The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 02, 1888, Image 2

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Bub.oiiption $1.50 Tcr Year
"i naaaraw. tiaa Year, .m
tt -Jtaf IMiiii, On Ytar fisoi)
C" ffcanrtkMelnmn, Onu Year Mig
v'VM-Hlanal ;rd, pvr year 1 00
4Mwr, iramr, jautniniftrator, and
AtilffM Netle. )1J0
wkkMimltl erranviuente ere trivia, nil
XfWtwi.lnfUd lor lee th!tn 4 moiitbi,
are Mit 1.M per li.ob tor lire Inaertlnn I
M imad laenlon tod t niu lor each
aaeat laaarllan.
t LitJ.' .1 .Ji , . ..
Thursday, Feb. 2, 18S8.
. Oa the 2Ut ioet, tie thermometer
mt Kej West Florida, registered TI
degrees above zero, and at Chippe
wa Falls, Wisconsin, 08 degrees be
low, or at a difference of 140 degrees.
Tbe difference in roilea between the
latitude of two places is only about
1,000 miles. If this doesn't show
that tbe United States is capalilo of
bowiog a variety of weather, then
we fail to see bow a, better showing
ootid be coad.
Chancolof Timalof First Mooting cf
Hew 0. A- E- Organization-
Owing to the date of tbe first
meeting of the new G- A. II. organ
isation for the counties of Union,
Snyder, MiHin, Juoiala and Hun
tingdon, conflicting with the time of
meeting of the Department En
campment, Q. A. H., at Allentown,
Feb, 14, it bat beeo doeraed advia
to change tbe date of the meeting,
at Middleburgb, nntil Wedaesduy,
Feb, 22, at 10 o'clock, a. m. There
ere a namber of oomrndes tbnt de
sire to attend both. Don't fail and
bave a representative at this meet
ing tend a delegation, so that tho
matter can be tboronghly disenssod
and the organization establiabod on
ft firm basis.
C. S.Marrs, Chairman,
Lewistown, I'a.
Dr: J. Y. Shinolk, Seo'y.
Middleburgb, I'd.
The ability to earn an honest liv
ing is tbe first qualification for good
citizonsbip, and, therefore, tho first
thing to be aimed at is tho training
of children. The accumulated
wealth cl the woild, if nothing' were
added to it, wouldj io ex-,8t-ance
no moj- tw0 or three
moat He, taWr-fore.
and, while able to do it, puts nothing
in, whether he be king or beggar, iB
at any rate A thief. Education is
liot diet or chiefly the meie learning
of certain facts or principles ; it is
each ft derelopemeot and training of
faculty as makes one master of him
Eelf and bis conditions. Our present
definition, and popular oo of the
word are altogether too narrow.
There is somethiug abrinrd io culling
eomo practically incapable tneo, some
useless member of society, educated,
becaoso be happens to have a parrot
like knowledgde of Greek or French
drilled into him j while another,
whose Land is trained into fitness for
rendering grand service to tho world
is eokca of as uneducated.
Hampton, Iowa, Jan, 23.
Ed. Pout. I left Snyder county in
1879 and emigrated to Iowa. From
there I went to Colorado for gold,
but soon found it harder to dig than
to earu; and soon pulled oat for the
Indian Teritory.where.lired of bucks,
sqnaws and papooses, crossed over
into Texas I3y this time 1 came to
the conclusion that it was about
time for mo to know what I wanted
and tamed back to Iowa where I
have lived since. Tbe country io
this eoctioo of the state is nodulnU
ing with plonty of coal and timber;
while for farming land it is unsur
passed in the United States, It is
also equally good for stock-raising.
The soil is deep and rich land that
I know to bave been farmed for 20
years last year jieldod 70 bushels of
corn to tbe acre. Land sells here
all the way from $12 to $40. Tbe
last price is only paid for land that
is well fenced and uudor a bigb
slate of cultivation.
We are erjoyiog prohibition here,
' and let me tsll you, it is one of tb
grandest measures tbatcan be adopt,
ed by any state. We bave less pov
erty ftod less ' crimo, eojoy bolter
health and lave brighter hopes of
Tbe market are fair bere com
pared to other parts of the West as
tt e following prices will abow: Corn
40o.ols 80, barley CO, flax' 100,
rye KO, and bay 17 per ton.
