The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 27, 1887, Image 1

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I 1
He that will notj ason is a bigot; lie that cannot is ft fool ; ho that daro not is a slave.
E1HTOU and J'KOl'Ml.TOtt
NO. 4
BATH.- muu
Wtkd bt a nrssiAa tomj&tiirr.
lj (5oJ! Ab, perhaps there is
,fl water in the Tork's drinking
k. I maai get o uiiu, wumever
tfforl costs. Aod ou, it coat
feb. N matter, i snail uoii.
creep with mj legs drapgiog ins
boLinJ rao. my feeble baods
dly ablo to move forward my body
Lj with excruciating paio. Ihore
barJly two yards between roe
ti e corpso. Yot, to me they
I I) it T m . m I NDiian T n
cbod throat bums like fire. 1
JnUdie more quickly without wiit-
Well perhaps. Aod I creep,
poor leg ctlbiog ia the slightest
L-rb-ancd ou tho ground cauaiug
intolerable paiu at each move-
tt. I cry, I tamont, ami couuu
reeping all the time.
Lie I am at last! I hold the drink
flwk iu my bunds It ia nit
jre than half filled will) water.
lb ! 1 ehnll have enough to last a
while, I shall have enough
ibe end Ab, I killed von,
that are now saving my life.
Vy to detach the flask supporting
ilf on my elbow, but I Icmo my
Loco and fill I, with my face on
breast of ray preserver, I soioll
oJur of a cadaver.
bavs drunk. The water is warm,
1 not spoiled, and thore is a good
(A it. 1 shall live several days
I remember having read in a
Irk on physinloy Unit ft man cm
B without food for a week pro-
oJ bo bus water.
I hIiouM live five days more,
at woalJ huppent Oiir trooj B
o (1pmted; the Bulgarians ru'isi
linen dinpereod. No f iod pa6-
tbroub tbone regions. Ihen
must dm. Hut, instead or n
lb aony of three days' dnrntioo.
e will lait ft wotk. Wouldu1!
it bettor to finish wi'b it n
tt A rilld lies at my ueighboiV
e, nu nJiuirablo arm of E jglisli
iinfuntnre. There in a package
cirtriJgos. I Uve only to stretch
; mv hand no 1 all wtonhl bo sui t
Shall I put an end to thin, or
ill 1 vui7 But wHit forwbnl Di l
inuco, death, to wait nut il the
rks come and tear the skin from
1 wounded legs? It is much bettor
it I myself
S'o. I mustn't give np. I will
iiggle to the end, to the last bit
hit strength. For.if 1 am found.
iW.l be saved, and if my life be
I injured at its source, I shall get
II. I shall see my native land
tin, and my mother and Masba
jod grant that tuny may never
rn the tinth ; that they may think
rays that I have boon killed al
ee. If they knew what I have
ered one, two, three, four days.
ould be too horriblo !
ly head turns around The jour-
I have made to my neighbor has
erly exhausted mo. And this
ht ful smell! How black bo bas
Borne! And what will be be to-
trow and after to morrow T
remain there, however, for I
e not the strength to got away.
ter, after having reeled a little, I
1 return to my place. Fortu-
ly the wind blows tod bears
odor away from me.
2 lying on the ground, com
tely eshanstc3- The sun burns
face and my bana, and I nave
hing with which to protect my
from it If only the night
Id oome faster ! It would be the
nd, I think.
y ideas beoome bszy i I forget
1 fall asleep.
I have slept a long time I awake
nigbt-fall nothing is changed.
I wounds hurt me. My neighbor
at my side, always as big and as
tionless. I cannot btlp thinking
tira. Did I, then, leave all I bold
r, making forced marches, endur-
I bnnger, cold, fatigue, beat,
lUndad ft null w and anffarlnra mar
, . j . . . H w . . B
-rlnm all lliofr 41. fa .Innala
lit oate to live! What good
e I done my rouotry, except this
Jder? Murder, mordsrsr IPhoT
When I took it into my bead to
.o the war.roy mother and Masha
not ak me to five np the idea,
they , f '-J hy rj
stand now the eiil I did those be
loved ones.
