This space is reserved for the new Advertisement of the Popular FURNITURE HOUSE of a, Limi dvfl 0 LT . PA Here, from th "Honton Evening Oiu-tt. U lit Ll- InrMent of ilia sort that makes the iron creep: A ountt tiiurriad lutly hw face In familiar at tne lunpitnN. cliurilaile lu.tiMitioiia hii.I flip'vnrioun art room nml picture gallerM lut.l. not loti .!... . ainirnUr exiterlcnce. Her t.r.Lroom liuil lrr liay-win.low front ami two ordinary window on one ll of tin? room. 1 1 was a wnrm iii'l)t early fu the seftion, and her huohuiid beintf absent kmc took the extra of f.t.teninir the blind of tha long front windows by placing aaint tliem a citrpst lias nock. On retiring Mia at one fell anleup, but fauml lisrself Hiiddenly aroused in an instant wide awake Woudetioff what had awakened her iitwi oof 11 n tn bud and noticed that CTIJW rw m f - tha blind were pushed apart and that it was early dawo- fhe said audibly, as if to Lersalf- Why; 1 am miro 1 fusteoed thoHj bliuda !' ai d, making up bor mind to hsU-n tbeni and Lave anothor nap, put bor feet out of the bed, but instead of toticb- inz the floor tbey rented on a man's utoroacb- Although thoroughly frigh tened, while feelinsr the quick beat ; nt a Uanrl hunnalb her feet, she . v.,t nut nrlint wna best to do A cbiflboiere stood near by, and itu a single step uho reached it, oponed t tbo drawer and took out a little '"I'eloBb, slosh' of the ronud fchot volver lately won in a bet which 8oUn(le(l ue,. ft0ll tuele RD(j t(j0 bad never teen loaded. She cocksd . . . . il f .1 lAnlra,1 of llO, it ana ior me nrsmuio intruder. He was a colore J nn . . 1 I....1 Ilia I Mie, oeing uorn uu u. eoulh, was as indiguunt at that fact tl.n win nfruid. Poiutinz the revolver at bim, be said: '(Jet up you nitriier, aud go oat as you come in 1 How dare yon enter a lady's room in this way V lie moved to wiril il.a window, nhe nointioc the T1HI H J- 6V revolver toward him all the time, wbtu her indignation increasing, she n.ilarnrl liim let 'HI t dowu V As be obeyed he put bis baud behind bira -...l tlia f..uviii.r n rnznr minlit be Run ouv, . . . rj - forthcomiug, said: 'Your buud to the front or I'll blow jour bUck head rrv Kiw. iluiiw7ttvo him a bit of d ordered him out of IL window. Feeling nervously unstrung, by this time she open.d her door to go tr Imr mnl hnr' ntiaitment. when lo and behold there stood another dar Im 1 This was the l int straw, and yielding to a womanly impulse, sb Hcreumed murder ! murder '.' which brought tier family nml servant to the ball, mid 'uiiinber tw..' maile a luiKtv vxt thronirh the lady's room nud out of the open window. Yalu ublo jewels and elothing wsre found in . I I... tli l-,lll. t r I.; e with them. THE DAISY'S ARGUMENT- Says a writsr to the Little Hock (Aikanstir) Gazette i An old-time Uuptist preacher of this city, who Las retired from active Gospel deal. iu, but who still keepa a firm eye on the faith, baa just hud a little ex perience with a colored man that causes biiu to think very seriously, Meeting the colored man thepieucb tr said ; 'Dave, if you don't bring that sad die home I'll buve you put iu jail.' What saddle is jer 'furren ter Y The ono you stole from rue.' 'I'm son. 7r de Lord. I neber stole yer saddle.' Yes, you did. I Haw you when you took it off tbo yuid feooe. I w bulit. to I'll Lave you arrested any way.' Look heah, parson, yuuVi a Old Eaplis', isu't yer 'C Yes. aod 1 11 Lave you sent to the peniteutiury.' Well, bo is I, an' now keteh de b'iuts cz I liin 'em to yer. Dar is a w - just so many saddles iu dis worl what is ter be stole an uur s jes so manv men what is ter steal deae eaddles. Dis is predespernatron Now, if your saddlj bappeos ter bt one ob de piedisposud Buddies, an' I happens ter be one ob de predispos ad men. kin 1 bt p bit T L'ur we Judus. fdr instance. He couldu'i . , .. .t o .1- tv. . uep irnymg us O.iv.or. vior said, 'Jndns. sop to dis disU an go ou l ray me. ini w u i jquus fault, caee be as one ob as pre rtifDOstid. so 'tended frura do foao Jalioo ob de woi l.' ' I don't want a roliglom dismsaiop Dao. It Uu't the raddle no that I earn so much about. It is that you told mo a lie in saviug that tu didn't steal it.' 