The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 23, 1887, Image 3

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    puJUlisb&d every Thursday.
...... (IosstT meats. I'M Coortl ef
2"rfr. y,ol NisinnUar, oa cod
49 r di.
- nar inrontnou. nm
Ifrlii Hf rmtlP s l"'r
Mf atMBIBI will alitl hop.n
LVtt..a who wim to .p-lc thro..!, tkanra
!lurrnr loo.l qmnlo... of pulillo lnur.t
Hi will ant bol J oarmll rMwnrlbl lor lb
fallal thT " ttprM.
Lk tit tli fluKiirpr. on 'ahel of
vJr P'- T'10" VurM ' yn
LWi .n PO WHICH YOlTIl Blinrll.'MP-
Z!Zm . Vim. Withltl WPPKS MftP
Maety U sut, if date is riiiuiguil.
Tie otW rt'owipt is iiewssarv.
TimaTatde. In effect Nov. 15. 1836
4 IT
a m
7 15
T 4
T 4.1
I 10
1 10
I. m
I 06
s in
i ai
I 13
4 6
4 IS
4 11
4. JO
4 14
4 41
lltiTroir Acmino4ltloB
Oanatlaf wltBirlBiie!.U. )
B.ltulsroTI. a rrlvi at nannTr
1 41 P. M.
llCi A. M.
a.MI'. M
1.10 P. M.
fratnsl.eava Lewlstown Junction i
I II. a m. a m, II OT. m, Its, a
m lor Pimbarii aa tim Wait.
11 14 a n,'rar PtlladilpUU, Haw York, Haiti-
atari aua hiiiiiibi.
Ecjmtlican Btanding Commlttoa
Aduml-J. A. Foltmolf. N. M, Mid.llcuw.rtb.
Zl7r W -V. II. llrM" A- A. UomlK.
.'.nir.wll H. Wnllfr. Win. 14l.
?T.-I M J.C. lluwlnor.
UrMon-Wm. Mirtlii. .1. I". kn i ht.
iud.llh.irKh-.l .J.Ht....,Hiir. Win. Komi.
Middlwraek I. B K.-lcr. A. IJ. Kr-aiarr.
Moiiroi-H. H. Horlnr, T. P llnmiuol.
l'nn-A.S. Pawilna, P Kirn,
ferry -.1 no. S.Showi.m, linn Siiolti.
-rry W. Adiim Kuril, T. P. Inrr.
hillii.nroT.-S. P ll"'; A T 'U
Si.rtna-1. 1. ManbecU, I. T. K Ul.
i;uloiilM. Ar.i..Ul. .lno. D. ' '"
Walnnton Henry llrawn. J.
A fti 1' A 111. I Nil. Ju. f
TiMi -i i emu- tnaiz T UXitt' iw. a' laltl ti
ptiai 'em."
WaTK!). 10.0(10 pimiil of wool lit
I)reifnna Uron., HcUiiMtfroe, Ta.
Bohroyor sells tho (iitliiien'H Nox
All for 61. 00. Cull itud noo
A itjllHta button, Oontrtm. and
t?4 ifpntloiiien's Blio for $1.75. at
CherrloM liure not onen an wenrce in
Snytlrr county for a docknde rh they
are thin year.
If you runt to buy a good utt of
clothing cheap, cull at Irelf tisn Dros.
Belinpgrovu, Pa.
Mrs. Theoph. Swlnoford li-ft last
week for California where hhe has a
winter living.
Pofltlvely tho lurgvHt and bett tie
looted btook oflclothinciu Snvder coun
ty will be found ut Druifusa Hron
tielinsgrove, Pa.
Mrs. Lauretta Smith, who recently
moved from here to SeliuHgrove paid
lierniuny friends a visit in Middle
burgh last week.
Tocenipote with other first class
wills T. Hower, Ksq., of Franklin, has
contracted with certaiu parties to
plaoe rollers In his mill this summer,
Harry, son of II. II. Grimm, Ksq ,
leu from u cherry treo on Monday
morning and struck his head on a
fence with such fwrce as to render
blui iuseusibJe.
Positively the only reliable, one
lrloe Clothing House in Bnydar coun
ty will be found at Ureifuss Hros., Be-
linsgrove. A large and well seloctod
stock of stylish and well made goods
always on hand and sold very cheap.
