fr . C XX. XXiJtTEli. He that will not reason is a bigot; lie that caiiL'otrfH fool ho that dare not i a slave. EDITOR J.XB rUOHHM'03. M1DDLEBURGH, SNYDER C&PENN'A. JANUARY f, 1HS8 NO 3 VOL. XXIV K .i.,r.:nJUi I. Ha, i 13 ' SL"j:m-L-L - - .. V hi- ES DXDSTT SSLL- I "1 believe I'll tell the rarrn, Jaoe Ann of and buy a house In town Jones made an offer yesterday he'll pay the money down, lie said be wasn't anxious, but he had the cash to spare, And reminded me nowadays cash sales are very rare. "Tbe farm ain't uiuoh anyway, the aoll la uilrfhty thin, And tbe crops It yields are hardly worth the puttin' of them In ; Besides, that pesky railroad tbat they are puttlo' through this way Will out the plaee slap lu two J ones told me ao to-day. 'I ain't afraid of work, you know uiy daddy alius said : "There ain't a single lazy hair in Neheuilah's head. There WHSit't any lazy hairs in that old head of his. For he did the work of three hired lueu, in spite of rheuuintiz. "Ho, no, I'm not afraid of work of that I don't complain I've tried to work wiih wlllln' hands In suudhine and in rain ; And I've alius wore a .cheerful face, except ut times, inaybi', When them giddy, hedditronjf steers of mine would 'haw' when I said gee P Terhupa it may be sinful for a mor tal to And fault With tolling hard both day and night, if he only makes bis salt : liut I've thought while uradlin1 ruin lodged oats on tbe side hill over there, Tbat my cross was most too heavy for a sumll-boned man to bear. "It'll alius beeu my custom, when l a-plowlng stumpy soil, ;fo hum some uood, oldifauhioued hymn it sorter eased my toll But 1 Wll you what, 'twas pretty . . . i i . ... . t ii liaru tosuioiuer in womn oi VVbeue'er a npriugy root 'ud break and whuck me ou the shin. mention those things, June Ann, M because I'd like to lend 5 . .r. I kiiit n' life, from all temptations freed ; It as long as HessUu Hies exist and uter bugs abound, e'll be some tall profanity at I ...l U It. flllMfltlf a ' . . agreed. Jne Ann, A , 4'v aa-)rJ U'll st.t t;.e farm to Jones f 11, il HiKt what it lacks iu soil U well made up in stones we'll move in lu towu next week j what's that you're sayia', wife : l.n'll i.uuoi luilVA lllH L'O.lll Old l)luC as loug as you have life T ill, there it goes again. 1 viim '. Jo ou and have your say ,'re bound to weurthe breeches In a flggrrative way ; it you'll ttnd I'll have my way this time, old girl, as well as you, u ii iivi .,.--- r. . j if you're bound to stay right here, by grannies I'll stay, too 1" the LelpTlNET 0? LIFS elation haV of talent titles tbroogb tbe jours week of prcV though it be but of The 8nydetb' ilbt loBib8 atitute durlnffVudl1 by death, whom of the most lot, wbeo liviopf, and most instructive loo or after tbev are ltlU0tor to u advanced Interest manTfesT I4rifrBaU; -uaiii h. m Juiuda in the next world than be has tbia. Death sweeps tbem away, ifud eometimes be ia left almost olona1 iu mpect to tbe cherished compeVioubbip of bis tartbly life. To tbede loved ones dead be can render uoservice, and, bo far as we know, irotn tuem re-1 ceive none. He may thick of Ibom, but be can do uolbiugfor tbem. "Tbey are eutirely beyond tbe reach of hie action, lie can speak uo kind word lu them, and ' give Ibtm no good advice. lie oau make no euo lillcee to promote tbeir j ys. Tbe lesson to be learned from tbis fact is tbat we should aot toward our kindred and fiiende vtbile tbey are living, ae we, if surviving tbem, will wish we had acted when tbey are - kloepiog In tbe grave. Let tbe hus band and the wife so treat each oth er, while tbey bold tbia relation, tbat tbe death of neither will give tbe other any occasion for regret on account of misconduct. Let parents and children, brothers