Why bring back tbeso memories
to-day f The past can never come
to os again. Several of my acquain
tances tbonght it very odd. "Well,
you foolish fellow, to go and get
yourself killed!" they would say
"lie doesn't know what be is doing."
How could they speak so t flow do
such words a?ree with their manner
of comprehending heroism and love
of country I represented in their
eyes all that, and yet they called me
a fool.
1 1 ore t was on my way to Kmho
nioff, a knapsack on my back, and all
the other military equipments, atxl
off I go with thousands of my broth
ers, among whom many had come
like myself of tboir own freewill.
while others would gladly have re
mained at home; Nevertheless, they
marched like na with their hearts iu
the business, crossing wholo cjuo
tries. They will fibt like na, per
haps better, doing the duty emci-
etitionsly, but they would abandon
all to return, if discipline pormittod
K -
A fresh bretzj springs np, the
grove is stirred, a lord flies away,
tho stars s;row pnln, little hito
clouds float in the sky, it is dawn-
morning, The third day is begin
oinp, bringing how shall I say it 7
life or doath for me !
The third. (low many have I
still i;ot to live T Not many, what
ever happens, for I am very week,
and it seems to me that I am able no
longer to get away from the corpse.
We shall soon be alike. Tho ne
will be no moro repulsive than the
other. I must drink. I shall drink
three times a day, morning, noon,
and night.
The sun is up. Ilia hngu disc op
peara through tho bushes ; it in all
red red like blood. It will bo very
warm tonlny.
Neighbor, what of you? Yon are
hideous already. Yes, be is a fear
ful M'ht. His hair is beginning to
fall out, bis skin growing palj and
yellow ; it is drawn so tightly on his
f.ieo that it has split behind bis ears,
where the worms are wriggling and
cranliuz- His bod via swollon enor
mously. What will the suu make of
him to- day
To reranin lying near him becomes
intolerable. Cost what it will, I must
get away, but haw do it f I am still
able to lift my arm, open the
tiud diink, but to move my inert and
ieavy body I will try to with
draw myself little by little, if it be
not more than a step an hour.
All the morning pisses in these
efforts, tho pain is inteiine, but whut
oiin it do to mo T 1 have forgotten
ft d I caunot even represent t iny-
rtolf auy longer the a.nsatioui tliut n
healthy uuuu feels. I am, na oue
miht say, naturalized to pain.
Uy dint of unheard of exertions,
bore 1 am, about five paces distant
from the corpse, in my old place.
Alas ! I hire not enjoyed the fresh
air long, if one can call the air fresh
that is breathed two yards from a
cadaver. The wind changes, and
brings with it a stifling odor that
fills me with nausea, my empty
stomach contracts so painfully thst
I have internal spasms, and 1 am
thickly enveloped in pestiferous air,
I lose courage, and weep,
Broken down, annihilated, I lay
there almost without consciousness,
when all at once was it an illusion
of my disordered thoughts 1 No, I
am not mistaken, there are wices
and the stamping of horses. Yes, I
hear thorn speuking. I was going to
shoot, but I restrained myself ; for,
if they were Turkswhat would bap
pen ? They would add to my fright
ful sufferings, other agonies still
moro terrible. It mokes one's bair
stand to read the oeweprpere- They
would flay my wounded legs, and
tbeo burn them over a slotr fire.
Still, if they would stop there hands!
But theyare ingenious in their devi'-
isb inventions 1 It is better to die in
the bushes than .to fall in their. But
if they were our people! Acoursed
bushes that surround me like a walll
It is impossible to see through them.
In a single place there is an opening,
through wbloh there is a distant
view of the valley. The stream
mast be there at which we drank bes
fore the battle.