UaiertUe High License law, which
goes Into effect July lst. constables
are requited to make written returns
monthly, based on personal visits of
all licensed places in their boillwlcki
where the law la rloJoiad, with the
names of witnesses. Tke licenses al
ready grauted are for the year, and
this is the only provlsloa of the law
wuion will not be enforced until the
time Is up.
TkeUiddletown Press prints the
following: It is a noticeable act that
an unusual number of forest trees are
dying lu the neighborhood northeast
of Harrlsburg. One that was cut up
recently revealed the fact that its
death wan caused by an Insoct similar
to the apple borer, onlv muth laro-er.
It makes a hole almest large enough
ior a mouse to enter, and bores near
ly the entire length of the tree.
Prof. W. A. Brown, of Spring Mills,
Pa., of whom we mention re
cently as Intending to locate in Mid
dleburgh arrived here last Thursday
and remalnod until Saturday. lie
was apparently well pleased with our
town and the enoourageuient he got
while here and will return ou Monday
or Tuesday of next week, when he
will at onoe open business under the
firm name of AUea L Co., general
nuilo publishers, speoial manufac
turers of band Instruments and deal
ers in pianos, organs and all other
nusloul Instruments. Ills short visit
bere wop him many friends an J the
muslo-loving people In general will
e delighted to learn of bis resolution
. j .locate here and become one of us.
J x: jr
I.nwUtnwn J.
I Malllnnd
I 'innir
II Kblnilla
11 Wairn.r
IT Mlro
10 Runu'i Mill!
11 Almlurn
n B't"o
M nnlr
13 Mlrtilliunrgn
II Malnsr
IT Kroamor
II Pawling
II KillBiarova
46 R.llnmroY. J.
at Bonbar
The largest and beet selected stock
of Boots and Shoes kept by any
house In the county, and for sale
cheap, at Bchroyer's, Belinegrove.O 10
Rattlesnakes, copperheads and oth
er poisonous reptiles are being nu
merously killed In Mifflin county.
Excltanijt. We would surmise from
this Intelligence that Brother Allison
of the Jtiniatta IhraM recnetly dis
carded a pair of old boots In that
county. How is It Bill T
The Bohemian oats not 4 case men
tloned the other day In this paper as
having been decided Against J. M. B.
Gibson, of Walkerton, an ''Innocent
purchaser,11 was so decided upon be
cause of sufficient proof presented to
the jury that the "Innocent purchas
er," was not so Innocent after all, but
that the purchaser knew what he
was buying, and knew that the note
was obtained by fraud. Bunsible jury!
Would there were more such. Snutli
lknl(Iml) Timet.
Iat week we were sent a Ciar
box, the lid securely faHtehed with
strips of paper on which were print
ed the complements of Hon. A. B.
Helfrich, member of the legiHlature
of this county. Wo opened it And un ¬
der a pile of cliecpo ami piper we
found two tluoy spotted mlui'.tlio gift
of .Mr. Ili'lfrleli. Wo appreciated the
curiosity but not belli, particularly
foud of mice we Introduced them to
our paste pot and a dish of long-
primer pio and then liberated thorn In
our ofllce to eat up objuctlunuble
Notick. Having returned to tny
Kallery at Rvavertown, Pa. I wish to
state that I expect to remain here
until after July th. All who wisk
to got pictures are respectfully
invited to oall, rain or shine. Untet
from 10 small geias fur Wot, up to
$1 33 for a large picture in an 8x10
frame. 3 album size pictures for25cts.
larger I'ictures in proportion in price.
Pleans come at once us luy utay
here Is limited. Kemeiuber, good pic
tures tukcu in cloudy days.
Truly Your Servant,
B. F. DitiBiuir,
Beavertowu, Pa., Juno 21, 'b7.
Kvery growing and ambitious town
is compound of three elements. TIiom-
who work patriotically, vigorously
and intelligently fwr its advancement;
those who are in a state of apatliy or
Hiditleroneo, ami inose who tuKe a
curious delight in difcouraging the
efforts of others by ridicule, by a per
sistent denial (hut any progress ran
or has been accomplished and by
bousting of every other town besides
their own. The last class are called
croakers, but they are really some
thing worse, for their opposition does
not arise simply from deKpomlency,
but froui the iineviublo spirit which
will neither act itself nor suffer oth
ers to act.
