1 1 - 'g c-T : ; i ... , .. i, lIAUTKR. Ho th will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot is a lool ; lie that dare not U a slaw. KD1TOU and l'KOl'lUli'JOU OL XXIII MIDDLEBUllGIJ, SNYDER CO., PENiYA, KEhUljAUY 10, J8S NO. 6 :lOKTUV: laatba CMck9ns Coaio H:mo. ti of my name r " -i'i... i er '"Pi liml seen I.vioff r.onrtho mill I'leieJ man knife touring tie ini- limy takthewoild ns It com mill CiK!". !..! VOtl iH "r fl,,J f;t will iq'iur the accounts Whoever comes out behind : f.ll.(liiiig bud. that a man lias lone. Hr wlmtaoever Induced, .turn nt hint to Mm, one ! olio, A the ihiokeli come boms to roost. - 1 A !l I ..t 1. m iiiny rnii ami ion uu nml aav, The grand jury found no in diet- met.t against me, and I was arrnign eJ befors the circuit coott. I sold my f.inu ami employed able Pommel experienced lawjrrs, lio did every, (hing thoy could fur mo, lnt after n tedious trial I was sentenced to b hanged. A more tuim.rnldw, utterly ilinpoiiHolA'e lwiogfifvtr oat in a c II waiting lo be cbt.kod to death My piuacier cme at) J prajed f,,r me but my iiiiu.l hiu no detracted thai I could not lis it upon death. One l.irL..ir. a Terr vi mr,,l,,j old uiun. IVlii votir hoarded v wealth ex-'. ,. , . . particularly impicsi.od me. i:iln 'ill tho cold, ll'k ha.low of tho irravu N iifiiii",' your life's lunt mini ; Imiwill havo your bnltuico btruek ..ii in' night, i .- I'm. I viiiii luifir.l rt'.liipt'tl. u ,1 view your lifo lii anotlur llvjl.t, - " ,uo 'Oh, Mr. P.bHnii'.Hu .1 ,,.k tho gier i-t nil ooj to forpivi) jour "ins ()u!y a fov njtjin (ilija ij mi J you will atujj.l ut I ho bar of (txh l.f RUAiJuit. kno-vm,; tbnt n Riioral ' pnam .1. I t-l.-iwi.,! Il.ou. tl.a Aiiah.uJ A CSSaTVOL? IJUr. rtjfch woiilil ,a fi'rtli.toj cor pliiiia P'jper. My piirli.nn tvro tejoici-.l o inaoo our sitMltl-y oioTe uboat 2 o'cloi k in tlio ru ii nin. V cliiob- fil tbo ftit.ew nitli but littla tiouble Uoullo. t I Imtnoiliufpl? ffct out for tkan n:ii. I imb.fil icCfivfil uii CTilion 1 .. i 11 . . , ui. vjimj, mo c iii luitmur, tOoK uii l y I l.o biiml nnd Bfiiil : 'TwftH iutiniuto with yonr! .itlun Mini ili.l not k o how bin eon cool I I'liuiiit nub it ctinif, but llm ro wan mi niioi4f iitfuiufit. ini, Yini i if. lLo t i in o I bo u ii 1 1 Bo wo wui o irjilfr I ' ,41" 1 ' 1 " 1 1 1 - ' J i . .... uoi ui..l lute 'lot-tlo in ynur bchulf ' o.ici. .r hIh,..i n ;! I puti l)Hinl l,u f ilia bre I Ld.l 'M'.-lcr wjji f-. i .. J. J paaneit iiftir one of lie Rontilu. 1 1 . was eittin, Irai ing Lrk SK-'i'-it n tituinp, uiilti8 aoiitrl ntlii). I took his ku uiul box of cailriileu which ho lui tbpositt.l mi tho (lounJ near I. mi ip(ko.' not a won! until wo aeie fully o iUlf iui!o fiooi tho t-c'. (l iur . ioipiin.uiuviil. Xbl'll WO filrppr.J un.l lunlic!. H They ikcl.iieil that ruch a 4f,idie-j iibimi.a, 1:1., IVb 'J. 'I l.o t-ni i1. tioo raa woilh half n lifuiiiug tf i tto!f Jlint 11,1,1 l " m..;. lljOluc in ion; ;h ut., (!. !. . 1 1 1 ( i . h fi r n ni'.m'li p'1-.l i iciiin J t .-il i ii v'im'iit I.. vn! ;p, I". I Ali nit 2 ';.) Iiiii.ici i hi.. I lO l ( ill I ill ! ! II ill j o)ca wi'io It.!!, m. l n VKMp..l tlip!l,.! t,,J b, V. IidIo of S ii ;;ii . t I ... r il. ' : roilln lul I,, l-iitiWtf fr ,i: ( . I M i-,.! f I' '. . . ... i ...... - '.. . I V 1 1 1 1.11 IV .... W.4 k' .