The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 12, 1888, Image 2

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    Sabioiiptkm $1.50 Per Year
. OaeYeer tAW
1 J Win. Oa Yr - oo
lOelama, Una year
nail i:etla. par tear. tw
lPMtitA. Adninlatrator. anu
AeMaa. NUo( W
W"1a epaatal eTreoa.naate ara made, all
eaaaMata.lna.rUd lor lee. than month! ,
we fcnarfe l.s er Inea lor lue inaariino It
qtaaeoa4leeeriloaaii4 t enU (of cfc
'Ikaaajaeat latartloa.
Thursday, Jan. 12, 1888.
An Ohio geniaa went to get oat a
'patent on churn tbe other d y.
bat kfter being abown model of DS7
patent churn he ooncluded not to
work op bia cream that way lie
bad an idea that tbia conntry wa
'ob arnica.
Turkey owe Russia $20,000,000
and can't pay tbe debt. Itaasia
want tbe cash and most have it
There' your Eastern question in a
' nlnl nun. and Russia is bound to
bare a leg of Turkey early in the
If the Anarchists of this coantry
haven't aettled down for a long rest
since Herr Most went to prison for
tho aacond time then the sign of
tbe time are no good- It does
aome people a heap of good to find
oat that they dou't run tbi country
and never will be permitted to.
1 -i
The Michigan State Agricultural
Collate has declared against the
sparrow a an onmittigated oni
anoe. The increase of these birds
innn Iheir introduction in 1878 is
almost incredible. It advooatos kill
iaa them off in every posbibla man
ner, and recommend netting, trap
ping, shooting and even pios.on
where it can be need without danger
to other creatures.
The funeral of J. Daniel .Manning,
took place at Albany.New York.ou
TdeBday last and was attended by
the President and nearly all the mem
ber of tbe cabinet. In tbe forced re
tirement of Mr. Manning from Mr.
Cleavelaad' cabinet,on acoonnt of ill
health, the Treaident lost hi most
able adviser, and in bia death the
Demooratio party lone one of tbe most
' able political workers. Forty years
ago Mr. Manning waa'a compositor
wnrkad himself J by energy nnd
The Altooua 'Tribune' says: 'The
common people cast tbree-foortha of
the vote in the Unitod Statos, yet a
poor man cannot be a candidate for
any important office within tbe gift
of hi fellow citizen for tbe reason
that it requires a large amount of
money to conduct a campaign This
should not be, bat it is a painful fact,
a fact that ia rapidly boooming a
danger if not a disgrace. The peo
ple can cure it if they will. That
tbey . ongbt to do bo ia clear. If
tbi is to be a government of tbe
people for the people, it ehonid not
require the expenditure of a fortune
to get a nomination or seouro an
In aeoordiance with tbe act of as
tembly Governor Doaver issued i
proclamation abowiog the amount of
the paymeata on the publio debt
daring tbe past year. On Novem
ber 30, 1880, tbe amount of tbe debt
unprovided for was $7,078,235,82
November 80, 1887, the amount un
provided for waa $5,150,108,85,
showing tbe amount of the redaction
for the veer to be $1,022,120 97.
Tbe total amount of the debt is $15
810, 471, 28; tbe non-interest bear
ing debt, $113,657,92; overdue loans
upon which interest baa (topped,
$31,212, 80, and debt boaring inter.,
est, $15,092,000,00. The total
amount of tbe asset of the sinking
fond ia $10,684,802,43.
The Philadelphia Tress' publish
oa a fall account of the choking of
Representative Henderson of North
Carolina at a private dinner party in
Washington, daring a violent rebel
aoeecb. The account comes frcm
lona, Miobigan, Jodge Allen U.
Morse, in whose honor tho dinner
was given having returned to bia
home there Representative Hen
derson waa among the gnosis aad
epoke. In tbo coarse of bia epucob
glorifying tbo rebellion and rejoic
ing that be fought oa tbe rebel sido,
te said: I ato glad to eay that 1
.t-anrAaant a diatriot tho district of
Salisbury where 80,000 Union aol
diera rotted within tbe city limit.'.
Upon tbo vtteranca of tbi aeotiment
m . r, l t f -
John n. j araney oi at. uuuio, a
union aoldier, rushed opon Ilender-
eon and oboked him nntil ho waa in
aenaible. Taraney told him to take
; back what he bad laid abont the
prison pan and be took it back when
( he got bia breath-.
