The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 11, 1887, Image 2

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    6frf giDli!t!mv3!i Iosl,
H II. UiVItTKll.
In another col aw a will bo fotud
tliA official public notice of I bo amend
tuenti irpoBOil lo the Stulo Consti
tution bj tho last Loialutnre. Uu
der tLo provisions of tba fundament
Subscription $1.50 Per Year
RATES OF ADVERTISING : to tbo pooplo oij'y onco
ngj yours; ami wuwi propone!
::?aV?i:-,hJ! J'iBlalnro, tuny i...ut bo publicly
.".nd T'tu h;".iehcrlinUa weekly iu etch couuty for
ne u imn, uni i ear mi ' . , , , ,
uVell Uvloma. Una Year :tvou . tal law, atUfttlllUOnt Cilll bo pfOOOS
MUafarla tiolumn, Uii) r
a'fofieeloaal ear.
AdUor, 6.rv,t.r. Administrator, and . I ..nnrc. ..,, !,,. r.r..i.f.,..l
. . . . J 'lj JUl,tP' I. II ' II UL-ll IV'SHl'.
AtoltfOe Niltloee
WMii ue epeclal irrtniciiinlf n mill
MTrMieeiaatite. insert
we ee-arae l.kA per Inch
nw e-o-imi insertion
abeeqaeot luaerllun.
ILU.ll ...A ... J 1
Ecjrctlican County tTickot
nn Ao iatk jiii'ik
KAML'tL A. Vfci.l.l., 11 :ivirt..wu
nm nmiiri,
VANltX lini.MliHI, M,
' ) .ifNTV .VMIh-.iiKI-i,
lUNIKf. IIKWKI1 Mi.nmo.
KAMl Kli H. WAI.TKH, I r.iuklll) .
run oil rv.TMi: i Itm.t
HAULf-Si:.M.K.Ii'iI,li. Mi.MI, l.ii'ih,
! I it 1 V At'l'ITnl'.H,
.1. Kfllll.r.R I I IK. I'hapin.iu.
JOHN 1'. UKAKNS, Himm tIowii.
yon i i'iinK!i,
UK. UfcOll'IK II. N KlM.u.t tnnri.
Thursday, August 11, 1SS".
'Iho Cro record for tbo first half if
197 abowa an nl arming iucrcato over
tbo first balf of lust year, tbo 1osih
amounting to n total of SO-'.DJl ,000
ns uyaiuet e."3,0 )U,0U0 for tho first
is montbs of 1S7.), ana 3O,7."f).000
for tbe earoo pciioil of 1SS Tbi
ia truly a ftightful locoid of duBtrua-
tion and cnUu for tho exrrciio cf lbolh na rt t",rt tf
groatcr euro by every ono, for it is
reliably orlimuloil that fjlly ono
tbird of the entire Iji-b was occasion
ed by carelcsbnee.
tin oo lnoutbs rtncedii tho I'lcction
'J'bon tbo proposed aiiieii'luioiits
must bo n;,ain phfhcJ by botii Hous
es without mollification, aud nniti
(u1vt)i tiHel a) finally submitted to
a vote of tbo ponple f jr occoptanco
or rejection.
The ro iiru two distinct urufiiduicnlB
now proposed to our (Jonititntion,
upou which tho people will vote
no piuntrly if npprove.1 by tho uext
Login-lutaro. Ono of Ibcm is tbo
will-known Prohibition nmondmcnt,
forbidiliog 'the manufacture, r-nlo or
tecpin; for silo of intoxicntiug li
fjiiors'iis n Itrvcrfio.anil it eo minnnds
tbo fnhi Loislaturo uftur itd odop
tioo to Vuurt laws with adcUato
penalties for its enforcement.' Tbo
proposition iloea not ciobrnco any
proviMion for indemnity for pinporty
which nii'-ht bo rtudcrdd valueless
by tbo adoption of Prohibition
This wan propomJ ia tho Lcilalui o
tho Prohibitiou
ntiu ti lcicnt and m a separate amend
ireut, but it whh leiucttd. The
A solid silver hatchet fonnd recen
tly in Sonorn will noon a loi n the
tnasoum of Priocotowu collope. It
woigba one hundred ouncfi.i, or n lit
tlo over oiyht pound, and as bullion
is valued at $1 no ounce It in four
inches in length, is wodo-blmpud.
and was evidently hutumerod by
Prohibition nuicndincat, tliurcforc,
is simply a tinke 1 prohibition of tho
tiinunfiicture and salo of intorJuatitiR
liiiioi s nithin tbo Slate. There will
('onbllohs bo nn cfl'irt rua lo iu the
next l-eidutuio to ameiid tho pro
posod Prohibition amnniVncnt. by a
provision for payment of damages
for propel ly deslroj od by I'rohibi-
tion; but if sj nmeiilcd, or if uuitttJ
od in a Niello word, tho titutudod
amendment would then p,o over for
eomo preuj , lone poopio. " wu8nnothor two JCfUl1 Ulld co;lU not bo
'ivu,uv iu uu i IUUV.I3C), uii'i mil
fiirchusod for $1?Q by Honry Q.
