The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 17, 1887, Image 2

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SliIditrtglj )p,
'JL 11. HAffTUK.
Subscription 1.50 Per Year
Una Yr
ttoftmn On V tar.
OM-iuUi I ly la run, u Vcf
.4X1 l-O
rili. iwr .r im
AaOltor, Hxe-nior, Administrator, unl
4tlgM N'uthvi
WfcAn jmi rrntcu.-ti'. r inn. It, "nil
flnkiiii tnrt ..1 (or 1m tbn 4',
w (r .or hn lortlin 1 m
ton,t lu.rtn anj J6 tenu lor tch
victors aud others vanquished, aud ei1s of a wife tod three children.
, tho defeated men ratui nlljr regard .The oldest, Darned Mary, la a young
things m generally going lo pot, lady, 19 years of ape, who Lax parried
I wbilo tho successful wen s?e bnnty through one of tbo strangest and
in everjlbinp about them; but fr l- must painful experiences which eve
Ming won't help dufeat. However fill to tbe lot of a human being. A
difd.mced candidates may feci this jbhott lime ago aha was a pliirnp,
ij'iriiing in city or Stat, the greal ircyeheekod girl, in robust Ltalh
bury v,oill will jog alone in its own ,aud of a unntiy disposition- To-day,
od way iu nllor iudiftVrorc.j r.s lojlhrtngh lt ii.fliitinct of n moot pe
who lost or wou in the rare. Tbojculmr unci lent, he is, in hU bnt
snn will cot trnuo to shims tbo lirdjjeni, n nln uukun, pnavistj old wo-
Xhursday, Xov. 17, 1S87.
to ting; tli lliwora lo blojm;
harvests to ripen, and tint
grow better, do matter whether Har
tley McOrann or Captain Unit shall
be custodian of the shekel of the
Slalo, or whether Mr. Krnmbhoar or
Mr. LoetU will serve the writs, hung
tbe murderers and bag the ft $13,
Tl: slot?
tbe nifin
woild to molamorphosis is as
Hart' Big LTaority.
Stale have 0M 'i,,ry of lli0 llt''J cBiac; and
whou the other uNy-uine Millions
and some odd hundreds of tbuits-
All the counties in Ilia
fcow completed the official count,
ehowing a plurality for Hart. Ken..
for State Tieanorcr ef ll.SS'i. The ttni1 of luH l eol'
of tbo ountry
. ... i ill
r,n;t H,.ima n.,.ri n n, don. t euro a button wuo was imccioii
ties ioc.eaod llarfs vole over the "r ylrdy, wboVa the UHo.lbrongh the place and show her the
of this stiaogo
Mary was engngod to be married
to a man narand Jicob Kbortin, who
workod for Mr tlarman aud made
his homo with the family About
two months ago tbe young couple
came to Cleveland to nmdo home
pnrchitsim and see the siuhts. One
of the young man's frioods worked
in one of the elect lis lights estab
lishments at the tiuio. Eberlin pro-
to take his futnre brid
r, ... . - n t ,y t 1 1 Tt H T Itfk T
.JI....J.I...l J . 1 - Tl ... .m n II. A I :
zu, nanus out uuv jmvco, v onw tvnnio iip
vou want Bargains call at ones- 1 have an Immense
Wl Cafilly, MM Mi Act Promptly.
comUUnt or a superior Line of SUITS FOR YOVO
and OLD,
M"e jjstsess the facility and inclination to Hive you re
al Jlargarns and will do ii in our new .stock of
which is just in and comprises the largest line of LA
Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready Made
Clolhini, Hardware, Queeiisware.Glassivara
etc. You nll be t)l eased to see how we combine old.
earlier estimates Quay's majority
iu 18S5 was 43 51.