and sisters, fiieuds intimately associated, and, indeed, all men, observe tbe same rule, and tbia certainly would be a ' much bapper world. . Tbe rnle would lesson the number of family quarrels, and make life more serene and more like bea en. r ewer bard speeches would pass between men. Ueutleucss and kinduess would be the law of bamao aatiou. ' We onoo hoard a man who Ltd jaet lost roost excellent ifa say : 'I am now cittctrely sorry for every unkind 1 1 v:r r-ctj ta tbat woia. wish I could tell Iter to, and iu aorne way receive from her tbe expression ber forgivoness. 1 would give $20,000 if 1 cookl thereby blot out all such words,' We Lavs no doubt that jaet tbia sort of feeling baa peoetraUd many a boaom. Tbe way to avoid it ia to to act toward othera tbat tbere will be do occasion for it when tbey are dead and gone. Tbe Indepeudent. Tho Safety of Total Abstinence- Look at tbe wrecks of men to be seen on every baod. Uu I yoaog men, 1 wish I could lift tbe curlaiu tbat conccala from your view tbe aocieta of tbia cbarnel hejse. A niau about forty years of age, 1 sup poso, a graduate of Edinburgh Unix versify, came to me and showed me bis diploma us a pbjsiciun. lie was quite n fluent liugniat aud a very cultivated geutlemao, but the lunik was upon biui. I was wilb bim some time, and wneu bo left me be suid to me, '1 am very much obliged to you, Mr. Goiigb, for your kind ness to me. Vuu have told me tbo trni b, but it's no use- There's no hope for mo. Wiil you th:tke bauds wilb me f I'm a lost laddio yood bve.' 'How nmuy 'lost luddies' are there; lost, lost 1 i living uiiu It tt f yes ll'aauawlul eigbt to see a living man a lost man, aud there are such 1 knelt at the family alter wilb a loctor of diviuity in New England in 1352, and 1 beard bim pray. lie was tbe pastor of a large cbucb. To duy be is a diuukared, and employ ed us a hostler in a stable in Huston. Wben y.v. Moody was holding bis meetings, it was decided to go and see him, and do something for bim U'but wai tbe result 'Go way from me. You kuow what lam. You know a bat 1 have been. Qo away from mo- The doctor pi escribed it for mo to save my life, but be has dumbed my soul go away from me!' TLuu what bbull we do 1 Our principle of total abslince ia a sim plrcjotnod.' ' It U so simple 1 Who; should ud. pl it. We ask yon tbeu, 'o udopt lliis principle Lot only for your owu Bjke, but for oiLers. Ob! thtee men need your btlp. Tbey know that I lie bitter npj ctilo is ibcie like tbe tmuuldeiiug ovens of a volcutio itady to be lounud LJ the Uint diatu Jiatjk. Won t tnrapei fitb tbe appetite. Don't thitik if you Luve ubslained for tn ur mote yeuiH, I but you cau ill ink u lilllu moderately. 1 remember reading of a genllemun who bad a pet tiger. The tiger was in bia study one day, md tbe gentleman's baud was bang ing over tue chair, iue tiger was licking bis band, and on tbe gentle man attempting to remove it, tbe animal, with a low growl aud I snarl, fixed bia claws ou tbe gentle mau's sims. Tbe tiger stood with liia ears thrown Lack, its tail etretcbs ed, and was evidently preparing for tbe fatal spriu. The gentleman, kecpiug bis eye fixed upon tbe tiger, rang tbo bell aud ordered ' tbe ser vant to bring tbe pistol, with which be shot 'io tiger deal. lie tlen looked a. his baod and observed blood upon it, tbe sight and smell of which bad aroused tbe tiger's dormant nature. So it is with tbe appetite for drink which is ever ready, like a tiger, to make tbe fatal Bpriug wbcuever it ia for a moment tampered with, John 11. Uough. A Woman's Romanes- What truth is stranger than fiction was exemplified on ilallowu'cn even iog in a saloon at tbe comer of 117lb street and Third avenue, New York City The Evening Sun