Marquaud, who will present it to his
Ux-Congreesnian C F- Heo 1 owns
tho largost wheat fluid in tho world
ia Stanislaus County, Cal. It con
sists of 10,030 acres in ono unbrok
en etrotcU along the Inuli of the
San Joaquin Rivor, aud much of tbe
land is protected by loveos, rh tbo
stream is higher than tho shoro.
The grain this yoar is as high as the
Lack of a horse, aud it is estimated
the yield will be t' biiHheli to I
tho aero- This will give 400 000
bushels, which will load ten largo
The people who get tho best posi
tions in Ibid world aro tbo odch who
prcparo themselves most carefully
and work tho hardest- Tho young
follow who tnnkos no special e!l'rt
to qualify biuiself for anything in
particular, but just slidoa along
through lifo, expecting to glido into
a nico place after awhile will wako
up somo day with a ttart to Cad
that youth his gone, mi Idlo ago has
come, opportunities hivo foicvor
flown and his life is a failure. Altoon
na Tribuno-
A largo prepouduranco of thu dissi
pation and crime of thin ago is di
rectly traceable lo thepoiion of idlo
noss and tho contempt for industry
inbtillcJ iu children by parents. It
is tho comunn ambition of ovon ia
d na trial fathers that tho: r eons bhall
be what they call goulh:mou, aud the
mothers' umb'.tiou in that their
daughters shall bo regarded ns Ind
ies. In most oases where such falso
edacatiou is givoa at haiu j, neither
tho fathor uor tho mother ha J any
jast conception of what constitutes it
truo goutlomua or lady They, as a
role, assume that idlenoi and dross
abovo their moans, with a smattor
ing of brightuess, disiirg'iiah the
gentleman and lady from tho vulgar
ber.l, and by their oxiiplo thnir
childreu drift iut ) ull tho lo.7i0.kl
evils of i Ucnniis.
An act p soocl in the cloaing days
of the lato ecRsion of tho legielaturo
declares that it shall b unlawful for
nny person to knowingly and wilfally
keep any poach, almond upi icot or
noctorino troo infectod with the con
tagious disease known as the yellows,
or to sell or ship to others any of
tbo fruit there of; and the troo bo in
fected shall be enbjoeto 1 to destruc
tion as a public nuisance. It pro
vides that tho siiporrisor of any
town whore there is good reason to
believe that tho disoaee exists shall
forwith appoint throe freeholders,
who bball immediately examine the
suspected troe or fruit, aud if they
eball find it desoased, order the ow
ner to dtetioy it within ton days-
If ho does not obey be is liable to a
fine or imprisonment or both and
it becomes, tbe cnmmisiionera' duty
to effect tbe destruction at the cost
of tbe town, which is given a right of
action agaiuet tho tlclioqunt to re
cover the amount j! it and cotamin
doners' fcoa
Cnully voted on before 1 SOI
The current of public ueutiiDCut
likely to iullucnco tho selection of
tho next Legitdaturo, will be for or
against tho Prohibition nmendrucut
as high license nhall work well or ill
in its experimental nhges. If it
fihall bo forHjidably restated or Ber embarrnHsed by the friends cf
the liquor truflic, thero will bo a de
cided teudeney toward Prohibition;
if it shall ho accepted ia goud faith
and bo productive of good results,
Prohibition will bo much weaker
neit jeur than it is now, Thero will
'noumpio t'ldie to I'lisciiHi the iUC8
tion when it will bo an isue face to
faco with tho people in tho (selection
of tho nest Legisluturo.
Tho other propon. d amendment to
tho Oostitutiou is a 8) utciaatie of
fi i t to degiudo tho best offi'is aud
prerogatives of cUi.cnehip and to
che'ipeu fraudulci.t oloctious- Strip
p:d of nil Kurplusuftgo aud boilod
down to plain English, ;t proposes
that c citizen may vote on one
n'.cnlh'u residonca iu hli precinct,
iut-toad of two mouths as now; aud
without tho puvmout of any tux
nhatevor, ii.stoa i of the p'.-'tty poll
lax of t a i uty-livo centa n year ro
iiii'nl by tho present Couslitulion.
