The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 31, 1887, Image 1

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    9$ ml
He tliat Trill not reason is a bigot ; lie that cannot l a tool j ho that dare not is a stare.
: f
pe careful what yon bow, boys t
For s! wHI surely grow, boys I
The dew will full,
The rains will come,
The cloudy days
And the sunshine' warm,
And the boy whosows roo1 seed today
Shall reap the crop to-iuorrow.
Ue carvful what yon sow, girls I
For every seed will irrow, girls I
Though it may fall
Where yon cannot know.
Yet In summer and shade
It will surely grow ;
And the girl whosows good seed today
tfiiall reap crop to-morrow.
Be careful what you sow, boys 1
For the weeds will surely grow, boys!
If you plant bad seed
Uy the wayside high,
You must reap the'harvest
Uy and by.
Anil the boy whosows wild onts todny
lluat reap the wild oats to morrow.
Be careful what you sow,' girls I
For all the bad will grow, girls !
And the girl who now,
With a careless hand.
Is scattering thistles
Over the laud.
Must know thut.what'r she sows today
bhe must reap the same to -morrow.
Then let us sow good seedtt'uow!
And not the briers and weeds now I
That whenjtlie harvest
For us shall come,
We may have good sheaves
To carry home,
For the seed we sow in our lives today
tiuall grow and bear fruit to-morrow;
Jack Moser rented a cottnge in Die
suburbs in order to please Lis wife.
The bouse lacked a number of mod
ern improvements, an1 nnliko all
other rotttges advert in id, wag Dot
".vi'.liin five rainnto's walk of tbe
kui.J u.'ud piaiv "WoTtfftfioe twisted
gra-vfnlly over the door-wsy, and
Jack's wife was satisfied. Sua bud
a "viue-embowered cottage," for
which she bad frequently yeuraed
Jack thought tbey ought to have a
ferocious dog to warn off trumps
midnight robbers, and other obnox
iom visitors, but his wife wonldn'i
mtun to such a proposition. SI e
said she would as lief have a robboi
or a tratnp in the homo m bnvu a
cross dog about. She intimated that
ber husband might bring borne a
liingul tiger or a sbcep, or tome
other wild beast, but if he purchas
e l a dog she would ge right borne
to ber mother's. Her deep-roottd
aversion to tbo canine tribe wns
owing to one of ber daar friends
bavi'jg been bitten by a road dog
everal yeara before.
Jack bad sot bia heart npon bav
log an able-bodied dog for protec
tion, bat as be bad been married
only a few mootba, and tbe honey
moon still retained aome of its sac
cbarineness, be was willing to nnke
one more sacrifice to augment bis
wifu a happiness. Bat be didn't die-
the dog from bis mind: and
ne day, while reflecting npon tbe
'ehng of seo irity each an aennisi-
ion would afford, be conceived an
Jea TTn bouM i,.v . a
according to a design of bis own
invention. It might be a little more
f xpeosive than a genuine dog, bnl
U tbia early era of bis married life
noney was not so much an object
Mrs. Uosor'afelioity.
Tbe automatio animal waa success
oily built It waa of tbe ball-dou
brand. One eve was hlo.ilahoi and
be lid swollen, and oue ear bad a
Kged edge as if it bad ben"chaw-
kd" in an nll faiii. r. :
Jlabby, tbe undamaged eye bad a
picket glare, and the whole contour
Af tbe biota was one of rcpnlsive-
eai in the first degree. Observation
led taught Jack that wben a man
wished to gain a dog'a confidence be
oatinctively patted tbe animal on
the bead. Tbe interior department
of Jack'edog, therefore, was fitted
op with machinery of a very sensi
tive character, wbiob was conneoted
Nith a wire mooing from a button
po tbe animal's bead, and when Ibis
)0ttoo was slightly pressed, tbe in
ernal contrivance would go off lke
in alarm olook one of those dia
( lolieal Inventions that wakens np
ery member of tbe family except
fbe servant girl lo whose loom tbe
juferoal maobiue la at work. Wben
Qo dog was patted oo tbe bead tbe
Sal. 1 Ji t ....
