Gfrt Stitolflmnjli lu, , -UY- rJL II. Il,Vlf.rrJ3Ifc. Subscviition $1.50 Per .Year RATES OF ADVERTISING : v.'..iio ... CO .... f.VUO n i Pn. t'olnmn. Om Yr Utl. hll Culum. (n i cr , Oo.-rmirth column, id. Yrr Frcl.-Mlonl ( r.i, -r ).r AuHior, Kxntor. AiltnlntttriMor, A-iftne ..tivr fi so Wh"n no .in-lil nr. mi. in all lTrilnmi)t lnrt d inr lt t Into .1 iiiom) MiikS tl W r turn 'nr hra In.trllnn I id or tin . em.) lnrtlua sod It c.oU lur cti UlOqlHD lllrllOQ. Thursday, Docomher J (5, 'SO. ins rassizznrs message Id method anil spirit, and espec ially iu its careful study of the de partment reports, ou which it is largely based, Mr. Cleveland's sec ond general messago rosemblos the ono sent to Congress a year ago. It opens, according to cuotom, with a review of international affairs. Here tbe two great subjects of importance arc tbo fisho-y dispute and tbo Cutting caso. The former is still ODsetllud, and tbo President, while dosiring friendly relatious with the Dominion, find such relations threatened by tbo action of its ofli cials toward our fishermen. He makes no mention of tbe authority pivoo to him last summer to check this action by a retaliatory procla mation. The year's negotiations at Londou have thus fr resulted in nothing, but hopes aio bold out of reaching an acceptable conclusion before tbe end of the session. Moanwbile tbo correspondence oo the subject is to bo laid before Con gress. As to tbo Catting case, the Presi dent contents bimsolf with protest ing against tbo doctrine that al though Mr. Cutting's olYenco was committed on our soil, yet ho be came subject to puniabmout by Mexican laws, wbon foand in that country, as the offence bad bocn committed against a MexUau citizen lie Lopes that Mexico will abandon ber potition, because tbo two re publics should bo good fiionds, and Americau capital and enterprise, flowing into Mexico, ask security of person and property. Ho recom mends legislation to carry out the Reciprocity Convention cf 1SC3 with Mexico, and is gjiug to open negotiations for an enlarged treaty of com rub ' of tbo last fiscal year were $13,7i9,cbse by these alleged speculators 020, G3 abeve those of the year pre has been so long that tbe interest ceding the ordinary expenses, fl7, on their purchases is now equal to Hiiyutaaii, am ttU Ouipbi Ut American commerce, our relations, Bays the President, ought to be strengthened. Tbe treaty, now terminable on a year's notice, ought to be extended for a further term of seven years, while the autonomy of 1 1. ; t i . i . i iue ibianua suoma ue uiaiuiaiocu i Qa,j and telegraph communication es tablished between tlem and us. The Prvfcidcnt regrets tbe ill treatment of tbe Cbineso on tbe Pacific coast, and sits that China will infect us half way in limiting tbe emigration cf her enbject, wb protecting those who are cow Lere. Good results nre hoped from tbe recent clasges in organic law bring ing Pdnroa directly under tLo od ministratbn cf lijgota. CLili Lab fiQ -A 1 . II- , 1 1 1 .1 ioj.iji jukh mo Bnrpins leis in me TroiMiry, $a3,95G).'583.rC, as against G'J.403,771 27 tbo previous year, boiug an increase of $30,49-',817.29. Tbo estimated suiplus at tbo end of tho current expenses is about $90, 000,000. The Peesident urges are dnction of tbe revenues by so mod-. ifviog the tariff as to "cheapen tbe price of tbe necessaries of lifj ni d g ve freer ontrsuco to such imported materials as by Amuiican labor may bi) tuanufactuied' iuto marketable good. Tbo agriculturist, lie says, pays "(in unnatural profit, which, by tbe action of tbo Government, is given to tbo more favored manufac turer." As to tbe compulsory coin age of silver, tbe President rt peats bis last year's recommendation of its suepoiibion. He advises tbe appoint mcut of an additional Federal Judge in tbo Southern District of New York, whoro customs suits have greatly accumulated. Of Secretary Kudicott's recom mendations bo specially sanctions thoso relating to const difuucc, and for requiring examinations, like those in tbo navy, upon the promo tion of army officers. A short sum mary of Secretary Whitney's report is given, with a somewhat guarded approval of its project for securing American armor and gun steel. The President favors an extension of tbo frco dulirory