girt jpftltfcngfc Jlosl, rX. EI. IlA.Tt.T12K. 5ubioripn $1.50 Per Year RATES OF ADVERTISING : On l'jiwn, On Tf VulmB Ub. Yr fciVBO (,-fct(fc'Qlms, u. Vtr. w (o l"TvttMIl Cr)i, por ?r 5.W Aooiior, ,.nii,r, tun muirttor, oa Al'HCB Joll. I'i.'.O tV b mi ipaeUI rrrir nDt re mail. ll fcTiriUMinl. Inner tod lur lot tliao month., I'm t jn.l lo"rtloo nJ Tl enU lor tch Thursday, Dec. 8, 1887. Lzthor ShafferiSeateacod to fca Ilunj Lock Havem. December 12 Luther Khiffer, wbo was on Fiiday convict ed of the marJer of Isiao Colby and his wifj Nora, at Cherry Hun, in August last, was to-day sentenced to be hanged. I 1 "i mmmm Just think of it t Tbo Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, ono of tbe gi ntifhl corporations iu tbe world, control OTor seven thousand tniles t,t t r nek bd J bas more tbaa one hun dred thousiod people employed in its service ! Six hundred dollars were regarded as a big return for nu acre of tobao c , eveo in tbe palmy days of '7C Bnd along that period of high prices Vat what do you thiuk of $1,500 clear for a four acre crop of celery, whore tbe woik of cultivation and risk from weatbor damages are com paratively small. A Kansas man bas just grown such a crop of cel ery It is but fifty yeais since tbe mis f t. (tries began work on tbe Fiji In landers Tbo Islaudeis were then igoortot savages and exceedingly ferocious. Now tbere are twelve hundred chapels and preaching places, and nearly one hundred oa tivo miaister and catechists. Tbe church members number ovr twentysix thousaod, and tbe Sun dayiscbool children forty thousand. Tbe Fiji christians are reported by tbe missionaries as being quito a consistent aod orderly as christian in other lands. 'Verily, the world moves.' .. i Government Eovcnuos- Cleveland"! Mess&go- President Cleveland has issued bis aonual message lo Coogrsos. It is a free trads manifesto, and Dlalue, who is now in Partis, bas taken op tbe gauntlet in ft severe criticism. Ife brings to bis analysis und criti cism of tbe rueFssge all tbe resources of bis powerful mind, and tbe clear ness of bis statements as lo the in dustrial hihtory of tbe country, and the disafttrioos effects which wonld follow tbe imagination of tbo Cleve land1 policy of free trade, miiBt con vioco every fair-minded man of the ntter fully of the Cleveland idea. In the President's free trade message on tbe oue band, and Mi; liluioe's analysis and rtilici-u ou the other, the peoplo of the country bavo pres ented lo them the tm iff question in form never more ch-aily outlined. The iisne for tbe coming Presidou lial campaign is already made np On the one band protection, with its beneficent influence on our industrial and business life; ou the other free trade, with ils accompanying disss teis to businrns and industry, lo tho months intervening between now and tbe contest of 18J8 the people will bnvo ample time to study the question in nil its phaxes, and the admirable utterance of Mr. Blaine, and bis couviucing exposure of tbe "Cllppaiy Joo" BoUnd the Ban- ' Joe Harlan, with ft large number of aliases, and Jud Wolcott, both known by a number of onr citizens, and two of tbe most notorious and t occessful conoterfeiters in tbe coun try, were ciptnrod at Wilkeborreon Tuesday, They bavo for at least two years hern the bead of a gang that has bad treat succm. They bad estahligeed their headquarters near Wilkesbarro, WoIcoU'a old home, and made tbe spurious coin there, but tbey bad a number of agents pnttiog out the coin in different parts of tbe Slate, Although the Government officials were aware that large quantities of spuriona standard dollars were being put out they could never lay their hands on the counterfeiters. The woik was done on an old canal boat, anchored close bj tbe bank ia Mill creek, a small station in the north em subnrb of tbe above place; Here Harlan lived and bore Wolcott would spend tbe larger part of bis time miking tbe couutorfeit