This iiiutti Imoiit is tho outgrowth of
tho prostituted and generally fraud
ulent hystem of party committees
puyii'g ta:cs for citizeus and thin
cotnmaeding their vot'js for the par
ty ticket, regardless of tho merits
of candidate s; and whou it
is considered that ono half or more
of nil the voters of Philadelphia have
compi died party committees lo pro
vide for their tains, tho extent of tho
demoralization nud probablo fruud
may bo approximated.
Tho provision requiring two
mouths' rosidoueo in a precinct lo
beoomo a voter was adoplod ass
necessity to break np a giganlio sys
torn of fraud iu tho citien, nud thero
is no reason why it nhonld bo chang
ed unless to facilitate fraud ; and
the pnyioont of taxes by party com
milteoi has beeu one of tho mo;'t
fruitful sourcea of tho pollution of
tho ballot. Instead of corfossing
that snffrago is vnluoloss to tho citi
zen by separating it from ull dblign
tion to support tho govern mont an J
by shortening tho resi.lonco in the
precinet, it would bo vastly better
for both citizen and government to-
roquire ovory citi'.en to qualify him
solf as a votor by personally attend
ing to bis registration and to the
payment of bis taxes. The man who
does not regard tho sovereignty of
Americau ritizonwhip as worth twen
ty-five conta a year for Ihe support
of tho government, must lack every
attribute of manly devotion lo froo
institutions. A citizenship as price
less as is ours should bo abovo pur
chase by politicians orealoby voters
and any change inado in our elections
laws should bo to elevate' aud pro
tect tho ballot, rathor than to do
gtado and pollute it. Phila Times.
Town for tbo last week has been
unasuklly quiet. Since we no lon
ger bavo "Water Works'' discussed
on corner rostrums excitomout has
run low. Well, wo all say it is
lime. With tho two factions always
in action nnd that with tho most
bitter feeling, our latest publio lo--cal
question has had a most demor-
izing effect. It is sottlod at least
wo hope so.
During tLo past week our town
has beeu visited by a Uuv. Miller
who prcaehod novrral evenings ou
tho publio squares. Ho finally mov
e l to the river bank where ho was
licet awful in having 11 fair sized
audience, but whether drawn by or
itory or tho attractions of our
UKqnehanna on Summer ovenings,
I know not. This much is corlaiu,
iu a laud of churches thero is no no-
cesnty for such preaching iu agri
cultural communities.
Tho samo U'-virund Gentleman
Lint year travoled over our county in
tho interest of tho Salvation Army.
A party of ladies nnd gentlemen
of tbi placo uro care ping in Centre
county mar Peuns Cave. They are
under tho caro nnd leadership of Mr,
and Mrs. John Coobu, and doubtless
they will bo ablo to ppond a ploasaut
week- Pcnns Cavo will soma day
bo classed forruont among Pennsyl
vania Natural Wondors.
V. P. Shay, Kaq , and wifo of
Walsontoun nio vibiting Mrs Shay's
purcblw, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chan. Ilower.
Mr. Sain. Holmes, u former Solins
Orovo boy, with his wifo aro visiting
his parents,
15 i'. Crouso and wifo uro spending
some time at the Sea Shore.
Ualuiday t veuit:g as tho Middle
burgh band was returning from a
picuio near Port Tievorton, they
stoppod at tho Keystone llotul and
during tho ccvecing treated our cit
izens to music, Tho Middlcburgh
Bund well doservo tbo recognition
they aro receiving from nil parts of
too State.
... '
l A mm . . . 1
In the meantime it will be well to
underline the dates, and arrange to
visit tbe city as a spectator of the
great demonstration, which appeals
to the patriotism of every American,
as well as every friend of freedom.
rmf)ii to tlialtltDl cf thlt (totnmon
wealth for their pprorl or rajaotlon tor lb
(leneril A namM 'of itlie ('otmnnuwecltb af
l'ennyvi,. Fabliihed br order nflhaHao-r-iarr
of Iha Commonwealth, lo ptirtnanoe of
Artlrla XV111 of Iha tnetlailuo.
Joint rnolutlon proj,olnit o amaedraent lo
tha Uonmttallon of I b In ;oratnoneUh:
SkctionI. lit II rcoolTeJ bj iha neaat and
Houna of Keiirawntatlvei of tna Commnn'
waalth of racnsy Irani InOaneral Afinlilr
met. That tha I"IIowIuk auiaoUinant liro
r"ed I tha (Jonntitn tli'ii of the C' maionwelih
of I'enniylreole, In aarunlanca with Ilia Elgli
tvamh Artiola thrraof.