tells tbe story in tbis wise; Six years ago Bridget Moody landed at Uastle uardeo, and since tbat time baa been out at service in different families. At present she is employed by Mr. Wordao of 153 East 117tb street, Monday evening abe was sent to the saloon on tbe corner with a pitcher for beer, Wbi standing at tbe oonoter waiting to be served the bartender chaffed ber in a cood natured maauor about Hallowe'en customs. At tbis ruo meut a welUdresaed man came into tbe saloon and passed over to the blackboard npon which tbe winning horses at tbe different race tracks are posted. X be bartender, us be banded tbe young woman ber pit cher of beer, said joooselyi 'Look in tin c,;;3 KrtJjjet, and maybe you will see your future husband.' 'Sure I'll see your face tbere, an' I'll not marry tbe Hires o' you,' re torted tbe giil. Hut ebe looked in the glass. The quiet man at tbe blackboard gave start wben be beard the girls voice lie tnroed arouod and stepped np bebiud her until his face, reflected in tbe mirror, peeped over tbe girl's should. Bridget saw tbe face aud her color forsook her With a crash the pitcher fell to the ftaor and with and awed whisper she said' 'Tie tbe banshee1 'No, it's not, lassie V shouted tbe man iu a baity voice full of joy, as be claspod tbe girl in bis arma, re gard lues of tbe baif-dozan men who bad come in. Tbo girl put ber arma around tbe man's neck and sobbed softly, all the while eayiug, 'Its Din, ao it in,' uu- til Dau, with ouo arm about ber, ex claimed as be asked tbe audieuco np to tbo bat: "Ibis is ray lass, mates. ebippod aboard a veMS'd that wont dovsu ut Sea, aud 1, with three others was saved by an East ludiamitu. A year alter 1 went Home to lK'iiasi and found my funeral uiukb bad been said aud my lass bete gouo to Ame rica For fcix years bave I been hnu- tiug ber, aud, praise the Holy Moth er, 1 bavo fouud ber all o' IIllowuVu. Ye may diink our health, mates, and I'll pay it all." A bumper waadruuk aud tbo cou ple viebcd every bsppiuexs iu the woild. Tbe bartender wouldu't take Dan's money, and Skid; ' I'll dunce at your wedding and bring you a credit) bosidea. To tbia Bridget retortdd: "Go 'long wfd you" A new pitcher wae procured from the regioua up atairs, which was fill ed and given to Dan, who catried it carefully aa he went out tbe little side door, arm in arm wilb bia lass. Dau Cbaffue was Budget's old time lovtr, aud now is eugiueer ou au oceau bteumsinp llml plies oe twees tbir city aud Liverpool. He said: 'I dou'l know bow it was tbat got on the elevated cars aud lodo nit to tbo eud aud theu strolled Luck - i . I i awuys. 1 wanioii a uripK oi aie, auu went into tbe Hist suloou baudy 'be barkeeper was waiting ou u lady ud I did not iutrude, but Heaven bless that lookidtt glass that's ovti Ihu bar, in il I found my lais.' Dan will not wiL this trip, but ill lomuiu iu New York aud mak home itt Bridget. Tbey will be married and Bridget's employer will give ber a wedding to which all tho neighbors will be invited- Th9 Dutchman's FcesumHunt 'Did I efer dell yoa about de vay me und Abe killed t'o bossum V 'No, sir, Misdor Uoffoustiue.' 'Veil, my bouse vas oud of t'e town near de vwoda, uud von lay Abe cornea to me uu say a :' 'ra, me uud my tog bat run a boeBum avay np in a log vat vas bol low ; cum uud help kill urn.' '1 veut out vere do boBsom vas und Abe says again ;' Pa, 1 dinka yn potter crawl in side uf de log uud pull de bossom oud. vile me uud t'e tog etauds at uder end to see dot bo don't got avoy dere,' 1 don't stop to dink, und I says Abe, stand dere nnd kill do bossum mit a stick uf be runs out,' 'Den I crawl into do log. Vot you dink, Herman 1 Veu everyding but mine foots vas in t'e log, a lot of pumple bees vat bad