I .. iii i s i.i . -vvv i i ei. ii r v -i V 'i 'I X.H. 1IA11TKU. VOL XXIII :l'OETttY: I1T SCHOOL- ' rwln a school nlth atencherstern, With lessons long and bard to learn A .diool that la found hi every clime, UJ that Keeps in Mission an mu muo tt. nopn doors are free to all, The black and white, the great and fiiiall, Ami all must R t,ie ba and K00'1' for none oou,d hirk It,lf tl,ey wou,,, And all must study vrlth weary pain OM old lessons over aaain L.oiii of sorrow, of loss an care, Of hopeless waitl,,iJ nJ despair. Ami forever we can not choose but look, Till death shall close life's lesson book, Ami we see at lasl.wun an mane piam Tlmt our weary tusks were not In valii. Doubtless we give some pitying tho't To those who vtand with the strife untaught; To those who lift with present pain Our old, old crosses over nnlu Who ftriyeas we strove, for Bold and pelf, Who learn as we learned, each for himself. For the school shall be taught In the loiitf years hence Py the Baiue old dauie, Experience. (JWl Cheer, THE OLDEST PRINTED Col. John F. Moginness, of lie W'illiniDoport Quzello and linlletin recently visited Major Win. I Kili ott, at Lowiatonu, tho oldest ptinlei end editor in the United State, ond lulls una oi it : At a stated Lour last evening we culled ou Major Klliutt, whom we fouod aAaiting us in the drawiup room of bis comfortable residence, Its partially arose and, leaning on Lis cane, warmly gieetod ua with u (bake of the bnn "I lave been awaitinaf yoa l.fo quarter of an bonr," bo said, iu h firm voico, and turning to the re ureud gantlomao continued : ' J to'J yon to bring your friend at 7:30 sharp j it is nearly a quarter paid lint lime, but it's ull right," "I have long bud a desire to met I yon," I said, "us it is claimed by tin press Unit you oio tbo oldest priuter and i-ditor in tlio United States, nid knew miny of the lending men and politicians who Ho j rib bod throo jiuti ti rs of a ceutury agn," His couuteuance brightened up al (Lis remaik, and he replied : ' Yes ; I believe I'm the oldest priuter in Ibis country. I was born lioie iu Leistown Jaunary l'itb. 1703, aud have spent my entire life in aud about this place." "When did you commence louro iog the trade T" ''In 1807 I was npprcnticod to Alexander & Phillips, publishers of tbo Carlisle Herald, to learn tht trade of a priuter, I was to serve f jar yens." ' You served your apprenticeship?'' "Yes. Tn 181 1, being a foil flodg. ed journeyman, I returned to my na'ive town and started the Juniatu tlututte, in conuectioa with Jumes Dixon. It is still published, but is niw known as the Lewutown Oa retto." ' You served as soldier in the war of 1812' ' I did, I was with a party on detached duty when lie battle of the Thames was fought, and saw considerable sevice in that part of the country." "That was the battle in whicb.it is said, Colonel Dick Johnson killed Tecumseb, the famous Indian chief " tes, sir; i mink there is no doubt that Johnson killed him in that battle." "Did yoa ever meet Colonel John BonT "I have. lie visited me bore many years ago, and we had a pleas ant time." "Wore you in the service when t erry gained his victory on Luke ine I" "I was near enough to bear the sound of bis gnus when be thrashed the Uritisb in that naval engage ment" "Did yon return to the printiog business after the close of the wart" "In 1816 I sold ont my interest in the Gazette to Mr. Dixon and sn- i" UAoA In K.l..