. We bave bad very cold weather
this - winter tbe thermometer has
registered as low as 40 degrees bo-
low zero.
Should tbia letter find room io
piper yon may bear from me again.
h. a. WOLF.
Id these days of pslitical eorrnp
lien in high places, of rings, secret
csucuies, combinations and set-ops,
when, after eery ensuing election
tho voters of this country are left io
doubt and uncertainty as to wheth
er the ssveral candidates bave been
fiily and regularly elected, or
whether their votes have been tam
pered with, and so constructed ns
to meet tho endt and serve the
purposes of a set of political bosses t
and the better elms of voters, irres
pective of party, have been waiting
and watching for somelhing or some
one to torn up to bring about a gen
eral reform io the politics of thin
country, and bring order out of the
chaos and politics! confusion with
which we are surrounded i and the
great question in their minds bas
been 'to whom can we look for suc
cor aud relief V The answer is plain
and apparent to tbe young men of
tbe country ; and in connection
with this we would say that every
political and religious revolution io
the history af tho world which has
been brought to a successful issue
bus been accomplished chiefly by
the aid and support of young men.
Aleady many of the young meo of
our day ore disgusted with the in.
trignes of theold-timo political riogs
and bosses, and are forming them
selves into separate clubs, and so
far have been ready to throw their
influenco in favor of right and jus
tice. TLis influence bas been felt in
New Yoik aod rer.uflvlaoia. and
wbero tLcy ore formed anti -corruption
societies soon spring np as a
natnrul consequence, acd fraud ex
posed and the offenders in some cas
es brought to justice; There are
young tneu enough iu the country,
if they would combine andj co-oper
ate, to cause a revolution in politics
and wipe out the machinery of cor
ruption, intrigue and fraud. We
would hail with delight the day
that young men would work iu har
mony nnd form associations iu favor
of political reform in every voting
precinct in the Uuited States.
Young men of tbe country, a
grand and nollo work is before yon;
.1 a
iue eyes or minions oi peopio are
turned toward you. Arise, then, in
your might, sad crush forever tbe
bydrn-heoded serpent of fraud cod
corruption now so prevalent in tbe
ilical circles of to-day.
TAUUi.AU HTATKM ENT showing; tbe ftbionnts of County and 8ate taxes
a .seK.f, collected, eomuilsslons, abatements, returned and outstanding
for the jrenr 1837.
Ib-tTrr Wnl
IVrrjf Wet
insTRicTS.1 rroi.t.ECTon.
Ud M Mi l.ilowfi.
W ONlwIcr
I Simon H I'Mt
i .Mirhntl Yell?
ON KM rtler
Nowion Weul
H K Kolyf
I Wm II Uxnlnn
i II A Klinulrr
1 Win It Jarret
i M .1 llotf r
Willi H nri!oa
Klw.ini Kl:ir
Hxniv II l.nb
S M Hrntild
'74 Ii
Ml 1
lo it or
IT'S 7t
1 t
rj t:
i4 4l
' ill!
. 1
i4 r
IHtO ih
rikiiU Smart I
I mrau 4l.
M h
ST l
t0 2fj
IT ovf .-$ U T
44 T 1S 17)
r, svM Kin
?4 . STS 1
IS 4'J T l
I I.i It St STt M
til ! 1" W
W71 MM
41 tt Mil
lis Stt 144 M
V6 J:i 1
TiS 184 tl
47 4T 47 0
4 US' iwr
17 1" 4 7- I4TS
r4 Sat 1or Som Sir
SUUaS xeM ola
IB ai(hln( iMMnrtU
dorAclaf JnH,'U ISnST
M rve'S from Ml ot rl
tut Inter on nl0T 11
" rM'd trom Jaohit
Do. m per Ofwnial St M
H r'tl from Uih oa aa
mm laad. ) taal
M Dlotar Bride. c
Mat aoM. ( tlT Tt
B aan of oHrt I4. Imwl
aariogian wh
' order of aravloaayrt
rMlMmtd 1 44
Rial tat pais SMS 14
M ItoirmlMlnna 174 Sl
lit of IW oaittaadlns t&H 11
lantand prarloaS
r oaistanillec IK'S
Rv aniniBlMlon to licaiorl Tl" U
Hf abaUnianU ailowd fit VT
BTUxrxiarn'daeanapatcdlaSdalot T1
Hr iaratloBi all wrd lilH
My bal. la taaau of Traatarar UN 4f
r'i,:.i r it,.e. ;ioi saoi. t iiw.73 y.vo.ii
AUUrAlt HTATUSfRN Tof flie collections aiiif xoueratlous of the out-
li-a'rr Wst
V ii inn
llrrivi-r Wrt
I'f oa
' I'rrry Wrt
I SnllU'crura
I 'nloa
j j rOiUOii.TTI OohiicL I ..ooi. I Uutfli.nU-
V ".M-XTUHH. Tear, j.ljn. I im, .. I linn. Ing.