-.'U.uAi..4iwnl n'V A VI f f.r. Lei hjo beccucb yon oot to throw oil huvo fib in! rju?t, . . . ...i i . yU lull Mini your iuui nuu niurr your litart Witli lUe h ifk of n barruii creoil, i itCiuifit will know if you i.luy a imi t. Wiil know In your hour of uetvl ; l,..i (hull aj vou wail lor uwuum F l-OIIIO What hopo eaii tlioru ua iumium-h . . .1 1 ...... ill I... lyui ii ii'u uiuii' (In ro il 11 111 While your cliickuiin coino homo to loo.-t. V.w nn you will, there's thin to renp, For tlio fcooil;(linl bail o wfll, Uid I'uiisiueiioe, wbetber wo wuke or leep, U Ilhbr a heiiTen or hell, iuJ ovecyiwroiitc will fii.ti iU pUoo, Ai.'l vry pa-.ioii looaod, lirififih.uk iiuJ .ineutti you fuoe to fAOH Wlienjlm chlulietis coin home to rooftt. Whether.you'r over or under the soil 'l lie result will bo the4a uo,; Vou cauiiot Hitapo tho liand ofUod, You uiuat boar your alu oV khuiue. l'o matter what' carved cu a mar ble slab, Wht tlio Kotos uro all produced lYou'il llml that !st. l'eter wot keepiutr 'tut)," Ami liiat olih'kens, como home to rooat. i .'.JM-. B3N7N3Z9 TOiBSlHAlISSD.' My name ia HvuiyDtbcou. I am notnuli.unud ofj my oaiuo, ovuu though it4wrto iHittCed. My par tuts caiuo to Aikuubaa wlilo I wui Ttry yoiiug. 4My fathur batiug the idea of over livii g ia u town, bellied ia tho wildemeafl, whore afttr,bovor bl yuura of toil ho huccctdod iu opcu tug ouo cf tho boat fanua in the State, lining educated ami rtfiucd, my parents aero tho loudors of oar naijliborhood aocioty, and so fumil ir did our uauio becomel.thut we wore kuona far and wide Jubt about tho time I ultaiued my l'Jlh yonr my paienta uere tukon ill of a divcano which wu8 atthat lime .fpioadiog OTor tho eountiy, aud iu ajiito of tho best medical attention that could be procured tl.oy died, both ou tho uuie day. Ah I wiu tho only child tho property of courbo cumo into my pubnonaion. Well, it in uunocoueary to dwell upon IhU part of unevent ful hiulory, to I will ignoring bov feral joaia proceed to lclato a painful Oue day oor Doighboihood waa bUcked by tho dicovery that Mr. Ubphjuou, oco of tho uobt prouiin oiit mon iu the community had boou wurdeied. I wua particularly shock. Ji for during tha ovouiug before the evening before the murder Mr. UapLaon oud 1 had btrolled togeth er through tho wood; and Btartliog to contoruplalo.ho waa found near a certain old houae whero wo had bops oramu. i Le next day after the body waa found I waa arroeted, charged wiin tha crime, uud nftor an examin ation before a juutico of the peace I " romrndod to jiil to await the Mlioo of the Grand jury. It would uo to vaiu to attempt a doboripliou i aiy mbarraameut of bit India nation. Unt not More I taw myself "orroonued by iron bars did I real-. iz njy awful aituation. What stung e the most waa that a man named Evans a tanu whom I well knew and who boro the reputation of being a gentloinan swore that ha saw me trika Mr. Maplesou uear tho old bouse, but supposing tbat.we were t'nj'og with each other, be paid no attention to lhe;ffir, but that in norror be soon afterward diseovor d that llaoleaon brl kAAn U did not alo? tt tt!