.
Jonathan Haines Is sick.
EaiBo Balks. Th follow
Ino- aalaa at MraonaJ nronertv will DS)
held on the respective dates mention-
d, as advertised la the Post or for
which bills have been printed at this
offloe. . "
Thursday, Feb. 10. Henry Btelnlnger,
executor of John Btelnlnger, dee'd,
will sell personal property i lulW
west of Middleburgh.
Tnesday, March 8. Charles A. Voyer,
will sell personal property mile
north of Me'ser Station.
Tuesday, March , J. P. & 8. II. Yoder
will sell personal property t
north of Globe Mills, Pa.
Thursday, March 8, Oeo. W. & 8s rah
Bnyder, Aduirs. or f ranklin Hnyaer,
deo'd , will sell peritonei property
two miles south of Nw Berlin.
Thursday, March 1. Jacob O. Mid-
Uleswartn will sell personal proper
ty at Port Ann.
Weduexday. Feb 23, Reuben Dreese,
Sheriff, will sell real estate of Bu
urtii Buydpr, at the Court House.
Tuendar, Feb. 7. Reuben Dreese,
Sheriff will soil prooertv lately oo
entiled by Catherine Uelnle, late of
Frankliu township, deo'd.
Friday, Feb. . Ievl S. Butts will sell
twenty Illinois at Washing
ton House, Middleburgh.
Wednesday, March 14. Bam'l U.BIng
auian will eell personal property 1
utile east or I'ort Ann.
Ckstrkvillk. The weather for
the past few weeks has been extreme
ly cold, so their Is no necessity to
argue on that question. We under
stand that the Ice houses In this vil
lage are tilled with a fine quality of
fritnn water.
Moonlight nights are here, making
the nights delightful for sleighing.
George Stlite did LewUbnrg a busi
ness trip Inst week.
J. E. Charles made a visit to Lock
Haven last week.
Constable Napp has Issued his
proclamation for the holding of
Spring Election ou Tuesday, Feb. 21
Candidates for township office are not
coming to the front very fattt.
Mr. Horace M. Baker did Forest if ill
a vlnit last week.
Communion services were held In
the new church on Sunday by Rev.
Furxt the Lutheran pastor.
Master Francis Schamhach of Port
Trevorton is visiting his young friends
here, the guest of his grand-pap, U.
A merry party of young folks of
this place and vicinity enjoyed a
social hop at the Ceutrevtlle Hotel ou
Friday night. The fun was kept up
until after midnight, when all went
home well pleased, claiming it a
grand succesH.
Recently In town : Kate Relchly,
Middleburgh ; Geo. Kauch, Ulob
Mills ; C. W. Sanders, Mr. Kllngler,
Dry Valley X Roads ; J. A. Wlest.
Daliuatia ; Robert Slutmun, Pleasant
Constable Napp and Jas. Spangler,
wer in Vicksburg, Saturday.
We!l girls, how do you like Leap
Year f 4nd are you making good uae
of It 7 Remember, it will not last al
ways. John P. Leply of New Berlin was
here on business, Monday.
Dos'Tlet that cold ofyonrs run o n
You think it is a light thing. But It
may run into catarrh. Or ;iuto pneu
monia. Or Into Consumption.
Catarrh Is disgusting. Pneumonia
is dangerous. Consumption is death
The breathing aparatus muat be
kept healthy and clear of all obstruc
tions and offensive matter. Other
wine there is trouble ahead.
All the dieaxes of these parts, head
nose, throat, bronchial tubes ami
lungs, can be delightfully and entire
ly cured by the me of Bottchee'e Ger
man Syrup. If you don't know thia
already, thousands and thouaands of
people can tell yon. They have been
cured by it, and know how It is them
seUes." Bottle only 73 ceuts. Ask
any druggist.
Waaa Baay waa efa. va gara bar Ceataaa,
Waaai aba wit a CkM. aha arias fcr Taatarla,
Waaai aba bataaaa atlaa, aba ahw( to Caaearta,
Wees she W OaiUaaa. aba far, abaa Caateaia,
i'-aLii , i j j I,
Jan. 80, at Beavertown, of apoplexy
John L. Camjr, aged 70 years, 4
months and 11 days.
Jan. 2t, In Adamsburg, Iaura
Agnes, wife of Jacob Bpeoht aged iU
vara, n luoninsftnd uuays.