-.- -Vl.uil.1 u.x .i:-u.i 7 " "a . frtl I will. . viiw .un varyinj success lor ( b iwmtua ij a Ji a.1 many years. I was once engaged injduce the valno. It's Ibo eamo with I the furnace business, but when hard !ft girl. You spenk to her tutbirj umes came i was obliged lo ens. pend. Finally, in 1834, I returned to the old Gazelle, aud after pub lishing it a short time,) eoldj cut to my son iu 1833." "Yon knew many of tbo "distin guished men of the time V "Very well. 1'vo met Henry Clay, and bncj t traveled with biiu down the river from here in a boat. I knew James liuchannn well, John W, Fouiey, and many other prouii - tu-nt men lobg since dead." "Did you know U. J. Jones, who wrote I ho story'called Simon Oirly,' nnd the history of the Juniata Val ley, more tlmu thirty yenrs aji ory well ; aud ,1 once . mot Si mon Oirty too. I viritod hi u in his Crti.in, near Mald.m, after the battle of tho Thames." ' Your are au oldorj.'printer than Citueirtl Simon Ciidoioii V Yes, fcir I iloarnod my Irnde severu: years before I anmun bad learned lo set type." You atleudtd tho unveiling of ihe monument to Governor Snyder, at Soliu8grove,tlireo years ago !'' "I did, and I beliovo (Joueral Cuiiicrou aod myself were tlio only l wo men present on that occasion nkoHcucw and were acquainted witli GoTcruor Snyder. I huvo in my possession a commiwbion bigued by Uovernor Suyder commissioning mo a miijor of militui in J817. I bud a liuo vwoid and uniform ouco, but nit oflicor boriowod a portion of it on n certnio occasion aud failed to return JSVZilN THE OARDE. I suppose Eve, na soon ns sbo was boin, picked np the firnt bit of brok en, glaas sbo found in the Garden of EJtin uud Gxed it in her bnir. Tlmt was womnnliko, but qnilo pcssiblv Adam bud long biforo that tukou u hit of runty wire, and, selling u pobblo in it, worn it on his little finder as a ling, with eooaoioaa pride.-" U Islory ' does - tool' say x that iihtrwireor gluss was known ttt that liiuM, but we don't know. We ue not Im If bo sure of what Ititdort siys as we ore of what it does not ay Imj fur us wo cun inuke out, Jain vwih fiiuokud.taily ioj the be inuiiig of the world, but history d.ies not statu it. There is one week m the history of Ibo woild thai uinLes til the (rouble. It una the first wetk, aud it's just like going iuti u new home or taking of a now situation yon'ie all wrong tho first wetk. Then you get all I igbt end ihingH go perfectly smooth till you waul to move. Now about gulling married ii's quite the reversb. The Qibt week's all right. Then the trouble begins Tbut fiist week of tbo world is the battle-ground of all disputes, and, like other similui periods, soldo people think it lasted 0,000 years. It docs not concern us particularly, except that if we bad botu thereat the tiiuu we would have altered things considerably. Wo would have bad every one of out neighbors muda differently ; wo nre ull right ourselves. Howevor, it is too lute to brood over what lias been fixed, aud I am afia;d we've got to lake it ns it is. lint to resume. Cuu'l you see Eve fixing a blue and piuk shell to a grass string, putting it arouud her neck, aud standing by the summer watei'a edge trying to get a peep at hernelf to see whether it wasu't handsome t It might bo that Adura, in the first burst of af fection, caught a gold beetle and stuffed it