-b, produo! eJal- "! r" i , Whuutho chickcus come iioiuetjj-" l'',,v,-'i), pray for (ho glorimis pej viii'go or nuftnii,' th-m. lu not think of tho toiture- of Jomh, bat think of tlu diviiio lifo bound tl.o giave.1' "Ij'iui not guilty, Mr. (J ray." -Oij, yo.r g mull, .1.. (J.,k h j (,,lt in onch obuiui.e.v. Dj l ot, hitf ou, I imploroyoti do rmt iicribh .u'i filiohiicd on your lips.' ' I tf.!l DO f.llH.l!lO(l, Whf, J VOW limt I mil innoceul." "Mr. Dchnoii, you tint d not hope f ... ........ : i .... . laituuvu tiLiuoi.fy. loll mo civ voung but tho goieiniiiont hria fiiM'd to do anything in jour bihulf" "What do you wunt.mo to do Mr Gray V ' A.-ktioivKlgoyoiii-cime hu.J piay God for pa.tdon." " '1 havo conjujitod noct ioio. " "lhink of your perishing boiil " "1 am innocent." ' I ooo Mr. .Dublin, that it k use-l-jfo to talk to you." "Yeo, on that sul jtcl.'' "llnnemiitr thai tho diiy after to monow you miibt die." "Ail right." , "Good-by I Lope the Lord muy change yourmind." When tho goodJan had gono 1 uiaaed during n;long (iiU. Ovor what hohadaaid y. t tboro occurred to uio uo thought of rogrcl that I had all l.lul'l.ta b.tf.L.... I.. I '. . r..ui .i,vni hi lillll. IJOKJ ., clrnngo rebigcation thut cniuos to n uiP.li w ho is condoiiioil to die We ry tiighta of eiiulemplutioii dull his dnad, tnko el't'tho Lccu Oiigoi.f fear I. m ....I . i.l.;l .... i . . . . . . .. i, o jii.iuBi'jj.i ; H h a Uoij I care" which Buttles upou hiiu. 1 vab not afraid to moot tho kiug of lhn uiiivurso, aud knowing that Lota hhadow of Impu lomuiiiod 1 surren dered myaelf to au unjubt fato. I was tot huugtd; tho ovomor,on account of my youlhfiilui sacomujut cd my sentence to imprisonment for lifo. Kvou this was indescribably awful- stilUfier thinking it ovr I concluded that H as bolter than beiug hanged. I bhall never forget how I felt whou I Hi nt put ou my suit of strips. 'pi .. H . . i , ., . . ue loougui mat l was entirely dia rrrufnA ...,U 1 . . ,,...... n.a iuvii MOi'p 1001 10 mv oiiml that I doubt that if I wero at Iho timo any better morally thau tho moat hardcued conviot within the walls. 1 began to hats iho world, to mock within myself tho very idea of Honesty and virtue. On Sundays wo were compelled to listeu to long sermonH uy pieachtra not dittiu gnishod for eloquence. 1 bomotimes thought that, knowiug that we could uot leave the chappel, they look a peculiar delight iu longthsuiug their discourses. Ouo day ilr. Gray came out, but ho did not pay epocial attention to mo. This stung me. and as 1 sat on a bench looking at nuu l won't say that 1 nas listen ing to him 1 hatod tho old mau. 1 ought to have boeu ashamed of my- oir, unt i uad toigotlou tho mean ing of shamo. The uppermost thought ia my mind was the thought to esoauo I lost everything but my dosiro for freedom. My chauco oame. One night while a number of ns were penned iu a 'atockado" near a eoal mine, into whoso dark vaults wo were daily driven, I heard one of the guard bay to a oompaniou that he was ao sleepy be could acarcely hold his eyes open. "So am 1,'Mhe companion replied, "and, to tell yoa