.loiin 11 ll'x.ver .silTI T Ma tiUv 1 oua . Sill
Icxirra A Kllna 1M. . M T" W 44 Tt
H Sil.llh " 4W t4 11
Miclil YalalV " 1 S7 Mm 831 ST
'.'oliii lrr t' lit- 4i"
I Wai U.Uiratt S109 ti SI 4
'INtvul Woaniaf '' ID Mai 4 4.
,ltor H Mwl rlit " 4)yx Mtt
I.I. M. Mliiillaawarth IMS. Tl 47 6TSI tt
W U Sifincr " T3r. f.)4t t'
Isimnn II Ollt " . liSv llil.a t IT
IMIdiael Yfinly " l " E'T 4 4i
llal. ltohnr " 'Ml' H, V 14 H
St mud 11 Hri igar " IA1V4 149 1' T Tt
Solomon Kiln " Vtoo aii 1st
lUurr K iioltila " Til Ha 1 17 11 tt
ll'nnl Ilumiiiel " 14 3M ST II Ot
l.tnlin A lTk " St CMP tT.
Wli.1rrett " tl IM81 1174 " MO. 410 SS01
Thom I' IMrr " 4 01 4 1 t '.
iMwurd l lrhar " 4 S. 20v. W f
I'llKnM.n " llt. 14 1" T 74
S M MetroM " mill llltF" 114: 4T1
'II H Sclmo " 1" m v ii 10 a..
TOTALS t4Ml tM.t tl $111 iM tJ 7
Receipts and .Espcnditwet-
Trothonotary's Otilcs.
W W WittaomTor faa Iu foil
for lln
Wm M ana Pooka! It 40
Sobambai'h and Hpltlar Kaptlr.
Inn clialr Si
Reutter Si Recorder's OITlce.
Win Mann UoekoU 13 21
CoinmiHKloner's 0(Ilcr.
Wm I HoTr I.rop atiil flxturci 0)
1 Urlr Uarliar portaa atami 100
LiDbrii Tub Society book of
lorm Ot
Jobii Moiio Commlaalooor rS day
rli T
Jamna N llouaar l " 2ST SO
laaac KnlUy 77 172 W
llorura Allm0 Attoroaf
U Sutler C lar HWOS
KherlfT's OtTJce.
Nr n Mlilrtlrawarth Sbrllf
UonvajlDK I .on a and lillr in
Kal.-ru Htal I' ty rvoord faa
In ma M W
Torukar He Elliott and Taylor
eaaa 4 00
Kaoord lea In H.tpar Moaaer and
I.kdiIU raa 1 Tl
Suminotilnai and drawing Juror
Kb 1
' Kept
it u tt ii.a
Oonjln Oo Wenrli h lo E S
l'tull J
IU It)
M 10
20 10
That rr:bibitl:d5t5 Want-
Aud now we kunw just what the
prabibitior.ists want, 'ibey arc not
opposed to 'intoxicating liquors,
and por consequence do not eon
demo drunkenness, which is the re
sult solely of using 'intoxicauts.'
Their fight is against 'alcohol.' In
Massnchnsetts the other day, the
probibitiouiots of that State got vo
ty indignant because a bill was in
troduced in the Massachusetts legis
lature to abolish the use, sale, ex
change, barter, giving away or man
ufacturing of 'intoxicating liquors.'
ibey insisted that this was too
'vague,' too indefinite.' Tbey want
ed the word, 'iotoxiontiog' dropped
and tbe word 'alcoholio' substituted
Tbe pretcheis have taken up the
matter, that is those who favor pro
bibition, and tho Bay State, conso
quently, is agitated to its innermost
Now there are various drugs that
aro 'intoxicating' that yet are not
tr-I ga ai .i ....
mcuuaiio, ji tneso mo Cine! is
opium io all its various preparations,
but chiefly in those of morphia and
lauiianum. Nrxt comes cannabis
indicator its active principle, has
heehs. Chloroform, sulphuric ether
and vanoos ether drugs have tbe
power to prodnce intoxication with
nil the pleasant and nnpleasant feeK
ings that attend a high old dmnk.