In presenting aorna cogeol reasons own locality, who in looking oter
for the rejeclioD of tbe nomination the attitoda cf lha workiogman to
of Mr Lamar, the Albany 'Lai? day might well panto, leal, after go-
JoorDtl' 7x1 'By process of 're-
construction' Mr. Lamar baa boon
admitted to Congrosa and Cabiool.
Against this we have nothing to say
These are political offices in which it
ia eminently fit that tbe Sonth should
be represented- Hut tbe Supreme
Court tench is not a political place
It is tbe one place in our scheme of
government supp 'aed to be devoid
or political fooling, bias, aim aspir
ation It is the final safeguard to
our nation iu tie time of the great
est strain opon our institutions, a
barrier aguinst enooachtueut and
revolution. To put opon this bunch
a secessionist, who is not even te
pcotrnt, and who can not see thai
ho did wrong, is a dangerous stretch
of lenioncv and a violent shock to
tho patriotic fueling of loyal people
Mr, Lamar says Davis was no trai
tor, and of course thinks the same of
himself. If ILat in bis way of argo
ing he is an unsafo man to judge
of what is trt apou, and an ansafo
man to be iotrusled with the sacred
duty imposed on him by this office
A Surreme Court Justice ought to
know what constitutes treason, bo
cause no may be called on to pass
on me cases oi anurcuista at some
time. Thoro must be plenty of loyal
men, even of the South, at least men
whose swords and voices wore not
raised to destory the Government,
from whom a satisfactory selection
might bo made- We hope not to be
deemed prejudiced, vindictive or il
liberal when we say that it is unwise
and unsafo to put any original socos
siouiut on the Supreme Court bench.'
XTaw Year's Weathor-
J, William Tboroe, of Salisbury.
township, Chester Co., writes to the
West ChjBter Village llceonl u
follows: 'The Wintor of 1587-8 will
be a modorata one. Thoro will bo
but few cold dayR; scarcely any iu
which tho.tho tueroury in the tber
ni'imoter will aland at or below zero
tbore will not be more than throe or
four weeks of good sleighing, uiofel
likely not that. The Delaware river
at Philadelphia will not be bo firmly
frozen over as to obstruct navigation
mi as
mere win not oo more itv one
beajy enow full; most likely not any
that will obstruct tho highways
Spring will opon more than onus.
ually early. Oat will bo bom n and
potatoes planted before tho end oi
WtSmk W fl rMa Ml
j iipru or iuay severe to
injure the fruit. Tbe summer fol
lowing will be moderately warm with
enough rain to insure good crops of
grain and grass generally. The
crops of wheat and oorn will bo more
than usually heavy. Apples, poach
es, pear and cherries will bo abun-
laot and of a good qu lity.
'The basis of these predictions is
the well-known astronomical fuel
that the earth, the sun and the uioou
occupy nearly the same relative posi
tion every ly years, and that the
beat of the bud, the attraction of tbs
sun and moon and the revolution of
the sun on its axis, are tho chief
cause of the movements iu tbe earth'
atinoiiphero. It is true that the Lir
gor planets exert a perturbing influ
enco sufficient to modify those oi
moppheric phenomena resulting from
II .1 VI. ...
lue.sao una moon- jjui mis per
turbing influonoe is scarcely felt
except when tho attractrva forco of
several planets i eiertod in the
en me or nearly tbe same direction.