ruts wonld
mane a slight move,
, r-ieita r"'- "Hi
sheers to meander
shop wood in Highlander
Tbe dog was brought borne, and
Jock got bis wife to test it. She
aaidilwnsao ugly brute, but aba
wasn't afraid of any borne nude
log ; and wben she patted it on the
bead, at bor husband's suggestion.
aod was greeted with an unexpected
and blood-curding growl, she let es
cape an earpiercing abriek. and
fainted dead a ay
lhe d'.ig was an overwhelming
success. It was regarded as an nf.
fensive partisan tj t-very membor of
t io tramp fraternity who balled at
the gale andatbrew a hungry glnoco
toward tbe cottage.
Ono day Jsck and bis wife Ml
home for a short visit to tbe sonsi l.
Tbe bouse was securely closed, and
be automatio dog planted where it
would do tbe moat good. That vi v
evening a couple of dirl-btgrimed
tiamps itofpfd io frout of tbo cot
Inge. One of them nolatcbod tbe
front gate, aod was about to enter
wben suddenly bis gszi became riv-
etod on au object in tbe path.
'Ube-enP be softlyj whistled
backing away from tbe fence. "Great
Cro-ar, Jimmy f just Uko a etiuiot
ut Ibn mzo uf the brute !"
Ytr not afoered t.f bim, aro yer,
Hill T said bis coinpnuion.
"lint look at tbe wiokpd ye of
bim ! Ho'e a terror. None of bim
in mine, if yer please, Jim."
ler a coward, Kill," unid tbe
tramp addressed as Jim. ' See yer
uncle nukes frirnds with the terror."
And Jim cautiously approacbod
Moaer'tj d.ig, using all Ibe wheedling
terms of cudi-armeot at Lis eom
'Poor old follow 1 Come hero, roy
fioe beauty f"
Then be wbislled encouragingly,
and snapped bis fiogers cujuliogly.
"S s-p-p p-p-p-r-t," be chirped.
'i..,-...-. 50 the
dog'a beaui" aio, you old fel "
At this jaocture the dog's body
moved forward, bia mouth oponed.
and an awful, norve-diatraoling
"iirrrrr-Urrrrr 1" issasd from bis
thmat, aud tha tramp dashed out of
tbe yard with so much impotuusity
aud unexpected celerity that ho left
a portion of his tattered garment
clinging to tbo gate-latcb.
"It's mighty lucky for yer, Jimmy,
ibnt tbe big-headod cur didu't lunch
i ff yer hind leg," said Kill, as tbe
twain honied! j renamed their jour
uey. Next morning Mrs. Moser's moth
er arrived. Wiyhing to gve ber
daughter a little surprise she bad
not apprised her of her intondod
visit. It waa Mrs. Moser's mother,
however, who received the surprise.
Aud it waxu't so vi ry little either
She saw the dog as soon as she op
ened the gate, and stood undecided
whether to advance or retreut.
"What no uly monster 1" she
mused. "Aod Caroline would never
have a dog aboot tbe bouse, either 1
It'd very strange, Hut tuajbe it's
somebody's animal thut baa wander"
ed into tbe yard.''
Then she closed the gate between
herself and the dog, raiod her um
brella threateningly, and cried :
"Git out 1 (Jo'way, you uaely
beast I Shoo 1 Scat, you dirty dog I"
But Moser's dog didu't.
Canio I Car-o-line !" culled tbe
old lady t but for obvious reasons
there wai no response. Caroline
was several miles distant.
''Wei!, I'm not going to stand
bere all day," finally said Mos er'a
wife's mother, with an air of deter
mioatioo. "I'll see if I can't make
friends with tbe homely canine.