coin. When tho officers surrounded Har lan be was engaged ia silver washing some spurious coin. In bis pockets tbey found a self-cocking revolver with seven chambers, all loaded; also sixteen counterfeit dollars, very good iojilations of the standard coin- He win, tbe wildcat which the hunters brought home with them was dis ecvered prowling around tbe fire aod was killed bj Jordan. This k the story as it is told by the Wil liumsport Nimrods. Tboy swear it is true, aod as tbey have tbe bear, tbe deer and tbe wildcat, and as both won look as though they bad been (Lrougb some trying situations, they fiud many believers. 1 resident s error, will do much to . made no residence whatever, and aid them to a wise and coriuct bolu- rvfli r mncr bis name as James Wil- tion of the problem. LITTER mo Kansas- Wichita, Kan. Deo. 5, 1887. sou candidly admitted that be was guilty, saying, 'Tbo world will "not miss oue man. I suppose it is all up with me cow.' In default of $2000 bail be was Ed. Posr: i think I closed my P'ced in the WilktbLarre jail for last lotter about five months ago on appeoraoce at court, the arrival of the steamer at Mem- Oo the day following Hol m' ar pbi, Tenn., so I will now try aud'reBt JUl Wolcott culled at the Nuns oivo von mi id of T Im v ! licuke post cflice Bud asked for a been spouding (his time. 1 went to Howell county , Mo., where I spont soverul weeks, then to SprinGeld, the hrgext towu in south westei u Mo , hiving a population of letter of James Harlan's, at the samo time producing ou order from Har-luo- The post oflico authoriiiiH had previously l)- n posted ou tho sub ject, and Wolcott was innnediately 30,000 und being on the highest "teted. Wolcott has already serv point of the Uz irk mountains. Here ! 6 J fourteen years iu tue penitentiary I spent two weeks attending thu I for tlji" offense. Ilarlun was also The revenue of the government from all sources during the month of November amounted to about $30,503,000. beincj ftfl.ayernga . t'f- little more than 81.000 000 a day Tbe disbursements during tbe month wore nnnsually heavy nd noarh equalled tbe receipts- Over $18, 000,000 paid out on account of pen sions. It is estimated at tbe Treas ury Department tbut thera bai been an increase of nearly n million dol lars in tbo public debt during No vember. Potter county haH'uot bad a li censed hotel within its borders for twenty or more years, it is tbe only county in the Stato that did not givo the Prohibition ticket a single vote. Tbe people of that staunch temperance county do not seem to take much stork in Prohibition third party of this State This, bowover, is very much the case with nil real temperance men; they ore in favor of restraining the sale of liquor and preventing its manufacture although, bnt can only hope to do this by edu cating publio sentiment. Tho tem perance peoplo of Potter hove done this fuithfully and well. Chicago the choice. Washington, Doc 10 Tbe text Republican National Convention will be held in Chicago, June 10. Tbe National Commilteo so decided Tburs day of laut week on the 3rd ballot. Tbe result is not considered to have toy propbelio significance or to be duo to tbe influence of any presiden tial candidate. William Punn had probably as much to do with the res suit as any body wbo did cot vote in tbe committee. If he bad found it couvenieut to locate Philadelphia at some point further Wvbtit mibl have got the Convention, Once the committee decided not to bring the Convention East, there was very lit tle question as to which Western city it would go. Chicago's central position, railroad facilities and bote! accommodations carried tbe duy Omaha and Minneapolis wore too far ont of the way, and their rival offers of large earns of money were too much in tbe auction block method to be effective- St. Loos was never in tbe fight, and Cincinnati was prob ably not helped materially by its lo cation in a state which