Tha mannfarture. tale, or krerln for aala of
In toil cat In II iinr, tii he oed ni a lerK"
I herclir probllilted, and RB7 rlolatlm of thin
irvtiliiltl'in ihall ha a Dilmlameaour, ptinjiheil
aa hall bn urorld-d lit law.
ilia in ami rant nre. m". or keeping far aaia or
Tbo Secretary of the Interior re
cently denied the claim of Wm
Ilodgspeth, oxprivate in the Forty
ucoond Indiana volunteers. Tho case in"i'uii iirmr r.rttiar puriee than,
, , , 1 a Korarara inaj na aiiuwmi in audi manocr on-
is no uncommon ono. and has been I ir m 1. 1 rmcni.e.i 1 iw. Tim tianrrni
I A . - . , . I ...... . I. . ... .....
iue Buojuct ui uiucu iiiacutiMiou vy it. o mi 'ptioti of tin artioin ot tin- Uoi'i'ltutiuti,
ir ' 1 . ft I il M 1llVI IKWB WIID UlUlV pVDilllUfl lUf KB IU
juuoivu U111UK119. lAoiij'owu mis I rorcaiiietit.
a irtia loot 01 ina .mini Keeo oiinn.
m n it i.r.i" e, niinr,,
SterdUry o Ike OouiiLonwonl'li.
' wealthier their etrVHi or lejuilion
he a-ayR, to eSoopo starviuiou, aud 80 '"or",' A'iv'""l ,,! ",i?:''''lm''u?':i
111 ' I'rniitit Ivan'a. I'lHiUi-ln d h" order of tl
informed his fellow prisoners, and lV7"' di j:oniiiioDwoiih. in putiui
captured in 1SG3, aud oonfiued as a
prisoner at Andorsonvillo, After
.- ,::i r. n.. I
luiuiiiuiu iu tupi.i.j uro muuiuB M KM DM E NT TO THE UONSTITI'l KlN
I, 1 ,hliala1 in ln f Ton fniliirn In nrniv I i'ri iel to the o'tlratia f tala l.ouiiuun
, .v, .v. v w u V I wealth fur their etniniTHl or leiui llon lv tho
the tiec
DriSOnerS and retary of tlii i-'onitnoDwiaiih. In putluance ol
that at tbo first Opportunity he WOUld Joint reaolntlon iiropo' Ik au amf ndmcnt to
... "l0 conniitniioii or in common venitn
desert and, if possiblo, make bin way I hkltion 1. i:a it t-oivi-ii bjthe.souateand
back to blS Ol J command' After B of ',.mnrhnl In Arnckohlr tnot.tliat
, . I "ia fullowlnif le iroiiiMl an amendment of
Short Service in tbO Confederate ltlemntuatl nof tue comra inwonliu of ronn-
. . . . . iii- I nvlrnnla In kcnordan,'a with tun iirurlelon of
Bruiy us etiirieu out tuitj inieuiiun, tha ciKutaentu anine tuer- oi :
and finally reached bis regiment, in strike out from eactian 'ou, 01 artirta mum,
which he eervod until discharged. '..i'..";?':''0 "" 'r
ti . . tr. 1. 41. t- ' If twenty two jair of aita of upverdi. lie
ooiuo jcuio B"u uiutnuiiu ouuii- thai I here il I. wi lulu tw viare. a xtata or
4,1 fur nMiiinn nn tii m-miml nf """ 'i lcli Ihail liae I n aianad tt
ed lor a pension on me ground 01 ,,,, two iuomLa. paid at i.ft no month
Hiaohitifv r.rnlro.Pr..1 wliiU in llm ".-fore tho alectlcn, ' no that ma taction L.cb
l'ederal eetVICO. ThlS fact was fully "Every male rltuen, twonty.nne year of e
. .. .. I roasiii K the lull iwli ar iiuallho.t ,u, iliall
sustained. IhO lllW UrOVhlCS tuat lie emltl d ' voiu at all eieclione :
, ...... ... I fSei-ond. He rhnll heva ri'Sid'-d In tha Uta
no one wuo aiaeu airociiy or inai- ono yr (or ir, u.-ion pr. viuu-iy t a quaii
ne-J I UK iUT Ur linilV- -M.IU U1LIA-1I.I Ul U Il.H
he hll hevii remorad therarrom and returned
then ais mouths) liEinciiialoly procedlog the
aloi tion.
Thin . 110 niial liaro ten ioi in iiio election
i-trict wiioi in- rhnll ofli-r to vutu at loan
twoibuntha iiuuii'Ulaiely preccdlUK tha floe
l-'.iurt'i. If Iwonty-twi yer Of aye or Ui-
unrilii, ho ahull livu raid, within to jrian, a
,i:.te ,11 r 'iintr t,ix. w noil enau iito ut'on aa
-- I nt two m hi tli-. and paid at li nt
ono iiionlii iul to n.e I'leciinn," iuuii ov
umP'iilM. " mr l loinwa
l.vort) 11 1 h I c c 1 1 i ? 1 n tin iitv-uoo yoiiis ol nu.i
. 1 iiM ttio lollowlim MIHliMCAiliitia, rhitll
i,n eiituio I 10 vote at Ih inllinn ilee of the
eii o'Jon disnlvl of wbloh ho h ill ut Uio t;u.
be a reildoi.t and hot clnewnora :
l lr-l. 1 1 0 elin.ll Iikvi, been a Cltl: n 01 till)
t'nlted Nt ate. at leiw tlili'V diiya.