'Well, den, pnrsou, 'spose I tales back do lie ao' keeps de suddlu.' A lie once told always stands, You hare lied to me, you scouudre). sod 1 belie va it is my duty to have yon arrested. 'I'm sou' diii's jsa certain amnuot ob 11. s ter bo tole in die wot!', an' ef I is oue ob ue men what is prudis posed ter tell one of dose lies bits uol my fault, an' I kan't be'p hit.' 'You ou nw and get that end- die or I'll swear out a warrant for your arrest.' 'I'll do the bas' I kin, parson, but dar's j'S a certain amount ob stole saddles ter bo returned in dis woil'. If l's one of do predisposed man, an l believe 1 Is, you II lice your sadJle baiifl'io' on de yard feuce bout suodowe din eveuio ' A Vcrinout regiment camesuddn ly under a very usavv tire, nud men were fulliug fast. Chance bullets hit with the usual dull thud, soldiers ave the nsual bound and uttered b e usual stiangled groan ; the jeajy 'Heish' of burstiugsbolle cauiu witu Uread frequency. Uoo young t,ffiCor was perturbed by the burly- . . . . ... builv, am. allowed some little nei- vousueFS. An inaoleut lield-ollior said, 'Why, you're afraid 1' and the youi g follow auswered 'That is truo. Aud, if you were only half as much afraid as I am, you wool 1 ran ay at odcd. Volumes piled ou volumes could not surpass the wealth of meaning compressed luto that one httlo speecti. lue young man's soul cor.iiuered the weakness of the flush ; bis nerve was gone and yet his eeuee of duty not only kept him at hid pout, but forced him lo make an admiesiou which iu itself -hawed ooiii a;o of the hit: bust order The Bneeiing major hud brute cour age add easy nonchalauce, but 1 was not really bo gallant and truo man as tbo younger who dared lo say, '1 am afraid.' Luclilen's Arnica Salvs. Tho Best Salvo in the woild fur liit. liiuises, nores, Ulcoie, halt Ithciini, Fuvor Sores, Tetter, Chitj nil iiuuos tuiiDiiins . orus, uiui i .i in , -- , all Skin Einptious, nnd positively cures Pilos, or uo pay reiiuiied. It ' guaranteed to give peifect ealis faction, or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. G. I. Sl.indel. Weai ST waa aUk, va fare bar Oaaturaa, Whea akn wu a Child, alia eried for ('aatorl, Wkaa alia beaama Mlat, ako alang (a Caalaria, W aaa aha W Caildnu, aba gata Uaaai CaMoaia, Gxd Scsdt- in Evory Case. I. A. Iiradford, wuolesale paper ilenlor of Clmttanooea, ienn , writes: Unit bn bo was seriouslv afflicted with a severo cold tbftt Bottled on bit lunss; bad tried many remedies without bcueut J3eiui7 loduced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, did so cud was entire ly cured by line of a few bottles. Ginoa which tirno be bas used it in his furuily for all Coughs and Colds with best results. Ibis is tbe ez porienco of thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wonderful 1 Diocovery. Trial bottlea Iroo at U. M. Bhindel'a Drog Store. Saved His Lift. Mr. D, Wilooxson, of Horse Cave, Ky says be was, far many years, badly alllicted with Fbtbiuio, also Diabetes; tbe pains were almost on endurable nnd would sometimes ul moht throw biiu into convulsions He tried Electiio Hitters and got re., lief from first bottle and after taking six bottles viae entirely cured and bad gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Bays be positively believes bo would i i i. i :l i. i. '. 