IHbMatad ?ry Tharadar IfTMidtim rowT. r Cearti of yrCeaat ara held lha fourth MnoilaTi fxa-eerr. Ma.an.l eptaier, maooaa mmj ef Daeatabar. M.le rrl'arff tareatBeat tha eeaely will aMtae lit eenitlof aa the la their reeaee. ia tee, tlHeaee aa aaithliorhsixlt. e.nd a.teeelala feet. 1 will 4r them ap, H,4 b. Oar eeleaina lll elejl ba 0wn ealhaea wka wink to intk Ihrnaah them on ta.etel f laal qaaatlnea of patHe lattr.lt tat we will a at komonrwu reepuDaioia inrme aaJlaWMl the? aiai eipr.ae. at tli fUifrurex on the label of r paper, moae injure ten you WA.TB TO WHICH YOUR Bl'DACIUP- u. aim Wltliln II wnck affair ajiiif U Mot. M if data Is changed. M lW roewpt ia ii)osarT. lipufeuoan Etudi&f Committer Ae'eaa-J. A. Feltenjir, N. M. Mlddlenwerth. HMitf-Baal. Hoalth, J. M. feoe. Hearer W.-W. H. Kraitoa. A. A. Runic. eyeatreK. H. Welter. Win. Nl. -jhafnaa-Ja. r. Henkenl, Wm.Kloa. Ireeklla O. A. Moleader, .1. V. Helngrr. Jeok.en Waa. Martin. J. I. Kralikar. Mladlakartk J M.Hteinlnier, Wia. Rnmlj. Bfliddlerreea: J. R. Heeler. A.I. K reamer. Moaree H. K. Herd ear, T. r Haiaual. f-eea-4. H. l-awltaa, W. Kara, rerrr Jaa. Haawera, leae Spoil". e(rry w.-Adaa Farrt, T. P. Irr. allaaf roa 1. I Baraa,. ArW at. Sarlac-4. L Manlmea, t. T. Kln-0. ITalea f. M. arodld. .loo. I. It. .gar. If aablnatea Hear Brawn, J. It. Khlrk. A. I'tvuaa, Jao. I). Hon., Worrelar'. Chairmen. nm 'i I tktli' isam ti taku' mti, ii'titil it print 'en." Cru.U Hats at 05 coats at Oppen lielwor'a. II. H. Griinnilias ruined and repalr d hit on North Mala St. Do you want to buy a new Eliptlfl prio(r. piano box top buggy cheap. If no, cull on or address Tiik Post, Middltiburgh. tf. C. I'. Smith pport a now sign In front of the Vntral Hotel. Mrs. It. J. Howan will anil personal propery l Mlddlebiirgb. on futrmlny ' afternoon, July 39. The homes brought hero to bo nohl today are even a butter nvuruge than any of tho former ear load-. Bohroyor sells the (leiitleiuen's No. 11 Shoes for tl.CO. Oe.ll and bee them. Ed Bower of Renovo, and Kerry Bower of Bedford were here orer Sunday risking their parent, Thom as Bowers of Franklin. Oeorgo Kern, who has been ronfin d to his room for tho lust month with a serious Attack of bowel com plaint is convalescing. A Urge variety of cashmere Hhawls in all colors at the Central Dry Goods Store, Bellnegrove. It Is reported that Daniel Herman's barn in 3tlaeer's Valley was barned to the ground on Tuexdny night. We liave been unable to learn any of the particulars. In printing bills for Bale of Heal F.atate in the estate of Ueorge Kliae, deo'd., the printer made an error in the botindrlee which will bo found corrected iu this issue. Tho St. Teters Ev. Lutheran Sun day School will hold their anniversa ry on Saturday July 30, in Markley's Orove. Able speakers roi a illn tance will be present. A four year old daughter of Robert "Walter, one mile eart of Middlebtirgh received a sunstroke on Monday while jlaying in the yard about the hoine. Sr. Barber was called who soon hud tier out of danzr. Editor Harter of the 1'usl sports a trilue hat. We noticed from the way that he carried his Jiead that he real iy enjoyed the "slttrashun. Tribune We hare eat a hole in the top and now use It for aiUh kasket. Positively the largest and best se Bected stock ofjolothlng In Suyder coun tywiHbe found .at Dreifuss Broe. Selinsgrove, Pa. Fop. Salk for $70. A new piano oox, tleptio sprlnr, ton Wgy. First class make with all latest Improve- ueta. Call on or