Come Towser," ebe coaxed, "Good
doggy t Nice old Carlo 1 Here,
Prioce, come bere 1" Then the old
lady, having almost unconsciously
avanced within reach of tbe dog,
slowly extended ber band and began
to pat it on tbe bead. "xou nice
old do "
"Ouch Firet Murder I Git out
Caroline 1 Oh oooo-oo!" she screamed,
as the dog'a deep bay, "Qr-r-r-r-r!" 17
yards long by a fooj; lu circumference,
pierced the adjacent armoHphere. The
bebt previous time mode by a badly
soared woman In gettlug out of frout
yard Is not on reoord, but Moser's
wife's mother beat it. She was In a
harry. Bhe didu't say so, but she
was all tbe same.
"Oh, myt she gasped, when she
reaobsd the middle of the road and
discovered that the dog had not fol
lowed her, I thought I was a dead
woman, surer,
Then she looked at ber satchel,
vH'-h she bad slashed aronnd wildly
- . ... -m . tM,.-tc.
cans tbe cold
en by coming In contact with the cat' his shnm la .
J . .
I brought Caroline doesn't lay smash.
ed all to bits in the yard! Johu Mos
er heard that I was coming, and not
that horrid ugly monster on purpose
I know be did! I'll go right back
home and never set foot In the un
grateful wretch's bonne again."
And nhrt left by next train, fairly
boiling with anger; and one of the
first things she did upon her arrlvxl
at home was to make an alteration in
her will.
The next visitor nt the Moser cot
tsgwnsa tnx collector, who had A
Varcgntvil experience. He boldly op
ened the gate, IHt-urnly cloned It after
him, and started up the path, mechan
ically fumbling in his pocket.
"Whew!" he ejecnluted, us the auto
luntio iiontrivancn encountered bin
vlxion: "I'll bet that overgrown dog
is kept for the cpeciiil benefit of tux
collectors I Here, Hill ! Come liwre,
old fellow !" he coaxed. "If 1 had a
revolver I'd blow.the roof off the mv-
nge-looUIng brute I''
Then he advanced gingerly toward
t lie dog, using kind words that never
die, and vnutloitnly placed his hand
on the animal's head.
There wns a tree near by, and the
tax collector was safely at the top of
It before the ; cadences of Untop'i
dog's "U r.r-r-r r-O-r-r-r-r-r" bad
died away. With tlio tux collector
time vii mon.y, but, all the same lie
concluded to remain in the tree and
think about one thing and another
until the 'og retired, or homo one
came to his rescue. Five minutes
devoted to vigorous yelling confine
ed him that Moser cottage was unoo
The sun had suak behind the went-
ru liillx, bathing, the landscape in a
liel.l of purplo haze, and tall live In
an adjacent meadow were darkly
silhouetted against the bazv nkies.
but the tux collector didn't enjoy the
scenery to any considerable extent
for his position In the tree was be
coming very uticomfort able, and the
dog was still there. And he was an
noyedy the animal's harrowing and
perMatent silence. Finally the tax
collector concluded to venture down
the t"--pvd tc'-v his chances. The
f at was aooorjol's,.!. nr'
beatlnVdJart.i unit wtien. be saf'.Vv
reached the Kate without the dug
making a demonstration, bis courage
quickly returned and assumed huge
"I'erhaps tho wretched brute Ii
asleep." be reflected. "I must have
revenue.'' And tho thought of re
ventre made him feel very brave hi'
deed, lie left t lie gate open, to per-
mit of a hasty escape, and then pro
ceenmi to grnniy on tniri-t for re
venge. "The animal Is as iuit as a
statue, arid I'll just give him a vig
orous kick for luck, and then glide
ous of the gate like lightening."
And he bestowed tho kick. Only
one. It was hearty, a one huudrud-
pound-to-the-spiaroiucli kick, but
it was enough for the tax collector.
One million pounds in cash would not
have induced him to give Moser's dog
another kick; not with the same foot
anyway. That part of the program
relating to gliding out of the gate liko
lightning, was omitted, lint the tax
collector did some gliding neverthe
less. He glode around on on foot,
nursing the other with his hands, and
yelled like a thousand throats. Jin
thought his toes were telescoped Into
his ankles, but were not. Two of them
wore broken, and two others badly
bent, but the doctor who dressed the
injuries said he thought his patient
could dispense with crutche at about
two months.