a nest iu dure got on my bead. Mine gr-a-cionslj Herman, 1 tried to get oud, put my boots caught mit a snag, und dure I vas niit t'e pumple bees, I sgrcam- ed oud Abe, und be dinks dot I means to look oud be makes de tog crawl into t'e log at t'e oder end. De tog dinks my bead vas de bos sum, uud be pits me on de ear, nnd parks ven de bees sting bim, dink iog dot de bossum was pitiog bim. Veo 1 get ont of here, Herman, I al most vos dead, und dot bead vas so big dot I dii.ks it vsa a mountain. Did you.get de bossum, Minder Qoffenslino ' inquired tbe clerk. N. , Herman. Miue gra oiiu ! do you dinks 1 vas going to vaste my time bunting for de bossera veu fonut de pumple bees f xua inuei dink I vas a fool, you know. ' A man Is "dead drunk" w hen the fluid which circulates through the ar terlea and veins contains one part of -1 I..I .....I IflK . m, J, j.f litrit flll.Mllfl . , ' , . , , - the proportion become ont part of al - cohol and 109 of blood death must eu - eUte,v , Girls Who Court Uaiuty. Tho baodeomest woiesn .1 ever aw wns i.e ho t( ok cttat care of her hraltb. Wben I koe her she was over thirty, Lut uo girl 'of six teen tbat I bave ever eeen had rosier cheek or brighter eyee. rUi oonree ebe was tistuially fine looking, but tba atleutioo abe gave to matters of hygiene added to and preserved ber beauty. What did she do I don't know tbat 1 can reooont all, bnt 1 it member ber telling me she took a sponge bath every morning, was particular aboat tbe ventilation of ber apartmeotst took long walks wben conld, ate but little meat, much fruit and cearaals, whenever sb could get tbem. Anothor thing she did which she tried without success to get me to do, she drank ber cof-;,,l,!B feo without milk or cream, diluted wilb aater. 1 Tho reason she took ber coffee bo wasbeciuse br physicians told ber it was healthier to diink it in this ivny. N 'hellier the practice added to ber piibonul charms or not 1 don't kuo. Ou tbe wbole she was certainly repaid for ber, systematic liubits, aud its ciriuiuiy mere was uothin arduous about tbe peifoi- maucu of them. Nor was there any tbin bicarte about tbutn as it sems to me, tboro is about the fol lowing uccouut I rcud of a Chicago belli: j 'To keep the supplsnoss of ber figure she stands one; hour daily, fifteen minutes at a time, with ber bauds on ber hips before a long mir ror, aud bending bar kneea out from each other sbo sinks slowly down to tbe floor as low aa possible, tbeu as slowly upraisiug, meantime moving her arms iu auy direction to tbeir utmost length, out or np, forward or back, uutil wheu abe stands erect tbey are ready to be placed ou ber hips again. ! 'Etch movement is repeated, every time a little accelerated, until at the eud of thii tveu miuutos it is . doue ckly, aud a line CC her cliei-k. Cb:''tUed-"iiu3 idown on a pei fuctly flat o.mcli, y.thout a pil- ow, uutil bur breath oomes smooth aud regular, as it will iu the two minutes left iu her quarter of uu hour. When she plays a good deul of tenuis she cuts dowu ber exuici- sing one half,' Of course, the bene fit to bu doiived from this proceduie U uot to bu (liU'Htiouu I, nbatevur may be thought of it besides. It i euuy to see bur whole body thus re ceives good exotowe, added to tbe grace of bur own form, beautifying ber comploxiou and tuakiog her stroLger aud Leullbier. Bought Wit- From tbe amount of awindling af fairs tbat occur, one might be lead to believe that tbe great majority of people never read a newspaper, or if tbey do, tbey never remember what luey read, scarcely a paper comes to our table tbat does not bring news of some ouo having fallen a victim to tbe card sharp, tbe fortune wheel, 01 excb nged a package of greenbacks for one of sawdust. Invariably