lavAavM T. H. Harter, Mlddleburgb, To. To any person buying $3.00 worth ofgoods HI us we will pay half bis railroad fare to Selinsgrove from any part of the county, and If you buy a bill of $10 front us we will pay your entire faro from any part of the counr,y to Selinsjtrore and rturn. Dreifuss Bros. Siooe the death of her husband Xrs. Isaac Bearer of Franklin car les on the dentistry business with unabated real. Bheis employing Dr. Bavidge of Bunbury who performs wore leonnloal part of the work, while she is acquiring quite a repu. station as an extractor. Alltegitatlon is suffering for the want of rain. The extremely warm weauier of the lost two weeks is show Its withering effects on varv Wada .of grass, and unless we soon '-"AVS rain much dumnrra will raanlr. ;Soreral days within a week the ther- nmeter(rclUrefl 103ln the shade. IZThe Uiddleburah es fair to be most saeoessful this vail. Quite a camber of students already expressed their Inten tion to .attend. (The school .will be eoauaoted by most competent Instruc Ort ad will afford a rata onnnrtnnl y to teachers at well aw .to students i Ail classes. Wanted i mm kdiatklt. Agents In ry town and township in Siiyder, -wrvnunjnajnan wjnOBi UMla, ata. and xwrrm .n.iiu A. SUatUrd life of Beech.r, by Thoa. W. 5w. OatltfrM andex3lslre4eri "wyKiren totUeti who neaa baal. Unlatindrled shirts at Dreifuss Bros, for 83 cents. Good working pants at 73 cents. Persons Intending to purchase a gun of any kind this fall should not fail to go to J. B. Reed, Sunbury, It will pay you te go to him direct and see what you are buying. Bending to wild-oat firms for cheap guns is buying a cat in the bag erery time, and there are but few Instances where the purchaser was not cheated. He is now making a specialty of a gun that is particularly desirable for deer hunting, which Is one barrel ball and the other shot fully disorlbed In his advertisement in the Fost. Cashier White of the Philadelphia Timet has confessed to thefts from that establishment which may reach $-.20,000. It was a big steal, but the act In Itself was not meaner than the man who takes a paper regularly to his heme for his family to read and profit by and then when requested to pay up throws It back and tells the postmaster to return It to the editor marked "refused." Its not big pump kins but little grains of corn that makes big hogs fat. The Renoro Newt says that on Tuesday a hakf a dozen of society la dies of that place went bodily to the river and enjoyed the pleasure of a bath In the cool, pure waters of the stream, remaining la the water splash ing and plaj-iag fur nearly an hour. There seems to be no good reason why bathing in the rlrer should not be indulged In by the ladies as well as at the seaside resorts. The day Is probably not far distant whon hun dreds ofladies and gentlemen may be seen any day during the heated term fmthing In the limpid waters of the beautiful Susquehanna. The Milton Afjs, In speaking of the Firemen's parade in their town on the 4th, says : "The Cameron Fire Company, (Lewisburg) with Its six grey horses to tho steamer, and finely diHcipliued company, came in for a large share of admiration. They also deserve mention for the fact that they kept the Middleburgh Hand, noted for its fine plttyiiig,froiu Sunday until Monday in order to iaxuro us a full tiny of their presence.'' To this complement to the Cuiuoron Fire Company we would add that the Middleburgh Band was not ouly proud of tho services