1 DSVO UIBII. UBll IV uin uoou iui lui relief afforded by Electrio liitters. SoW gfc fifty cen(g ft i,ottie q. j, Bbindel, NIHVt OMCIKIeJa) rMOiasHM 4iawa eaauau uinjat Ujaa.Afej A VALt ABLE F-RM AT PUBLIC SALE t ---- . . . ' i . nit i' .muii, 1 1 m. it,, win 'II at public tale on the pretiaiaea it 1 i. in., 1 humility, November 17, 18S7. A lura limcntona farm nfl'5 nr 240 arret, alt. uuie In ilrale town-hip. JenUfA county, t'.t,t mllt WKI nl Millliiuown. n milcn Irom I'ort al. nnil mil, a Acailcmia. The mi In Inn gou Mate nl mil It.iI Inn, all cler I I'Ut l l rp . wllh Biiriil mrlmii. Mini ruunlim Vntr. Ullil If, Willi niluiilmil In urn In n1 mmmm The ImnnivrmeiiU are 1kth MAN.nION Ilitl'SK, with V! miiiih, in iriioil reiHir. wl h iHre IMk HA K.N. inM lerl, wiikuo heilii. Iiok irnimn'l ulher (Mi'lnill1lni' i nlmi tenent ""i "imuuurrDnriln nl cimlre iruil. inn nelvhlinrhniiil If uoinl. Willi mm Armlemr ant nllirr rtlmula in-r. mra tlitoe rhiirilirf witlilii l miicn nl tha iiirin. Will nlli-r It to mit hiiyeri., a whulo or will dell u or luO htm itl went eml ol lurtii. WHrrmity ili-cJ will tie Kivi'ii. hImi mi.) imnnent II iplr. il. fit""' '' (ilvon A i.r I 1. IHh,. p.ililcrt to lr of the ti'llilut n Ifn fur nilnliiK jrrnr. AIjio4U nrrei WotilUnil nvar tliD tiinn. Will milil at a tiariMin to clu.e enisle. Safe Inventinent. II not villi at . ihI will be uflered at prlvkte ui uani mini, ah ire" .1. H. lKKSN. Iletlilthein. Pa., or J AS. II. ( IKKSUN. I'leanant View. I'a. Kxetntorii. CAUTION NOTICE, Nnlli'a l herhT niton that I he rinri'hriie( ai rrivate le,llir fiiiinwitiK nrlli'lra m urn, l.i'luter, Mule. 1 llnre ami il Set f mule ' nr ne 1 Snl nt Horo t lours anil all the Hi nt Kin Klnv on the I 'i'n tix t I vn lil 11 t'amil lioatn No, b ami 161. il Mis. Sloil nn.l u 1 1 hln lli'iinphulil ami Kiti'lien rurniture thul the tiiino rrionirn to Ion. W. Newman Irnm thlid tte ami not tvdeu W. I.oleter. (IHO. W.NEWMAN A DMIXISTftATOTt'S NOTICE X f.ittxra f Ailraln intratlan 01. tho rtita n Frailrlck Konali Ime of W asnlnaton townatnti Hnydar ilaopa'ad, hafltiR hern uraati-il lo In umlemluneil a I tiaraiinn fcuowluc IBem ei'lrea Inilebuil to (ahl tllilnl are reqiioatril to wake imiaalUte iiaTment. while llmea bar tni aialiua will iircaant them uuir autneuiicai en lo (ir hli mtornef ) w I I.I.I A 1 KOI'SH, II. H.fllUMM. I a.'tllltlUtralnr, Mia.ll.burKh.i'a. ) Uluhe Mllla, fa UDITOU S NOTICE. 1 Thh Dithami' CorKT urSsrurn Fnrmy The iiiiilemlmii'il nui Itnr ai lniliiteil I T the t'oiiil nhove tni'iil nine I In .!H,rll'iH'' the Hul l re miilnlnu III the hamln ot J. if. Hiirnlie a-er. Ail in i ti I -l r.i i . c ot the I'mma of "aihurlne Senmn'., late ol Wi'jt IVny liiwni-lilp, SnjuliT cnuiity, ra ilee'il., w II iiirettlui iartlij In IhIitoH l..r thu nnriHiiO ol hl einiol l-na t nt the ninxe of t llimrr. Kni.. In the Pumirih nf MI'I'llctHiriili .thl cnuiitv nil Krlilay tha V61I1 liny of Norembvt A. I. I.i7. nt lOnVliM'k a. 111.. when ami wb all iiarllmhuvlim alalma are reoiieatad to To theiu.or be fnruvar lie barrel from couilD la fur cliarugfulJ liiud. JACOUU1LBKBT. Oct. V9. 1IS7. Auilltor, A DMINISTRATOU'S NOT ICR il latteraof Ailmlalmratlnn on the aitata 1: thm me We anil, lata ol Hrarlw i.Sjujiler no., iioo'u, uaTin i oaen aranten 10 il.a anna iKnml, all iiertann knowlait tlieiolea Inileb a t to aui l eatitta nra laiiuu-ti'd to make luinii' nUtv ravmaul. wlilla Uima havlna elalinf ajar iircMtnt tkaui ilulj aulbantlcateil to tba under Igueil. 1SAAO WUANII. ot. ,'. A Jmiuntratfir AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Tin unileralKneit Auill'or appolntcil by the Court ol ('iiiiu.ioii I'ln.ia of Snyiler comity, lo dirtrlniite tin iuihIk In the amU nl Maury M it, 'iiiiiinilue of .Mary '.. Klidier ilee'd, will tuci t all iiarlii-ii inli-rr.