and made it into a brooch for her. Let the imagination try to fancy bow she pinned it on, but she'd get it on somehow if be give it to her. It was eomo old poet who bad ideals and fantasies, and never weut out into teal life or had to buy a Cbristmus present, that first called woman a jewel. The term is not inapt nowadays, foi the modem jewelry is very expensive in the set ting, and I ain told that some jewel are not worth as much as the gold they're tet in. I can hardly believe this to any great extent The num. ber of people who are real experts about women is as small as the num ber of diamond experts i but the number of people who think they are is much larger. It is' hard to tell diamonds i yoa see a flaw and the fellow who's sellioflr tba atora eiplains that it has met with some .tnu.ug .UVIUOUI.IU uoiuK ponouou, I m A A I wuico uoes not 10 ino xaiuiesi re- - L XI JL-IJ J I I III I I I .1 . .L I - - I I , , ... He that will not reason is a MlDDLEBUllGII, j about Some littl i defect, nnd shi. ex : plains lint when sU w v.iv young she fell ou her left enr, nnd sho's ffcen subj-ot to little inliinloxi i.nnl Gls of temper ever since. The poet that H'st struck tho timili- liuilded l etter thnn bo knew., aiidi would bo disgnstiid, perhnps. to find li.iuf hllhinni.lH it , unnij ii iiv, nullum ih a jiwel, but she al.vays wnu's other jewels nnd thej'rn not other wo- 1 meu. In view of tbo preecnl European dis ronlont nnd tho warlike nrprct (f foi i ign nflaiis a r i:cio account of lite piesont mililmy stiergth of Itimia ill bo of iuterett. Hy nn imperial nkniio rf Nov. 4, 1870, every KutMan subject is liable li twenty yenio' military service, the period of liability beginning in s-,mo pints of tho Empire at l", iu others at 20. Tho infuntiy of tho nctivo unny comprises nhout 783 ot)3 meu, with 3."),fi2i holers and o.SUG onr riuges Tho liit-t infuutiy icuerve has a slrongth of 527,175 men. lie-. sides there are six local battalions, so culled, numbering iu all 5,4JI men, nnd cix ' speciul reserve batta lions" in Ahiu, imin!ering(5,()21.nien. Tho gross total of tho liiiHhiati infuu try, nctivo nnd first leservu, is l.-lfiO, 317 men. Wheu lo Ibid oro nddtd ibo cuvalry forces nud tho ' levies iu mass,'' it nppenru that Riisbiu, if need be, eould.defend , heitelf with over 5.500:000 men, nil of whom liavo received some military training As fjr tbo navy. This is divided 'tito three divisions the Hukio fKtt, tho IJh.c'i Sea fioet, aud the Si bi riuu lleet. It comprises seventeen sui.s )ing iivxiel.r. Tuesu ure not, h-iwevur, of thoiujst rocjntconstuc li'jn. Bat thero. are now building for use iu the Mlack Sen throo very powerful irouuludi. Tbeijoaro cquul to any, save perhaps '.one or two, that curry the lintisb nuf. In tue Uispwu :vSea Kaajli bus t!stvu rossels, and in the Sea of Arul six These are guu-bonriug ele.amen; ho thoy afford umplo me.insof trans port of stoics and troops to the A'ghan frontier. About bulNwuy down on tho west coast of Ibo Cas pian is Hnku; which is euMitctcd by rail with Southern and inton'or Uiisniu. Dirictly nci obs on tl e op posite coH.t is Fort Jlichacli Ifaki. Thither by mil to Hukti and thence by Me.ur.er, or by ntcamor Iroui th mouth of the Urul iu the ivrl!i. reinforcement could be conveyed tutu uubo and tpced. From thib fort, vhi:li is n grand nlrultgio poiut, an cxteiiHive nullum! raus southeuiil