of frcttins over lout battles 1 J' rot
ling won't lay in winter pork or coal
or buy the luby a ficck, or make tbo
world sj in put lit tic with political mis
fortune. Iob't fret over lodt bat-
It U n ported that Secretary La
mar will bo nominated by 1'reeident
Cleveland for J nntice of tbe Knpretoe M08-
Oonrt of tbo I'tiited States, and that Nntliroes good men nro defeated
the nomination will bo confirmed by l'ftl1 n,cu t)leclei1' l,ul ,et il not l'
the Senate Mr. Lamar has not the , f",Kotu'u tUl t,,G pporlcBlwHyseven
ftttiinmcnls for that portion, bobid- "P lb, ir own n"kM B00U or ,a
cs bis lant utterance in the nato,l'r nlul r,,u'hU ""o" Lnv0 d
before taking his scut in tho Cabinet tUui, Ttikiug the people of
was the declaration that 'no one fhall ! tc government in the grecu
and iu tho dry, they govern themsel
ves better than tbe peoplo are gov
erted in any other part of tha world,
rise and in ray presence call Jtffer
on Davis a traitor without meeting
a stern and decided denial.' If a
Southern man mubt be nominated by I ril, J 010 Lumtn lbl'J cmit mis
rresident Cleveland as a justice oflakue' but 0D an ip8ao of ribt
the Supreme Court, let it be a man iB-uin8t wr,)r,S- however they may
who was not so outspoken ia behalf wobble at times, tbsy uUaya as aure
of the rebellion and the head of that J 'J peUl ,1owQ in f,,vor of tbe ril,t
'as tue qoivirin ceeoio rentes io
A calculation bns been mndo by
the Executive department at Harris
bnrg, based on tho returned Dutaber
of tnxablcs, as to the present popu
lation of this Slate. . Tbe'rjnmber is
estimated at 5,074,527, au increase of
800,000 since the census of 1SS0. In
the matter of . population we now
enrpass SweJsn, Turkey in Europe,
Holland aud Portugal and very near
ly approach IUIgium, Ireland and
Itonmanta. What is more, all the
bbove nations are nearly at a stand
still, while we have been increasicg
at tho rate of about 20 per cent dur
ing the past tight years, or 2 per
cent, per annum- LSut then, it must
bo remembered, nono of the coun
tries mentioned above, although
they nro among the choice spots of
earth, approach Pennsylvania iu the
extent and vatic ty of her resources
or in her boundltss supplies of min
eral wealth.
the polo. Don't fret over lost bat
tles'; trust tbe peiple aud rather re
joice than complaiu at tho glorious
uncertainty of Americau election.
I'hiUt, Times'
llje following Tbankpgiviog Proc
lamation baa been Usned by Qovcr
uor'.Ueaver: COMMOSWEAI.VIIOF Penssilvania,
EXECCTIVE CllAMHLR, H Alt a 1 slit Ii' 1.
Oct. 31. In tbe name utid by tbe
authority cf the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, a proclamation;
Tbe President of the United States
Laving debinattd, by public procla
mation, Thursday the 24tb diy of
November next as n day of general
tbauksgiving to be observed by tbe
people of the United Statss, 1 do
cordially recommend tbe r eople of
this Common wtaltb te assemble it
their reFpectivo places of worship on
tbe day aforementioned, to render
hearty and united thanks to Al
mighty God for tbo goodness aud
mercy which have been vuuehsufod
by Ilim to as au a people during the
To testimony whereof, I Lave here
unto set my baud and caused the
great teal of tbo State to be affixed
this thirty-liretday of October, in tbe
year of our Lord, one thousand
eight hundred ond eighty-Bsveo, and
cf the Commonwealth tie one bun
dled and twelfth.
J axes A- Deaveu, Governor.