-li il lor the iiuriono 01 mi ap ini nt ux-til at the olllre ol ( hitrlrn r. t.'lrlrli bin In llio H'irnliuli nl Siiiiijioto 1,11 'rhuinlay the 10 day ol .Novt'tnlier Inal at In o'clork, whan and wIiitoiiII tiartius hnvluir ilallm un nil.l fun niupt iirciuHt 1 ha itma or be tuuroallcr debarrvd Irnm i.artlciiiation tlii roln, C. S. SW1NKKIHI), Oct. is lsa;. Audlior, Kit Uroii ii"T. , rat. l Hrlul.t Haul, Urinary a, ko Dure I.lvir l l-en rveifi.n (iuaranieed. Dfflne Ml Amh Street. Pblladel. ihlu. )l:u0 iar bottle' fnr XiriigKlata, iry 11. ESSENTI l ) LS WlNTi:HIHI'.i:f ri'tTIMIMIN", i knmy KOY AI.srh.Vlt.UlM' ain, of prime nimllly, boiiKht In any quantity lor eai'h on di'livery, tree of brok u couiruitdon, turaue. he, by DODGE & 0LC0TT, linportern and Ki,erii)r, Hi William St. N. Y. Si'it. 1, 'IT. Cm Pem'a AiiBlral works. Steam F.nulni-i, Saw Mllla, liny I'remin,Stunii anil StmiiUrd Aitrio iltiml luiieiueala Kcocrully. Semi lor t'aialoule. A. K. KAKUt'UAU fc SON, York, r Sept 1. 4w..d. Mason & Hamlifl 7 turn Organs and Pianos. Tha Cabinet Otjaa was Introduced by tfaana A Tlamltu In 1HAI. 1aon A' Jlamlln Oru'ana bava alwaya maintained their aupreiuacy otot all ntliara, baviua rwalted Ultfbeal llouora at all Ureal World's KxhlbUkuia doca iooT. Tha Improved Mode of Btrlnirlns Planoa, Inranud by Maaoo Si Hamlin In lwa, la a groat advaoca la piano eonatrncllon, aiparta prooooncing It "Uia rreateat trupruvemeut In planotlu half aeeutory." m pu iano) circular, enntitlulun DUO taaumoulala from urcbaaera, mutlclaua, and tun art, and Flasw ao4 urgaa Catalogue, free. VASOU ft BAULH? CE3AN AND FIA1T0 CO., MlaTWUlEl. (Vales STUN), RIW TUX. V; 'M?V'-1 ita ss aaa aaa ata am 'HHT-Mtl it Alii UALBAN faaiao-aw ana neauHneo uia aaur. PYvauitua a lutiutaot growth. Never ail te Rattora I Ul raw Hale lo lit' etiiaful Color, al C J hall Oureaaaalp diaeaauiaiul hair lauina Me. at Jirutrvltta. HINDERCORNO. Th smrM. MrsaBBt aVAd bSMtt urtt fur Ootim. BunlixM, oM, sXmltail fMist. Knsurtjattiai WI . J i-uJg,j-i-uajiM. min I uy-VLU-T 1 J b mm Oil! MY BACK Krary rtrala r raid attaeka Uat weak kaek aaa aearif wirw i BRM5, THE BEST TQ1IIC aUMnatheaia tkai hluarleek Biranira 1 i.",r Farlrhe the Blood. ilea Now Vigor. Dav J. U Mraaa. Kairfleld, Iowa, aajai " llrown'a lrun Blttera n the hert Irna awdlrme I hare known In mj i ream' ptartice. I bare found it epeoiallr benetlrlal in aemiua or nbraieal eihauat ion. and in all iMMlilatlnc ailroenta that bear no hmUf ob the aratam. U" ft 'realy im my own family." Mb. Yl. F. Baoww, an plain w , vmmmnm. 7j av : I aa completely uruaea aowa in uivu . 1.1 I ,,u in blUara aoUnll iwtonid me to bealts." ruuniaa wnn imoob iu . Oeaawie haa abora Trade Mark and ernnd id linaa mwrauwir Take ailbrr. Man only hy UVWff lUEHlVAl. CV, UALTlMeUK, MA PROM LIFE TO DEATH is but a moment if rhcumutiaiu or neural ia elrilti-9 the heart. Tliee diaraiH.-a an. the moat painful ana tne iiiom iiiiiiKeiuin of any to wliu li liiunna knul in liiililc Tlicv Uv from 0110 imrt to unoilu r wiiiiimt a moment' wariiinu'. tmil lininunts and other onl ward Application are in tlivtu aelvea diitiL'crotia hecaime tlii varo liable t drive the tlixiMue to some vital orL'iin and cause instant (tenth. Kliiniiiialimn and tifiirnli.i ure JivaMBof lliu blood, andean only b reaclied by a remedy whielt will driva from the blood l!io ilauceroits aeuln, Such a retnotl- U Alhlopliorou. It lm bwn thoroughly tented and is a tale, sure cure. Snriies Creek. Ta.. Oct. 6. lSS In answer to your rciiicfit to know what your Aihlophoroa lias done for me, I will ay it lias done wonderful work. I have anirrod from rltctiniatiani for ciirhtccn years more or 1i-h, and ometimta not uhle to p'lt my rlotiiea on nr eat amne. 1 all kinds, doctoral with a punt many doc tore, lint iHAIiint; Ufl : any itl. wna lottiliL' worfC initoad of 1 tier, rend your advertisement in llio "Ibjmo crat" and "Suntiiiel" Papers of Louis- town. I liave taken mail ji:r iHitues. J r.wl iio .nlii. I waa drawn irooked, tint now l ain utraiKht once more. Thank yoi forlheK'tod it done inc. Athlnphoavs i the medicine. Tiiiup llAititsiKB, Ynne medicine has etircl tne of lienrtil cia. I suffered with it for three duva, ant it nave me instant relief. 