The tax collector's fate should teach
a man to refrain from attempting to
kick the machinery out of a sleeping
dog especially one of the automatio
breed. It Is u tiu'iui advantage to
take of the unsuspecting animal.
When Jack Moser returned home,
his dog, like the Rhlneland witch, was
still there," showing no signs of hun
ger or fatigue. When Jack saw the
mashed jar of currant jelly and a doi
en tax-dunmnd notes lying about the
yard, he quickly surmised that his
dog had strictly attended to business
during his absence. He contemplates
having his automatio dog patented,
but when be hears from his mother
in-law he will probably change his
The subjeot of wills, said a law
yer, has a pecul iar interest for os.
particularly where a considorabl es
tato is devised. We are not only
curious to know bow a man wishes
bis property to go after be is thro'
with it, bot it seems like a voice
from tbe doad declaring bow it shall
go, It is usually written in tbe
most solemn moment of a raau's life.
At that moment one realises to tbe
fall that be brought nothing into
tbis world and can take nothing out,
and that, after tbe tongue is bushed
aod tbe heart stilled, bis commands
will be spoken and bis desires obey,
d. -
Tbe clause in Mr. Tilden's will
providing that if any one of tbe
fn?tf? Itba fh'l orfU
I " " " li 1 1 M VUC UK UJOJ
P"00'' hk ,ho departed filaUs
man. It has a tondenov to In.'
caotionjon tbe part of the beire. If
ono can lose nothing by a contest
and may gain nometbiog. be imy
rush into court as a sort of specula
tion and in that way ranch of the
estate be lost. Mr, Tildon knew
enough about law and lawyers to
"im iu bciji ujs enta; ireo irom
their care. As nobody ever drovt
a coach and four tbrouch anv doc
ument or aiadite be wrote, ro yon
may be euro his will drawn by his
own band, is equally ironclad.
Thcro nie mnny very curious and
occotitrio wills described in the
books, aud sumo strange phases t.f
hnmnu nature aro illustrated in them
Somo tneu who iu lifo wonld not
havo given a enp of water to a log
ger, by their willa leave enormous
sums to charity.
A tuun in New Jersev, not Km
icn mi caima io pj oil me
Nations! debt. The will was con
tfsled, of course, but tho courts
bavo rtcently held it valid. In the
lust century Sir Joseph Jokyll did
the sumo thing iu England. When
Lord Mmsltold board of it be ruid :
"fir Joseph wns a very good man
and a good lawyer, but bis bequest
was a very foolieli ouo ; be might a
well atlompted to stop tbo nii.Mlo
nrcb of Uluckfriat'e bridge with bis
fulNbottomod wig."
fimplo a matter as it really is,
lawyers have not always been suc
cessful in drawing their ovn wills
Lord St. Leonard, nigh Chancellor
of England, who, as Edward Sug
den, was tbo most eminent chancery
lawyer in Kngland, aod who with a
numbor of law books, one particu
larly with a very elaborate chapter
I.IIIAA 1 . f I , I H.. . - '
on drawing wills, drew bis on will,
and it required au expenaiv ,'aW.
suit and the decision of ' '.
(..V. .,T,.M,iv' ulToct.
The will of Lord VV'estburv anotaae
Lord ugh Chancellor, dri.wo by
himsolf, met with tbe same fate
Lord Lliicon bud no property(o
loave, but bo left u rogm luriy ex
ecuted will, in which be t"i'i ;atlie.l
his name and tuoiuory ' to mou's
charitable spoeclioe, to f "reign us
tions, and tbo next ageH." Shakts
peare left an elaborate will, wLicL
contains a clause that lm puzzled
tho Shakespearean? not a iutlo. "I
give nolo my wifo my s.-cmd bust
bed, with the Liruitnro." Why did
liuonly f-ivo Ann Hathirvi.r his sec
ond best, end not his lht bed ?
Nothing else did ebu gut. mu the
world has sought in vain to know
tho reason why.