On Sunday after noon, while our
people were enjoying the cool breezes
brought on by a little sprinkle of ruin
they were suddenly brought to their
uvuiawij luuowea uy a terrific clap
oi uiunaer. ine people rushed out
into the street. Dr. John W. Orwlg
and Charley Moused of the Post were
seeu to heel it away from tho U. B
Church, where they had been stand
I . a. a m .
ingamomeiii utiure. An exaiuina
tlon showed that the bolt hud struck
the church steeple, passed down
through the hell fry, whore it tore oil
several boards, then Mowed the ruf
ters to tue spouting where all truces
of it were lost. Though scarcely
twenty feet from tho building wiierc
it was struck, neither Mr. Orwlg or
young Mensch were vlsably effected
mi. I. t. . ..
luoajjii ii cuusmi a iiau scare It cor
tainly was a lucky escape. The dam
age to the church was repaired by a
few hour s work on Monday morning
The Contest and F.ntertalninM of
the Albaniau Literary Society in See
bold s Hall te-ulght promises to be a
rich literary treat. The following is
the program :
Muslo, Prayer, Music, Oration
t orce of Trifles, A. II. Smith. Ora
tion, Rise of America, J. II. Itreegvr,
l.hsay, From Shore to Shore, Miss
Ulydia Dorn. Essay, We the Heirs of
all the Ages, Susie Mench. Music
Quartette. Debute, Question, Ko
solved that there were greater priu
clples involved in the Revolutionary
than the Civil War ? Affirm, J. A
Suyder, Xfeg. A. C. Spangler. Recita
tion, Daisy's Faith, Miss Minnie Stet
ler. Recitation, Archie Deanc. Miss
Rosa Sohooh. Music, Baud. Decla
mation, World for Sale, Master Harry
Bower. Tableau. Dialogue, Person
ating Elders, Misses Orwig & Witten-
myer. TabUau. Recitation, Brier
Rose, Miss Bertie Wittenmyer. Tub
lean. Jean Iogelow's Songs of Seven,
Miss Tudie Krceger and Miss Currie
Wittenmyer. Music, Quartette. May
Pole Dunce. Doers Open at 7:13 ; Ex
ercises begin at 8 00 P. M. Admis
sion, 10 and 13 cents.
Squire Hummel says that it Is
strange what queer ideas people form
of a newly elected Justice of the
Peace. He is convinced that some
have an opinion that a man gets a
thorough knowledge of law with his
commission. The second day of his
Justiceship a citizen rushed into his
oflloe and stated that his neighbor's
chickens were in his Held and want
ed to know what lie Bhould do in the
matter. Sauire Humaiel was not
dlsooncerted in the least, but sat
silent and looked wise for a moment,
then leafed throuQh his Periinga Di
gest several times while the fanner's
eyes dilated with expectancy think
ing he was to hear all the Supreme
Court dioihions on tho poiut. Theu
leaning back in Ills easy chair Squire
Hummel said : My friend, I buve
sow thorougmy itivesuguieu me
matter, and buve come to the con-
elusion that the best thing you can
do with with your neighbor's chickeus
lu your field Is to go and chase tliem
out." The farmer obeyed; there was
no suit, and Squire Hummel won bjs
Jlnt legal laurels
That Brar Stort. Fishing andl IlAasKRVitXR. Mr. and Mrs Shel
huntiog parties while rambling lenberger of this place vlsitei friends
through the dlsely wooded sections at Free burg over Sunday,
ofjthe Seven Mountains have no doubt J. O. (loss has still a good bit of
noticed what appeared to be demln-
uative cabins built of strong logs
seldom less than a foot In diameter.
and securely fastened at the ends.
The houses are generally about eight
feet long by six feet wide and four
feet high. Examination will show
that the roof, which is also built of
heavy logs, can bo raised by means
of pries the whole resembling a box
rabbit trap. These are bear traps,
and lu nine cases nut of ten are the
work of James Treaster, one of the
owners of the Immense tract of tim
ber land known as Treaster's Valley.