the victims uf tbia kind of work falls buck npon tbo oQicers of tho law and ex pect tbem to ferret out tbe parties by whom tbey have thus been duped They solicit tbe sympathy of tbe commuuity; at large who join iu their denunciations of wags aud sharpers, while t'je real trutb of tbe matter i, tbey, themselves aio to blamo. lu almost any paper you pick up, you find warnings egaiusl just sucb men; they tell you bow others have leuu (leucod of tbeir money, aud yet. in tbe face of all Ibis, yon still ii sist on venturing upon a nclmiuo iu wbch you expeot to gaiu fioiu somo one else two dollais for one. No I hire ia swindle on both sides aooordiug to tbis, ss no man can double bia money legally in a few ruinates, and because tbe wrong man is swindled, they squeal If everybody would take a borne paper aVj read it much might be saved aoine rf tboae fellowa wbo pretend to be smart, TJnder tbe cuoumsisuces sucu chape are eouueu to 00 sympa.uv, auu u. Ch,v , . tti oeuueaien. iou ve u uni uui ir to grasp things t but du t belong to ! yon. Yon ill alasyw wben playing against a rogue' game. So Don can -et it will alays pay a man 1' , ' ... ! to resd cartful ly arid temetuber what you j ead. nE paid t::e ioey It Is not. always an advantage to bear a striking rrseiublanee to anoth er man, even If he Is a good-looklug one and rich In the barguln, and as a matter of fact such a resemblance may often result In serious complica tions. A gentleman of this city, says the Providence, (It. I.) Journal, ha tist gone through such an experience, and now he vows that he will let bis hair grow long mid look like Arizona Joe, if necessary, hut he will not be taken for some other fellow again or have any one taken for him. A short time ago a clergyman who had been only a short time In the city was so liciting sul'scriptlons for the purple of making certain rrpairs upon tlif church be was cnuuectcd with. He met with much success, and finally re UH'tnliered that he had not yet Inter, viewed one of bis inont earnest, diwcl- A few iluys Mater he met, or thought be met, tliit:eiitlviiinii on the xtreet, and determined to uk him for a subscription. After the usual salu tatlous the clergyman Mild; 'My good sir, several of your fi lciuU have ikItI.-i ed me to apply to you for aid In our noble work.'nud Mr. (calling him by the naiiie of tho otlK-r mouiber of of the church w ho resembled liiin), they'tliink you will give us one hun dred dollar. The gentleman, who is somewhat of a humorUt, na,w,iieliuic to play a joke on bis friend, aud be replied: 'Certainly With pleasure you can put my nulul down for on hundred dollars. A few days passed and ths clergy man thought he wouldicall upon his generous member and collect the money. He accordingly th office of the man whose name be had on his list aud found biui in. '(Jood day, Mr. ,' suid the clergyman; I was going by, so I thought 1 would stop in audget the money you so kindly subscribed:' 'Money! What money t' nsked the astonished mer ehaut. 'Why the one hundred dol lars you put your name to hut Thorn day.' For a few seconds the merchant hesitated, but he remembered to hi shame, that fur several days he had beeu ou something of a "spres" from which he hail just recovered. Heat once concluded that while under the Influence of IIuccIiiih h must, have put down his iiume for the amount aud forgotten all about it. IUther thHtvcotsfess his weakness before bis pastor be pulle led out his check buoil and tilled out a blank for out hundred dollars aud over in the un suspecting divine. The perpetrator of the joke heard of the nlTair u few lavs luter. aud thought it was too good to keep, so he told a few friends, and it whs not long till it reaehed the ears of the