Ves.tbat is the place i there ia the
huge biock of cot atone spanning the
stream like a bridge. They are
:r'-7 to f" t-t w7- Tba noise
' . I rt
gnage they speak. My ears scarce
ly bear any more My God, if they
wsre our people 1 I would shout,
They will hear me from down yon
dor. That will be better that falling
into the hands of the Uanhi Bnuzonks
But why don't they come lam
devoured with that I
do not poiceive tho odor of the
corpse any longer.
At last a Cossnck appoirs at the
ford of tho stream, followed by sev
eral othrs. 1 see the bluo uniforms
triimuod with red, the Innoes it is
a d imi-Botnia. corauaandod by an
officor with a black beard, mounted
on a magnificent horse, As soon as
the men bavo p.iHB'ul.he turns round
on bis suddlo and commands.
"March, trot !'
"Stop! for tlod's s iko.slop.broth
em! Help!" I shout, aod the trot
of the horses, tbo lattlo of tho sabers
and tho noisy conversation drou
my voice.
Mitlediction ! 1 fall with my face
upon the grouud, sobbing. All is
lost, evoiyrhing escapes mo, my life,
my repcue, even to the brief dulay of
the term of my death, tho water in
the driuking Husk that 1 overturned
in my deppnir. 1 perci-ivo it only
rtboubuta ftw drops leiuaiu. All
bus been drunk np by tho arid Boil.
1 cannot tell how long the stupor
lasted that took possession of me af
ter that terrible moment. 1 remain
ed stretched ont with closed eyes
The wind changed often, now fresh
and pnro, now enveloping mo with a
horrible stench, Ou that d ly my
neighbor had become more frightful
thau any mind could imagine.
On opening my eyes I saw him
and was teriifiud at his aspect, lie
had no louger a face , the flesh had
slid from cfl his bonon, aud his fear
ful skeletou smile, motiouloss and
hideous, caught my eye. 1 have
held a skull in my bouds more than
onoe, and have even prepared anato
mical speoimens.bnt that huge body,
already denuded of its flesh, dressed
in a uniform, with glittering button
made me shiver. It is war, said 1
to myself ( thore is its portrait.
The sun scorches my faco and
bauds more and mre. 1 have druuk
all the water thut wus left. 1 was
suffering so terribly from thirst that
1 swallowed nil of it ut one pull, al.
thongh 1 bad determined to drink
ouly one mouthful. Ah 1 why did
1 not call tho Cossacks whon they
were so close t mo? And even if
they hud been Tuiks it would have
been better than this. They would
have toitured me an hour or two,
while uow, how much longer shall 1
have to suffer
Mother, mother, thou wilt tear thy
gray hair; thou wilt curse the world
Ibat has iuveuted war! Yet 1 hope
that neither thou nor Masha will ev
er kuow cf my tortures, Oood-bye,
mother good bye, my betrothed!
My Qjd ! how Litter aud hard !
Somothiog surges to my heart j it
is still the rememberaoce of the lit
tle white dog. The policeman did
nave him ; he dashed him ngaiust
the wall, aod threw him in a ditch,
where the poor little creature lived
and suffered nn entire day, 1 am
still more unfortunate, for my ago
ny has lasted three days noW; to
morrow will be the fourth then the
fifth, the sixth ! Death, where dost
thou bidet Come, come, take me I
Doath does not bear, (lore 1 am
nnder this flaming sun, with uot a
siogle drop of water to moisten my
burning throat. The corpse buno is
in my breath. Tbo corpse is all de
composed. Myriads of worms fall
from it. How they crawl 1 When
devoured, nothing will remain but
the bones and tho uniform. Them
it will bo my turn, otd 1 shall be
come like it.
Tbo day passes, the night, audit
is always the saun thing.
The morning dawns. Still ai oth
er day. The trees rus;le and mur
mur like one speaking. Home of
them say "You are dying! Yon
are dying I Yoq shall aco no more !"
The others answer t
"There is oue this way," Bays a
strong voice, quite near mo.