through IVisii and t j tho F.ant. During tho litnl six moulhs every military post id ng tlio Hue of thi railway hm been greatly ulieiigthon- ed; and butween 10,000 and 50,000 men nre now distributed bctnecn Fort Michu tluffcki and Sumnikuiul Iu tho other garrisona of tho ('an casus there aro 100,000 men, sj thai if war were declared to-day a largo body of Russian troops 100,009 if needed wonld ceitiiuly be iu Af ghans tan and nlmost at tho gates of Herat by this day fortnight. The first victory consequently, would ulmost inevitably be Russia;) And all students of Asiatic warfare know tho peculiar value uud preHtigo to be thus gained. Fugluu 1 could u.t reach Herat within a mouth from the time of llussiu's arrival at tbo piul; and by that time, eveu ou the suppo sition thai tho Afghaus still oontiii- ued loyal to the Kuhrb, Herat would probably bava f.iiibii. Thus if Russia actually does iotend to go to war in the spring, it seoms r.s if she would have pretty nearly every thing her owu way iu Afghanistan That there would be no sort of jus tice ia sucha move is, of course, evideut, but that it would be the expresslou of a very wise policy of statecraft if equally pluin. We need not put much con fidence iu the stutomeut of tho Pol ish paper Czas, to tho t fleet that war ia-the spring is a certainty . Out there is no queution that it seem altogether probable, aad that if it does come tbo fighting streugth of Russia will be all but invincible. The question why should Russia fight is, for various reasons, not dif ficult of answer. A writer says that the mating of human beings Is beyond the science vl u"u' P of men. Perhaps this is the reason wny niatoh-malisrs are usually of the w . gentler ' sex. bigot ; ho tlmt cannot is a fool SNYDER CO., PENN'A, MAUCIl 10, Tha Oi-igia of 25an- Ouo i f tho delightful Jars of l ist week a jounj; ludy, well known in the exclusive firt circles cf Sun KruLciscu Sucitv for nui ivnlcd ei ciial chnrins nnd ih gance t f ncoom I lihi!uiil8, wan diiveii around I 'iinke a congratulatory cull upon i I man led ludy fiiuid who wasihujpil I ! . ,, . I convincing from tlmt oocosiotiai sailed event in the lives of wtduYi? ladies, which, far from hoirgU ii:!, mi's, is t Lo poi feet. jculuiiti; lion it their health. She wu thsn ind tho pailornnd for the few Minute uquiied to nriatige for the iteiplioi i i ti nt r.)otu whern molher isid chdu wero doing as well ns c .uld bj ex I cctol, was lift with no oth r to ch it rtuiu ber t ti un the only on iimi heir of tho lionso, Muster JIiuiI- s, then iu bis fourth yer.r. Rn CLuiln was fully qn il to the situatou, n:i.l promises to grow'up into i i 1111)1- mout of Hooioty thut will nlver, Le nbnsbedby beauty, however liilliuni, into tho painful negative of 10 Cv.11 versaliou." After some nniUeiilial preliminury lemaiks, Muster ?hnilB nppnaiLid tcaicr tLe visitor ni.d loneriig bis totio into.'tLo cvfCJtu- inn, nanuui "Miss , 00 dit a baby :..l .1. ,' Tho young lady gave one swift, gluuco around to nssuro berellf there was no other heuier of this trtiuenl ipitHliou, au I replied: j i net " j Laby?"l "No, C'httilie, dear, I ba "Ami did 00 iiuver buve ill Iu 6pito i f tho youth of hdr cii"er. iuteihcutorbei bandsoinooyjla drop- ped biforo his ingenuous gpo and bir pretty fucu Hushed as shea-eplied: "No, Chuilie, I nover didi is tint this a beautiful day!" j "And niu't 00 never