6 V'ji. F. Kixcn. Pnlmvra. N. Y.. Aiiirnst 10lh. 1SS1. T iwcilnnn iHittle of AtlilotdioioH for nctt ntli.i after bcinj? h't npei.nht wttks. The rcult wus very satiaiactory. U. R. Vi nv, I'.verv driiKfritHhonld keep Atlilophort .nl Athlophoroa PilU, luitwliere they til. iiit he buiiuht of tho driiibt the A 1 1 1 1 limroH t'o., 112 Wall Kt., New York, wii .mid either (carriage paid) on receipt i. .viihir price, which is $1.(0 per loltlt it Aililiiphoro nnd SOe. for Pills. Kitr liver and kidney dlrearra. 1yfln, In tii!Miiri, Wenklii'N". ticnolin debility, diM'axw I womi'D, enlist I pa tii in, liiuilaihe, in pure ml, ic. A Jliloplinnw I'll' are iineijualed. k Tljr'TT'Trt' he made. Cut thla out aud return tn un. and we will tend Ime"ihlnif id iirent value and I in pur (nin e lo you, that will ntart you in biultibaawbluh will lirma vou hi more nonet rUtht away than niivthlnu i'Ii-h In thla Moild. Auy one can do lh work ami Uveal noma, r.lilii'r aei t all age'. So iielhiuir now. Hint junt culun money lor all worker., we will ulurt you I capital not needed Thin i one of the Kouiiiue, Imp,, riant ehuucenol a Hie Imo ThOhe who are nmnitiona andeutur prininir will not dolay. Orand on lilt Iree. Ad dronn I hi a It Co., Augunla, M ain i'ortlitnd, Milne. Duo. 23 Ult, ly. . ARBUCKLES' same on a paokage of O0JTEX ta a gaarautee of exoellenoe- ARIOSA COITEE Is kept In all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Paolno. COFFEE 19 A0Tn9r good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand inhsrmetloally swaled ONX POUND PACKXOES. Have Tfu Oniiirh, Prnnrriltl, A"thma, InrtlaTMtlon I tTa PARKER. OINCER TONIO ti(...ut tuiAr U Iitu L'ut4 niaiijrui luo uit at,- u.a Iutijwlru:nf)t1r fir all alTarUuni of iha lumai tuiU lunr. ftint timn nriUtg from imparv b!noi and ktuuaituii. lh f t mid wit, tlnntu Inn atiminitthiitwe, aiitl slowly driftintf lo ihe trmv. will In mamy r-tta rvvwr their haniiii i f tit ttiiul uiwuf 1'Atkfr CinirrrToiiie,l.titlT Ud.iv c ""oh it Tn It Iu tlni, liWlnvAti' ) ff 1 at,ii f OFtla.-H of ItunUU i ftfltl tai'vr) Lai. ft OO. ( 1 1 U, r ..I. atOiahatt FAY'S MANILLA ROOFING! Takaa tha leadi duaa not eorvode like Un er troa.aar ennpuaitkaiai aaay to appVI llf the cat at Uu. b alee a d Ul CHrfuiM aaalerhl AgeuU to Hell the HISTORY af BLACK PHALANX. TVe) Irri af l tm4 is rtjtwtl ia tontMivf a afrUtBW twrii ( Vitas it. aWta MI altaa Savt Blasta. Ktg Mslta. ska aSM . aWs4 tW Mmlaa Aat 111 Hi 1 1 ill ill at AI mJ ttiiuaam. II. Dtatbaataa m aia tli rati is, a4 ovwewata ww ptM. raiawaj ttapsa. AMtmcAH rurtco ttka at iiat. 9URECURC DISCOVER CO fa Vlaaoti Trn ft. IUail.1 vavtatasa tin ATARR 'Lauderkaca'tGaraiii Calirrk leaitdv aMinl.. M .4 lli.l.. MalUalbr Ida. lurtaju titot.aAaiia CLajUt mim Lk. dlMMVar mi lilt, aulhud tfrmh B a Ul,ntii SVtf.1 bqa,U,iU 1 s mnmm n dttrfthM; a loohj.tbaw.1,011 Munted flu 1 Jl 'ml Working Glass ATTENTION We are now prepared to furni.b all elaneea with employment at home, tbo whole ot tha lime, or lor their apnra moment, hum .em new, iimiii anil fironinrue. vriuef either fex eaully eirn irom 50 rent to te.oo per etenlnpt, and a proportional itim by de ruling all their time to tlie bit'lnm. Uoya and (Irli earn oeary an much aa men. That all who re in may nemi ineir anurena ana teet tne oua. Inene, wa make thin oiler. Ta am h at arc no well ratlaneil we will lentl one ilnllar to pay lor tha trouble of writing Kull partlmlara and oat- nt tree. Aililrena Uitonua STitiaow It I 0., uec. 113, mas, ly. I'uhtlarb, Ma. 