Tho most harmless thing that can
cnusa drunkenness is alcohol. When
carried to excess, or when need by
weak and delicate creatures, such at
womoc, preachers, and boys, its evil
ttTocls are terrible, but it is so stigel
of mercy compared with opium,
basbeebh or other drugs that pro
duce 'intoxication.' One would na
turally suppose that tbe cbj.ct of a
moral crusnde us primarily with
tbe effects of as agent and not oec
essatily with that agent itself when
tboso effects oould not be producod
if the agent were not used. And
those effects, if immoral at all, are
just as bad whoa produced by one
as by another agent just as bad
morally,. that is to say. We natur
ally suppose that tbe object of a
temperance movement is to abolish
T -1 . i. r -
iii uuueuuBPa. out iue auatsscouN
setts prohibitionists deolare tbey
sre not concoarned shout intoxica
tion at all It is 'alcohol' they want
to destroy. Reasoning from this
declaration it is permissible to say
that tbe prohibitionists want to
break up tbe 'grog-shops' but favor
tbe opium den. Down with the
saloon, tbeo, bat let tbe opium
joint remrio J
February Tarts
Grand Jurora
Tlpaiara aod Oocrt Crytr
Stenitur ipur
Uoi.aieul ratorni
May Tria
Oram! Juror
Petit "
Tliiaiav and Court Crrar
t'omtabi raturn
Sit Term
(Ira lid Juror
Petit "
Tlnatava and Court Crytr
Hiein rplier
touaiiu rriurua
Ileo Tarm
lrand Juroi
TiiMiaaa and Court Cr; f
CotistablPK1 Witneuxe' nnd Justices
l'ecb iu Coiiiiiioiiwpnltii Cases.
Commonw-alth tb Ooar Bfcar t ?Q
' I rank Hil 't a. Oacar laylor I 00
" Kliaa l.' tin in tn
it t. hi ba Erdly III hT
' Miner llack.rJ KM
i John KtllDnar 1 1 M
t ' Joda Wntel el al 11 T
t. .iWnrlrh 1111
" llarrar a. Muaaer 10 SI
' " KIMi. I h Arlt'Kaat
' Jarob hand i
" S l) Hummel
113 04
471 1
l 1
40 44
in t
Tl It
so a
421 Tt
43 VO
TO 74
41 10
171 SI
mi t
M 0
40 10
IT 41
Jie. b Ollb-rt t al Ini'ieat on
i)ad body ol Auialla kra'iar IS 04
Aatlmny M('alay attra tton
lit to
le w io
Nar II iMMllrnrortb boarding
I rlaon.ra
J II Kd bal Infall cn baatlug
i.mirft tua
V Statler a arrhllaot lit 14
1) T HI na.laln full lor tin work 104
W II Wlnay t'oal 1 73
S FSbe-ry lnauranra Prllon U00
II K Miller h hon "OD
IIHH.bocb ' -"
II A lloldorf " IT 10
Wm H Sojdar " 17 W
UMteiirr "aadStabla si 71
AH. I-Uod t al lab-.r TO 21
) Hietler IralHlit on Camant 74
K (I I rancl cua ramoot 4 51
John Nbannon labor 1
W BWllirjOoal 10 00
Wm II Hirtiuau Iron work 4 71
A dred 1 71
Aartn Nii'llnr Iu full lor wood
work a tlT M
A J lirniroT window ibadn
and mturr) t
Prank H u I'l) rl-enln; I 04
Aaron stellar k work at
wall floor and li-ni-a 411
Abaloia soyd- r (uo between
ell and Jail lot . IM
Philip Spud work ateallardoor I HI
J II (-.baonua fc Son Cell loekl i M
w H fieawr lenee raila I IT
Wm y lleroailn a Co U dot bad
a da UC0
AI Clrland work tl toll lock I vO
Aaron sutler lumbar lor amok
h. TM
J sttkr work at imok bona lit
Court Iloust,
A'.frad Hflmbwk, wood 1 00
H K UaUl. Janitor 40 00
W U Wmer.e- ! M 'i7
t) Metier, wlra faea neitlr f 04
Aarou hUtlier, luBl-er at (Vre 141
AI. L'leUnd Uboi at tunc aod
(rain, Itl
Frank Bubb. tt I Ot
Joi.o r Utlr " Ini
barl.a Hpald " " 1 10
John t Si.iler hauling 1 ou
Wm II Her, eo'd'a Sit
.1 (1 Waller, Doata 1 II
Wui 11 llarlmad blackialulnt
at ! guard TOt
l T Khradua, cbimnay cp
alora guaida, eta. 14 Tl
Haraluiier, W altar Co, plaak
Itr drain, 4 tT
Urld,jet and Repairs.
