rvr frlendi taraairaeat taa eenMy will abllsra b aandlng the aewi la their rein, trve !), Tlllk(M nl neiahborhoode. r)ad a tha plala (MM, aad we will dfeee thaw, ap, Ifaeadba. Otr Mloaii will alwayi be "- tathaea ha with to ap through there oa tenereler laeal aaestlont af awbila lattmt i nt we will aot aaldoaraell reepoattblo lot Ua ealaloni Ur af eiuress. ..nnn rha Canrtt af rder coontf ara hold on tha fonrth Mondavi i. . .V J ua.mKa Mil AAABll , enraer7, aiar.-au o.y. ......... adar of Docember. COTCS TO 37B332I3233. took at tha flrtRnr on tha lnbel of n.ni Thoaw flcrnreft Toll you nl-rs M wrttirtr VOITR HrtlflCttt p i a Dim Wltltln X -o-iflc flftr monayl aent. w if data is changed, H9 tiler receipt ia imu-Bnir. hirn i ciur mm ti mi' iou , it 'IllUl The Steam beating apparatus in the new lall which leenied out of "kilter" for soiuetiuie now work like charm. We are sorry to state that Benjamin Wlttenmyer of Franklin is very r lously ill and allm hopes are entertain ed of bis recovery. Well, we have now Sheriff Reuben Dreese and "hie family and Charles Dreese, deputy, with ns and they are a valuable acquisition to our burg. Although women have the right to propose in leap year, there is no law that compels the ninu to ray jren.Tlil fact will encourage the young-men to stand firm. The green ink used in printing the new postage stamps Is poisonons, and it is claimed that It Is undoubtedly dangerous to moisten the back of the stamps with the lips or tongue, 'as many persons do. Now It won't be long before the 22il of February will be here, and a little later on will come smiling, Joyous, bouncing Springwith her buttercups and datsieH, her muddy roads, and plznn vinos, and other nice things to tedious to enumerate. The Ice on Bower's dam is now from six to eight inches thick and as clear as crystal. Lust week ."some forty hands of the P. K. It Co. from Lewis town were several days engaged in taking out jee for the use of the com pany. On Monday evW.mg last a party of young folks from town enjoyed the hospitalities of Mr. Cul. Hchorh's two miles westof town. The party num bered 83. Before leaving they were askedto the dltiliig room to partake of an oysters supper prepared by the hostess. All the talk in Mlddlebnrgh for the present Is Musical Convention. Lit tie amusement have our people had this winter in the line of entertain ments, and as we have a rich Musical farm before us that needs cultivation let lis uot sleep, but plow deep and we shall have plenty to sell and keep. From the handsome girl's head, lithographed in colors, nicely cut out to the last slip of the pad, Hood's Household Calender for 1888 Is thor oughly artistic. Every month Is beautifully engraved, and Is nice euough for any parlor. Copies may be obtained at the drug stores, or by sending six cents In stamps to C. 1 Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. Residents of Rye township, In Perry County have been prospecting in the Blue Mountains some time for coal. A vein of bituminous coal eight feet thick has been struck in the Cove Mountain, near Hartruann'a Mills. It Is of excellent qnality. There Is great exoitment in the neighborhood and the price of land has rapidly advanc ed. Joseph F. Cumniings, the Jolly and efficient court reporter of this Judlolal district, was married during the holi days to Miss Emma, a daughter of Dr. Umberger, of Dauphin, Pa. Joe, may you never regret the step you have taken, and when your chums tip their glasses and sing, "A bachelor's life is the life for me," stand thou back with the hearty response : 'Not for Joo, Nut lor Jue Not for Joila-lf k knowi It," ato. 0. W. Walter agent for the Charles W. Btewart Nursery, desires to an nounce that he la now soliciting orders for the Company, but, at the same time will receive them and secure whatever stock may be desired. If re quested. He Is now agent for the Electrio Medical Company, of Rich mond, Va., and Introduces