Jan. 2.1, John Harvy, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert of Ad-
amaourg, aged 8 months and 10 days.
In Centreville, Jan. 24, Daniel J.
Bogar, aged about W years.
Segistor'a Notices-
NOTICE is hereby (jiven that the
Ibllowina: named parauua hara Mml tbelr
AJmlDlatraUirt luar.lUi)' ,nl Kxerutor a
e.iuuK, In tha llnti-r' nm- r h..'..i.
t'ouuty. aud the mue will r prenontml fur ooo.
nruialion au l allowaora at tba tVurt llnuie la
MidillotiurKh, lluuday, Fvbruary aTtli. IMt
I. I'luul amount ot lloary K. Snydor, adm'r
de bonU oou of Ilia ejtata ol Juha It. aUdabarb.
S. Tba flitt and flnil uaimi .r
Ua ner. adm'r of Uieenuteol IMey.Millor.dee
. ' , .t0?"."1 of v , M- Wstsw. l'r ol t
aetata of li. J. I: liter, ere'd.
4. tAr! aud Bool iiwauni nf r?hiM u
Ui'Uor, adm'r of the mute ol IMa J-.-.I
'l iPf' Uk, Naraaret Myera, Sard
t. ilia Bret aad SuhI aeoouul of Julia IK.
Illui'f Al Ik. Ul.l.iif U.u II . . w . .
S. Tlia awxiud and Baal aooounl of Lowu
Minium, adm'r of tha aatala of Miebaal Mluluui.
T. tint and Bnat arruunt o Juaenb Arbot
and Hanry Menale, eiwuuira ul lie eauta oi
5kiilil ArtH(4ii dee d.
S. The Bnl and Bual aooount of Wia. IUr.1
Inn, aaai'iUur ol the eeUle ul latnlol l.ea. dee d.
IheSrat and partUl aowunt of ileorue
Npraiao.iid I'lilllp J. 1Kb r,dutra of tba
'Jiteot I bUlp I. hiulih dex'd.
I0L The aooouul ol NAihaitil w.ii..
dlaa ol Doll kuoue, a ailuur ehlld ol'llaulal
a-unae. gee a.
It. I h i Bret aed lil umwiii ti.. u
1 bwinaa. aaeeuluraJ ih. ..i.t. ..i bi.. r... .
. . - 'i
fThnraaad8ala.unloflt. r. Omn
and K. H. Uts Meoutore of taa aeiaU al VhtiM
Uaa Unwa, da M.
14. j'liea.HMunial Nalhanlol WalUr, (lair
dlaa ar Kiama kubaa, a tulnur eblld ul Uaulel M.
J4. Tha Bret and Saal amount ot Daniel H
Bavor. aaeeutov ul iho mitm ..i i .1 .
deed. "
la. Tba Srat aad Saal aaaoanl al Pally Waod
lla, saoaaUU ef the art meal Lvdla a.Mi.h. daod
eva,.. aeabXCM
.ConnscTD Br w,
So. 1 Pennsylvania
s Fnite .......
8 White mixed.
efleeeoeie see see ee east
28 to 82
Mhldlcbarff Market
Pitted cherries.
Chickens per lb...
liide .....
nam ,
UAL'-I-' L- '. 1 J ' !.UI.
la Taa narMAna' Coi ht or Futdhk CorarT
The unilcrinniMl auditor appointed ay the
CohMIot niiui'lunt'l In a'lmrilmt ta fund
rmniin in in no.i i iri Krpirr Admin
tutrator ol Ilia lata ul linn). W. Ittrlner, dro it,
lata oi I'nrry townlil, 8imlr ennntr. P.. wil
moot tha partlon In I ntsrrat lor tho ptirixwo of
III appointment at tho nltli-c OI T.J. Smith, ).,
in tlu Hi.r.iTWh ol Mlddiiilatah, mid county no
N.tiird 'y tlia llthdiiyol February A. II. IMtut
o'ol. k , in., ron ond wliara all tiartlra
tinviha ulalia are mpiofti d to prrnont thrm. or
l lurvror danarrcd iruia cviiiIdk In lor a cliara
oi Jid iunl.'fr..
Jn.a,IIM. Auditor.