Zone II ti
HlHhSton MM
Pollera SO 00
llooveit . tit
(liKid - 60
Waliali 41 S3
Wluiera lot
lluwrraok 1414 J
I'ortallu tM
KauU 4l
SbaHer SIM
Smith I VI
Long 1140
Siooo Monro twp 100
Plue Streat IbelluagrOTe) to II
l.owar s
llalerr SI 11
Uroa . IIM 21
Buyer HI 0
BtUocli ItTI
liabley IIM
bmr Sill It
Dreaaa , Sat
419) U
rob Aadltorc Reporl IIM
- Court PrWamatloa
- tleeilaa
Fsa Auditor' Repori ISM
" Court rrt'tlamatlaa
MM .
" Eleotloa '
Pnb Auditor Report ISM
' Conrt Proelanatloo
" Elaotloo
Pub Aadltor' Report IM
' (.ort t'rocUmatlon
" Election '
" Forut "Act' cn lata
Job Work
Rprlng Aimnt
40 00
til 00
14 lit
30 tt
814 00
February Election 141 IT
Oonatabl adaertlalng and at
landing aama Itn II
Noveaber K action wj TV
Oeo p siutier election bjlea Inr
Spring lowrablp IM
Ann Oepb. r ln aitendlrg Fall
leetioa l"i M
0 I. mltk at al co'nputluf '
tloa raturn UST 13 I)
Miscellaneous Payments.
J H ArnolJ auditing oounly
ofDnara account of 1SS 10 M
O A Molaodae aiecm paid beyond
credit allowed on (Oalp order
for IIM S 40
Adam Smith County Andtor 11 uo
U W Siarar " " liio
J 1 Hornier ter ' ' It 04
lleniiea llle Builih Jury Commit.
alaaloa. r IT M
Wm A Olaa ll i t
J P Aurand Clerk to ' luM
J Crone raoordtog Xl Trraiurcr
Deed lo IHI Jg Tl
John Uaaehla lor taxa ra'urned
on unaaatad laoda aa eoi lector
of t-raaallo twp for iai.1 lor
wlilcb no orclll bad been al
lowed tba (aid collect r nn
the ract.rrla or tba onVe lo tba
UIaentol hi acaouot ItM
f C Uuiallua eipreaaau TOO
John.too On Stationery '.4 60
J E Morrla Snp'tof eoultaln
K 8 Penitentiary OTtl
Jail lloBil re.leem'd 41M oa
latere.! paid on Uuodad debt luut T3
laaa Kreley ejoe leionvffl-
clal bualneaaln lwi) 4 IS
Parry M Haim wltnaaa Iu 8el-
garl liialoy caaa 1 Tl
Slmpaoo aod Gilbert faa la Elleott
and Taylor caa 3 00
rtanry (teTkibrrlla. el al eoeie 13 el
K L, Hufar t lank book 33 10
II ii Orimta at al coat In Mayer
fioliueter enaa MM
John Hark e olloctor Monroe twp
1HM tat pa d luto the Traath
ury and fund tu be uocolleo
t.ble SI
Solomon Kholl burial aapanea of
8 H Htrawa.r adeo'.l loldlor 12 CO
John H Martlu burial axrenaot ol
Tho Hollea adaa'd eoldier 14 M
II SMplgolrayer burial eiienat
al I.owie Crawford a dea'd
oldiar MM
Klaotiou law fur Moore twp and
atatlunary I 00
Seabold a. Kunkla atatlonary 1
Wm Mann atatlotiarr 1311
0 I. Smith aupper for Jurort In
Waiiriobea 311
J F riieilrr ocal ehuta 140
C tsiet er Irjiglit k tultgraphlng 147
Ella llutaioelboraa hire uualal
buaioeat 171
Daniel Uokuer tax rarnnded
which had been arrouauuilf
taaeaied M
C btetler aerrloe "one for the
8iaia tlie amount of wliiuh wa
pi lil Into tba Uuunty Tieaury
L) tbialatv f Tfald aervion
by way ol credit tu tba county
aocuuBl with thaatau 9HM
M I. UlllerS baadatunea for
dan'a aoldler 460
JW Kunkla aervlea lor eouuty I 00
WilteamyarfcMoa ilatlonary at 41
H U (irlwm Prolaaalanal lot
Tua rendered in eiijuallng
lata lax TIOM
J 8 A Haitian tama won
Oeo Kouehetal Koad Viewer Win
W II Urayblll at al Hoalp 1U tt
TM tl
TU1 Tl
General Statement.