We have met him a number of times
In the mountains and have always
found Mm pleasant, mid accommo
dating, a sober and intelligent gentle
man. There is probably no man in
Central Peiiusy Iranln bltur ac
quainted with the habits of our wild
animals than he, and none has had
more frequent encounters with them.
lie has a keen sense of the ledieulous
and seldom allows himself to be drawn
into the recital of an adventure in
whioh he would figuro as a hero,
though with his Winchester in hand,
no one would take him for u tender
foot. One of theso storios, character
istic of himself, we venture to rcpru
duee without his knowledge or con-
sent, und as it is entirely from mem
ory it may be faulty in parts but in
the main is correct :
"Several years ago while at work
in the fields at the old homestead, six
miles from this shunty, I was hailed
by a boy all out of breath who in
formed tue that about feur utiles up
the valley he and two comrades had
been engaged in ilshing when sadden
ly au old she beer mid three cubs had
come upon tiiem. niey yelled so
terribly that tho old hear ran away
while the three cups sorambvled up u
tree where they were guarded
by hin two comrades whom
he had left there for that purpose,
Expecting a pic-nic with the old bear
I called my big dog, got my rille and
a bag and started up the valley with
the boy. When we arrived ut the
place w e found the boys across the
run pelting tho cubs with stones to
keel) them from coming down. The
old bear not yet having made her np
pearance. Selix'tiug t he most eour
ageons looking of the boys I handed
him the gun and told him bv nil
muuus to shoot the mother before
she conld get up t li tree. The other
boy I gave the dog in charge and the
other the ling. 1 then proceeded to
climb the tree which was a tall, slim
pine fully forty font to the first limb
I found tho cub:i htiL'L'iuir the stem
sixty feet from Mia gronud. Thev
were about the size of big cut.
grabbed one by the nape of the neck
and dropped it to the ground. He
"bounced up" fully three feet and
was too surprised to scream. The
boy bagged him. The second ouo 1
itiseuuggl'u.- 1 pittied the third und
while holding it up to select u soft
spot on which to drop made
noise which excited the dog, und the
minute tho cub struck tho ground
. i... .i i i. . , .
iuu uuj; uruin iruui nil) Ooy s grasp
and grubbed It. The screams of tho
young brute were pit t if ul, and, look
ing down from my elevated perch I
saw a sik'lit that made my hair stand
on CNd. The boy with the gun drop
ped his weapon uud ran for the dot;
The boy with tho bag dropped it.und
out run one of the cubs, while not
more than seventy-live yards from the
tree came the old she bear bouiidlu g
through tho luurel. I left go my hold
and went down tho stum of that slim
pine like u rocket, und grasping the
gun, awaiting tho coming of old bru
in, out siniugo to say, sue never
made her appearance. The luurol
was very dense, and though she may
have stopped withiu ten yards of me
I could not see iior. We recaptured
tho escaped cub, and returning it in
to the bug. 1 took the ono bitten by
tlio dog into my urms and curried it
home where a little euro soou restor
ed it to health, 1 hud it a number of
years. It wue the constant compan
lou of my childrou und became us
playful us a kitten, but s-.i und
strength soon rendered It au tiufit pet
for children when one dav it met
with a uooldent which rt
suited iu its death much to my re
A largo variety of cash mere Shawls
In all colors at the Central Dry Goods
Store, behnsgrov.
Do you want to buy a new Eliptic
spring, piano box top buggy cheap
If so, call on or address Tuk Poht.
Middleburgu. tf.
Sol Oppeuheiuier wants ten thous
and pounds of wool for which he will
pay the highest cash prices.
Beautiful styles of Oriental laces
from two to forty-five Inches wide at
omarkuble low prices at tho Central
Dry Goods Store, Scliusgrove.
Roll op Hosoh. Tho following
persons have puid their sulscriptioii
to the Post to the dates opposite
their names. Should any mistakes
occur in theso credits or on your pu
per please notify us:
Simon Long
May 1, '88
K. J)uvis
Deo. 1, 87
0. It. Sbelleubergor
Sep. 1, 87
Aug. 1587
May 1, 87
Jau. 1, US
Dec 1, '87
Judo 1, '88
Juno 1, '88
Aag, 1. 87
Jan 1, '88
Jau. 1, '88
Deo. 1. '87
Allou HasBiogor
J. S Kauflmuu
N. L. Swarni
Thomas Bower
A, Kern
Laura Smith
Joel UroLa
MioLuel Ewig
Jaoob Stfciuiuger
Jobn Francia
Calvin Bloacb
1, '88
A TTlsV "
I. '87
bark to be hauled out of the inoHti-
tain and is not as much damaged as
most people thought.