their Herb Bitters, Balsams, Oils, Worm Destroy er, etc, which are gaining quite a reputation. Francis, son of Jaoob Gilbert, Esq., one evening last week In coming down the school hill on bis sled ran Into another sled with such force as to render him Insensible for some time. He was badly brnlsed in the faoe, but otherwise showed do signs of in jury and In a few days was able to take his seat in school. Francy Is a clever little fellow and the aooldent aroused universal sympathy, and stopped the coasting in that particu lar vicinity for this winter. . The 15th annual Musical Jubilee under the proprietorship of Prof. F. C. Moyer, will be held In Freeburg, commencing Monday evening Jan uary 23. It will be under the direc torship of Prof. Win. Moyer, and the prospects are for an unprecedented large class. They will give oonoerts on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings,' and will be as sisted by the Baltimore Glee Club and Orchestra. We wlcb them an abun Car.et cf nreest for they certainly ds The ITI 'ileburj Eaad visited oar town on Taeeday evening In a social way. They "played for taelr supper." The Band Is a pretty good one, but not so good, we thlu, as It was some years ago. Still it may be as good as ever, but the fact of onr having oae an tiinnh halt-. .that PIMeana' ffnrnat Band may account for our not being ;able to appreciate ordinary good i music." Mimioburg Times. The Mfflinburg Band Is quite a clever band of Musicians, who play remarkably well and we don't think they seek a reputation In the belit tling of our Band. 'But, if by some solentiflo process Bro. Foot's wind could he conducted through a ram's horn, there would be little trouble In bringing, down Jacks mountain to say nothing of the walls of Jerlco. For the benefit of our Franklin friends who have been In the habit of mailing their letters at the depot, we qnote the following passage from the "United 3tate Postal Laws'1 for 1388, In relation to "what may be mailed on cars.' Itsays: Every route agent postal clerk or other oarrler of mall, may reoelve any matter presented to him, if properly prepared by stamps, and deliver the same for mailing at the next post office at which he ar rives; but no fees shall be allowed him therefore." Thus a letter here after mailed at this depot for the east would compel agent Pierce to drop It at the Globe Mills office formalllng and take It along with the next mail- thus, as our trains run, causing a de ley of one day. Musical Cosvkstios. The Musi cal Convention to be held In Middle- burgh commencing Monday January 80, 1888 and continue during the week, protuloes fair to be a most successful affair. Prof. Wm. Moyer of Freeburg has been secured as director and bis dauthter Bertha as plauist. This feature needs no recouimendatlens. So far as experience and success as an instructor is concerned, Mr. Moyer has no superiors, while the Influence he wields in iuuhIorI circles is simply unbounded. He has a better knowl edgejof the kind of music needed and appreciated in Onyder county than any other man living, and he will give us a real enjoyable old time con ventlon. Prof. Lowell Meyer of Ceu tre county, one of the very finest comic soloints In the State has been secured, while the most noted special ists that can be secuied will be with us. Heboid's hall will be entirely re- fitted for the occasion. The stage will be enlarged to 2024 feet, and the setts elevated same as In the court- hoiixe. We regret to be compelled to notice that our lute County Treasurer, John M. Copelnml, his baen found Indebt ed to the county in the sum of 4 0r7, 07 over and above all his cnt.li and credits, and Is aluoithort in hlsaccount to the State, an amount not yet do finitely ascertained, but which is esti mated to be about f 1000, whioh it seems he Is unable to liquidate. His bondsmen are R. L. Guns, T. J. Mid- dsgh and W. S. Nort h, of this county, and his son, W. W. Copeland, of