1 sturt, aud oome to myself, and
opining my eyes, 1 peioeive the
bushes and at the same time, be
tween the branches, the good-na-
tnrcd, blue eyes of onr sergeant,
Jolioou, wbo is JooLiug at mo.
"Shovels," he shouts 'here are
two of them here, one of theirs and
one of oars."
Tv Tin .I,..,.!. .. .
--v ivr iu a. n
am living I"
This is what I tried to cry ont,
but only a feeble groan issued from
my tightly drawn lips.
'Great heavens 1 he is alive still !
Friends, coroo here, quick I 'Tis
Ivanoff! Ho is living. Call the sur
geon. Quick I Quick I"
Some seconds later they poured a
little water in my month, tbeu some
brandy, tbcu something else, and
everything disappeared. The litter
advances stoly, swinging rbythem
ically. This regular movement puts
mo to sleep 1 awake again i then
1 drowso again. My wounds being
dressed do not hurt mo any longer
A feeliug of nnspcakiible CJmfoit
invades my wholo being..
"Stop, let him down. To sanitary
attendants of the fourth relief, tako
tho litter, lift it, march ''
It is Fiotr I vanowitch that gives
the order, our kind atnbnlanco offi
cer, very tall, very thin, and very
good. He is so tall that, on raining
my eyes to tho side whore bo stalk
elong, 1 sou hii bead and oven bis
shoulders, although the litter is
borne on the shoulders of four big
Tiotr Ivanowitch," suys 1, feebly
'What, my friend V
He bends towards me.
Tiotr Ivauowitch, what did tho
doctor tell you ? Am 1 going to die
soon V
"Don't worry yourself, Ivanoff;
thore is no fear of your dying t not
oue of yonr Louos has been touohed
Yon are a lucky fellow I not even an
artery has been iujurod I But how
have you managed to live three timoa
twenty four hours f What have you
eaten T"
"And whut bavo you drunk ?"
"1 took tho Turk's ; but 1
can't speak any more."
"Go to sleep, my friend. May
God bavo you iu his keeping !"
Again drowsiness and sleep. 1
came to myself at the ambulance
quartors of the division. Tue Joa
tor and sisters of charity surround
me. 1 recognize, stooping over me,
tho faco of a Saint Petersburg pro
fessor. His hands are covered with
blood as ho turns towards me:
"You aro singularly fortunate,
young man. You will Jive I W
have amputated ono of your legn.bui
that's nothiug. Can you spook ?"
1 could speak. 1 rolatatcd to
them what you have just heard.
Traiitiltileil Jor the Cosmopolitan,
in L it a i. mini nt if iliuiimuiiMii r nciirnl
.;iu n'iil.M llto Iioarl. '1'liwe urc
ho i.i.K.t i:iiiiuil iiii'l Uiu nioht (huiKi'mii
if any I wiiich Ir.immi kind is lint lc.
Tiii'V lly IrtiMi into art to unotlicr w itliiuil
i nwMiiit'n u.iriiin,', u it. 1 liiiiuuiits unit
,)t!i( r imiwurd iiilii'utiniH nru in lliuu--lvr:i
lu:ig T.r.n liucuiso lln-ynru Jiiilile to
hi vo t!i - tliiM-uso lit punie vital ir:in mi l
huso inst.uit tloatli, itlit-iiiniitiMii itml
K'iinil.;ia urc.l'v.i.tisof tin- Muoil, tintl
inly Ins re.u'li.-1 liy it remedy wliicli will
irivu In i : II tho lilnml tiiu il.i'ijjcnuH IH'hli.
mu'Ii a runic ly i i Athl j Imnis. It li:..s h.'cn
.lii'i-ni'lily i.V.ul unit in a mile, bui'u
Sir:i e ( iv !c, Pa., Oi t. ft, 1 W..