T:at FrctOror L:
The election is over and many
keen disappointments linger behind
it; but what's the ose of fretting over
lo6t battleb! Only tbe regulation
politicians aud their dependents and
ambitious candidates were really ex
cited over tbe contest juet ended in
this city and State, while the great
tuass of the people didn't bother
themselves about it beyond picking
grain of whsat now and then out
of the teuopost of partisan chaff that
deloged them- When the polls
opened yesterday, there was oo roub
of excited or enthused people to de
posit their ballots. The drums and
borns of campaigners bad ended, and
very section, of the city was serene
as a aammer's mom. People came
out leianrely, voted as they pleased
except io tbe few places where the
police end party heelers plied their
vocations, and went tueir way;
Friday last Spies, Lngel, Fisher
acdTnieons. four of the convicted
Anarchists were banged at Chicago,
Lingg committed euicido and Schwab
t.od f- ielden had their sontences com
muted to imprisonmont for life iu
the Penitentiary at Joliet- Tbe fun
eral of tho five men took place on
Sunday and it is estimated that fully
twenty thoutand persons participat
ed iu tho ceiemouic-B.
Tho crime for which tho seven
men wore convicted and sentenced
to death, known as the 'Ilsymatket
Tranody,' occurred on the night of
May 4th, 1SSG. On the let of that
month the workingmcn of Chicago,
save a few exceptions, struck for au
eight hour day: The strike was
partially successful. On iMay 3d
August Spies made a speech in de
nunciation cf the uou-uuioo men
employed at M'Corinick's works, tbe
result beicg encounter between tbe
ucn-uniou men aud the police on the
one side aud the strikers on the
other, in which several nun were
killed and many wounded Next day
there wbs rioting nearly nil day near
tbe M'Coimick woiks. Tbe tlennau
paper edited by Spies, the Arhtitcr
Xtittnt'i, of tbut morting nrged Ibe
fttikers to arms and take destrucN
ive . acti.iu, and tbo Acarchiuts bus
ied tbeTuseives among tho strikers
all day, 6tirring them op- A meet
ing cf Anarchists aud strikers was
arranged for the evening at the Ilay
tuurkfct About 2,000 people ossem
bled, aud after Spies aud Parsons
made speeches of a mild character,
then l'ieldtn mounted the wagon
from which tbe speeches were made,
and delivered a fierce address, call
ing for immediate action in these
words: Arm! Arm ! Tbrottle and
kill tbe low !' Police Inspector Bon
Cold then resolved to disperse the
meeting. Seven companies of po
lice, 175 meu iu all, marched to the
fCfcts As they approached the
wagon I'ieldeo shouted: 'Here ccme
the blood-hounds; you do your duty
and I'll do mine.' He then stepped
from tbo wsgon, and when Donfield
called on the crowd to disperse, FieK
den exclaimed, 'we are peacable' It
is said these words constituted the
signal sgreed apon. After a sileuco
of tea seconds a fizzing sound was
heard at tho mouth of an alley near,
and a little bull of fire dew over tbe
wagon sod fell among the police.
This was followed by a flash aud an
explosion, and one policeman, Ma
thias J. D-gao, was instaotly killed,
six others were mortally and sixty
others less seriously injured. The
police rallied, however, aud dispers
ed the crowd. It is estimated that
twenty people altogether were killed,
including Auutchist Kistler, aud 150
inacbiccrv; It appears that a brok
en wire of her paoicr, or bustle, bad
nnperceived worked its way through
her droits. While passing along the
niro camo in contact with one of tbo
poworful electric machinos and ber
band, resting on an iron bar at tbo
time, completed the current and she
received a severe shock and fell in
ronsiblo to tho door. In a few mo
ments sho revived sufficiently lo bo
removed from tho place, and was
t uk hi to bur home-
Medical aid was summoned, atd
for four days the girl lay in a bed in
a paralyzed condition. Then sho
regained the nse of her limbs, but
immediately began to lose flesh
rapidly, tbo hair on the left sido of
i ... i - . !..... I a a x 9
Human ars able to be about, but
in that time sho bad been truubform
ed from a young, baudsomo gitl into
a It t bio ola woman, tier form,
.liich had been plump and rounded,
us thin and bent, nod the skin ou
ber fiice and body was dry and
"linklod. Sho had been a sweet-
ttmperol, alKclionale girl, but is
now peevish, initablo aud selfish.