the" troth, 1 wouldn't be surprised if I do some little noddiog to-night." Craaliug over where several of uy tile associates lay I communicated the iatelligenoo which X bad caught Tbey sorted wito me that our time 7ekfrte?:at close- nun. in r of niilm fn in the "Muck J.le,'' but we kiie II ut wo bho.il. I uo pin duo, I. Ilui r In gnu to pitch j :'l'tLl n '"Try c'iillhii'i.1. . IIeiy jloiidi i-;!.ip This t. seiioni.. for. .Ii,.,,,! i ' " J iI'-mio h i f brstonii.c l"ju I'1 nir I 'i we nciP, wo ihiir nut go ucir n lore "i"'" 1 wnd tho (b'.viiii -r Liui-j " r i m I'.:.--Iiuun.u Inliit iliou. Tlio next day jhclf '',,,u' 'l t"l i" Iho prrsonce ol,al.--. t'tf I. it: . wo stopped uiul ,ei. u v ii nl tn t ion 1 i:ttil ''ylv'' K"vj lhael.3 Unit l ,vi .'. it vTaa bettor to riL iicijituio thmi ;ultl W10t X ' "'1 aveilcd. l)iir-! n! hnnt' is wm. t. ij" buniii v. cici.i.iinwlv wm li (-.l. ! "1J' l ' 1 b'i.1 not C to. fvar . i'... t. v.l to c.iil at thy m xt hoiiso. We i.ion cmuu mi.ii .i f .,.. v '!,;,, ",1 I ,c" t' li ifliiil my intontion:1 ! 'nvn ui. ! it it up boldly m. ( iitcred tho house. I'lidi; w;o4 no out ut homo tOtpl o . i s II. ii ..! i i-.....c -:l t i for Snfanta ore! OUUdreiu ir .. iii.i.. ,. j,j fl ( Tl .r j,,,,,.,. j.rrx.-.-.uQ I ! - j . ir :..'iiiumi. I', Trim i, iJ-n. t .ii.-n, -Jut: ' .1. A At-;' . i t-i" "rtllJI givin ! p, aui Jj.vu.uto lU- Va. i)ujri U. Uuuk.-a, N. T. ii Wieui'iujmtauj iasAic'Ji-n. Ti- i r.nvn CuJiWkt, I Kultun Ciml. M. Y, in. , . ,,.r..... i t. iilllo gnl about 12 years 'l.. .She "a the uiokl b'luili.'u! child J l.ut. . vtr n ru. M k iiio of lii'i littio j;iil mIkimh beanli ful f id) had b.it.inhi.il my intention:1 i f bhcoining mi outlaw. I bed gnu to tho lioirui w huio 1 had ' en her. blither father a .Mr. i:i.lr, Imlj niovel away n ml no om iu tie Uo vas fii ,'!.ti nod nt I "' '-"'-'d Lno-.v Lin pl..'"ef res- iirt, but hoi n rerouting, i.hoLUvr! us ao'iielhifg to ia!. Sl.o exeicinnl i iiMiiingn iiitliienco on mo. Ikr hweet f.cj rem in dud me tint purity go. .1 rl .iy. UK.'H. t.-.l, Ul. ! V"-!i;.iii th.t; I CT'I l. il. At'.t .M.e: :ul!i e.1 up .,; Hi!,' Ii0;;.i" , St I--. lie ' 1 u il 1 1 ii il' I. ! . . I " i . ii; ' ' .i e i IV , .1 '.it I ; li ..-4 O V -X 'i .. ' i i.e t .; : i 1 1- I I ll.i: Ivu. 'In. I. - I -.i . I r . ii.UN UOi'IWUK'K, I i j .u it. Hp.)-. r t:o i:r:ty i'.-.. ! I I !.: i .... i', '. 1 f'.T III. " ' '" ; " ' I 1 .1 rrvi.- ii i I. iiu :'; .in. I .rruinn . !):; i:. W. 'i'l.Mli.. r.u: VI f iuu.i.v, (Inn nihl nt a thoatro in Littio i; .ck I i n ihut f,ico. I kn...v it iu a tuoiii-'iit. At tho coi.oliiii' n 'ih' Is r s-1 l.o u . ..!i. of tl.o ..ii f.ji ni.itico 1 fi.llj.eil t'. ' ;, t : i i f m l.i.'ii vtii i.... ... exiilc l in tha woild. M.o look a K' '" ''""'I'ony with au r" :,i !' o . o i Miecial hk. i lt to iu... and lin i "put lo a Intel 1 introdiicu t ! "1 ' U y n..i 1j I ,r i ;." I : i oi.i ii'i :. I .1 V II til il'l. , .. I .i.;J:il.i.fi !!,. e i ,i ii ... I'.i-t n,;.;!i! 'i.'iif, mi l ,n .ci o !u ;i - I... A MVIv'l.'iN AND St 'Ll-N I . ... I : n .. .1 ; M. r. tn ii I'. VA. ...if i. ,. i i, 1 .ii.ii-1 I il- . null A Norn -, It -La w. " ' ' 1 .1 . ..IH'H. I l j AMKSU. t'Horsi;, attoism:y-at.law, Miiii,!:nri?'