they were per mitted to render the company bat delighted with the treatment they received froai tbeia while in their service. Th Pittsburg Commercial Uazttte thinks it is plain as anything can be that the tax on household furniture, pleasure can iages and watches will not be collected in the several coun ties, because .there is no law to en forces cellection. The rerenue com tnlssieners may "Insist upon its col lection" for the purpose of putting the county commissioners at a disad vantage in settling an open account with the stute, but It can conceive of no other reason for their singular ac tion. They are certainly not justified in placing an absurd construction on the letter of the secretary of internal affairs and asking county eoiumiHHiou ers to do an act declared illegal by the highest legal authority In the state, Roll ok Honor, Tho following persons have paid their subscription to tho Post to the dates opposite their names. Should any mistakes ccur In these credits or on your pa per please notify us: D. B. UasHingor June 15, '88 J. C. Ulrich, Dec. 1 '87 K. Sassaman, If ay 1, '88 Jaoob Herbbter, July 1, '8? J. 11. Knepp, June 1, '87 S. F. Deibert, Sept. 1, '87 L. C. Howell, July 1, '88 Geo. Bordner, Nov. 1, '87 Iter. Shortls, July 1, '88 W. F. WaJter, Aug. 1, '8S H. A. Shuman, July 1, '88 D. T. Khoades and wife have just returned from a delightful trip to the Luray Cavern aud the battlefields of Aatetam and Gettysburg. Persons for a time may wink at the practice, but the law does not permit liquor sellers anywhere In this State to sell or give Intoxicating liquors to any person drunk or known to get drunk whenever ho can got the stuff to make him so. This careless way of stuffing drunkards is arresting and ought to arrest public attention and if soma persons get Into trouble about it, they will have no person but themselves to blame The pro visions of the present license law like the old act of Assembly, .are in tended to abate the evils and nui sances of drunkenness. As th law stands, a number of good, sober, hon est citizens are not opposed to well regulated taverns, but thoy cannot and will not long tolerate without eniphalio protest, the reckless sale of whiskey to drunkards who have the dimes to pay for It. We utter but a friendly warning ; and we say "Halt." Middlhcrekk Items. Some of our farmers aro talking of cutting oats tho latter part of this wcok. II. II. Ilerbstor who is at present at Lewistown will again take possession of the Ulsho's Mill in the noar future, Rev. Stover intends to move to Mc- Cure in a few weeks. Rev. Diiaai was in our neighbor hood last week looking after the Jn terests of tho .rjllnsgrve Uissoaary Institute. Several of our young naea attended the young folks plo-nio at Middle burgh laei Saturday. The Adamsburg Cornet Band will hold a cake-walk at Middleoreek P. O. ou Saturday evening. All are in vited -to-come. Huokel berries art not very .plenty InithiaaeetioB of the county tkkum- hner. - P. I. Knepp ! KIm WIv Wofc dsr are attending the A'danMluirf Who waapt with you whta roa r mJ, I And langhi si jao whaa yoa art atari, And 'imllat" with yoa wbes yo are glad rtitL Allison, Who couldn't twaar If ha wnuM try, Takai lemonade without a "fly'' And "hardly arat" telle a tle- PBACOIt LCHBASD. lirtw Railroad. Two railroads controlled by the same company were chartered at the State Depart ment Harrlsburg, on the 12th Inst., with a capital stock of $20,000,000. They are said to