In Iht mnlUr of fe lkstnlt of Amelia
Krntur, Uite Centre lotr a .), MnwUr
roKtiti. 'a., (fec'iL Kra'ier In armtrrlail with I'olrr
Tbomai, dre'd,, of Adami tontil, "r.y.l-r
cuunf, 'a. Wra. Krauar, of K-rttIHe, Mlf.
Bln eonnty. Pa. tlairaa Kreter. of I'anon
Ilia, Htitdar rnanty. P. t,l,ale, Intrrmerrled
Willi samualtlroee ol Shraier' Mill, Mifflin
rnaity. Fa Simon Kretn-r, Allre, Intarmar.
ritu with Hnpbit miicheii, Airema iatermr.
rl-d with ISiihea heeki-nbarc, ell of panon
rl la Snyder aiumy. Pa., Joha Kraiaer, a
minor who baa lir bu tlnaraua A. A. Komi
of Mel;lma. Pa. tath"M. new deo'd. letvei
to tU'Tiir her h i mod. J iterh MnMer. o
bhrtd.r'n Milla Mfllhi enrtr. Pa., and tha
foiiowlnirrhl dreo rla 1 J ba, 4enni, mlnoie
m in v
Rom ik.
who Lave for tha r anardua A.
itlrt'liira. Mn filer eouniy. Pa., Harah, now
tie.' d . who I'KH to (or, Ire hrr ho ban I, An
drew wanner ad tha In lowlnaeiilldraa. !
t'berlea. Kale, (.oru A Ilea and KUca. all ui
ab.iiti are Inure and he fr tbalr suardlio
A . A. Rmiua. f Madura, 8ndr Pa.
Yoa ara heri bf no lArd ibit by virtue of a
writ f iaqiiliiliiB leauad out if tha Urrkaut
Court o soi)r eonaly. and to ma dire. td
thtt en Inqneat will iia bld on tba old
ataad la tvntre towaehlp. Murder roun'y,
Pennnylvaoli, on Friday, Feb IT, lnl. al 10
o'olrk A. M. tn masa andl ib or valuation
of the Real I male of tha laid ilac-aae.l.
When and wbara yoa may atteud If yoa think
In the matter of the EfUile of Henry
, Kratier, Uite of Centre townihip, Sny
der county, I'a., dee'd.
To Amanda KiaH,.r, Intermarried wlih
I'etar Thorn ., rtee'd , of Adime townrblp,
Mnrderronnty, I'a., Wru. Kratier. at Reede.
rllla, Mftllii eonnty, Pa., Oeoraa Xratirr, of
Peitonvilie, rauyder lonnty. I'a., I.lule. In.
lennarrted with riema'-l Ornaa of Khradar't
Mllla, Mifllln i- nntr I'a., Simon Kraiti-r, Al
tee, Inturuiarried wlib liopula Mlti h' ll, Alea
ta, Intermerrleil with Nathan liaekenhura, all
of Paitoneilla, hnydrr county. Pa,, Joba
Kr 'iier, a minor who baa for bla aoerdlaa A.
A. Row la. of eJcClar, pa. Catherine, now
da'd., who laarea taiB'Tlva bara hiiiliand,
Jorepb Ma ner. of H rader'e Mlaa, Wffllneoao.
ty, Pa. aud the f.dlowln eblldrea all: Jubn,
Jmiiile, mlnorr.aiho bare for tbelr iraardlaa A.
A. Korala, of MiUlure, 8n,.l.r eonaiy. Pa.,
Sarah, bow dao'd., wb i lett-ae to aurvira hrr
buabaud, Andrew VYiaoer, and the folio In
tblureil. all : tlbarlea. Kate, fleora;. Alice
od Mien, all of whom are Minora and barn
lor thrlrauardlan A. A. Rumlg, of MeUlure,
Snyder county. Pa.
Yob ar- beret., not IB -d that by rlrtua of a
writ of iniiilatloB laaU'd eat af tha lr.bana
t'ourt of snydor ronnty. and to ma directed
tbat an li rju at will ba bald on tba old home.
lead In t 'enire townitiiu, ttn'der snooty, I'a. ,
on Friday, Feb. 17. Wl. al 10 o'elork A M. to
make partition er valuation of tha It al KeUta
of lb-aabl rteoeafrd. Wban and wbtrayon
may attend If ymi ililn'i prorer.
KLI UI:.N UMtESE, 8hHl9.