!u, ta 1 1 i. .1, n , tiir- kU.i " i n i-.. 1 1 f tiii.u, ii. i , 11. ill l,: I. Iltil ,. ! Ai'oi: i;ii.l.;:i;T, .I:.'.. I l CIO lf i rullktle u e.t I o-',. , ,-f ,,! ( i.it a. r nt JjitB MIDIM I III m.u, v, j ' lrp..r un.l .11 , ll.r tilrr.i r,t, f I !" it. a... Ml.' 'it V n J in. i i.i ii. lint lo In titllit ift m-i-a. I III I ' i' ;:n 1 1 r ' oll'.l I 111', hinted that T "'oi.lil like to Imvo ui. old Hiiit of clothoK, tti U I ik:i tiled fwt-r.liig ii-ly pin-), 8!:c, not koowiu;; lh.it bh4 wm euinmilting n I'lime. pioi'ur.d f .r mo uu old tnnl -f cloths. At tho g'lte I kilned hei hand. My cju,paritnn, threo vile wretehef, were tut impieJiMtl by thf littl.i gill, and hid I nut p ,tiae: uid n iuu I urn muu that they would hav roiil'e.l tho houio. Wo had tut gone much further when purmiera ca.i.o witliiu sight. Then th ro wua a mco for liberty. I ans tleet, n.nre so than the wretches. About tiio timo night sut iu tno of my fellow Couvicta had been captur ed. The other oue kept oloso io A gnu lirud, 1 hoard a yoll. Look ing nround. I m him fall. Tho JaiLnewj and tho donaii wooda pro toctcd r:io. I nscapod. l-'indiug r. ciin o, I ciobee.l tho liver. Thm f ico of tho littio girl w.ia coufit inlly bo foio me. I sucrcr.i,;d in tmking my way to Now Yoik. In tbnt groat city I wuh comparatively eafo. I'tiderau iin.iuiui d ruirn i I went work iu a maniifi.ctiuing eslal lihment. I bent evoiy energy to Iho work, mid from time to time I was promoted. Thieo years from tho limo tutored tho eHlabJiiii.uient I was tho tupei ioteu. iiiuiuiiuo Kniiro woius. .ly ser vices boeaiiio so valuable that 1 was admillod aa a puitner. I saved mv money uud beOimo wealthy, yet not for a moment did I forget tho crush ing fact that I was a convict. One day while ou n feiiy bout I took up u iiowepnper which some ouo hud left on it chair Oiienin.' it f -saw that it win an Arkansas shoi.t. Tho uvzl moruuut I wua thrill....! oiv startling heudliuoj appumed tho following .Sevetul jens a'o a highly re- apcclod young man uainol lleury Hobaou was oouvictod of tho cvime of tnuiiieiiug ouo of our most pioiu iueut citizens, a Air Uapleaon. Uob- son waa bcnteiieed to be hangod, but the Uovertior commuted bis sentence to iiuprionmeiit for lifo. Debuon esouped and wont uo ono knows whither. Now comes tho real trnc- ouy. loom a moutn ogo a man uamod 1'jvaos, who swore that ho hud soou Dobson slriko Aftploson aud who fouud near the ecoue of the murder a kuifo bearing (he initials of Dobbou's name, waa tukea violotit ly ill, lifllioviug recovery to bo im posbiblo and fearing t die with such a burduu on his heart, he oenfoased that ho, inspired by bitter enmity, ho tuurdored Mapleson. From tho very moment of tho confoasiou he begau to improve and soou became so well that he v,s taken to prison. After a trial, during which he did not attempt to make a defense, he was sentenced to be banged. The exsoutiuu look place last Friday, and waa witnessed by a large orowd of people. The publiu deeply syms pathizes with young Dubson, and should be ever' oome back to the I State be will receive ao cnthutias tie ovation." I canuot dsoribe my sensations I Lorried to my plaoe of business, and after relating to ; my partners I o a t t' i tt r, i ' ', l Ulll'd. 1 ill II! ;. I I ;1 till I). I. i") ti'.'i g ip, but li n , hiki wit. i a rosi:, on-' I. i 1 1 im i xi-it-.mii nt v.a'i intensi). iw j t Wolva w.