'or guarantee 4 f Dr. J. II. May r. a:il flr. ll Ml I'lilla., a. l-jine at on. e. "o apetatlon or bunlnean delay. Thom aniM I'nren At hatatona lloune.KeadliiK. I'a 2d Saturday of each lueutli. Kend for circular! avice iree, lan. 1, 7, ly. OEVC. W. WALTER. Salfsmsn a-t-for Cha. f7 '.lawart a Co.. Nurtary riewark. New York, will ha pUaaed ta tec ore amari for thl popular firm, for anything la tha Nortary line. Choice ai d Niw arlatlea atiei'lalty I'onitlrely ontaell any ether-In price and qaallty. Ballalactloa auara steed. Ha will calloa all partial that addreai blm at Kann, Creek, aiajdtr Uoa Bty, fa. Marvels Of Tho Now West A vivid portrayal of the atupcndnua marvel In tho vitnt Wi inter. land wot ol tha Mlaxourl Hirer. Six Hooka In one volume, comprint ue? M rvoln of nature, aiirveirot Knee, ,iirfi 01 r.meririe, Marvcln ol Min mt. Mm vela of Stoea Kaieinir. Alartell ol Aarrieulturn, Over .1W orluluanl fine enr irlng. A li.rlert I'li tura Oallery. It naa more xeiiin iimiitioi man any inner nook. AUf.rNiM n a n 1 r 11. ami v at once to V. A. Htil'UU niN, U Mtlt Kt., N.T TO 1 si nil CONSUMPTIVE C SK W IM'IIKM'KK S ilYl'liriltlS- HI" I; of 1,1 M K uiui SiiDA. l'ur Co.iWaaf nuiniittnn. Weak I. un, t 'oiikIiii, Arthma, Hrnti- china and Ocnornl llrhtlity it la an acknnwl. edited Siwin Kcniody. THY IT" I'rlca ,1 aau fiiirr rwttie. rreperei! only ny WINCH l-STKH Jt i) rhi mlntl, 181 Uliliutn St . New York. Sold by UruKffl'ti. Solid lor Circular. WINCHESTER'S HYroi-li()l'IUTEof l.IMKand HODA la a malohlran n incily lor Connuiuptloa Iu areri ntuiieiif Ilia dli-'aie. For Coiixlin. W ek l.unic.i I nroat iii.chi'ik, ijima 01 iie.B ana Apuetite, and evo" lorm o Weneral l. ililly It ta en un- auiialeil Nitnciib, Roinedy. .Ho nure and aet to IM'IIENTKIfS rreiration. ,1 aud n ir buttle. 8uul by IJrugKla.a. W INCIlKsrt.K fc t'o.. lea W illiam St., Now Tork. OffllH AND Ul'BIIA'rrH OVEft 6,000 tViiles or i-Eiu coNbTBUcrco kailwat. PINITRATESTHX BEST PORTIONS Of ILLINOIS, IOWA.WI3CON8IN, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, NEBRA8KA, and WYOMINC. aV BaantnaT Kioraaa Tralaa) ol BMatounplata) aad BMMlani oqatp- m BKTWEKN CHICAGO MILWAUKEE, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHAI TUB IKON HKOIONS OF MirlHOAH. 'IIIK FIlKK I.ANHH r PAKirr AXIJ NOKTIIKKN NHI'HAHKA, THK OM.V.I.1NK TO THE HTJtrK VflLIA T11K I'lONKEB LINE TO CALiroHUA. For mape. tune ublaa. and Infonaatioa la Iba fullaat daUil, addraaa (.ao Muyxaaw) H. A. CROSS.Trafallafijl, UaeaaUr.rm MARVIN HUGHITT H. C. WICKER E.P.W1LS0I lliUt. frajto itaaaaer. aa. flea 4a H!I'iOIJ SEUSE io) Bnarratle baalnaat bmb who will rive It Drone atleu. tataa. are wanted to handle tide pump la every Iowa la Fa.. If. J aid., Vi . Va , and N. O.. and wttl I aaiQail ocoteul af aalUlla tarrliory daX alraedji oai CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY CUUFUTUKER "M IVA'? C-tiaaii I H K.OttrUBSqiae.rUJ.i-i Sqirr-'.J.I--U I-. rV tut '.-,-J I Vap, ftAMtt PV baatk BIIPH & l ME s! I k v Ea? i I ? l i ti ,ti3 m vis sla Mil s f B. BKLHikiMEtt a t tLKB lit CiAROWAUB Iron, Nails, Steel. Leather, Paints, nila Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTUBLR Of Stoves iV Tinware MARKKT STREET. I iOwlHlown, X'etin'n par, ! Blacks ! Blacks ! ! The following Blanks will slavs be foonj ou Laod at lbs Post Print ing office. Ore Leases, Blank Release Agreements, Constable Sales, Warrants, Executions, Subpoenas Justices' Pnns, Certificafs of Scbolarsbip, Jpilpment Kiemntion Notes. Financial Statement on Shool Hoard, .to., Ao , Ac. All blauka not on band will be promptly printed to order. Hereli ixiVh t House efc -l lC NORTH THIRD STREET. PHIL'A PJ Terms --81.50 per'dav. FANNY SPAHN, xr J. A. SPAHN, Manager. 