Bur lington, Iowa, who at the time of Mr. Copeland's introduction Into office a citizen of Patterson. His bonds are amply sufficient to cover his Indebt edness and the county will lose noth ing. Mr. C. has confessed Judgement In favor of his bondsmen In Juniata for $1500, each. On Tuesday evening they had him arrested on a criminal charge of embezzlement and held In $7000 ball for his appearance at next Court. As the whole subject of the cause of his defalcation will then be investigated, thnt In, If the criminal oh arge Is pressed to trial, we refrain from making any comments on the sume now. Juniata Herald. Bkavkrtown' Henry Kern has sold the Central Hotel to H. K. Fry moyer of Oriental, for $1,400. The purchaser will take possession of it In spring. The Keystone Match Factory has been sold to parties In Selinsgrove, to whioh place It will be moved In spring. The loss of the factory causes uni versal regret among our citizens. Some of our men who have lots of "stamps" should have purohased and not allowed It to be moved. S. C. Weike will move to Selinsgrove and superintend It We hope the factory will be replaced by an enterprise of larger proportions. We have men who can and should do something in that direotlon for the good of the place. Phillip Kinney has been in a pre carious condition for some time, and is now confined to his bed dispossess ed of understanding. Mrs. William Beaver, who has been sick for a number of weeks, is getting better. Mr. aad Mrs. Jaoob Haines and their children oame near being suffo cated by gas which escaped from a coal stove one night recently. Mrs. Haines was confined to her bed for some time after the occurrence, under tbe care of a physician. Daniel Snook has sold the land which he had recently purchased of Ner. A. Fees to William Erb, of Miff lin county, at a small profit. Percy Herbster dislocated his arm at the wrist on Sunday a week as the result of a fall. He is now able to use it again. The $30 prize for the best work done on the 8. & L. railroad this year was last week awarded to Alfred Smith, tbe foreman on the division at this place. Mrs. J. P. Shirk had a terrible fall last week from whioh she was uncon soious for some time. A. Al. Carpenter has shipped It ton of dressed poultry to Philadel phla between August 28rd and De ceinner 89th '87. Tbe same filled 187 barrels and the feathers gathered off tbein weighed 1410 pounds. A. M. Caroenter la Inatrnntlnoi a. U,. iu vocal music at Kramer. . . Our Oltlzens Are ina.klnr ifwuI n a the enow. Eleiahina nartl. npoiereu. . , Jxoch l eese, Jr. is on the slc'f llot; t7e this week publish tha Auditors' Report of tha receipt and expendi tures of the county. It takes up lota of room, but as It eoncerns our pock books renders it ' mighty Interestln' readlo. The Teacher Institute which was to be held at Adamsborg '.on Friday aodSatorday Feb. 8d and 4tn nas been postponed on account of the Musical convention In Middleburgh that week, to accommodate teaohers and scholars who nay wish to attend the Convention. . Adamsburo. There will br a Teach era' Institnte of the county held here on the 10th and 11th of Febraary. Ef forts are being made to secure Rev. A. II. Spnngler of Port Uoyal to lec ture on Friday evening. All the prominent teachers of the county have expressed their Intention to at tend, and all are Invited. The Reformed parsonage Is almost completed. The building Is aa orna uient to our town. It Is heated with a Novelty Heater which gives entire satisfaction. They are sold by II. I Rotuig. We acknowledge the receipt of i valuable book from our represents tive Mr. Helfrich. fr I . . .. .. . ma proiracieii meering in ine Lutheran'church are still in progress The best of feeling prevails and uiuoh good resnlt from the work. Sheriff Dreese moved to the county eat on Thursday. We are sorry to loose so good a citizen and anxiously await his return at the expiration of his term of office. U, R. Romlg, Jacob Relgle and Joseph Middles war U left for Newton Kan., last Thursday and made the trip In 49 hours . Lewis Helfrich Is busy turning out extension tables, and has orders that will keep him busy till May. Daniel Alter is assisting him. Mrs. W. R. Wieand of Blglerville Is visiting her many friends here. Pr. Kilmer & Co., of; Biughamton, N. Y., are now working a night and day force to supply the druggists' or ders for their Swamp Root Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure. Uinyhamton Dauy Kcpuhhba. Deo. 23, '87. 