Lflturaof Admlaiatratlea 00 tbeetlite of
Aboor Mlddlrtwartb tale of Adanii tnwaahlp
Kndar I',,., iteeraaed, havlea Uitt araati-d lo
the Biideratuned 1 I (eraona knowing- them.
adva indebted to lal I eetated ara tequeaird
to make imne ll.ta ameat, while lbe bar.
m eialuie will preeaul tbeut duly autbeutirit
ad to
Jaa. I, Aduilaletratori, U.T.A.
Ooui-t I'oclamation
Ilarher Praal lent Jo.laa
Joseph '
of tha Jndl
elal I'latrlot eon.p,nJ of tho eoontlei of Ssyde
i uion ami Jiimiu ana tieuiaei A. wa'iel and
jeoou A. Mmltb, ta. Ateoelaia Judvet la
and tor rmyder aouatt hava Uiuad their era
rapt bearlna.d.ta lha I4tb day of Dee. A D.
INI7, to rue directed for the boldloc of an Or
phani court, a aoart ol Uommnn Plaai, eourt
of Oyer and Terminer and Uoneral court al
quarter Hrtflcaa of lbaaaca al Mlddlebarab
lor the eountv ol Mmder: on iba 4tb Moadae
(belaa tha ah day ol Fab, lias,) and oontloua
ana weak.
Notice la tbere'ora aerawy (Ivan to tba Coro
ner, JuaMcea of tba leaeeand C'oaatablae la
and for Uieeoaaty of nydar,ta appeal la ibelr
proper per-ooe with tbelr roll reeonle, Inqui
iliona, examlnatlooa aad atkar ramembranraa
to tboaa tbiaaa to their emcee and ta tbelr bet
Ban peruta la badooe and witoaraa aad par
eono proaaetuliiK la behalf of tba L'ommoa
wealth aaala-t asy pereanaara required to be
tba and tkara aiteo.llaa aad Bol departlaa-
witnnu, iuva at inair pani. jaeticee ara re.
queatedtobe puoriaalla ikelr atteadaaca a
Iba appointed time agreeably ta eoiire.
ilv a uader my band and tea at Ika Pher
lt'indioala Mlddleburv, tba wth day al Jea
A. I)., one tbouaaod elabl buadred aaJ
KtlBfN PKEEE, SherlS.
Matilda Jarbictt la taa Court of Common
l ber nen Irloud I I'leaa al riutder Cunnty.
HAiuueoa IUlkv A Ilea Hubpeua In lHvorea
v. I jJeoewber Teiia lair
() aoas a jAaarrr J
TheCoiauoawealth of Paanayliaaia to tba aald
Heapotideot, Uraeuug ;
Wa cum oaad you, ei before you have beeu
i-ouiaianded, thai a u na; aeida all other bu.i
uoea and atcueee wli.. merer, yoa lx aud aoiear
111 your piuper in rxm peiura uur Judge at Mm
dieuurgn at a t on 1 ui Uotnmua I'leaa there
here lo be
held lor the aaiu i'outu.
I Sujiier. on M.iudav,
lue uay ei reor4ry Bi-ll. loraawer the li
bel of the aald Malllil i Jarrell. aud allow cuae.
If auy yiu have, why the aald Met IvU JairetU
your wife, ehould nut be dlvorvad iruji luo b .
or malrtuiunv, aa-reeebly to liie Ata ui the Uea
oral AaeeuibW lu eucheaaa utada bad provided
and hereol lull Bot.
W ItueMlhe Monurable J. C. ltueher. lnaldeBl
ofouraaldl'ourtat Mlddlaourab, tba 14th dif
ol Derauibar, A. 1. laf. '
Jaa.aS.iaaa. bberiS.
Trial List.
Joha A. flrova vi. Va. R lUley.
Bliaabeth Vuyder a C. Tower aurvlvlof Ei.
Juha I, allrr va. Juba Y . tfnuke ell.
Tbo CVmiul.,.4ir ol l'eka l, va. kkbaxd
Bit. tt lly uea fte. r. Joha K. Uaabea.
Juha i. aaarti II. Ae. va. Wllllaut Waller.
A. ". Fuller v. Ah! HerrolJ
Jreob U. Mltlerllu; ra. Nortoa Uruuae,
Jeba A (lruva4 a. II. Hairy
bawl PvntW v H. U bchovh.
Jeteiulah Mover Adiur. v Jobn Hahae.