be a part of the Bal timore and Ohio and Lehigh Valley scheme to run a line from New York to Pittsburg. The first Is the Carbon, Schuylkill and Westtrn Railroad Co., whose capital Is $20,090,000. I's length will be about 833 miles and the road ill traverse Carbon, Schuylkill, Northumberland, Snyder, Union, Mftllo, Centre, Huntingdon, Blair, Clearfield Cambria and Indiana coun ties. Where this road would strike Snyder county Is hard to tell. To traverse "Snyder, Union, Mifflin and Centre" counties it would make the lino so eroeked that it would take a train longer to get to Pittsburg than It took Moses to get out of the wll derness. We will be triad for the road, anyhow, if it does take seven teen switch-baiks to get out of Say der county. Bkavkrtuws Mrs. Geo. A. Kline is on the sick list. Tlif cellars of several of our citi.ens were broken Into by a band of sculu- i a . a " a a wags one nigui recently ana toragea of eatable. A band of gypsies were eamptng several miles north of town at the time, and, to make the story short, we'll thrust tho guilt on thorn. James D. Wetcel was jeiited in the holy bonds of wedlock with Miss Car rie Moyer, of Lllloy villo, formerly of Hcavertown, on Sunday. Iu com ng from l.illeyvllle to Adamsburg early on Sunday morning, the couple met with quite an accident. One of Miss Moyer's gloves hud dropped from the bugsry, and, while Mr. Wetz el wus going back for ft, the horxe started. She grubbed the lines, which had been left hanging on the dash board but evidently got them entangled and the horse was turned into a gutter where tho buggy upnet, when the horso run away. Miss Moy er in some way got out of the over turned vehicle without any bodily iu- jury, but with a tattered dress. The horse, was caught some distance head, but the buggy had been injur ed to the extent that it was unfit for further service. Another buggy was secured, and the Journey completed Rev. W.M. I.andis performed the cer emony at the residence of the groom's father. We trnst that their wedded life may be less unfortunate than this eventful day. Peter Aiglerbas his new house tin der roof. Rev. Charles M. A u rand And his family of Wllliauitport, Md., are vis iting friends here. O. S. Hasslnger Is learning teJa- graphy with F. & Specht, the r . '.V tor at thistatioa. Mrs. George Thomas, of LewlKown, has been visiting at her father's, Johu M. Smith. H. F. Deibert is about inoveing his photograph gallery to MeC'lure. James Kline is drilling a wetl for Peter Aigler. Rev. D. M. Stetler and his daughter Mollis are veiling among their many friends here. The oats crop is rank in this sec tion. Ben. Smith two weeks ago plucked a stulk tueasuriug S feet 10 inches In his field, and he says he could hava found lots more like it Rabbi A. Llfsitz, of Altooua, has been summoued to this place by Mandel Friedman, to christen his eight-day-old sou in accordance with the rituals off the Jewish church. I would be very thankful to any one in this community who would have the kindness to furnish me with a copy of the ?qat of June U, 1887. Citizkm Wkst Bkavkr. Harvesting .and baying it over. The hay crop woe good but the wheat waa a failure, Corn and oats looks well. There was a water mellon walk at the Hall Saturday evening. T. P. Decker lost 2 valuable horses recently. Fishing Is forbidden in the south fork of Middlecreek by some farmers owning land along its banke. The new wheat introduced in this section last fall proves to be of a