4w. This is Good Enough. Mrs. C. K Bartholomew, Kalkaska, Mich., says: "I owe my llfej.eolely to Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondont, N. Y. I had liver and kid ney uiscase, ana ior uve years was unable to'go'about. I am now well, and'can.'do a man's work'ou my farm. 1 shull always hold up both hands for Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Price $1.00 a bottle, six for $5. Deo. 23, '87. 4w. The examining' committee on per manent certificates have deoided to hold examination on the first Satur. day in April, at Freeburg. Each ap plicant will be required to write a Thesis on some duffntlnnal subject, containing not less than seven him dred words. The percentage on any one branch must not full below 75 per cent., and the average 83 per cent. All wishing to take this examination will notify the committee two week before the examination. Those de- Hiring to be examined in tho higher branches, will address CAKRIK E. Walrrr, Sec, Middleburgh, Pa. Louis Kahn, clerk for H. Oppen- helmer, Selisgrove, desires to inform the public that he will buy In all kinds of furs and will pay the highest cash price for the same. Dob't Jet that cold of yours run on You think it Is a light thing. But it may run Into catarrh. Or into pneu -iiionla. Or Into Consumption. Catarrh Is disgusting. Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption Is death itself. Tbe breathing aparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstruc tions and offensive matter. Other wise there Is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head nose, tnroat, broncnial tunes and lungs, can be delightfully and entire ly cured by the use of Boschee's Ger man Syrap. If you don't kuow this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell yon. They have beeu oured by it, and know how it Is them selves." Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. Mrs Barbarla Walter widow of John D. Walter of Centre towubhlj ageu 7V years. Dr. J. H. BGHXVCK hoe published NIW AND XIiABOBATX BOOK en tha Treatment aad Our of coummioii, LIVER COMPLAINT m DYSPEPSIA whioh wlU be mailed FREE to all who want it. If you are, or know of any one who la, afflioted with, or liable to any of these diseases, send name end address ( plainly written) to Dr. J. H. BCHSNOK BON, ( Kama this paper.) Philadelphia, Pa. AiMseetreliaa r'TIf k llaaTIt "out oe uonas ui mavriuony, agraeauia to tba Ma n'otoaaUo - '''I'" IJI Ao'sol theQeneraj Aaa'obly In suob ease node mi viljJlvAfj 73 Mwr,dtt.dir&?Bncb..! ) e.-i 1 M V J.a...,.M.-. - fmmWmlM I ,.a-- V .-f C- e. 4 -rf I Grain W Iict CORRKCTID BY W. n. W1VET STRUT WKDIXSDAT. Ifo. I Pennsylvania.. Pi &u 78 03 SO " s Fllltl M8 White mixed. aeeaaeee -aeeaea aaaaeeeeeee Rye eeeeeaet corn Oats ... 28 to 83 middlebarff Market Butter M DO Eggs 23 Pitted cherries. .. . 8 Unpitted " 8 Blackberries 6 Raspberries 13 Onions 40 Lard .". 