doiu't to buve na baby?" peisislcd Charlie, declin ing to enter on the temptiog con veroutioual sidetrack of the peather "My boy, I can't tell. Te mo nil the names of whom those aro the photogruphs. "And don't 00 wan't a bub:.'" "Why, Clinrlie, wiim,, r ' tioner you are. If you are not cure tul you will grow iuto one of tboue uewspuper interviewers, aud theu v but will your poor mumma think of you.'"' "I'lecanso'continned Charlie, ul telly refusing to bo switched oil'," I know where 00 tan del ouo The doctor brought my mnaima ono, and ho keeptb I htm in hilh nflith. You juth do down Kllilb threil to Martct thieet and den 00 do down Maitot tin cot to Turney threet, and don 00 do down Turney thieet ever tho far, utnl den 00 do up a 1 t of tbuirth ai.d thath wbiro ho tieps 'em. And they're nwful cheap, too. My pp hutlm'i paid for my muiunia's yet. but bulb iluiu' to." "Well, ('bailie, I'm much obliged lo you f, r your full directions, aud I'll know just where to go" Ob, Milb , oo needn't do. l'il tell my p pa juth nth thocn uth ever ho turns home that oo wunt a baby nnd hc'i! djt one for oo, nnd" Tbut young ludy roized that litllo hoy by I h two shouldurs, and lean iug over io as lo look full into bis eyes, ili suid, uith nn impressive litem lent by Hiiddin tertoi: ' Sue hum, Chnrlie, listeu to me I don't wan't any baby yet, and if you ever y uuything shout it to your pupn, I'll never bko you uny more at u'l, at all, never, never never Now, will you promise!" "Well, it oo don't wunt a baby 1 won't, I" it I t'ot everybody liked lo buve bubiolh. I do," Tbo ii.teiview vmio here terminated by the entrance of a servant to tuher the visitoi into tbi proseneo of the convalescent ludy AUNT SUSAN'S D03. Old aunt Susan has a littlo dog, that sho's wonde! fully found of uot a pug dog by-thoway, but a rat terrier. Ouo mom iug the took a walk dowu towu with the dog that is, littlo Wug-tail followed her, flick ly Sho went iuto one or two stores, shopping, then np to the post-ofliee, aud to prububly severul other places, and about eleven o'clock started back homo, She got there iu good time, and, happening lo think ot the dog, looked srooud, and be couldn't be found. lie bad turned up miss- "No, said Jim Sykee, "be was missing and therefore did net turn "P. "Well, Lavs it that way tbet. He jwas missing and bad not turned ; ho that dare not is n ulave. np. She viafi eienllv wciiied ul h s j nb'enco acd pi i.t u c i !o ( f httle! ditkiesout to hunt f,n- l ini j t ut i thoy cnino lnek in nbonl nn hci.r, and paid he c i.l.li.'i lm f.-und. Ile w.is too valuable a d g to 1oo ie j lhal lu.uiner, s aunt J-'iuan inm-edi-! ately wrol 1 nt un n lvM li.-eini 1,1. ' and sent it down ti ti n evenim- i psper. Tho purer cuu eut u ii I. ' tl.o 'nd' in it, ui.,1. ni j ,kf i,Ii, ,n! i iliikk, ouiit Siu tut I.i eld a lii.ii... j at I lie door, o lied il, and in juu.p ed Wag-tail, fiikiu,; an iind 1 seemiio in iiii-inli.