1 1 or voico is harsh and cracked, and
no one to look at her would imagine
tba) she was less than 6(1 years of
ago xuo iiarman Ijldiiv arc Hor
rified and well nigh heart-broken
by the fiito of their once handnome
daughter, while young Ebortiu is
almost frantic over the chango in
his afSioced Lri'ie. Tbo physicians
claim that the electrio current com
municated directly with tbe prin
ciple nerves of the spim and left
s do of tin head, and that (lit bhoek
almost completely destroyed their
vitality. Instances in which a per
son's hair has turned whito iu a
siuylo night from fright, gtief or
some excessive nervous shock are
not i are, but this is supposed to be
tlo first case in medical hictory iu
which a person baa boon knowu to
step ftcm the bloom of vigorous
youth into the dccrepiludo of old
ago withiu a week.
I have an elegant line of FUR and SEALS KM CAPS,
Horse Blankets and Lap Robes,
7; , ,. r t nna iMlnic honesty in quality and i)rkewilhnew,;resh8lul
as well as an extensive line of lunushtng uoods-all ttt Tr-nUtr -
H, OPPENHEnvIER,Selinsgrove,Pa.
Manufactures of rjarnches, Junp-Beat Carriage, Wagons, Sleighs.
Double Harness.
r to
- ,
P IB1- t
r-SSt W-?- 1. ; .'a. ;;. ' 'V;
e fj . !& rr- r V.'v-''-:--'
t - - n
Well Made
Call and soe our $75.00 Top Lnggy, which we are mokmg a specialh
Doilding Material taken in excuango tor wgik. ait on or aliiiesn
May l.'
1 will continue the Merchant Tailoiing business in
1st i Arnold's Hoom, Middleburgh, Pa ,
and take this means of informing the people of Saydcr county, that 1
have ou baud a well stlecti J stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
and sampled from the best and most reliable Jfew Tcik and Philadelphia
Iioiihph. aud will sell lower tuan ever. Uutlmg, Cloaniag, Repairing, Dye
ing and Scouring done on short notice.
Nov. llf. E. B. BUCK
Oo tbe Ceckiville road, about six
miles from the town of Loraioe, O ,
lives a farmer named Max Ilaruao,
who oima from Pennsylvania about
Of course aoma candidate were a ye: ago. Ilsrman'a family cod-
A cut ions story about a watch has
just developed at Try, Ala Twenty
yean ago Mr. George Ethoridgo,
who lived in the tipper v irt of Pike
county, treated himself to r fine gold
watch, for which he paid $155. Ho
took it Lome, and his father told him
that, inasmuch as he Lad invetled so
much in a wutch, it would bo a good
idea to take down tbo maker's urine
and number, which bo did, without
ever thinking tbut litilo precaution
would ever avail anything. He kept
it uulil lbTG, when a laborer on bis
place took udvuutage of bis absence
one day, broke into bis bouse, and
stile the watch aud chain, and skip
ped out. The thief went down into
Dalu county, and in a short time got
into trouble, lo order to evade tue
clutches of the law, belaid out io a
piece of woods, and while there be
loBt Lis stolen prize, und in a short
time left for tho West. In 1882,
while Mr. M-.-tcalf, who Jives Dear
DaUville, wus shrubbing a piece of
second yeai'd laud, be found the
watch, and tolated tbe circumstan
ces to several of his neighbors, but
could find no owner for tbe property.
The wa'eb bad been lying iu tbe
woods six years, and wus in a bad
Cx Melculf cm t ied it to a jeweler
iu Eufuola and bad it repaired, and
took it home with bim and kept it
until laHt Saturday, lo the early
part of the week Mr. A. Haley of
this city, whs is a brother in-law of
Mr. Etburidge, heard something that
induced bim to wire Mr- Etheridge
at Evergreen to come over, that be
tbongbt Le could put bim on tbe
track of bis lost watch. Mr. Etbe
ridgo auived iu the city aud west
to Mr. Metcalfe' described the ftatcb,
gave the Dumber and the maker's
name paid Metcslf what be bad paid
out for repairs, reoeived bispreperty
and returned highly elated over bis
saccess in recovering Lie lost jewel
ry Waihlngton Star'.