Huory Wreleubtrger ue be. va. Uo. A, Shatter
at al.
Abb Mvy File v. Ner B. MlddleawarU tai.
Kennwlv A Mitre va. II. W Hummel.
N. P, Hare va, aTokllu Twp.
It. U. Htrauarr Adinr Ao. v. J.IX Nlppla. - .
Tha D iluietla Kail A rua fja, v. Dr.,
- ' I. . IWeiaar.
ftama va. J. H. Rtna. 1 1 i " .
Seme va. J M.Uine f ',
Voaullh. af Penn. r.lj 44
Jereuilak Crvoia
ib. if. awMDuer Ta.
I'lllllp tl. r.tina vJ 1
-'berliiia; at al.
1CU, rrvlb y.
Tims Table. In effect Ms; 22, 1837
vriTWti pi. aT4Tios. IstafAan
J"m eai A". fl am r. m '
r .ti MalaHtraal T.1I ins
t t w LiMe T.te Sot
IM S.ll JMaHland TtS SIS
I M S SI S Painter IM If
1.41 f 04 II Rhlaille T.SS St7
141 tl It Waanar 1 4 11
181 ll IT Ma lore 111 I'l
I Hi 4 t Jlanb'lMIIII LIT IM
SIT )H 11 Ailaabrf 1.04 I.M
I IS 10 t Hravarlowa S.I M
,M to IS Bonier I to 4.11
l.M S.ll II Hlddlatarge I M tl
1.41 1.04 IS Maiaar .4 4t
117 .no IT Krtnmar S.4 4 0
111 I.M Pawllna 141 44
LIS T.41 41 Sllniroa ft M 4 41
tli T.ST 4 Sa1lnroe J. SOI 4 41
to III Ml Panbart t.ll I to
eMInsgrots? 4rromtnodntln
(Oeoaeotlni with trlnla N.O. Ff .)
Laara Retlma-rer. A rrlte al Mallnagrara. A. M la.oaA.m.
1 40 P. V. f P. M
I CI P. M. i r. M.
f rains Leave Lewlatown Junction t
I1 14. a m. I St. la.ltll ami 07. n m. IIS. m.
a 83 p in lor Pltiahnra and the Wet.
13 a m, 11 1 m, 1 ,1 p m, u, p n,, e in.
It I a, For PhlladrlpLUtNea- Yaik, Haiti
ore aud WeiblnntoB.
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Tralne annbary 1
1 10 a m, For Uelletonta, Erl and Caaaoilal-
uia, For bnei navea.
I'ilipm. lor Uellaioata. Kane aad C'aaac
I.M p B, For nanore and Walklai.
Illim For Catawl.aa and II a Ilea.
I '.'I ta I Hum and Mlin For W ilaeaharre
I 4) am, II oam, I 49 p to. far Hbamakts
a.d MoaatUarmtl.
Train! I.aay aelltifarOTa .Tnnrttnai
S :t a ra. arrlrloa at fblladflphla 1 1 m. !4
York W ti n, HaiUmore 4 4J p m, Wath
Inaion 140 p m.
1 II 11 m.arrlTlna at PMladalpila Ian a m. Few
Vork SUpm, Baltimore 1 41pm, Walk
louioa 7 41 TBI.
T IT e in.arrWiia al Phlladetpt la I TI a m N aw
York T li a m, Baltimore Slam, Watli.
Inn ton a 01 a ui.
Train iici I,eate Sonborr:
1 10 at, arrtvlna al Philadelphia lilt m.ftea'
York II snam, Ualtlmora I lis , Wu.
Ibiiiob o a m.
J. H. WOOD, Oen't Paai Aaal,
CD AS. E. PKIU.UaL'l alanaaar.
Tba POI.ICR OAZKTTR will be mailed.
aarurely wrappail, to aay aildram IB the L Bit
ad Mia. a fur thrre laonth on reialpl ef
Liberal dleronnt allewrd ta poitmaita
aietit aad alnhe, Femplaropii mallad liaa
adtiraa an oraerato
UltinARD K. Ff)X.
FaAMLia aqoASS'
Extract Of Meat
Gnarantce ttQennino By Baron IM.-
lllgluy reeommeoded ai a nigbtrap Initead ol
alcoholic drtnki.
tlenulne only with the fae-eimlle of ltaren
I.lebig ilgaatura la acruai label.