7 Tallow 4 Chicken per lb 0 Turkeys H Mid 0 Soulde - 8 Bam IS URAKD JUROR". Tha follnwlnc; lha'll't ef (lraad Jorori drawn lor February Urn it court. A'lmni fhlllp J IMKnr. ItrmriT lrrlii Rinpumnn, n KnfTmto. Hwm Wt Henry M tllih, ttoloraoo Mmrer. Contra H KHtln-. Kmnklln-r L Hnyiler. JckiKri (leo W Hnyiltr. Un A Hrouo, MliMlooroek V M Ntrcmh, Jacob Holllnier. Moiimo Noh Deobler, Lmituaol Verger, Imumi lloltenMeln, Miimncl Hear, Jamril, tUarer. rvrr-j A MhiNtrl, W A Xaltwrltrr, ScllnfroToH rtTierlre, Henry Benncf. AN (mberllna-. Spring Keahrn H winter. Wuhiintoo Henry Kvf.k, W HOiimm. r-EriT jt'ROKH. The following l;ihe llt nl rut Jarort draao for February l-rm of rourt. Adame AllVad W Tmtel, Iniae Moyer, leate M Hmlih. Reaver Wm fl SnTdor, ftenben Oreeoboe. Ontro Alired Iwllnel. KM Holla-. OIihi. man John S Kine, John W TeuU Icaac Siiotta. H. nl. H.ukhnrf. Franklin A.Iain H Walter. John W W men Hack en- inver, Henry Kennlngnr, Jonn V Jickmm-rharlei flnmmel, Henry Miller, Hen ry Mover, Jic.i F Frtttr. ourg. MiiiiiiKbuiicn l-rank Hubn, Robert 8 liambarh. MI.I.I1eenk- II N Wen-I. Charlea K lllrkel, Harrl .n Hlckel, Henry K Hnvdcr. Monroe Solomon Ami. H H Horilner. ffamnel II H irtinan, K V FIm, Jamea aanun. Penn-Wm H S ahl, T, A Irreeta. rarryOeo lirecae, Leerta FUlier, Henry II Mir ale, Terry Wet Harvey V Haen, Irln nrayhlll. Sellnagrora F. Miller, l-erl Vlrlrh, J A I.tim- nanl FlwardiltAUiit. liwll H Hummel. Spring-liaae Wettel t'loh. , I'haret Feueroir, Juhn II. I'nlen Oeorge Campbell. Washington Uenjanua SbaAVr. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Is Tn OarNAss' Count c RaTMnl'nr tv. The umleraigned emitter appointed by the Court above mentioned to d lei rl bote the fund remaining In the hernia of tavl Kepler Admin letrator ol the eatate of Hen). W. Meleer, dee'd., lata ol Ferry township, Hm.ier county. Pa., will meet tbe parties In Interest for tba nurpone ol his appointment at the umVeof T.J. Smith. Kn., In the Horvanh ol Mlddleloirgh. laid county on Sstiirdny the 4lh day of Frhruary A.I), lean at S o'clock a. to., when ami where nil parties having claims are requested to present tliein, or be forever debarred Irora coming In lor a char ol said fund. J.IO. CHOCRK. Jan. t, HM. Auditor. UDITOU'S NOTICE. Ire Tub (InrsAsn' Corn-r or Human Cophtt. The uudnralgned auditor appointed by the Court alnivr mentioned to dlrtrlhute tbe fund remaining In the hamlaol Fphrnlm Kouilg, Ad nilnlMrntor of the -tnte ol Folly Knmlg, deo'd., Inte of Went Heavar township, Snydi-r count v. Fa., will meet the parties In Interest lor the rurp 'te nl hla appn ntineiit at tha nltlce nl F.F.. Uower, l-sq.. In the Hornugh of Mldillhnrgh, uld county on Monda) . Jintiary xo, I Him, at o'clock A.M., when and where all parties hav ing elaltns are taiuestrd to prcseut tlieui, or Ix forever debarred from eomlnar In lor a chare of said luud. A. W. rOTTF.R, Jan. U, 'IS. Auditor. In Uie matter of the EtxWt nf Amglin Knttztr, late Centre tment.ip, Snyder count). Pa., drx'd. To Amei.de Kratser lnarmsrrla.1 with Feter Thomas, dre'd,. ol Alams townshln. rvtrr oounlr, -'a. Wm. Kraisar, nf K'aolsvllle, Mil. ntn eonuty, ra. toe Kroner, or I'ai'nn villa, novder eoanly. Fa. Lima, Intermarried wllh Samuel Oroae "I Hhradar's Mills, altlflln eonnty, Fa. Hlmon Kratier, Alice, Intermar. rien with Hopni ailicbell, A Iveata latermar rled with Nathan hsokeubarg, all ol Faiton vPla Snviler aounty. Fa., John Kraiter, a minor who b Inr bis tluariHan A. A. Komig, ofMoUlnre, Fa. Catherine, new ileo'd. loaves to survive her a h'ls iand, Joseph alunser, nf Khrsder'i Mills MMlln ooui ty. Fa., and tbe followlnicckCdren vis : .Kbo, Jeunlo, minors, who have for tbe r guardian A. A. Romix, of MeDlura. 8uvder ooum. I'a.. Sarah, now tlacd , whs leve to survive br bu-band. A ti ll raw Warner and ti e loilnwlngol.tldian. via : Ubarlei, kta, Ocorgx Alleeaud Mien, all ol on iru are ninnrs kd-i have for their guardun A.A.Komtg, of Mollore, Kudr county, Fa. ou ara hereby no tiled Ihtt by virtue of a writ of laaulalllon laaued out of tba Ornhana1 Oonrt o Sntder oounty, and to me dire, ted tbat an Inquest will na held on the old home--tesil In Oi-ntre township, Buvuer county. FennKVlvanbt. oa Friday. Feb 11. lr)M. at It) o'clock A. M. to maka oartltloB or valuation the Baal tuaie of tha said daaaasad. When and where you may attend If you tbluk proper. na.uur.ri ukee.se, absrio. NOTICE IN PARTITION. In