Borne of our fanners hnve grass cut
.by the time this goes to press.
The wheat cron will bo very short
at this end of the county. Oats looks
very favorable. And grass good.
We hud two very houvy showers of
rain hero on Sunday evening between
4 andO o"clock accompanied by se
vere storm which caused soino dutii-
ngotosomo of our. trees In town.
And in the last shower the lightning
struck In S. f.. 1'. rower's house, but
cifWed very little dr.iuagn us far as 1
have learned.
A. It. Swanger and family of Beaver
Springs visited his parents nn Hun
duy, and reports till things booming.
l.-MiJ '
I'K.MTHKVlt.l.K. The warm weather
is with us now, and the effort of ev
ery!' ly now l, trying to keep cool.
Dr. (. Mohu. J. C. Raudeiibush,
of Laurelton, lr. Brown of Throe
springs, l)r. Rolhrock of New Bur
iin, nn. I Samuel Zeller of Lewisburg
were in town on the l'th.
Nature is smiing nil around us, be
cauo of the refreshing showers.
Mr. .1. M. llartmau, oue of the pop
ulur proprietors of tho lb in of Hurt
man At Mertz, was housed u few
days recently with a spell of sickuess.
Quite u number of our young peo
ple took In the commencement exer
cises held last week at Ceutrul Penn'u
College, New Berlin.
Farmers were busy last week work
ing their com.
W. II. Spangler started last week
for llli hlu'iii.
A number of our fishermen in cl ml
imr the iiroi'it tor and hos'lcrof the
t'entreville hotel, wended their way
to a trout in the lliiffalo moun
tains last week in quest of the speck
led beauties. Parker the hostler, has
won a proud record us u trout Usher-
. . . ,
man. lie claims io n.uu eaiigu
more than the outiro party.
Henry Si hoch and Auns Bolig of
Solinsrovo wero in town ono d.iy
last week.
T. 11. Barter, of tho Post accom
panied by better half, passed
through town on Friday evening.
Commissioner John Mohn was in
Sunbiirv on business, Saturday.
P. M. Teats of Humiuel s Wharf,
wus iu town on Saturday with it car
riage load of liulies.
Mrs. E. H. llartmau, plou
ant viit to her parents and friends
at Pry Valley XKoads, returned home
on Saturday.
Childi'f u's day will he observed by
the Evangelical Sunday School on
next Sunday with uppropriuto exer
cises. All are cordially invited.
The glorious 1th of July is fast ap
proaching. ,..Tlm 'i.'V'liV."l 'N.U'iU ViVMf "
Goo. Smith of Adunisburgiwu iu
town on Sunday.
W. N. Baker and Samuel Mathers
of the Buker House, Lewisburg were
here on business, Monday. X.
('all at Schroyer's and purchase u
pair of the best ladies' Slioes iu the
county for 2.00 and if r0. Kid, but -ton,
worked holes.
Wo have several thousand old pu
pers in tho Post ofiiee, good to put
under carpets, into eupbourds, on.,
which wo will sell ut live cents u do.en.
every town and township iu Snyder,
Northumberland, Union, Milllin, Ju
lata, uud Perry counties, for the
Standard lifeof Heeeher, by Thus. W.
Knox. Outfit free und exclusive teri
tory given to those who menu busi
uess Address. L. O. Early.
Free burg Pu
Aston I sin no Srccicss. It is the
duty of every person who has used
Unrliec'n rViTHMii .Syi( to let its ;mi
(In rul qualities be known to their
friends in curing Consumption, sever
Coughs, Croupe, Asthma, Pneumonia
and in fact all throat and lung discus
es. No person cun use ir'without im
mediate rediato relief. Three done
will.relievo any case, and wo consider
it tho duty of all druggists to recom
mend it to the poor, dylug consuuipt
Ives, ut least to try ono bottle, us 80,000
dozen bottles wore sold lust year, and
no oue ease where it failed was report
ed. tiueh a uiedieiue as the Ucrmmt
byrup cnunot be too widely known
AsK your druggist about it. Sample
notwes to try, sold at 10 cents. Sold
uy ail druggists and dealers, in the
United State and Canada.