real subscriber. Whenev er the two friends meet now the iiihii who paid says to the uiuu who put up the job: ' was a pretty gd joke, hut I think you ought to give me fifty (dollar und divide tho ex pense.' The expense has not yet been divided, the church Is one hundred dollars richer, and the clergy man does not know the true Inwitrduess of how he got his money. Hot Watar A strip of flannel or a napkin folded lengthwise and dipped, in hot water and .wruug out, and then applied around the neck of 11 child that has croup will usually bring relief iu ten minutes. A towel folded several times aud dipped In hot water and .quickly wrung out and 'applied over the toot I actie or neuralgia, will generally nl ford prompt relief. This treatment iu colic works like niugio. There is nothing that so promptly cuts short a congestion of the lungs, sore throat, or rheumatism us hot water when ap plied promptly ami thoroughly. Tep id water acts promptly as an emetic mill lldt water taken freely half uu hour before bed time is the best ca thurtio possible in case of constipa tion, w hile it has a most soothing ef fect upon the stomach aud bowels. Tills treatment, continued a few months, with proper attention todlet, will cure dispepsia. Headache almost always yields to the simultaneous ap" plication of hot water to the feet and back of the neck. Ilovr to Nobod. It Is easy to be nobody, and we will tall you how todo it. (ioto the drink ing saloon and spend your time. You heed not drink much now; just a little beer Oi- some other driuk. In ths meantime play dominoes, check ers, or roinethlitg else to kill time, bo that you will be sure not to read any useful books. If you rsad anything let It be the dime novel of the day, thus go on keeping your stomach full aud your bead empty, and yourself playing timekilling games, and in a few years you will be nobody, unless you should turn out a drunkard or a profsssloual gambler, either or wnicu im .U..FU. flum iintuuh' There are unv annui o . . - lUHf cf 0Iitf hanging about j 8iins Just ready to graduate and be nobodies. MAV Tt ar Mm, txrl Sanaa wba wrSa la U UJJLI nir-lf'BU0 tu Ika lid. MnwItwKkaair. HMi'.BK lkami.iTa loilabl rqit'- Vou aaa unt t td' la antka luium ! V. airiH m, of aaaa UC ulji alalnii waia laaaadar for Infants and i 777....Mi I " Physicians, )n MAUAND HOTUirOCK, Frcmonl, Snyder county Pa lmlaitinaf lull linnra Unl Iras ol Phjilrlm nil "arijin. UIr kin I rlp.i"nsl .rl to lhnblln. Spk EiiRllitaDd Oarmss. Mrcn, it, um. ii. QU. K. V. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SUP.GEON, Frecbmrg, I'a nnom bin iiroromilniial m-rvlKi-i to thr pulillo conrint In lstb KiiMU aud llnraias Otto so Main mr.nt. K. VKH IUIoKIKK, StUROICAL Jt MECHANICAL DENTlttl Ssliusgrove, I'enn'a'. j. w. si:ii', Kreamer. Snyder County Pa. nrric norsa : I'o A M., from Ii t a P. M ,n-) rrr S I. M . rtAKs Horn lmolikh anpueuman. M)l, !H0. HAVE YOU UMATISM? A Hmii-tW mat hu liwn In iiiw.f ill tii f'T mny in ICiin. tu.iwu nuiy lMr lutroluctd tit Hum ouoitUy. I tho RUSSIAN RHEUftlATlSBl CURE TW" ltnnrty liu tlif Mitlormnwit ft rfitiUinnUl l"i1.inr. .il l (I n.niiniiit f-vilwrr 1liinuloii, a. km l" iht '. 1 lutLrrr. loihmn it hM l.tri;r'il r-linl. II mtiA uUiu-ail Uo teS WILL a'"l I ' .'TLl--.-iVl.S IT.. . from fiirthnriwiuy. If r""'U ""'r ' ' mme. Ietuni inn .ji., . TiUDK LiliSVa. :vx, I t ttir nip-. BMit..ta. 'ib.-- tali an. for vomi-ln'a liif.'rmat'on. l.rr'pila I'aait phlrl, Willi aia. frer. a:e ! all druaai. If "u or Ui other la not In powtlnii S fnnii.h II t" jf' nu r aua 11 to ankr auyUUng l. I"il an ir 'lirart V Ilia 0,,nrral Aiwi.U. rKU I..l lt HttOM. A O. bill da SSI .llarkvt klllM, I'hllaaeliibJau THE fOSMJEYS, Thoy are the meet Important secretory orRans. Into and through tho KlUnoys fiovr the waste fluids or tho body, containing: poUonous matter taken out or tno system. 