S..r,n l. Ilo rl'Kll Iiiivo le-lded 111 tha atatr
one vcar for II. havlnu ureeinukly been a quail
H...I .1. n,, ii. n.llu. Imrn.lllfnn (if tliA Hl.llll
rnncluiil the Sucretarv of tho Interior v baii huv.i rouioved ihereiroin and roturned
. , .. ,. -it then all moDthe) luaiodlatuly procedlurf the
iut uum aewiuu iuu libiiuib iu iuu i elo lion
i i ..i : s I Hiinl. Ho ehall have resided Iu the elootl in
case, wuicn aro very -oiumiuous, iu- ;.j Bl;r, , 01lBr t TotB Bt et
oln rln ft at run' tiKitniif. A;iinnt. ntv lblrtyily iiiiuiullat' ly preoedlni? tho cloo.loo
ciuueo siron, pi otoui nsi pay- . , (0ltl;ialur, ,it tllS a(a,i.n thereof ne.t
,.f (!, ..0; k I,.. r ,...;on; I -.'ler Hie a luptl ii ol tt,l m ct'.on. ihAli, and
uiou.iuipua.vuMj vV...u..,.vui (roiu lime to lime may, ouact lawa
ii 1. I to uroiioitv enlorno this urovliUoii.
iiutt4, I -.Smrii,. Kverv mala ritlren of ti e aito of
twentv-nns ti ara, who ehull have been a c 1 1 1-
en for thirty dart an I nn laliabltant ol tlile
rectly the eoemios of tho Govern
tnent in the late war shall be pormit-
ed to draw a pension. Hodgepotb's
brief connection with the Confoder
aoy mado him ameuaclo to tho law.
His motive, it is said, cannot bo
taken iuto cousidration. Opinions
by tbo dozon, somo favorable and
othors unfavorable, btvo Uwa writ
ton upon the case by the different
officials of the Interior Department.
At last, after tbo lapso of yoars, it
(,l." 'i n .,. ? 1
k P 4
',' l':i:!;1:: '. :irlV.rt'V.:.r-;,-i,-i- - mildM
T Tihe Public!
We do not offer to pay rail-road
fare for our customers but we will
sell our goods at such prices that
all who buy them of U3 will have
money enough left to pay their
own fare. Everybody knows that
when a firm offers to pay the fare
for its customers, the price of such
fare is first added to the price of
the goods. Try it and be convinc.
ioBc ppesiilQel5iaieii,5s
Clothier, Selinsgrove, Pa.
Tho printing press ha3 mado presi " uU9 next t.rec.Miiinj an 'l0".
I l f'I'V HI 111 Ull ICipa I V.V -."Iiaa, aai- tw i.v aiar hi
JentS, Lillod poelS, mrdo bustles for tinny day a r.-l.leiitof tho eliotion diet net
r . ' . in whl:h he iijay rllor hl vote, hh ill l-eciititli d
Deantios, ana pousuoa genius witu
The Grand Army picuio will bo
bold at Middlcburgh, on tjafnrday,
1 September 3d,-.
L'jv; li ltd ti riiiln.lJiikiit. vii 1'cnniyl
vii'iiu Jiiiilrm l.
Tho eolebratioa of tho oue hun
dro 1th annivors try of tho adoption
of the Constitution of tho United
States, to bo hold iu Philadelphia,
September loth, ltitb, uod I7th, pro
mises to bo ouo of tho most interest
ing event that over occurred iuthis
cjuntry, aud will rauli second only
'.o .ho sreit Gautomalcl 1376- Tun'
Commisiiou, ojruposod of somo of
tho fjromoot meu iu the hud, is fully
organized, the President of t!io
l ailed Si atos au 1 hi Cabinet are iu
cordial coveperation and tho Uovor-
mrs of all tLo -Stated aro aiding iu
the exec utiou cf the gouoral plan.
A large u i.ubur of troops of dif
ferent States will doubtless particN
pa to in the military fcaturo than
wero over gathered before ou a civio
occasion; tho industrial display is
expected to bo tho Huost nud most
compreliouhivo over Kaon iu this city,
and tho commemorative services.
presided ov-:r by tho I'liiof Miis
trale aud u ldresned Lv Mr. Jujlico
Miller of the iSuprcmo Court, will
tho most imposing coiomouy ever
held in America.