Io nnH'viT to your ivcii st to 1 1: -w whut
your Atlih'iilniii.n lias ilnu fur me, I will
my it Ihik iloiio woiitlurful ivmk. 1 liavo
Miillc-iiil I'l'oin r!ifiini:itiini lor i;,'htrcn
yearn moru or Ii as, ami Noini'tiinui nt al io
(o p it My clothes nn nr eat alone. 1 took
ull kimU, diM'tored wild n iml many iloe
torM, t;it notbiii tlil me any pioil, )
vuh getli i( wnre iintfiul of liit'rr. J
read your a-lverliM-inent in tho ''Iivino
crut" nn I "Sentinel" iiapcrj of Ixiuin
town. I h.iviAalieii in all ir Iio;Ipm. 1
feel no (lain. I wan drawn crookeil. Inn
now 1 ii;ii htr.ii'hl unro mure. Thank you
for the u'" il douo mo. Al iiloi!iorei If
tho meiliiiiio. l' llAluniKn.
Your medicine has cured mo of neural
jjta. I niifi'ered w itli it for ihreo ilayn, m.J
it cave ni'J iiibtanl relief.
W.M. V. Iv'lNCII.
Palmyrn, N. Y., AtnjuMt IClh, iSofl.
I nit-d one liotUoot' AtlihiplmnH for lieu
ral;;iii after being laid npciht week The
result wan very satisfactory.
U. S. Knnv.
Kvcry ilniLtidioiiM Uecp Atltlofii n
ill Atliloilii)i'os 1'ilU, but wlieie the ci,;.
i t hj bought of the diUKK'xt the Albio
boron Co., Hi Wall tit., Kew York, wil"
iuii I either (curritige paid) en rocciit
ri' price, which in $1.(0 ur Lottie
lor AthlophoriM mid Mr. for J'ilU.
Kur llvr ami killing iIIwufcii. nyi.crin, In
I'lji'stlon, weakiium, iiitoii rti lilllly, lUnumt
I wutnnn, connllpntlon, limiliii h, iiujiuro
ilnol, in!)., .1 .'hUij.honx l l re iinei.iiali'd. t
Wondcrfal dura.
W. D. Hoyt Si Co., Wholesale
and Retail Druggists of Rome, Oa ,
save t We have been selling Dr.
Eioa'a New Discovery, Kleodio Hit
ters uod liucklen's Arnica Salve for
two years. Have never buudled
remedies that Bell os well, or givo
snob universal satisfaction. ' There
have been Borne wonderful cures ef
fected by these medicines ' in this
city. Several cases of pronounced
Consumption have been entirely
enred by use of a fow bottles of Dr.
Kioe'e New Discovery, token ia
connection with Klectrio fitters
We guarantee tuem always.' !
Bold by O. M. Hhindel. i
Bhivolrs! Suisolks! Fiftjl Thou
sand No. 2, tS-lnoh eijlnsrle fit f -?
A man named Myron T. K'y Ins
done the pnblio some service in com
piling from coort repoits a manual
of the railway paaengir's KI'-1
rights. Why, when nnd where m iy
a passenger bo tjecled from u tinii.
is frecjanntly a perplexing (piestiun
for conductors, and the exercise of
the rights is certainly huiinlialiog to
For itihtnnco, it is one thing t
provout a drunken r diHordei'y
person or a "lnd cbunicter" from
hoarding n tniiu, an I n'lito otiuthi i
to expel such n ono after being law
fully on board.
Hut having lawfully nllood
drunken man to get on board he
cannot be expelled during the jour
ney unless he misticbaves.
The, too, a orapany may rt fune
to allow a pasRtugcr to bonrd a
train without a ticket, but if bo suc
ceeds in getting nbourd In cutiuot
bo rspollod far wnut of a ticket if ho
lenders the leul faio.
But if you refuse to pny your
faro and tbe tiain has boeti ftoppoil
for tho purpose of putting you off, a
subrqiicut ffr to pay docs not
give you a right to remain nor take
frotu tho conductor tho right to
oxcludo yon from the car.
Nor having been put off do you
gain tho tight to rosuutcr immedi
ately ou tendering either tbo faro or
a ticket. You foifeit your right to
ooutinue on that tram
Except that if tbs train stops at a
regular station aud before being
ejeotcd there the fare is oA'eicd, tho
conductor should rcoeivo it.