service, and an appro ptiatiou for increased postal servicos to tbo Argeutine Itepnblia and Bra zil, though not as 4 a grant or sub si.ty." Ho commeuds tbo eugges tiuns of tbo AttornuytGeucral as a whole, and partirtulnily the ono to establish a penitontiary for prison en auntonced iu I'nitud Stutes courts. Tbo cout of erecting and utaining it would bo partly off-ct, be says, by saving tbo sums p i 1 to .St a to iiiHtit utiuUH, and by "tbe muuuf icturo of such articles as who needed for use by tbo Govt ornmont " Tbe President repeats Lis recom mendation of a commissiou of three army officers and throe civilians, as auxiliary to the present system of Indian agents. The allotmont of Indian lands in aoveralty is also favored. Tbe repeal of tbe Pro eruption and Timber Culture aots and tbe repeal or amendmont of tbo Homestead and tbe Desert Land -, , Mo recommendod. Tbe sub- (M. pensions is uiecuieoa ai length, bat rather vaguely. There Beems, however, to be an indication of an important purpose to object to pensions granted "upon any other grounds than aotual service and in jury or disease incurred in snob ser vice." Ibo Patent Office is buny prosperous As to tbo L niou Pacific's iudebtoJimsa, tbo I'i ohi.J.-n t Bomewhat diplomatically styn tljnt tbe matters to contilt-r uro ' tLo situation of tbe (jovtr.. luoi.t as a creditor aod tbe surent way t. se cure tbo payment of tin pr ncipal and interest of its debt " The propriety cf iuter-State commerce kgielation is HUggested cautiously, end tbe labor qosstion provokes a renewal of tbo project to add ar I ti r a 1 1 in in 1nlrt i r IVia rrasinikl not yet profile 1 for the payment of ; riBcloM of tbe Barea; Tha e'juuijiueu tte c.miiis oi our Liberia the Prcsidtnt regards as an offbhoot of oar political system, tn- titled to oar buf port in maintaining 1 ber independence, although a for prevailing cattle disease is recom mended to tbo attention of Congress. Of the the Civil Service law Mr. Cleveland declares that ''every r..r,, m i . : poblio officer who has a just idea of ta&l protectorate would be against ..... , . ...a . to the discount. Cut it is not truo that tbo specti lators hold these coins. Some of it is no doubt in their Lands. Hut two years ago the friends of redemp tion made a careful investigation to learn who were the real holders and it was found that tbese socnlled dollars wore scattered all over tbe land, in towns, and villages and hamlets, bell by private citizons, business men in all branches of trade, that thoy Lad been received by banks as deposits before being discribed and afterwards as collat oral security for notes discounted That all classes wero losers by the noglect ol tbo Qovernmcnt to re dcom, And they are in the banks and safes of tbe business men to- duy waiting for the time whon jus tice will be done. But Congress does not act and will not nnlcss prcBsaro is brought to bear upon it. Would it not be well for the Hoards of Trade of the cities to take some action f Why cannot they call the attontlon of tboir representatives in Congress to those facts 7 It seems to ns that it wonld bo eminently proper. Let the ilarrisburg Hoard of Trade, at its next moeting inaugurate the movement. Ho Shot In Self Defcnso- Wilk EsnAttiiG, December 10. The Hughes murder trial at Hloomaburg came to a sudden termination to day. The Judge instructed the jurj to acquit tbo prisoner, as the evidence would not warrant his con viction for murder or manslaughter. Tbo lawyers had not yet mado thoir ploas. About a month ago William M. liugho?, a railroad oontractor from Uazolton, got into a dispute with oue Wells, a discharged em ploye and a notorious character. Wells knocked Uugbos down and brutally kicked Lim, and the latter shot aud killod Lis assailant in self defense. Congressman-elect Duck alow was Hughes' principal couusel. The soldiers' orphans of Pennsyl vania Lave occasion every day to be thankful for the overhauling the or phan Bcbuols got last spring in tbo newspapers. Tbo children are Low getting the bonc-fit of tbe liboral ap propriations made for their ranir- tenance. 