0.. Miller and YV.H. Morlson, Clerks National Hotel I By WM. MOLZWOKTH 8KL1NROHOVK, PA. Heoioaaiad, Kafuralfbad and Imoroyad. The iont rantralli loeatad hotel In tha tnea. Urmt eiaaa a-ronimoaaiiuni tor tbe trayallDK pablle A or 11 l'i. "aa r T nE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOIINB.FOCKI,KK, Piop'r. . SelinHgrove, P: ThlaBotal lanlaaaantt intA in t. aod la a very daatrable place for travelera loatoi no aaaTor aocomnioiiatlona at low rat.,a. t m oiiaatopplnaonoa wl II be tore to call again. The ai oi liquor iu ma uai VVOralolaaa Kattaoraai Inconi eiltm w, Air.u.';o swilbin C. SuOrtliflp's k&y. For Ynuog Men ami Uoys,Mediu, Pa. 11 wile from Philadelphia, i'lii'd price eor. ,,-a every rxpenne, e en hooka, he. No eitr.i cnaruea. no ineiaeutai exprnrea. Nn exauilnn tlou for adinlMlon Twalre experienced tcacl,ar ill men, and all ajraduntea. oppurtunl ! ien lor apt ntuden to advance raiudlv. Kum-Ul drill lor dull aud h ickward boya. ra'rsni or tiudenta inay aelei't any atudlea or rhmwe the regular r.niriirii, rx ieuiine, riuaincaa, I'lmnloBl or i ivn r.iiKineerillK courno iu.eula fitted at Media Academy arc now In lUranl vla. I'rlncetoti and ten other Oollcc, and I'nlyt eli uioSrhwila. 10 i-tudenla aenlMo oolleia lo ISH3. 15 In MM, 10 In 1X86, 10 In 1K8J. Airruduatin lann every year Iu tbe ouninief lal d piirliiit-nf A I'liyeical and l.ahomtu y. tlvtn. lanlmu and Hall (Iron:, il. lfryO voln. ad lo l.ihiary Iu IKH.I. apparatua douliled In eax Media haa tevun churchea aud a Icniuar ance charter which rnlubitatlie aale or all In loi catinv ilr.nka. For 111 w IHurtrated riiciilnr adilren" tTi I'rlnclpal and Proprietor. NW1 1 II IN NHUHTI.IIHJE, A. M., (Harvard Oraduate) Media, 1'euu'a. SF SHARY, Centreville, Snder Ca , Pa. (inly UratKilatn Stock CoDipanlet rem emoted No rremluu Notet. No AtactinitDl Bucknell University Invl en at ooi on lo (1) Ita full eournea ol ttndy (- it Iu pivv. d buildiiiKt, (3) Ita Irea teholar Inpn, (4) i li re llbraiy fund () Hi new at ronoiuiral nbnervatory, () Ita healtblalnett a lo atlon, and (T) Ita remarkable oheapneat la there re., ecu It haa uo tuperlur In Pennsylva nia I'utiUoHuat and lulortuatlou will ba teot on application la . rrcniaimt w.niu J. aiuu, l.twuDUix.r' a. July Mat. jr.ArijLAi (TMaMns THE HOUSEHOLD Disinfectant AnodorUataTcolorlwie liquid, powerful, trTIi iaaS nd ohean. Imnedlately detUoya all bad adara, purifleaevery Impure rpot and chamloally atnaalatal all lnfeetioua and dlaeaaa-produclng matter. IN VALUAUI.B In tba alck room. Sold by Pra aauavarywlMaw, uart bvttlaa N oaata. UNDERTAKING i E. L BTJFFINGTOH l anlret to mtkt It known to tha peaple of Mid. dii bura-b and vlolulty that bo baa remodalad nd Impiov d bit Haarta aud provided blm. elt wl'b a No 1 loa or tloroaa treaerver. Ha uaa alto iiro.Uad hi until with aoe of tbe lal. oat ii prove l tolmlinlba'olaiatiiii out tablra Hi..e.ictf ino eamuaiveaa lor KB uaa in 'ti a ii.. trim tiitni'kae jone at a kraal a iitio-t, and vir. HurBuKtoB roaoratfully atkt ii H p.roii aa, aa ba baa nerfetad arrai n. uir i-loiak tba Corpie In ba nd and perlorm II Ihe tui nllont or a luntral Iroetur Hint ,. v ddin ib eniburrrataaat aoillndcoavtDltDoe lwa)t acaoinpauylng fnnarala. ... w w aw w . LI.. ar.MUL ARHatlat In r- v t ttm COLLEGE '.: t !.rU.;l Ut.. rMUda. 4 t .,-"?i' i- tW J.rn'iwht . . i .. it. .-a ;l li. t 'UTi,i 1 1.