has a candi date formally in tbe field. Tbe com mittee listened to a wbole afternoon of peeoh-makiog took the Interstate Commerce bill into consideration, aod decided in favor of Chicago. - Northumberland Preei- Springfield aod Sjiith western Fair, then oil to Cliutou, near which I bad my first viesv of Prairie country This is a towu of SMOO inliubituuti and at tho timo I was tbere whs voiy lively, for a short (tiius before they opened the largest Artesian well in thocountry which wus throw ing out ono half million gallons of sulphur water daily. From there 1 went to Kansas City, the New York of the west, stopping at the princi pal towns along the. rood, seJ af's spouding a few weeks there, I re turned south to Kort Scott, Kan., a lively town of lo.OOO inhabitants, called hero "the Pittsburg of the west" having Natural Uis and many fuctorius, including largo Sor gum and Glass works from there I weut to Newton, where between pleasure and busiuosa I spent a few weeks very pleusuntly, for almost every hour of tho day I saw some people 1 know in the east, making it seem more like old Snyder county. I then Kp-nt u few days with a few Harvey county's reliable farmers near llalntuad aud a fuw days ago came to the 'Forrest City.' It de rived that name from its .having muny bhado trees iu it. It beiug built on the banks of the Aikuusus river, trees grow very rapidly. They claim a population of 35,000, aud out of the one hundred and fifty Physicians iu town I. have seen fourty, oo I do uot expect to get out of the Suu Flower Slute buforel8S8. Now aoue of your readers muy say 'why don't be give a description of the country as Le goes along To those I w ill suy that I bad not ins tended writing so much before go ing buck, but if you will now go aud tell you what I tt.n.k of lb country to this pliu. Memphis named 'The Muff city' because it is built ou a high LlufTovetlooking the Mississippi river, id no city, f ir dur ing the Yellow Fever plague its cof fers became empty, nud its chui tm was taken and now oacb ward bus its own Government. Iu tho ceutre of the city is Court Square, in which are hundreds of tame gray Fqoirrtl and pigeons. As in Now Oilt-aus, about one third of the population is composed of Negroes. Not having a bridge over the river at thin iut, the cars are taken over in a transfer boat, and then we start through Ar kacsus or 'Arkansaw' as it is rightly pronounced there. Uetweeu the river aud tbe Mo. lino there is little to speak off, exoepting Swamps, Log shanties, Negroes, Mosqnitoos, Malaria, and small clearing in which cottou is raised. For it, the ground is prepaired the same - as for corn, when the seed is etrewen in tbe furrow and covered, and when it is about a foot high tbey pull some out as it ik generally too thick to do well, Tbe land in tbe northern part is very good, but my principal ob jection to that State is its malaria, I will now close at tbe Mo. line and in my next, well try and tell something of Missouri aod Kansas. O, W. fiCHWBNK. , formerly arrested, but broke ont f the Montour county jiil und wun never recaptured, Joe Harlan is tbe same chap the detectives were after iu this place lust week. It will moro than likely appear at tho tiiul of ilurluu (hit Ida Smedly, who has been living cu a boat ut this place for the past few yearn, bad something to do in bring ing about the above at rent, aud a!to tbe arrest of Lige Gt-raberliog, ou bis bos! s! SLa&olis juiui, ooei". iy ' lust week. Tbe parlies who were picked up io this ejection for having been connected iu some manner with the doings of Hurlan and Wolcott, will have a beating before U. S. Cimmissionor McPevitt in a few days, after which wo can givo facts Eacklen Arnica Salvo. ' The liest Salve in the world for Cats, Vrnison, Sores, Ulceie, Salt Hbeum, Fovsr Sores, Tetter, Chap ed Hands. Chilblains Corns, aod all Skin Eruptions, and positively ccrss Piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satis fstion, or money refunded. Prico 25 ceets per box. ; Q. II. ShinJel. CROWN ACME ! Tbo best Ruining Oil that can be made from Petrolium. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney. It will Dot char tbe wick. It bas a high fire.test. It will not explode. I t is without a comparison as a perfection FAMILY SAFETY OIL. It is manufactured frnin the finest Crude in tba moit perfectly equip ped refineries io the woilJ. It is tbe Bent. Ask your dealer for Crown Acme. Trado orders filled by Yours trnly, SLAYMAKER & CO., 12 8'87 1y. Suubmy, Pa. Middleburtf iUm'Iiet Butter M !)0 Kms 20 Pitted cherries 8 Unpltted " lilttckberrles 6 Itnxpberrles 13 Onions 40 Irfird n. 7 Tiillow 4 Chicken per lb 6 Torkevs 8 NUI Houlde i nam 13 New Shoe Store ! - ti? ADNOLD'8 15UILDINO, Middleburgh, Pa. Tho undersigned having opened a new shoe store here t4ik(8 this method of calling atentiou to his superior line of o r. incliding tho leading mnkes of hand-manufactured Leath er and standard Itribhcr goods Tho quality of material, style of manufacture and tho low prices will rt onco niako tho goods admired and desir ed. Call and see it. W. J. GASMAN. WE HOLD THE FOjAT. The old Clothing ji mi of Sil- Opptnheincr has chai' cd hands but not daces.' It siill remains at the tj)fl iogta!aii' gaLftc&9 If you want Bargains call at once 1 have an Immense &T8K LOTHmQ, colli ting of a superior line of SUITS FOR YOUJG and OLD, . '.ussi'i 'irtfuntteie of FUR and SE.ILSRIM VJPS, Horse Blankets and Lap Robes, as well as an extensive line of'Wurnishin Goods -all 7 Hit I CHEAP. H. 0PPENHEIMER, Selinsgrove. Pa. 5 Til Carely, Decide My, Ac! Promt, Wep'jssess the facilitu and inclination to give you Jg al Bargains and will dn it in. nut ti.t m - - v i v iir mi ,V ov(tV Uf WTZTiTC9 TFT! T jfh rr TV) m . m y tz-j a ..... O which is just in and comprises th.p. ln.rtSenl Jin r . DIES' DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, FLJJVJYELS LIJVS, VLAXKET8. COMFORT.?. GENT'S BURNISHING GOODS, groceries, Boots. Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware etc. You, 7. 11 hp. nlrn.BArt tune honesty m quality and price with new,jreshslylti 11UCES VERY LOW. eeMc3&!;3e MIDDLEBURGH, pj Thrilling Ezporicnco cf a Coupla of Williamcpjrt Hunters Meters, Jordan and McXnngbton, tbe two YVillianispoiters who bave been bunting at Sandy Huu Camp, in tbo wild uf Clinton county, bave returned to their homes, bringing with them one bear, a wild cat and a deer. Suddenly the noiso of break ing tuigs, Eiich as an animul might make, was beard in the neighbor hood of camp, at night. The first sound hud biougbt them to their feet, rifles in band, ready for a fight, They bad oot long to wait, for hardly bad the riuVs been cocked wIipo into (ho cleat in'' in nhich the fire wiin burning bonnded n lurgH hbirk buar. ISoth rifluB were point blank, but the balls failed to kill, and tho nest mo ment bi uiu whs tolling ov-r and over on tbe giouud, locked iu a death grMpple with Jordt u First the bear u'au nhil lliun llin in it il whili, buck with mo t M'lii'i1 is I will try... . . , , , .m-i'iiiinn whih lumping aronnn, Hf aid lo fliO'it h'Ht Im Hlmtild kill bis ci.mjxiiiiou. It wiiM u critical time and trying, indneo, muni have beeu tho situntion to MoN'iiughton as be' jumped tilioot with a loaded rifle un ault) to Hlioot noil Hiivu uis compan ion, who was to all appearai ces, be ing slowly hqiift-zed to. death. udduuty Jordau shifted the posi tion of bis head, and the bear's bead mis brought within easy range of McNitughton's ride. But be must be careful. Tbe boar was liable to tMixt around at any moment and lis things so that the bull intended for his brain would penetrate that of the friend whom McNunghton waut ed to save. It was one chance in a hundred, and McNangbton fired. The strain upon bis own nerves bad been too much even for a buoter, and as the smoke of bis rifle cleared