1 Jfl.vyviKtfil ; :S 'wW mons, the new inspector, who Las just returned from a tour of iospeo tion in eluding fiveof the Bchools.saye that their condition is excellent. The bodding is good and there is plenty of it s tbe bathing facilities are ainplo, there is no ruoro over crowding and the children have plenty to oat, tbe food boing of good quality. Much of this reform in tbe management of tbe schools U duo to the personal visits of Governor Pat tison and to tbe admirable rules prescribed and enforced by General Wagner. Tbo propiotors of the schools are not getting rich as fast as they were i but what is their loss is the children's gain. Tbo public will view tbo decrease in the profits of tbe syndicate orphan furmers with a great deal of satisfaction. ting at a table i Sully was runoi Watson ordered tbe bar one tamed Wiukler Mr. Watson pro! (a saloon where the if things, and when opposite Watson's faoe as thongh to call attention to the inslgofioanoeof everybody up to bis armory and emphasize bis re- them. a Carman marks, at the same time looking tbe politely declined. ueod a ponderous Dutch tender don't know mo. zard of the pern PENCIL AGAI1TST PISTOL. our policy. He Ler some "email proposes to vessel, to lc give Ciuvatito, Chihuahua, Dec. 5. One of tbe notorious characters of bia duty to tbe pcoplo testifies to i this section is Ibrectood Watson, . t Hi' tbe Value Of tblS reform I that tubman ri,rl,l firat oogeri , .... ... . . . , --o -j fsnnd adeaote to our Leeds." for;euuu'" uK y,,, unows, ana wuose iai name proo- : lue &uauuuuujc-Lii di iu Burooi utji was not aisoQ initio oiatos. protectiEg Ler coabtwiio tcvennes. Cocsal Grc-Libauca Las b'.ea re call&i for Lis "oveizeuloan" fctroke InJeclaring a protectorate over B&moa atd Kirg Malitton. Tbe KetLerlaod camplain tlut oar tariff gourantee of tbe safety and succoss of American institutions"; and that the salaries of tbe Commisaioners ought ta be increased at once. He recommends that tbe Government a .. ;. .i . should pay to the victims of tbe tobacco cf the Dutch East Indie. Fmdiaab's Havings and Trnst Epa-n La. relinocubed Ler ditciitbU ', 17 28 per cent, of ILeir tation against oor mercLant ttkhfli i deposits in tie Abtilles, and now disphy. a friendly commercial spirit. Mr. Cox will be glad to Lear that tbe imorovfed trtr&tmfrct rJ'.rj taissioDoriw in Tork.y is due t. Lis I roULl 0Qt tLo ,or' loDg ""g8 never returnea to tuem. ! Tbo auiount would be about 21,291,- Hi, but be thinks that a largo part of it wonld not be called for. The nee U of tbe District of Colombia txtrtioxs. etezaela still Ler rttiUcilioD cf the Claru Coo -texiUon of A revision cf kp'ii-Jiua on citi roosLip atd extra I. tion is ssLod. with a burtQ fo the rigistr.tion of T2S T2AT3 Tie silver syndicate cannot base its opposition to tbe t coemption of the trade dollar upon tbe aisump lie is one of the gang called rustlers who keep on the edge of civilization and make it morally ragged. Tbreo toed Watson came Lere with tbe railroad, and Las made Limself an pleasantly conspicuous iu all the fioe tights and fandango affrays that have varied the otherwise monoto nous course of things in Chivatito. Hy shooting two men and freely flouribhiog a frontier revolver in tbe saloons. Watson Las acquired tbe coveted notoriety of being a Lad man and chief of the camp, aud ulao established the custom among bar keepers of never charging Lim any thing for wLiskey or mescal; Wben the railroad went on Three-toed WatsonJ did not follow with the gang. It h not an easy ining to BuUaJizdcitiy.Ls, and slaw for tLjdfeCrt:awtL(ftU400utof fcllm lo bb immediate t vlarge from custody ' ,,uttUwi tj tbe Government. Of porsont wiatuilUd for txtryi;tion ' Kn . -roHi.i hifl .Urn , lq sympathy. TLey therefore very itgeoiously and shrewdly announce as the cLitf reason for their op po tion lUt such redemption wooiaiget acknowledged as chief iu a tail roud camp, but, Laviug got there, tbe pnvilege of free whiskey, free tor- wberstl Pre.idtxt thicks the robdtr fcbould tot be made Tie G9 ) right juetlioo is comwtndbd to 'vcgrt. aiid also the tbolition cf the dibciiuiicutioo now taade by tl twif iu favor of tie woik.of Ameii can artists- Attt-ction is asked I o sitiou that the trade dollar is no louder in tL Lauds of the people, but that it is and Las been over since , ii t-i.nlis.lion Lv the Government Scrlaryj aid's piopvwl mr-L th. VkQ. ct aUtor wLo rtviit)Ut)t of tie