It is not unusual for a nun to
leave an uis property to u. wiiu.
it'i the proviso thut if she 'tarries
again she iu to have only tbe
law allows bor. I bavo drjiwn a
number of such wills. (J
Morris, the celebrated An
i ii in
stntesmau did not treat LU v
no bad married very l ito in Ii
i f i-o.
Randolph, a cousin of John, t ,.
anokn, a woman much voui gui
liv, 1
himself, and with whom La
happily, no bequeathe 1 a
bandsomo income to ber, and J
t Lou
providod that iu cubo itlie married
again tho iucomo should be doubled
A soldior or a sailor is allosrMl in
miko a uuncupativo willthat lis, n
will by word of mouth, by which
personal ostute may be disposeTof.
but you being a oiviliau, must Ujuku
youis iu writing. It dou't inultui 1
much wbut tbe writing is on it may
be on a slate, or a table top, or even
a wall, tbougb it is advisable thut it
should be on papor or parchment
You may write it and sign your
name in peucil if you like, bot it is
better to do it io iuk.
You may make yonr will in Choc
taw, if you happen to nndsrataad
that lungnnge, or it may, as uatolot
says, "be writ in tbe choicest Ital
ian;" you may write it in short-band
or in abbreviations, or in cipher, so
ong as you loave the key behind
yon. Courts are not martinets as
to tbe spelling, and if your orthog
raphy is not perfectly ultra, tbey will
not mind it, if they can msko it out.
If you wish to drop iu to poetry, even
that is permitted, at tbe following
cases of a valid will shows: ,
I give and bequeath,
Whsu I'm laid underneath ,
To my two loving sisters most derr. '
Tbe whole of my store, ' i
Were it twice as much more.- -
Which God's goodness has granted to
And that none mar prevent.
This my will and intent,
V occasion the le'.st of law racket,
With a solemn appenl,
I confirm, sign and seal,
llils, tho truo act ami deed of Will
You may sign your will by InitiulH,
and if your band is unstealy you
may got some ono to guide it. You
muni have at least two witnesses.
aod though you may not acluallj
see tbo witnesses sign their nnmes.
you must bn in audi a! poBiliou that
you cinld d i so if you "frit so di
posed," as Mrs. (.'amp might te
mak. I hat was Judge Koger'e
ruling iu the Storey will case, uud i'
is good law.
If you aro going to leave nni
1 1. i . . ... , .
nil.' to mo unn i nts mo to le n
witness, for, slthongh I could bo ft
good witness, my legacy wonl 1 be
void. ,lilj) Monvior was an eminini
lawyor in Plii!a.lrlthi. somt vcan
ago, and tho author of several stat.
daid law books A lady left bim a
very handsome bequest in a will,
which he himself drew nud witness
ed Thero was no doubt about the
intention of the lady, but Kuttvier
failed to get bis leg icy.
Hating signed and seul.i 1 your
will, you can revoke it by destroy
ing it, but not by simply running
tbo poo through your tiamu or thro
tho lines, but you can rnviki it by a
subsequent will propotly exoculo l
Marriage also revokes a will
Thsj Meant Well, Anyhow
Tbo other day two ladies with
beuevolont faces and a bundle id
tracts cnterod the county jail and
began a distribution of literature
smosg tho prisoners, rccompanying
each gift with euch words of comfort
aud advico as circumstances appear
ed to render necocssary. The ofli
cial in charge at the timo escorted
tho ladies to tbe door of ward 2 just
us Turnkey Crandell, who was ini l,.
tov, , llvtl.' ho stood qnietly
on the inside among tun pnsouors
waiting nntil the ladies Lad finished
their good work- Tbe latter made a
rather awkward mietake and con
cluding that tho turnkey himself was
an inmate, tho older of tbe two of
fored himatruol'
"My poor man." she observed,
holding tbo book between the bars,
"tuko this mid promise me that you
will read it in your cell beforo you
go to bed every night. It will do
you good and help you to bear np
under yonr troubles."
"Hut madame, I I h b '
stammered tho turnkey reddening,
"Now never mind," continued the
good woman still olVuriog tho tract.