-i 1 i.IrM vm 1 : biii;,' I:, 1110 again. An:. I Smmn J was imniensilv ph nn d, nnd r.:rd sin 1 aiw..vii benid tho saying, 'adveitis , llllf I ULu ' .1. I .1 I . I I h. i "i 11 uaii i-een tii iu "listed to In r. NLo i"t:t d r.vn to I H.f editor tlio ti.;t iiinniiij. in,, told him nhout it. nnd the editui sail lo her hut tho d..g I. ad 1 vi d lit 1 v heanl somebody lending the advniieiueiit in tho p-q c r, and l.u.l eomo homo hiinsi If." This shows how impoilaoi it in lo udvcitii" TIII2 KEA::i:75 CF CAR33- Our preacher ban got about m my eyes iu bis head ua nnylicdy. mid as bo sat near my seciitury. I. in tinkers meandered in u dn!; i,l j ,,,''lU''!"1 ,rd that tho rh f ig. tu hide, and it s lm si. i. Ill ,l 11,, id i'rcle.i-sly in his han I hn wlaiu-rd: 'Well, l!ii.4 is an ago if pirtmeN ' nt vr o many, and sumo f ll CU1 ,uo I'-''.v f r washing; 1,111 these aiu difiuciit fiam uny I I huvo seuir What 1110 theso for- young Indies 1 saw their cunning eiubui 1 umeht j and came to their 1 tin f. 1 "Those ure my 1 clnio tickets," said I. ''Oh, yes, 1 see!" wiid he, "this one with five snots admits u 1 family of five, and this ono with lui spots a fumily of leu." "Kxaclly bo," tuiid I, "Biid those with ph-toi'ce mo con)limenturies ' "- t 1,i.i '1 iindeibiacd," aul iio, "and so I will jutt tuko two in threo of these home with me," and he slipped a queen and a jack in his pocket. "Thiiso cauls," suit I, mo remin ders cf many things. Thero nio four kindi which rtmiiulri us of tho futir huusolia. '1 1 1 o t-puilo rtminils us that labor is iluuli iidiii" tiuujn in I i this Wutld'H alViin-; I Lo cl.ih that we must bo iij.'grcriHvu and foico oui ' way ; tho diamond I L it money in a! gni;d tl ingto ht-lji; nt) I i.nl, after all, I iebes ai d in'i.r an. I fulCO luVO mo Wuith 'i In l o uru nothing willn ul twi lvo f I !il 1 11 I'if'ur.i c-u ds, u bid. remind ua of the tvvelvs niuntUs in the vear. and lifly-livi) ('aula in ll.u dieli. v. I.ich lellb ns of il.e fifty-two wteks in the yeur, nnd " "And,"' said he, iiileiiup'ii'g ni". theie aro just tlneo huii l.. l an 1 ix:y live t-puU jn nil, which iiiniml us of iho number i f d iyn in tho , ai.'' I.ight then I sum i d i-i .l, ( i I kiiw Iii) knew iih tiiiieh nb.nit a I'ick i f ( ill'!-' us 1 did, iili.l 1 ex e! I o I, u, plnu d many a gninu iu a guliy n t u hind his lu! her' bai u. SIGHT en TWELVE I i Kidui'o to its lowest Idii.H, ti e question involved iu thu putpox ! charge in tl o untliod vt 1 1 in 1 Ly j juiy iH himplo i hull tho nnmber if' juiyiiii ll bo leiluced fiou) twelve to eight? That would bo thu pruclii'ul! leanlt of (hulking the law so lhal threo-tUarteis of a jury limy find a j verdict, Tiial by juiy is iu many , respects antiijuuted uud uusatihfuc- tory, but the one point on vtl ich we J believo that peoj'lu ubo favtr con-1 tiuunLce of jury liiuls is that thiie! shiill be uuui imily. A j iy npie. eents tho preseuco of tho whoU com-1 iu unity nl the trial of u person chmg ed with vijlatiou of tho liv, and i! the principle which uudiilies juiy li iuls were can fed ont lo thoextume, overy member i f a community ji which tho trial lakes placu would I e piesent to cast his vote. That is u mauifest impossibility; so jm ieH Irnvi beon established to leprescut and protect public welfare uud interest, If a jury is unuuimous for or uguinsl a person ou I rial it is presumed thai there is no doubt of the person's in nocence or guilt, but if only thieo quarters, or a bare majority, are for or against a man, the presumption is that there is enough doubt in the onse to entitle him lo discbarge or Dew trial. X- II L ' I 1887. l--i'T i- viy fcr Enfanto , "r40tto1l "'"'toeUllrMiih.n lmc.mni. u.iti,iIwriort.ni,yt.r, ,.T;f.ii.,i, kuowu tvi niv." I. a. Aimnu, MP ")!! MAKAND Kd'l lll'.OcK. Fremont. Snyner county Pa. !r:.lMlni !.lt,nfl I 'i l!.K ,, ' . jve , , rtt uti'l Sii'men. cllcr. tin r li.,.l nil .orvlrj M.ii.Mi, 1;, H-l. tl. I)u K. V. TtMJL. PHYSICIAN AND SUflGLPrj. , I lel lllul -y, 'n ll.'0' 111!) Trr.r,,nn ,rr, ,, ,,, ,h 1( y,f .."'