11 the Kidneys do not act prop erly this matter is retained, tho vhola tyeitem becomes disordered and tho following symptoms will follow: Head ache. vreRk.n2'jj(. tain I ft tho small of Lscfcai.t! loin, flushes of heat, chills, vlCi disordered stomach and bowcsis. zou can thoroughly crctfct ths Kid nevs bvBURDOCiv BLOOD BIT TE'P.S, juid when any of theso symptoms manifest them selves vou can Quickly rid yourself of them by this best of all medicines for the Kid neys. BURDOCK BLOOD BIT TERS aro sold everywhere at $1 per bottle, and ono doiuo will prove th!r efScey. AFFLICTEDfiCKFO3T0NATE Aftr all Otrvara Ull amnaall 23x-. XjOBB 99 lit It., Mew CaUewaUl, rtUs., T. f;aanMpanacaiaaUarsliai.Ma tar- laaantl faaiaraa laoaa "7 nr ma. ha. CallorwrlM. Aa.wa araa aaS atrtoOr coa. tlaadai. Hum t a. Sk M a, aaa) a aa aaaaaaaa) FAVO LARD Da Waal dMaanaaamaa UUaiaaa ta-"" llaaabloaUa car W aianpoataVaai aa S I'-ni 1 tp., yvi pfynMTWM ci'W I .aaaTaTMSal MANILLA ROQFMGI Takaa Munted AircuU to hell C&'VJI jrMjil m BLACK &k nun mitf wMlwl 1 I 1 1 i i ii i mil w ,4 a na. I lJffi.t.,''.,iJ I ri,. aUw.ita. .rinl4. S,: l'1l'L S I HtflraN, a)BIBH , Bjil tj I IT" . . Children, y it- --. torn CartAcm Cma, m Suw jr. t At torn eys-M- 1m t. '1 AMES 0. CHOUSE, ATTOItNEYAT-LA w, M I DDLEUUKO H. TA, All bii..lr4mintriiilS Is kit ' Slf eniva errani i tttntlus. ( tttaustl Is 6tt nil r.nsllah t-l JACOI1 GILUKltT, Attorney mini Cotttirclr l JEsvei KIIIIHI.KRI nU, PA, Ootleotlnni tad all otktr v.if.if r IT ali.n.l.U to. CoviulUU.a Is lilll4 l.rinso. . Jt l SSk JATT0RNEY-AT UXt, Sklikborovii. T. , 'ftllcrtlotit aid all slher Uial bvilnai. frSv4 Ir alKmliil o VSntUIUIIOM litllB (icinisu JtBtt J.J G. DI5ITRICM, 'iTToancT Ar.uff, Mrkrl SI. , Sfliiifftrctt, Trs Alt "toff lonl hnnr.aa pr.Bitl. tsrreee to. UoDialtallasa Id tlillah n.rtnaa. r.s.s'i. Jji IS. ROWEH, AnflRNFY-AT-LATT, AND DISTRICT ATTOtmi, . Mi1iltbrg naiatutla Is HaJfSfa Bd Htlmii. Jaat QUAS P IJLJUCH, ft Attorney k Coaniller-At-lt nO la App'f Hulldlns li RariS Km iron a Horat. i-llCw'' eellDsxi ?, Fenv'n. um m' Ki T - JT Mdtln and ail ntl.arnl.ll -'74 naaa la nilnlUil aad will raa.lTta -tral4 f l-roiat aitaailaa. Aar-l n.ism . 1 rp r smith A J ATTORKEV IT ki . MlllULERUKU, IK110RSV., Farf bit Prolaaalnaal Sar.teaa la Ika Uaaialutlsai la Laallfk aa fJaiasaW A. w. rOTTIIt, A 7'lORXA Y AT LA W. Solinsgrove. ra ," un.rineir rrolaiala-alar.caa la tba SSMiji I AlllaalbuluaaaaairiKtad la Ikalraara wtt rci'sira i r.Mppi auantlao. USltaaa Mala J H.CJUIMU, Attorner-nt-IiatA Mlddlel.iat(;li, Pa. fnnaaliatUa In .both I.nnaaaiai. Kotllik aaeiOanaav ,OUN II. ARNOLD, Attonipj ftt Inra . MU)DI.IVIinC' rrolnl.,ual (In, t kit aaiaa4 ka irumul; aurnilaS ta. m, m CjAMUI'.LH. OUWIff, ATTORNEY-A T.LAlt l.rwl!ni. Inlsn 0.. favJ , ona aa Mirk. I osa Saar aart twm arra llon-a. Daa.Kt, Jsn.ll. JOHN K. HUGHK3, JUSTICE CF THE PEAC Kxntz, Unytltr Cf.,' "tWCollectlonH.'promptly , JOHN V. F 1511 Eft. M. D. Mlddlebnreh, Panae A aralnat" ar tha llntrarahy of ranniTrs nta, odara bia .r.) aarrirat la Ida a1a ' na ut kllria'.lxirah anil vlmalt. 6a. abB I-i-vll'li ami lli rmaa. Ofloa la Mr. O. A IS-aa hclaaeli'l ballitiar. Julj t, IB. J CRIER BABRCrT PHYSICIAN A SLTCrCf, Mi.hll.saruli, TeasAk. . UITra lil.rr.(ia-lral a.ilc toMha rl-baJM nl Mt.liH.han. ami ,.lhlt)r I'lBf a fa att H'a.i aC Ih. 1'oarl Naa.a. In SrnuK'a kaktutujl. . Kail'taaoa oppatlta aaaeilla fca PtMti e ktir m.m t -i.-e'i H-xnr r . ija S4al lM4 r iM'. '' )lJ i- fl 1 a)'e, atki.ajiatae a- - eti am I'.I.f ' "i t"- i.i-Mi MftW eSrnup CURES' ibUGHS SCOLDS V 1 at v .1 uciii f Sn'aiairaUr I