the matter of tin Estate of Henry Knitier, late of Centre Uncnship, Sny der county, i'a., dVc'A To Amanda Kralier, Intermarried with Felar Thomas, dae'dL, of Adami township, Hnyder coo bit. Fa., Wna. Krataer al Reeds vllle, J SIIu eonnty, Pa., Maorga Kratier, ol Failouville, suyder lounty. Fa., Llrile. In termarried with ssmn-l oroae of Snraders Mllle, Mimin ei nnty Fa..Nimou KraUcr, Al loa. Intermarried with Hooula Mlt-hell. Alvaa. ia, lutermarriea wr.il neinan MaOkenourg, all of Faitonvtlle, Snyder eouuty, Fa., John Kr iter, a minor who baa for bla goarillsn A. A. ftoiulg, of Mct'lure, Pa. Catherine, now deed., who leaves to su vve here husfiand, Joseph Manser, oft rader'a Miss, Mfllln eoun ty, I'a., eud the f"llolo- ebllrtreo via; John. Jennie, iulnrs.bo have for their guardian A. A. Komlir, of Mi-Ulura, 8nyd r county, Fa.. Sarah, now deoM., who lavei to lurviva her huabaud, Andrew VVagler, aad the following chlMroil, vl: Obarles, Kate, tleorge. Alloa and KHen, all or wlioia are wloori sod have for their auardlan A. A. Homlv. of Malllure. Snvdar eaunty, Pa. ion ar-uereny noitnea mat by virtue ore rlt of lotiillaltlou Isaued out of tha Ornhana Court of snyder eouuty, and to ma di reeled thai an Inquest will be held on tha old home stead lu Centra townslilu. border annate. I'a. . on Friday, Feb. 12, 1kS, at 10 o'olook A M. to make partition ar valuation of tba R al EsUta of the aald deceased. Whan and where you may attend If yon think proper, sluum uubLac, Briana. ADMINISTniTORS' NOTICE Letter! ef Admlalstratlem an tha eat. la nl A beer Mlddletwarth lata of Adam townshln Hnydar Co.. daoeased, having boea greeted to be ansarelgaeS ail bareone keowlua- them. aelvea Indebted to said eatetad ara requested to make Immediate payment, while those bav. lag elaims will preaaot Ibesa auly,aklkeutioat ad to . . W. H. CWIrffr. liOBEH r MIDOLFSWARTR, Jaa. I, 'SI. Aduilalstratori, O.T.A. ZAiriiel V. Kepler r In the t I t)io 2Vk ,Co., Al 'ourtof Com' VI Eliiabtlli Keplor, lea nf Snyder I Nubttama tn VimrceQ. 1 lib. T. J IHH8, Tha Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ta the said jseipooueui u reeling i We eomaaaud you, as before you have been aninmandeil. tkatealtlag aside all other busi ness end axeuaee wha oenver, you be and ap- tiear lu your pro er person belbra our Judges at illddloburgb at a Court of iloruuiou IMeasetbere te be held for the laid County of Snydor, oa Monday, tha tTtta day ol Feb, next, to answer the llbul ol tbe aahl !nlel V. Kepler, and show cause II anr you buvo whv the aalrl lMnlal ). Kepler, your buabi.ua, should nof lie divorced PCXraSYLVAKU RAILROAD. CTNSiniT A LrrTSTON SX7. Time Table, lo effect May 22. 1887 aaaTWAsn rm a m X. I. am r m IS t it I.ewlstowaJ. T il I 0 1ST I U Main Street T l S OS 4. M t an leewistnwa r.to lot M t il Nalllaad T r l l Is) Fainter IM in I M t ea II dhladla T.ta S T 141 a T It Wagaer f 4 t.St Sf I S IT Met lore TM l it I ii nt It) Raub'aMlllf T T 10 I If SSS l Adamsharg lot l.t I IS M s Bcavtrtowa s.lt 44 1 Ja .a to Henler l.t 4.1ft tea S.lt t.1 Mladlehnrgb Its 4)1 t.4t a 04 IS Weleer S.M 4.M tlT 1.00 IT K reamer N.40 4 In III 7.IS It . Fowling I II 4 '4 t la T.4I 43 Pellnmrove a 64 4 41 S I J T XT 4 Rellnrgrnva J. 1 01 4 41 5. M 7U M I banbury t it I to Sellnstrar 4rrontmo1atlon (Cantaotlng wllh trvloi nN.O, By.) Laava Rellnsgrava. Arrive at Maltnegreve. SO A. M 10.01 A.M. 1 40 F. M. S.IM I. M l.tt I. M. 1.10 P.M. Trains lave Lewtstown Junction I It 14, a m. I M, a in, 10 40 ami ftT.e m, I t,, r I tsn in lor Flttsbnrg aad the West. - I a) a ia, 14 a nt, I 4T a m, 4 sa p m, t M a m, II (4 an, For Phllad-lpbU, Now York, Belt! more aud Waiblsttoa. Philadelphia AErie R R Division. Afn' T40HTHGHM CLNTRAL RAILWAY. Trains Iave Hnnbary I 1 10 a u, For Uellefuute, Krle and Caaandal sua. t M a tn, For I.ock Haten. It tip m, tar Bvllaloata, Kara tadCaaen. dalgna. I.M p at, For Ranovo and Wetklnt. Illin. For Cll"sa and