diplomatic and eocDular talarioc aud touch appre (cis-tioo it pK4Md of tt value of tLs oiwular reports wlich tie fitaU Dprtiuetit pricts. Turiiog to flnobclal affairs, tl I-'roeidefct oyi ti ordltLiry roooijs .W P '' booglt it at a l.rv;s discount. If such were tie fact it could bo no rtbon why the Government should net keep the contract which it Las made, not only hbCMm ft is morally boand to da so. bat Lcom the t,M wlicb Lu tlsoaed sioe tns for lunch-., and general bos.hip of the saloon aro too valoable to a frontier tough to be lightly thrown away or alatidoued. Watson is very liberal with Lis privileges, aud never takes a drink without asking all Lands to join Lim. A refusal to drink with Liui is a deadly insult, as it conveys to the mind of Tbres-too 1 Watson tbe inference that the person refuw iog considers Lim no gentleman After to-night's txperieuco, Lowsver, Le probably will not b quite so preskiogly liberal. wo toioiug eogiosers wero sit- bally steadily in tbe eye. "Now I want to toll yoa," Le con- pistol, and, pohtig tte muzzle into tinned, "that yon are an infernal Winkler's face, p roared i Jcoward and a sconndrol, and I can J. . ... :tl. . I 1 " I,.. i "xer won't link with me, yer,"u, juu w,lu fouu,, I . I I L- I. -J f - !.! L. ot I IlOCkon yer 89 iuu ua'lJ rene-uo-a lor um uu mo I'm a howling bliz- PaDC'' darted forward like a flash in- I am. and when t b,s ler Je lua P'ut Pg I'm tortied looL it's dirty work accurately through the pnpil. I til a t tT a.. - t! - 1 1- n1nn!n nn 11, a Vm it .run- luree-.uou "o" Ju KUUJ tleman. and yi'll drink whiskeyH nP0lhe floor wri4binB and !,, ma r mL .ftft .nat f,1P:hr.eking. Mr. inkier put the dm rnrnnur ' w ' 'pencil back into bis vest pocket, re- Mr. Wiukler boT one eye and l'IacoJ lhf nntasted whiskey upon squinted into thedstol barrel, and ,th8 br auJ wont out- Wft,9on quietly remarked J l"1 iu11 roa if no Las luck, Well, if von inlist. I'm with TOO."ibut tbat wiU bJ of u0 moro tlm the table be to Lim anJbi8 ptllegw walked over to tba bor and stoodlm0 are gone beside Watson, vmo flourished tbe pistol once more nder bis nooe and then rotnrned il to tho holster. Holding a whiskip glass in his left trSPure coppcr-distiricd whiskey at $1.75 per gallon hand. Winklotfpk from Lis vest or OK) icnrs per quart ai J . U pocket a dranghttman's six 11 load SmithV, Central llotcl, Mid pencil, sharpened to a needle P0iD'.',laliiirr1i said : Look here sir L Yoa are a bigger Snellen's Arnica Salve- man than I am, red could whip me' The Best Salve in tbe world for if yoa wanted to Without any woap-jCuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ons. I clidu t wattt to drink, bat .ivueum, rover sores, xeiier, vnap- bnt you palled a pistol and would ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and have shot me if I hadn't stepped op all Skin Eruptions, and positively hero. I carry no asms, yoa see ; nothing but a pencil." Hero Winkler poised tbo ponoil, which Le grasped firmly with his right thumb and fingers, directly cares Piles, or no pay required. It s guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. G. M. tihindcl. WITH FLYING COLORS 0 ' OP 12 S3 THE Fall & Wratfcfl sc&sm& with New Stylos I o- Hew Goods Tbore is not, or ought not to bo, a fraction of a doubt, where to bay yoar FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Go where all the likeliest garments are together ; whore all the assort ment is magnificent in variety, wonderful in extf iisivencs and charmmg in its conipleteufns i f isbionable in cut, perfect in fit, and the II lug in finish. In make it is all that honest materials, proper workmanship, and careful attention can make it. Io price it is lower than evi r. Our FALL & WINTER OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BO ITS', have now arrived and are of the widost range of patterns and styles, all the latent fanbious which could b secured in tbe eastern markots. Wo have all our FALL AND WINTER FUITS of oar couuters for inspection. Onr purchases have been immense. We bongbt everything for rash at a big reduction and sell them at prices low er than ever. Among this enormous assortment it is a very easy matter for all classes and conditions of men to be suited. Laboring Men, flttis, Artisans, aM B&siness Meg, we are starting this season with a great boom in Men's Suits. Onr Oent's Suits Department is chock-foll of bargains in new goods in all tbe various materials and patterns. In BOYS SUITS we have never before been able to diBp.