Whatever tbe amount of this pcrtur
bation it is suApectible of calculation,
and no doubt will bo determined in
no far future time. '
'Cau any good thing rosult fiom
strikes f We are inclined to the
negative, having from close obsorva
tiou failed to see any direct bonifit
accruing to the laborer indulging in
strikes. That the workiugtoan has
been imposed upon in many instan
ces by grinding and avaricious cor
porations we do not protend to deny
but is there not some other method
by which the laborer can defend him
self against imposition than those in
vogue at tuo present day r At lue
same time is there not many a manu
facturer who when orders are soarco,
market deprecating, and times dull,
is compelled to do one of two things,
either to shut down bis works, or
reduce wages, and even thou run his
works at no profit and oft-times at
considerable loss to himself f Now
if markets should improve, and his
malerail commands a better price, is
it doing him jaetice for his bands to
immediately clamor for an advaoee
of wagest threaten to close hi work
and rnin hire, without giving him
ebaoce to retrieve and recover tome-
thing of what be baa lost in dull
timea t and yet tbia baa been ' done
in numerooa instances. Again,
there are many moneyed ' men who
would Invest their capital in aome
indaitry or manufacture in their
log to tba expense of creeling worka
.and supplying it with machinery,
and before be baa bad anfficient time
to receive any benefit from it, ia con
fronted by a strike, bia worka de
slroyed and himself redaoed to povs
orty. Ho will keep bis money in bis
pocket before venturing ia an enter
prise of this kind. Again, the labor
er is at fanJt io many instance in
aoolher respect. If he receives $5
per day for his work, ho live as a
general thing to the outside of that
income, and in one way or another
epeuda every cent of it, and'if he re
ceives $2 ooly bo manage to sup
port his family on that amonnt
Kow, if $2 ia sufficient for hi family
needs iu dull tiait-a, what is to pre
vent him economizing and puttiog
aside the em plus in good limes f
We do not wish to bo mianuder-
xtood in this matter; we are not
taking tho side of tbo capitalist
agniiibt labor by any menus, but
would bail with delight the time
when the woikiogman will be able
to better bis condition; at the same
time wo can see clearly that the
atrike, the boycott, the torch, and
dynamite is not the way by any
meana he may hope to attain it.
A pair of huge-bodied German
mastiffs having for nearly two years
been the pride of Thomas E French,
tho well-known lawyer of Camden
N. J. The dogs were often seen in
company with Mr. French upon the
bteeet, and they never failed to at
tract geucral attention. Up to
Sunday last they bad always been
noted for their docility and the af
foution which they displayed for
their mauler and members of bis
family Neighbors of tho lawyer
lived iu dread of tbe big brutes,
however, which are as large almost
as the average tig.r seen in captiv
ity, but they bad never molested
any one ana were nol regarded as
dangerous. They bad tbo froe run
of Mr. French's premises, and bun
dt.y afternoon were permitted, in
ho kitchen of his residence, No- 47
Voik etrost, ia N, rtu Camdeu-
Rutween 4 and 5 o'clock a daugh
ter of Mr. Young, a neighbor, was in
Mr. French's houBO. She is 8 years
f ago and of a playful disposition
It is presumed that bhe was teasing
the mu8tiiT and one of them became
angered and attacked ber- He was
'.'.iStU Jiuifltly by hlThjk-trl?i?tt
tbe ehritks of the child attracted tbe
attention of Mrs; Freucu, who was
silting in an adjoining room. When
idrs. French reached the soene tho
dogs bad the child upon the floor
By this time they bad been wrought
into u passion, and leaving the child
they sprang upon the lady, not heed
ing ber commaudd. Mrs. French
waa torne to tho floor- One of the
brutes bnried his fangs into the flush
of her face, and the other tore bci
so dp in a aeriouu manner.
Mrs. French s ciies brought her
husband to tho room. The dogs
were uow uncontrollable and in
perrcct rage, zir, i rencu bad no
sooner entered the reom than tbey
sprang opon bitu, muddenud by the
smell and taste of blood. Mr
French shouted to drive them off,
but they refused to obey him and
overpowered him by their brut
strength- One of them sank bis
teeth iuto his master's arm and, Lis
fangs piercing the clothing, mangled
the flesh. Tbo other beast tore out
a portion of Mr French's face and
nose- Fiually, with a commendable
display of strength and courage, ho
succeeded in securing a poker, with
which he repulsed the ferocious dogs
and beat them into subjection.
The neighbors were alarmod, and
when tbey entered tbe French man
eion they found a eerions situation
of affairs. Medical aid was 6um
moned, and Prs. Godfrey, Palm and
Walsh responded. The condition of
Lawyer French was the most serious
ol the three, lie was found to be
completely prostrated from tho ner
vous shock. 11 is right arm was
badly lacorated and a portion of his
nose bitten off. Tbe physicians to
day will perform an interesting sur-
ical operation by grafting a piece
of flesh from another part of bia
body upon tbe wound, with tbe hope
of remedying tbe defect in the nasal
organ. The child of Mr. Young bad
it face torn and ita ear bitten, while
Mrs, French, also greatly prostrated,
was injured about the face aud bead.
The affair created a great sensation
in North Camden, and many friuods
of Mr. and Mrs- French called at
their residence last evening, but
were not allowed to see them; Or-
dera were given to have the mastiff
killed Monday.