Hasalten. I -;i am 1 Urm and I at p in l or W tUeeharro. I It a m, It We e m, I 40 p to. For Hbamekla bud MountUarmil. Train! Leave Pellnmrove .Tnnrtton: tit a m, arriving it Philadelphia t It p m, Kew York 4 W n m, Uaitmore 4 4tf p m, Wash Ington 6 60 p in . I II p m, arriving at PMIadalplla I to p m, ew Vork tltpm, Baltimore 4 46 pro, Wish Ington 7 46 pm. T IT P m, arriving at I'hlladelpr la I SI a m.New YorkT lo a m, llalllmora Mam, Wail Ington 0 nl a m. Train also t.aavee RonburV! t M a m, arriving al Philadelphia Jr. a rn. Nee York II m a m, llalllmora I II a m, Wask Ingtoa ta m. .1. it. WOOD, Oen'l Past Ageot. tn AS. E. PUCIH, Oeu'l Manager. $1 13 WEEKS. The I'OMCK OA7.KTTK will be mailed, aaenrely wrapped, to any address In the Unit ad allates for three monthe on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal dlaconnt allowed ta poatmasta agent aad alnbe, Ramplacoplst mailed free Address all ardors ta lUCIIARt) K. FOX, FSASgLIM Syi'Aat' ORPHANS' COURT SALK OF REAL ESTATE I The undersigned AdtnlnlMrntnr nf Jacnd llniimKarduer, Intn nl West Heaver tnwnelilp, Stiyd- r county, I'a., deo'd., by virtue nl an or dcr listied out ol Iho I trpli. iik' Court al Nuydur county, will olfaral public ralo on Saturdny. January. 21, lfM on the premises, the follonlng desirlbei valuable roal estate, tn wit I All Ihit certain measitareand tract ol litnd rltini'e In townnblt coiintv, and State alorerald. coiilnlulng l'o Al'HrX 1 und seven percb.'S tnoro or Una with the appurtenaces, lioitniled and don-ribed aa billows, North by lands -il h.mnimrl Ki rpp am Ititnlel Ktrrlctter. South by lands of Lev TreastereUal., Fast by linda of l.evl Trrnstar and F.inanuel Knnpnaiid Wet by Inndsof lnn lei llaaslngcr and Solomon W minor, whereon are ercted a NFW TWDSItdlY FLANK HMDSK, HANK IIAHN, and other beceasnry onthtillduigs, a well of good water ut the lioiiae and tluwlna- water at tbe her . an nrchnrd i-noloe fruit. It eeree nltbe above dcaorlbad real eatate u vuk-i-t. nuutin n . v,u, ihr bal anee Is In a ood slate el cultlvutlon. Sale to euiiimenreal 10 o'clock A, M. of said day when doe attendance will be give I aad terms modo known by F.LI Ari A. BAVMOARnNF.H. Ie. 17, 7 Admtnlstratnr, Extract Of Meat ONLY ROUT Guarantee dGcnQine By Baron Liiz lllglny recommended as a nluhtdap Instead ol alcoholic drh.kl, (letiulne nnly with the fa.- simile of Ilaron Llelng's signature In acrors label. Sold by Storekeepers, Orooera ard nrugglsts IXKCIITORS'NOTICK -Illor LJtestamentarr on the cstete il Oeoigr Knlry, late, ol West Hoaver township Snyder uoumy, ta., lee-it, having lie en grunted tn the undersigned, all persona knowing themselves ludebted toeald ratate ara tequcated lo make Immediate payment, while those having nlal will present ttiem duly authenticated for let tie meat to tbo nudersigned. HK.NHY KA LEY, JACUB ii. ilOWr LL. Dec. HIT. Biecotort ELECTION NOTICE. The. annual m acting of tha members nf the noavertuwn Vuttial Fire Inaur-nce (,'oiopuny lleavertuwii, I'a . lor the election of lllrocti will be held at the home rtloe un Saturday anuary M, ', between thehonr of I t o'c.ock r. m. a. it iiu tHux, rti-o A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE ..,etUra of Ailmlolltratlon on tha eetatrol rrenkilu Snvdar, late of Jackson lownsglp Snjder (Jo., Pa., .leceaaed. havlna been grant td to tha nuderslanrd all persons knowing ehemselves Indebted to said estate are renueat. bd to uiaka Imoiadlata payment, while ihoe baring olalma wlllprasent tbeui duly antLerj tioaiea to tF(). W. 8NV nm, tklMA M. IN V DKH. Adininistratora Oae.tl, '17. WANTED. Local and Traveling Salesmen to sell our enoice vurities oi nusery Mwi, eltber on Salary ort'uintnlealon, permanent etuploymrnt to the rlKkt men, no room lor lasy ones, upright aud nouesi are ine auea wo ara look lug for. Ad dress wltd ralerencea MAY UKOTHERS Nurserymen Jan. I, 'II. aw. pd. Hocbester N, Y OrpllHbe)' (JiUil dnltj of REAL