"I know what you nro going to say
You think, perbiips, you aro too far
gotio to be iulliKitiCo-1 by those sto
ries, but I don't care what horriUo
crime you have committed; this tract
will comfortyou. Even if your bonds
are red with tho blood ot a fellow
oreaturo thiro is yet hope."
"Well I'll ho ."
"Now don't add profanity to your
other awful crimes. Ilerv'a a little
sermon on tho siu of swearing- Take
it iiliI be guided by the counsel yuu
will find thero-"
"Yes, aud give bim the ouo about
smoldn," put iu tho t-peukor's com
pauion, uoticiug that Cruudull bad a
cigar io Lis mouth.
The uufortunuto turnkey made
two or Ibrcu attempts to explain
tualteis, but io vain, and wboii he
saw several grinning deputies taking
in his discomfiture bo soized tbe
prr lTored tracts aud dived headlong
iuth ono of the colls, vuuturing forth
ODly when assured that the Indies
were clour of tha promises. Detroit
A bill has bweu introduced in the
PenosjlvauU Legislature giving a
condemned murderor tbe choice of
death by tbe gallows, or of setting
in a comfortable easy chair und nit of.
ding off tbis mortal coil by electric
i Si L .! SB IBIS
Tbore are now 30,617,000 aores of
land in tbe United Stale owned by
twenty-nine foreign landlords and
syndicates. Tbe amount of land
thus owosd is as large as Ireland.
Sucklea'i Arnica Salvo.
Tbe liest Salve in tbe world for
puts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait
Cheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap
ed Hands, Chilblains Corns, und
all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
guaranteed to give perfect satis
fsotion, or money refunded. Price
25 sent nnr imr.
1 O. M. Shindfcl. '
for Infanta
i ' """"""l1" n UmI
I iwnmmd it u lunartor In tar mm.
kiMwaton.' It. A. Ascaaa, M. D.,
IU So. OUord 81, Hrooklrm, R. T.
Fremont, Snyder county, Pa.
(IrHilnafSOf lUltlinnra 1'i.ll.ia i,..i.i...
nl Surgr.m. oflun i, In .r.ilont, nl ,rfl
to ilio miIiIIp. NiMki Kniiilali km) unrioau.
Nsri'li, 17, iel. tl.
I' lerlirni l. I'a
nr Ml
hi! iriir.iiinsl frrvlf. to Hi- ruMle
r.iiit In lni!i Cn u I r. ti nj lUrmso
i ruli.r
unto ' ti Main atredt
Heliimgrove, I'eun'a:
J)U. J. W. SKIP,
Krcamcr. Snyder County Pa.
Ornrs llni iia : To t V M., frnm li to 1 I' M
n I oirr 0 1. M .
MT I, iiHil.
U Cure
Jon't ctir Knythlnff hrtt Utuiimv iri, bo ltsTon
'J'M vnry tlmo. it uurvtl
I MUM'I J JO '.ij ( 1()f v,.
Mha Mai. Cai ju'H. M'w nwt'Wii, N. J.
KliaNZ MikL Mauoll 'hlltlk I
Fnr eoniUta lufurmatlon, llrarrlptlvo l'iim
iultl Willi bathuuinaia, Irrr.
For aalx I t nil ilrull. It ono or llm other Is
n.I tl ihihHioI) to furnlHll It t yiill. (to nut 11 imt.
aiit liil tu ukuauyUiiiiKvlia', Imt ai-l-lr illrart to tha
l.-....rl Am-iiU, I'K.t l l..l:lt IlltOt. A I U.