very good quality. Roinltf & Goss can be seen ou ou roads every Friday morning with fresh beef. Last week Jacob II. Howell shipped a lot of spool wood. Woodcock, turkeys .nd pheasants will be plenty this year but squirrel are scarce. There will be teu new houses built in McClure this summer and one churuh. The school directors have raised teachers' salaries to $20. Bannkrvillk. The farm of Hen ry Baker waa sold at public sale on Thursday, July7, to Israel Young for $2,130. J. O. Goss moved 'bis caw mill into Wni. Hooter's woods. Br. Shrive rebuilt his offloe aud added a drug department Tho wheat rqi was eiceodlDj)Iy thin In this section. Some farmers scarcely get their seed. Oats is fair. Jacob Baumgardnor is recovering from a spell of sickness. Amnion Smith Is visiting groud par euts here. Wa1iswe several thousand old pa per, to the Post offloe, good to put under carpets, into cupuoaros, etc wWeb wo will wll at five eeots adotea. tf astbd Q,0W pounds of wool t pll-a-"-a Pa.,, When Queen Victoria1! family is all together there are fifty-nine of Ibein. And aot a mother' eon of them earns hie living. If you want to buy a good suit of clothing cheap, call at Dreifuss Bros., Selinsgrove, Pa. Sol Opponheimer want ten thous and pounds of wool for which be will pay the highest cash prices. Sol. Onnenheltner Is makinir a spec ialty of Crush hits. In eolors of brown. drab and slate which he sells at (15 cents. The lanrestand best selected stock of Boots and Shoes kept by any nonso in me county, ami ror sale cheap, at Schroyer's, Bellnsgrove.6 10 A atvllah button. f'om ami laced gentlemen's Shoe for 11.73. at Qohroyer'e. GlVK TllKM A CltASCK I -That U to say, your lungs. Also all yonr breath ing machinery. Very wonderful ma chinery It Is. Not only the larger air- passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged aim! chok ed with matter which ought not te be there, yonr lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call It cold, cough, croup, pneu monia, catarrh, consumption or any f the family of throat mid 1100 ami heud an 1 lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boscliee's t e r in a n Syrup, which any drugglNtwill sell you at 73 cents n bottle. Kven If everything else has failed you, yoa may depend upon this for certain. J, P. Kearns of the Beavertown carriage works has Just received a car of 24 icb tihingles w hich he Is (elling very cheap, also keeps iii stock 18 inch. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. Positively the only roliuble, ouo. rice Clothing House iu Snyder coun ty will bo found at Dreifu.Hliros. We can furnish you with abetter fitting suit for less money than any ailor can afford to make. Dreifuss Bros. Call at Schroyer's and purchase a pair of the best ladies' Shoos iu the county for $S.W and $2.50. Kid, but ton, worketl holes. SETTLEM ENT NOTICE. 1 lia ueoounti ol Ir. J. V. Klhr l. ivn l..n lil.i.a.l ii.lu II. liauila al tlis unHi.rn.ii.,1 t-r -ul ICH-t Ion . All iurtloi kii'inniK iliunmulvi. In duliiml lo thu miiiio lire ri'ijui.l to miika lin inedlulo; i) incnt ami unaai-ewar ronu. ,., K- muw'ku. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. I'heanoounuol Manry Ulnk barn bron lno. d lnlo thu 'mm, ol Ilia uoilaraliiaril l,.r i-nll..