It is a familiar rule that in cano il
s lawful to oxpjl a passenger i t
mnal bo done with as little violeuce
and force as p issible, and in a muu
ncr so as not to iujuro biro.
In soruo states a statute provide
that tho expulsion must bo nt a reg
ular station or ueur lomu dwelling
house. A violation of such a pro
vision makes tho company liable.
Yon muKt exhibit or deliver up a
ticket whon properly requested.
You cannot ride upou a bogus or
improper ticket, nor on ono yvhiuh
bus "expired," nor to a forged or
stolon ticket, nor yet on one pin
chased with count?! fuit money. An
Illinois decision makes you liable to
expulsion without redress, if you,
having no ticket, refuse to pay fare,
even though tbo fare (ihLoiI be more
than tbe pi ice of u ticket. Yon may
bo ejected for violation of law, or for
willful lueuche8 of und reasonable
rules made by tbo company- You
ennuot lido on a ticket purchased
with countcifcit monoy, if tho com
piuy'u agents uro aipiisod of tbe
Where tbcio is uo such h t ut u to
reqninug expiilHioii to lm lutulo at
reL'iilar stODiiiiii; itlaco or near a
dwelling, the puisriiger may put
off nt aoy convenient point, i xcept
that he cannot lm expelled where or
in u way ho will to knowingly ex
posed to inj try. ,
luu moral nf all Ibis is to buy a
clean ticket, providing yon can't get
a pus, nnd then behave youtkolf.
An Eatorprishc, Reliable Housa
G. M. Hbindcl can ulwuvs bo re
lied upon, not only to carry in stock
tbe b'-et of everything, but tose.
euro tho Agency for such articles as
bavo well-kno'vn merit, and ore pop
ular with tho people, thereby sus
taining tho reputation of being al
ways enterpriiting, nnd ever reliable.
Having secured tbo A?eucy fur tho
celebrated Dr. KiLg's Now Discovery
for Consumption, will sell it on a
positive guarunteo. it will surely
cure nuy and every affection of
Throat, Lunge, and Chest, and to
show our confidence, we invito you
to call and get a Triul Dottlo Freo.
The ComiiM h Tnrfi Murk ud -roiMd Rett
oa wriir.
for Enfnntn nnd Children.
'CMtofUlntowdUiiar:! I CantoH cnron Colic, ronnttrrtitton.
t mrominnml it aa (iiiwiiior to nny pmKriiitiun I ""'if Htoniiv-li, IiiiiitIio o, Kriiebillon,
known to mo." R A. Aarnrti. M. 1)., I aU4Vu,rn" st lu"p, "d iU
ill Bo. OxXorU tit, UrocltJja, X. T. Wiloul'lujurlous mcaicaUon.
Tns CMTieB Courier, I 'l Fulton Etrctl, N. T
ni ryi ma ii and KormiocK,
Fremont, Snyder county Fa.
(rit'1titnf ltMlinoro Cnlloirn nf I'll y f r I n n
Ii'l Suritpon. (itlem hla rTulrl nal i-rvli-t
to (lis nlto. KpciUs Kunllsti n. i.orumn.
Mitroh, 17, IK-I. II. ,
Frei liiiirtr. I'n
(ITr hi tr'rnr i-nnl m rvlc.-n In II,.. .ul It
I. ec.nv.T-.iiit In Imih i;. gll., ami (iormn
(irtlc nn M kin Ktrcot.
S;liiiHgrovo, I't'iin'ii!
Krcnmcr. Snvder Counfv Pn.
Orru-H lloi'HH : I'n A. M . In. in 11 Vi'l . M
n l r'rr n r. At .
SI'K.AKS mini KNill.lsil A M II (I Kit M A N.
Mty 1, 18N0.
til Cure
don't con nnrthlnR Imt Tthmmnllini, bat IUum
tli.i vary tlm. ltourot
PM't. BriiNH, l, IV
Mn. IUiitman. HH , lllimmKUurR. rn.