ESTATE,! ByvlrtoVol an order of the Orphans' Court of Hnyder County, tba undersigned Adminis trator of Tbnmae Youogmao. deooatod. a III sell at pahlic tela au Taeoday, January 2i 188, npoa the preml-ee In the town of MoOlnro, In vest HeaverTowosbip. two certain town lota, adjoining, end onoloaod as a tingle lot, bound ad North by aa alley, Feat by public sir.et. South by aa allay, and West by lot of Amos Wanar.ooiitalulngONKHALF ACRK. mor. oe less, oawblch laerooled a THHKE 8 Toil Y FKAMb HOUaittand out balldlnge, all In good repair,-. A 'most desirable home. Kale lo begin ellu e'olutk A. M. of laid day when due attandanee will ba given and terms niaue known by WILLIAU H. YOUNQM Alt. Jaa.llSei. AdmluUlrator. I'XECUTOR'S NOTICE Utfra J itesiament.ry on tha aetata of Jnha Htelaluger, late of Franklin township, Hnder county. Fa., deo'd.. having been granted lo the umle signed, all person! knowing them eelvee Indeoet'-d ta tald esiata ara rauaeiad lo make Imaavdlata paymeat, whilo those bav Ingelalmi will preanel in era dole aathentloal ed for (eltlCUieal to the underalifiie-t. UCNHY STtiMlNOBR, . Jan. I, 'W, Ereeutor. eeviiriii,niHMiu.ia a - - WT i . "'7t aannw m wii ior a wbulueale kouee oa Kaarllewerk at their nowee. eeai any aieiaora). (iooo: pay erne ba cirarjiiii Addreaa ArilMla CvervUiloar furnUhad. Iartlcalere Irea. rcaeaiewort rt., i; Kb Hi, Qonuine Bargano at tho Contrd SELINSGROVE, PA. We now offer all our Ladies' Coatri much below cost in order to close them out. Now is your time to buy, as ybu may probably never get anoth er such an opportunity to BUY A COAT ! S. WEIS. OPPENHEIMER'S SPECIAL (.f. Oppenloimer, Mflnnger") Now on hand an new tfall anda Wmter Goods. A lurge nssoetiueDt of latest ttjlta OVERCOATS rOU MKN Hatfl. On ps, Gent's NoreUiea iu N'cvkwme, lloaiVr', Cufl'ri, tjto-i General BSeaHwcfioia. E. OPPENEEIMEH, Pro Selinsgrove. Pa.' When SYou Insure Why Not Get tho Best H. HARVEYSCH0CH, wenerai insurance Atrent, kelinsffroy eprosentH tJio fblloAvniy:Ui-oatStook;Cor Rep OKdtNtZMi IBIS JETNR, cf Hertford; Conr., 1QS3 IJDME, cf Nbw YDrki 1B17 FIRE ilSSDClilTIDN", Phil'a, These Companies rank amorie;lie UK ST, sra OLD In eiparlei wital ii.d ri-souri-ea Kiiarunti a uti(iieanned aalei and senurl liy their lirom t actum, fair. Iuui.h n.t ..,.....'.- . they No Assessmems. AUE YOU If Dct, wiite to tbo above Agency arid bare wuu for ibeuiiulvas uui:a r UKi'ivra-i Kiv " Fail poi)gBig I We are just now onenincr n. man? niflcent stock of FALL! winter nnnns to which we desire to call vour ea pecial attention a3 it comprises the Laiesl Best and needs but to preciated. Wo profit on our goods and feel confi dent of the good will of our custom ers by their continued patronage. TTi 1 A. a , A t- -a xxiguesc price paid ior rrociuce. acao eti BRorttEtus SELINSGROVE. Li1 1 rheBEST bailer nl u' Ii ,' i j-aiuaa la everv ie Buva4iea aae aie to i'"j.,S 'c1,vS?aw immense stock of L0V? AND CHIl.nnK.Y, Pnn'Qh.i- Glovea. aud all S li ii ta, at a crwr.te, Collar, PP Companion: Asf r - 444BJC7U J21, H17, 121 nd with tselr tmmeata rlenra, t In til their lost lettleaeaa, Premium Nolefl INSURED I joa will receifa proaipt attealiea olEvervlhinG he seen to bo'an- ask onlv alivintr J.I. ASM Weelllenaraniaetba LolE!.L WAjno, fede work aed do II aaalvr aaa ia leae tin- ibaa ear a't a.b iheeieibes (laaa wlikual lekUat, we ntal hiu Lma iu tlia wan.1- atrrialvj Bfa vawa. aaja RT me wooaj. AGENTS WANTED I eoeatr; eoaatr: TTaf'AN K(IW ritrMirihat.aiaahl ' loakltie li-i tti lij-ra W7i ta IJa per ""( saiejera Kaaj td fjial iluiloa ill aajlli-f iau Ma.li.r a nm vitisri. taHiwe a.K,w.a alter. Rrtall priteeaij f V. are eaaeev a)i4. A t the lelrsi-4 fiEICH al aiannarlerria' b- , ritiiiel luvwaitaiioa. Ia4 fitm ler further yarttcelart. tboM d.ilrln fm ovhirina an aa r,oi uklNM Weia.il te tHvTle the etritinel luvwa ae ea a eaeial card fr further eari.ceura. New tork ril I J: L V7AEIIEII CO.,' Trf?, TzT 1