.","r!' t '" ' 1 ;''" "' li.m.iii 11 Ii.1" nn M ini rit. j ! I'. VAN IJI.'.-iKM.'ir, 1 ' U l'.ii l I'.lilCAt, ,V MIIl'l! Ml T, l'TNTI: Si'linsginvo, I'i'mii'iiI jjn .1. w. s : : 1 1 Krc.isiir. Snyder Civinly P.u 1 un. n llni r : 1 . ! a i , e r, 1 t J I". M t.n I n"rr r. "l . SI'DVKS IU 1 1 It I.Mll.lMI A N 1 1 I L K M N. Mitv 1. ! -i-ii. A I i.i'.lv tii.tt lis.. In. ti hi ni.. -(Ml ii 1 r nf.y ' .tin i'l Int. n, mil ni.!) l.,t. ! Uitl li, 1 Ul 1 , l.W. O'UIllli. H 111" , RHEEUmATESm CURE TM lli-iily ii ii,. ( ii h i i.i i f r.iiilhionul I'll) " "1411 fit 1. 1 1 1 'ii 'Hill ;,l lvm ,l;r , n,i ;-...-( MH H.'M NN II lll.OlH 1..l. ft ..111 l.t U ll .1.1 ll I. 1.1 "-'i 'i"f. u i,..m i.i,..i cm ih xiwii.jt.no in., I it. It WILL CURE YOU fnm fiiTtli. r ii--i.ii)-. if v.u'll n:ily i-.v... it it rliaurii KUliblAM KVK.lt V IIOX A( it mil ii ter'J ruiiiK .u.k.Vi ' t tariff thi Slt7 ' iyriRuilMi1ral n.rk. TO. c ' moot r.ir iMinplotf ii,t,,riin,t-nti, lirrrtiuUo 1'iiui lililei. u.tti i-.iiiii,iiniil, Iiim. K.r huIi liy nil ilriiwui'ilM. Iii.u,, : t.'if ntli'T In tl"! 111 ,M..r,.,ll 1 I f'llhii-ll If ! ,.ll,,. ti.,1 Im ,t. 11,1. .1 lot ll., .ll, II, '- el-,' . I. ,..i tv , T 1 .... t I.. :h. II, li.'rnl A,'n,ln, I'l III I i; ll(;-. , III. ( DIO ilk, h.'l .UiiiKi l Sinn, I'IiiiiiiI, liiliei. DfJ. TrUOftflAS' lafJ&g.IpE V WOHTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD! A f":Ji:i..Q with curative proper i;:s v.z I.r.pcssibJa to counterfeit ;.: trj f'fiAM.CS CF flCYPT, and v,M!i is n:w Itavir.g ctvjrnous ihrD'.-'jl.out the Uiiiieii States ami Car.:t(!u3. l'A. ' I.UVi:i.t..M.r. fv.i I . i . i... ,:v oiti , n-il I i, .. .V... III.,:. . ,:ii in . ii.t .iJu'i i..ii ,, i!t i r'.it 1 v . I I. ! ..I Hi. I... .i' li.. I... ii. i ' I'.i.'i iinj i iii. i .I..-II..V i. : '',.,' r. I ,.ir -I I ; .i. r. . . , i... i I t ; ii . i I "... .. ll ll v . '.'.I . ::: i..-, A 1. 1 i- , ll is. . ..i I. N . ,j. i i. i l.N i'( i:: i . i ,v I i. II VV VII. I.i:. Ii is. . , ,, .. ! i .i i I.i i- r el I I..I, ;, in. I !:,.,. ..- ,! I 'r:i,,iti.i-' 1.. U-Lliic Uii i , ., i 'i. ..n,,i ..tu,:. I i ,wr I. .: . . nr. I: ll i n, .1 i .i , .....l I l I ."i .1 i i,t i.f J 'i v I .i.i 1;. r v. .,. , i I '. ,, .,'i ,1 .sine in',,.,; - l.,!w. , ... , . I t .11. li.i..,Oi. ) ...li , V,:.l i.iii ; ,u , l. I CCLD OY ALL DeJUCCISTT. ff Y mm rirx. n. mm S . " ' ' 1 . j. UTTERS rn::i' !aln !n IX tilth Tl llK I (Jl.Tlui E T'lMlK. i;u: klf nnd roiii,l'li.lx t'l.i: A N"l.s i.t.I I.MIIIIII.S THU lir.DDI). Oil,', it l'joti'll(,neriln l.lt rnil UIiIiick. ( i. urn Cm r nnpli'ilun, n . ,'., II.i.hI. In Miiouili. It Jo. i. n liijurrlhplwlli, i juK'lii.iUi lnMiririnliK e:,. ;!iall(in-AI.I. Ol ill.it llll lil.lilt IM.i I (), I'lolcUlis anil l)ruK.ilr.nut''r'wlj(jrur?k7uiimii'!. ; ,(( J'.ii. N. H. nrndiri. ,f Mr,,.n, M r.. r.vi- "I . .Mill, p. I l,r ..'.ir lion II.TK ,. '. ,1 ,i.l.i .1.'. I i, i i .r .'.irii'liii,(- tl.A l.l, .1. mill . ihlvii-k nil dj.ji- i.l.o ... i.i,l,.lui. ll il.4. I,,. I hull ihu l.iilll." H,l. H. M. In l l.l, Hi.uioI.Ih. Ii, I, r.v "I )r, . ,hti ,. li:. .h l,i ii lii'l,.,., , sif I" ".I II I, l'f .' .'..1 ., h ,.,, , -;, h I- . , I. ' ll.. I i I . . .1 li,. i , '.', . ' I ' ?!. . . t '.:;.., , i. . i.i , r Hi... .'