Tho fund for tho Grant mono.
ment ia sufficiently largo to pay for
a design, and a dtsign will be or
dered and stored away in aome gar
ret, That's the American of it all
' j TICI 11 PARTITlCrj.
In tAt matter qf tht Eestatt of Amtlia
A.rt:r, (ate Centra townihip, Snyder
count, Pcl, dwr'd.
Ta AimU Kratfartn-armarrM with Prior
ThontM de-d f AUmi towoihlp, rrl-r
ouatr, W. Wia. Xnliw, or RMOtrllla, Ml(
fllnaonatw, F. Maori trtiur. of Paeon
Villa, R4r rnaaif. P. Inurmnrrlad
with Ranaai Orou M Ohratar' Mllli, Mifflin
natty, . Mlmon Krattar, Alleo, loUrmar.
rlJ with BtpnU Mltrhall, AlfMta taurraitr
rl'4 with Kutbaa htakoobanr, ll of Paiton.
vl l. ffaydar ania'r, " , Joha Kr-r, a
BIB or wbo bM lor ki Ordl.o A. A. Komi,
of MoOlnr. Pa. tthrln, n daa'd.. IhiM
to turrlT hor k . wad, J.wapb Mntor, of
fthraaVr'i Mllli Mffllrt O'.untj, Pa., and tha
vii.wiuituvvrn Til llDIi Hliiw, WlUVIi.
ho h fi.r u r gnardua A. A. Boiaifr. of
MoOlura. rfaydar aoun'j, Harah, now
dao'd., who lava to unrtfra h.r ka-band, An
d:aw Waar and tta loi1nwlpaei.lldian.Tlit
Cbartaa. Kata, (ror Alloa aud Elian, a' I ol
wQim ara Kiaori aad aavarr rair aruarunn
A. A. Rciii, of MsCliira, findr enuulT, Pa.
Voa ara barbf no IAd th t bf tlrtu ofa
writ of laqnUltloa laraad oal at tha Oribaua'
Court o' tnytr aonnly. and to tao dlrtd
that an Inquaat will a btld oa tha old hnma-
tad la tirntra towmlilp, Sntilar coudit,
PaonoTlTtala, oa Frlcitr, Fab 11, 188. at 10
o'ol.'cW A. M. to maa iartilo or valnatlon
Whan and whararoa naf atiand If Toa Ihluk
r in nam, Efiaia oi io naii.
In the malUr of Vie Estate of Henry
Kratzcr, late of Centre touinsltip, Sny
der county, I'a., dee'd.
To Amanda Kralirr. Inlarmtrrlad wlih
Patar TbomM, dao'd., of A' tnwntblp,
hiiTdarennntjr, Pa., Wm, KraUr. al Raada-
Tina, aimin aminiy, pa., tiaoraa Krair,oi
PaitonTilla. Hnvdar rnoutr. I'a.. Llnle. In-
tarmarrlod wlih Hamn-I ttrnaa of Hhradart
Mllla, Mifflin o-onlT. )'., mmon Kraizrr, Al
loa, Intariaarrlad with Hopula MlV-hrll, Alaa.
ta, Intarroarrlad with Nathan Haekenbara;, all
of Paitoavlll . tTl'r eonnl. Pa., Juhn
Kr 'liar, a minor wbo hai for bit aaardlaa A.
A II n I.. ... -f M D- -
m. .uui l, v, U'lHll'i . . a v.VU.IIU.i nvw
dar'd., who laarxa ta lurvlra liar a hnahaad,
Juaepb Ma Mar, of ! rauar'a Mlaa, atmia enon
ty. I'a., and tha f illo-IO't ohllOran via: John,
jannia, minnri.wbn uaTa for meir Raaraiao A.
A. Koala;, of MoUlura, 8nd r oouoty, Pa.,
Sarb, now daa'd., who lara to aurvir bar
hnahaod. Andrrw Waanar. and tbo folio-ln
chlldrad, Tin Obarlea. Kata, (aota;a. Alloa
ana biian, all nr wiiota ar minora ami nava
lor thlr auar.lln A. A. Komlg, of McOlura,
Sn?dar cauaty, Pa.