June 111. in rieavortowii ut l,
House or William Thomas, bv au.i
rqieciu, J. i Ainos Kouibelger of
i.yKiis, I'aupnui county, and Sarah
ieneweu oi ainiillcswart i l
O. Sny.
der county.
jMfm! trm aonaaur
upaq nxui nil J ijuuiuv ui
333no3 imm nsra w J
va 'snia
liuntu, liy nhu w
""'i"'". "IHI A III inn.
'lul (Him ul.
Will) W.'ll lln.ll lii.i.l. .i..i .
J""."- .Tfi'l'-il l iimiit i-l tlio iivitd inii.iul,.!.
wliliimt Imiii-lil, Curml linn.i.ilf In i.r, ni..i,ii.
ml ..c tliun liiinilreila ul ulliun. t oll im
K.-ul-i rH mint on iti.nlu. il!.,n. u"
I .S I'AO li, No. 41 Went illi-l 8t., N.w y0rk City.
Root Beer.
!'.ii'kut,n '.'.' I'diH. Ill lkiiil u,n.,.,.i .i. i,.
I.iii. C.imnn. n1ir,n,i. l,.i-Maa. Ktrunir li."
ii.:.?,?:.: . ...I.', ... tu v. I'Tvy "i !
und Jtorukcujicn.
""IJ by u!l drugxltti
tlUiaiiall lit UO0$
1; . L.0"fli a?isiiiu. rnui Oumpuiuui. iT3i3
dtiiuMliwUUf U.Htowl.. LI, or. Kiui. S.i i Jf
otbtar r -it in.
Ikrm ilrai
UlOUMUilla bUlBtfMM kA Z l.l 7 .
J It llml UM ofl'iilf 0 in OBB tOM&
nwwijianii Htthirth thm iui. tn.-Ji
niitlt.aCbi.rg market I
Butter 18
Ekcs 12
Pitted cherries 8
Unpitted " 3
HUck berries n
Raspberries pj
Onions 40
Lard 7
Tallow 4
Chickens per I! , 0
Side n
Souldo N
Hum !
Ito. 1 Pennsylvania
"2 Full z K!
"3 White mixed P0
Rve 5'l
Corn 4i
Oats H:
Potatoes 40 to V
fpilli undersigned liuviu trade
1- nul p.eirntli n ler llsf nreiimimtilMinn
uMlie in' In1 mi Id r.'ii'i)iMfiii!) n n n mm o 'Inil
L wl.l runiluli li.nir.lliig nn.l I'.ljU.u ul II. r
rt '( mi.i, i I', vo ron t . .Ny nr in.'i in,
. mi' mr il. sini.iinK mi. I In.) lur bori-.
(urnl-ho l clmap.
l'lio not hiving tried liM t il.lo Sin rifprl
lnll lnv'tn.l iiicill, nil tliry l n-.l rh ,iwk
dl.iiiip.-il li.ininii a lor ilium mil "ftl.i
I'nurl Hotno, MI'lil'rl.iirKli, ',
I'so l Us?. Ijovri-lor.
Tho undersigned desires
to announce to the public
that he has embarked in
in earnest, und will hold
hinmrlf in readiness lo sup
pi u (til demands oj dealers
in this section of the eoun
try, and therefore, solicits
their fn Iron age. All he
asks is a trial of the article,
the great deinu ml for which
has induced him to make
their manufacture a spe
cial! if- All orders In mail
prompt It filled. Address
Middlcburgh, J'u.
Feb l,'87.1y.
'l, ii.. l.l L l.l I in
urm mm mm i
rure Water on Evtry Lcl
Liltls Cost.
villi m
The uinlersiiu'd ilt-sircs lo
call tlio attention of the peo
ple of Snyder county to liis
improved inetliod of wcll-
driHiiio' vvliirli
li lii j iri
hiversai hatisiae in
I VI'll SIICll
ion every
where. He lias the advan
tage over all other methods
is speedy, makes little dirt,
never delayed ly the machin
ery .uettini; out of order and
is in every particular satis
factory. H(m oin mendat ions
can he had from parties for
whom I havedone work eith
er in liddlehnrh, Heaver
town or JSanncrville.