.,. ,i ll .-, I., .. , , . U -. )...., i i,. .i.. t .:iu.l tj ..ir. : '.,,. I,.,,n Ir.,- . ''l . .1 f.Tl.1 11 1 l.t vV. Il.ilt II.. I Lp.lk t.M, I . ,. I Ii (.. I..1H M... '. : ). 'ii.ii liM abmi- Trfilti M irk nv cf" T' '1 p l u ri.iiij.ir. -i ai v iu tuli i Ji. ' i.t fiiiy : y HK.IVV .i til Mil H U.t f.Mii 'OI i;, ;i K .'fi 11 III UNRIVALED ORGANS OnllieBANY PAVMKNT Tlr,fmm S.I.VJ put moil Ul un. 1'iOllyUr, i'J to'iil. beuU tut t'l klutjua Willi full purliculju-ji, imulwl fror, UPRIGHT PIANOS. CmntriKtcil ou til nw nirthuU of Irlnulng, on tiimUr taruii. Hud I ul dwcrlpUv Cutnlour. MASON k HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO, Boston, Now York, Chicago. wfX?& M f :!M i.i r-.; hi- a izpswz&i 1 1 : a m Eva i'. S.I M f M tV.O b k7.R f.ltlll KD1TOU am. I'KOI KIII J OK T i'i o 1:1 -.4 r.nri Chilrircii, I ratmta rnr, r:ir. f-,n-rMi.- I H ? K;.. r.,i, l,. I :n"..r i. h r. I Kl'11 V. ,m-. ,, i,i, m.j .rjmc't iiJ .!! I'mi't, C. T. d.'forncnfi.,'!,'. I :rtr. f J AMKs ;. ( Knr.;:, ATI(KKV.T.I.V, MII'IM.T r.l'i; ,. I a A' I l"t'Mitn!rMi,i iu i J 1 ! ,-' i t,i ic ; . .. , , UI.IU 11,1 I.I I- Ii J Arm; (HI. in;;; ; , I l vr i 11 1 r 1 killli t 1 e II Ait n M!f. ;;:tt i:-in. 1 1 , v -do, t'i 1 1 it 1 1. .1. 1 . 1 rr w .M. f. 'hoi fv. rirrn ; ATTORNEY M L .".v. r'-. Pa. 1 1 : "I rl I s (i ll : ct!.r l I hui'r K. fr, lj ir ut!.'i.., i i... i i.ni oil a., i ir li : it. nn. II. ci. i i: 1 1 uirii i i' a oi;m:v. r.i. t . !.fl Si. . .s.'.V i .p.. (i A li proi,.il..nl I puii.f i r r- iTt fttirttfcO a t'miiulMtloM In ln.:;,ii iin,,, . I . I. ; f "rl. r. nowr.n, AnP!?Mf Y-IT-LAW, AND I)MTl;!i'T ATTORNEY, 21'ultlUhurg, 'o rnl!tlont and. Cnntnllt Ittoi I nrAl il l 'terrain. has v i Liacii. Attorney & ContiEelltr-At-Law Olflct In Apii'i Un I II In k en 1coi Wort -t Kbyktok IIiith . iollnsKrovc, reiiM'n. I'olleflliitH iul nil ot he- frtl, ul .... ,. .l,.l,u 4D.1 Kill l-CCfl't llAlkft rt'H aiieniloo. Ar.ll 'ts.M. TJ SMITH. 1 ATTORWrt LA Jf. MIMiLKIlt KU, CN tlllK CO., FA rr. 1,1. n,icM.,jil erln. I kt Lou.ulutlnii, u tnitllih I,, IIwibk. A. W. roiTi.lt, j A TUli.Vf. i A T I. A V.'. I Gclintnjrovo. I'a.,? I'fl.rll,lrt.r,.l....l,.l.,,.,. H4 A tl n . t.i Inciiirnirii.tuii In tlivlrr.tr 1 1 r"l,.'"'f"""l'lMil.nii0n. oniftua M.irSi. H. lilll.M.M, .;ijiov-Mt-Tt."r, 'Ml hll,;li, '. j i'm t. : t .1 1 1 i, iu ,i,, ih I. I' I. i; I'ntU-li jw.rj.j, t J, Ir.l V OJl.N II. KMU.I-, A ItOflH'V lt ll,ll....r. tel.'..;,,',,, rr,,r, Ll I o . Jillrii,:. J i, . . AMUKLir. OUWIfi, I T7o:x;y. a i.i A M", ff.evv:bi:i t iiiitti 4,., r. ( 'II, u irli t Kir i,i , i i. H . i ,. in I" r na. I at Vnm JU31ICE IF T!!E "CAcr, A'-.'irr. S.t.Ur O., ."'l 'l.ll-lii.l, (,llJ.,iy ,U.,;,, ..J I'lnj.uciauw ,Sc. Ji'iis v. i -i in: i m), Mid tU-'im " rwin'm M rr.1. . ) r. I mm l U.W ' im ,.l l i.i !. , ..rl, ,tli, I (IriBlly. ItmHf , . .ill ' .... I i ,. . ,,.ielu Mf.. .j ' ''" ' ' ' .Kl. ft f.nir.n haiuVbr," ' PHYSICIAN & SURCLC.V, Middle!. i. .'ah, penn'a. I ifWj hl ,rl.li -nnl i,rvli-i l ih rlllMt, il MIiWIpIiiii- m,, I virh.liv. nil.i. u lew wiri - i'"iiii.i,iii,iiii,r,r.M,l),.l. lir-l'lcnrc ii,, i u ,,,i. 'iit l.ulii. Ci 5YRUP CURES ?v i; Coughs S ALES r1 EH WiEED. ItiltzmA NEW FRUIT fUl'l-rwilul AjipiiI. Tht butimu nul'u Irarn-J, HOOPES, BROTHER & THOMAS, biUliluliod lout, LOT CUErtTKU, jVA. I' i. i .71 ; v ll 'VJ -rv