Order of lead tnd prtrloal f earl
outaundlng 3M
Bouded debt ISSOtuw
1I3S1 tt
Taiei of HIT ontltaudlng i'tXi 11
H lh4 and previuu year Ml it
Amount Iu Treury Jan 1 'II llou 47
Llabiiltleala exceaa over
Aaitt Mil St
11302 S!
Cost ot New Prison.
Actual oat of now prlaoa Includ
ing ground building and out
building leaaea luriiltur
wlBdow tbade and ail luclden
tal eipunaeaconuected In tba
budding of the (am Irom tba
Bret turrar ol crouud to
data ol thle report - I2WI0 11
Koud and BrldKe Viewers' Damages.
R II Waawr Parry twp MM
W W Witteiimjer for
K S.mtere " 10 M
Daclel Wltmar and Tba
Uower . Umoo Tilt
H P Ac p Sallnagrora Boro l0 M
Elliahaib MillboU alouroe twp so M
laaau I'.lUr 10 CO
(Jeorge (Jury ell n it g
J W I)aa:i ' " M SO
C W Urowu " 4SO0
Jonaa Aurand '' u 40 00
Sarah Helm - Parry M ItM
Augu.tua btraub Parry and
tbapiuau " ItM
W C Auraud Monro 11 00
JPCorU u it ( 04
J F HolUuaUlu " 111 M
BUFiei " ' lltM
tW tu
Purauuut to law, we, tbe uader
sltsuett Coiuuiiiwloners of Buyder
t;ounty, puuneu ine loreaolnff btate
iiient o( receipts and expenditures ol
said county lor iue year 1887, and al
so the liabilities ttud anaets of the
euid coiittty oa the lt day of Jan
uary, 188a.
Wittieua our hands and the seal of
said ofnee, this tfuu day ot January
A. U. 1003.
Atiett. Comuiitsiooera
C. 6TKTLSR, Clerk.
C. A. Bolender in aooount with Soy
a a. M ik
aer oouniy tor vue year 1887.
To atnonnt of Oonoly auddtala
UgroflMT SlSMtt
(4 tag of IMS tad pre-
Tloue year ouiaund'g 1431 II
oa baud t leM Battle.
, 1 tuaut SS4S47
KeovlTMl from BUU
' taSJuea4 by UrlSlSl
ti and AUanaai ITTSM
" "for ihImmIi and
4JaaauM allowed '
ea las of Ia) WW
tetw m
KJ15 44
Bill of costs in hearing airalnst the
Commissioners and Trenurer of Snv-
tier county, before the County Audi"
tors, to be paid by John aionn, jainea
N. HnnFsr, and C. A. Bolender :
Witness. i.
Calvin Btetler. 1 day . 1 00
" iiiiipnge, Oin uo i to
tl H Grimm, 1 day 1 00
" mileage, 6m M 1 86
Isaoo Erdle, 1 day 1 00
" nilleair. 8m 4S 1 4S
Frank Dubb,Uep'y KlierllT
serving subpoena and
nay o tyy
pumujviip. 4) m m i
Cliat.Drcpse, Dep'y SherllT
service on tiouser, HVi x u
t.3 bq
ei 1 1 . t
r ilea jnn. o. 18n.