-ro k..ockil .'own, but, i , -uln gnii.i'i;.' tbeir '. tl.oy l.l.iU i t Siioii -h tl:i ,r liirl fsciipcd uvil nl,!l ,1. t d. .. i.V . I . tll'l H". Ullll.lt if .,l V l i.u:i-tii, Ml Krt II' un:r. u.b..-lf to Mr Miller, and bo iutio diiecd mi to hii daughter Idii. 1 huvo umn you befjro senit whero bliu raid. 'Yon havo seen me." Whcn' '1 will Uii you rt heu we becoint Letter acquainted." 1 did tell her told her too night' i I. ill. A v. I . f it: .I'-i: 1 1- :i -a i -.1 wheuhho hud piomiacd to bo my ! up fp.u tho n-t'ki, .n I .1, wifo. Sovnal years bav- elapsed kicked ni.d cuued ; but tin' . i.;, r aineoiuir ma ii iuo. We li.e iu New'io ....m,. h n. .l h. . i.,.. i . 1 1 1 1 1 r i: y,7M. r. ii(jr.su i:i;t n. " j A.rCMSEY-AT LAW, ( IXloUoVF, Pa. i't.r rn.l'-.ly Pi '."'.';'' V1'"" ,r !'! Oilnwi .il I- tl I ' , I. i,-. T.,:i I.' t , AMnllli' XI A N . i II I :n.i ii. . i' ia iv. I '.I.suilntioi.j Iu tcull.k mtlt. Jmi. r 1 : -. . A If DILL. ATTOHNEY-AT-LAVY. I. i'u ' ry. Penn'a. ;! i I i n .my i I..I.' ,h., , J lit V - V i V", l fA T4 r - 'i i it A YjiU mist of tho timo and tho old I Mimed. Mtu'iwhilc livo I. -id Im n Miliar lives with ns. 1 have built ujkilUl on Iho m.uII, li,.., 1Ui.l Im monument above Mr. Gray's reslii;-placo. i on tho north. At 2 o'i 1 i-!i only u u.d ' separated tho huiitors, and I ho ex citement grew iuienuo. I ho huiiteiN could aoo each ether I'.cro.H the in ttsn-a!:'-; hiilf. P.ftvti ""woNua w ere ineloiiod, and t:n-y il;,:I,ol nb.n,: fantie, with Iho d. ;-. n' li. '; Retell inado nnollii r u.sault on th ' hint lino, and four mkv i dml in net ting lhrotii.li. Tho left ih l ed ut a weak 'jiot on tlei nm t!i hi e and tl.ev WOli) kill' .1 v. ilh (.'III! CU'.ip.'d, in:, I 11.118 tt.tt ILdl-d. AI: I. r.l.;,'l in a Icm; i a 1 1 1 j , 1 1 : 1 , V luu wire evtiHUiuci!. Tlio i!;)V oth 1 1 1 1 : a.ifi ttii.i of v.l.i 1, THE NEGEO AS!A "-'-I. There ban been mtich written of Uto nbout tho negro as a lonant and laborer, aud mnuy position. Ul.ou by tho vurious writors, and as a sample of his industry and thrift the follow ieg bpouku for itself: Withiu tho pant Wick 1 have neon number uf them diiving into town in all kind- of ehicloa loaded with fodder, and 1 uiado it my business to inveligati', when nbout tho following dialogue oLfio il : "OM man, what are ywu guing to do with thit fodder?'' . 'T'ko givino to sell um." 'What UV 1 ucoda er liltlo inef t. ami lho"t I'd biiug this hero fodder up aud sell ' ui.' It see n tn me, old man, that jmi would need tho fodder next winter and aprii ;;.' "1 ki.ows dub boas, but in- mm I must huu- n little meat to work on."l t,"";''" !l ' 1 vi"1 ' 1,1 ' ' l "Vh .' ....,,.. i..; i . ... I'i'J'i.l. w'jo li i 1 hii ,i a t-i.-!i.)