away McNangbton fainted and fell to tbo ground. When be revived Jordan was staodiug over him, bath ing his heed with later. The shot bad killed the bear and saved both lives. Had it failed Jordan would have fallen an easy victim to tbe grip which was slowly smothering him, and Drain would then bave bad an easy tusk with tbe man wbo bad swoonod away,- Half an boar after- Though tho premium on Owls has been removed, the pscmiuui ou the superior qualiiy of goods sold by CI. O. (iulelious still remains. He has just received a New stock of SPRING STYLES Suits for old men; Nobby suits lor young men. Suits for Boys, Youths Men and Children. Suits from $1.75 to $16. Hats, Caps, Glove, Underwear, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIK3, &o., &o. Use CONFECTIONS AND T OYS sold at gieally reduced prices, FLOUR, FEED &C. Thanking tbe many who bave patronized we I cordially invite an in spectiou of my stock. G. C. GTJTELIUS, Middleburgh W. H. FELIX'S rOrULAll FORNITDRE M CARPET ROOMS, Vul lev Street, Lowistown, Fa, BEDROOM SUITS, of all kinds and prices t Mat tresses, Feathers, Pillows, lioolstora, lied Springs, Chairs, -Tables, Sinks. Sofas, Stauds, Bureaus, io., &o., to , &o. I'ARIiOlt SUITS in Browr Terry, Raw Silk, Haii Cloth and Plush goods Parlor Rockers, all kinds Marble Top Tables.Look ing Glasses, some fine ones, Pictures, to., &o. A full line cfJnte. Hemp, Rag, Ingrains, Tapestry, Uodv Brussels and Velvet Cumets. Art Sonares.Smvr uia Rusts. Coca and Gutta Percba Door Mats. Will ell any of tbe above goods aa low as same quality can be bouuebt any place, and pay freight charges to any station on P. R. R. Write me for prioea or come and see tbe largest stock tbu side of Philadelphia HespectfulljY W. U. Jb WL12L. uyuisiD ana WeBB Made 1 still continue in tbe Merchant Tailoring business with rooms i Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa. and take this means of informing the people of Snyder county, t'm.l nave on uaoo a wen seiectea biock oi Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., and bf.mpl s from the best and most reliable New Ycik end Philadelphia bouses, aud will sell lower than ever. Cutting, Cleaning, Repairing Dt6 ing and Scouring done on short aotice. " Nov. ltf. E. B. BUCK The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun and Me Combined. This system in combined riilo and shot-p;un oilers advantages over other makes oven inoro marked than those lor shot only. They far txeel all oth ers in strength, accuracy. workmanship and balance. DQ I f F W Side-snap action, best decarbonized blued I lll-ltj3 csteclbarrellO or 12 gauaeshot, 44 AVin hseterc. f. rillo artri dge, weiuht 10 to 121bs. nrico JCi.lfl Top-snap action, samo as above, :iS-53 ltallard cartridffp.or 41 inciisicr, prico - - Tho above prices inciudle 100 paper she and ono box of cartridges. FISHING-TACKLE ! Complete Assort incut of Rods, Flies, Reels, Lines, Hooks Artificial Iiait, ect I vesnoctfullv submit to von a fow nricesj Ansnrtfd Trout-fles at 25c. a dozen, trout- hoks to gu 25c. per doz., plain trout hooks 5e ncr do., best, oilfd-silk- liiwn (Vmn ! to 3 cents per yard, all other lines from loto 2 cents rer yard. Reels f row 2oc to !jjS2. Orders by iimil promptly aucnueu to. J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa. AT Freidman6k Getz', Beavertown, Pa. The undersigned desire to inform the vubUcthat they have Just returned from the City with a fine Stock of w Consisting of a full line of uianKets, Jtiaps, onawis, juaai&a Gent's and Children's Woolen ana uotron unaerwear, a full line of Ready made LOTlHlOfcH, Ladies' Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions Jewelry, Clock Watches, Chains, Glassware, Queensware, etc. We sell Cheap for Cash or Produce tor which we al; ways allow the highest price. We have been blesstc With a liberal patronage, are thankful for it hope to merit the same by low prices and fair dealif-