-. tl"D. All liuPloa kooalnff ihjtnMw 'iidolilnl to tba aauin ara r.quaMa.1 ta maka Immcdlnto inymiit anil aare v-i"my co.n. - r. 1SUWEK, Mlddloburxh, !., Ju)j 13, 'ST. ORPHANS' COURT 6 ALE OF REAL ESTATE ! The uDilornliiord A.lmlnlilratnr oftlia Kh.t- ol (lo.irno Kline, Ik.u'd., by rlrtim al an order ol tho Driiliaim' t'uiirt ol Siiy.ler oauuly, uudur lrovimlliifta in parlillca, will ,ill on Friday, August 5, 1687, it tlio l:i to ro'lilcncB of the ilroodont, ahoiit one iiiiio murmiiinii'i lure, in nni Heaver Towu ahlii, NiiyJun'Oiiiil), !'., all tbut curtain Ti, t oi farming l.iiml ! uminduil IN or Hi by lamia ol Joseph lfl.li mid l.i vl Trnaiaor. Kimt ly lundf ol .Idi.M.h Ul.ti ami liutmr Swanver Nmiih l.v lnti.li Joiopli Kline, and Waa thy land oi miinei bpiaiui.iyer, I'olnr Hodman,!. A. Wairner, ami Keuliun llaker, contiilninx il'i Al'KKN, mora or leu, wltli tlio amiurtoiiarn'oii, on which la erectod a (caod IHAMK 1H.ICNK, HANK llaru, aud otlior oulbulldUm, nil In uad n-jiair. Kanciun In a.H repair. The l.m.l la In a blli alaiaol eultlvailan, with auinoo ot thriny tlinbar to lunnly tha farm. Aa uliumlant tuiiiily olKOod, Iroah water upon the liroinlcoH. Tlila trai-t will ha aold aa a whole, or In nana, at the diet-retina of tha AdmlnlMrator. AIo,at the aaine time and plat', and by tha aaiue auinonty, win iioaolil tko undivided one half Intaroat la a certain I.l.MtXl'ONK IITI altuataln Wait JiMivitrl'Hnai.ii, un..i....M.n.. Pa., bounded hy landa ol Kdward bmllb ami ethera, contalnlnf Una Iluodrtd and Klsht (1) rerchea. mora or lew. I Miss ol HA I.E. V par cent- cadi, W or Hal ancoonthaUtilayol .1 ,.rll, INkS, tha Lalam-e, eioetit tbe whlov'a dowuf, to bo aahle April lt, lJt. Alter deducting ceatl and oxponaaa Irum the entire puroliHoe mouoy, one third ol Ilia bulam-e to remain a eliarua anon the Iud.Ih. to- Intorwt thereof lo ba paid annually te Tolly Kline, widow of thedocedent, during her natural life, and tha principal to ba paid ta tha helm al her death, Tbe JeiHalmentdaa Annl in. ika and tha liower to ba aocured by Itond and Morl- ttnle toonminanea at IS o'elaek A. M. of cald u wneu lerina win no taaoa aaowp 'tiy . . . ."KrllKX.lNK.Aamlulairator. July 12, Isst. 1KAL ESTATE FOR SALE I'h a umlcrxlKned wlnkea to Inform tha puldlc l.,.. I.. All.... 1.1. ...... I.... ... . 1 .nwb .. uiiiiB ..I- ui.iinvr i iimiiBrij, oiie-umi-a luiir mll.ia niirli, ..f A.I-....I.?.... .... ' .1.. i. ... i uriiHi, IVI H..1. ,v CHI Hl.U ol Till. J-:: ArUKSof lortllulHud, on wblch leeiurmii wtioiKj ni'U'fl inn rlttli0, MlMO hUHl III sir linHNA all Iff all 4il knt lm.iu. .u i k .il ii . A Rood well and Ihrllty ounir fruit Uuu ttr un t haa iiraiiurl at la.uilll h u.l.l .. t JAWtU W.KHKKKr UKK, Janalo, 4w. Mevertown, Ta A DM IN I STR ATOR NOT ff!R ltieri of adralulatratoln.on .the aalata ol nr.nniHtnnn iMti WT BEAVEK lownanip, nnyu-r uo., ra., Uec'd, having bean icrantad ta the uadaralKBOd, all peraona knowing: tnamselvei Indebted loiald aetata are reqaaatad to Bake Imeiedlate navmaut. are Ikoaa baring olalma will praeeni tbeui duly aothaotloaMtl to tho aadaralgoed for aetila- nioni. DA VID IlEtlFER. Jonot, IT. AdnlnlilMta UNDEKTAKINGi E. L BUFFINGTON Ilaalrei ta make It known to tho neacla af Ml.l dluberuh and alolnlty that Aa haa remodeled aud Improved hla llaarta and jworlded blm aalf wlihaNo.l:!eoropaa Preaerver. Ha baa alue ptorldad blnaaU with ana of lha lat. aatlmprovaa Kaoaiminaor larinr out ,tablea Doaaaaalna tka eiolllllve rlatit for Ita urn In IbW dUtttot. AU UiH ha Iteaa dona a a treat eipene,aod Mr. ttafflnstoa reapeotfully ika your pairouBKe, aa ua aae perieataa arrnt;a. menteto take tba aorpaa lo haad aud aeaform all Uia fwoallon of a Kaaral dlreotor tbut avoiaiBt tbe eiDBarraanani ana luoonrootauo aiwayi aooompauyinif tuuoraia. . Jane 88, Geo. Smith, of Seliusgrove and MiM 8. J. We tie 1, -of Trevoeton. J line tS. Am Hnn eomMn rt. Kratzer, aged TO yeais and Ciday s. J II MA til in O.lHi iMun.ki. X.IL erine Auaa, wife rf Peter Uerinaa PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. IUWBTJX.T is LSWST07W DIV. Time Table, In rffect May 22. 