..Ufi ii, , jw-i wv.i'k wu.iuw latiu now T" "We'd, yT son, wo's dono laid by dor cri p u:nl dar ain't uulliu' now to do." "Whi'o you are doiog uolhing ul homo, why not woik out by. tho day aud lii.tke enough lo boy your meat ami cither piovitiioiia r" "Well, l so worlied hard till dia yer uu.l 1 wan la no, no test." "Tin n you iut'iiid to bit at homo Kilo nil the sumiuer and cat up what you havo undo and what you ui i ueed so muoh mxt spring?" "1 can't work all tho ti.no, and 1 ma-t havo nomo meitt." Thii ia tho way Ihoy do. liuluu they will hire out for wagea tl.ey will sell tho hint thing they have arouud them, including chickens, ex cept tho deg, which om.it bo kept in tho family at any cost. When the middle of winter comes along these same dutkics will poucco down on tho landlord for credit, and ho will have to buy corn and fodder for them. They will trade olf tho last bushel of corn for tobaoco or flimsy toggery and uaeloas articles. Au gusta (Ga ) Chronicle. 1 . I. . .1 . i .1 . All l,ulii, erlrii...l o Mi rt ID i eroini Uj mi.nil.,1 In, .NH't. SOiu. a. DlilTKICII, xi ioui:v 4 r.i.vr. Mmi i I St. , ,v, Hiurfnu. Jc; All prnfoiiloMil I umn.f. ,n,mril tltuKofl l i. r,,tMu!uilDln Lnlnuna.rn.a rb.ti,'rt. 12. I'.OWKH, ArTOfir.TY-AT-lAW, AM) DISTliKT ATTOKJfRT. Miihlhhura. ft ,J,'v : j.. ." V.,: -y ''-mi- I ... . .- ., " . . ', .' 1 ,!., t I fr "li f,i:-t. ---- v .;vi I VJihL il-. IX li l I'lll.lH-lV 1 10 til IDUSC. 1'oBIOll.llf Bl ! Bfe,H (j I (riumi 1 1 1 A S I Jar I LUH'Ji, o"'-.( ''J.r'-Ar':" , ttomry & Connstllsr.At-Uir nV i , a A,p,Ka,:a.r,oL".vur. 'f J". r. li.; I l'..i- . ! It; I. I I i., I ... It; ; I I , . I .1 ill-. I ; !l: Oi h,- ir'inivn 1'niii I'l.c-. .X I i. i, l-l.ii...lri.ttin. bebimKiuie, I'uus'a. r..n,.c,l..n. r, il.,,tl1.rpr.ln,i bsl f ir.ia.rtmi.sn.n. Aw IVIb'fl' the experience througU . wkicJi I b4 . a. f . bliiodcl Eacklon's Arnica Ealvo. Tho Uest Salve iu Iho world for Outa, liruisoH, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever Korea, Totter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively curea Pilea, or jio pay required. U a guaranteed to give perfect Balis faction, or ijooey. refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. ' ' i .'--.--it - n- . 14 IT r t -r.i - y nuu I i '.Id iii;. i (In ru j ,(..! a lie;, i in ..f in l,,!..,it hi,! i.. t l,u fi-. in ( i . i iiu nb; w ii, v. !i i ivt h ii 1 1 ii s. i i "h i'j li,,. e.ii,it- m i,,,(,i , j ; !ll!r. I Ul:i fl I ilda ixteiiMvelv, Aft I' v.ril jiiig "Ut hia iM'.'tMiiiu in hi:, imu im -. iiitdiiito viciuitv, lunt wintei, he -t Iiw. n l.ii ..: i iv t! If mi e t Ji jail,' rei-.'iv d liy tl..- (L i d.. r, I.-.-t Inn , I. in viii!;. r ha 1 t n m, uiueli paina l, cunie to l.i'-' hoii. !it trr-i'td hin f. i. ;,d wi'li gu.nt nttu, li" i an I 1 1 1 1 1 ' i , , s i ,j- m vi. nil di Uli I a-l hn t'l 1 l.i)t r, ,- any si;n.' i .' leavii g, hf b -ciiti . i;i. , v.l, ut bore it nit'i pali'iuii lill-li.-i uornii';.' oi i II,! i : ; i . ! II 1 1 ; S , M l.l II 1,0 l.d t'l II ill l. My fil. n l, 1 mil i,r; t I l! , , nevor vi.-fil nut a jain.' i e-', 1 td...il.'.:i'lid III,' li .ll .- ; i '"i !j;;v,i ei jiid mi w.-.lv ry i.n.tli. 1 I hht.'l til l.ii i.l '. Clio it . it . ' Nay," : aid t'.i-i .'lial.. i, ' I think : iLcu inl not vi.-ii i no ii. sun.'' "nuiit ii.'i:;.;-! ou n.n-.ii i -,u.; i.oi Come : 1 1 1 i i 1 ?" .liked Ibu Viai'..'