Mold by Storekeeper, Urorrr and Imsg!W
Tical and Travlng Sileamea In el nur
cholre varitiea of Nuarrv Stock, either on Salary
orCominlaaton, ierumneul euiploymrnt to II.
rlgki men. no room for laiy onra uprlaht and
hiuirat ara the em a we are looklu j for. Ad
ilrcaa wlto relfmnea
M AY HKOTHER.1 Nnr-ervmen
Jan. I, 'II. sw. pd. Kuckciier N. T.
1 Jie.iament.ry on tha rrtete of Juha
Stelnlnger, lale of Franklin townrhlp, Snder
eonnty. Pa., ilec'd., tialnic been arantd to
the uoilercgnad, all peraori kaoolna tham
arlvaa linleit'd la aal.l mate ara rmieie.
to make Immediaia pa.rmi-nl, wb lo th aa hev.
Ing cliilme will preaal mem dnlv autliaolieat
ed fr aetilooient m tba ao.ler.i tn l.
Jan. I, !, Eracutor.
WANTF.D 1 tamed lately, twt.llra la work for a
wln.lalo houae on fsceillewerk at tbeir
lioinr. (Siut any duum-'e). i)hh) pav be
niunie. Hveryt.i'h luinlihe.l, I'rmcalera tree
Ad.r Arti.ilc Needlework Co., Til l.h St ,
New Vork City.
reof admlalatratlon ea tktaetite ef
Pareh Yoiler lata of llldd core-k Iw . 8uyder
Co., deed, having beeo araofi. to il.a anile
etgaa l, all peraoni knowlna- tbeoii'ivee Indeb
ed 10 aal 1 eatata are iea I'd lo erake Imme
alate pay men t.w hi la t hoi havin claim! were
praeent tbao daly aatbeatlcetedta tka aaJer
J. P. Yt KfcH. AdmiLiilrater
Ikmiel ('. Kef ler In the Court 'f f 'mu
re I limn 'r.i.v df Snyder
ElizaUlh Keylor. Co., Al -S'ttiwru.g m
I irvir,A'u. " 'es. 2'.
The Cemmonwaalth of Prnnaylvaaia ta tha Mid
lte.'pondenl l)ratln( :
Wa command you, a before yoa have been
aommaoded. tkat aoitiat elide all otb-r bun
Bra and axcuari aha oeevrr. you t and ap-iK-r
In your pro er peraon before our Jadicee at
Sllddleliurh at a Court at Common I'lraee tUere
te be held lor the rai l County if SuyJrr, un
Momlav, the '.Tlh day ol Frh. u-ll. to anewer
the Uriel of the aald Uiuiel C. Kepler, end .how
eaueeileny you beve why the Mid laaotrl C.
Kepler, your hutt.od. ibuuld But be divorced
trum ibe'tHindao matrimeuy, agreeebla to the
Ac aul il.e itcneral Aae ubly la aucb ca'a mad
and p'Ovkt.' l, t jd he ,of fail nut
Witoe-ethe Honorable '. C. Rueber. Prrai.
dent ul our laid Caun at MldJlcOurah, tlia llth
day of Dec., A. D. li
REV1IEX DKEEStF., list Sbarlfl
NOTICE is herebv Rifeo tbat ib
biowlrg Widow A purelaeeaeate aade
1 Aporeleeeaeato aader
the MW Lew, bare be-n Slrl lib toe Clerk ol
the Orpbaoa' l oort of Sodr eoatiiv, for eoa
Srmalloa ou Moaday, tha ST'B day of Feb
Appraieeuient of ophia Wtddteewarb wi loe
nf Abuer Middlrewanb, late ul I'l nuj, Tap.
SujiJvr Cu , Pa. dve'd.
Apiiralamnt of Suaaa Srauh, widow of Oeo.
Siuiih, Ulaof AUauiaT 'P,ndr L'e- Fa.d.-'d.
Apprelaraient I Va'htl Kbattcr alj.iw ol Heay
.'. Mianer, uta 01 vuepmaa l ap, dr w
Pa. dee d.
Ai'praiartnent el Emma Mavder, widow el
Fraualla Snyder, lata of Jaeiiava Tap. Bujar
IV., Pa., dea d.
Ftb.S, Clerk. O. C.