Though tbo premium on Owls been removed, t
pscmiam on the superior quality of irooils sold by (J.
O. (lutelious still remains, lie lias just reeeived si.
New stock of SPRING STYLES
Siit3 for old men. Nobby suits
tov young men. Suits for
Boys, Youths Men and
Children. Suits from
31.75 to $15.
Hats, Caps, Glove , Underwear,
sold at gteatly lediiced piices.
Tbankin" the luanv who have patronized mo I cordiully iavite an ir
speetion of my stock.
G. O. GUTELIUS. Middleburgh
ill M prices
A. .tiilpn are the order of the day I hve inaugurate ! tu taovsnae x.
in Snvder'countv not for biiiher woces or less hours, but a STRIKE
AT HIGH PRICES. Cash business has become the order
and tho pricss must correspond with the progress of the times
therefore prepared myself for the cash trade of the county by parcbae
ng a large etock of GOOD GOODS which I have
Co Ibe ovest possible margiu in exchange for ready money. I keep no
books ose nothing ou accounts and discount my bills, thus saving an
avera o of at least fifteen per cent, which benefit I give lo my pnrcbasers
- . . I A ll 1 .
Com nJ see me ana l win convince voa ol me aovaniages or iuis new
dn aitare.
Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania.
The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun
and Kine uombmed.
This system in eombined rino
and shot-gun oliers.iul vantages
over other makes even more
marked than thoso for shot
onlv. Thev far exeel all oth-
ers in strength, accuracy.
workmanship and baluueo.
Sido-sunp action, best decarbonized blued
J cst clbai f( 110 or VI ua use shot. 44 Win-
hsetorc. f. viflc avtridge, weight 10 tt) 121hs, price ft.'W
Top-snap action, same s.s above, 3S-55 Mallard cartridge, or
4 1 If! 1. .i !.... 1
11 V HH.llNlt.-l, I H U - - JKJJft
Theabovo prices includln 100 paper s!:o and ono box
'" " fishing-tackle I
Complete Assort
ment of
Artificial Bait, ect.
I respectfully submit to vou a few
prices : Assorted
of tho day Trout-fles at 25c. a dozen, trout- hoks to gu 25c. per doz.,
s. 1 have plain trout hooks 5c per doz., best oiled-silk lines from J
to J cents per yard, all other lines lrom 1 to 2 cents pel
yard. Keels from 25c to 2. Orders by mail promptly
attended to.
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, Pa.
Valley Street, Lewistown, Ta
Freidman& Getz Beavertown, Pa.
The undersigned desire to inform the public that they
haveju8t returned from the City with a fine Stock of
kinds and prices t Mat
tresses, Feathers, Pillows,
Hoojstors, lied Springs,
Chairs, Tables, Kinks
Sofas. Htands, Bureaus,
ic., Ao., Lo , &o.
PARbOU 8UIT8 in 13rowt
Terry. Raw Bilk, Hail
Cloth and Plash goods '
Parlor Rockers, all kinds '
Marble Top Tables.Look-
ins Glasses, some fit el
ones, Pictures, Ao., Ac
A full line cf Jute. Hemp, Rag, Ingrains, Tapestry,1
body mussels aod Velvet Carpets, Art yr-
nia Rugs, Coca and Uutta Percba Door Mats. Will
ell any of the above goods as low as same quality can
be bouogbt any place, aod pay freight charges to any
Htation ou P. It. R. Write me for price or come aod1
ee the largest stock this aide of Philadelphia
Kespectfully, W; II. 1'KLIX.
Consisting of a full line of
Blankets, Haps, Shawls, Ladies'
Gent's and Children's Woolen
and Cotton Underwear, a
full line of Ready made
Ladies' Dress Goods, Groceries, Motions, Jewelry, Cloclct
waicnes, unams, uiassware, yueensware, etc.
We sell Cheap for Cash or Produce-tor which wo al
ways allow the highest -price. H e have been blessed'
With a liberal patronage, are thankful for it and
hope to merit the same bu low prices and fair deal in f