S It it tf l .tiurkcl Mrerl, I'hllMdtilphiau
Usually develops in early life,
and is a peculiar morbid con
dition of the system, usually
aiteetinff the glands, oltcn re
sulting' in swellings, enlarged
Joints, abscesses, Ihickeiiinf.:'
of th3 lips, enlarged neck, soro
eye3. A scrofulous condition
Is often hereaitary, but bad
diet, too free use or fat meats,
bad air, want of sunshine and
nourishing" food will inducu
It. Somo people are troubled
with scrofulous swelling of the
glands, and with ulcers and
kernels, which may causo very
little pain ; others may havo In
ward scrofula, ssrofula of the
lungs, scrofula of the spleen,
scrofula of the kidneys, and
scrofula of the bones. BUR
drive away any case of scrofula
and not to appear In another
Elace, for their action on tho
lood and bowelswill carry the
disease entirely from tho body.
i 111,1 ijl muiu
iv-J'J C I XvCL
mm wun a sv
It not a liquid, tniiff or ptmler. Arjlii
into nottrili i quickly abturtmL Iltleantt
tit head. AUnyt inflammation. llaUtth
tort. Jlfttoret wjcwj of but and itwli.
ttVaanta at Itrugnitli; bn mall, TtgttUrml, Ml etnlt.
ELY BROTHERS, DrureMs,owlro,?i v.
On th BANT PAYMENT yatttaa, from S.SS
per uioutb np. lnoaiylra, l tofxiO. Maud fnr t'aa
aiut(U aIOt full pvUoulara, ouuktl fro.
Cociatruclod on tb b liMUiud of otrlDgtng, oa
aivllur Itarm. Bwid fur duacrtpUr CMaioyua.
Boston, New York, Ohloago.
9 ABtuvrn
lsn.Ttmicwi KltlNATtBK ALV
To. . SaaHiallh..MlthltNI.
and Children
s (Mwu nrns rVSa, nf
I S-w ntnrunh. MmtLbs. Pt
I rui w". t 4 ymmtta dt-
WuLoil hljurWuf
Turn CastAoa Cojif, IRS fMttoa fmaa, w.
All orn e ys-Jt- la .
All rfllruiHd t kl( tkt
! T''ITlf.l mUl.tll'D. ( Blllltllofl
ms nil t.
u ir
Attortiry nm Couunlot ml Zmm
t'olltl. n
oil ll f l,r
it tiamUJ tu.
k. niorawEKTn.
HSMSrflkOTB. Pi.
'il1-tl"l J til nthar laakl knliMi fMStt
If ttandad to. t'uDtal latitat la traajlltk aA
Mrki St. , Stlmfrt4. Pa
Alt vrofatllonal biimtii nna.ilt static.
l. JonialtatloDilD Li(llia aaJ Wartea.,
jj b. 130 wtn,
CltatlSi si(4.
t'aatallanaat n
ksd Marm.u.
Attoroer k Ct"jD"yl!r-Al-la
0atl Apa'a Hu'hllut ctit teal Ktnt 't
K at t. Mutl. "
aniasi-rove), reast'ls.
Oellattloni and ail.oikar srafalil Sasl
lata la aolloltaj am will ratal? a a
proapl sitastlos. AfMl.TaSa
"farabU Profauli.aal Raralaai I Ua ..
Caaialtatloaa U Eallb sad O ,
Offartbalr tirniaiatoralaartlr-aa la a aau.
A II laaal bu.luait am rntian i m ik.i..... .l
rrralta i.riiuii't attantlon na... u.i. a7
J ii. finiMM,
Middieburgb, ra.
ronnllatlno In ;both KdiIIA aaaMaa
Attonioy at LAW,
m , , . WlUDLkDeB. Ia
rtreiil.osl knilnKa Dlrmw t j mwA
r'f'll ttra t.,
I.eTlslurK, In Ion Cox. fmi
n:arM ",r", 4'
A'ie, Snyitr CV, J" ,
WColleelloris r(uiptly nmd; ;
Physicians, Yt.
IH'lillebnrBh, Tenn'sa
- i V. l iu:a is .
K' O. iJht
Jalr a
".vim a a wiuiug.
Middlebaritb, Tena'a.
f9ri Bltprafaitlraal larvlaaa Ua altfrBi
of MIJrtlhurB aod alalulty. 0taa fv 0i,r
Wa.t r lb. I .art H.a. I. w.M a bajrt.i;
GEORGE WALTER. Proprietor.
Micni.Rsi-Kon, Ta.
Nn palut will b rlrrd lo rraBriatt
traaaling iibile,, M.
--,..". .SSSIUlsa-TSj -4 ,