W. W. Wittrsmter: Prcth'y
We the nnderslirned Andllnra nf
snyuer uounty, Htate of Psnnsylva
uia uo nereov cert rv mat in tha d a
charire of our dutv devoIvlna anon
im by-law we met at the Court House
of the county aforpsald on the first
Monday or Jan. A. 1). 18tW, beinir the
second day of the month, to audit,
settle and adjust the aooounta of tha
several effloers of said county, whose
accounts it Is our duty to audit, set-
tie anu adjust, ana that we rind the
rorejroitiK statements to be correct ex
cept in the Commissioners statement
under the hendinir of Miscellaneous
payments we find the credit of noven
hundred and ten dollars claimed as a
payment to II. H. (iriinm to be found
.1 in . I . . . . .
tfi on mi uifRai contract, dated May
27th 1W7 n evidence and uinrked J.
K. P. No. 8. to he incorrect to the ex
tent of $610. We further find the
credit claimed in the account of C. A.
Holentler lute County Treasurer of
seven hundred and ten dollar ($710)
paid out on the said illeiral contract
on the 27th day of An., 1887, for
wiiicu order iso. Ul In evidence and
marked J. K. P. No. 2 was subse.
quently issued and presented as a
voucner lor said payment, to be in
correct to t hit extent of 0t0. And we
do further certify that at the meeting
oi tne auditor , John Molin, James
N. llouserand Isniic Erdly, Kx-Cotu
inissioners of Snvder county, and also
C. A. LSolender, Kx-Treasurer of Sny
der county, were severity summoned
und did uppenr before the said lionrd
of AuditorH' and werednly examined,
and upon due deliberation we dlsnl
low six hundred and ten dollars (010)
of the above named credit, and we
find the above named John Mohn,
James N. Houser and C. A. Koletidcr
jointly and severully Indebted to the
comity of Snyder iu the sum of Six
Hundred and Ten dollars ($nOI) to
gether with eight dollars and fifty
nine cents (f.3..) costs as per laxa
tive hereto annexed. - making In the
aggregate nn iudetitednesa of Six
Hundred and Kltrhteeu dollars and
rifty-nine cents ($018.S9.) and we here
by direct the Cotiimishioners of Bnv-
der county to cause the wild amount
of Indebtedness to be collected and
refunded to the county of Snyder.
January otn 1338. -
Filed Jan. 6. 1888. County Auditors.
W. W. Wittknmvkr, Proth y.
Ml, Art Prooplly.
We p'jssessihe facility and inclination to give you re
al Bargains and will do it in our new stock of
uhicli is just m and comprises the tartest line of U
LIjYS. blankets, comforts.
Groceries, Boois. Shoes, Ready Made
Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware
etc. Yotl W ll be nl&rtZP.cL in a a hmi 7.,"., - u
time honesty in quality and price with new, resh styles
of dralolatrtoln,on tli etate ot
T.iwa-I.lp. St.yd-r Co., Pa., dau'd, liarlng
t'nen grunted to the nn laratgaa.1, all peron
knnwn w thaintetv Indabtrd toaald Htitiin
rai,uaalad to make Immediate payment, ard
thine having eUlm will proeent them duly
authenticated to tha andaralgned for tattle-
Jan. 4, SI.
. Admlnlatrator.
Tbe best Burning Oil tbat can be
made from Petrolium.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not smoke tbe chimney.
It will Dot cbar tbe wick.
It bas a bigb fire test.
It will not explode.
It is without a comparison as a per
fection .
It ia muunfaetaretl from the finest
Crude in tbe mod perfectly equip
ped refineries ia tbe world.
It is tbe Best.
Ask your dealer for Crown Acme.
Trade orders filled by
Yours trnly,
12 8 '87 ly. Sonbnry, Pa
Sheriff o Sale.
Whereas, by virtue or a writ of Tl. Fa.. Iriued
out nl tha Cejrt of Common fleaaaol Hnyder
eouu'y, I'a., aud to tne directed. I will exiMwe
Hie lollowiug real ealaU to hulillo Hal at tha
Court Houaela Mlddleuurgh, at loo'elvok a. is
Wednesday, February 22, 1888.
IMrtch. TRACT NO. 1. I'l Ka.
HuIuk all that caruln tract ol land altuat In
Ciilun Townalilp. Hnyder eounlr, I'a., bounded
Kill by lauda of Kllaa WelI, aaet by Jarob
Uenuer. euutli by Kuaan Snyder, weet hv Theuiaa
tlornwell aud Juhu Huckinelatar, conlatnlnK
... liillt'U ... I I. . . . . "
i wuHnihi itiJUBt- iiAiin aod ethr noo-
eeaarj ouiuuiiuioaa.