Yon ar-baraiijr nnllOod that by vlrtna of a
writ ul Inqnlnlilon laaurd out or tha Orphana'
I'ourtol Knydar rnnnty. and to m rtiraoted
that an lni)aat will ba hold on tba old boma
tad In Uantra townalilp, Modrr Bounty, I'a. ,
on I'rldar. Fall. II, 1SB. at 10 n'olm'k A M. to
maka partition or valuation af tha K -al Eatato
of tha aald daovaar-d. Whan and wberajuil
may attand If yon thin troir.
I.t-ttxranf Adinlulatratian on tha ratata of
Abnar MlddlM-arth lata of A.larua tnwnahlp
ainydar Co.. dasoaacd, baring ban arantcd to
tha undaralunad all aranaa knowing (barn,
afltr-a Indabtrd to laid aitatad ara raqueated
to maka IniaadUt- aymant, whlla thnaa bar.
ln alaiuia will uroaaut thrm duly avtbautlcai
ad to
W. H. F.WIrvrt.
Jan. S, 'IS. Adiulnlitratori, U.T.A.
ft'ara of ailmlnlatratoln.on thaatatanl
Townxtilp. Snyd-r Co., Pa., dao'd, balnn
l'an arantad to Ilia nn laralvnad. all raraona
known tbaaialvi Indabtad toaald -atataara
rai,natad to maka Inim-dlat payro-ut, ard
thoaa haalna elalma will pr-ant .thaui duly
auiuautioatau to tb unasraignad lor
Jan. , '. Admlaiitratora.
1 Jtaaiataaniary on tha latata -f OKOKOK
dMITII I . . .n k. I
Muyilar Co., Pa., ilacaaaud, bating teen Kraut,
rd to tha nndnralgnad all rioua knowing
tlirmaalTra Ind-btpd to aal t telat ara requnat
ed to maka Immadtata payment, whlla thoa
having claim alii preaaut Iheiu duly autUeo
llcatedlo FOSTER SMITH,
1. M.8U1TH,
Da. i, T. pd. Elocator.
A JWfP war n&rrok
j lAllHI:. MilmlBlJtratlfMi Bl tha aatat- of
Hrury Kratiar. lata of Oentra tw I.Sndr
do., dao'd, having been granted to IL undo
Ignad, all paraoni knowing tbame-lve Indeb
ad to aald eel ate ara requa tid to make Inline
dtata payment. while I boi hiring olelmt war
iraaent tbau dul authentlaatad to tba under
MUU.1 Ji it a i ic r. it
Nov. 7. W. AdininiKtrator
Though tho premium on Owls has been removed, tht'
premium on tho superior quality of goods sold by O.
C. Outelious still remains. Ho has just received a
New stock of SPRING STYLES
Suits for old men. Nobby suits
for young men. Suits for
Boys, Youths Men and
Children. Suits from
$1.75 to $15.
Hats, Caps, Glove, Underwear,
sold at greatly reduced prices.
Tbaakiog tba many wbo bave patronized oie I cordially iavita aa ir
spectioa of my stock.
G. O. GUTBLIUS, Middleburgh
Valley Street, Lowistown. Pa.
kinds and prices; Mat
tresses, Feathers, Pillows,
Boulstera, lied Springs,
Cbaira, Tables, Sinks,
Sofas, Stands, Uareaus,
4o., &c., &o , Ao.
A full lino of Jnte. I7emp,Ilag, Ingrains, Tapestry
Body Urussels aod Velvet Carpets, Art Sqnares,$uayi
oia ItnKs. Cooa aod Oatta
sell any of tbe abovo goods
ba bouugbt any place, and
station on P. It. R. Write
seo tbo largec. stock tbia
; Kcpoetfully,
Waaw OJaay waa ala, wa aarw aaw Oaaaarla,
Wkaa aba waa a C3rf4, aba ariod aw Caatarla,
Waawaaakiiaaia Mlaa, aba alaaf ta Caatawia,
Whm aha bad OUUum, aha gara Mbaaa Oaatat,
To all wbo ara aafiarint tram tba arron a4
indlaoratlonaof yonin, aarToua waaknaaa, aarly
daeajr, loaaof manhood, fta., I will aand a raalpa
that will car yow, TBI! OF CH ABOI. Thl rat
ramady waa dlaooTarad by a mlaalanary la BootB
Aaarlaa. Send a elt-addraaaa4 DTlop to th
KrT. Jnamni T. Iau. OkaWna J, rtm TtHt O0
New Shoe Store 1
Middleburgh, Pa.