Mil. ItKV. It. II Kouimkv, huiinton. V.
Ull. Via. MKMMIO, Kkl WylMbt., fliilululplltiV
J f, Nr.HMll, Oinilrn. N J.
Mil. Maiit CaI'Iuim, MonrnKbiwn, 17. J.
I'nAMX MKI.. Mmioh I'linnk l'
.... Wyr7Kn
uuurvaniiiMiiH irsnif Htu-tu.
tin tot.
For romiin lufiriutinn.
lirnrrliHlve rum.
ilili-l, mill l-"tl ii iilK, tri-i-.
).r mlt' ly nil ilriiHUl'lx. H miu or llii- ntlici 1
Iml iii .,IiIhii u it Ui y. .ii, il. imt I"' r.
mimli'il In lukiiiinytliiiiu i, Iml ui i'ly illrii t to llm
(l.lK-nilA.-nitH, I'l tl l..l It IIHOX. ,V I II,
S1U iV Ml .larlm Mri-rl, l'lilluili'lililiu
A strictly vefretnblo i-repa-ratton,
composed of i choice
and skillful toniDinatlon at
Nature's lent i t-.moilUvs. The
discoverer cioc.i iot clai.n It a
cure for all tho iils, hut 'ooldly
warrants it c.rca cvory form
of ai linft- fi oiii a tor
pid liver, impure olooi, dis
ordered Icidneys, cn-.l where
there is ft hrcliou down condi
tion of the r.ysliim, reonrlng- a
ui-ompt anil permanent tonic.
It never i'cils to restore tho
suiferer. Liuch is DUflDOK
DLOOD BH'iEKS. Soict by all
druggists, who aro authorized
by the manufacturers to re
fund the pi ice to any pur
chaser who h net bouelttcd by
their use.
FOSTER, mm r6 CO,, Picps..
IV l' WANT fioicf i;i;r-;
A;i;.vfl'N'o.v,::,L,ot'i!. n&w voviz.
GTJ JL B; P. n. V06SWA20, lit
fjt 55 15 iL 03 Jj CMf or P.O. SetesilTt Corps.
A Niw n.Niif Jut I'l ni iHiiKi) liy nn nOlrUI of
over l(V jru.irit' etx rii iwo In thn Hi crut Hurvin-, In
oim Miuiiiilitvnl Itinal (iclnvo Vuliiino uf over SuO
ltsn ami tlcirnull UluttralcU by lha bi-at trtuU In
lus coimiry with
son m I'Knn Arimjs.
A llirllllnn ri'iMnl of it. l.i'dini In tlm I'. H. l'ot.
Onien Ih'imrtiiii'iit cmhravlnx kctrhi'of Momtrr
ul KriiUMti vt I'.nMinice lnM'i:Uira In tho lk-uc-lion.
I'unmit, Ouil Cuituru of Itohlxini of tllu U. H.
Mnllii tOKillmr with coinplutu d'iicriitlou of tlis
pinny nnuuis anil cumpln ul. il cnnlrlvuiict ii of tho
wily and iiiiicruiiiluiiH to ilufruuU luu public alu
an Dociirntii nceuiiiit of tli
In wliicli tlm luWnrliail cut. in llmifn of lUu uro.
(aratiou of tho cfiili-nto for Uiu govurninunt.
lo Mry tixvn tliora nra l'ottnuiatcri,, Mcrrunuli,,
Mochuiitcii, rarmora, )'rnltiiiiml Hi'n. ami linn.
oniiaor lie ipio wiiowi m yttit to gu UiittWlliny
txivk. It ixuow havliiK an uuiNtralleil aalc: Ufllsat
mini to nu. aieu ami vvoiuvu AkuiiU uiiikmir from
$UW to f WO a luoutli anally. Wo wmit ail atrnt in
vary totvualilp In tliau. H. inl C'anaila. rVa
giveliKirav hum no Ituit Ant 1'iiu.uh with tlm phv
nomviml aullinv book, can bucomu maxtifui Aji.