--. . if itr l'vm.,v'.i. , ryMaa Vreftl,. . K A S K I N e (THE NEW QUININE,) More Strong VcncM Fff TtanAcy Oiler Dnii of iMoiernTiak A Powerful Tonic bat tha moat delicate itomarh will bear. A Spacific Tor Malaria, Itlicuniatism, Nervous Prostration, and alt (term Dlaeaaet. Tn ri MOST SniRMTtrm ln sue- OKS.srtil, BI.OOD PUKI11CU. superior 10 quinine. Dr. F. K. Miller, hnnta nhwaiiaa .. eU Huaplul, New York, hat u.ed K Maine fcr ear wun eonrtaot and onfalllne; imv,, ... . "'mii i a meairine oi ihe lilibul value aa an antipyretic, antl iTmotle aod anu. a tlo. It lower, ihe temperature tiennanenllr jroduea no bad cfieot, aad it pleaaant to lii tuber letere nf ilmllar eharaeter from prom, rent Indlrliluule, wblrb itaap Katklne aia rcnirdy of undoubted merit, will be lent on a plli'ution. " Kaak Ine ean be taken wltbout any epaclal Hal loaladvloo. (I 00 par bottle. Sold by orient by mail on rei-eipt of price. Tlttf KASKINU CO..M Warrea at. It T O KATEKUI COM FORTINU. Epps's Cocoa. BREAKFAST. "Bra thoronah knnwlHua nriha .in..t which govern tha operallom of diarntlon ana iiutrtiion, anil liy a ourolul application ef tlx fliiopropenlraot wlleii'ted Cocoa, Mr. Kpin ban provided our brekrat tablet whih a dill, eately flavoured beremara which mi, anreni many heavy doctora" blilt. It la by tha ludh lout une ol audi artlrlen of diet that a cnnntllulioi may be K'adually built up uncll alrona; tnouth to retlat every tendency to dlaeaae. riundreili l tubtla maludira are tloallnir arouad ut readrtt attack wherever there la a weak point. Wt may oeca ia many a fatal rhatt by keeping our neivci well lortllled with pure blood and a trot. eriy oouriened Ira in.." Civil Service Uateilt. Alade mnplv with boiling wateior milk. So!(l oiuy ! iiaii-ioiiDu nan. nr urocert, labtlli time ; J AME.S ion's k CO., Homicopathla Chtml Loudon, Englai T inDTn nnnim.inwi L1CD1U UUiUrillU u 1 Extract Of Meat audlit In ujon nontlior being nabuled full N. B. Getiiiitio only with fao iml! of naron I.ifl)l'B signature la blue ncroes lnbf I. Sold by s o.eke pen, Urooen aad DruuM tveiyabere. T3 A T'lT'VT'Pa'. IXHMANN. wait A utrtou, U. ;. Send for tit oular. AflR A WEEK and upward! potltlvtly a tVtfcured b ured by men aututi aelllna- Dr. Swt'l irbuiiie t-lecl no e lielt. Sunnantorr and ntktrtt piiaurea. nainpie irea. i neieara tne tniy eni in. 1 nail Keiiuina. No hutubuc i bioadway, N. Y. 1K. Ki:U17 PATA nnU ELY'S V- I H n nn nnn i ii nits ITU Cleaners fbt Nasal Puebagrt, Allays I'uId ami Ioflauiu atlon, deals tbe Sorei Restore tli Senses of TasU anil Smell, M THE CUBE- A partlele l u piuil aaeh noatrll and agr eahle. rrlce it eta. at lrueti; bv mil, reKlttered. AO ata. KL.Y UkOl UKKS. 2 Or wlch, 8t New York. LADY ANUdLNTI.KMtN AOIONTS wante) In every olty aud town, A krreat ii'riao Aurteahle work. Addreaa TU t: at THK WO.UUi rvbu ISOVit.m Nataaa t. New Yuri LA WES AKE OFFERED plain needlewurk tbeirown (town or oounlrvl !; wboleaala houaa. I'mHUhle, renuine. llu, ft caubem da. Everything furnlthed. rartlruan iree. Ad.lre-t AitUllo Ntt die work Uo, IS! IU Ntw York City, ' MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artlflaial ..,imi Any book teamed In one readii.j, by Mark Twnln' Richard fw tor. tha Soieiillit, Hunt. W W. Attor, Judnt r Ibiniamlu, In. minor, fco. Clattof 100 C'elef bla Law aiudenui two oltuea o Me tucli t Vl M tiiiirtrtlly ofPenn. Pblla., and tut" wallenley Unllega. fco., and enagod atrbeua Work For AillttSS& Setlo uieu aud w, aoau everywhere. W "fJ and all eipautet paid, baaiplef worik M lull partleulart Irea. Addrett V. O. VICIl1' Aaguata. Ma. IWl iBlai this bane. Writ to dt. 4. A I t A MA in Mjiiiii'iitliili! -r:.i in LADIES 'TVijKv; i i!2?ir2ar "?" Iwlrearaar.loaeeaee VZ!?f V4 '? aat te SaaaVpoaahed ttevt fcff World. $m tale by alTuruaett Sd Seta ilaaWS ToaU wba ars aaOtrto fra lbs rro IndlaoraUoMol yootb, aarvottS aain'i daoay, loaaot ntanhood, aa., I WlU awaa Sl that vrtU ears ro.rU Of CAM- T. retaedy was aiawrarwd sy a tlsslsssit , Aaafioa. aom4 a aaltad svWSW r-?.3T.r r.rrt If .XV fiir rrJ'rTAai RB MS noRY I I V