Furauaot to aa atlaa order of Ike Court ef Corn
aiou I'lra el Suyder ewaaty, aader l"aritiaa pro
eeedlag lad al tba au'l ol Catbanae tiivlt, va
Feredvrtch Keigle,el. aU to No, t. l ebruarv T.
llT. la aald Court. 1 will eir-a la Paklie aVale
attlie Coail Hova la at idvlWbargb.Suvder Co.,
TnesJsy, Ksbrnsrj 7, 1 if S 5,
all hat eertala Hteeaua4or trai-4 ol Uad. altaale
ta Franklin iaa,a.bis Mn.l.i e mu, IV.eo
lalniv btVIM Y-TltUkt: T3) ACKr.'.S aad
III l'icba, adjoaadiut lame af Cbarlva tb..r.
Fubnaai ItiMaauel and Uetvaa HotuaaaL doe'd.
oa lue ruutb, Jaeubi leeee, laa,l. Hotutaa aad
Cbarle Ikyeraalbaaaa4. hlarv Hoaellead Wa
Juhi fca oa me uorth. aud illlaau Mltekel aad
belra of Charlee Ml . bel, dee'd. oa Ibe ant. Hnid
trerl eoutain about Wacraod tl H'l llHDta
IAN1. aad Uie balauca cleared aad tauaaloji
land. . Tba tract I well lureled aad eaa be anja.te
a iood larva for araelua aad Bther purpuaaa ll
I Ike pro. arty lately oouple4 by CaU.erlue Re
Hie dee'd.
bale ta euauaaaea al IS o'elork. A. It. - af aald
day, whoa dua alleadaaaa wilt h ilivaa and
terat Baada SBeiwa by
eiihmn tiwrmr skan
Srr!9i0ee. atldaivburak. Jea. e, Iba.
Genuine Barjjano it tho Gcntri
We now offer all
much below cost in order to
close them out.
Now is your time to buy, as y5u
may probably never get anoth
er such an opportunity to
t'f EX. "J
K .?S-..3I
S. Oppetteiraer, Manager. 1
Now on hand an immense stock of
new Fall andWinter Goods.
A large aiootmeot of latest stjlit
tHeady-jiuuile (CniiMiiii
Hats,Caps, Gent's
Novelties in Xtckware,
Hosiery. Glovst, Sbirla,
Coff, etc.; and all at a
(Geiieirafl Reduction.
H. OPPENHEIMERro'p. Selinsffrove.Pa:.
When .You Insure Why Not Get the Best
General Insurance At?ent, telinsgrove.Pa.,
Heprenents tho Ibllowint: Great J3tock.Companil
1313 T:, ! Hartf7d, C:k, 13,508,38
1553 HDMS, :!NETY:rk, - 7,603 ii2
ia4-T r-TT- m w !-. r-. r- r-. w - '
121, 517, tit
-Th."rC'T'"B",,rk,B"r,hBI:,'r',,OLt'rfl'S. ad with tkelr laiaieaaa
capital idrrioarca''arBte orijaea-laed aate-y end .eturliy. laBa
tiiv .v: ,, z&vzzviix t sviuVtr u 4:1 u"r ".
No Isscssmcms. No Premium No!ei.
If not, wnte to the above Agency aod yoa will receive prompt attectic
Cheap !
We are offering Bargains in eve
ry Department of our Store prepai
atory to taking Inventory.
Now is the time to come and se
cure the Biggest Bargains of the
Come early and secure the best.
5 1
it J
0 Wo
our Ladies Coatd
Fiirnishing Goods
Cndtrwars, C.'.'.a;,
ii i
to Buy
U aeeraetee Ibe -I4f ILt. "W lBlIf tV lea
rb ueu fw f lee. m. ibaa at
ai4.a.keie k,Mal aara4 a. aeera. eae
Me. .
i eiteb tbeiiaaaaa aeeea UaiMU le.aaaa. aa
taa aaeaay
taaaHtaaalK W,r41 Willi
41 aniiivv; rb attar aa ea
i,e. lie laa)
Baata baw W Baa aUre aa .ac.
aaeaaah. eaaa
UJW ba aaaaa
laoeai) d IWaM
a.. i Ji, ff a.-'r. A i4 caar4
altrjaX VltlVib-al e.w'waw,
a. I, iaua IM H'k.mI baawiiaiai' n. aeael I aw
a iiaial -- - -' - - ' -
J ZZ7ZLL 7Atnc3 co. rt;
IT Tt n