-uch a grand variety, and un limited array of qualities and makes, la 4 FALL & WINTER UNDERWEAR wa are giving bargains s and, as a matter of course, are lower than evei We take the lead in GENTS FURNISHING GOODS of every description. HATS A1ID CAPS in endless variety. S. Oppnheimer, Selinsgrove. This space is reserved for G. C. Gutelius' adv. - next week WE ALWAYS LEAD. DREIFTSS & BRO., Selinsgrove, have four times as much stock ns any Clothing bouno in Snyder county, and fonr years of unprecedented succoss proves them strictly reliable and shows that thoir prices suit everybody. If you want a good SUIT OF CLOTHES for yourself or boy you will find their stock completes Thoy have on hand an stock of Princo Albert, i-buttoned Cutaways, Fine all wool Cork-Ucrew suits in Brown and Black, as low an 8. OVERCOATS by tbr'nar inftd for the ricr'H r)6e7.', nfcTuiv'.ll ""d small verv cbeojp. J11TS mid IJJirSl endless variety. A full lino of tfomle-t aud otb er Under waear in great variety. A full line of Woolen Ghirts, all colors, and a large variety ot the best White Shirts The FINEST LINE OF NECKWEAR The Fines line of Neckwaro in tho county, GIovos, Suspenders aud Knit Jackets, Wolf, Japanese, and Br.fl'ilo Robes, Blankets and Lap Robes. TRUNKS AND VALISES especially for truvelers. Watuhea and Jew olry, infact, everything kept iu first class clothing CHtablisment. -o- Good FHs. Call on us and get the best and cheapest. i We Lave opened a Merchant Tailoring establishment in Arnold's Room, Middleburgh, Pa., and take this caBans of informing tbe poople of Snyder county, that we Lave on Land a well selected stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., and samples from the best and most reliable New York and Philadelphia Louses, and will sell lower tnan over. Catting, Cleaning, Kepairing, Dye- As strikes aro tho order of tbo day I Lave inaugurated tbo teovemeu ia Snyder county not for LigLor wagoB or Iobb Lours, but a fiTRIKE AT HIGH PRICE!?. Cusb business has become tbe ordor of tLo day and tbe prices must correspond with tho progress of the times. I hnvo thorcfore prepared myself for tbo cash trade of the county by purchase ng a largo stock of GOOD GOODS which I have MARKED DOWN o the lowest poHsiblo margin in exchange for ready money. I keep no books, lose nothing on accounts and discount my bills, tb'iz rr.vicfj aa average of at least fifteen porcont, which benefit I givoto ciy purchasers Come and see mo and I will convinco yon of tbe advautugos of this nw departure. A. S. HELFRICH Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania. ing and Scouring done on short notice. Nov. ltf. BUCK BROS. BEAVERTOWN Hardware St re, -o- FRIEDMAN & GETZ, .1.. Beavortown, Snyder County. Pa. DEADENS IN ry do, Eft-, Desiro to announce to tbe people of Snyder county that tbej are now back from the East and brought with them an loflDiuoCDise Silockc goods, Comprising everothiog on tbo line of Suits, Overcoats, Blankets, Linen Goods, Shawls, etc., etc. The latest and best iu Underwear. J 7 llighobt price paid for Produce. 1 be nndersignod woald respectfully announce to the pnblio that be Las a full line of general Hardware, Lcathcr,light and heavy Iron, Wood and Willowwnre, Taints, Oils, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, STOVES and Kitchen supplies. Persons ia need of anything in ray line should not fail to examine my stock and prices. Respeotfully, J. P. SHIRK, Beavertown. READ. READ. HARTMAN & MERTZ, CENTREVILLE, PA, would respectfully call the attention of tbe citizens of Centre vills and vi cinity to their large and well selected block of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Groceries, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Cups, Glass & Queenswar Boots and Shoes a specialty, WATCHES, Ac, ia fact, they keep everything kept in a well regulefsd country store, and there prices arealways lower than elsewhere. . Tk?y are young men just stoating out' the mercantile bc:!-"i' t&4" tM b eseocr; by full cbtrs of tV-''-' , r-'" tL.