!'. hi .-. i. - . ii '' '.., C Gir S 0 'I -J l;t:cc'..i; Oil , II ll.-; f.. ul,tl"i.1. :?.;-cp too rp 3. .S M I T11.1 " ii'inn A r I. IV. MJi't'i.Ki-.rKo.ssYfiimco.,' ir.riM. IToleml-Miil Kertl..-, loth. uh 1'uti.ultiH.i,. m tLiillUuD,l(lu.!U 1 .1 A. V. POTT E It, ; 9 t Vt. t:.a I ..- a rf.ar;crs-.i. J'l.v;:i.' Sicltculc C.l cri:: ; A.'.lu.in s-'.il 0', M'i..r;i. A T I A If. Koliiicrovo, .'l.rt,,,ir,.rn.,M.,..1al,i,,,. t. eh MM(( '":"" i-'"i-;i ..ntrii.to-l in thi-lrcJVri 'r lu'lv'V a,tor'"u0- ' M. S jj J I. i I ! I M M , .'. Attofitov-nt-LoTT. Si .1 lb I. uigh, IV I'l.ll III t I I I . I.. I . . John 11. a kno 1, ,r Atloriiuy 111 Itiw, MII.'IT I'TUO afA r,.,lo,M..i.l L,ln..., MltrMri, n in 94fi will . 1 . HiniM U-.tril. ... I L, . - I trtiuji r.ii.l A-Iii ,JO, .- i-.i o r- I I,. ! :,'.. yAMl'KLII. OIJWJO, I 'l-luiia;, i Hloti l o.. n, Ke.v.'u, 'nTT.t I. "1 1 r--i 1. r- 1 f: I r.'-; I. 1 ' ..-' 4 ' 1. m :-..- ! - M - v i x c.f; JOHN K, UroilKs;,' j JUSTICESOF THE PEACE, ' ' """'"oils piomi.tly uiacJ., 1 ' If llit.e duel Ui.'Vtl' ban.,' tho (.Malar, "how can'ol ll.ua tigaiu ?" liis visitor 1. ft. i-ai I Come V.r- :. r. J i .i'ter, I urlt uf 1 -i-rr , )'-., 11 Ml ,i M!ni,i I ,j AnCld Clu-cn Zzzte Mr. J. iM. Noiriu, nil old i t-i.K ut of liomo, (la,. Huyn Ihat hn had Ih uii badly troubled with Kndney Com plaint f'r a gn at ninny years und nit'i Kcema for threo years ; at liuioH could bnaicnly walk and had tried niaiiy remcdicfl without beueiit, tl ij 1 il ho begun to luko Llectiin Hit. lota uud UDiioinliug bis bauda and feet with liucklen's Aruici Salvo. This treatment iift'orded him guat relief and bo Blrongly leci umen la hleetrio Hitters to all whobutl r with Kidney Coinpluinls, cr neetl ft. lllood I'uiiaor. bold by G. II Shindel. Hui.vutita! SiiisutKi! Fifty Th u Isanti No. 3, 18-lnoh BhlriKle at 2.50 pr taouBand. . Inquire at this otllce. . ,1. 1 1; , V.l... I ..,.i. M u.,1 O, 1 : 1 i- 1. iw 1, ... .1,, ...f.-M I , . 1 '.Ir, .'.l.i , t: .41 s.l.i.l '., i. .n.-.,i.r. t' . I.-. I.., r .u v :.:i.l- . II ir. . -l 1 .- ; , 1 . , ' . ':' ...ij ... . ii- ' l'.l!".'.''l' . ,, a l. iu.i'4 ; lij.itJU ul hi nnn- l-'-l ,-i Iml!, I' 1..! ttii ft At'l iri . 1. In lit -.L' - j' or:, low c . ' I, P..iiptt'. Ir ; ):.(t"n If U 'Ufcl'7 ' I: l Inn i. L iui f nt. I.. . .1 " ll.-itv-i'ii Ir n 'iTf'ri i tv. t. 1 1 tvt. '.,:ii, u Itiirr. It t,ri'..tt4 W t' '".'.O. L-'U t ut. till fi,.. 1 .i.v:u44 u eTtiva," il in " tr lira - v'i- ..lnt'; lutj ci rt-rl Mnesj l '-.; . I1 i .t' i.Ob!:.i'.'. M '.ii' duly .y l.uo a 1 1 j..u.t uni, li vLiiiioia;, uu, Physicians, $9 MiikllebwixU, iVnta'ai ' ' July Ml, 'Mk t GPJEIt liAUUEJ?, ' PHYSICIAN & SIRQfOlV, Mltldlburirli. I'enn'n. ii 1 ''' 1.1l'urf ' vlrli.lty. llBloiwsJEJa itiSI UWKIVALCD ORGANS On tho FAHY PiVMI NT myum, from ier niontli 1111. Iiki .tjica, ftt to lami. buud tut Culc blUltUII Willi full lllirt.CtlullM. luallml fr... , ' I M .J I' .. .rtf UPR8CHT PIANOS. D95INES CURES C?OUGH CtVatrurimi uu til. nrnv n!lli..a of .Lrliisliiii. ou I kiubiw icruui. Souil fi.r UiwriiiUv. t'nlulo,;uu r.4UN nAMLIri ORGAN AND PIANO C0 I Colds. r VlttlBlflt, ."'VT-.':-" wn, new Torn, cnioaao. ,