SltunU Id aalfi towualilp, boundad north by
muii nv. i, emm oy jaouu uenuer anil AloriKMI
lli.lnal...l h. 1 ..I. - U l .t w . I
Thouiaa Conejell, ooutalulng II ACUriJ more or
la, whereon are ereoled a TWO Kl'OKY
au u irrciiRiru anq oilier ueceerary ouiouilulnira,
CUMD1T1UNM let the liiiclieat ai d bt bid.
dertobetbe purvhaaaren ooujilylu; with the
condition oftii aale. Und. Super Beat, ol Ih
puroliaa tuv ay uiuat b paid a oon aa the
prupeny laairuea ou, anl Dalaiin lo be paid al
the HherlS'a office ou or belore Taelay. I'eh.
'all, law. laoaaeul non-aouipllaooa with aoadl
llolia. the mouer bald down at dm. uia .1..11
be forfeited aud I fie Hherllf will raturn writ un
aoldrorwautofaompllauca tu aondltloa. Ird.
Nodeed lor lliaproMrty will be acknowledged
uulllall tha DurvhaM luoae . ...i.i i.
tits purvhaaar, and whaa the flret lien aiaIIUr
oevuuiea iue purcaaaar na oiuat wrlta out and
Biake tha iaclal raturn and reoaint law liia
ay neliire liia deed will be ackoowladaad.
Halaed. takau lata aieuuttoa and lo at aUd a
tht proparty of Hunan Hnyder.
KKUBKni DKEK8E. harltf.
Bherin Offloa, BlldUu.bur.-u, Jan. IM, 'at.
Irlll 1 1 fce. U hafireiiiiia eeeea wart erewk
IJII1 if 'fa.ewK akiia,Sl wllla-y
UUll'liaailNa' l t mm , a aI3a
aaiaiS rm v leee. I a it j
ft HU - a, 1 . ' -
1 .1 I mm a. ,... a.......
We Ml Mladic
1 still continue in tbe Merchant Tailoring bntioess with rooma ia
Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa.
.nl ItttrA trwa mioni rif infnrminrv Ilia riAnnla r9 Kb, rlae .in.l. 4 L fl
bave ou band a well seiectvu stocK oi I
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
and samplfe from the best and most reliable Hew York and Philadelphia
lionsea, and will sell lower tbao ever. Cutting, Cleaniag, Repairing, Ijs
ing and ooouring done on suon nonce.
Nov. llf. B. B. BUCK
The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gnn
and Rifle Combined.
This system in combined riilo
and shot-gun offers advantages
over other makes even moro
marked than those for shot
only. They far excel all oth
ers m strength, accuracy
workmanship and balance. 1. iinvi it""Bv tvciiit iu 10 xius, pneo wo
lop-siiiipucinMi, w.iuiu ns uuovo,oa-oo itaiiaru cartnugo, or?
1 1 - - S?oUi
T he above prices includlo 100 paper she ami one box nfl
A Complete Assort
ment of
Artificial Bait, cct.
I respectfully submit to you n few prices; Assorted
Trout-ties at 25c. a dozen, tr out-lioks to gu 25c. per doz.,
plain trout hooks 5c ncr doz. best oiled-silk lines frnm 2
to 3 cents per yard, all other linos from 1 to 2 cents po
yard. Keels from 25c to $2. Orders by mail promptly
auciiucu io.
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa.
Freidmanfe Getz Beavertown, Pa
The undersigned desire to inform the puhliothat they
have just returned from the City with a fine Stock of
Fa&WiTBB Goods
Consisting of a fu ll Un eof
Blankets, Haps, Shawls, Ladies'
Gent's and Children's Woolen
and Cotton Underwear, a
full line of Ready made
Ladles' Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions Jewelry, Clocks
w atones, unams, uiassware. uusensware. ace.
- v w ' w
We sell Cheap for Cash or Produce-t
ways allow the nigbest pries. Vo
Wit.thalll:rclrrcx.a"9, ars thz
'or ishieh we c
have been llezsi
r.Hul tc7 ii rJ
hepsto rr. tt" t::zr.z : " y Ir.'jzri::: c