Tho undersigned Laving
opened a now shoo store here
takes this method of calling
atcntion to his superior lino of
inclading tho leading makes
of hand-manufactured Leath
er and standard Itubber goods
Tho quality of material,
stylo of manufacture and tho
low prices will ft onco make
tho goods admired and desir
ed. Call and see it.
Tbe best Burning Oil that can be
mail a from Fetrolium.
It gives a brilliant lilit.
It will oot smoke tbe chimney.
It will not cbar tbe wick.
It bna a bib fire test
It will not explode.
It is witbout a comparison as a per
It is maoufoctnreil from tbe finest
Ci o'& io tbe inoet perfect! j equip
fpod refioeriea in tbo world.
IJt is tbe Best. , . ' '
Aeit your irpSioi' rbr Oown Acraer
TioJo orders filled by
Tours trnlj,
12 8 '87 ly. Sunbury, Po
Terry, Raw Silk, Uaii
Olctb and Plusb poodi
Parlor Rockers, all kinds.
Marble Top Tables.Look
log Glasses, aome fin
ones, Pictures,' &o., &a.
Peroba Door Mats. Will
as low aa same quality cat.
pay freiabt cbarces to an
we for prices or come and
aide of Philadelphia.
vv. H. TKLIX.
We possess the facility and inclination to give you re
al Bargains and will do it in our new stock of
which is just in and comprises the largest line of LA
uiULas uuuuo, UliUTliS, FL4JJVELS,
Groceries, Boots,
Clothing, Hardware,
etc. You w. II be oleascd
time honesty in quality and
MiDDLEmritaa, pa
1 still continue in tbe Merchant Tailoring business wilb rooma ia
Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa.
and lake tbis fueans of informing the people of Snyder eonnty,
bate on baud a well selected stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
and sbmplca from tho bent nod most lelinble Hew Tork and Philadelphia,
bouses, and will sell lower tbau ever. Catting, Cleaniag, Repairing, Dya
ing nid Souuriog doue on abort aolice.
Nov. ltf. B. B, BUCK
The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun
and Rifle Combined.
This system in combined riflo
and shot-gun offers advantages
over other makes oven more
marked than, those 1W shot
Via HI oil villi til, utvuiawi
workmanship) and balance
- - O
fW ......a.. el 2 a. ..n 1 .
DU I P U K Siac-snaP action, best dccarljonized blnod
I 11 1 J Ld O esteclbarrellO or 12 gauge shot, 44 Viri
nscterc. f. riilo artridgo 'weight 10 to 121bs, price $30
i.yp-Miuiicuuu, ouiiiu as uovo, aa-oj isaiiaru cartriuffo. or
i i 1.1. ;
44 v iucuRicr, pricu - -
Tho abovo prices includlo 100 paper she and ono box of
A Complete Assort
ment of
Artificial Bait, ect.
I respectfully submit to
Iroat-ilcs at 2oo. a dozen, tr
plain trout hooks 5o per doz.,
to 3 cents per yard, all other
e 1
yard. Keels from 25c to $2.
a 4- A . . A , I A . .
Freidman& Getz',
The undersigned desireto
have just returned' from the
Consisting of
Blankets, Haps,
Gent's and Children's Woolen
and Cotton Underwear, a
full line of Ready made
;L'TH 0 W D
Ladies' Press Goods; Groceries, Notions, Jewelry, Clocks
naccnes, Laamn, uiassware, yueensware, etc.
We sell Cheap for Cash or Producetor whith we al
ways allow the highest price. We have been tl:z;:3
With a liberal patronage; are thankful fcr it r J
hopsto merit tktsziabu lcivrri;:3 tc.J.??' "
9 ,SS SL tA
Shoes, Ready Made
Queensware, Glassware
to see how we combine nf.fl.
price with new,jreshslyl$$
Weill Made
wvaaaay m. V ivr XsslUOy I'llUU
C t tvav ...
vou ti fpw rn-lrM . au
out-hoks to gu 25o. per doz.,
best oiled-silk lines from 2
lines from 1 in 2
w w aw vvai VaJ V
Orders by mail promptly
eV V
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa.
Beavertown, P.a.
inform tha nuhUnt.hnf. ih-u
City with a fine Stock of
a full tin e of
Shawls, Ladies