A'o OtmiteHlton Kr-. Agnu ara iiiihUiik
Willi UHiittralUtil tu ovti. VfrjIUtaitc no MM
ratw, aa wo give tfxtdoi Ttim to pay frMgAts.
kuuiumW, wo give you lha escluaiva aula ot Uiia
book In territory aulgw-d yon. Write for oar lurga
Illualralnd Clrciilura, eoi.UlulnK full parliculara.
SfntUU 7Wtnm to Aitaata, ale., aant freo to aU. Ail
ira iuuMMlialely Uia fuUiUbvri, 9
AHoriicys-dt' f.uw.
A T J' O II N V. Y A T L A W,
Miii)i.i:isi?nuiit fx
i!l lnifli nn i.Mrntiil in I I. trr Ulr
r.-ie in mi l uttuntli n. i i.Mn;itirr (r lirr
uiiid nil I.iikIIp-Ii
Attorney utul Ci iuttrlot at J.vfn
Ii 1 1) Dl.l-; nt iu. il, t'A,
'ollct. n unit ni! ir. r I i.Hi wi p irp
T atii-nilnl to. t uii i ti it 1 1 li In tniili,T. an
1 erni ail.
y.M. v j: i rri7,
SM.l.;HitiVH, Pa.
11,.1'hmI in ar.l alliitlirr Iraal I i ilno, rx.rnr
ly ailemloi to
I (iDiiiltutluiia In Iu, I lib frit
All builnaaa ii ru-t. .1 to his aara wlllli
pr uiiptly ntlomlaj to.
.1 ,1V.i St. , Sfliiis.yrorf. Ts;
All irorfl'lunal I nainrM prsntitl l(tioJ
to. tionnultatlons Iu l:nllh and Herma,(
12. nOWEK,
AND 1)1 ST H ! (JT A TTO R 5 E T,
MithUehnrg, V.
follartlona made,
anil Herman.
I'nniaHatlnna In rrf A
jBtia t, 'fljaX.
(J1IAS V I'LUK'ir,
Attarnfl & Coiingellor-AMaIr
Offlcaln App'a lliuMUm nit rival TSOrfh VX
K ki ToK Hotel.
XclliiMKiot , l'oiin'ii.
tlolleallnna ami all other prot, aai
nmp u anllcliej and will reai-lvao xThJeife
prompt .ttoiilion. Apr.Jl.'Trtri
IkA... t a.. .... "
I rr. rmif nt! Scrrlora to Ika
UOBiUltatloni la KDKllrli anil (iMinaa-,
A. W. I',
A TW J : I: Y .; y 4
' nii-r tijctr prr 1. u 1 .,
All llnl bul .. r , ,
. July i. Vi. '
' I r- i.. Nit
" -f v. 1 1 An
JJ 11. ;i:i.MM,
A i toriifiv-fit-
I.. 1 IIK'lattl.
ii In. bi. til Knnlll
arwl ilrtiTiB
JOHN II. AliXoi.l,,
Attorney tt Ifiiv,
Ia prmnpil) ottrn.lcl to..
I-CMlklMIIUT. I II I Oil i0
Deo.ii), ;
K'.ittz, Sni.fcr Vv.t I'n
' mj veiling, t'-c
John v. mshTmi, M.'jT
uliilili.-liiirj pfnu'rat
. ......... , iiio i nii-nrs. 1 v
I riLniylaa.
A Ural,
July ill,
(JRIEK HAllUKll, "
Mi.lillfbuiRii, iVnn'n.
Li mm ,',,.prof'n?,."",,l" 'b rlHSans
nl M .Mlabum ami vlh,lty, tirtlca a few toia
Ve.t af th ;urt Ho..., In A rnulil'a "Zml.
BHom oppoaii. oppmite I'oar Piloting
i. toim
1 S
f. ,
- (- f--y J
-iav-i.'"- 1