Tho progratniuo (is outlined by
tho Commission is as foil iws:
Tho loth of Uoptoruber is assigns
cd for a procesoioual iudustriul dis
play. This display, moving iu long
procession, muuled upon cars pro-
pared for tho purpose, ubdacuompa
niod by variom civio organizations,
promises to bo a foaturo of brilliaut
aad historic interest.
Tho lCih of September is arsign-
ed for the military parade aud re
view of the rogimcnts andcompauies
of tho militia of the several States
and Territories, accompanied by
their respective Governor aud stuffs,
and by detachments from the army
and navy of the Unitod States, de
tailed for that occaasiou.
Tho Nth of Septombor is devoted
to the tjpociul services of commomora-
tion, at which tho President of the
United States will preside- Thoora
tion will be pronounced by Mr. Jus
tice Miller, of the Supremo Court of
tho United States. Iu addition
thero will be a poem, national hymns,
vocal and instrumental music,
arious oluer enlortaiumouts aro
offered by citizons during tho pro
gross of the colobration.
In order to accommodate tbe vast
multitude of poopio who will desire
to witnops and participate in this
national y etc in honor of liberty, the
Pennsylvania lliilroad Company
will sell excursion tickets to Phila
delphiii from all stations on thoir
lines cast of Pittsburg aud Krie Sep
toiubor 6th to 17th, good to return
until Iho 22d, inolusivo, at two cents
per mile.
Special oxoureions by special trains
from various points will be arranged
tho dotails of which will be published
lutor through tbe press and other
jiiiMUs of jiUblio aanouueeateot.
lo vutu at aui h i-loctlon In tho eloetlon illatrtct
,.i m i,i.,h i,M Ml tii- time bo a realdont and
CriticiBm It has mado WOrld get not.owheie loroll oHicom that now a T or
up at roll-call every morning, given I Ti.i.d. ih .tiu tim-oi war no eioctor m the
., , ,. , , . , . iielual mtltarv nrvi- of thu (State or of tho
the PUbllO lUOCTS Of iron and a VClCe United St4te. In tin- army or tavy Iboreof,
. , ,. , , ., . Hliitll be il. i, rived of Ml vote liy r-aron of hia
Of Steam. It Las BOt tue price on A abxonee ftom aueh ele.tton dlatrti-t, and the
. i i i . 141. i-ii lellature ahull livn txiwnr to provblo the
bOSbel Of WLIOat. It has Curtailed uMnnerlu whuh and tho time and plai-o at
Well Mmh
.1 A - a it I a tiii ii auuu HOMona eiortoi raiy vun, ami ior
thO pOWer Of llOgS, graced tbO paO tLe return and .Hov.i of tueir voti alo the
I.., l.l- ,1 fhr4,l,,1. if eliotiondlsincllnah omhey re-imctlv. ly re-
VI J DUDMVg Ul.4 VU.nvu.,, u 4.1,9 WU I g ,1
4rl.1l luinl-a inln nnnnnra nnil mnrlA fifth. For the Durpoao of Totlnir, no poraon
t l I .hall be deemed to hare Kloed or lost a n il-
lawyers of college presidents; it lias I "- '-y '"?, '! I'tce-meo or '
- 0 1 'I urlille i.wii.lnved In Lha aervlno if Iha United
odflS tod the homeless, and robbed Stmea or tliesute, nnr uhllo uuy.ii Iu the
t .1. l llIK-,, u ' V11 wnv-rw vi o...i Ul vi 4111-
th'' uloiopber of blS 1'CaSOU. It UJkL aeaa, uor wl.lla a attidcntol any oollee or
1 111 , laemiiiary 01 loaroiiiK, our wuue m n i any
tuta Uteaa, HUU i;itca UUU UIU-, 1 aiweuuuea vr iuoiio iii:-iivhiiuii, useout m in
, i-4 11 I mutoa ol auy homo lor illnabled aod IDdiareut
VD IUU IUOIIHVIDMII 4J lUHIIVIff IVU'I .MIIVI-, ww I.- ..uv ivr. v. t . , . . 4 , ,
.. I .1 1 .- I otiua;,f hall be iieame 1 to rij-oe in tue oiuo-acU laie IUIS OJOanil 01 luioruuiu tus poopio ot oujruor vouuty, mail
uiwi 1 a iuui nuu .4 iu. lv. 1 lion ui.iriei w uirv ikiu uuuid in -fuaivu. biwi i. 1 . v . o n.,l-..,l mlrnr tf
UuTU UU UUUU U Tfvii oi-iakvvu biuv v
1 will continue the Merchant Tailoring business in
Arnold's Room, Middieburgh, Pa ,
and the editor'
1 Mile West of
In Bower's Grove
A pic nio for the people
ami by the people of Snytler
counly, a day of recreation,
to eelelnate a year ol pros
perity and happiness.