137 weTwBO oia. aTiTioat. ftrAaa ra a A . f , a im r m l l.awlatawn .1. T IK lot 7 9W Main Fit reet : t la 8 01 4 IN Mwiatown t iO r IM til t Maltland T.VS S 15 M 0 I fainter T.M 1 71 1.4 S ao i Khindie f ta s r S.4I S.ftT II Wnaner T J ISI 111 144 IT Net dure In I tJ t:i (41 t Raah'eMllia in ) s 1T aai i Ailamhurii 4 04 S SIS 4-10 ft lleavartowa 10 ! I.I'R iM II. JO 19 llenler in 4.M IM I II IJ alMlleltirb IK I tl f 41 4.04 14 llei.er a.M t !i taf a. no 7 K reamer a. 40 4 :io t .11 T.S r I'awllittf 14!. 4 4 lis T.4.1 4;l I Selin.nroTe a M 4 4v 111 t.;T ifi Sellnmrore J. tol 4 44 t.M 7 2 40 I Sunbury 0.16 00 "ctlnftgrotr 4rrommoi1ntln (iaoailns with trtlnaoa tt.V. Hy.) Laate Sellnraror. Af rla at xllirev". It'A.M It w A.M. 1 40 P. M . I.nvl'. M .! H. M. . 0 F. M. Trains Leave I.ewintown J unci Ion i It 14. ib.I 01. a at. II 41 ami 07. ti ia. a m. 1 13 p m lar riliabara and the Watt. I aj a ra, i it ra, i t p n, ia p m, i a m. II 14 a. Far Philadelphia, New Vark, Haiti eaore and Wathlagto. Philadelphia & Erlo R R Division. AM NOIlTH KK M (IKtVTIi Af. KAll.WA V. tralot Leave Rnnbary 4 10 a in, for Vellefoaie, trio and Caaandal ua. 4t a m. f'or t.nek lle. lli.pai, tor Uallafoata, Case aad 4'aa.ia dalatia. I..10 p ni, For Kenoro and Welkin. fi :S a m For 'atvl-a tad Har Hon 6 M am t t'i in and I as p in Cnr W ilke-tarre HUm. II lib e m, J 40 p ia. Kor Stiamokln ad MnunlUatuiel. Truln l.eafe "ellnaurora .lunelloni i'i a m, arriving at I'lilladrlphla 1 16 p m. Mew Turk W p ra. llaltinore 4 4') p ni, Wak Inaton in. I In n in, arrlvinu at Plillmlelplln IMam.Kit fork O.Hptn, llaltlnoro I 44 p m, Week Initton 7 4S pai. f 47 p in, arrlvinu al 1'hllAdalpl la I 26 a in. New York? 10 a iu, liallliuorel Jo am, . Inn ln tut t tn. Tmlii alfn t.eavea Kunbiiry: IHin, arrlv Ing at Philadelphia I V a m.Nee York II so a m. llaltlmora lllaia, Waek anion an a m . J. It. WU4jn, ilea l I'aea Anent. Cms. C. Prtlll, (lau'l Maaar. intcldlebiirflr illarkcl llutter - 18 KKK- U l'illed ehi-rrlcH 8 ITnpitted " 3 Blackberries - 4! lluMiberries VI Onion 40 r.ar.1 7 Tallow 4 ('hiekens per ll 0 Turkeys Hide C 8ulle M Ham li COHIIKCTKD BY W. It. WI3KY KVKJIV WJC JJ2I KM) A Y. No. 1 Pennsylvania 8fJ "2 Knit. " 3 White mixed 75 Kye 50 I'orn 48 Oats '. 80 Potatoes 40 to ti BOARDING HOUSE. 111 E undersigned having tnado . amide preparation for tha areonimoiUtlon oflbe pill. lie would rurpnrtrully announce that ha will lurnlah boardlntj and lodging at the raleof tevautyttre oenta a day or twenty flve centaaiueal. Mabling aad lead lor borae furnlihed ouaap. inoaa not navinirtrien in taiae ape ran pool fully Invited to nail, end they will nol ito awaa SlaHaMahed. Kooma a few door wot of lha Court Houae, allddleliuruh, Ha, UAHKIl ii UFA v eit, Dot. 1, 1882. rjoprietar. Out of our immense, stock wo of! or the following FURNTIURE AND CARPET BARGAINS ! Two Solid Walnut Marble top Suits, Hovel (ilassjex tra weil made iu work and (inis1i,1)utiali1tlotf in style Fivo Cottago Paiutod Suitw at a bargain. Three Solid Ash Suit all good goods except in finish: Ftro Lounge at a Kacrilice. Ono plush Parlor suit 7 pieces Two hair-eloth 44 J4 44 Ono 44 44 " 44 second hand. Pour inarhletop Parlor tables Pivo hundred yards, all wool, 0.0. and Ootton Ingrain and Kag Oarpets last Spring styles and remnants and all the above are per fect, except ju Ktylo aud finish. Mo wish to clean them out all aro marked Pargains and prices in plain iigures.. All our regular stock ot PUUNPrUUK & OAK SKTfl at a reduced price for tho NEXT Til J JIT V DAYS. Oall early and bocuro the bargains. Clouds packed and freight paid to .auy point on P- lv. li. W.1I. FKLP , The popular Purnitrt" and Carpet Mau, Lowiatwwu. C"Undoitalcing a Kpeeijilty. ucklen'g Arnica Salvo. The Bust bubo ia lue world tor Cats, Uruiseo, Bore, Ulotus, (Salt Hbeum, Fovor tiorvH, Tvttor, Cbin ed JlaaJa, Cbitbluios Cosue, and all Bkio Eraptioue, nd poftiUfolj oorea Tiles, or no pa 4-qaired. It is guaranteed to give pmiuot talis faction, or money rtfuudoJ. -k I'rioe 1 5onta twr i)or . a. U..8bindL 1 Heire's TiroanIbD. No body tdieres it posfible to sell goods at ooj; prcseDt rodocetl prlcet. if onr prices sra I low er reprehension t HAVE FAITH to cctno ar.d fimoine our luauliful slrck and we will FAR EXCEED EXPECTATIONS nnJ jimo that vt ry I'olnr eipendi.l wilh ua Lai PMB WELL. (Jnmpare ua with tlio whole cmiLlry and tbe mult will bo A Cordial Indorsement t)f onr Hoods nu.l pi ins nud tie discovery of aa EXCELLKNT KEASON for the ouf.irui yotnl reaulis and solid saM-f.ictioti that oomo with buying Iiy ootids, 5 4. lions, Cstf eis elo. S. WEIS, Prop'r, CVntntl Dry (iomls Store Soliimgrove. pdong We are just now opening a mag nificent stock of SPRING SUMMER GOODS to which we desire to call your es pecial attention as it comprises tho Lalest Best and needs but to be seen to bo ap preciated. We ask only a living profit on our goods and feel confi dent of the good will of our custom ers by their continued patronage. Highest price paid for Produce. 8 CHOC S3 BROTHERS, SELINSGROVE. When You Insure Why Not Get tha Best? H. HARVEY" SCH0CH, General Insurance Asrent. Selinscrove.Pa.. IteproHontH tho ibllowiUtfGrentStock Companies OKI) AN 1 ZfcP-. 1B13 AITNRi Cf Hnrtfnrd, Corn., 3,6fiB,Ba 1DG3 HDME.DlNawYcrk, - . 7J3Da,712 1017 FJKB iiSSUClilTIDN, Fhll'a, . 4,446,673 321, Q17,"l3l Tll,. tmiian'M ranll Hinni.lf li. n:ST. are (LII In ernarleii,. ..,. m.t.1. k.l. o pi tnl ai.il rumiiir, K'lariiniia uii,ue.ne,l .aleir an, I aepiirliy.' Ily tliir ir m, t artii.n. fair, l.neHt r. n .1 nit.(..,,ry .leallnga In all tbelr loll arttleaiaBtr. lhe-l.avo w mi . r Hi ,iu-. Uej ilu;.,V 1 hUl'U l a. I JO.Nal. 1 No Assessments ARE YOU If not, wiite to tbe above Ageucy nod Xkotiiih tbe rcjiniaiu on pscuiium on rt ho Hiiporior fuajity of gooda Hold hy O. O. (Juklious Ktlll roiuainA. Ho haw jnrtf ixoived a New stock of SPRING STYLES Suits for old men. Nobby suits for young men. Suits for Boys, Youths Men and Children. Suits from $1.76 to $16. Hats, Caps, Gloves. Underwear; UANDKlU'iCIJiEU'S, TlfcS, fit., fta. Alao CONFECTIONS AND TOYS did at t;rc.uly redacod piicon, FLOUH, FEED &C. TbanLing tbe tunny wbo bitvo pAtrocled iae I cordially fovita ti)i.4 aerLuu of tuy elotik. G. 0. GUTEIUS, Middleburgh 1 iiiRvr i k frill vii j 0 )Ptt2llK 1 w w. mm. leiaiaa. 1 .JJJ1LI.I I pemiuinig I of EvervlhinG ko PiemHim Notes. INSURED,,? 70a will receive preupt attontioi OwU lias been reuioveJ, 13U --i.we-''.t!iv4.R. 1 r&y"? iaUaaaTaa. I. : !p' ePfi tlT--) aMM tT (B.1aaiaeBaI i.