J. M. Iv'MNIO,
I Jeav rtown, J 'a.
March 1,'87 3m pd.
Out of our stock we
oiler the following
Two Solid Walnut Marhle
top Suits, Hovel (Hassex.
tra well niiide iu work and
tinish,hut alitlleotriu style
Five Cottage l'aiuted Suits
at a haroain.
Three Solid A&h Suits all
good g'ood.4 except in linish:
I'ivo Lounges ut a aciilico.
Ono plush Parlor suit 7 pieces
Two bair-eloth "
OllO M 44 M M
second hand.
Four marhletop Parlor t aides
Five hundred yards, all wool,
U. U. and Ootlon Jnniain
nnd Kir (larpets la?
Spring styles und remnants
and all the above are per-
jt j . . I
leel, uxeept in stylo and
linish. Me wish to clean
them out all are marked
Jiargains and prices in plain
All our rorrtilar slock- of
SKTSata reduced price
for the NEXT THlItTY
Call early and secure the
bargains. IJoods packed mui
freight paid to any point on
V, K. li.
Tho nopular Furniture i ml
Carpet JIan, Lewistown.
ry"Undertakini: n snecialtv.
Aftot 8cmo grasping luctchsnl has plucked you pretty oloso jou will L
ready lo preciato
Of hour si (joods nt live nu. let live
net pnst errors and
By tskii f mlvant.igo f our rxtremely fuvorablo cfTera iu
The linn im-ludia stiimlunl styles for Hummer, and many novelties.
Our Immense Stock Necessitates Close Prices-
Sslea mutt be largo lo tuin tin so t
Slaug:ht2ri:ir7 These Hew Styles,
s 1' Im UDtinccsimr.v, l i we too Milling Hn ni us near o-ist as we
Lly ruii and sniure for ouielvi.s u I.iiug piotit.
Central Jrv i nods Store
We aro just now opening a mag.
niflcent stock of
to which we desire to call your es
pecial attention as it comprises tho
Latest Best of EverylhinG
and needs but to be seen to bo ap
preciated. We ask only a living
profit on our goods and feel confi
dent of the good will of our custom
ers by their continued patronage.
Highest price paid for Produce.
8CHO C33 BEi O TIM Em S,
iTixcxx -run maare why ot Get tho Best?
General Insurance
AITNyi.rMffirif.TiliCnna., -
HUM bl, v.t U'- w Yr.rk,
n K E R 11 Su i;Ti U N, Fhil'n, -
Tli ('iimiiann-1 rank mnni K
CIMIUI n mir. k mi nt
if in.iir i r. in t 1. 1. ii, i
llioy luivo it. ei f t llii.iui..l.r
No Asscssiucirt.
if not. wiite tu lli .iLuvi, Ajfuncy tuu
Though the premium on Owls has het n removed, tho
psemium on the superior quality of goods sold ly (J.
C. (iutclious still remains, lie has just received a
New stock of EPSING STYLES
Suits for old men. Nobby suits
for young men. Suits for
Boys, Youths Men and
Children. Suits from
Si. II at fclH'l Iv I lidllUcd lK'(S,
I'liiutk '.-(; Mm i;,uhy lin puti onicd inn I
spnclitin of my stock.
G. 0. GUTBLIUS, Siiddloburgh
RbearunlUm, LvuniNao,
I. m .9 amu 4.i Jkt-m ! Brrna tiraij
Uw.fti.uriuiitbaoM 'i-f-ira Ur
lUMian'i un ui
prices Njw is a roo t'uno to cor
oodi while llicy are yet aoasonablo
S. VEIS, Prop'r,
Airent, helinssrove Pa
S2l, 017, 132
-0 I ll.ll In t ii rln,. ...i .. .. . .
..i..,u,.-i.r.l .,,r ieel.VjT,. '"'4)
Mn;;VV,u,iirVAVro,,,,':,,,,,,, iMt tH r-.
No Prnmuini Mnlno.
yuu will rec-iva ,)roBM,t ftllcilt
to $15.
r 1 1 :
iot'C.o tm i
roe T
I ma Sia,tilh4 a
. mlliio
(Sub, Mi
IM. II. 1 ....... .
IK?'' 1
---w -.-bibh (kff.B inn an
i .
i i
, e -
' " " saaaia augta, J