Special trains in tho evo
ning both ways over tho S. it
-a i . i w v -a
jj. Jtoau, ail too isamis in
tho county Mill present, and
Ex-floycrnor A. (1. Curtin
will deliver an address. It
will lii il li'iul.-of 1 1 1 r i Iiiit
..... W r J . .. ' . K V. V I'l.l I , , ,., ., , . .
nv 1 .il niioc'rimii-u win nt'ii i iouiio auio on tue
pro visum win oe liiuue xo i premise -.
iced those not provided t-atimiiiy, Agust zu, ib7,
n. 441 i.iti til J.. I tho f'ollowinv. vuluoldu Real l.laler
VY1I I11UU IJ.ISKCl. J II-1 KOUTY AfKKS ol bind In uood oiiltlrttllon
vi ted.
'loated. Law
aliall be made fi r aaoori.liiln. by proper I
pruola, the oiiUena who .ball be w 'tiled to I
I tlie nicui "I aiuir.Ke noreoy v.i.uu.uou.
A truu oupy oi i he joint reoiuiion.
v uitiii.r.3 . tv u.'-i c,
Sccrelnry oitho emuuiuuwoaltb.
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
and samples from the host and most reliable Hew York and Ihilatle!prjia
houses, and will sell lower than ever. Cuttiug, Clcauiug, Kepairing, I've-
ing and Scouring done on short notico.
Not. Hf- E. 1WCI
The Piper Breech-Loading Shot-Gun
and Kmo Combined.
The anetml ex.iinimitioD rf tcui-hiT tor 1RS7
will l.o boi l In tho M verul dlatruta of hnydir
I'OUIlt K lull'l)).' t
I I, ion. roll l'nvorinn, au;, ia
" fi; -in il ii liobnii'., ' It
ffirv-l'ri'i 11
ferry Wsl io,road', " le
In, lii, on. ! nl"! r.vendalo, " in
VA'iuhlnuivti I I't'tdmiic, " 'H
Mul IK-'-ri-ok- W ,
I Ira vol lli'iiv ortown,
Spring- Adum'tnir-,
A lu in-l'mtili illo,
iiiavi-r n i'm a:' , nun, 4.1 , ,
UliddUbinuh a frnnklin Slldjllot uri!,' 7OVOV OUKM' IliaKCS
i "I'nirc v i iiTi'viuo, ,. , , . 1 i
lloiirm Sbumi.kiu f):n, " Id 111:1 rUC'll 1 Kilt tllOM) lOl SllOt
jnik.-nii 1 laiiv-rvtiii', nepi,
I'liin Siiloiri.
Tbo ix.iimIn.iIioIii will In uln nroniptly ut K
o'clix k a. in. nnd w ill be both oral itnd wntton.
A, HoaliU iiiuat bo tximlncd Iu the uirtricl In
whloh tbrv llltolld lo tcarh.
Nn him liiMiu. will bo uiiinlncd who have not
StUii ei IIIU Dl-.I'IK'O 111 I U.IOMHIH.
Mx iniiiitiii. now i.i-i nir tho minimum t.-rm i
i old ri'i-niiiiiii-ud ulrcctora tu onuu townnhlti
iobiiul.4 I )i't. 10.
a im Antiuiil ln.Hlluto wlllcouveuo at Middle-
luiruli. I ico. M,
IHroi lnri' mid Irlondu ol elocution ure Invited
to uttoud tho oxauiliititlona
C iAiirt. . lit. MA?. ro. Sunt,,
Hddlelnirgli, l'u.
v This svsleni in eor.tbined rille
' vi. and shot-irun oilers advanlaes
even more
onlv. Thev far e-u'el all oth
ers in Mreniith. accuracy.
workmanship mid balance.
Farm For Sale.
ltunte 1!.: in Ilea Mortli-euHt ol Adiiiiialinrir and
IS' inilm Norih-woxt ol llunwrtowii, Siiilnr
Excursion Tickets will Lc ftS ZlFSk'ltX JiXX
..,.1.1 .v.. al.n C a' T. -..1 "utliullrllnuM, nil In (jood eouUillon. Choice
uii K. tv ii. iimumiii fruit kud Hue bi.rlu,: ol wiitor.
... -n i . rni. tx-ri'i 1 mks l. Kl.lWl.
Oil Ull U.llllM. J.I1U J!iAJ IViV JulyJl.-ST. lloarorSirmaa, Ha.
nn I p rpS Side-snap net ion, best decolonized WueJ
t HlL&w3 steelbarrels, 10 or 12 ganReshot, 41 Wo
hseterc. f. vi lie cartridge, weisrht 10 to 121bs, irico 630
Top-snap action, same as above, 3S-55 lialltvrd cartridges of
4 4 -ir:..l...l.. n
i t u iiiruaiu, iin.:tj - -
Tho abovo prices includlo 100 paper bho ami ond box of
A Complete Assort
ment of
Artificial Ilait, cct.
I respect full v submit to you a fovr prices : Assort!
JerrJ Trout-lies at 25c. a dozen, trout-ho ks to gut 25c. perdoz
plain trout hooks 5o er do., best oiled-silk linos from!
to 3 cents per yard, all other lines from 1 to 2 conts pf
yard. Keels from 25c to 2. Orders by mail promptly
aiiouuou ro.
J. B. Reed, Sunbury, V&
Pma. I - :u: i
ilnoliiiooflimiB,includto finest etockof Cood ever offered for e.Uio U
p "Uucuiuuor," Uliain, ana J,"rn.r"-,,D,,"'"iW county, l call yonr attention to tbe following artiolea
all kinds ot
llepairing all kind of
eumua a specialty.
: Jolin F. Zechman,
Troxolvillo, Ta
I . il... V
leave xuu i;rovc mr yvtiuuis- ohanu jtjuv
burg and Ueaverlown at 8,1. Le,i;u!Sl',,Torm
M., and lor Sunbury stot- Adama-u w f.;
riillfT at all Stations at 1). K frankllq-tUo K Sjioiht, J W ElaenUower,
i" o ' I liiivl.i nai-niT.
MlililUiLuru li f I M Shindol.
Ut l.lHnn.,.iu 11 l Ifiittr llnnf Wjim1
T. T. I; USllN. SCillllSa'rftvn. Meiir.H N.iu Steilr, J 1 Ooot.or. Dnil
w - 1 - n ' 7 I ..Liu 1 pirtli
Ohainuan of Comitteo. '"fTW"."..
6ellnmn J A liuwt-r, N J l.lvlnmton . Joe
A L.udwiir. K 1'UOK, ruter Aiueri, rtow
Ion I lerlon.
Sprloit W 1' Uroee, Cuaa Liloyd,
nM ,i : .i I
J I1U UIIUU131U111U Drnwn for Seit Term. OotntBoaelna: Monday
takes this method ni.m. ,,. M.M
tif i iitVivtui ii rr i lm r-i. I it.Tobla..
'"".'h "r. HeaverW II Ulnaaman. Aaron Ureeae. Wn
j f ii . iir...i .. . -
IIAlllO Ul I.IIW I) vDl I r) l Ml,lll...rlh
Eud that 110 liaS Oil Ueutro-K,,hraem' Waller, ti F Kkeary, O t
haild and for SalO aehaiuiiin Julio ll BuBoI, John AMoyer ,JoliD
. , . vunn.K
wr. itarenia, eneoi ia pponuiwi.
m er. iMiratile, erfee la ppor.iTw, iNMoi
aillli?.,,-"" ,01,B M MfW- Johnson Mower, Kcapcr and Binder, Crown Drill, U
, , .1 .... .1 ' ...... T..UK 1X7 U...I.. I ! ll M T 111 mi w ' - . 4 1
"" ". "?"i ""7.-K- iKinv I ir . Illlin lirill. lillllllla Unir ir.iln IIaha hi ni-
- - - - j . . . , . uw.u ti,j o-niinv, ij viiu
4t ', 1 1 i- i-oe'o Tirtri IVwi 1. ... .1 -11 1.!..
h'lin-It W W oyer. I - ' " ) - j w iw j- uiiiii iiiiu Ull aiuu
B.iii..uiii'a. II 11 Hobnoh. H P Burna. Jama. I I' W'..l,.. ..... ..1 ... nr 1. o -m-i
POloriou. UA nuuuuu j-ujuihs, uiso V mier AJ Wliaun
8L.T.f,?"""l?lA1' 5..1 CO.. iCllellZOrs. llenairs snnnlir,,! fnr
n IU 1 , J.ll lVUU WU W e M'r 4aV mim ' -m - w e w
ii ih ii jri ac . i rii ii n tiAnA
n.l ..In.iUU.i.iM TnnktHiVNiilli. UU IIIU UUUIU UlUUIUIlCrV.
wTrK.7w h iuS.iiV.K TOS5 Dotfl fail to corno ad io mo when yoo are In town, eituine mj 1
M.Dei.traooia wiaw. And COt tUT Drioea.
l'mW I . , Zliddleburgb.r.
V i in -i